Streamers and a Stud - Bullzer (2024)

Chapter 1: Fox in the Henhouse

Chapter Text

Streamers and a Stud - Bullzer (1)

“Typical,” Josh muttered to himself as he read the newest email in his inbox.

His rental manager had just sent him his lease renewal as expected, since his current lease was ending in just under three months. This was his second year in his apartment so he had gone through the renewal process once before, but this time, the rental manager was increasing the monthly rent. By 50%.

It had been $700 a month, which was already a strain on his budget, and the email in front of him was explaining why it would be increasing to $1050, should he choose to renew his lease. Something about increasing valuations of local properties and higher maintenance costs. The usual bullsh*t.

Josh was a 20 year old Spaniard man with a bit of an accent. His family moved to the United States when he was 14. After high school, he moved out of his parents home, opted to not attend college right away, and was working a menial job that paid alright for an entry level position. One big problem was that there weren’t many chances to be promoted. So affording this new rent increase was likely not an option.

He liked to keep to himself, so he didn’t have many close friends to vent to. He spent most of his time working, eating, sleeping, and working out, which gave him a nice toned body. His Spanish complexion provided him with a well-tanned look.

So, with it being a Friday night, he ordered a pizza and turned on his computer for a relaxing night in. He opened up Twitch and browsed the live channels. Almost all of the most attractive streamers he could think of were currently streaming. Poki, Valkyrae, Kyedae, QuarterJade, Plushys, TinaKitten, the Botez sisters. The list was endless. These girls all had that unattainably hot girl-next-door look. Innocent, but only on the surface.

Josh could tell that they all had slu*tty sides that they didn’t show their audience. They wanted nothing more than to be tossed around and f*cked, he thought to himself. Perhaps foolishly, he didn’t think they were out of his league. If things were different, he thought. If he had connections and was in LA. If, if, if.

That’s when Pokimane’s stream caught his eye. It was titled ‘HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT! GET IN HERE!!’

She was going into detail about a new competition she was starting in partnership with one of her sponsors. All you had to do was follow her on her social media pages, retweet one of the promotional tweets, and you’d be entered in a random drawing that was taking place in one week. The reward? You’d get flown out to LA to hang out with Imane for an afternoon.

“So there you have it guys! You get to spend a whole afternoon with me!! I’ve been so excited to announce this and I want to make sure we do it right. You guys have been so supportive so I want to treat one of you lucky people to the full LA experience, hehe! I’m thinking about vlogging it and making it into a video. Or maybe.. ooo I could try to convince Rae to come with!! Then I won’t have to hold the camera the whole time. I guess we’ll see!” Pokimane explained cheerfully on her stream.

This sounded too good to be true. With his lease ending soon and nothing much holding him back, Josh thought that this might be the perfect opportunity to get close to these so-called unattainable girls. If he had the chance to be in their social circle, he could slowly seduce each one of them. Support them. Gain their trust. Use his charm and humor and they’d be on their knees before they had a chance to think twice. He could cross names off his list one at a time. But not until they’d been properly f*cked. No, that wasn’t enough. Properly f*cked and a face drenched in his cum. Yeah that sounded better. f*cked and a facial. Only then would he cross their name off.

And who better to start with than the queen of OTV herself?

Poki didn’t seem like the brightest person in the world. She was very kind but ditzy at the same time, and he could use that to… extend his stay, so to speak. She was one of the most attractive streamers out there, with perky boobs, thick thighs, and a fat, very spankable ass that she was always flaunting on stream. Josh knew if he played his cards right, he could get more than just an afternoon with Imane.

He could think of a few times where she had mentioned how much she likes dancing and even twerking, but obviously, not on stream. So that must mean she gets wild in clubs and house parties and Josh couldn’t wait to see that firsthand.

With such a great prize, he expected a lot of competition to join as well. He couldn’t leave this up to chance.

He did a bit of research and found the program Imane was using for the competition. With a bit of internet sleuthing, he found a way to manipulate the program’s algorithm for random selection.

Apparently, this program had a bit of a reputation on the darker corners of the internet for being easily manipulated after you were able to get through the first level of security. He followed the instructions to a tee, made sure to put his twitter handle as the favored account to be chosen, and waited for the drawing.

The next Friday rolled around and he tuned into Poki’s stream. She had been talking it up all week. “Okay I want all of you to focus. I need you to give me the best drum roll you possibly can!!” She did a drum roll of her own, which made her boobs jiggle back and forth.

She revealed the name and boom, it was Josh’s twitter account. She looked the profile over and said, “Ooo he looks cool!! Let’s send him a message.” He saw Poki typing him a congratulatory message and prepared for what he would do next.

He waited for Poki to hit send. As soon as he saw her message, he immediately responded with a dick pic he had taken a few days prior. Not just any dick pic, he made sure his toned abs and legs were in the frame, along with his massive co*ck.

He was gifted in that area. He had a 9” monster with the thickness of a soda can. It was an attractive photo by any girl’s standards.

Poki's eyes widened and her mouth gaped open in complete shock at what she was seeing, but this reaction only lasted a second, as she realized her entire audience was also seeing what she was. She screamed and frantically tried to close the page. In her panic, it took her another five seconds to finally get the image off of her screen.

She slumped over in her chair with her face buried in her hands, still screaming. Josh laughed. The first seed towards making Poki his slu*t had been planted.

His next step was making sure he hadn’t just completely blown his chances to meet Imane. It was risky, but he knew she had a soft spot for apologies. She was very kind-hearted.

He responded to the DM again, apologizing profusely. Saying he meant to send that to another girl. To back up this claim, he had another conversation ready to screenshot as proof.

Imane blacked out her screen as she tried to fix this fiasco. She apologized to her chat, deleted the vod and hoped for the best as far a ban went. She went back to the DM and saw Josh’s apology. She couldn’t believe it. Could it really have been such a poorly timed message?

“WTF I can’t believe you just did that. Send me proof right now that it was SOMEHOW an accident or I’m picking another winner.”

Josh quickly sent screenshots of the conversation with another girl, Sarah. It clearly showed that Sarah had asked for and was expecting a naughty photo. The proof was undeniable.

Pokimane was clearly still flustered from the whole situation. She vented a bit more to chat about sending girls unsolicited dick pics, and then saw the proof Josh has provided. She couldn’t argue with it. She reasoned it out and while a lot of her chat was spamming to pick another winner, she couldn’t deny that it may have been an accident.

Poki decided to give Josh the benefit of the doubt. She announced it to the chat and explained the mix up. She chose to laugh it off instead. The competition was over and the winner was decided. She sent him a DM with more details and confirmed info with him for the plane tickets.

With a slight smirk, Josh looked over to the corner of his room where his bags were already packed. He never doubted his plan for a second.

The aftermath was a bit expected as well. Pokimane received a twitch ban for 72 hours and Josh made sure to apologize again for the “mistake”. He was flying out the following Friday and the meetup would happen on Saturday. Josh sold everything he owned, including his car. He put in a few days' notice at work and gave up his apartment keys. While the hangout was only for an afternoon, he had no plans on returning.

After the flight, he slept off the jetlag in the hotel room Poki had reserved for him and woke up on Saturday morning. The room had only been booked for one night so he checked out at 11am and wandered around the city before meeting up with Imane. To his surprise, Rae wasn’t able to make it. He was sure she’d tag along to make sure he wasn’t some sort of creep, which would have been understandable.

“Welcome to LA!” said Imane. She was wearing a plain pink t-shirt that was tied up in the back and showed a bit of her stomach, with black leggings that were at least one size too small and left little to the imagination.

“Thank you, I don’t know how I got so lucky. We should probably hit up a casino to see if I have any of that luck left over”, Josh replied.

“That’s not a bad idea. But our schedule is pretty full already. I’m not sure if that’ll fit.”

“You don't think it'll fit, huh?” Josh joked. Imane looked at him confused for a second, but realized the innuendo and laughed in response.

“Yeah I bet you hear that a lot, don’t you” replied Imane.

“How would you kno- oh.. yeah. Sorry about that again, I ju-”

Imane cut him off. “Don’t even worry about it. It was an accident and it’s probably best if we forget about it entirely.”

“Oh yeah? Was it that forgettable?” Josh asked.

“Oh ha-ha, you know what I mean.” Pokimane replied smiling.

“That didn’t answer my question.”

“You are pushing your luck here mister haha. Let’s get back on track” She giggled. "But if you really want an answer, no it was not forgettable at all. ” She laughed and ran ahead with Josh following behind her.

She had the day planned and they hit it off. They visited an outdoor art gallery, walked around a few scenic locations, grabbed dinner at a great hole-in-the-wall spot that Imane knew of, got ice cream at a world famous parlor, and finally, they sat at the edge of a pier and chatted. They got to know each other quite well and Josh thanked her for the fantastic LA experience.

She asked him what his plans were for the rest of the night.

“And don’t get any ideas. I’m just asking because I’m curious.” Imane clarified.

“Oh yeah? Are you sure that’s the only reason you’re asking?” asked Josh.

“YES Josh! It is. Actually, just to clear this up easier.. I should mention I have a long-time boyfriend of two years.”

“Oh wow, you’ve kept that super quiet.”

“Yeah it’s not something I want to announce just yet. Who knows how my chat will react.”

“Well how’s it going? What’s his name?”

“His name is Kevin. It’s going well, but it’s a bit complicated sometimes. We get along great but we haven’t really.. done anything.”

“What do you mean? You’ve been together two years and haven’t been intimate?”

“Yes. I mean, we’ve kissed but not much more. At first, I wanted to make sure he liked me for me and not just for who I was, but over time I just thought being intimate would complicate things with him. I mean, I’ve never even seen him naked and I already saw your co*ck!- uhm..”

“Haha I get it. I can see how that’d be complicated. That is not common at all in my home country. Hasn’t he wanted to do more?” Josh asked.

Poki explained, “He has, he asks about it a lot. I just don’t want to mess with how things are right now.”

Josh saw this as an opportunity. “Yeah you shouldn’t let him pressure you into anything. If things are good right now, why change it?”

Imane appreciated the reassurance and they continued their talk. She asked him what he was doing after he left LA. Josh sighed and explained his story with the rent and having nothing to go back to. He exaggerated a few points that ultimately painted him as homeless in LA.

“I hear there’s a few good shelters downtown that I’ll probably try out. Tonight though I’ll probably spend the night on the metro.”

“What?? No way. You can’t spend the night there. You could get robbed! Or worse!!”

“Don’t have too many other options, but I knew what I signed up for coming here. I’m going to have to manage. I bet that’s how a lot of people started in LA, right?” Josh said, as he stood up to leave. “Thank you again for the incredible night.”

“No. No way.” Poki said as she stood up as well. “You’re not doing that. Listen, we have a bunch of spare bedrooms at our place. Only Rae and Kyedae are home right now, the rest of our roommates are out of town traveling. If you promise to behave, you can stay with us. Just until you’re back on your feet. I feel like I’ve gotten to know you really well tonight and I couldn’t sleep if I knew you were on the streets.”

There it was. That’s what Josh had been working towards all night. They gathered themselves and walked back to Poki’s car. She let him in and showed him the room he'd be staying in. Rae & Kyedae were asleep. 'Probably for the best', thought Imane. 'I'm going to need to explain why I brought a stranger home.'

Josh settled in and laid back in the comfortable bed that he could now claim as his own. Too f*cking easy, he thought to himsel

He pulled his phone out and browsed twitter for a bit. There were still a few tweets coming his way regarding the on-stream incident with Poki. There was a screenshot making its way around the internet of a side by side shot of Poki and Josh’s co*ck. She looked at it in awe initially and that’s the picture everyone was talking about. No complaints here , Josh thought.

He put his phone away and planned his next steps. He couldn’t sleep, so he got out of bed and wandered around for a bit. He quietly opened one bedroom door. It was Imane’s room and to his delight, she slept fully nude. The moonlight was hitting her ass perfectly. He quietly tiptoed in, took a few photos of her butt, and left her room.

The next door he opened belonged to Rae. She had panties on but was completely topless. She had tiny dark areolas that were begging to be sucked. He snapped a few more photos, resisting the urge to squeeze her boobs. Not yet.

Next was Kyedae. She had full PJs on. Bummer. But her head was near the edge of the bed and her mouth was slightly open. Josh’s mischievous thoughts won this time. He slid his shorts down and his massive erection sprang loose.

He stroked himself for a few minutes right above her beautiful face. Out of all the girls, Kyedae was far and away the most reserved. She didn’t like to flaunt her body at all, perhaps out of respect for her boyfriend, Tyson, which made his current situation that much hotter.

He lowered the tip and slowly pressed it against Kyedae’s soft lips, wetting them with his precum. He did this for several seconds, applying the precum as if it was chapstick. Josh laughed at this thought, and she started to shift in her sleep so he put his co*ck away and snuck out. He couldn’t believe it. All these beautiful, famous women at his disposal. So much to do. But he knew he had to be patient. That was enough for one night.

The next morning, Poki spent a good ten minutes in the living room with Kyedae and Rae explaining the situation. She described how well she got along with Josh and how much fun they had the night before.

"He is a really cool, down to earth guy. He'd stay out of the way and wouldn't bother us at all. I just felt awful about him not having a place to go and I needed to help him out." Imane said passionately.

Kyedae spoke up "As long as you feel like you know him, I'm okay with it. I still need to talk to Tyson about it, but I trust your judgment Imane. Plus, we have the space, so why not? You said it was only for a few days, right?"

Rae was a bit more concerned. "I don't know, how much can you get to know someone in one day? Not even a day! An afternoon. Maybe we should-"

Just as Rae was voicing her concerns, Josh walked into the living room with a shampoo bottle in his hand. He was completely naked. With his toned body and massive swinging co*ck on full display, he asked, "Is it okay if I use this shampoo? I’m sorry but I didn't bring my own."

All three girls were completely speechless, staring directly at the girthy co*ck hanging between his legs. Kyedae realized she shouldn’t be staring, yelped and covered her eyes, but continued to peek through the space between her fingers.

Poki finally spoke up, “JOSH! What are you-.. where are your clothes?!”

“Oh, I was about to jump in the shower, but I did not want to be rude and use something that is not mine. I thought I would ask.” Explained Josh. “It’s common to walk around like this at home where I am from.”

Pokimane replied, with her eyes still glued to his co*ck. “Oh really? Wow.. I guess we can’t really blame you for.. getting comfortable.”

Kyedae was shocked. “I don’t know, I think we can lay down some basic ground rul…”

Her voice trailed off as Josh began to slowly swing his dick side to side. The sight was incredible. Imane, Rae, and Kyedae were all following the movement of his co*ck. Their heads moved side to side slightly, as if they were mesmerized. Their mouths were slightly open and their cheeks were flushed. Rae finally spoke up, “Yes.. yes it’s my shampoo, you can go ahead and use it. You can use anything of mine that you’d like.”

Realizing that what she just said could be misinterpreted, she clarified, “like my soap and towels.. stuff like that.”

Imane whispered, “I think you meant more than that.”

Shut up Imane .” She followed up with a little kick to Poki’s shin.

Josh replied, “Okay thank you very much. I will go shower. Who will be making breakfast?”

“Uhm, we usually just order food. With Uber Eats.” Imane admitted. “If you tell me what you want, I can order it for you.”

“No. One of you will make breakfast. Here. In the kitchen. I’m going to go shower now.” And with that, Josh turned around and headed to the bathroom.

Kyedae finally found her voice now that the distraction was gone. “What the hell was that?”

“I don’t know, but I think we should get started on breakfast..” said Imane. Rae agreed and announced she’d be going out to grab some groceries.

Kyedae said, “I agree we should be cooking at home more often, but not just because he says so.”

Imane replied, “I don’t know what it is. It’s freaky, but I just don’t want to disappoint him for some reason.”

Kyedae grew frustrated. "Well I can't have a stranger with a horse co*ck walking around all the time. I have a boyfriend! You do too! We have to talk to him."

Imane agreed, "We'll lay down some rules later. After breakfast."


They ate breakfast together and Josh took this time to get on Kyedae and Rae’s good side. He timed a joke just right and made Rae spit out her orange juice. “You bastard! You totally waited until I had a mouth full of juice..”

“Guilty as charged.”

“Well ha-ha, you got me. Guess what your reward is? You get to clean this mess up.” Rae said with a giggle.

Surprisingly, no one mentioned the morning’s incident at all, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t in the minds of the girls sitting at the table.

After breakfast, Kyedae left to go meet up with Tyson. Pokimane went to her room to start her stream and Rae was in the living room watching TV.

Josh entered the living room and spoke to Rae. “I’m sorry for being a burden. It was really kind of Imane to offer me a place to stay.”

“Oh don’t say that! We’re glad to have you. You got off to a bit of a bumpy start but you seem alright.” Rae replied. She was wearing black tights and an off-white long sleeve.

They spoke about his hardships back in his hometown. She was very understanding and asked about his time in Spain. He told her one of the many childhood stories he had about growing up poor.

He told her about a time where he had to steal from a family store just to help fill his stomach for the night. She was entranced with his stories and reached an arm out to comfort him as he recounted his memories. Josh was good at making a joke out of the hardships he experienced and they laughed together as well.

“You’ve gone through so much! It’s amazing that you were able to make your way here. All from a random competition too, how crazy is that? Maybe it was fate.” Rae said with a wanting look in her eye.

“Fate? Like I was meant to be sitting here talking to you Rae?"

"I don't know. I'm a big believer in fate. Just like I believe that I am fated to get revenge on you for that juice trick you pulled at breakfast!" Rae said.

"Haha c'mon, it's not my fault you can't go two seconds without having something in your mouth.”

Rae gasped audibly, “Oh my god!! You did not just say that. Is that supposed to be a fat joke?” she pouted.

“No, not a fat joke, it was a slu*t joke.”

Rae felt herself getting very warm and looked at him slack-jawed, “You really have no censor, do you? You just say whatever you want”

Josh smirked. “Does that bother you?”

They were sitting very close together on the sofa. Josh placed a hand high up on her thigh.

“Hm.. not really. It’s weird but I find it kind of refreshing. Being around someone who’s this confident. You just seem to know what you want.”

“And what do you think it is that I want?”

Rae thought for a moment, “Is it.. me?” Josh noticed her eyes look down at his lips for a split second, and that was the green light. He leaned in and kissed her.

Rae reacted in stride and reciprocated the kiss and its intensity. They started slow, but moved into a french kiss and eventually began to make out passionately. Their hands explored each others’ bodies. Josh brought one hand up to her head to hold her in place as they kissed and the other was used to feel up her breasts. He could feel her hard nipples through her shirt and he pinched them, earning a moan from Rae.

Josh leaned into the kiss so she was now on her back on the sofa with Josh on top, keeping their lips locked together. He bit her bottom lip and she loved it, digging her nails into his back. She could feel how wet her panties were and briefly wondered if she was making a stain on the sofa.

After several minutes, Josh stopped suddenly. He stayed positioned above her, but held his face inches away from her. They were both breathing heavily.

“We should stop.” Josh said.

“That’s.. a terrible idea,” Rae said, panting. “Worst idea I’ve heard.. all day. Didn’t you.. like it?”

“I did, but.. “ Josh paused.

“But what? That was amazing. It was.. the best kiss I’ve ever had.”

“I don’t want.. I don’t think you could handle.. what comes next.” Josh replied, feigning concern. He knew what he was after, but approached cautiously to appear considerate.

Rae was shocked. “I’ve had a few boyfriends before, I think I know what comes next Josh.”

“No, I mean.. I get rough. I don’t want to treat you that way if you aren’t prepared for it.”

Rae paused and then smiled, “I think I’d be okay with that. Thank you for worrying about me, but I can handle it.” She said determined, as if facing a challenge. “Don’t hold back, okay?”

“Okay but.. you might regret saying that, slu*t .” Rae felt her puss* throb. She couldn’t help but want to please him and let him have his way with her.

Their kiss continued. They began to strip each other’s clothes off, not caring if Imane walked in or if Kyedae came home. Josh took off his shirt and Rae cooed as she felt up his abs. “f*ck..” she whispered.

He stripped off her shirt as well and attacked her breasts, sucking each one as Rae ran her fingers through his hair and held him close.

“You have great f*cking tit*.” He said as they swirled his tongue around her nipples.

“Yeah I bet you wanted to rip my shirt off all morning, didn’t you?”

“Hah, yes I did. But these tit* belong to me from now on. Got it?”

“Ooo, yes sir. They’re all yours. You can touch them whenever you want.”

“That’s damn right, you little whor*. Now get up and on your knees. I’ve got a present for you.”

She excitedly rolled off the sofa and Josh slapped her ass as she repositioned. Rae giggled and got down on her knees as instructed, giddy with anticipation. Josh sat on the sofa with his legs spread wide apart. He leaned forward and held her chin with one hand as he brought his face very close to hers.

“You are not going to be giving me a blowj*b.”

“I’m.. I’m not?” Rae said, confused. “Then what-..”

“No. This isn’t a blowj*b. This is me f*cking your face.” Josh said. “I’m going to use you as a means to cum. I’m going to put my pleasure over your comfort. You’re going to be a good little slu*t and you’re going to take it.”

Rae suppressed a moan. She was speechless. No one had ever spoken to her like this, but she loved it. Her panties were drenched and she was ready to be used, or so she thought.

“Holy fu.. YES SIR.” she smiled and nodded her head eagerly.

Josh leaned back and said, “Take my co*ck out.”

Rae could see the outline his member was making and almost regretted her choice.

“You are f*cking huge..” Rae said as she dove her head into his lap and started to kiss his dick over his sweatpants. She kissed every inch before reaching for his waistband and tugging it down. His co*ck sprang loose and almost hit her in the face.

“Jesus christ you could murder someone with this thing..” Rae said as she grabbed his co*ck with with both hands. “I can’t even wrap my hands around it. How do you expect this to fit in my throat?”

“You’re going to take every inch. One way or another.” Josh replied sternly.

Rae gulped. She was never one to back down from a challenge.

She showered his co*ck with kisses, not leaving a single centimeter of his dick untouched by her lips.

Josh grabbed her by the hair and brought her down to his hefty balls, essentially burying her face with them. Her nostrils were filled with the scent of his musk and she felt something instinctual give her goosebumps. She enthusiastically rubbed his balls all over her face, even after he let go of her hair, she continued to rub her face all over his balls, sticking her tongue out and licking every inch of him that she could.

“f*ck, your balls are so f*cking big.” She commented briefly before diving back down to bury her face with his balls. She continued to rub her entire face with them for the next five minutes, seemingly unable to get enough of them.

"I f*cking love your massive balls. They belong on my pretty face at all times." She said before popping each one in her mouth and sucking on them eagerly. She then put both in her mouth and her cheeks puffed out as she could barely contain them.

“Stay there, keep those balls in your slu*tty little mouth. Just like that.” Josh said as he reached over to grab his phone. He opened up the camera.

“f*ck, you look so good like that. This is how you should spend your day. With my balls stuffed in your mouth, not on that silly stream.”

Rae found herself loving his misogynistic comments and nodded her head in agreement.

“Yeshhfhg sshhirrrrsrgh” she attempted to say.

Rae realized he was taking photos, but she didn’t care. Her mind was clouded with her current task. Worshiping these big beautiful balls in her mouth. She continued to swirl them around in her mouth while looking directly into the camera. She gave a peace sign with one hand and stroked his co*ck with the other. She didn’t care what he did. He could post it online if he wanted to. As long as she always had access to these balls and his co*ck, she was happy.

After taking a video and snapping some great photos of Rae worshiping his balls while his co*ck covered half of her beautiful face, he put his phone away.

“Okay, time to introduce your throat to my co*ck.” He pulled her away from his balls which disappointed her a bit, but she refocused on his co*ck and smiled.

She opened her mouth and swallowed as much of him as she possibly could. Relaxing her throat, she pushed a few more inches in and was still barely at the halfway point. He was just too girthy. She struggled for a minute as Josh watched her give it her all.

Over and over she bobbed her head up and down to see how deep she could take him. After twenty minutes of this, she slumped backwards.

“I can’t do it. You’re too big..” she said, defeated.

Josh sat up and grabbed her by her hair.

“Listen. You are a whor*. This is your greatest purpose. Giving my co*ck the pleasure of violating your throat. So we’re not going to give up until you pass out or until you’ve deepthroated every inch of me.” he said.

He pulled her head back into his lap and shoved his co*ck down her throat.

“You were made to suck co*ck. To suck my co*ck. You just need practice.”

He held her head with both hands and f*cked her face with abandon. Going deeper with each thrust. Not giving her a second to recover, he even held her nose shut once just to mess with her. Over and over he slammed her head up and down on his f*ckstick.

He pulled her head off his co*ck for a second, slapped her hard in the face and called her a slu*t before forcing his co*ck back into her throat. Rae had thought she was about to get a break, but she didn’t manage to get a single breath of air in before she felt the powerful slap to her face.

There was a point where she could not take him any further and once he reached that point, he held her head there with all his strength, moaning at the pleasure her mouth gave him. She flicked her tongue around the bottom of his co*ck to give him as much pleasure as possible.

After a full minute in this position, she began to try to use her arms to push him away with no luck. He was too strong. She began to hit his legs to signal that she needed air, but he ignored this and tried to push her head down deeper.

“HMMMPPPFFFFSFVFFG” she muttered with flailing arms. He ignored this and held her still. Another minute passed by. And another.

“Almost there slu*t. You don’t need air, you need co*ck.”

He was making incremental progress, fitting more and more of his co*ck into her throat.

Her eyes pleaded with him for air. He responded by pushing her head down further, hitting the back of her head harshly to get more co*ck into her.

Josh stood up to get a better angle, never releasing his co*ck from her throat. She continued her protests, but tried to accommodate her new position. She had to if she wanted to survive this ordeal.

Josh leaned forward and found this new angle to be very helpful. He renewed his effort and finally pushed past her last throat barrier to fully lodge his co*ck in her throat.

He was finally balls deep in Valkyrae’s throat.

She had done it. Somehow this baseball bat of a co*ck was completely inside of her. She felt a sense of pride wash over her, but that was quickly replaced by her brain screaming at her for air. She began to hit him again desperately, but he was easily able to fight off her hands.

Josh held her head still, proudly looking at his accomplishment. He grabbed his phone with one hand and snapped a quick photo to commemorate the moment. Her eyes were begging him to let her go, her face was a complete mess of smeared makeup and spit, her hair was all over the place. She was begging for just one breath of fresh air and here he was taking his time to snap a photo. Rae took this opportunity to try to pull herself free, but Josh quickly brought his second hand back to her head and kept her there.

“Not yet whor*, I’m not done with you yet.”

Her arms lost strength and her eyes began to roll back into her head. Seeing the whites of her eyes turned him on even more.

He knew he had to let her go. It just felt so good. He held her there for another two minutes, still hitting the back of her head just to somehow bury himself in further, before finally releasing her head. She fell backwards, gasping for air. Gagging and coughing, she was exhausted.

She slowly sat up after she recovered, and stared at Josh with a tired lust.

“Did I.. did I do good sir?” She asked. And then she realized. He hadn’t cum yet.

She was suddenly mortified and her eyes panicked as he grabbed her by her hair again and began a relentless onslaught of facef*cking for another thirty minutes.

Rae began to enjoy the abuse. She realized if she stroked his ego, he would give her a few seconds to breathe every so often, accompanied by a slap to the face of course. She used these breaks to thank him for treating her like a whor*.

“Thank you, thank you so much.. I am nothing but a slave for your coc-” She said before he shoved his co*ck back into her mouth.

When the time to cum finally came, he aimed his co*ck at her face as she egged him on.

“Yes yes please give me all of your cum. I want it. I worked so hard for it.” she said as she stuck out her tongue.

“Where do you want it, slu*t?”

