Manage Your EPB Account Settings (2024)


View and manage your EPB Energy and EPB Fiber Optics accounts from your myEPB dashboard. Click "Add Account" to see utility accounts available to link to your profile.

Add Account

Edit Nickname




Service Locations

Add Account

You currently have these utility accounts associated with your online account:


Link Account


Are you use you want to unlink this account?

When you unlink this account, it will no longer appear in your MyEPB dashboard. To relink later, simply visit the Account Settings page and select “Add Account.”



' ); document.querySelectorAll(CLASSES.UPDATE_CANCEL).forEach(function (el) { = 'not-allowed'; el.removeEventListener('click', cancelEditNickNameClickCallback); }); document.querySelectorAll(CLASSES.UPDATE_NICKNAME).forEach(function (el) { = 'not-allowed'; el.removeEventListener('click', setupUpdateNicknameClickCallback); handleUpdateNickname(el); }); } function setupUpdateNicknameEnter() { document.querySelectorAll(CLASSES.NICKNAME_INPUT).forEach(function (el) { el.addEventListener('keyup', setupUpdateNicknameEnterCallback) }); } function setupUpdateNicknameEnterCallback(event) { if (event.keyCode === 13) { event.preventDefault(); let contentText = document.querySelector(".as__account__type__content-text"); contentText.setAttribute("disabled", ""); contentText.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", '

' ); document.querySelectorAll(CLASSES.UPDATE_CANCEL).forEach(function (el) { = 'not-allowed'; el.removeEventListener('click', cancelEditNickNameClickCallback); }); document.querySelectorAll(CLASSES.UPDATE_NICKNAME).forEach(function (el) { = 'not-allowed'; el.removeEventListener('click', setupUpdateNicknameClickCallback); handleUpdateNickname(el); }); } } function removeEmptyTemplates() { // select all account type blocks let accountTypes = document.querySelectorAll(CLASSES.ACCOUNT_TYPE_TEMPLATE); for (let i = 0; i < accountTypes.length; i++) { // Remove the empty account type template element from the dom if (!accountTypes[i].accountData) { accountTypes[i].parentNode.removeChild(accountTypes[i]); } } } function returnAccountEl(data) { let aT = accountTemplate.cloneNode(true); aT.classList.remove(CLASSES.HIDE); aT.classList.remove(CLASSES.ACCOUNT_TEMPLATE.substring(1)); let typesContainer = aT.querySelector(CLASSES.ACCOUNT_TYPES_CONTAINER); /////////////////// // set power account text /////////////////// if (data.account_type === "Energy") { let accountTypeClone = accountTypeTemplate.cloneNode(true); let contentContainerEl = accountTypeClone.querySelector(CLASSES.ACCOUNT_CONTENT_CONTAINER); let dropdownContainerEl = accountTypeClone.querySelector(CLASSES.ACCOUNT_DROPDOWN_CONTAINER); let dropdownEl = dropdownContainerEl.querySelector(CLASSES.ACCOUNT_DROPDOWN); // set account type text accountTypeClone.querySelector(CLASSES.ACCOUNT_TYPE_TEXT).textContent = 'ENERGY'; // set account nickname text if ('nickname' in data && data.nickname !== null) { accountTypeClone.querySelector(CLASSES.ACCOUNT_TYPE_NICKNAME_TEXT).innerText = data.nickname; } else if ('service_addresses' in data && data.service_addresses.length > 1) { accountTypeClone.querySelector(CLASSES.ACCOUNT_TYPE_NICKNAME_TEXT).innerText = data.service_addresses.length + ' Locations'; } else { accountTypeClone.querySelector(CLASSES.ACCOUNT_TYPE_NICKNAME_TEXT).innerText = data.service_addresses[0]; } // set account id text accountTypeClone.querySelector(CLASSES.ACCOUNT_TYPE_ID).textContent = data.account_id; // set account status text accountTypeClone.querySelector(CLASSES.ACCOUNT_TYPE_STATUS).textContent = data.account_status; //setup dropdown and icon if (data.service_addresses.length > 1) { //setup address dropdown data.service_addresses.forEach(function (address) { dropdownEl.innerHTML += '