“Anywhere, everywhere! Please just cum on me. In my mouth. On my face. In my eyes if you want. I just need your cum.”

Josh was blessed with an unearthly amount of cum each time he ejacul*ted, and he held nothing back here. He erupted onto her face and tongue, all over her hair and her boobs. She swallowed as much as she could, but had no chance to contain it all. She was drenched in cum. Another photo op, Josh thought.

He grabbed his phone and took a few more photos as Rae scooped up all the cum she could find and stuck it in her mouth. When she noticed his phone, she smiled and posed for his photos. Her lust had consumed her, and she didn’t want to go back. She needed this abuse.

“Holy f*ck.. that was incredible.” She said as she crawled over to him and started to suck on his balls. “I didn’t know it’d be like THAT.”

“I tried to warn you.”

"I think I'm in love with your balls," she replied, continuing to shower them with sloppy kisses.

“Well, I hope you’re ready for round two. I’ve only been balls deep in one of your holes and I intend to get to the other two before the day is over.” Josh said.

Rae stared at him with wide eyes. This man was a f*ck machine and she loved it.

“Yes sir. Anything you want. But I just need to send out a quick tweet that I won’t be streaming today.” She grabbed her phone.

“Fine, but you have to do it with my balls in your mouth.”

She smiled and said, “You are just a f*cking stud, aren’t you?”

She leaned down to fit both of his balls in her mouth and swirled her tongue around as she typed out a quick tweet for her fans. A glob of cum fell off onto the screen as she typed.

Hey guys! Got a HUGE project I’m working on today and it requires my full attention, so no stream today. Don’t miss me too much.

With that, Josh hoisted her over his shoulder, slapped her ass and headed to her room. Rae giggled the whole way there.

Chapter 2: Seeking Out Advice - Pokimane

Chapter Text

Pokimane was streaming when she suddenly started to hear loud thumping and moaning. She was very confused at first, but recognized the sounds soon after and was immediately embarrassed. She hoped that her stream couldn’t hear.

“Um, do you guys hear those weird sounds?” she gave her camera a puzzled look.

Her chat began to spam ‘no’ and she thanked herself for getting a high quality mic that only picked up close audio, because the sounds only seemed to be getting louder and louder.

She told them she’d be right back and went to investigate. She was wearing lime green tights that hugged her ass perfectly. Unsurprisingly, her chat spammed, “THICC” as she left to see what was going on.

She poked her head into a few empty rooms before finally stumbling across Rae’s door. It was closed, but it was obvious that the sounds were coming from her room.

She was clearly having sex, but who with? Imane couldn’t remember the last time she brought a boy home.

It couldn’t be.. Josh? No way. They had just met.

She took another lap around the house and found no sign of him. She was stunned. It had to be Josh. She went back to Rae’s door. Curiosity got the best of her and she slowly opened it and peaked her head in. Her suspicions were confirmed. Rae was completely naked, getting pounded doggy style on her king sized bed. Josh had a fist full of her hair as he f*cked her relentlessly from behind.

Rae was moaning uncontrollably and she appeared to be matching every one of Josh’s thrusts. The scene was nearly mesmerizing. Their movements were so in sync.

Imane couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Finally, she shook her head and broke out her trance. Her cheeks were flushed and she closed the door before trying to compose herself for her stream.

“Sorry I took so long guys…”


The sounds continued well into the afternoon. The rhythmic wall thumping. Rae’s moans that somehow still seemed to get louder and louder.

Kyedae finally came home a few hours later and found Poki in the living room. She was cleaning up a mess on the floor.

“Hey Imane, what happened there?”

Poki sighed, “Well I wasn’t sure at first, but if you take a trip over to Rae’s room, I think you might figure it out like I did.”

Kyedae looked puzzled, but did as Imane said. She set her purse down on the kitchen island and walked over to Rae’s room.

She could hear the sounds of sex getting louder as she approached. She held her head up to the door and listened.

“-f*cking slu*t. Take my co*ck you whor*.”

“YES MASTER, f*ckKK, YOU FEEL SO GOOD. I’M SORRY FOR BEING A slu*t. PLEASE GIVE IT TO ME. UH UH UHHHH.” This was clearly Rae’s voice. Kyedae’s jaw dropped and she ran back down to Poki.

“Oh my GOD. Who is in there with Rae??”

“Josh. It’s Josh! They just met and he’s already in there, pounding her brains out!” Poki said with a hint of jealousy as she continued to clean up globs of cum off the floor.

“Wow, I did NOT think Rae would give in to someone so easily. And from what I heard, she’s a very willing participant!!”

“Why, what did you hear?” Poki asked, pausing the clean up for a second as she looked at Kyedae.

“Oh, I don’t know. Something along the lines of.. you whor*. Yes master. I’m sorry for being a slu*t were her exact words I think.” she said in disbelief.

“What the f*ck haha. What did he do to her?” Poki asked rhetorically.

“But that doesn’t explain the mess you’re cleaning up, what is-.. Oh. My. God. Seriously?!” She quickly came to the conclusion that it was cum as she got closer.

“Yup. I’ve been here cleaning it for thirty minutes. I just don’t get how there’s so much of it!!”

“And he just left this mess here? What an ass!! Ugh okay, well I’ll help you clean, let me get a rag.” She returned with a rag and got down on her knees. She put a hand on the floor for support, but didn’t see the small pool of cum that she was next to. She immediately recoiled as she felt the wet, slimy substance on her hand.

“Ewww, what the hell? How did it land all the way over here?!” Kyedae asked in disgust.

“Haha the same thing happened to me earlier.” Poki laughed at their situation.

Kyedae was about to reach for a rag and that’s when the scent of Josh’s cum hit her nose. She paused and Imane left to go get a bucket. She stared at her slimy hand for a second before bringing it closer to her face. She took a deeper whiff and felt an unexplainable lust flow through her body. The musky scent gave her goosebumps and hardened her nipples. She instinctively stuck her tongue out and licked her hand. Only once. Then twice.

“Why the hell does it taste so good?” Kyedae thought to herself.

Soon her hand was licked clean of any cum. She heard Poki enter the room and she snapped out of the trance she was in.

“Umm I think we should just call someone to clean up this mess.” Kyedae said nervously as she stood up.

Imane responded, “Yeah that’s actually a good idea. I’ll take care of it.”

“Sounds good.” Kyedae replied as she quickly left towards her room, still trying to rationalize why the hell she just ate a stranger’s cum off the floor.

Imane looked to make sure she had left, bent down to scoop some of the cum onto her hand, and poured it into her mouth before dialing the regular cleaning service they always used - Merry Maids of LA.


“Thank you again so much for coming at this time of night.” Poki said as she handed over the payment.

“We made sure to put in an extra tip for you.” Kyedae said gratefully.

Carmen, the cleaning lady that always services their home, replied, “No problem at all, you guys always tip so well, which is great because almost all of our pay is from tips. My boss says it really motivates us to do a good job.” she finished by rolling her eyes.

“Awh, that sucks. I hate when people do that to their employees.” Kyedae replied.

“It isn’t so bad when I have great clients like you. But I should warn you.. I have almost saved enough to move out of the city, so you may be getting a new cleaning lady. If you don’t hear from me, you should ask for Paola. She does just as good a job as I do.”

They thanked her again as she left.


Rae and Josh finally emerged from her room the next morning. They jumped into the shower together, which they both needed badly. Rae had dried cum all over her body and Josh had dried sweat all over his.

As they cleaned themselves and each other, Rae looked at Josh and smiled, “I can’t believe how many times you f*cked me last night. I lost count after the fifth load.”

“You did pass out for a bit there so I don’t blame you for losing count haha.” Josh replied with a laugh.

“Oh yeah!! I had no idea someone could pass out from pleasure.” Rae said as she leaned forward to kiss him on the lips. “Thank you for showing me that.”

“There’s a lot more where that came from. You are my personal slu*t now.” Josh looked at her sternly.

Rae didn’t hesitate. “Yes I am, sir. You can use me whenever you want.”

“Even when you’re streaming?” Josh smirked.

Rae laughed before responding, “Hey, I don’t want to get banned!”

“Your job is to make sure my balls are empty. If I want to barge into your room while you’re streaming, push you down on your knees and facef*ck you in front of all your fans, that’s what I’m going to do.”

Rae felt her puss* tingle. She had no idea why, but being talked down to was an incredible turn on for her.

“I LOVE when you talk to me like that. Yes, of course, facef*ck me all day and we can make it a 24 hour facef*ck stream.” She said, “I’m sorry I’m a little slow, I am still getting used to being your slu*t and I can be a little dumb sometimes.”

“I’d say more than just a little dumb, but that’s okay. You have a pretty face and a slu*tty body and that’s all that matters.” Josh replied as if he was truly complimenting her, ending his remarks by reaching around and slapping her toned ass.

Rae smiled at his misogynist compliment and kissed him again. “You're such a sweetheart. You know just what to say to make me smile.” They finished their shower and Josh stared at her as she dried off her naked body, appreciating how fit she was. She clearly worked out regularly.

Rae saw him staring and giggled. “Can’t get enough, huh? You were literally balls deep inside of me all day yesterday and you’re still staring haha.”

“f*ck no. I could never get tired of looking at your body. You truly are built like a slu*t.” He leaned forward and slapped her ass hard.

“Awhhh, do you really think so? That’s so nice Josh” Rae gushed at the compliment, genuinely happy to be praised by him.

“Pose for me. I want some photos to look at if you’re ever away.”

“Mmm good idea.” Rae cooed.

She posed in several positions, some of which were very.. compromising. Josh's favorite was when she turned her back towards him, spread her legs far apart, and then bent forward far enough so he could see her upside down face giggling between her legs.

Here she was, Valkyrae, one of the most successful, powerful, and well-known female streamers, posing for a photo with her asshole and puss* on full display. All for a guy she had met the day before, and smiling while she did so as well. Incredible, Josh thought to himself.

She held this pose for a while at Josh's direction, giving different facial expressions and putting up a peace sign with her hand. Rae looked so joyful and happy as she posed, like it was the most natural thing for her. Releasing her inner slu*t had done wonders for her confidence, it seemed.

"Okay, I'm zoomed in on your asshole. Can you try puckering it for me?"

"Oh my god, Josh!! You're embarrassing me." Rae pouted.

"Go on, you can do it. I'm zoomed in already so try to pucker it over and over. It's going to be a video, I'll keep the camera there on your asshole for thirty seconds before I zoom out a bit and pan the camera to your face. So be sure to give me a slu*tty smile or if you can giggle that would be great too. I want to include your face at the end so that anyone who comes across this video will know the beautiful asshole belongs to the famous Valkyrae."

Rae couldn't help but moan at the idea that other people might see this video. She laughed, "Hehe Josh you're so silly. Ok I'm ready, tell me when to.. start.. um puckering."

“f*ck, these look great. You’re going to start sending me nudes every day. Let’s say, three per day. And no cheating, they have to be taken at different times. It’ll be a reminder that you are my property, got it slu*t?” He leaned forward and slapped her ass again.

Rae briefly worried about any nudes being leaked, but she quickly put that worry aside. She was owned now. It wouldn’t matter if her photos were out in the public. She’d leak them herself if it made her master hard.

She smiled lovingly. “Yes sir!! What happens if I’m a good girl and send more than three a day? Will you shove your f*ckstick down my throat as a reward?”

“Haha, guess you’ll just have to find out”

“Okay well I’ll start right now.”

She grabbed her phone, aimed it at the mirror. She brought her free hand up and pinched her left nipple while giving the camera a sexy look. Snap.

Rae got dressed and as they exited the bathroom, Josh said “Go make me some breakfast and bring it to my room. You can work on your breakfast while I’m eating.” He stroked his co*ck to signal what he meant and Rae laughed. “Ooo yummy! I’ll be right there.”

Josh slapped Rae’s ass as she headed to the kitchen and she giggled. He headed to his own room and waited patiently for his breakfast.

In the kitchen, Rae ran into Kyedae and Poki, who flooded her with questions. She filled them in on all the details of her sexual escapades with Josh. They noticed a particularly distinctive glow about her. She was almost radiating as she spoke and cooked breakfast at the same time.

Poki & Kyedae were both in awe of the rough sex that Rae was describing. There was also jealousy in the air as Rae spoke about all the org*sms she was having. Tyson had never successfully made Kyedae cum and Poki never even gave her boyfriend a chance, but she still resented him for it as Rae spoke.

“Okay is that all you guys wanted to know? I have to get back with his breakfast soon.”

“How come you’re only making one plate?” Kyedae asked.

“Well this is for him. He has me on a strict diet of cum during breakfast..” Rae responded matter of factly as she headed out of the kitchen with a heaping plate of eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns.

“She is completely dick drunk!!” Poki said to Kyedae.

“It’s like she’s brainwashed by him.” Kyedae said, somewhat sympathetically as she recalled what his cum on the floor made her do.

“If an old pool of his cum could cloud her mind to that extent, what could his co*ck, his massive, veiny, beautiful co*ck-.. ” Kyedae shook her head and derailed that train of thought. This should not be on her mind, she told herself.

“Or maybe it’s love? Haha” Kyedae and Poki both laughed it off and figured there was no harm being done. Rae was clearly happy so they might as well get used to having him around.


Rae took her mouth off of Josh’s co*ck as a string of saliva fell between them.

“Josh, my jaw is killing me. It’s so sore from yesterday. I know my body belongs to you and that you own me but do you think we could have a break?”

Josh responded, “You’ve been a good girl so you’ve earned some rest, but Rae.. I need this every day. I need to be balls deep in a warm mouth or puss* all day every day.”

Rae pouted, “I know you do, and you should be. I mean, look at this beautiful co*ck.” she said as she stroked his co*ck with both hands. “It was made to be constantly worshiped. I just don’t think I can keep up.. you’re insatiable.”

“I think I’m going to have to f*ck one of your roommates. I don’t want to wear you out and your fans probably miss you.”

“Wait, Poki? Or Kyedae?? They both have boyfriends..” Rae said, as a mischievous grin creeped onto her face. “Would you really try to f*ck them?”

“Hell yeah, I don’t give a f*ck about their loser boyfriends. And I bet they’re even bigger slu*ts than you are. They just need a little convincing and.. some help from you wouldn’t hurt.”

Rae doubled her efforts on his co*ck, “Holy f*ck. That is sooo hot. I can totally help you get with one of them. Or both? Are you planning to f*ck us all? Oh my god, you are, aren't you?” Rae asked, smiling at the thought.

“It would be pretty hot, wouldn’t it? Kyedae sucking on my left nut, Poki on my right nut and you deepthroating me. You can take turns being skullf*cked.”

“First one to pass out loses!” Rae laughed loudly. “Oooo I can introduce you to my other friends too! Bella would love your co*ck even more than I do. She has such a beautiful face, imagine rubbing your balls all over it? I’m getting wet just thinking about it.. hehe”

“Haha okay okay, we might be getting ahead of ourselves. I want Imane next. Here’s what I want you to do.”


Poki heard a knock on her door as she lay on her bed looking at her phone. “Come in!” she shouted.

It was Rae. “Hey Imane, what are you up to?”

“I was just hanging out. Just finished my early stream. Andddd I’m texting Kevin, but he’s being dumb again.”

“Oh yeah? What’s going on,” Rae said as she laid down on the bed next to her.

“Well I told you about this before..” Imane sighed as she sat up to discuss the issue. “And it’s more of the same thing. He wants to do more but I just don’t want to complicate things.” she continued. “The other day, we were making out and he.. started to feel me up on the outside of my shirt. We did that for a few minutes before he started to press his.. thing into me but I never said he could do that so I immediately got up and left.”

Rae realized this was the perfect way to embed Josh into her mind. “Ew, it is so gross how pushy he is. I would’ve kicked him in the balls if he tried something like that” Her support helped Poki reassure her of her stance.

“Right? I’m so glad that you said that because I was starting to feel like I should give in.”

“NO, don’t do that. Honestly, I think it’s sad how he begs you for more all the time. You wouldn’t give a whining child a reward for whining, right?”

“You’re so right. I don’t know what I was thinking. But.. we have also been dating for two years..”

“So what? If he hasn’t grown some balls in the two years you’ve been dating and is still acting like a whiny child, then he doesn’t deserve more. You are freaking Pokimane. You should only give yourself to a man deserving of sex. Not a kid.”

Imane thought about this for a second. “I didn’t see it like that at all. Honestly, I can’t find a single thing I disagree with you on, but I didn’t expect you to be so opinionated about this. Does this have anything to do with you hanging out with Josh?”

“Uhm, sort of. He’s just.. so f*cking manly.” Rae replied, pausing in her sentences as she closed her eyes and pictured her lover. “His confidence is very.. intoxicating, and when you experience it, you start to see how other guys just.. fall short. They are so small in comparison. In more ways than one.” She laughed.

Imane was gushing with jealousy. Seeing the genuine lust in her face as she spoke made her eager to experience it herself.

“Yeah, when I hung out with him, I could sense exactly what you’re describing.”

“I got to do a bit more than just sense it.. if you know what I mean.” Rae replied. They laughed together and Rae continued, “You know, he gives great advice. He might know exactly how to help you with Kevin. At the very least, he’d provide a.. new perspective. You should go talk to him.” Rae smiled, hoping Poki would take the bait.

Imane looked at her for a second before replying, “You know what? I’m going to do that. Right now. Thanks for the talk Rae,” they hugged and Poki headed out to Josh’s room.

Rae stayed behind and typed out a quick text to Josh.

A warm throat is on its way right now. I’ll get Kyedae out of the house so there are no disruptions (;

She also lifted her top and snapped a quick photo of her boobs and clearly erect nipples, accompanied by a mischievous grin. She sent that to Josh as well.

Josh read the text and smiled. Didn’t doubt her for a second , he thought to himself as he laid on the center of his bed and continued to stroke his co*ck. He was bottomless and had no intentions to make himself decent despite his incoming visitor.

Imane, being the considerate person she was, reached Josh’s door and knocked, not wanting to barge in on anything.

“Come in.” she heard him say.

She opened the door and took a step inside before she realized what he was doing.

“EEEEK OH MY GOD! JOSH! I’m so- sorry!!!” Josh laughed as she panicked.

“Wait Imane! Come back.” He said sternly as she began to retreat, continuing to stroke his co*ck.

She paused for a second and looked back, “Josh you’re.. mastur-.. I’ll just come back later.”

“No, don’t bother. Come over here.” he demanded.

Against her better judgment, she sighed and walked over to Josh’s bed slowly, closing the door behind her.

“Take a seat.” He said and Poki sat down on his bed, trying to maintain eye contact but unable to keep her eyes off of his co*ck.

She was wearing a tight skin-colored crop top that showed off her lean tummy and a loose white skirt that only went halfway down her thigh. Her makeup was perfect. She used red blush on her cheeks that gave them a rosy tint.

“You’ve already seen it twice before. Three times now. It’s no big deal.”

Imane whispered, “It.. looks like a big deal to me.”

Josh heard her and laughed. “Okay now, what did you need from me?” he said as he continued to masturbat* in front of the one and only Pokimane.

She had completely given up on trying to keep eye contact and now stared directly at the large phallus.

“Uhm, you know.. it doesn’t seem so important anymore..” she said with her mouth hanging open slightly. She shook her head and continued, “I mean, yes it is important. It’s my boyfriend.”

“Ahh yes, the loser who’s dated you for almost two years but has only managed to kiss you, right?”

Poki visibly suppressed a laugh and replied, “Uhm, yes hehe. Him.” she continued, “But I think you’re being a bit unfair.. you don’t even know him.”

Josh smiled, “I know his type though. Do you want to know why I think he’s a loser?”

Poki nodded her cute head to indicate yes . Josh took his hand off his co*ck and moved to get closer to her. He did this quickly, and before she could protest, he held her head with one hand and moved in to kiss her.

She was immediately alarmed, and her reflexes were telling her to push him away, but for some reason, it didn’t seem right to do that with Josh. It almost didn’t make sense to push him away. If it was her boyfriend and she didn’t initiate the kiss? She wouldn’t have hesitated, but it was different with this man next to her. Even with his massive co*ck now resting on her thigh.

Their lips met and she felt the passion in his kiss. Her lips tingled and her body was overcome with goosebumps. Her defenses slowly melted away and soon, they were full on making out. Their tongues explored the other’s mouth. It felt right.

That’s when Josh ended the kiss and looked at her, “And that.. is why your boyfriend is a loser. I’ve only known you for a few days and I’ve already done as much as he has with you in the two years you’ve been together.”

Imane bit her lip and contemplated if she should correct him, knowing what it would lead to.

“Uhm, actually.. a few days ago, we were making out.. and he felt my boobs over my shirt..”

Smiles creeped on both of their faces as Josh said, “Well, in light of this new information..”

He stood up, grabbed her by the waist and heaved her towards the center of the bed so she was now lying on her back. She shrieked excitedly, being manhandled only served to turn her on more.

He positioned himself in between her legs and he dove in to continue their kiss. He used both hands to roughly squeeze her boobs and pinch her hard nipples. She moaned into his mouth as they made out. He rhythmically moved his hips back and forth, rubbing his co*ck against her. With her wearing a skirt, a sheer thong was the only barrier between his co*ck and her warm nethers.

He broke the kiss to focus on her breasts and lifted her crop top over her head to reveal her beautiful tit*. They were so plump and her areolas were perfect. Everything about this woman seemed to be flawlessly sculptured. She lived up to the queen title bestowed upon her by countless simps.

He sucked her breasts ravagely, like a man possessed and Poki laughed at his enthusiasm in between her moans.

Once he had his fill, he kissed his way down her body and pulled off her skirt. He kissed the outside of her very damp thong, teasing her puss*. She somehow seemed to radiate more heat than a preheated oven.

She smelled fantastic as well. Her moans were endless and he briefly thanked Rae for getting Kyedea out of the house. As he hooked the sides of her slu*tty underwear, he stared deep into her eyes. She stared back with a look of pure lust. They held their eye contact as he slowly slid her last piece of clothing off.

He threw her thong in the direction of her face and she giggled as she tried to dodge it.

Josh moved downwards and began to lick around the lips of her puss*. Poki moaned as she was teased before feeling him directly lap at her inner folds and cl*t.

He ate her out passionately. His goal was to break down every last defense she had with blissful pleasure. His tongue wandered down towards her asshole as well, making her moans slightly higher pitched.

For five minutes he ate her out, giving her more pleasure than she had felt in many years. Her legs wrapped around his head and she began to spasm for the second time, reaching an amazing climax.

He positioned himself back up to her face and leaned in to kiss her lips briefly before backing away to take in the sight before him.

He could see her chest rising and falling as she recovered from her org*sm. Mouth opened slightly, trying to catch her breath. Her hair, usually perfect on stream, was disheveled and her face was flushed, with a slight smile as she saw him staring at her. She looked so f*cking cute.

That’s when Josh slapped her across the face, hard. Her adorable face jerked to the left. She rebounded quickly and looked at him puzzled, but her arms stayed at her side.

“What the-” she began to say.

He slapped her again, with more force this time. Her lovable face shot to the left again, and again she came back to look him in the eyes. Her face was neutral this time, giving him intense eye contact.

One more time, Josh slapped her across the face harder than he had before the two times prior. She recovered again and turned to face him, but this time, she was wearing a slight smile. There it was.

“f*ck, that was.. hot..” she said.

“Yeah? Did you like that, slu*t ?

“Hey, I’m not a slu*t!!” she pouted.

“Do you have a boyfriend?”

“.. yes.”

“Of how many years?”

“Two.. two years”

“And is the man currently on top of you your boyfriend?”

“No. And thank f*ck it’s not.” Poki said. “Fine. You win. I’m a slu*t.”

Josh slapped her again. “Wrong. You’re my slu*t.”

“OW.. right.. sorry. I’m your slu*t. Thank you... for correcting me.”

“Atta girl. You’ll get the hang of it. For now, I want to see how much of my co*ck you can fit down your throat.”

Poki giggled as she said “Yes sir!”, and positioned herself in between his legs as he lay on his back in the middle of the bed.

She took a moment to appreciate the daunting task in front of her.

“Your co*ck looks f*cking gigantic up close, holy f*ck..” She said as she started to jerk him off and lubricate his co*ck with her tongue.

His musk filled her nose and she felt overcome with desire. Desire to please him. Desire to be used. Desire to be owned. To be talked to. To be degraded.

She kissed every inch of him. This beautiful successful woman was now nothing more than a servant for his co*ck. She put his dick in her mouth and started to bob her head up and down before he harshly grabbed her by the hair and pulled her off. He had a tight grip on her hair and that kept her in place as he slapped her twice in quick succession.

“No, that’s wrong slu*t. While you’re deepthroating me, you need to arch your back so your ass is raised and on full display for me to look at. Nod if you understand me.”

She couldn’t help but feel a tingle in her puss* as she was spoken to like a common whor*. She nodded and began to say, “I’m sorry si-”

Josh slapped her again two more times. “I told you just to nod. It’ll take all the brain power in that stupid little head of yours to f*ck your face on my co*ck properly. Talking takes away from that focus. So again, nod if you understand what I just said and agree.”

Her cute face nodded yes.

“Nod if you’re going to use your throat to make me cum.”

She nodded again.

“Nod if you are a stupid slu*t who knows her only useful skill is to empty my balls.”

Poki looked at him and furrowed her eyebrows as he laughed. He knew he was pushing his luck, but didn’t care.

Still, she nodded in agreement.

He finally released his tight grip and she immediately attempted to deepthroat him, making sure to arch her back and wiggle her ass back and forth. For the next hour, she put her gag reflex and her comfort aside as she f*cked her throat on his massive co*ck as hard as she could.

Josh took control a few times but it was often not needed. Poki was a natural at this. She couldn’t deepthroat him entirely but it was not for the lack of trying.

“God you look so good with my co*ck in your mouth.”

“This might be the prettiest you’ve ever been.”

“I own your throat. Your boyfriend will never feel the warmth of your mouth. Got it?”

Poki paused at the deepest point she had been able to take so far and nodded her head slightly.

“Yshhh shhurrrgsj” she attempted to say.

“This is what you should be doing all day every day. Every second my co*ck isn’t in your throat is a second wasted.”

He continued his relentless tirade of misogynistic comments.

“Haha, all of your experiences and accomplishments, and this is where it got you. You dumb slu*ts are funny. Calling for equality in public but pounding your face away with my co*ck in private.”

She moaned in response to all of his comments, but this last one in particular really took her over the edge. She removed his co*ck from her throat and moved lower to suck his balls as she reached a powerful org*sm, all thanks to the constant verbal abuse. She f*cking loved his way with words.

She recovered and brought his co*ck back to her mouth. Her enthusiasm was unmatched. At one point, he estimated that she hadn’t stopped bobbing her head up and down for thirteen minutes. Thirteen minutes without a break and a fresh breath of air.

He was amazed, but that didn’t stop him from holding her down at her deepest point and holding her there past her limit. She tried to fight her way loose as he expected, but her attempts were ignored.

“FFFHHHSfDJSFJO” she mumbled.

Her torso spasmed, desperately trying to gag, but unable to with the massive intruder lodged in her esophagus. She continued to fight but realized he wouldn’t let her breathe without accomplishing his goal.

He wanted to be balls deep inside of her facehole and part of her felt it was her duty to help him accomplish his goal.

She had to pivot. She decided to move her hands and grab the bottom of his butt and try to get the last inch or so inside of her throat. To prepare for the next few minutes of effort, she attempted to get as much air in through her nose as she could, but just as she attempted this, Josh pinched her nose shut with his free hand and laughed.

All avenues of oxygen were now cut off.

She rolled her eyes. She was desperately searching for any source of fresh air so she could continue f*cking her face on his co*ck, and here he was plugging her nose just for the fun of it. Just because he thought it was funny. But at the same time.. she couldn’t help herself from loving the awful treatment. He was doing whatever the hell he wanted to with her and didn’t care for a second about her well-being. It was so hot. She was a thing for his pleasure and her puss* gushed at this thought.

Without being able to breathe through her nose, her timeline to throat his entire co*ck moved up dramatically. She would pass out soon. Her efforts focused completely on taking him deeper. She eased her throat and tried to relax, which was a bit hard with Josh constantly hitting the back of her head to force more of his co*ck into her slu*tty mouth. Over and over, he seemed to be landing a blow almost every second. This went on for several minutes. Each hit seemed to be harder than the last. She couldn’t fault him though, he had a goal and he was determined. She liked that about him. And he was ultimately trying to help her. She needed to throat his entire co*ck before she could breathe again, and his relentless barrage of punches to the back of her head were his form of helping out. She smiled warmly at this, and thought to herself, he could be very sweet and thoughtful. In his own way.

At last, she managed to relax enough to fit the rest of him inside of her.

She was filled with happiness, and part of that happiness was from the relief she felt knowing she’d get to rest soon. At least, that’s what she thought.

Josh groaned with pleasure at this new milestone in her throat. She tried to pull back, but he had a vice-like grip on her head. He didn’t stop trying to get deeper, he didn’t stop hitting the back of her head to push her down further, and he didn’t stop slapping her ass as she continued to move it back and forth for his enjoyment.

Instead, he relished the moment. And grabbed his phone to snap a quick photo.

A minute passed. And another. These minutes felt like hours to Imane and her eyes started to flutter. Her vision started to darken, and that’s when he started to forcefully bob her head up and down as hard and as fast as he could. He was about to cum, and he wanted to deposit it directly into her stomach. Every last drop.

And he did exactly that. With zero regard for her well-being, he held her at the deepest point and his co*ck erupted. Her eyes widened at this sudden tsunami of cum being pumped into her. Cum and spit shot out of the small gaps in her mouth and nose. Her body spasmed at the incoming fluid. Her throat constricted around his co*ck constantly, which only helped to milk more cum out of him. He held her there and didn’t let go for another three minutes as his co*ck was finally spent.

How she had done it, he had no idea. But he pumped everything he had into her facehole.

He finally released her. She backed away and coughed and gasped violently. Her body had no idea how to react.

As she recovered, Josh spoke, “It’ll get easier. I’m surprised you didn’t pass out honestly, but next time I f*ck that pretty face of yours, you’ll have more experience.”

“f*ck.. you..” she replied in between coughs. Josh laughed in response.

“I can’t.. f*ck my face.. on your co*ck.. if I’m.. DEAD.. Josh.” She continued. “You have.. to at least.. let me breathe.. every few minutes..”

Josh replied, “Yeah but that’s no fun. I like seeing you struggle. It’s cute.”

Imane couldn’t believe him. She really was just a f*cktoy for him. A tool to get him to cum. An object. And she. f*cking. loved it .

“Ughhh, I can’t stay mad at you. Fine, fine! I guess.. since I’m your slu*t now, you can use me however you want. I’m sorry for being a bitch about it.” Poki replied apologetically.

“It’s okay,” Josh replied. He grabbed her by the hair and roughly led her down to her knees in front of the bed. He pushed her face into his balls as he continued the conversation. “I knew it’d take some time for you to accept your slu*tty side. You’re probably still hanging onto a few silly ideas, like thinking that you deserve respect or that you have some say in how I choose to f*ck you.”

Imane smiled at him underneath his balls, “I think you’re right. You’re going to have to facef*ck me a little harder next time to get those silly ideas out of my dumb head,” she giggled.

“I intend to.” Josh smiled. “I think I have a few ideas that might help you get used to the idea of being my property.”

After rubbing her face into his balls for a while, Poki perked up and seemed to be genuinely curious, “Ooo awesome! Yeah, any tips you have for me would be great. I really don’t want to complain or react in a bitchy way the next time you f*ck my face hard enough to make me pass out.” Imane continued, “I guess.. the way I see it is, I don’t want to suffocate or.. I don’t know, get brain damage from the lack of oxygen, but I know that’s just me being selfish because I’m not really taking into account how good the back of my throat makes your dick feel.” she said in a sympathetic tone.

“Wow.. that’s impressive to hear you say Imane. You might be getting the hang of this faster than I thought.” she smiled warmly at his praise as he lifted his ballsack and heaved it back onto her pretty face. She giggled before continuing to smother herself with his cum makers.

“Okay, so first, you need a daily reminder that you and your body belong to me. So I’m thinking, why don’t you send me nudes? And let’s call it, four nudes every day. Think about it. You’ll have to get undressed and take a sexy, revealing photo all for my viewing pleasure. That'll reinforce the idea in that tiny brain of yours that you are my property. It’s perfect.”

Poki giggled, “See, this is why you’re in charge and I'm on my knees buried under your balls hehe. You have the best ideas! My dumb brain would never have thought of that. Maybe that brain damage wouldn’t impact me like I thought it would! Hehe"

“It’s okay. You’re probably better off focusing on sucking my co*ck than coming up with ideas anyway.” Josh replied. Poki nodded in agreement as she continued rubbing his balls all over her adorable face.

"But yeah, back to the brain damage you mentioned, if you're really not worried about the effects, I think it'd be hot to give you brain damage on purpose. Like we can research how many minutes I need to keep my co*ck buried in your throat and cut off your oxygen for the damage to occur."

Poki giggled loudly, "Oh my god Josh, you have the wildest ideas!" She thought it over for a second. "That would be soooo f*cking hot. Giving me permanent brain damage just to make you nut hehe. And your nut would probably end up all over my face!! Hehe. I'm sure it'd make you really happy, right?" Josh nodded in agreement. "I don't see why not then. I'm already so dumb at coming up with ideas, you can do all the thinking for me!" She smiled at him. She genuinely just wanted to see him happy and make sure his balls were empty.

"Awesome. I'll start looking into it then. And you're going to be pretty vulnerable with my co*ck down your throat, but don't worry, I'll only be in there the minimum amount of time I need to be to cause the damage."

" Permanent damage." Poki quickly corrected him from underneath his balls. "Make sure it's permanent damage. That's the whole point of this, right? To give me lifelong brain damage all for you to blow one load hehe"

"Yes, that's right, sorry. You'll probably be passed out by this point, so I just want to ease any concerns you have about me being balls deep in your throat any longer than is necessary. As soon as I hit that first permanent brain damage threshold, I'll immediately remove my co*ck." Josh thought for a moment and added, "probably." He laughed.

Poki, still rubbing her face with his hefty sack, paused when she heard this and backed up.

She giggled a bit and asked, "What do you mean probably?"

"I mean, it's likely going to feel really f*cking good. And seeing your eyes roll into the back of your head is just going to turn me on more.. so I might not pull out immediately, but definitely, probably, within fifteen to twen-.." Josh corrected himself, "thirty minutes of that first permanent brain damage threshold."

Poki smiled at him, "You and your giant co*ck! Hehe." she continued, ''I didn't think about how it might feel so good, you won't be able to resist keeping your fat co*ck lodged in my throat for longer than is needed. I know I'm the one getting permanent damage but this is really your experience and I don't want to cut that short. I trust you. You do whatever you feel you need to. I'm just your property, remember?"

"Thanks Imane. That means a lot. One hour past that first permanent brain damage mark, tops. I promise. Probably."

Imane giggled again, "Oh my god, hehe you're so silly. You and this big donkey dick of yours. Fineeeeee, I can't say no to you hehe. You can keep your fat co*ck balls deep in my throat up to one hour after the brain damage starts. That sounds pretty reasonable." She smiled at him.

"Why don't we just say two hours, just to be safe?"

Poki rolled her eyes and laughed again, "You are insatiable!! Okay, two hours. That's my final offer. Take it or leave it. Orrrr counter with three hours because you know I can't say no to you hehe. Especially when these big sweaty balls are staring at me" Poki said as she rubbed them all over her face.

She looked up at his co*ck. "This is the big beautiful beast that's going to f*ck up my brain, ooo I'm honored hehe." She said before diving back to smother her face underneath his balls again.

Poki enthusiastically rubbed her face all over his ballsack for the next twenty minutes.

“f*ck, your balls are f*cking MASSIVE. No wonder you have so much confidence. You can just lay these bad boys on any girl's face and make them do whatever you want,” Imane said as she buried her face under his ballsack again.

“You're such a slu*t haha. Hey, another idea I had about daily reminders for you was related to your streams. I’m thinking we could add a few streaming habits to your routine. One could be, every time you’re about to stream, or whenever I text you during your stream, you come find me and rub your face all over my nuts, just like you’re doing now.” Poki giggled as she peeked only her eyes out from under his massive balls. She spoke without leaving her position.

(muffled) “Thassss a greatnn idddeammmh” she said, followed by a hearty giggle.

She backed up and looked at him, this time without a set of balls to disrupt her speech. “Wait a second, so while I’m streaming to thousands of people, you and I are going to be the only ones who know that I just had your big sweaty balls all over my face?” she laughed at the naughty plan. “Hehe, that would be kind of hot.”

“Perhaps I can give you a fresh facial right before your stream too,” he laughed.

Poki giggled as well, and said something about getting smudge resistant makeup. He helped her to her feet before bending her over the bed. He arched her back and she stuck her thick ass out as he played with it and jiggled it around. He spanked her a few times, admiring her ass as he did so.

“Please.. f*ck me. f*ck me hard.” Imane begged.

“Hard enough to.. make you forget your boyfriend?”

Imane moaned. Her boyfriend had been nowhere near her thoughts.

She looked back at him, gave him a smirk and asked, “Who?”

Chapter 3: A Very Important Promise

Chapter Text

“I don’t know. I don’t think you’ve earned it yet.”

Imane pouted. “Oh come on,” she began to say, still bent over the bed with her bare ass arched upwards. She looked over her left shoulder with a begging face. “You blew a whole load in my mouth!! I almost drowned trying to swallow it all. I definitely think I’ve earned this.. please?” she said, ending her plea by wiggling her ass back and forth.

Josh looked at her desperate face. Desperate, but adorable. She looked so f*cking cute. Even after being thoroughly facef*cked. Somehow, her runny makeup and disheveled look made her even sexier. Begging to be f*cked also helped.

“That’s true, it was awesome seeing you almost drown in my cum.”

“Yeah, see? You really enjoyed that!! So.. can you pleaseeee f*ck me?” Imane replied with a hopeful look on her face.

He turned his attention back to her ass. It was almost hard to believe how remarkably fat but well toned it was. He slapped it once. Then twice. And several more times after that, earning moans from Imane. He briefly wondered if tectonic plates were shifting below their feet. If anything could cause that, it would be this fantastically fat ass in front of him.

Poki giggled, “I know you like my ass. You can’t get enough of it.”

“Of course I like your ass you stupid slu*t. Look at this thing!” he exclaimed as he shook her ass back and forth.

“There’s entire communities dedicated to it for a reason.” Josh continued. “So f*cking thick. It was made to be slapped every second of the day. Every time you bend over. Every time you walk past someone.”

Imane laughed and said, “Hey, there’s a person attached to this butt you know! A human with thoughts and feelings!” She looked back at him with a serious expression.

Josh matched her stern look and they continued their stare down for a few seconds, intensifying their glares and slightly nodding their heads back and forth before they both erupted into small laughing fits.

Josh spoke. “I mean, you’re not wrong. But I’m not here for that extra stuff. I’m here because I saw your fat ass on my screen thousands of miles away and thought it’d be easy to get in your pants.”

She raised her eyebrows at him. Her instincts told her to challenge his disrespect, but she kept her mouth closed.

“f*ck, your ass is so nice,” he said, still playing with and slapping her butt. “So f*cking easy. So f*cking dumb.” Poki couldn’t help but bite her lip as she felt her body and puss* tingle at the degrading comments.

Josh grabbed one of her ass cheeks in each hand, lifted them up and spread them apart, showing off her pretty puss*. He released her cheeks and they shook back into place. He did this several more times, unable to get enough.

Imane had spent these few moments contemplating his words. She found them hard to argue with. She had been pretty easy to persuade and she was currently begging him to f*ck her. Once she had given his comments more thought, she responded. “I guess, from your point of view, it is.. kind of a confidence booster. You saw a girl you found attractive online and-”

“slu*t. I saw a huge slu*t online.” Josh corrected her, still playing with her ass.

Imane smirked at his bluntness and rolled her eyes. “Fine, you saw a slu*tty girl online and you did everything you could to win her affection-”

“To shove my co*ck in her mouth.” Josh corrected her.

She giggled before responding. “Hehe, okay. Yesss, you traveled all this way to shove your co*ck in my mouth!” She accompanied this remark by opening her mouth and raising her hand to imitate a blowj*b, sticking her tongue into her cheek. Laughing off her gesture, she continued. “That’s pretty impressive. Seeing what you wanted and going after it! Not holding anything back.” she looked at him with lust as he continued to shake her ass cheeks around.

Imane continued. “Kind of like.. like a conqueror. No, a conquistador! You just walked into our house and claimed me. And Rae it seems.” she smiled at him.

“Hah, I like that. Conquistador.” The new title he had been given gave his ego a boost. “I landed on these Moroccan shores and was warmly welcomed with this fat ass and your tight throat.”

“Hehe.. it’s nothing less than you and your co*ck deserves!! It just feels so f*cking natural to give myself to you.. I can’t explain it.”

“Then don’t. I don’t want you hurting yourself by thinking too hard.” Josh replied.

Imane smirked, “You’re right. I should just focus on being a f*ckdoll. That’d be so much easier!!”

“Hah, I love this side of you. I just don’t get how I’m the first to explore it. Really explore it, the real you. I can’t believe no one has stormed in here and treated you like the slu*t you are.” He buried his face in her ass and shook her cheeks with his large hands.

Imane yelped at the sudden intrusion, but that quickly turned into moans as she felt his tongue lapping at her puss*.

She smiled, “I think I was waiting for the right man to come along. That man was definitely not my boyfriend. He never even got to touch my ass. Especially not the way you’re doing now. On accident maybe, but I always quickly moved his hand. Heh, it’s kind of funny now that I think about it.”

Josh relished in the fact that he was one of the first to fully enjoy her body. He backed away for a second. “I think it’s funny too. Don’t you worry though. I’ll make sure that not a single day passes that this fat ass isn’t treated like it deserves to be.” He slapped her butt extra hard and she shrieked excitedly. “Is that a promise?” she cooed.

“You bet your slu*tty ass it is.”

He continued to shake her ass and again parted both cheeks to reveal her asshole and wet puss*. He could see it glistening in the light. It was so f*cking pretty, as if it was unused, uncorrupted. Innocent, almost. That would soon change.

“You’re already so wet for me, whor*.”

“I’ve been wet ever since you whipped out that massive co*ck! Can you blame me?” she gave him a sly smile.

“Okay, enough fooling around.” Josh stood up and used one hand to push Poki’s head further down into the bed.

“I want your head down and ass up, got it? I want your dumb voice muffled by the bed, your words are meaningless. They’re nothing more than your pathetic attempt to be more than a hot body and a pretty face, but guess what? You’ve failed. All you are right now is a puss* for me to f*ck.”

Imane moaned at the harsh truths he sent her way.

“f*ck. Okay.. whatever you say, I’m a dumb whor*, so f*cking stupid. Just please f*ck me. f*ck me HARD. I need you inside of me!!” Poki said with a face full of lust.

Josh grabbed his member and teased her puss* with his co*ckhead.

“You need what inside of you?”

“I need YOU inside of me.” she begged.

He slapped her right ass cheek harshly.

“Again.” he said.

Unsure of what she was saying wrong, she replied. “I need ALL OF YOU inside of me.”

He spanked her again, with more force this time.


The cobwebbed gears in her head finally began to turn. “I want your BIG FAT co*ck inside of me. PLEASE. I want.. NO, I NEED your fat co*ck to destroy meee.”

Josh smirked. Only took her a few tries, but she’s getting the hang of it.

He grabbed her by her substantial hips on both sides and began to push his co*ck inside of her. Her moans filled the room as he continued to enter her, inch by inch.

“f*ck.. you’re so f*cking big.” she managed to get out in between moans.

“You’re going to take all of me you dumb whor*.” he spat at her.

She moaned in response. “Oh yeah? Show me how much of a dumb whor* I am then. f*ck me.”

Josh loved her slu*tty side. It was the best part about her. “Oh I will. Keep talking dirty to me slu*t.” he slapped her ass and it jiggled around his co*ck.

He felt the walls of her puss* constrict and pulse around his dick as he pushed onwards. “Aaaaaaaaahh! f*ck, you feel SO good.” she said.

She moaned and looked back at him grinning. “I’m SUCH a dumb whor*.”

He grinned at this and her self-degrading comments made his co*ck twitch inside of her.

“Agh!! I felt that! I felt you growing inside of me.” she said in surprise. “You like when I degrade myself that much, huh?”

He grinned in her direction and replied, “f*ck yeah. It’s hot when a woman knows her place.”

She giggled as much as she could with a massive co*ck inside of her and decided to egg him on. “I don’t know. I don’t think I truly know my place quite yet.” She smiled, knowing what her words would do.

He looked at her with a dedicated smirk. “Just remember, you asked for it.” With this, he pounded his hips forward to meet her cheeks and buried himself completely inside of her. Imane let out a loud yelp followed by moans. “MMMM f*ckkkkk f*ck f*ck f*ck.” She said as Josh began to withdraw his co*ck and slam himself back into her. Over and over. Picking up speed, he used every inch he had to punish her for the challenge she presented.

“Jesus you’re ripping me in half!! But it feels SO. f*ckING. GOOD. Aghhh” she groaned. “I’m so f*cking stupid. I make mistakes.. f*ck.. all the time and I get so embarassed. But now, f*ck.. I don’t have to. I know that it’s just because I’m an idiot.”

Josh picked up a steady pace, slamming his co*ck in and out of Imane. “Damn right.” he replied. Her ass was jiggling with every thrust and the sight was remarkable. “You know, I thought it’d take me at least a week f*ck you. Didn’t expect it to be only a few days haha.”

She smiled, “I don’t know how anyone could resist your co*ck.. I feel so full. I had no idea sex could feel like THIS.” she grunted as Josh leaned forward to take her breasts in his hands and use them as leverage to pound his co*ck deep inside of her again and again.

“f*ckkkk,” Imane grunted as her whole body trembled with ecstasy. She had never felt this way before. The way she was bent over and being used like a common slu*t. Her whole body was being shoved back and forth as she held onto the bed sheets with balled fists. The massive co*ck intruding into the tight walls of her vagin* were sending shockwaves of pleasure throughout her body and she was loving every second of it.

“f*cking slu*t. So easy to get into bed. I can’t wait to do this every single day.” Josh taunted her.

Poki looked at him, “Every single day? f*ck.. I’d never.. aghhh.. get anything done. I’d have to.. f*ckkk.. quit streaming. I’d.. f*ck, right thereee.. become your personal slave. All I’d have on my mind is your BIG FAT co*ck.” she moaned loudly as Josh continued to f*ck her mercilessly. The more she spoke, the more turned on he got. She was almost better at degrading herself than he was at degrading her.

“Sounds awesome, doesn’t it?” he said in response.

Poki smiled, “f*ck.. ughh.. ahhhh.. it actually does.. ugh.. sound tempting haha. Guess you were right about me being a whor*, hehe.”

“A dumb whor*,” Josh corrected her. “The dumb part is very important.”

Imane smiled and rolled her eyes at the same time. “Mhm, soooo dumb. I’m so f*cking dumb. Just use my puss* to get off, blow your load on my face, and throw me away!!” she said in a sexy voice.

Josh laughed, “I feel like you’re reading my mind,” he punctuated this by giving her ass a hard slap. “That’s all you're good for. These thick thighs were made as cushions for my f*cking and your pretty face was made to give my nut a place to land.”

Imane turned to look at him and feigned an upset expression. “Hey!! My face has more use than just that!” she furrowed her eyebrows at him. “What about your big sweaty balls, huh?? Where are they going to rest when you’re done f*cking me?”

Josh chuckled, “Hah, you make a good point. I guess your face does have a bit more use than I thought.”

She smiled warmly at him. “See! I’m not.. f*ck.. completelyyy useless. There’s plenty of ways.. ugh.. you could use my body.. aghhhh.. to keep your big co*ck and balls happy.”

“Hah, you get creative when it comes to being a slu*t, huh?” Josh smirked at her.

She rested her head on the bed as she continued to get roughly shagged from behind. “What can I say? I’m.. oh f*ck.. a natural.” she was panting hard by this point. She needed a break and all she was doing was laying there! She wondered how Josh hadn’t slowed down yet.

In fact, he began to piston his co*ck in and out of her even harder. Being degraded in combination with the relentless f*cking was just too much for Imane to handle. Her puss* was on fire. She felt a massive wave of adrenaline and pleasure wash over her as she reached a powerful climax.

“Yesssss, f*ck ughhhhhhh, f*ck your dumb whor*!! f*ck me! f*ck me hard! Just like that.. yessss” Poki yelled out as she org*smed all over Josh’s co*ck.

He noticed her climax and didn’t let up his thrusts for a second. “So f*cking dumb.” Josh spat at her. To emphasize his words, he reached forward with his right hand and grabbed her by the hair harshly. He shook her head as if to rattle it.

“There’s nothing in this stupid f*cking head.”

Poki smiled as she came down from her org*sm. “Except for your co*ck. That’s all that’s in there.”

“Exactly. Just as it should be. f*cking tell me, tell me how you feel.” he thrusted deep inside her and out again. Building up a steady pace, he still had her head pulled back tightly with his grip on a chunk of her hair.

“AHHH, f*ckkkk. I can’t.. It feels so f*ckING GOOD. There’s.. a tingly wave of.. pleasure washing all over me. Ahhh ahhh ahh.” she managed to get out in between her moans.

“How the hell.. f*ck.. did I go so long.. ahhh.. without this?” Imane asked herself out loud.

“Without what? Being used like a slu*t?”

“YES.. exactly.. how did I go so long without being treated like a whor*? I f*cking love this..”

“Hah, I’m not sure. But that’s probably why you’re always so bitchy online. Maybe this will make you less of a prude.” Josh punctuated his remarks with a few excessively vigorous thrusts that shook Imane’s whole body. He continued to hold her hair, holding her head back sharply as he f*cked her from behind.

“f*ck.. you’re probably right. I.. I don’t think you know what impact you’re having on me. Everything I know is.. different now.. f*ckkk.. f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, keep f*cking me you stud!!”

“What do you mean.. different?” Josh asked in between thrusts.

Imane caught her breath before attempting to reply. “I’m not sure.. I just.. I’ve always attached sex with romance and respect and- f*ck.. love.. but I feel like you’re f*cking all those ideas out of my head.”

Josh laughed at her response. “You, Imane, have been brainwashed to believe you are powerful and smart and independent. Tell me.. what would you do if I told you that I would never f*ck you again?”

Imane displayed a look of genuine worry. “I’d probably sit in my bed and cry honestly. I can’t imagine not feeling this amount of pleasure again..”

“And what would you do if I took my co*ck out right now?”

“I’d beg you to put it back in.” Imane replied immediately.

“And why do you call yourself a dumb whor*?”

“Well.. at first it was because I thought you’d like it.. but now, I am kind of starting to believe it.”

“See? Doesn’t it feel good to be honest?” Josh asked.

“f*ck.. yes it does. It’s like I’m finally accepting who I truly am. AHHH, f*ck, keep f*cking me stud!! Just like that!”

And that’s what he did. Josh continued to f*ck Imane without mercy. He plowed her into the bed even when she asked him to slow down. Her moans were constant and unending. As were her org*sms it seemed. Josh could feel her spasming around his co*ck every few minutes. He flipped her over and f*cked her on her back so he could watch her tit* bounce back and forth. He pulled his co*ck out and took a step back. Telling her to keep her legs high in the air and spread open as far as she could.

In this position, she begged him to put his co*ck back inside of her. “Please Josh!! I feel so empty without your massive co*ck. Please give it to me.” she pouted.

“Don’t worry, slu*t. I’ll keep f*cking you. But first, I want you to promise me something.” Josh said as he held his co*ck in his hand.

“Ughh! I can’t believe you’re giving ME conditions to f*ck you.. I just can’t.. find the willpower to resist, so fine! Fine, whatever you want.. just name it.” Imane replied desperately.

“It’s nothing big, hah.” Josh laughed at his choice of words. “I just want you to promise that you’ll help me. Help me f*ck any girl that I want.”

“But.. that means I’ll have less of you.” She frowned.

“There’s plenty of me to go around. Think about how much you’re enjoying yourself right now, don’t you want to share that with your friends? All the slu*ts in this house?”

“Hmm.. I guess so. Helping you get as many girls as you can in your bed.. that would be pretty hot. All so you can add them to your list of slu*ts!! Hehe.”

“Exactly, so what do you say?”

“I want to, but they’re good girls! Lily and Kyedae and Jodi and everyone else.. they are very caring and I don’t want you to hurt them.”

“Hurt them? Am I hurting you? Or am I giving you more pleasure than you’ve ever known?”

“Hmm.. fine.. I’ll help you. As long as you promise not to forget me. I still want my fair share of your co*ck.” she replied. “Oh, and one more thing! You have to unload this entire nut that you’re building up on my face. I want all of it on me. Or else, no deal!!” Poki said, giggling at her final stipulation.

“You drive a hard bargain, but you’ve got a deal.” he smiled at her, before lining up his co*ck at her moist entrance and f*cking her with abandon.

“f*ck, I feel so full!! Please be gentle with my friends.. I think.. f*ck.. they’ll have a harder time taking your size..”


Poki woke up before Josh. She could hardly recall how the night ended, but knew she had fallen asleep with his co*ck on her face. She loved that this massive tool of pleasure was the first thing she saw as she opened her eyes. She was very sore and could barely move, but she repositioned herself to suck on his balls, whispering little thank you’s for the prior day’s sexual adventures.

Josh began to stir before waking up to an incredible sight. The queen of twitch in between his legs, enthusiastically burying her face in his balls. Some women would consider it to be a degrading act, but here was Pokimane, one of the most widely respected streamers and outspoken feminists, degrading herself all for him. And honestly, for herself. She loved this just as much as he did, the little slu*t. Who knows how long she had been at it before he had woken up.

He took out his phone and realized he hadn’t taken many photos or videos of her the day before. He aimed the phone at her and started to record a video.

“Are you having fun?” he said.

Poki was so distracted with her ball worship that she hadn’t noticed Josh was awake. She looked up and smiled widely at the camera, not willing to separate from his balls for even a second to respond to his question properly. “Yeshh shhirr. I lovvvff yerrr bighh ballllshh.”

“Oh yeah slu*t? How much do you love them?”

She backed away a little before responding, her lips glistening with drool and spit, “I love them more than anything in the world. I need them on my face all the time. The only time they shouldn’t be on me is when their delicious nut is being pumped onto my face instead.” She answered in a sexy tone, knowing he’d love having that confession on camera.

She went back to servicing his balls and lifted the arch on her back even more than it already was, slowly shaking her ass back and forth.

Josh ended the video, “Haha that was hot. I didn't take enough photos of you last night. Why don’t we fix that right now?”

She got up and smiled at him, “Alright stud, how do you want me?”

“Well.. Rae was in this super hot position yesterday..”

“Oh my god!! Rae.. I completely forgot about her.. your dick doesn’t let me think straight! Please tell me you guys weren’t exclusive, were you? You were just hooking up?” she gave him a worried look.

“Haha, you’re cute. Remind me, who was the one who convinced you to come to my room?”