' + address + '

'; }); contentContainerEl.classList.add('as__dropdown'); accountTypeClone.querySelector(CLASSES.DROPDOWN_ICON).classList.remove(CLASSES.HIDE); } else { // add class for power or fiber accountTypeClone.querySelector(CLASSES.ENERGY_ICON).classList.remove(CLASSES.HIDE); } // add dataset info (index) // accountTypeClone.dataset.accountTypeIndex = 0; accountTypeClone.accountData = data; // append to accountTemplate typesContainer.appendChild(accountTypeClone); } /////////////////// // set fiber account text /////////////////// if (data.account_type === "Fiber") { let accountTypeClone = accountTypeTemplate.cloneNode(true); let contentContainerEl = accountTypeClone.querySelector(CLASSES.ACCOUNT_CONTENT_CONTAINER); let dropdownContainerEl = accountTypeClone.querySelector(CLASSES.ACCOUNT_DROPDOWN_CONTAINER); let dropdownEl = accountTypeClone.querySelector(CLASSES.ACCOUNT_DROPDOWN); // set account type text accountTypeClone.querySelector(CLASSES.ACCOUNT_TYPE_TEXT).textContent = 'FIBER'; // set account nickname text if ('nickname' in data && data.nickname !== null) { accountTypeClone.querySelector(CLASSES.ACCOUNT_TYPE_NICKNAME_TEXT).innerText = data.nickname; } else if ('service_addresses' in data && data.service_addresses.length > 1) { accountTypeClone.querySelector(CLASSES.ACCOUNT_TYPE_NICKNAME_TEXT).innerText = data.service_addresses.length + ' Locations'; } else { accountTypeClone.querySelector(CLASSES.ACCOUNT_TYPE_NICKNAME_TEXT).innerText = data.service_addresses[0]; } // set account id text accountTypeClone.querySelector(CLASSES.ACCOUNT_TYPE_ID).textContent = data.account_id; // set account status text accountTypeClone.querySelector(CLASSES.ACCOUNT_TYPE_STATUS).textContent = data.account_status; //setup dropdown and icon if (data.service_addresses.length > 1) { //setup address dropdown data.service_addresses.forEach(function (address) { dropdownEl.innerHTML += '

' + address + '

'; }); contentContainerEl.classList.add('as__dropdown'); accountTypeClone.querySelector(CLASSES.DROPDOWN_ICON).classList.remove(CLASSES.HIDE); } else { // add class for power or fiber accountTypeClone.querySelector(CLASSES.FIBER_ICON).classList.remove(CLASSES.HIDE); } // add dataset info (index) // accountTypeClone.dataset.accountTypeIndex = 1; accountTypeClone.accountData = data; // append to accountTemplate typesContainer.appendChild(accountTypeClone); } return aT; } function _addPolyfills() { // if (!Element.prototype.matches) { Element.prototype.matches = Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector; } if (!Element.prototype.closest) { Element.prototype.closest = function (s) { var el = this; do { if (, s)) return el; el = el.parentElement || el.parentNode; } while (el !== null && el.nodeType === 1); return null; }; } // if (window.NodeList && !NodeList.prototype.forEach) { NodeList.prototype.forEach = function (callback, thisArg) { thisArg = thisArg || window; for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {, this[i], i, this); } }; } } function loadCheck() { if (window.epb && window.epb.lib) { clearInterval(interval) let accountLinksPromise = window.epb.repo.accountLinks.getCurrentAccountLinks(); let accountLinksResponse = {}; accountLinksPromise.then(function (accountLinksRes) { accountLinksResponse.accountLinks = accountLinksRes; initAccountSettings(accountLinksResponse); }).catch(function (error) { console.error(error) loadingModal.hide() }); } } function showPage() { if (window.epb.repo.user.hasValidToken()) { document.querySelector('.account__settings').classList.remove('hidden'); } } })()


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Manage Your EPB Account Settings (2024)


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Article information

Author: Delena Feil

Last Updated:

Views: 5765

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (45 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.