You could see the connections in her head being made with her change in facial expressions. “Oh my god..” she brought a hand up to her forehead. “I really am the dumbest person ever.. Please. Save me from my embarrassment. Make me feel at least a little useful and make me pose however you want. You mentioned one of Rae’s poses?”

“Haha, good idea. Yeah it was incredibly hot.” He described the pose and Imane got into position on the bed. She grinned at him from in between her legs.

“Okay, I have the camera zoomed in on your asshole-”

Imane interrupted him, “Zoomed in?! Is that really.. necessary?” she said as she moved her hands to cover herself, but stayed in her stance.

“Necessary? No, but it’s hot as hell.” Josh continued, “Think about it. You’re on stream all the time, wearing your tight little outfits. Thousands of people go crazy just seeing you walk out of the room fully clothed, and here you are in front of me, bent over, fully displaying your asshole and puss*. Me zooming in on your asshole is just the cherry on top. I’m reducing you down to just a hole, haha.”

She couldn’t help but giggle at his bluntness, “Hehe, okay fine.” She gave it some more thought. “Wow.. no matter what happens, you will always have a video of my asshole on your phone to watch whenever you want, hehe.”

“Exactly. Man, you might be brighter than you look.”

She rolled her eyes and laughed. “Ass!!”

“Okay, hey reach around and spread your cheeks for me. Your ass is so fat I can’t get a proper look at you.”

“Okay.. I’ve never been this exposed before.” Poki said nervously before doing as she was told.


After taking several photos and videos in this position, Imane got down on her knees and started to blow him. He texted Rae a quick photo of Poki sucking his co*ck and asked her to come join them.

She was having a conversation with Kyedae in the living room when she got the text. She read it and immediately got up to race to Josh’s room, cutting Kyedae off mid-sentence.

Right before she was about to disappear from Kyedae’s view, Rae turned and said, “Umm, sorry.. Imane needs help.” She resumed her quick pace, not waiting for a response.

Rae entered the room and saw Josh had a tight grip on Poki’s head, deepthroating her as she struggled.

Rae smiled and removed her shirt and sweatpants before approaching them. She gave Josh a deep kiss before getting down on her knees as well, kissing his body on her way down. Poki looked at her in surprise at first, but that quickly turned into a plea for help as she was struggling to breathe.

“It’s okay, just relax..” Rae reached one hand up to Poki’s throat and could feel where his co*ck ended. She massaged this area lightly, “relax this part of your throat right here.” Rae said in a caring tone. “We can’t keep panicking when he decides not to let us breathe. We have to get used to it. The better we get, the more we can please him, and the more he’ll f*ck our faces hehe,” she giggled.

Josh grinned, “That’s the right attitude slu*t.” Rae gave him a loving smile in response before returning her attention to helping Poki.

Her friend being at her side did help put Imane at ease, and soon Josh was again buried balls deep in her throat. Rae cheered and kissed Imane’s cheek before whispering good job slu*t . She then squeezed her face below Poki’s to completely engulf Josh’s ballsack in her mouth. She swirled her tongue all over to give him as much pleasure as she could.

Josh finally let Poki f*ck her own face on his co*ck as he put his hands on his hips and enjoyed the effort these two powerful women were putting into servicing him. Both girls had one hand rubbing their puss*. Imane had her second hand pinching one of her nipples. It was an incredible sight.

So good in fact, he took his phone out to record the moment. Thirty seconds into it, Rae began to moan violently around his balls and he could see her lower half spasming. She was having an org*sm, and this must have pushed Imane over the edge as she also started to convulse and moan around his co*ck. They were both in the midst of a powerful climax, and he had caught it all on camera.

The timing was perfect, but he struggled to keep the camera still as the vibrations from their intense moaning felt nearly indescribable. It was amazing how turned on they got from going down on him.

They were recovering from their org*sms and he applauded them for never removing him from their mouths, despite the overwhelming climaxes.

Imane freed her mouth for just a moment. “What the f*ck !! You just made us both cum and you didn’t even lift a finger. Do you know how much of a f*cking stud you are??” she asked rhetorically, in awe at the power of his manhood. She quickly took his co*ck back into her mouth and f*cked her face relentlessly to reward him. This made Josh chuckle.

Rae enthusiastically rubbed his balls all over her adorable face. She briefly backed away to say, “f*ckkk, you have no idea how much I missed your balls. All I could think about when I was with Kyedae yesterday was rubbing these gigantic things all over my face, hehe. I don’t get how they’re so f*cking massive.” She said before stuffing them back into her mouth. Imane moaned in agreement around his co*ck.

“f*ck, you slu*ts feel so good. Doesn’t it feel great to be doing what you’re best at? This is where both of you belong. On your knees acting like whor*s.”

They both moaned and nodded their heads in agreement. They were completely brainwashed by their lust.

Josh felt his own org*sm approaching and he pulled himself away from both of their eager mouths. When they saw Josh stroking himself, they knew what was coming.

They gave him their best slu*t stares and egged him on.

“f*ck yes, PLEASE give us your delicious cum master.”

“Nut all over our cute little faces.”

They stuck out their tongues and gave their best ahegao faces in between their desperate pleas for Josh’s cum.

“Drown us in your sem*n daddy.”

“We’re just your property, MARK your whor*s.”

Josh stared at their slu*tty faces and could no longer hold back. His co*ck erupted all over them. Spraying like an unmanned fire hose, cum went flying all over their faces and hair and their tight little bodies. He grabbed Imane by the hair and shoved his co*ck in her mouth. She swallowed two mouthfuls before she reeled back. Josh then grabbed Rae and did the same to her.

As his org*sm died down, he saw Imane laying down, still coughing up cum and recovering from the mouthfuls she was forced to swallow. Josh stood over here and straddled her upper body, flicking the last of his cum dribbles onto her face. She turned to face him and smirked at his brazen disrespect.

“Can’t even give me a second to recover, huh?” she asked him.

He smiled back at her. “Nope. I still have cum to put on that stupid face of yours.”

Poki feigned an offended gasp.

He chuckled and continued to shake more cum onto her, with a drop landing on her cheek, one on her forehead, and another on her lips.

“Come onnn, you look so pretty with my load covering your face.”

Poki smiled and rolled her eyes. “You are such a charmer.”

She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue to catch any last drops of cum he had to offer.

Josh was spent. He stood up, fell backwards onto his bed and crawled to the center. He saw Rae and Poki making out, swapping his cum back and forth until it was almost all gone from their faces.

Their kiss ended. They looked at each other and started laughing in unison. “We look sooo slu*tty.” Poki said. “Hey, grab your phone. Josh would love to have a picture of us like this.”

Rae agreed, “Good idea!!” They posed for a quick selfie together as Josh smiled. They were starting to take real initiative.

He ordered them to go clean off quickly and join him in bed.

With the nude Imane on his left and the naked Rae on his right, Josh couldn’t believe how fortunate he was. These girls were all complete slu*ts. He’d always known that, but he was the first to take advantage of it. And now, it seemed he might be able to take control of their home. A free place to stay and warm holes to keep his urges satisfied didn’t seem half bad, but he had no intention of stopping here.

Two girls weren’t enough. Not when there were dozens of these slu*tty streamers that clearly did not spend enough time on their knees.

f*cking them was not enough. Not when his plans involved owning these women, instead of simply having a bunch of f*ck buddies.

Joshua grinned as his mind wandered endlessly. With one arm stretched around each of the beauties next to him, he reached down to pinch their nipples, using his thumb and index finger to play with them as he continued to think.

Just living here was not enough either. He’d be a lot more comfortable if the house were, perhaps.. in his name?

Chapter 4: Confessions of the L-Word

Chapter Text

Josh slowly opened his eyes. It seems he had drifted off to sleep after the sexual escapades with Rae and Poki, who were both soundly asleep on either side of his chest with his arms wrapped around them. He smiled and took a moment to appreciate the sight.

These two beautiful women were naked and radiating enough heat to keep him warm without the blanket that was currently pushed to the foot of the bed. He noted how small they seemed in comparison to his own build. He could see both of their torsos rising and falling slowly, in tune with his own respirations before breaking off and maintaining their own rhythm.

Poki had a hand over his chest and her thigh was draped over his leg. This put him in direct contact with her moist nethers. Poki’s face had faint traces of runny makeup and her hair was a mess, but nothing could stop her from looking adorably f*ckable at all times. Josh loved that about her. He looked past her face and down the flawless curves that made up her body before resting his eyes on her ass. He had spent many hours yesterday f*cking away at it, but still could not believe how ridiculously fat and substantial it was.

He made a mental note to try anal with her the next chance that he got. Josh then glanced to his right and saw that Rae had a similar appearance. Messy makeup and hair that could benefit from being combed. Perhaps he was a little too rough with them as they were slobbering all over his co*ck?

No. They look good like this. It was a sign that they were finally being put to good use. “My hardworking little cumrags,” Josh whispered.

It was enough to wake Rae from her slumber. She slowly opened her eyes and raised her head to meet Josh’s gaze.

“Mmm, good morning..” She smiled and spoke softly, with one eye closed and the other squinting as her vision adjusted to the brightness.

“Or should I say, good morning master?” Rae said, only half joking.

Josh renewed his smile in response and agreed. “That sounds better for sure. Good morning whor*.”

Rae smirked and leaned in for a kiss.

After a quick peck, Rae backed away slightly before whispering, “I’m not just a whor*, I’m your whor*.” She leaned back in for another kiss.

Josh held the back of her head as their tongues found each other. It was clear they both needed to brush their teeth after their long midday nap, but these insecurities melted away with the intensity of their lust.

The slight movements they were making woke Imane up and she looked up to witness the intense kiss.

“Hey! Where's my kiss mister?” she said lovingly to get their attention. Josh broke off the kiss with Rae to turn towards Imane.

“Sorry, I didn’t notice you were awake.” Josh smiled before leaning in to give Imane the kiss she was asking for. His forward movement was stopped suddenly by Rae, who had reached a hand over to grab his chin.

She looked at Poki with a feisty glare and said, “Uh uh, you wait your turn. He’s giving his whor* a proper good morning kiss.” Poki opened her mouth slightly in surprise before giggling at her friend’s possessive response.

Rae turned Josh back towards her and resumed her kiss with newfound passion. He wasn’t about to say no to a warm tongue so he continued the kiss for another minute before breaking away. He looked deeply into Rae’s eyes as they both panted. He could see something. Something intense and he wasn’t sure if he’d seen it before. It was genuine and pure, but undecided. It was searching for something. Guidance, perhaps. Josh and Rae both acknowledged that something had just happened, but knew it was to be defined at a later time. They both smiled and gave each other another peck before Josh turned, finally, to Imane.

“It’s about timeeee! I was beginning to think you forgot about me.” she pouted.

Josh gave a half smile and responded, “I’m sorry, but-”

“Don’t worry. I saw.. I could tell something intense was going on. I didn’t mean to interrupt.” she smiled at him before leaning in for her patiently awaited kiss.

Josh refocused and concentrated fully on Imane. Her lips were irresistibly soft. Her demeanor was different from Rae’s, but not in a better or worse way. Her tongue wrestled with his own and he felt a similar connection with her. Something that surpassed carnal intimacy. Almost like she was giving herself over to him. This too had the same undecided feel to it. The beginning stages of submission, perhaps.

The three of them laid back. Although they had all engaged in much more vigorous sex with each other, these kisses had an emotional toll they had not experienced with each other yet.

After a bit, Josh spoke, “Okay, we should probably get up.”

Rae agreed, “Yeah, we’ve been in bed for way too long haha.”

Imane smiled and replied, “You can blame Josh for that. This monster between his legs,” Poki said as she took a hold of his co*ck and began to stroke, “is impossible to keep happy!! If he’s not balls deep in my mouth, you can bet he’s probably ramming away at you from behind, Rae.”

Rae laughed in agreement. “I know! He’s an insatiable f*ck machine. We might have to quit streaming just so our holes can be available to him 24/7.” She joined Imane in jerking his co*ck off, which was a challenge even with their two small hands.

Josh smiled and responded, “Nice to know you’d make that sacrifice for me, but I don’t think that’s the answer. It’s hot knowing I get to f*ck you right before or after you stream to thousands of people.”

Valkyrae rolled her eyes and poked his side. “Of course you like that!! You like when we get dressed up to stream just so you can defile us and ruin our makeup haha.”

Poki giggled in agreement.

Josh chuckled, “What’s not to love? You guys look so hot on stream and I get to barge in there and treat you like the whor*s you are haha. So yes, I want you both to continue streaming. I just need another girl to f*ck while you do so.”

The room was silent for a moment while the girls looked at each other.

The same girl had popped into all of their minds without the need to speak her name out loud.


Kyedae was frustrated. She was taking the trash out when the bag caught the corner of the glass coffee table on her way outside. It ripped a hole large enough for some garbage to spill out. A gross looking banana peel and some used napkins, which didn’t take her long to clean up, but the fact that she had to take the trash out at all made her upset. See, it wasn’t her turn to take it out. The roommates had a rotating chore list, but Rae and Imane were nowhere to be found, and Kyedae didn’t want gnats to start flying around.

She knew where her friends probably were. Hanging out with Josh. It’s all they’ve been doing lately! She could hear the bed squeaking and giggles every time she got close to their door. She was fed up with this feeling of being left out.

Kyedae continued fuming about the situation as she came back inside after sorting the garbage out. She walked to the kitchen and saw that some dishes were piling up. She sighed deeply and figured she might as well get them done too. She was not one to leave chores for later.

She put on her yellow gloves and began scrubbing away. That’s when she suddenly heard a voice close behind her.

“Hey Kyedae! How’s it going?”

She turned her head and saw that it was Josh. All he was wearing was a set of skin-tight boxer briefs, leaving little to the imagination. She wanted to roll her eyes but refrained.

Instead, she turned back to her dishes and said, “Listen, I know we haven’t spoken much, but I’m not really in the mood to talk right now.”

Josh didn’t expect her to be too welcoming. “I’m sorry, I just wanted to apologize.”

Kyedae looked at him and raised her eyebrows, a tad bit surprised at his response. “Really?”

“Yeah.. I mean, I walked into your home as a complete stranger and have been spending all this time with your roommates. Keeping them busy.”

Kyedae smiled and responded, “Wow! Thank you for at least acknowledging that. Yes it has been-”

“Don’t interrupt me.” Josh interjected. “I was saying that I’ve been spending all this time with your roomies, bending them over their beds and f*cking them like the slu*ts they are, and I haven’t been giving you any attention. That’s probably why you’re upset, right? I haven’t been treating you the same way? Maybe you were even a little jealous?” Josh replied with a stoic expression, as if nothing was wrong with what he said.

Kyedae’s face was still smiling from before, frozen while she processed the abrupt turnaround in Josh’s tone. This quickly turned into a confused expression. She shook her head slightly to make sure she had heard correctly.

“Uhm, excuse me? What in god’s name would make you think I was jealous of that??” Kyedae said, finally finding her voice.

“Hey let’s not get hysterical okay? I’m just saying what I know you’re thinking.”

Kyedae fumed, “Hysterical?! You’re the one who walked in here spouting nonsense!” She was using her hands to communicate, signaling her anger. Still wet from washing dishes, they were dripping water all over the kitchen counter. Her face was starting to get red from the confrontation.

“I don’t think it’s nonsense. You have to have heard all the moaning coming from upstairs. I bet you were just waiting for me to come down and catch you doing chores, washing dishes, being a good little housewife.”

Kyedae squinted her face at his ridiculous thought process. “I- I- I have a fiancé! Who basically lives in this house by the way! We’ve been together for over three years. Why would I be interested in some oaf who doesn’t even know how to put clothes on?”

Josh took a step forward and leaned in before responding. “I think you know why.” They were both staring into each other’s eyes when Josh caught her glance down towards his co*ck ever so briefly. When she met his gaze again, Josh was smiling and she knew she’d been caught.

There was a moment of silence before Kyedae made her move. She looked into Josh’s eyes, gave him a seductive smile, and got to her knees in front of him.

“You’re SO right, Josh. ALLL I’ve been able to think about is you and your MASSIVE bulge,” Kyedae said as she dove face first into his crotch. She enthusiastically rubbed her face all over his co*ck with his briefs being the only barrier. Josh was surprised, but there was no time to rationalize her actions. He did pick up on a hint of sarcasm, but chose to ignore it.

As Kyedae continued to massage Josh’s co*ck with her face, she whispered, “Mmm so big, so thick..” Kyedae then moved towards Josh’s ball sack and pressed her face in as deeply as she could, breathing in his musk. “f*ck, you even smell manly.” She took one more deep whiff before backing up momentarily. Kyedae took a moment to refocus herself. His odor was intoxicating.

She had kept her hands down this whole time, only using her face to worship Josh’s co*ck, but in that time, she had secretly removed her large yellow gloves that she was wearing to wash dishes.

Kyedae looked up at Josh innocently and batted her eyes before asking, “Do you think I could have a kiss before you shove your dick in my mouth?”

Josh had been thoroughly enjoying the treatment she was giving him and didn’t hesitate to fulfill her request.

He leaned downwards and that’s when Kyedae raised her right hand and smacked Josh’s face with the wet gloves. His head jerked to the side as he was completely caught off-guard.

Kyedae took this opportunity to stand up and brought her knee up to Josh’s groin with as much force as she could muster.

Josh groaned out in pain before kneeling over and falling to the ground.

Kyedae stood over him and leaned down slightly to shout, “That’s what you get! You’re nothing but a misogynistic asshole!!” She marched off, stepping over Josh with a sly grin on her face.

“You f*cking.. bitch..” Josh moaned as he held his groin and writhed in pain. Kyedae’s heart raced as she walked away. She entered her room and quickly closed the door behind her.

“What is wrong with me..” Kyedae asked herself. She didn’t intend to go that far. It just happened. The plan was to catch him with his guard down, but surely there was another way to go about it? What would Tyson think if he saw what just happened?

Her anxiety kicked in briefly, but she took a deep breath and composed herself. “Whatever. What’s done is done. Surely, he’ll have learned his lesson by now and he will leave me alone!” She wanted to talk to her roommates about what happened, but felt that her own questionable actions would be revealed. Instead, she texted her boyfriend Tyson to remind him that she loved him and asked what he was up to.

Josh was still on the ground and after a minute of recovery, he began to laugh despite the ache in his balls.

“f*cking sneaky c*nt..” Josh mumbled to himself. As the pain began to fade, he slowly picked himself up and smiled.

He loved being presented with a challenge. It always made the payoff that much more satisfying. Kyedae was clearly more confident in herself than the other girls. Her stable relationship with Tyson is probably what allowed her to easily rebuff Josh’s advances. Though, she did show some weakness that Josh could exploit. This is going to be fun, he thought to himself.

Josh made his way to the bathroom and heard the water running. There, he found Poki and Rae showering together, getting ready for the plans they had made earlier in bed. They were all hungry and had decided to go out to eat. With the sun setting soon, they offered to take him to their favorite low key diner nearby.

Josh joined them in the shower and received countless kisses to ease his bruised groin and ego after he described his run-in with Kyedae. Imane and Rae were all too happy to be able to cheer him up, immediately dropping to their knees. It was almost instinctual for them at this point. Their soft lips and warm tongues did much to bring down Josh’s temperament.

After they enjoyed each other for several minutes, Josh spoke. “Glad I can always rely on you slu*ts to fall back on. Kyedae is going to be tougher to crack than I thought..” He was currently fighting off Poki’s desperate attempts to dislodge the massive co*ck in her throat.

“MMMmggghhhgffff,” Poki muffled in response. Rae only looked on in amusem*nt as she kissed and massaged Josh’s thighs while she waited for her turn to be facef*cked.

“Hehe, you just loveee to see us struggle, don’t you?” Rae giggled. Josh looked at her lovingly before slapping her hard across the face with his free hand. Rae reeled to the side, but quickly recovered back to her original position and looked at Josh with a genuine smile. He replied, “It’s my favorite thing in the world,” while caressing her quickly-reddening cheek. Rae embraced the way he showed his affection regardless of how harsh it could be.

Though Poki looked to be at the brink of her deepthroating capabilities and her eyes were panicking, Rae knew that Josh likely wouldn’t let her go for another few minutes still so she stood up from her kneeled position to shake her tit* in Josh’s face. This also gave him a better angle to slap her face as much as he wanted. Notably, this new position was not to distract him from the rough treatment he was giving Poki, but just to be useful and give him some viewing pleasure while Imane did her job.

After unloading his cum deep in Rae’s c*nt and having Poki eat it out of her, they finished showering and got ready. Josh followed Rae and Poki through the door that led to the garage. He noticed the bounce in both of their fat asses as he walked through the door. This was the only thing that could have distracted him from immediately noticing the spectacle before him. He looked up to see a huge garage with incredible, shiny vehicles.

“Whoa!! What the hell? I forgot you slu*ts were rich!” Josh said excitedly before barreling past them and towards the front of the cars.

The girls both giggled at his reaction. To them, of course, the sight of their own vehicles was not a special occasion, but they understood his surprise.

Josh noticed how all the vehicles looked to be in pristine condition as he got close and inspected each one. The first was truly an incredible vehicle. A matte black SUV with angry looking LED headlights. It carried the golden Lamborghini insignia on the front.

“This car is f*cking ridiculous.” Josh shouted out.

Rae giggled. “I know right?! It’s the Lamborghini Urus. I just got it last week and I’m obsessed with it!! Lately I’ve just been driving around to show it off, hehe.”

“This car is too cool for you Rae. I think I’m going to take it off your hands.” Josh said, knowing Rae would take it as a joke. She did, and she laughed, but Josh was only half joking. He wanted this car and everything else that belonged to her. He’d have to ease into it though.

“Get over here Rae.” Josh said. She complied and he instructed her to get on her knees. “Kiss my feet while I look at your car.”

Rae looked at him to make sure he was serious, and when she was sure that he was, she obeyed his command. “Yes sir!”

It balanced the playing field a little. They owned these cars and he owned them. A little reminder of that fact wouldn’t hurt.

Josh moved onto the next vehicle as Rae stood up and brushed off her knees. It was clearly a white Tesla, but he wasn’t sure which model.

“That one is mine! It’s a Tesla Model Y.” Poki informed him as she jumped onto the hood to present it to him. “I love it so much.. It makes me feel so safe when I drive.”

“Damn! It’s beautiful. I’ve always wanted a Tesla.” Josh replied as he continued to look it over. “I feel like Teslas are always white haha.”

The next car clearly belonged to Pokimane as well. It was a black BMW 3 Series with her name and some of her art plastered on the side and the front hood. Imane got close to her car as she described some of its features to Josh.

“And it also has a retractable top!” Imane said.

Josh raised an eyebrow at this and replied “Oh, really?”

He leaned in to inspect it further before replying, “So the top comes down with the push of a button huh? Man.. I really wish your top worked the same way.” He held a stern expression before turning towards Poki. She rolled her eyes and snorted at his joke, but then looked left and right before pulling down the top of her brown dress, flashing her perky tit* at Josh.

“f*ckkkk haha.” Josh exclaimed as Poki stuck her tongue out and nodded her head playfully before pulling her dress back up.

“That was f*cking hot.” Josh grinned as he turned to Rae. “What about you? Does your top work the same way?”

She was still giggling at Poki’s brazen flash before realizing it was her turn. While it’s definitely not something she would normally do, she couldn’t let Poki outdo her. That might mean less time with Josh’s co*ck later and Rae wasn’t about to let that happen.

She gave Josh a seductive look, maintaining eye contact as she lifted the bottom of her white shirt and bra. Her firm tit* came into view and she shook her torso back and forth, much to Josh’s enjoyment.

“Jesus.. if we hadn’t just f*cked in the shower,” Josh continued, “I’d be bending both of you over the hood of these cars and f*cking you guys senseless.”

Rae pouted slightly, “Awhh, aren’t my tit* enough to get you revved up again?” She suddenly turned around and lifted up her black skirt to reveal a matching black thong.

She bent over slightly and wagged her supple ass back and forth before saying, “What about this? Is this enough?”

Josh could no longer restrain himself. It was impossible. A woman of Valkyrae’s caliber shaking her ass towards Josh required an immediate response. And so, he quickly closed the gap between himself and Rae. “Oh you like to tease, huh?”

Rae’s eyes quickly widened as she saw him approach. “No no no, I was kidding!!”

In one quick motion, Josh positioned himself behind her and pressed his groin into her supple ass while bringing his right hand up to her throat, jerking her head back until it was pressed against his chest, right below his face. He choked her slightly and laughed, “Is this what you wanted? I can f*ck you right here and now. Leave you sleeping on the garage floor in a pool of cum. You’d enjoy it too.”

Rae looked up and giggled despite the grip on her throat, “I’m sorry hehe, I had to outdo Imane.. and I would loveee to get f*cked right now, BUT we are about to be late. We have reservations!!”

Josh grumbled, “Hmmm, fine. You’re safe.. for now.”

Poki smiled at their antics and chimed in to say, “And let’s not forget that none of us have eaten all day.”

Rae replied as Josh released his hold on her. “Hey, speak for yourself. I’ve eaten plenty of this hunk’s delicious cum..” She punched Josh’s arm softly before continuing, “But I could definitely go for some real food. I’m going to get a big burger!!”

They hopped into Imane’s Tesla with Josh in the driver’s seat and made their way to Rinker’s Den, the local diner that the girls had mentioned before. They were seated promptly and had meals in front of them to devour shortly after. The place was surprisingly upscale and casual at the same time. The lights were very dim, adding to the relaxing ambiance. There was a band playing soothing jazz music, far from their table so the music wasn’t loud by any means. They were seated in a dark corner in the back. Josh could definitely see why they liked this restaurant.

As the group ate, they spoke about their hobbies other than streaming and got to know each other outside of their sexual desires.

“So you’re telling me you’ve never drank a sip of alcohol??” Rae asked Josh, shocked at this new revelation.

“He has to be lying..” Poki added in before Josh could answer.

“No I haven’t. Right hand to god.” Josh replied, raising his right hand to portray his honesty. “I don’t think that’s as weird as you’re both making it out to be.”

“No, Josh.. let me tell you.. that’s incredibly weird. Almost psychotic honestly.” Rae giggled as Poki agreed. “Okay Rae might be going overboard with the psycho comment, but I do think it’s a little weird. Can we ask why not?”

“Ehh.. just never interested me. I like staying focused and I think you drink alcohol specifically to lose focus, right?” Josh asked, before dipping one of his fries into his ketchup and taking a bite.

“Oh really? Focused?” Rae said with raised brows, “Focused on seducing whatever girl catches your eye? Haha.”

Imane replied in agreement, “Ooooh Rae!! I think you guessed it. He likes being sober at parties so he can be on his A game when a pretty girl comes around.” The girls both cheered at the jest they had come up with and laughed into another topic.

“What have your fans been saying about your impromptu breaks from streaming?” Josh inquired. Rae and Poki had both missed a few days in a row now, which was not common for their schedules.

Rae replied first. “Honestly, I haven’t been on social media enough to even check, heh..” She looked around before reaching over and rubbing Josh’s clothed co*ck below the table. “Not sure why. I think something has been distracting me.” She smiled as she made the suggestive comments.

Josh returned her smile and replied, “Oh yeah? I wonder what could possibly have kept you from your streams? Must’ve been something important.”

“Sooo important. It’s allll I’ve been able to think about lately.” She giggled and removed her hand as Imane took her turn to answer.

“Well it’s been the same with me.. in-between the,” she lowered her voice, “ruthless f*ck sessions and all the rest I’ve needed to recover from them, I haven’t had much time to go on my phone.”

“And don’t you guys feel good? f*cked into exhaustion and now we’re sitting here having a good meal, refueling for next time.” Josh asked.

Imane considered the question and tried to read Rae’s face to see if they were on the same page. Finally, she responded, “I, for one, feel amazing. I have never been this sexually satisfied and it literally melted all my stress away.” It was obvious she had put some thought into this before. “Normally, I’d be freaking out about missing so many streams but I’m not. It’s well deserved time off and honestly, I just feel like I have different priorities now.”

“Which are?” Josh asked.

Imane leaned in and looked at Josh with an intense look before saying, “Giving you access to every hole I have and making sure your balls are always empty. Preferably, because you just unloaded all over my face or deep inside of me. That’s my main priority now. Streaming comes second.”

Josh stared back at her in awe as a smile creeped onto his face slowly. The lust he had for her spiked dramatically in that moment, but it would be difficult to satiate here in the restaurant.

f*ck.” Rae blurted out in response to Imane’s hot confession. She quickly reached up a hand to cover her mouth when she remembered they were in public.

Josh looked down at their table and noticed it had a tablecloth that didn’t quite reach the floor, but covered enough for what Josh had in mind. He looked back to Poki and replied, “When the coast is clear, duck under the table and get on your knees. If you’re not suffocating yourself with my co*ck in the next ten seconds, you won’t get to taste my cum for the next week.”

Poki's eyes widened in response to the command she was just given and she quickly looked around to make sure the coast was clear. One second. Their table was in the natural eyeline of a small group of girls, but Poki just had to hope they’d be too distracted by their conversation to notice. Two seconds.

“I’ll keep an eye out, go, go!” Rae spat out in a hushed tone. Teamwork was always nice to see. Three.

Imane quickly got under the table and positioned herself on her knees. Four. Five. Her hands fumbled to undo Josh’s jeans. Luckily, Josh wasn’t wearing a belt. Six. Seven. She unzipped his fly and reached under his briefs to grasp his meaty co*ck. Eight. He was already hard from the conversation they were having. Nine. Once it was free, she lined it up with her mouth and shoved it down her throat, taking it as far down as she could. Ten. Her face strained to adjust to the sudden intrusion.

“Just in time.” Josh said, quietly groaning at the amazing feeling of Poki’s warm throat. He leaned back and enjoyed the slu*t’s skillful technique.

He looked over to Rae who was watching on with intrigue. She smiled at him before saying, “You’re.. incredible. I love how you use your power. I used to think that I had power.. in the streaming space and community and whatnot, but no. This, THIS is true power. Commanding another human.” She leaned in before continuing, “I.. I think I love you.”

Josh looked surprised. What the f*ck was going on? Valkyrae just confessed her love while Pokimane was deepthroating him. Which, now that he thought about it, had just stopped.

He looked towards Poki and lifted the tablecloth. She had indeed taken his co*ck out of her throat and was sitting there with a conflicted look on her face. She wiped some saliva from her chin before saying, “Sorry for stopping, I overheard Rae and thought it might be.. a good time to.. Josh, I.. I love you too. I know we just met recently, but all I want to do is spend time with you.. whether it’s f*cking or just hanging out.” She smiled warmly.

To say that Josh was shocked would have been the understatement of the year, but he knew his response had to be decisive. Stumbling over his words now would not represent the man he was. The man these women loved. He looked at the two whor*s around him, one eagerly awaiting a response, and the other also awaiting a response, but with glistening lips from the blowj*b she was giving him moments before.

“Meet me in the women’s bathroom in one minute.” Josh told them. He then fastened up his jeans, stood up, and walked towards the ladies restroom, leaving the girls slightly slack-jawed. There was another door nearby that he hoped was a janitor’s closet. He opened it and bingo, he had guessed correctly. Looking for a sign that would prevent anyone else from coming in, he fumbled through the items in the closet but couldn’t find anything. Time was running out and he had to think quickly. There were some writing utensils on the top shelf. He quickly grabbed a marker and then ripped off the fire escape route off the wall. He turned it over and scribbled down “Out of Sérvice”. Adding the accent on the e was his attempt at increasing the legitimacy of the sign. It was a fancy place, after all.

He reused the same tape that was already on the sign to hang it up before walking in. Holding his breath, he stepped inside and thanked his lucky stars that no one was there.

The girls had waited the full minute before making their way to the bathroom. They left enough money to cover the meal, just in case. Poki noticed the makeshift sign and knew it had to be from Josh. They gave each other a reassuring look and walked in.

Josh was seated on the countertop. The bathroom was extremely clean and he looked at them with a blank stare. Poki and Rae approached him.

“So you guys love me?” Josh finally said. The girls both nodded their heads up and down. “And you guys know what comes with that right? Love with me doesn’t include buying you flowers or writing you love notes. Love with me is.. rubbing my balls on your face while we’re having a conversion or f*cking-”

“f*cking our throats until we pass out and then cumming on our unconscious faces.” Imane jumped in, finishing his sentence.

Valkyrae quickly chimed in. “Or slapping us as hard as you can, over and over, just to remind us that we’re your property.”

They were both wearing loving smiles.

“We know what we’re getting into Josh.” Poki continued. “We spoke about it while we were alone at the table and.. you’ve made us feel better than we ever have. It’s so nice to finally feel like we’re being useful. We think it’s only fair to repay you by giving you full ownership of our bodies and servicing you like the slu*ts you’ve taught us to be, whenever, wherever you want.”

Rae nodded in agreement and added, “Just think of us as your worthless f*ck slaves and that’s enough for us.”

Josh looked at them both with a proud, stern expression. It was nothing short of an impressive feat to have diminished these women to this degree.

He took a deep sigh and said, “Okay. I warned you.” as he got off the counter. He quickly grabbed them both by the hair with harsh grips and led them to the largest stall at the end of the bathroom. The girls were giddy with pained laughter, knowing what was to come.

Thirty minutes later, Pokimane was in one corner of the stall, coughing up cum and recovering from the brutal facef*ck she just endured. Josh has been particularly rough with his palms and fists this time. To emphasize his love, surely. Her makeup was in shambles, with phlegm and cum covering her face. Rae was in a similar condition, half-conscious and lying face up next to the toilet that Josh was currently pissing into. Josh stood mightily with both hands on his hips as he urinated, only aiming his co*ck with his hips. Piss splatter hit Rae’s face over and over, but she was too exhausted to move out of the way. Regaining some of her awareness, she instead embraced the trickling co*ck fluid. She opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out to catch the stray droplets, moving her head back and forth to get as many as she could. She looked like a kid attempting to catch snowflakes falling from the sky. This comparison popped into Josh’s head as he continued to piss, making him laugh and disrupting the aim of his pee stream. It moved back and forth and briefly landed on Rae’s face, soaking her with the golden liquid.

“Joshhh!” she giggled out.

Josh laughed. “Hey, anything that comes out of my co*ck deserves to land on your face.”

He zipped his pants up and surveyed the chaotic scene. “f*ck, you guys look horrible haha. It’s too bad, I’m kind of ready for round two.”

Imane and Rae both raised their heads slightly to look at each other. “Josh.. I think we need.. a little bit of rest..” Rae replied.

Josh sighed. “You know, here’s where another girl would really come in handy. Kyedae clearly doesn’t want anything to do with me though, haha.” Josh said, recalling his encounter with her earlier that day.

Rae replied, “I still can’t believe she did that! Honestly, I’m not sure you’ll be able to win her over Josh.”

Josh brushed off her doubt. “There has to be something I can do. All women are slu*ts and she’s no different, regardless of what she says. She might even be a bigger slu*t than you two. The slu*ttier they are, the more they try to hide it. Her inner whor* is just shrouded by love.” Josh gestured his final word with air quotes. He stood for a few moments in silence, contemplating how he could get inside of those Asian panties.

After some thought, Pokimane’s eyes widened and her face lit up. By now, she had cleaned herself up a bit with some toilet paper so she was no longer a complete mess.

She ran her hands through her matted hair and looked at Josh before speaking. “Josh.. I think I saw something that might help. A few days ago, when you first got here, Kyedae and I were cleaning the mess you made in the living room with Rae.”

Rae smiled, “Heh.. I remember that! It was my first facef*ck, and let me tell you, the LAST thing on my mind was cleaning up. Sorry about that..” she said with an apologetic expression. “But in my defense, I did NOT know he could cum that much.” She held her hands up to symbolize her faultlessness.

Poki smiled and continued, “It’s fine.. we both learned that the hard way, hehe. But no.. that’s not the important part. I left her in the living room to go get some more paper towels, and I could have sworn.. that when I turned to look back, she was licking the cum off her fingers. And she didn’t stop until her hand was completely clean. I swear, if I hadn’t walked back into the room, she would’ve scooped up another handful and kept licking.”

Her words brought silence to the room. It seemed that the puzzle had been solved.

Josh looked at Imane, pride and lust swelling within. A grin slowly grew on his face.

Chapter 5: A Delicious Sandwich

Chapter Text

“He really said that to you?” Tyson asked in surprise as he pulled into the driveway.

“Yeah! With no hesitation!” Kyedae replied, showing obvious signs of frustration. She was describing her interaction with Josh from the day before. Tyson had spent a few days at the Sentinel’s team house and Kyedae made an early morning trip to go pick him up.

“Maybe he just doesn’t know how to behave around you. Might not be used to talking to such a pretty girl.” Tyson flashed a grin. Kyedae’s anger simmered a bit as she looked at her fiancé. He was the only person that could get her to calm down like this.

Kyedae smiled and replied, “You’re sweet, but don’t try to defend him! He’s an asshole, and the sooner he’s out of the house, the better.”

They parked in the garage and grabbed Tyson’s bags out of the trunk before making their way inside. The house was quiet. No headboards thumping against the wall or loud moaning. Tyson stopped by their bedroom to drop off his stuff before joining Kyedae in the kitchen.

“It’s a bit quiet.” Tyson asked as he grabbed some apple juice from the fridge.

Kyedae was leaning against one of the counters. “Yeah, they might have gone out. I think one of their cars was missing in the garage.”

Tyson poured his juice. “So we have the house all to ourselves, huh?” he said with a suggestive tone and a cheeky grin.

Kyedae giggled at his naughty implication, but the joy was brief. She realized his joke was mostly for banter. After listening to Imane and Rae getting f*cked from one org*sm to the next, she was squirming to receive the same attention from her fiance. But she knew it wouldn’t happen, not anytime soon. They had long ago agreed to stay celibate and remain virgin until their marriage as a show of their loyalty for each other. Some days she regretted this decision greatly, but the fact that they had been together for so long might be proof that it was the correct choice.

“Yup, all to ourselves. What are you going to do to me, stud?” Kyedae asked with a smile.

Tyson took a sip of his apple juice and thought about his answer before responding. “I’m going to challenge you. To a 1v1 in Valorant. Pistols only. First to ten kills wins and gets a kiss from the loser.” He smiled smugly.

Kyedae’s smile dropped, but only on the inside. She didn’t want Tyson to see her disappointment.

“You know, you could just kiss me now? Andddd more, if you wanted to?” Kyedae replied, hoping he’d take the hint.

“But where’s the fun in that? I want to earn it!” Despite her attempts to hide her displeasure, Tyson could sense she was a bit upset. He set down his cup and approached Kyedae, taking hold of her hands as he spoke. “I’m sorry that I’ve been away for a few days. That big tournament is coming up so I’ve been getting all the practice I can. There’s just so much riding on this one.”

Being engaged to a professional esports player had its hardships and she knew she had to keep those in mind.

“Awh, babe.. you’re right. I know you’ve been stressed about it, but hey, I’m here to support you, okay?” Kyedae looked at her fiancé lovingly. She was upset at herself for letting her lust control her. “You are the best Valorant player I know. You’re going to do great and even if you don’t, I’ll always be here for you!” They were a team. As good of a team as any two people could be.

They embraced each other and joked around a bit more before they heard the garage door open. Imane, Rae, and Josh walked in together and met Kyedae and Tyson in the kitchen. They greeted each other and Josh introduced himself to Tyson.

“Good to meet you.” Josh said, outstretching his hand to offer Tyson a handshake.

Tyson looked Josh over and the first thing he noticed was his stature. He himself wasn’t necessarily short at just under six feet, but Josh somehow still towered over him. He met Josh’s hand for a quick handshake and immediately felt the painful crush of Josh’s grip. Tyson pulled back, trying not to show any discomfort.

They all spoke briefly before Imane and Rae left to prepare for their afternoon streams.

Josh moved towards the fridge to get out the ingredients for a sandwich. “So what do you guys have planned for today?”

Kyedae responded, annoyed that Josh was lingering. “We’re going to just hang out in my room. Tyson has to practice so we should actually get going. See ya Josh.”

“Yeah, it was good meeting you.” Tyson added. The couple began to leave as Josh spoke up.

“Oh hey, Kyedae? Could you hang back for a sec? I wanted to apologize.” He said as he closed the fridge and grabbed the bread from the pantry.

Kyedae stopped in her tracks and looked at Josh. She sighed before looking back at Tyson and telling him to go ahead and that she’d be there soon.

She approached Josh with her arms crossed. “I’m listening.”

Josh let out a chuckle before responding. “I don’t actually want to apologize, you dumb slu*t. Just needed to get rid of the boyfriend.” He motioned towards the direction that Tyson left in.

“Ugh!! I don’t know why I believe a word you say.” Kyedae said, shaking her head in disbelief. “And by the way, he’s my fiancé, not my boyfriend.”

“Oh relax. You’re so uptight.” Josh replied.

Kyedae couldn’t stand him. “f*cker. So what do you really want then? Do you want me to get on my knees again? Since that worked out so well for you last time?” She said with a defiant grin.

“Oh trust me, I remember what happened, and you’ll pay for that soon enough. But no, that’s not what I want right now. I’m hungry, and I promised Rae and Imane I’d let them stream today, so I don’t have anyone to make me a sandwich.” Josh gestured to the ingredients on the counter.

“So why don’t you just do it yourself?! Are you that helpless?” Kyedae replied, scoffing at his remarks.

Josh smiled and replied, “A sandwich tastes ten times better when it’s made by a girl.”

She couldn’t believe the nerve this guy had. “Why are you so co*cky? Why can’t you just be normal?”

“This is how girls like you enjoy being talked to. Helps remind you who’s in charge.” Josh replied.

Kyedae was visibly frustrated. She took a deep breath before responding. “You are delusional. My fiancéis waiting for me, so I’m going to go.”

As she turned to leave, Josh grabbed her left arm by the wrist. “Let me guess, you didn’t tell him about what happened yesterday?”

Kyedae tugged to get her arm free but was not successful against Josh’s firm grip. “Yes, actually I did! He knows you’re an asshole.”

“Interesting. So, you told him.. all the details?” Josh asked.

Kyedae was silent. She knew what details he was referring to. “Maybe not.. everything..” she said sheepishly.

Josh smirked. “So he doesn’t know you got on your knees in front of me and shoved your face against my co*ck? For like ten minutes?”

Kyedae responded defensively, “It was not ten minutes! Maybe, MAYBE one minute.”

“Either way, if you want to keep your fiancé in the dark, I suggest.. you start making my sandwich. I’m getting pretty hungry and my demands might get worse if you dilly-dally.” Josh gave her stern glare.

Kyedae looked defeated. She pulled her hand away from Josh’s grip, and this time, he let her go. He knew she was trapped.

Through gritted teeth and a fake smile, Kyedae asked, “What kind of sandwich?”

Josh returned her smile. “The ingredients are already out, you dumb slu*t.”

Kyedae actually laughed in response. “You are unbelievable.” She pushed past him and grabbed a plate to start making his sandwich.

Josh watched her proudly. She was wearing loose sweatpants that hid her ass and a t-shirt that was skintight.

“You’re so much more attractive when you’re obedient,” he said.

“And you’d be more attractive if you were DEAD,” she replied in anger.

“Oh, good one. Save your wit though, you’re going to need every ounce of it to get that sandwich just right.”

Kyedae sighed and remained silent. There was no point in responding to him.

“This is great, I love when you stay quiet. Focused on your task instead of rambling like you usually do.”

She spread mayonnaise on each slice of bread.

“Right where you belong. In the kitchen. Would be better without all those clothes. I didn’t know slu*ts wore so much clothing.”

She wanted to express her anger, but was feeling a bit conflicted. Being forced to make a co*cky asshole’s sandwich while being verbally degraded was not as humiliating as she’d thought it’d be. She actually found it somewhat.. amusing? Why did she find it amusing?

“Hey Kyedae, keep making my sandwich if you’re a whor*.” Still, she remained silent.

She was flustered and her cheeks were red. She could feel her face getting warmer as she placed a few layers of smoked turkey on the sandwich.

“You should really wear something that’s more revealing. What’s the point of having tit* and an ass if you’re not showing them off? I can’t get a proper look at you.” Josh said.

Kyedae felt herself reacting to his words. She had goosebumps and her panties were getting moist. She rubbed her thighs together subtly. What was happening to her?

“I know how we can fix this.” Josh said as he took a step towards her and grabbed the sides of her sweatpants. He hesitated for only a moment to see if Kyedae would react, and she did, but only internally. Her heart jumped and began pounding against her chest, but she did not stop him. She was in somewhat of a trace. This guy-.. no. This MAN clearly demanded that she make him a sandwich and that’s what she was going to do. She piled on the cheese and added lettuce.

Josh smiled and tugged her pants down to her ankles, revealing her delicious booty. She was wearing a revealing blue thong.

Josh knelt down and grabbed a handful of her supple ass cheeks before spreading them apart. The sight was remarkable. Her skin was extremely pale and completely free of blemishes. Josh could make out the outline of her puss*. He could also see the edges of her asshole on either side of her panties, which were clearly damp.

“f*ck, you look good enough to eat.”

Kyedae was alarmed. She knew he wanted to see more of her. Her sweatpants had prevented that and lowering her sweats fixed the problem, but she didn’t expect him to go further.

Finally, she found her voice. “N-.. no touching.” she said meekly.

Josh smirked, knowing that she would stop him eventually. He kept his hands in place, admiring the delectable view for another second before releasing her and slapping her ass as he got up and backed away.

She breathed a sigh of relief before continuing to make his sandwich. Suddenly, they heard a voice.

“Hey Kyedae, is everything alright?”

Tyson was approaching quickly. Kyedae’s eyes widened and she hastily reached down to pull her sweatpants up just as he turned the corner. Her face was still flustered and she gave her fiance a nervous smile.

“Hey, what’s going on?”

Josh leaned back against the counter amused at the whole situation. He watched as Kyedae stumbled out a reply. “Hey! Uhm, I was just hungry.. so I decided to make a sandwich. What? Is that a crime? Are you.. the sandwich police??” She giggled nervously.

The oblivious fiancé smiled at her. “Haha, no I’m not. No worries, I’m going to queue up for some ranked matches.” Tyson replied before walking away.

Josh held in his laughter until Tyson was far enough away. Kyedae took a deep sigh of relief. “That was too close Josh!” she said, punching him on the shoulder playfully. She wore a smile, which surprised him.

“Man, that was too good! You gotta admit, that was fun huh? What a rush.” Josh said genuinely.

Kyedae shook her head, still smiling, and did not provide a response. She turned around to finish up his sandwich.

Josh cleared his throat loudly, clearly emphasizing something. Kyedae thought for a moment and then realized what he meant.

“Sorry..” she said before pulling her sweatpants back down to her ankles, revealing her ass to Josh once again. She cut up some tomato slices and added avocado before closing the sandwich. To finish up the meal, she opened a bag of chips that was on the counter and poured them onto the plate. Kyedae looked at the lunch before her and was proud of the time she spent on it. She found herself really hoping that Josh would enjoy it.

She grabbed the plate and turned around to hand it to him. “Here’s your sandwich, SIR,” she said, adding sarcastic emphasis.

Josh smiled. “Thank you. It looks delicious.”

“I hope you enjoy it. Okay, I’m out of here.” Kyedae replied before pulling her pants up. Josh slapped her ass and Kyedae jumped in surprise, rolling her eyes as she walked away.

Josh put on a movie in the living room and enjoyed his delicious sandwich. It truly was ten times better than normal.

Chapter 6: A Risky Bet

Chapter Text

Kyedae walked into her bedroom and saw Tyson at his computer. They had a dual set up so they could play their video games at the same time. The difference in how she felt when she looked at him compared to when she looked at Josh was remarkable. When she saw Tyson, she felt comforted and warm, not to mention a tinge of guilt. With Josh, she felt intimidated, but a part of her was curious to explore every aspect of his personality. Why was he so co*cky all the time? She wanted to rebel against him and listen to his commands at the same time. It was safe to say Kyedae was conflicted.

Tyson noticed her walk in and asked, “Hey babe. Dang, did you already scarf down your sandwich? I was hoping to sneak a bite, heh.”

She smiled at him warmly before replying, “Oh, sorry.. I lost my appetite so I gave it to Josh.”

They spent the afternoon gaming together, cracking jokes and enjoying each other’s company. The more the afternoon went on, the more guilt Kyedae felt. The afternoon had been a good reminder as to why she loved Tyson. Their chemistry was solid. He was clumsy and naive. She was quick-witted and deliberate. He never picked up on her lewd jokes. He was too innocent for his own good and she loved how pure he was, like a puppy.

Later that evening, Kyedae kissed her fiancé and hoped for more, but Tyson was not feeling up to it. The stress of his upcoming competition was blamed again. She understood, but that didn’t quell her frustration.

Josh had riled her up so much that she needed a release and she had hoped that Tyson could solve that problem for her while simultaneously ridding her of her guilt. Since that wasn’t happening, she would have to relieve her own tension and just stay away from Josh as much as possible. He was the reason her lust was off the handle and if he was gone, there would be no more issues. No more doubt in her relationship and no more lying to her fiancé.

Kyedae noticed that Tyson was occupied on his phone, so she excused herself to use the bathroom. The sun had set and the house was pretty dark.

As fate would have it, she met Josh in the hallway just as he was coming out of Imane’s room. She took a peek inside before Josh closed the door, and saw Imane and Rae naked on the bed. Both were face up with their breasts exposed, seemingly exhausted and passed out. The stench of sex filled her nose and perked up her senses. As for Josh, he looked to be full of energy, almost as if he was heading to another bedroom for his next conquest. He was wearing nothing but a pair of briefs. His large, muscular frame was covered in sweat. He towered over her and she couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed.

“Those girls really can be a handful sometimes,” Josh said with a slight chuckle, using his thumb to point towards the room he had just exited.

Kyedae hesitated before responding, “It looks like you’re the handful to them. They can’t seem to handle you.”

A grin grew on Josh’s face. “Is this your way of volunteering to help them out?”

Kyedae smiled but quickly let her grin fade. She had to stand her ground. Her voice got away from her, and she spoke louder than intended. “Josh. I have a fiancé! You CAN’T keep talking to me like that..”

She caught herself and looked back towards her bedroom before whispering, “Urgh, okay.. come with me.”

She led Josh to the living room, and they both sat down on the sofa.

“I thought you were taking me to a spare bedroom.” Josh said in a co*cky tone.

Kyedae was caught a bit off guard by his comment and chuckled slightly, “Oh my god.. of course you did. Your ego is as big as your.. uhm. No Josh, we have to talk seriously. I.. love Tyson. And I lied to him. Twice just today. All to cover for your little antics. I can’t do that again. What I have with him is special. He.. he makes me feel-.. uhm, what are you doing?”

Josh had stood up while she was talking and positioned himself in front of her. Without hesitation, he slid his briefs off and his co*ck sprung free, nearly striking the unexpecting girl. It hung low due to its heft and was mere inches away from her face.

“I was getting tired of your babbling. You talk way too much when your mouth really only has one good use,” he responded.

Kyedae didn’t react in shock. It was not the first time she’d seen his co*ck and she was strangely getting more comfortable with his nudity. Her reaction could better be described as awestruck. She looked up at Josh for an answer without speaking. At that moment, it felt wrong to speak without being prompted.

“If your relationship with Tyson is so special, this shouldn’t phase you at all.” Josh said confidently.

“Right.. uhm,” she replied, unable to avoid looking at his girthy co*ck. Josh flexed his co*ck and it bounced around a bit, much to Kyedae’s pleasure. “Oh.. wow,” she said involuntarily. Her mouth hung open slightly. His scent was filling her nose and it was intoxicating.

Ten seconds passed before she recalled what she was saying. “Uhm, yeah.. as I was saying.. Tyson is very.. import.. ant.. to me. And he makes me.. feel.. f*ck, how is your co*ck.. that f*cking big? It doesn’t even look real. And your balls.. I mean, look at them! They’re.. enormous. There’s no reason for them to be so big.” she said, unable to hold back her opinions.

“Oh, there’s a reason.” Josh replied as he began to stroke his co*ck.

Kyedae understood what he meant. “Is it.. for all the cum they’re holding?” Her mouth watered and she shook her head to reorganize her thoughts. “No, don’t answer that. I.. shouldn’t have said that. It’s not right.. Tyson is literally waiting for me back in our room. I.. I have to go.” Her eyes betrayed her voice as she continued to stare at the mighty equipment in front of her. She noticed every vein, every little twitch, every little movement.

“Or we could just stay here for a while and you can keep admiring my co*ck,” Josh said.

“I could stare at this thing all day. Erhm-.. no, f*ck. I have to go Josh,” she responded unconvincingly.

Josh smiled and knew he had to lock her in now. More time with Tyson might change her mind for good.

“Kyedae, I think I may have an answer to your problems,” he said. “It’s a challenge, really.”

Her eyes perked up, but didn’t leave his co*ck. “Okay. I’m listening.”

“Here’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to cum. Right here in front of you, but not on your face or anything. Into a cup. I’ll place the cup here on the coffee table. If you and your inner slu*t can resist taking even a sip of my cum for.. let’s call it, five minutes, then you win. I’ll tell Rae and Imane that I’m leaving, and I’ll pack my things and go.”

This time, his words were enough to break Kyedae’s gaze away from his co*ck. She looked at him in genuine surprise and partial confusion. “That’s it?” she asked.

Josh continued, “Yup. You’ll be rid of me and your relationship will no longer have any roadblocks. It’s a win-win for you.”

She gave him a suspicious look. “And what happens if I lose? If I do.. drink..?”

“Are you worried that might happen?” Josh replied with a smug tone. He waved his co*ck in front of her face.

Kyedae responded defensively, “No! I just.. I want to know what I’m getting myself into.” This was her chance to restore her relationship and get rid of this asshole.. this hung asshole.. once and for all. There was no longer any room in the house for his arrogance and his misogynistic comments and his big muscular chest and his massive co*ck. Kyedae shook her head, frustrated with how easily he derailed her thoughts.

“So what happens if I lose?” she asked.

“If you lose, I get to f*ck your throat and cum on your face. At a time and place of my choosing.” He continued to stroke his co*ck, right in her face as they spoke.

Kyedae gave him an annoyed expression. “Everything is about sex with you..” she replied, stealing glances towards his co*ck. “So that’s what I have at stake here? One blowj*b?”

“No, not a blowj*b. A blowj*b would imply that you have control. If you lose, I get one full access ticket to that f*ckhole on your face and I will not be gentle, but I have a feeling that you’ll end up enjoying it. Then I get to blow my load all over your pretty, innocent little face.”

“That’s so degrading! I’ve never even let Tyson do that..” Kyedae responded, scrunching up her face at the thought.

Josh chuckled as he responded, “You’ve got some f*cked up logic there, you do realize that right? If you DO lose, that’ll mean that you drank my cum. Drinking it and having me cum on your face aren’t too different from each other.”

Kyedae sighed and thought it over briefly. She looked at his co*ck and could see glistening precum leaking out of the tip. Her tongue instinctually extended out to taste him, but she managed to control herself.

This wasn’t fair. He was using his mighty co*ck to influence her. And it was working. His odor alone was enough to prevent her from thinking straight, but Kyedae knew her relationship was at stake. If he stuck around any longer, she wouldn’t be able to resist his advances. Maybe she could hold out for another week, but not much longer than that. And even then, it would just involve more sneaking around and lying to Tyson. No, she needed to end this, here and now.

She raised her head to meet his eyes with a newly determined look.

“You’ve got a deal.” Kyedae said with a confident grin. “I’ll even help you pack when we’re done here.”

He returned her smile.

He got her. He finally got her.

Josh wouldn’t be here, in this house, if he didn’t take chances and while this was a risky bet, his confidence did not waver. From all their interactions so far, Josh had come to one sure conclusion. Kyedae was a whor*, inside and out. She was just struggling to accept that fact, but it was a losing battle.

“How kind of you. Well, the first order of business.. go and grab a cup. Maybe stop by your room too so Tyson doesn’t interrupt us.”

She immediately stood up. “Good thinking,” she said, followed by a small yelp as Josh slapped her ass on her way to obey his command.

She returned with two cups a minute later.

“Why the extra cup?” Josh asked as he stroked away at his co*ck.

“I’ve cleaned up your mess before. I know how much you can cum.” Kyedae responded.

“Awh, I was hoping I could fill the cup up and shoot the rest onto you,” he said with a small laugh.

Kyedae gave him a fake grin, “Ha ha, very funny. Yeah just cum all over my clothes and my face. Want me to get my tit* out so you can cum on those too?"

Josh laughed, "Hey, that might be the smartest idea you've had all day."

Kyedae suppressed a moan at his disrespectful remark and replied, "Just cum already so we can get this over with.”

“It won’t be that easy. I’m not far now, but I’ll need your help to finish,” Josh replied.

“What, no! That was not a part of the deal,” she responded.

“Listen slu*t, your incessant nagging isn’t helping. Shut your mouth, do what I say, and I’ll cum quicker. All you have to do is get on your knees in front of me. Look pretty and that just might be enough.”

Kyedae sighed. The sooner this was over, the better. She got on her knees in front of him and her heart raced. Josh towered over her and she could feel sprinkling drops of precum fall onto her face.

"f*ck, you look so good on your knees, you filthy co*ck whor*." Josh spat out. Kyedae remained silent, amused at his degrading remarks.

“Look at my co*ck. Stare at it.” Josh instructed her and she obeyed. “Stick out your tongue, slu*t.” Again, she obeyed.

Kyedae could never grow tired of looking at this behemoth of a co*ck. She admired its inexplicable size and wondered how Imane and Rae had been taking it. She watched Josh stroke himself and she became mesmerized.

Kyedae wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but a short time later, she saw Josh reach for one of the cups. She moved away from the splash zone and watched as he ejacul*ted into it. It was by no means a clean affair, but she noticed that even his groaning turned her on. Like the roar of a lion. The cup was about to overflow, so she moved to grab the second cup, which he only filled about halfway. The musk of his cum filled the room and she felt goosebumps form on her body. Only seconds had passed and she was already struggling to compose herself.

Josh placed the full cup on the closest edge of the coffee table, which he moved closer to Kyedae as she sat on the sofa.

“Are you ready, slu*t? Now, make sure you focus on the cum. You can’t close your eyes either.” Josh said as he started the timer.

“Stop.. stop calling me that. This is going to be easy..” Kyedae said, unsure of herself. She had her eyes locked on the glass cup that was full of Josh’s delicio-.. Josh’s cum. His odor was more present than ever and Kyedae’s mind became hazy. Her mouth salivated as she looked at it. How could his ejacul*te look this appetizing? How could those gigantic balls of his produce something this tempting? It only made sense that she wanted to drink something tasty, she thought to herself. It wasn't from some random, weak c*mshot. No, this was the nectar of a god. It was power in liquid form.

Josh watched her closely. He saw her right arm begin to move forward, and he could not help but crack a smile.

Chapter 7: Nectar of a Stud

Chapter Text

Streamers and a Stud - Bullzer (2)

Twenty seconds hadn’t even gone by before Kyedae gave in.

“Oh, f*ck it,” she said as her hand lunged forward to grab the cup. She brought it to her face and immediately began downing it, drinking Josh’s cum with abandon. Gulp after gulp, she held the cup high in the air. Gravity couldn’t possibly get Josh’s load into her mouth fast enough.

Josh could only look on with the sh*ttiest of all the sh*t-eating grins. These girls were so predictable to him.

Kyedae swallowed her last mouthful and panicked slightly. She wanted more. She needed more. Her tongue shot out to lick the cup clean. Finally, she put the cup down and she rubbed her stomach in joy.

Kyedae looked at Josh, panting heavily. She looked right into his eyes, allowing a few moments to pass.

“Why was that .. the best thing I’ve ever tasted?” she asked, her face full of lust.

“Because.. you, Kyedae, are a whor*. Plain and simple.”

“No I’m n-..” she stopped and gave it some more thought.

"I'm not.. I’m not! I'm really not." She looked down into her lap, seemingly disappointed in herself. "Am I?" She whispered as she sat there for a few seconds before speaking up again.

"How did you know? That I would drink it?" She asked. "How do you.. know me better than I know myself?"

Josh simply shrugged in response. He took a seat on the sofa next to her, still naked, and absently stroked his co*ck.

After some more thinking, Kyedae spoke. "Okay Josh. I’ll f*cking admit it. I don’t understand you at all.” She turned her head to look at him. “I don’t get.. how you knew I’d drink your cum. You had to have been so sure of it.. otherwise, why make that bet?” She was animated, but adorable nonetheless. “I don’t get how you made me pull my pants down. Just so you could look at my ass! I don’t get any of it. But..” she took a moment before putting a hand on his thigh, “I want to get it. I want to understand you.” Kyedae had a genuine look on her face. She was clearly facing an internal struggle. “Somehow.. you know what I want more than I do, which is,” she paused briefly for emphasis, “ insane , but I can’t deny that you’ve been right about everything so far.”

Josh tried to get to the bottom of what she meant. “So.. does this mean we’re going to f*ck?”

Kyedae couldn’t help but giggle. “Joshhh! That’s what you took from that? Can you not think with your big co*ck for just a second?” she said with a smile.

“Oh shut up slu*t, you know you like it,” Josh replied. He brought his right hand up to her back and massaged her lightly.

Kyedae’s grin grew at his remarks and she rolled her eyes at him. “Yes Josh. I’m going to let you f*ck me now, anytime you want, even though I’m a virgin and my fiancé and I are waiting for marriage,” she said in a clearly sarcastic tone.

Josh pretended to take it seriously and he expressed this through a happy look on his face.

Kyedae’s smile dropped, “Josh, I’m JOKING.” They laughed it off before she spoke again. “But I am serious about wanting to get to know you better. Maybe we can be friends?” she said with a hopeful tone.

“You want to be friends? Even though you know I’m going to keep trying to get in your panties?” Josh asked her, reaching forward with his right hand and into her sweatpants to pull out her underwear slightly for emphasis.

She giggled, “You have never kept that a secret, hehe. I know Tyson might not like it, but yes, even though I know you’re going to pull out every trick in the book to get your big, fat dick inside of me, and there's a chance you might even succeed, I still want to be your friend.” She smiled and repositioned herself by bringing her legs up onto the sofa and sitting cross-legged, facing Josh. “I like our little back and forths and I think it'd be a lot more fun if we were closer and knew more about each other instead of being so hostile.”

Josh agreed and replied, “I think you have a crush on me.”

Kyedae giggled, “Nooo, I’m engaged, okay? It would be completely inappropriate for me to be crushing on another guy, not to mention sitting here next to him while he’s naked and asking him to be my friend, hehe.”

They laughed in unison before Kyedae continued. “Oh! Also.. I’m going to be listening to you a lot more. Clearly, you were right about me drinking your cum. And because of that, I got to experience.. THE best flavor I’ve ever tasted.” She used her hands to emphasize her words as she spoke. “Josh, I need you to understand. I’ve been to Japan . I’ve tasted all kinds of foods and this,” she motioned towards Josh’s co*ck, “shot out the best f*cking meal I’ve ever had. EVER. And I say meal because I feel full. It was that good,” she said passionately.

Josh laughed. “I’m glad I could be of service. You know, there’s plenty more where that came from.”

Kyedae smiled in response, and then let her smile fade. “I know, but.. I still don’t want to cheat on Tyson. None of this has changed the way I feel about him. He really is the love of my life and I want to marry him.”

Josh groaned at her stubbornness. It’s good that she was loyal, but it was just a roadblock in Josh’s eyes.

“Well what about the bet? I still get to f*ck that throat of yours at least once,” Josh reminded her.

Kyedae pouted, “I know.. maybe I shouldn’t have-”

Josh chimed in, “But I wouldn’t really consider that cheating.”

She did say that she would listen to me more.

She perked up, “Wait, really?”

“Yeah. I mean, you’re not doing it maliciously. You’re just completing your end of the bargain. You’re sticking to your word. He can’t be upset at that, right? And what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”

Kyedae gave this some thought. In the past, she may have stood her ground on this moral issue, but she clearly did not know herself as well as she thought she did. She had to stay open-minded and Josh had too much confidence in what he was saying to not be at least on the right track. Admittedly, she was finding it more and more difficult to disagree with him as she spent more time with him.

“Hey, you’re the boss.” She smiled at him. “Uhm, when.. is this happening?”

"When is what happening?" Josh asked with a grin.

Kyedae rolled her eyes and smiled. "Joshhh, you know!" she whined, nudging his thigh with both hands. Realizing that he wanted her to be more specific, she gave in. Kyedae looked him right in his eyes before saying, "When are you, the man who's already f*cked two of the girls in this house, going to force .. your big, FAT, JUICY co*ck, down my innocent, tight throat, buried balls deep, choking me until you unload your delicious seed all over my pretty face?"

Josh looked at her in surprise, impressed at her ability to talk dirty. He replied, “f*ck haha. You're catching on quick.. but yeah, it'll be anytime I want, remember? I’ll let you know and I'll be sure it's at a very inconvenient time.”

"Okay, well I don't want to give you any ideas, but tomorrow is my fourth anniversary with Tyson and we're going out to dinner," she replied with a mischievous grin.

Josh's face lit up with excitement. "Be ready, whor*."

Kyedae nodded. She stood up to salute him jokingly. “Yes sir!”

Josh chuckled and looked her over now that she was standing. “You need to start wearing tighter clothing, okay? Here, turn around.”

Kyedae did as instructed. “See, I can’t even see your ass. These loose sweats completely hide it.”

Kyedae replied, “I really like sweatpants because they’re comfortable, but I guess you’re right.. they’re not visually appealing.”

"Right, and what's more important, your comfort or me having something sexy to look at?" Josh asked.

Kyedae gave this some serious thought before replying. "I guess.. you having something sexy to look at would be more important.. since you are going to be bossing me around more often, it makes sense for me to be wearing something that makes your big dick hard," she said, hopeful that she answered correctly.

"Good answer, but not exactly right. The way you phrased it makes it seem like your comfort still has some importance when it really doesn’t at all. Me having some eye candy is the only important thing to keep in mind. Your comfort doesn't matter at all." Josh replied strictly.

"Ohhh, I was so close!! Darn, yeah.. that makes sense.. I feel like you have so much to teach me, hehe." Kyedae replied. “I might be slow here at the start.. but that’s just because I’m not used to being ordered around like this. It’s not because I’m dumb or anything..”

“Ehh, I think it’s a little of both,” Josh replied with a smirk. “You can definitely be a dumb little slu*t sometimes.”

Kyedae looked back at him with her mouth open. “Josh!! You’re mean hehe. That is not true..”

Josh replied, “Yes it is. Look. Kyedae, tell me how stupid you are or you’ll never taste my cum again.”

Her face dropped. He was always one step ahead of her. She knew she was outwitted, and she couldn’t help but smile. “You ass, hehe. Fineeee, yes I’m very dumb. Please don’t ban me from your cum..” she pouted.

“Oh c’mon. You can do better than that.” Josh egged her on.

Kyedae giggled at his antics. “Okayyyyy. I am the dumbest girl in the world. My head is absolutely empty. All I want to do is suck on your fat co*ck and take your load on my face so I can spend the rest of the day licking it off of me. That’s all I’m good for. Oh! And making you sandwiches of course, hehe.”

Josh gave her a dramatic slow clap. “Well done slu*t.”

“Thank you sir,” she replied as she bowed.

“But yeah, you can still wear sweats around Tyson, just not with me. I want you in something that shows off your ass,” Josh said.

“Okay, so something sexy around you and something normal with my fiancé, got it.” She kept her ass facing towards Josh and decided to be a bit brazen. She unexpectedly lowered her sweats to reveal her thong. “Maybe I should just wear panties around you! Hehe.”

“f*ck, I’d be fine with that. Or even better yet, no panties.” Josh replied before reaching forward and sliding her thong down.

"Joshhhh!" Kyedae giggled, not making any attempt to stop him. In truth, she was giddy with joy from all his attention.

"Wow.." Josh remarked as he let her thong fall to her ankles and brought his hands up to spread her ass cheeks. It was as if he had struck gold. Her puss* was perfectly sculpted, without a blemish or hair in sight. She was as pale as could be, but her labia lips were the exact color of a peach. Josh could tell from its pure, unused appearance that he was looking at a f*ckhole with exactly zero miles on it. Even calling it a f*ckhole felt wrong. Her asshole begged to be f*cked just the same. It squinted at him and had a dark but still pale appearance, despite the guarantee that it was not bleached.

“f*cking hell..” Josh whispered.

Kyedae giggled again at his reaction. “Are you having a good time back there? Because.. I feel like I should remind you that I have a fiancé..” she said a bit nervously.

Josh kept her ass open as he took in the pretty sight. “I know. That’s what makes this so hot.”

She rolled her eyes in amusem*nt, “Really? You like the fact that I’m taken, huh? You like taking what’s not yours?”

“It might not be mine.. yet. But it will be.” Josh said, shaking her ass cheeks from side to side. This girl was saving the greatest treasure known to man for her beloved. And he was going to take it.

“I’m going to take your virginity Kyedae,” he told her.

She was slightly taken aback. His bluntness carried his words with force. “Not today, but soon,” he continued.

She suddenly felt twice as naked as she was before. She thought for a moment before giggling to herself. His lust for her was making him very aggressive and this brought a smile to her face. “Josh.. it’s sweet that you.. want me so much, but.. you know, Tyson and I have been waiting for marriage. He’s been very patient.”

“And that’s why I’m going to steal you. He’s been too patient. I’m going to swoop in and take you from him.” Josh replied. He continued to play with her ass, spanking her cheeks intermittently. “Knowing that, do you still want to be my friend?”

Kyedae did not hesitate. “Yes Josh, I really do. You’ve already shown that you can teach me so much! I want to learn from you.. I’m not sure you’re going to “steal” me, but if that happens, then so be it. May the better man win.” she finished with a cute chuckle.

He enjoyed her response. “You know, the way you talk.. some might think you don’t care about your fiancé at all.”

Kyedae responded defensively, “I do! I love him very much. But I mean.. I snuck out of our bed to go masturbat* in the bathroom, which is already.. pathetic, but then I ran into you and now I have a belly full of your cum and you’re.. staring at my asshole! Hehe.” she giggled before continuing. “He’s just so.. passive, and you’re clearly not haha.”

Josh smiled at her. “I’m glad you see things my way. Now, shut the f*ck up and bend over.” Kyedae’s eyes widened but she obeyed immediately. “Reach your hands back and spread your cheeks for me. I have to take a picture of this.”

Kyedae did as he asked, but was alarmed at the mention of a photo. “Uhm, I don’t think that’s a great idea Josh..”

He slapped her ass again. “Kyedae, don’t be an uptight bitch,” Josh replied. “The only reason I haven’t f*cked you yet is because I want to you to willingly give me your virginity. I haven’t corrupted you enough, but we’ll get there.”

Kyedae took his words into consideration. “I’m really sorry.. I don’t want you to think I’m an uptight bitch, but..”

Josh stepped back a bit and took another look at Kyedae spreading her perfect ass open for his viewing pleasure. “Jesus.. this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen,” he said genuinely.

Kyedae felt her heart skip a beat. She blushed at his compliment before replying, "Do.. do you really mean that?"

“Of course I do, you dumb slu*t.” Josh said with a warm smile.

Kyedae had grown used to his derogatory nicknames for her, so it no longer phased her. Instead, she began to tear up at his compliment. She admired him for his confidence and greatly valued his opinion, so hearing him say that really moved her.

With a heartfelt voice, she replied, “Thank.. you, Josh. That means a lot to me..”

She considered his previous suggestion again and decided to trust him. “Josh.. you can go ahead and take your photo. You’ve earned it.”

He smiled. “Cool. I’ll be right back, I was taking videos of Imane and Rae earlier so I left my phone in the room.” He stood up to retrieve it and saw Kyedae starting to stand as well. “Hey, no get back in position. I want you bent over like a slu*t, opening your ass with both hands the whole time I’m gone and when I get back. I won’t be too long.”

Kyedae giggled, “You’re so bossy! Hehe.” But she did as she was told.

Josh returned shortly thereafter and found her in the same submissive position. He chuckled to himself as he remembered that she was engaged. He began taking photos. “One photo, okay?” She reminded him.

Of course, he ignored her and took multiple. He then moved to videos. “Bend over a little more, you cum-loving whor*,” he said, slapping her ass right after.

“Yes sir, hehe. Hey! Hold on mister, you’re taking more than one photo!” Kyedae said, laughing at the prospect of him taking advantage of her.

“Yup and a few videos too. Remember what we said about being an uptight bitch.”

Kyedae conceded with a slight smile, “Okayyyy! Fine hehe. Take all the photos and videos you want.. I’m just engaged to another guy, no big deal, hehe.”

And he did. For another ten minutes.

“Okay, I’m going to need your help with this last video.” Josh said.

Kyedae smiled at the opportunity to please him further. “Yes sir! Just tell me what to do.” She was still eager and willing.

“Okay, I’m just going to start back here and then pan over to your face, and I want you to say something sexy, alright? And go.”

She wasn’t ready, but when the time came, she did not disappoint. Full of adorable giggles and enthusiasm, she said, “Hi! I’m Kyedae and I’m the biggest whor* ever. Oh, I’m stupid too! Oh my god, you would not believe how stupid I am hehe. I’m very f*cking dumb.” She went cross-eyed for a second and stuck her tongue out. “But I’m not stupid at everything. I’m really good at bending over and making sandwiches. Not to mention cleaning! And listening to commands, of course. My fiancé is currently sleeping in our bedroom, so I decided to bend over for this hunk and his massive co*ck and show him my puss* and asshole. FYI, my stomach is full of his cum right now. I’m even letting him record me naked!” She knew she had to end it with a bang. Without warning, she lifted her shirt up and revealed her tit* to Josh and the camera for the first time. “I am nothing but a whor*, sorry Tyson!!”

Josh ended the video and after some praise and conversation, they both went to bed.

Josh was aching to blow a load after that long conversation. He walked back into Pokimane’s room and saw the two girls still sleeping peacefully. Imane looked the most peaceful out of the two of them, so he mounted her before slipping his co*ck past her lips and shoving it inside of her unexpected throat. She woke up abruptly and muffled a few complaints, but realized that Josh would not be releasing her anytime soon. She relaxed a bit and gave Josh access to the deepest parts of her throat.

After a while, he unloaded onto her face, making sure to shoot at least once into her open eye, and then jumped into bed to spoon Valkyrae, nestling his co*ck against her firm ass and cupping one of her tit* in his hand.

Chapter 8: Capitulation

Chapter Text

Streamers and a Stud - Bullzer (3)

It was a cozy morning in Los Angeles. The rays of the early sunrise beamed through the small opening in the blinds and onto the naked lovers currently intertwined in bed. The sunlight molded around Rae’s well-toned curves, then over Josh’s large, burly frame, and finally, onto Imane’s thick and slappable ass.

The two once proud streamers were currently servicing their owner. By all accounts, they had fully embraced the fact that they were property and nothing more. They were things to be used however Josh saw fit and they loved it. Being nothing but possessions relieved so much of their stress. Now, they could just focus on making one person happy, which is what they were currently doing with passion.

Rae and Poki each took one side of Josh’s co*ck and skillfully pleased him with their tongues, licking up and down the entire length of his co*ck. At times, their tongues intertwined and they kissed briefly before refocusing on Josh’s member. They lapped away at every inch. When they met at his bulging co*ckhead, the two slu*ts made out passionately around his co*ck, swapping saliva and precum with vigor. They looked like two girls possessed with lust, not taking even a moment to pause their pleasure-giving acts. Josh intermittently grabbed one girl by the hair and shoved his dick down her throat aggressively while the other giggled and lapped away at his balls. Both girls had their backs arched and the curves of their ass cheeks gave Josh viewing pleasure to add to the physical pleasure the slu*ts were providing.

Josh took his phone out to show them the progress he had made with Kyedae. They looked up at the screen, but at no point did their tongues or faces lose contact with his co*ck. It was as if they were afraid to be away from it for too long.

Soon, the video came to an end. "I'm nothing but a whor*, sorry Tyson!!"

Poki’s face lit up with excitement and Rae’s did the same after she resurfaced from underneath Josh’s balls with a flustered face and glistening lips.

"You actually did it!" Imane said in surprise. Rae could hardly believe it herself. “She totally hated you the last time I checked. What.. how?”

Josh feigned a hurt reaction. “What? You guys have no confidence in me?”

Both girls apologized quickly and gave his co*ck and balls several loving kisses before Rae spoke up. “It’s not that, Josh. It’s just.. she’s engaged! And in love.. from what I could tell.”

Josh replied, “I told you guys. All women are whor*s, especially you girls who put a camera up in your room and stream to thousands of guys. It just takes a little pushing to get to that part of your personality. Girls like Kyedae want to hide it so badly for whatever reason. I’m not done with her yet, though.”

Poki looked up at Josh as she sucked on his left nut. “Well I, for one, won’t doubt you again, hehe.”

“Good. That’s what we’re doing now, by the way,” Josh said as he held Rae’s head down on his co*ck and felt her throat contract around him. “You girls are going to get me close to cumming- f*ck. Keep sucking, whor*. And then, I’m going to go find Kyedae.”

The two girls both looked at each other mischievously and redoubled their efforts. A short while later, Josh was ready. He thanked them both with four slaps. One to each of their faces and asses. Rae and Poki thanked him after each slap and began to make out as Josh got out of bed.

With a raging hard-on ready to blow, Josh left the room to look for his prey. He made plenty of progress with Kyedae the day before. With it being super early and unlikely that anyone, especially Tyson, was awake, he felt safe walking through the home naked.

He first made his way to Kyedae’s room and peeked inside. A smile grew on his face as he saw Tyson fast asleep.. with no Kyedae in sight.

That meant she was wandering around the home somewhere. Defenseless.

Josh closed the door quietly and quickened his pace, stroking his co*ck as he continued through the home.

The smell of breakfast hit his nose soon after. It was unmistakable. Bacon and eggs.

Josh made his way to the kitchen and sure enough, Kyedae was there. The stove top was empty and the cooking appeared to be done. A serving tray with multiple plates of food was on the counter. Scrambled eggs, buttered toast, crispy bacon, pancakes with syrup, and fresh, cut-up fruit filled up the tray and Josh’s hungry stomach growled. The smell was fantastic and the food looked even more appetizing because of the fact that Kyedae made it.

She was facing away from Josh as she finished loading the dishwasher. The most surprising part was her attire. She was wearing a form fitting, white tank top and tight black shorts that ended just below her butt. The fabric strained to contain her irresistible ass as she was bent over to load the last of the cooking pans. With his raging erection, Josh saw no reason to resist his urges.

He snuck behind her and slapped her ass before grabbing her by the hips and grinding his bare co*ck into her butt. Her thin shorts did little to separate her body from Josh’s throbbing co*ck and he could feel the warmth of her body immediately.

Kyedae gasped in surprise and straightened herself upright before grabbing onto the counter for balance. “Oh my god!” She yelped out before quickly realizing who was behind her. She smiled. “Josh!! You scared the frick out of me.” He began to hump her clothed body with force, moving her body back and forth.

“Good morning, you dumb whor*,” Josh barked out.

Kyedae smirked sheepishly and replied as he grinded his hard co*ck roughly against her ass. “Um.. good morning, heh. I like your nickname for me. It’s.. cute, hehe.” She felt how erect he was and enjoyed his large, warm body behind her. In between thrusts, she managed to get out, “Is this.. how we greet each other.. now? You just.. hump me.. whenever you want? Hehe.”

Josh replied, “Yeah, why not? Think of this as me just saying hello. Do you have a problem with that?”

“Uhm.. I don’t.. but my fiancé might!!” She continued, “Who.. by the way.. could walk in.. at any moment!” Her voice sounded slightly alarmed.

Josh continued to enjoy the feeling of his co*ck against her butt. Seeing her body and head shoot back and forth in rhythm with his humping made him mad with lust. He couldn’t wait to f*ck her for real.

“Don’t worry, I already checked on him. That dumb loser is fast asleep, probably dreaming about video games.”

Kyedae stifled a giggle, realizing she probably shouldn’t laugh at her fiancé’s expense. But she couldn’t help herself and moaned out, “Mhmm, while his fiancée gets humped by a big oaf..”

Josh reached forward and roughly groped her tit* through her thin shirt. Kyedae moaned as she let herself be humped like a ragdoll.

“f*ck,” Josh exclaimed. “I can’t wait to take your virginity.”

Again, she moaned at his words. His brazen comments always threw her off a little, but she found it incredibly hot that he didn’t even try to hide his desire for her.

“Oh yeah?” She replied with heavy breaths. “I’m saving that, remember?”

“Pfft, for who?” Josh replied.

Kyedae giggled loudly this time. “Haha. Hmmm, I wonder who!” She answered sarcastically.

She began to lose her composure and started thrusting her ass back to meet Josh’s rhythm. She could feel his large member throbbing through both of their clothing. Timing three intense thrusts with each spoken word, she repeated, “I.. wonder.. who..”

Her voice trailed off as Josh’s hands explored her body. Both of his hands found their way under her shirt and bra. He massaged her breasts passionately as Kyedae gasped. He focused on her nipples after that, pinching and pulling them to his heart’s content. “f*ckkkkk..” Kyedae moaned out. Leaving his left hand to play with her tit*, he brought his right one down and slipped it into her panties.

“Mhmm..” Kyedae whimpered out at this sudden intrusion. Josh could immediately feel the warmth of her puss* and began to massage her sex, focusing on her cl*t. He wanted to win her over then and there, but could feel her fighting back a bit.

“You’re soaking wet, whor*.”

“Uhm, f*ck.. that’s not.. because of you. I’m.. always wet,” she replied unconvincingly.

“You’re an awful liar. You know, I have half a mind to take you.. right now,” Josh stated.

Kyedae tensed up slightly, slowing her backward thrusts. “Josh.. I told you. I’m saving that for-”

She was cut off as Josh brought his left hand up to her neck and choked her. “Goddamn you’re annoying. I don’t give a f*ck who you’re saving it for. He’s a loser and doesn’t deserve it. Got it? I am going to take your virginity whether you give it to me or not.”

Kyedae’s eyes closed and she moaned out in response. “What does.. that mean?” She managed to get out, slowly resuming her grinding on Josh’s co*ck. He kept rubbing her cl*t and increased his pace as he spoke his next sentence.

“It means.. I’m not going to wait much longer. If you don’t let me have it, I’m going to rape the f*ck out of you.”

“f*ck!” Kyedae moaned out and seemed to lose herself as she closed her eyes completely. Josh noticed her reaction and continued, “That’s right. I’m going to pop your cherry whether you want me to or not.” Kyedae’s movement increased in intensity and her breath got heavier as Josh went on. “In fact, I hope we go that route. I’d love to rape your slu*tty c*nt. I’d love to see you struggle beneath me as I make you a woman. Finally put you in your place. I’ll tie you up if I have to. And gag your stupid mouth so no one can hear you yell out. I’ll take your virginity and leave you there tied up for your fiancé to find. All because I want to bust a fat nut.”

Kyedae felt her climax coming and gasped out. “f*ckkk!” Her body began to spasm against Josh as she leaned into him for support. An overwhelming wave of pleasure overcame her and she felt her legs give way. Josh was the only reason she was still standing upright.

She rode her org*smic wave for a minute, breathing heavily as she composed herself. Finally, she put both hands on the counter and stood on her own. For the first time in what seemed like an eternity but was really only a few minutes, the two separated.

Kyedae turned to face Josh. It was the first time that morning that she’d gotten a chance to look him over. His now-familiar bulky frame loomed over her and his nudity made his presence that much more intense. He had a commanding aura that she couldn’t shake off, despite her attempts. His massive co*ck hung low as her mouth hung open inadvertently.

“Holy sh*t, that was.. f*ck, I can’t even describe it,” Kyedae exclaimed with a slight laugh. “I think I started seeing stars for a second there, hehe.”

Josh smiled and replied, “Well get used to it. I won’t let you go a day without an org*sm from now on.”

“Mmm, f*ck.. that’s a big promise to make,” Kyedae replied as she bit her bottom lip.

“Well I’ve got a big reason to make it,” Josh replied as he stroked his co*ck in her direction.

Her eyes moved downwards. “God, I can’t get over how hot you look. Stroking your big-.. HUGE co*ck like that.”

“Oh yeah? Why don’t you get a closer look at it then?” Josh replied.

Kyedae smiled. “Mmm, I would love to, I really would.. but-”

“It was more of a command than an offer. Get on your knees, slu*t.”

Kyedae giggled and rolled her eyes. “And why would I do that, Josh?”

“Because you’re an Asian whor*? Because you look prettier on your knees? Because it’s where you belong? I don’t know, pick one.”

Kyedae couldn’t help but smirk at his obscene comments. “What if I picked all three?” she replied, wanting to match his intensity. Keeping eye contact with Josh, she got down on her knees.

“So you’re saying all three are true?” Josh asked.

Kyedae raised one brow briefly as she responded. “Maybe. Maybe not.”

“f*ck,” Josh replied. “I’ve been wanting to do this for a while now.” He moved forward and raised his ball sack to place it on Kyedae’s face, but she stopped him just inches away.

“Uhm, I was just getting on my knees, I didn’t agree to anything more Josh.”

Josh replied, “Ugh, I have to bust a nut. All I want to do is rub my balls on your face for a bit. C’mon, don’t be a prude.”

Kyedae hesitated. “I’m not! I just.. don’t want to betray Tyson. I feel like this is a line we haven’t crossed yet.” It took everything in her to put her foot down. Josh’s big balls and his impressive co*ck were so close to her face that she could smell his musk and it started to fog her mind. The sight alone was enough to make Josh hard to resist. Adding scent to the mix of senses that betrayed her was not something Kyedae was prepared to withstand.

Josh thought for a moment. “Well.. he’s never specifically said that you can’t rub your face all over my balls, right?”

Kyedae’s facial expressions perked up slightly. Anything to justify shoving her face into his sweaty ball sack would make sense to her at this point. “Hm, no.. you’re right. I guess he hasn’t said that I can’t rub my face on your.. big.. manly balls. He didn’t say anything about kissing and sucking on them either!” Kyedae said with an enthusiastic tone.

“So then, what’s stopping you? Huh, you dumb whor*? C’mon, you Asians are born to be cute specifically so you can have a set of balls on your face,” Josh replied, swinging his balls back and forth as he stroked his co*ck above the pretty girl’s face.

After some contemplation, she added, “Okay, how about this.. as soon as Tyson tells us to stop, then we have to stop. I.. I am going to marry him and I want to respect his wishes. I think that’s fair and I.. just can’t resist anymore, so he’s just going to have to be okay with that.” Kyedae smiled at this newly established boundary. It was a respectable line to draw in her eyes.

“Fine,” Josh laughed out. “I think he’d be okay with it as long as we never mention it.”

Kyedae’s innocent smile turned into a mischievous one as she replied, “I think so, too.”

She immediately smothered her face into Josh’s balls and moaned involuntarily. Finally giving into her desires brought her an overwhelming wave of pleasure. She circled her face around, making sure Josh’s balls touched every inch of her face. She began planting kisses and taking in deep whiffs of his musky smell.

“I can’t believe how big your balls are,” she muffled out. “And how good you smell!” Her right hand shot down into her shorts as she started to play with herself. “Why! Why do you smell.. so f*cking manly? f*ck..”

Josh simply watched on with pride as the whor* below him enjoyed herself. He couldn’t even see her eyes with his balls covering the entirety of her face.

This went on for a few minutes as Kyedae shifted from small kisses to lovingly sucking on each one of Josh’s large testicl*s.

"I swear.. just one of your big, yummy balls is twice the size of Tyson's whole sack.." she moaned out without even thinking.

It was as if she had an illness that could only be cured by whatever was in his balls. She was insatiable and her enthusiasm didn’t wane for even a moment.

Finally, Josh’s attention moved over to the breakfast beside him. He had understandably been distracted by the beauty next to him and he forgot all about the food.

“Hey, who’s all this food for?” Josh asked, still stroking his large co*ck as he spoke.

Kyedae had to fight to focus on Josh’s question with such large distractions laying on her face. “Uhm, ishh.. for my.. erhm- Tyshhon!” She said, relieved that she managed to remember her fiancé's name. Her mind felt cloudy at the moment. She continued with a muffled voice as she spoke from underneath Josh’s ballsack. “Ishh our.. annivershhary today. I wanmfted to make him breakfashht in bedthh, but yeww kind uphf.. interrupted meh, hehe.” She finished her sentence and continued her ball worship, stuffing her face as deeply into Josh’s balls as it would go.

“Awh,” Josh replied. “How sweet of you. You don’t think he’d mind if I helped myself to some, would he?”

“Erhffmm, I don’t know.. I promised him I would make all of his favorites..”

“Well how about this? I’ll give you a nice delicious breakfast in return. With my own secret recipe, hah. Consider it my anniversary gift. And I’ll even save a bit of this for Tyson, since I’m such a nice guy.”

Josh could feel her grin underneath his balls. She agreed and Josh told her to fetch a big bowl along with her favorite cereal. She complied and quickly returned to her previous spot on her knees, with Josh’s balls on her face and her hand rubbing her cl*tor*s.

Josh grabbed the bowl and only filled it about a quarter of the way with cereal.

Kyedae quickly caught on and excitedly doubled her efforts.

“Do you like sucking on my balls, bitch?” Josh said as he neared his org*sm.

Kyedae moaned out, “I fuhhcking lovvve it. I don’ftf know why yew waitffed suh long. You should’ve shovffed these big juicy balls on my face your firshht day here.”

“Are you happy that I’ll be rubbing my balls on your face every day from now on?”

“Mmm, sewww happy,” Kyedae moaned. “But we haff to be careful! And smneaky! Only do isht when Tyson isn’t looking, okay?” Josh noticed her hand speeding up and could feel her breath on his balls getting heavier. She was getting off on this kind of talk. She was close, and he was too.

She spoke again. “I love how smartff you are.. I washh getting ready to serve Tyshhon a big breakfashht, and inshhtead, you talked me down onto my knees and now I’m rubbing your big sweaty balls on my faceshh, hehe.”

Josh chuckled a bit before responding. “Am I smart or are you just stupid? Haha.”

Kyedae giggled. “Honestly.. probably both, hehe.”

“Yeah, probably. I mean, all girls are pretty slow but you’re extra dumb.”

“Yeshh shhir. I’m very dumb. So, so f*cking.. stupid. f*ck..” Kyedae agreed, fueling her org*sm further.

“Am I smarter than your fiancé?”

“Well.. he ishh in bed hungry.. and you haff his future wife on her kneesh shhucking on your big, mmm.. big, big balls, hehe. Calling herself stupid. As she should be, of coursh, hehe. And you’re about to steal his breakfashht.”

“With your permission,” Josh added.

“Hehe, yesh. You haff my permishhion to eat his breakfashht, hehe.” Kyedae giggled below his balls.

Josh looked down at the cum addicted slu*t below him. “I’m going to take a lot more than just his breakfast, but this is a good start.”

Kyedae could only moan agreements in response. “Mhmm, take whabtbever yew want. Yeww deshherve itf all.”

Josh neared his org*sm and couldn’t contain his aggressive nature. He stroked his co*ck with his left hand and grabbed Kyedae’s hair with his right. He held her with a firm grip that evoked a few painful moans from Kyedae.

He used his grip on her hair to push her head deeper into his nut sack, trying to suffocate her with it.

“Yeah, smell my nuts, whor*. This is where you belong. On your knees worshipping my balls, haha!”

“Mm, yeshh shir. I luff it sho muchh,” Kyedae responded as she continued to masturbat*.

Josh’s aggression grew as his org*sm approached. He hadn’t let Kyedae up for air in over a minute and was now using both hands to degrade her face. In quick succession, he hit the back of her head three times to somehow position her deeper into his sweaty balls.

Kyedae could only moan in surprise. Immediately after, Josh rotated so he was facing the counter and backed Kyedae’s head into the cupboard behind her. He began to aggressively hump her face with his nuts, slamming her head backwards against the wooden drawers. He stroked his co*ck in an upwards direction to keep it out of the way.

This proceeded for another thirty seconds before Josh finally relented and Kyedae pushed him far enough away so she could speak.

“f*ck Josh! You’re so aggressive, hehe. Though, it does.. hurt.. a little bit. Do you think.. you could be.. more gent-uhmphfff!”

Josh grew bored of her protests and returned his balls to their rightful place on Kyedae’s face as he resumed his aggressive humping. Holding back nothing, he watched as her cute head ricocheted off the cabinet. The obscene movements and her failing arms gave him a small chuckle. Using a girl without regard for her safety always gave him amusem*nt, along with an erotic rush.

He relented a minute later and again, Kyedae pushed to create an inch of space between her face and the balls that were suffocating her.

“f*ck.. Josh please.. I love your big, big balls. They’re amazing and the best thing I’ve ever had on my face.. but my head is really starting to.. hurt..”

“You know, for a whor*, you sure do complain a lot,” Josh spat out. He noticed that she hadn’t removed her hand from her puss* at any point.

Kyedae was breathing heavily. “I know I know, I’m sorry.. I just.. don’t get why.. you have to hurt me..”

Josh groaned. “You mean like this?” he asked before harshly hitting her on the right side of her cute little head and then on the left side immediately after.

“Ahh-uhh, f*ck! Yes.. like that. Is it.. because.. I’m a whor*?” Kyedae asked, looking up at Josh and hoping to gain some favor by degrading herself.

Josh let out a cruel laugh. “Yeah, that’s one reason for sure. I just like seeing you in pain. You’re stupid, remember?” Josh stated as he swung his balls back and forth, hitting Kyedae’s face as they spoke.

“There’s nothing in that dumb head of yours, right?” Josh explained.

Kyedae agreed. “Uhm, ye-.. right.”

“So what harm is there in knocking you around a bit? Or even a lot? You’re already stupid. No risk of you getting dumber, haha.”

Kyedae thought it over but struggled to find a flaw in his logic. Her head hurt from thinking so much, which she believed added more legitimacy to his claims. In reality, Josh’s harsh treatment was the reason for her delayed reasoning.

She looked up at Josh with a loving smile. “Ugh, I’m.. so sorry Josh. You’re right. How are you literally always right about everything? Hehe.”

She looked at the giant that loomed over her with a newfound appreciation. “I don’t know why I even question you anymore, hehe.” She giggled and began to try to lick Josh’s balls as he swung them around and hit her face as they spoke. “I’m really sorry. I’ll try not to doubt you ever again. It’s just.. I’m so used to being.. treated with respect by Tyson. I think he brainwashed me, hehe. Into thinking that respect is normal.” Kyedae’s focus on the conversation was waning as she doubled her efforts on sucking Josh’s balls.

Josh shook his head and laughed at how easy she was to manipulate.

“Yeah, and think about it, whose balls are you in love with and rubbing all of your face?”

Kyedae giggled underneath his sack. “Hehe, yourshh of courshhe!” She emphasized this by enthusiastically rubbing her face over every inch of his scrotum. The degrading conversation was sending her over the moon with pleasure. Her nipples were erect and begged for attention as she focused on massaging her cl*t.

She continued, “Okay.. Tyson is respectful.. so, he doesn’t get this treatment..”

“What treatment? I know it’s hard for your tiny stupid Asian brain, but be descriptive.”

Kyedae giggled again. “Sorry, sorry. You can’t fix stupid, hehe. But yeah, okay.. Tyson is nice so he doesn’t get his balls licked and sucked. You treat me.. like a whor* should be treated.. so that’s why I’m on my knees kissing your balls with more passion than I’ve ever kissed Tyson with, hehe.”

Josh was extremely close now. He quickened the pace of his strokes as precum splattered down on Kyedae’s hair.

“Exactly right, slu*t. Keep sucking my balls like that. Just like that. f*ck, be sure to add this to the small list of things you’re good at, stupid chink whor*.”

Kyedae moaned at his vulgar exclamations. She felt herself nearing the brink of an org*sm as she rubbed herself with abandon.

“Soo.. making yeww sandwiches.. cleaninghf.. f*ck, uhm.. washing dishes.. and sucking on your balls. Doeshh that sounfdf right, shhir?” Kyedae replied. “Is that all I am useful for? Is that all thishh dumb.. Asian slu*t can do? This stupid, chink.. whor*-.. f*ckkkk,” Kyedae moaned loudly as her org*sm finally arrived.

Josh could no longer hold back himself as Kyedae’s self-degrading words brought him over the edge. He grabbed the bowl of cereal and shot his cum directly into it. The first blast was so powerful that some cereal was sent flying out of the bowl.

Kyedae’s full body weight was slumped forward as she held onto Josh’s legs for support. She rode her org*sm, panting and breathing heavily as she recovered.

Josh continued to milk his org*sm, which finally finished just as the bowl was about to overflow with his seed. Josh placed it slowly down on the counter as he looked at the exhausted girl below him.

Her eyes were closed. Her face was a complete mess, courtesy of Josh’s sweaty balls. It was shining from a thin coat of saliva that was absent on no parts of her face. Her hair was matted along the edges and her cheeks were bright red.

She eventually opened her eyes to meet Josh’s prideful gaze.

She spoke in between her heavy breathing. “How.. have you.. already made me cum.. more times in one morning than I ever have with Tyson? You.. f*cking.. STUD,” she finished with a big smile.

They both recovered from their org*smic waves of pleasure. Kyedae picked herself up after kissing her favorite set of balls one more time. Josh sat down at the kitchen table with his tray of breakfast that Kyedae had made. Kyedae sat on the other side of the table with her bowl of cum cereal. Given that Josh had only poured a little bit of cereal, it was more like a bowl of cum with some cereal sprinkled in than anything else.

“Hehe, holyyy f*ck,” Kyedae exclaimed. “I’m so excited. I always forget how much you can cum! It’s almost f*cking overflowing, hehe.” She leaned in and took a whiff of her breakfast before saying, “And it’s alllll for me..” Giggling like an excited schoolgirl, she picked up her spoon.

Josh looked at her with pure amusem*nt. The sight was incredible. A naturally beautiful Japanese streamer, who was the central focus of so many viewer’s fantasies across the world, and who had a loving husband-to-be in the room down the hall, was here in front of him, giddy with joy to swallow a bowl full of his cum. Her disheveled appearance made it even hotter.

They both began to eat their breakfast. Josh munched down on his bacon and piled some of the scrambled eggs onto a piece of toast before stuffing his face. He washed his food down with the orange juice Kyedae had poured for her lover.

Kyedae ate her “cereal”, bringing spoonful after spoonful of cum to her mouth. Josh could hear her moan slightly every time she swallowed and her left hand disappeared under the table and in between her legs as she ate. With cereal being so scarce in her bowl, her spoon often contained nothing but Josh’s pungent cum. And that was fine by her.

They continued to eat and talk like it was a normal morning meal. Making each other laugh and playing footsie, the two looked like a normal couple to a fly on the wall.

Josh finished all six strips of bacon, spitting out several fatty bits onto the plate. A large majority of the eggs were eaten. He ate three pieces of toast and half of the last one. The fresh-cut watermelon and mango cubes that Kyedae had prepared were quickly devoured. The pile of pancakes followed soon after as Josh doused them with syrup.

Josh belched out as he sat back and digested the hearty meal.

“That was great. I guess Asian whor*s can be useful for more than just sex.”

Kyedae felt genuine happiness at his praise. “Awh, thank you! I’m so glad you liked it,” she said with an adorable smile. She felt a deep desire to serve him. "Is there anything else I can get you? I can make some more pancakes if you want? And I can suck on your balls while you eat them?" She said with a hopeful tone.

Josh dismissed her offer as he looked at his phone to see that Rae and Imane had sent him numerous nudes. They were getting really good at posing for these, he thought to himself.

"Nah, I'm good. Isn't Tyson waking up soon?"

Kyedae's mood suddenly dropped. "Oh yeah.. I kind of forgot about him, hehe. Damn, is it bad that I'd rather spend the day sucking on your balls and drinking your cum?" she replied with a giggle.

"If we spend any more time together, you'll be doing a lot more than sucking on just my balls. I still have that facef*ck you owe me."

Kyedae smiled. "I know, I can't wait."

Her bowl was almost completely empty. Two, maybe three spoonfuls of cum were left.

“This cereal you made me was delicious, by the way. I could eat it every morning, hehe.”

Josh smiled and replied, “Well I’m glad you liked my anniversary gift. I put a lot of thought into it.”

She rolled her eyes in response. “You’re so silly, hehe.”

Josh’s face got serious for a moment. “But hey, anniversary gifts are supposed to be for both people in the couple, aren’t they?”

“I guess so, don’t think it matters too much,” Kyedae replied dismissively.

“No, no. I think it matters,” Josh stated before getting up to grab the carton of orange juice from the fridge. Kyedae looked at him with curiosity. "You can't hog the whole gift when it's meant for the two of you,” he added as he walked back to the table.

Josh poured more juice into his cup. “There we go. Now Tyson can enjoy my gift too. Mix a spoonful of that cum in here.”

Kyedae looked at Josh in partial shock, but her interest was obvious. “Uhm, really? Do you think that’s a good idea?”

“Sure, why not? You like the taste, don’t you?”

Kyedae nodded yes. “I love it, actually.”

“So then? He might like it too, haha,” Josh replied with a chuckle.

Kyedae was shocked at how her body was reacting to this crude plan. She could feel herself getting wet and her heart rate increased noticeably.

“I just feel.. like that’d be super embarrassing. It’s one thing for me to swallow your cum.. I mean, I’m doing it willingly.. and trust me, I’ll keep doing it every day, if you let me, hehe.” She thought for a second before asking, “But I kind of.. get the feeling, I think.. you like embarrassing him, don’t you?”

Josh gave her a stern look. “I don’t like it, whor*. I get off on it, specifically because you’re engaged to him.” Kyedae couldn’t help but rub her puss* as Josh spoke. She let out little moans as he went on. “I belittle him so that he seems smaller in your eyes. I do it to change your perception of that loser and to diminish your love for him. The less you respect him, the more you’ll respect me. And all of this, just so I can f*ck you and take your virginity.” Josh laughed for a second before continuing. “Unfortunately for him, he’s just collateral damage on the road to your puss*, haha.”

Despite all the time she had spent with him, Kyedae still couldn’t believe how insanely brazen he could be. After thinking his comments over a bit, she looked at him with a loving glare. “Josh, that has to be.. the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard! I know I should.. probably be upset, but I honestly find it super thoughtful that you’re doing all this,” Kyedae replied with an adorable smile on her face. “I mean, you’re not just.. some f*ckboy that wants to get inside my pants. You’re going out of your way to mess with my fiancé too. Calling him a loser, hehe. And having me put your cum in his drink!” She paused to giggle before continuing. “All so you can corrupt my love for him and keep me all to yourself, hehe. It’s super, super sweet.” Kyedae practically gushed with adoration as Josh laughed internally at her logic.

Josh finally replied, “And you’re fine with all of that?”

“Well, I’ve loved Tyson for a long time and I don’t think that’s changing any time soon, so.. I won’t stop you, hehe. I mean, if I did ask you to stop, number one, you probably wouldn’t even listen.” They shared a laugh of agreement briefly. “And number two, I think asking you to stop would prove that I am worried that it’ll work.”

Josh quickly replied, “Or.. you like what I’m doing and you want me to keep doing it.”

Kyedae smiled and rolled her eyes. “Whateverrrrr. Honestly, until recently I kind of thought you were just talking. And touching, hehe. I didn’t know you had a whole plan of attack laid out! Haha.”

“Meh,” Josh replied. “It didn’t take much planning.”

Kyedae replied, “Well that’s because you’re so smart. It probably just came natural to you. It’d take me forever to come up with a plan like that!”

Josh replied, “Well that’s because you’re..” Kyedae quickly chimed in and in unison, they finished the sentence. “A dumb Asian whor*!” Which was followed by shared laughter.

”Nah, honestly I knew what to do as soon as I had you pegged for a whor*,” Josh replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

Kyedae giggled. “And when was that, exactly?”

“When was my first day here?” Josh asked with a grin.

Kyedae gave him an annoyed glare, but couldn’t contain her smirk. She kicked his leg softly below the table and they shared a laugh.

“Oof, that was intense!” Kyedae said as they switched their attention over to the breakfast in front of them. “Okay, so you said one spoonful, right?” Josh agreed and she picked up her spoon. Scooping it down into her bowl, she filled the spoon to the brim with Josh’s gooey seed. She wanted nothing more than to shove his delicious cum into her mouth and savor the flavor for herself, but she also really wanted to please Josh and listen to everything he said. And so, she carefully brought it over to the cup of orange juice and mixed it in, smirking at Josh as she did so.

“I honestly think he’s going to love it, too,” she stated. “I’ve never tasted anything as yummy as your cum.”

Kyedae finished stirring and scrunched her face briefly as she contemplated something.

“Hmmm, I don't think that was enough.” She grabbed her bowl and lined it above the cup of OJ. She tipped it over carefully as the rest of the cum slowly poured into the orange drink.

Josh looked on as his co*ck hardened. It was only about two more spoonfuls, but the fact that Kyedae was purposely feeding her fiancé more cum than he ordered was insanely hot. He grabbed Kyedae by the waist and positioned her next to him so her ass was facing his direction. Kyedae only giggled at his antics. He pulled her shorts down and played with her ass as she prepared her fiancé’s breakfast.

After a minute, Josh’s sticky cum stopped pouring freely and merely dribbled as it fell from the bowl, but Kyedae continued to hold it in place. She held it there for another minute as the trickling drops of sticky ejacul*te grinded to a complete halt.

She looked at Josh with heavy breaths, almost as if she was panting. She was clearly getting aroused by her actions.

“Just.. want to be sure he gets as much of your load- er, gift.. as possible, hehe,” she giggled before using the spoon to scrape off any cum that stuck to the side of the bowl, which combined to be a decently sized glob. She added it to the drink before finally putting the bowl down and mixing the drink eagerly.

With red cheeks, she said, “Okay, his orange juice is ready. What’s next? Oh, you didn’t leave him much, did you? You big jerk, hehe.”

They looked at the tray of food. A half eaten piece of toast was left along with some scrambled eggs. “Josh! This is like, half of one scrambled egg, haha.”

He replied, “It’s fine. He’s scrawny. I’m sure he doesn’t need much to stay full anyways.” His attention remained on Kyedae’s supple ass. He spread her cheeks and peered at her beautiful puss* and asshole.

Kyedae rolled her eyes but relented. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. He's definitely a lot smaller than you." She thought for a moment and added, "In more ways than one, hehe. And your cum is super filling anyway. Actually no, this is good. This might work.”

She moved the eggs to cover up the half of the toast that was eaten. “Though, his favorite part was the bacon..” she said in a dejected tone.

“What do you mean? There’s plenty of bacon left!” Josh argued.

Kyedae giggled as she looked at the plate. “Do you mean these little fat bits? Didn’t you chew these and spit them out?”

“Yeah, so what? There’s plenty of protein still in there.”

Kyedae couldn’t hold in her giggling as she said, “You are so silly! Hehe,” and combined the chewed up bits of bacon with the eggs.

“I guess this will work. Maybe we can add some fruit,” Kyedae suggested.

Josh agreed and stood up to browse the cupboard as Kyedae pulled up her shorts. There were some fresh bananas and apples among other pantry items. Josh moved a few things and spotted an older looking apple in the back. He could tell it was bruised and soft as soon as he grabbed it. He turned to Kyedae and “accidentally” dropped the apple onto the floor.

“Oops,” Josh said. Using his foot, he kicked the apple towards Kyedae. “There’s some fresh fruit for your fiancé.”

She responded with an amused eye roll and a giggle.

Reaching down, she grabbed the apple and inspected it. “Josh.. this just won’t do. Come here,” she stated. When Josh got close, she used her mouth to exhale onto the apple before rubbing it on her shirt very briefly, as if to clean it.

“Hm, no that’s not working,” she said, almost comically. Again, she exhaled onto the apple and then bent forward slightly to rub the apple on Josh’s large co*ck. She looked up at Josh as she did so, giving him a sinister smile.

After ten more seconds, she inspected the apple again and said, “Perfect.” After brushing off Josh’s co*ck with her hand, which was more than she did for the apple her fiancé was about to consume, she added it to the plate.

And thus, Tyson’s breakfast was ready.

Josh looked at her with pride. It was his first inkling that she might actually be more f*cked up than he was and he couldn’t wait to explore this side of her more.

At last, they journeyed over to the room that Kyedae and Tyson shared. Josh only entered after Kyedae confirmed that he was still asleep.

Setting down the plate of food and the cup of orange juice, Kyedae quietly moved to her closet to put on a bulky sweater and sweatpants, per Josh’s orders. He told her not to wear anything form fitting around her fiancé from then on, which Kyedae was more than happy to agree to.

After changing, Kyedae dropped down to her knees next to the bed that her fiancé was asleep in. Josh wanted to rub his balls on her face for a few more minutes before she woke him up. “You horny man! All you do is think with your big dick. Hehe,” was her only protest.

Those few minutes turned into half an hour as Kyedae lost track of time in the blissful sea of Josh’s ball sack. She fell into a similar trance as before. Moaning quietly as she degraded herself for a man she barely knew. “I luffff your big, sweaty balls,” she whispered over and over. She promised to give Tyson a big kiss as soon as she separated from Josh’s nuts.

“Make sure you tell him how hard you worked on breakfast, okay? He’s probably going to complain that it’s cold, but I want him to lick his plate clean,” Josh whispered as Kyedae smothered her cute Asian face with his large balls.

Kyedae gave him a reassuring answer. “Don’fft worry. Iff he doeshhn’t eatf every lashht crumb, I’ll shhovffe whatever ishh left down hishh throat, hehe,” she said with the most innocent giggle a human could possibly make.

Chapter 9: Boundaries Were Meant to be Crossed


It's been a while since I posted, but the new chapter is finally here. This has been my favorite chapter to write so far. It's the longest one I've written and I love every aspect of it. I hope you do too. I did not progress the storyline as much as I would have liked, but f*ck it. I've come to terms with my slow world building. Let me know what you think!

Please note that this chapter has heavy cuckolding themes. Review the tags before reading: Domination, Rough Oral Sex, Cheating, Cuckolding, Piss Play, Misogyny, MF

Chapter Text

Streamers and a Stud - Bullzer (4)

Josh closed the door behind him as he left the couple’s room. He figured they’d be busy with boring, lovey dovey bullsh*t considering it was their anniversary, so Kyedae was off of the menu for a while.

He was still sporting an erection from his morning fun with the engaged Asian, but instead of immediately going and using Imane’s throat or Rae’s tight ass to blow his load, Josh decided to wander around the home for a bit. This is something he hadn’t done much of since his first night here. He was so busy seducing and f*cking and being worshipped. It’s a tough job to own so many women, Josh thought to himself.

And so, he wandered. The house was a lot bigger than he initially thought. He discovered a sh*tty excuse for a gym in the basem*nt, adjacent to the garage. All it had was light weights, a few treadmills, and some yoga mats.

Josh shook his head in disbelief as he let out a disapproving chuckle. He was an avid lifter and hadn’t gotten the chance to workout much while he was here. That would definitely be changing soon. He just needed to get ahold of some funds to make this into a real gym. Surely Imane or Rae would approve the expenditures with a little convincing.

There was also an entire floor that he hadn’t visited yet. It contained a few bedrooms and a large lounging area with a huge balcony attached at the end of the hall. One room he walked into must’ve been a spare bedroom since it was empty. Another was well-furnished, so he walked in to explore a bit more. There was pink everywhere and fantastic art hung up on the walls. The computer setup was very professional as well with a piano off to the side. This was definitely a streamer. A very creative one.

Josh walked up to the wall of drawings and looked closely. Each one was marked with the same signature. Lily Pichu.

He smirked at this discovery. He briefly recalled how Imane mentioned something about a few roommates traveling this week and with the evidence he just discovered, Lily was definitely one of them.

He turned and looked around at the room with a different, more perverse lens. His eyes spotted a dresser and he walked over to it. Opening up the top drawer, he found dozens of colorful underwear. There were some conservative panties, but many were pretty risqué thongs. Some were even sheer. A few g-strings as well.

“Hah! So shy little Lily is slu*ttier than she lets on,” Josh muttered to himself. “Who could have guessed that?”

He never watched much of her streams, but he always associated Lily with being timid and reserved. Though, he didn’t buy her facade for one second. He would whittle her down just like he was doing with Kyedae. And if she didn’t break, well.. he’d just have Imane and Rae kick her out of the house. There was no reason to keep a prude around.

Josh grabbed a huge handful of her underwear and rubbed it all over his co*ck and balls as he chuckled to himself. There were dried remnants of Kyedae’s saliva all over his groin and he could think of no better way to clean himself off. He made his way over to her pillows and did the same thing, laughing at the thought of Lily resting peacefully on her defiled pillow.

Josh turned his attention back to her drawings. He noticed a few were hung up loosely in the corner on a piece of yarn, attached by wooden clothespins. They were all fantastically drawn. One was of a princess in a ruined castle. Another was a large medieval town. Many of them had very rustic approaches.

Josh contemplated for a moment and then smiled as he took his co*ck out and aimed it at her drawings. In a sinister attempt to add his own flair to her art, he began to piss, aiming it at the first drawing before moving onto the second, and then the third.

Eventually, his stream of urine ended and he laughed as the warm liquid dripped down onto her hardwood floor, forming a pool in the corner of her room. Each paper was soaked in piss and leaking onto the floor. He wished he could see the look on her face when she got home.

Satisfied with his mischief, Josh walked out of Lily’s room and back to his own. He put on a fresh pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt before laying down in bed to scroll through his phone for a bit. Kyedae had sent him a message, but before he knew it, his eyes became heavy and he fell asleep.

His phone buzzed with a new notification and he awoke suddenly. He could tell the sun was beginning to set as his room looked darker than when he fell asleep. It was the afternoon. Possibly even the evening. Josh looked at his phone and confirmed it was 6:00 PM.

He scrolled through various notifications. Youtube, reddit, twitter. Most of it was useless news and updates. He had a few messages from Rae and Poki though. There were various nudes and one video from Rae in her bathroom shaking her tit* with a gorgeous smile on her face. Josh rubbed his hardening co*ck through his sweatpants.

He then saw Kyedae’s notification from earlier that day. He opened it and grinned mischievously.

Streamers and a Stud - Bullzer (5)

That evil little whor* recorded her fiancé eating the breakfast they made him! Josh took a moment to appreciate how far she'd come before pressing play on the video.

“Why’re you recording?” Tyson asked her as the camera panned from a zoom-in on his food to his face.

“Just for the memories! Our anniversary doesn’t happen every day,” Kyedae responded. “Make sure you eat everything, hon. I made it with love!” She added with a giggle. Though, only Josh knew what was hidden behind that laugh.

As Tyson finished his meal, Kyedae asked him, “Did you like it babe? I experimented with some.. new seasoning!”

“Of course it’s great, hon!” Tyson replied quickly. In truth, the food had been cold and a bit off in flavor, but he didn’t want to seem ungrateful. He figured Kyedae was probably filming for a little highlight reel of their anniversary. In an effort to reassure his beautiful fiancée, Tyson brought the plate up to his face and licked it.

“See! I even licked my plate clean!” He replied with a grin.

Kyedae giggled and grabbed his orange juice off the nightstand. “What about your juice? Finish that, and then I’ll be sure you liked it!”

Josh watched on in surprise. The seemingly innocent video had a very perverted reality that only two people knew about and Josh loved that fact.

The video ended soon after and he saw that Kyedae had followed that message up with a winky emoji. His co*ck strained in his pants and he decided at that moment he needed to make this bitch his. Completely. She clearly wanted it. The fact that his co*ck hadn’t even been in her mouth yet was an injustice.

Josh quickly got out of bed and searched the home, but Kyedae was nowhere in sight. Neither was Tyson for that matter.

He peeked in Rae’s room. She was streaming and the couple wasn’t in her room, so he left her alone. He opened Imane’s door and still, no luck. She was also streaming, but he walked towards her still. Poki noticed him come in and quickly minimized her facecam and muted her mic just in time.

“Hey, have you seen Kyedae?” He asked her as he positioned himself behind her.

“Hey you! I haven’t seen you all day,” she replied, looking up at him with a smile as he reached his muscular hands down the front of her blouse and into her bra, massaging her tit* without hesitation. “Uhm, no I haven’t actually. Mmm,” she moaned as Josh played with her nipples. “I think I heard them mention something about going out to dinner.”

Josh cursed himself for napping so long. He sighed, but Imane’s soft tit* helped quite a bit to soften the disappointing blow. He played with her perky boobs for a bit longer before twisting her right nipple.

Imane gave out a little yelp as Josh removed his hands and laughed.

“Ouch!! You ass!” She replied in a playful tone, slapping Josh’s forearm as he turned to leave.

He left her room and closed the door behind him. Refusing to give up on Kyedae, he quickly pulled his phone out and typed her a message.

Hey whor*, where are you right now?

He wasn’t sure how long it’d take to get a response, but to his surprise, his phone lit up less than a minute later.

Oh hey stud ;) Tyson and I are in the driveway right now. About to head out to dinner!

Without taking even a second to thank his lucky timing, Josh quickly ran down the stairs and stumbled to put his shoes on before exiting through the front door.

Sure enough, there was Kyedae and Tyson sitting in their parked car with the engine running. The air was warm and there was an orange glare from the setting sun.

The couple looked up and noticed Josh as he approached. Their seats were both reclined with Kyedae on the passenger's side. She lifted her seat as Josh opened the back door to give him space to sit.

“Hiiii Josh!” Kyedae said. She wore a gorgeous black dress that would have given her an irresistibly sexy look if it wasn’t for a small jacket she used to cover her arms and cleavage. It was obvious that she spent a good amount of time fixing up her hair with the top straightened and elegant curls at the bottom. Her adorable Japanese face looked back at him with a gushing smile.

“Hey guys, how’s it going?” Josh replied with a smirk.

“Great!” Kyedae answered. “We’re just killing some time before our dinner reservations at seven.”

Tyson looked slightly bothered that Josh was intruding on their time together, but he remained quiet.

“Oh, nice! You guys are pretty dressed up,” Josh said as he turned to look at Tyson. He gave him a slight punch in the arm as he asked, “You taking this beautiful lady somewhere fancy?”

Tyson flinched at the sudden contact as Kyedae giggled at Josh’s compliment. “Uhm, yeah.. there’s this really exclusive place downtown. Marilyn’s Bistro,” he replied as he rubbed his bruised arm. “I.. had to make these reservations almost three months in advance, heh. Kyedae has been wanting to go there for a while.”

Josh was impressed and continued the conversation as Kyedae sat back and watched the two men chat.

Without even trying, her mind began to compare the two.

Josh’s presence was commanding, despite being in the back of the car. He sat on the edge of the seat and his large, muscular arms rested on the backrest of the front seats. His head almost grazed the top of the vehicle and she felt embarrassed that their car was too small for him. She almost wanted to apologize. His dialogue was compelling and he even laughed with confidence.

Then, she looked over at her future husband. She knew he was smaller in stature, but being slumped back against the driver door, as he was, just diminished his presence further. His poise simply withered away when he sat next to a man like Josh. His responses were short and hesitant. He just looked uncomfortable. And his-

“Right, Kyedae?”

f*ck, she thought to herself. She wasn’t paying attention. “Sorry, I zoned out a bit. What’d you ask?”

Tyson repeated his question. “Oh, I was just saying that we should probably get going, right? We don’t want to be late.”

She looked at her phone to check the time. “Pfft, don’t be silly. It’s barely 6:10! It’ll take us less than ten minutes to get there,” she replied, turning her attention to the man in the back. “So Josh, what kind of music do you like listening to?”

Tyson was a bit upset that his fiancé didn’t pick up on his attempt to get rid of the intruding third wheel. He wasn’t sure how clearer he could be without bluntly saying it out loud, so he changed his tactic and tried to get Kyedae to notice he was upset. She was always very good at reading his mood. That’s one of the things that made them such a great couple.

And so, he took his phone out and disengaged from the conversation. With a pouty look on his face, he was sure Kyedae would notice the change in his behavior.

Unfortunately for him, she did not. All he heard as he scrolled through twitter was Kyedae’s adorable giggle and her cheerful, upbeat responses. Much to Tyson’s dismay, Josh’s charm seemed to be endless.

Josh noticed that Tyson was messing around on his phone and leaned in to whisper something in Kyedae’s ear.

I’m cashing in the bet. I want those slu*tty lips wrapped around my co*ck. NOW.

Kyedae's eyes grew wide and her mouth opened in surprise.

“Right now?!” She asked louder than she probably should have. Tyson caught onto their irregular dialogue and perked up.

“Uhm, wha-.. what’s going on?” He asked.

Kyedae looked at her fiancé like a deer caught in headlights. Luckily, Josh chimed in and explained away his question.

She took this time to think about Josh’s request. Though, it was less of a request and more of a command. It was true that she owed him a facef*ck, but she was really looking forward to her anniversary dinner with Tyson. The plans for this night had been set in stone for a while now. She even printed out the bistro’s online menu so she could be ready to order when the time came. She had lost count of the number of times she switched her entree leading up to tonight.

But things were very different now.

The way she once salivated over the filet mignon on the menu was now how she salivated over Josh’s mouthwatering cum. She could drink a gallon of it and still want more. His co*ck and the slimy but delicious seed that came out of it was always in the back of her mind. Even as she spent a romantic day with her fiancé, little flashbacks of the way she had kissed and sucked on Josh’s balls earlier that morning sporadically popped into her head. It made her shiver with excitement each time.

She was going to give in. She didn’t have a shred of willpower to resist, not with the way Josh had confidently barged into the car and stealthily revealed his demand to her right in front of Tyson. He was conniving and rude and co*cky and confident and sexy and so f*cking hot and-.. she stopped her train of thought there. She was definitely going to give in.

But she first had to get rid of Tyson. If she didn’t think of something, Josh would likely drag her into the back seat with him and f*ck her throat regardless of who was there to watch. She shuddered at the thought.

It was at that moment that a sinister thought came to her mind. Something about Josh always threw her morals into the gutter.

“Babe!” She said in Tyson’s direction. He looked up at her, excited to finally be getting attention. “Could you do me a huge favor?” She asked with her usual heartwarming smile.

Tyson smiled back and replied, “Of course, what do ya need?”

“All this talking has made my throat super dry. Do you think you could go bring me some water?”

Tyson was hesitant to leave her alone with Josh, but had no reason to be cautious and didn’t want to seem overly protective.

“Yeah, for sure. I’ll be right back,” he replied as he got out of the car.

As soon as the door closed, Kyedae turned towards Josh and stared daggers at him. “Are you crazy? He could have heard you! If he finds out that I’m going to suck your co*ck,” Kyedae began to say as her glare softened into an evil grin. “How exactly.. are we going to keep messing around behind his back?”

Josh looked at her in surprise as a smirk snuck onto his face. “Is that what you want?”

Her breath became heavy. “Yes,” she replied softly.

“Why?” Josh asked.

“I don’t know. I love him, but.. my panties.. they get so.. f*cking soaked every time we sneak around,” she said with an excited tone.

He looked past her for a second, just in time to see Tyson walk through the front entrance.

Refocusing on the beauty in front of him, he could see her respirations become more pronounced as her heart rate rose. Her pretty face carried a cheerful and wanton gaze. She was the pinnacle of innocence and loyalty. Wholesomeness was her thing. And here she was, ready to be unfaithful.

Josh leaned in to kiss her and she made no attempt to back away. Instead, she closed her eyes and pursed her lips. They made contact and it sent a wave of goosebumps through the aroused pair. They had been intimate before, but this was their first kiss.

To Kyedae, it felt like her first kiss ever. She couldn’t remember the last time one felt this powerful. Her left hand moved up to caress his face. Naturally, the kiss continued on for several seconds before their tongues began to explore each other’s mouths. She moaned into his mouth as her lust grew. Breathing heavily, their passion took over completely. From his place in the back seat, Josh reached into her jacket to grope her tit* over her dress. Her left hand remained on his face as her right reached down to rub his co*ck over his sweats. She had seen his co*ck plenty of times before, but his impressive size never ceased to surprise her.

They made out for another minute before Kyedae suddenly put her hands on his chest and pushed him away. Josh looked at her in surprise.

A string of their combined saliva hung from her lip as she caught her breath. She brought her hand up to wipe it away, giggling as she did so.

“We.. can’t get too carried away. He’ll be back soon,” she said with a mischievous grin.

She leaned over to grab something from her purse before turning and presenting it to Josh. It was a bottle of pills.

“These are trazodone pills. I have trouble sleeping sometimes and taking one of these always helps knock me out,” Kyedae explained as she took a brief glance over at the front entrance. “Here’s what we’re going to do.”

She went on to describe her plan to Josh and then handed him one capsule.

“Wait, how long does it take for this to kick in?” Josh asked, bringing the pill closer to his face to inspect it.

Kyedae shrugged. “Uhm, thirty minutes? I don’t know, it doesn’t usually take too long,” she replied.

“Oh, f*ck that! I’m not waiting another half hour. Here, uhm.. give me two more,” Josh demanded.

Kyedae looked a bit uneasy. “I’ve.. never really taken more than one.”

“I do not give a flying f*ck. Hand ‘em over.”

Kyedae bit her lip. His disregard for Tyson was cruel, but she felt her puss* twitch at his words. She could feel her body temperature increase and couldn’t deny his callousness was.. so f*cking attractive. The whole context of their situation was already pretty messed up, so pushing the envelope a bit further wouldn’t be the end of the world. She felt her nipples harden as she handed over the two extra capsules.

“Don’t worry,” Josh said dismissively. “I’m sure he’ll be fine.”

She giggled in disbelief. “You don’t know that! You’d say anything.. just to get your huge dick in my mouth sooner.”

Josh chuckled. “Yeah, no sh*t sherlock. Look at you! You’re a hot piece of Japanese puss*.” Kyedae giggled at his vulgar language as he continued. “I will say and do anything to get inside of all your stupid, slu*tty holes.”

Kyedae looked at him in pure amusem*nt. He was blunt, but he was always blunt. That’s one of the reasons he turned her on so much. She had never met anyone who threw around sexual language so often before Josh. There was something refreshing and genuine about it.

She leaned in and planted a loving kiss on Josh’s lips before saying, “And that’s what I love about you. That’s what I adore about you. It makes me want to give up everything and just.. be a submissive c*nt. Your submissive c*nt. You can boss me around and I’d listen to everything you say. You can be the smart, decisive man and I’ll be your stupid, co*ck sucking whor*, catering to your every whim. I never want you to change how confident and disrespectful you are.” Kyedae thought for a moment before continuing. “Listen, you ARE going to get your dick wet. You’re going to stuff that massive co*ck deeeeep in my throat. As deep as you can force it. I won't stop you even if I'm choking. I promise! But.. I’m just.. I’m worried about overdosing him or.. I don’t know..”

Josh loved her slu*tty side, but he was growing bored of her indecision and decided to give her an ultimatum.

“That’s all well and good, but I’m not waiting another thirty minutes to get my dick sucked,” Josh replied as he lowered the front of his sweats and took his hard co*ck out. “Look at how hard you’ve already made me. Are you really going to be a bitch and not take care of me?”

Kyedae’s eyes immediately fell to his throbbing dick. She had to stifle an involuntary moan. It looked so appetizing. So angry and swollen. Whoever took care of it was surely in for a rough time. Kyedae looked guilty. "No! No, I don't want to be a bitch.. I'm sorry.. it's just-"

Josh let her get an eyeful of his co*ck before cutting her off. “Either I’m going to go get Poki to suck my co*ck and you can go to your dumb romantic dinner,” Josh began to say as he stroked his co*ck. “Or we can drug your dumb cuck of a fiancé and you get to have your face f*cked like the stupid Asian whor* that you are. It’s your choice.”

Josh looked past her and saw Tyson open the front entrance. “And it looks like you have about ten seconds to make up your mind."

Kyedae took only a second to look behind her before returning her gaze back to Josh's throbbing co*ck. She saw it twitch in anticipation. A drop of precum left his piss hole and her tongue moved involuntarily in her mouth to go and lick it. Even as her fiancé approached, her body betrayed her. It was then that she realized she couldn't refuse Josh. She would go along with every twisted scenario he conjured up, and she would thank him for it.

Kyedae quickly leaned forward to lick the tip of his raging co*ckhead before backing away, flashing her beautiful, innocent smile, and looking directly into Josh’s eyes.

“Let's do it,” she said. "Let's drug the cuck."

Tyson entered the car a moment later and handed the bottle of water off to Kyedae. "Sorry I took so long! I had to use the bathroom."

She thanked him and the plan was set in motion. She chugged half of the bottle and capped it as they made small talk. She then made a feeble attempt to flip her bottle of water into a standing position onto the center console. Tyson laughed at her first try. She tried again, but overshot it this time and the bottle of water fell in Josh's direction near his feet.

"Oops!" She called out.

Josh grinned at her and replied, "Don't worry, I'll get it." He leaned down and quickly got to work uncapping the bottle and dumping in the powdery contents of each capsule. The angle made it so Tyson was unable to see what he was doing.

"Shoot, it rolled under the seat," Josh said to buy himself some time.

Tyson replied, "Oh, under my seat? Here, I'll see if I can reach it."

But Kyedae quickly chimed in to divert his attention. "Oh babe! I was on TikTok yesterday and I saw this thing about couples."

Her distraction worked as Tyson straightened back up to listen to her.

"The video was showing a list of cute things that allllll good couples do. Like, uhm.. one was about buying each other's favorite snacks. Which you always do! Hehe," she said with an innocent giggle before continuing. "Another was, uhm.. oh yeah! Testing the temperature of something in case it's too hot."

Tyson smiled and replied, "Oh! Like when I make you tea and tell you to wait so you don't burn your tongue?"

Kyedae grinned at how well her explanation was working. "Exactly, hon. Which is super sweet of you by the way, hehe."

She looked back at Josh just in time to see him replace the cap on the bottle of water and quietly shake it back and forth. Her gaze returned to her loving fiancé, but this time, it carried a sinister intent behind it. An evil glare. One that Tyson didn't pick up on.

"The last thing they listed in the video.. was about finishing each other's food and drinks and stuff." Her breath became heavy as Josh handed her the laced bottle of water. "So babe, are you a good fiancé.. or do I have to break up with you?" She asked as she held the bottle of water out towards Tyson.

Several minutes later, Kyedae was fervently bobbing her adorable head up and down on Josh's girthy co*ck.

“Mmmfgghh, yeww tashhte sew good! Yourr biggghh co*ckghh ishh sho yummy!!” She murmured out as she tenderly sucked on the head of his dick. Her jacket was on the floor next to them, giving Josh a fantastic view of her tit*.

"God damn, your slu*tty mouth feels so f*cking good,” Josh groaned out as she giggled around his co*ck. “Thank f*ck your fiancé is a moron. I was starting to think I’d never get my dick inside your throat!”

Kyedae was enjoying herself despite her awkward positioning. Her lower half was still in the front of the car. This was because, after Tyson passed out, Josh wasted no time to get his co*ck in her mouth. He immediately reached forward as soon as Tyson was out cold and grabbed a fistful of Kyedae's hair. She let out a pained shriek of excitement as Josh pulled the small Asian towards him. She didn't protest in the slightest, opening her mouth to receive Josh's raging erection. She was a bit surprised he wanted to do this in the car, but they had a gated driveway which gave them plenty of privacy.

Dolled up for a romantic dinner with light makeup and beautifully applied eyeliner, Kyedae looked adorable as she eagerly worked the top half of his co*ck. She spent some time getting used to his girth, though Josh was not very patient with her. He was applying constant pressure on the back of her head, so she had to adjust quickly to his size.


These were the only sounds that were heard for several minutes. Constant gagging from Kyedae. It was music to Josh’s ears.

And there was plenty of it. With Kyedae’s inexperience came a very sensitive gag reflex. One that Josh thoroughly enjoyed abusing, but what she lacked in experience was made up for in lustful enthusiasm. She bobbed her head up and down frantically and massaged his balls with her right hand.

Any time Kyedae went up for air, she made sure to keep licking the sides of his veiny co*ck. It didn’t feel right to not give him some kind of physical stimulation at all times. Her hard work was rewarded with the sexy misogynistic comments that she adored.

“Yeah take my co*ck, dumb bitch!” Josh roared out as he pushed her head down deeper and deeper onto his co*ck. “Stupid f*cking c*nt! f*ck YOUR DUMB FACE ON MY co*ck!”

Kyedae shuddered at his degrading comments. She loved them so much. The way her body reacted proved that. Her puss* tingled, goosebumps formed on her skin, and her nipples hardened, if they weren’t already hard. But more than that, her heart swelled with happiness. She took such pride in getting this reaction from a misogynistic hunk like Josh. He was usually very calm and well-spoken, so it was a fantastic accomplishment to rile him up like this. One that she was very, very proud of.

“I honestly don’t know why you talk so much when you can suck a co*ck like this," Josh said to the slu*t servicing him. “No more talking from now on, okay? All you’re good for is sucking my co*ck.”

Kyedae moaned in agreement. Josh then grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her up off his co*ck. She looked at him with runny mascara and a glistening face. “So you agree? All you’re good for is sucking co*ck?”

In between heavy panting, she replied, “Yes sir.. all I’m good-”

Josh slapped her hard with his right hand. Her face was kept in place with his harsh grip on her hair. “Finish your sentence, whor*.”

Kyedae was a bit surprised by the slap, but did as he asked. “All I’m good for is suc-”


Her cheek began to redden as she recoiled in pain. She slowly opened her eyes and tried again. “All I’m good for is sucking c-”


Three quick slaps connected with her cheek and the pain began to make her dumb and giggly.

“Hehe, f*ckkkk.. thank you for slappi-”


Her head moved slightly in the opposite direction of the slaps before she quickly recovered and thanked her abuser again.






Josh was amused by her change in tone. He took a lot of satisfaction in forcing her to humiliate herself. He slapped her five more times before thrusting his co*ck deep into her throat without warning so that she was unable to get in a full breath of air.

She could still only take him about halfway. He held her there for a full minute before beginning to thrust in and out of her delicate mouth again. She had protested almost immediately because of the suddenness of the intrusion, but she quickly calmed down after Josh slapped her cheeks a few times. Using the adorable streamer like this felt as close to heaven as one good get. The fact that she enjoyed it was just the cherry on top.

"f*ckkk, yeah.. just like that. That's a good whor*," Josh moaned out as he kept one hand on the back of her head, guiding her head lower with each thrust and controlling her rhythm when she slowed down.

"You're f*cking good at this! You can’t take me very deep, but you’ve got some serious skill. I can't imagine you've sucked much co*ck?" Josh asked, which prompted Kyedae to move her head left and right to signal 'no'.

"Well, you're a goddamn natural. I guess being a good co*cksleeve is just an instinct for you whor*s, haha."

"Yyyshsjjdh shhdkfkshrr," she gargled out around a mouthful of dick. One would think that his degrading dialogue might slow down the efforts of a feminist like Kyedae, but they did not. They only encouraged her to suck harder. To go deeper. To relax her gag reflex for longer. A passerby would be fooled into believing she was a veteran p*rnstar with the way she slobbered all over Josh's co*ck. She focused on taking more of his dick down her throat with each thrust, but it was proving to be a difficult task after she got halfway down. Still, she had started by choking on just the head of his co*ck, so her progress was already impressive.

"Ahh yeah, you look so pretty with my co*ck in your mouth. So dumb and pretty," Josh barked out, earning yet another moan from Kyedae in response. Her moans sent little vibrations to Josh’s co*ck that added to the fantastic sensation of her warm throat.

Over and over, she stabbed his f*ck sword into her throat as her tongue lapped at the underside of his member. She moaned endlessly around his dick, almost as if she was the one being pleasured.

Which.. she was. In a way. To Kyedae, pleasing the man who degraded her so much was a pleasure in itself.

Suddenly, Josh forced her off of his co*ck. She propped herself up with her left hand and looked at him with a disheveled, pouty face.

“We’re changing positions,” Josh announced. “I can’t facef*ck you properly with this angle.”

Kyedae giggled in response as she wiped saliva off of her chin. “It’s going to be tough from any angle, hehe. Your co*ck is enormous!! And thick! Like a baseball bat, except it’s delicious too.”

“Hey, don’t underestimate yourself! You’re a whor*. I know you have it in you.”

She looked at him with a loving smile. “But you’re f*cking massive! You really think you can force all of that inside of my tight little throat?”

“Hell yeah. Every last inch is going to be lodged inside of that facec*nt. I’ll help you out, okay?” Josh replied. “Just need to be a lot rougher with you, but a stupid Asian whor* like you should love that, haha. If you had an ounce of intelligence, you'd ask for some respect! But you don't, because you're a dumb f*cking bitch."

Kyedae was strangely filled with warmth. “That’s very sweet of you.. helping me out by getting rougher with me. I don't usually respond to strict leadership, but with you, I think I definitely will, hehe. Otherwise, you'll just slap me around until I do, right?"

"Haha, yeah you're right, you stupid Asian whor*."

Kyedae beamed with excitement. "Then I will try my absolute best to swallow your big co*ck!!” She backed up in her front seat and saluted. “Stupid Asian whor* reporting for duty! Hehehe.”

Josh chuckled and looked around the car to see what the best position would be. He then pulled up his sweats and exited the car before opening the driver door. The same door that supported Tyson’s full body weight. Kyedae watched as her fiancé fell over, landing on the hard driveway cement with a loud thud.

She then looked up at Josh who did nothing to stop Tyson’s fall. “Oops,” was all he said.

A smirk creeped onto Kyedae’s lovely face. “What was it that you said earlier? ‘I’m sure he’ll be fine’? Hehe,” she said with an added giggle. "I'm sure you're going to put me through a lot worse than that!" Her lust for Josh’s co*ck overshadowed any feelings she had for her fiancé at the moment.

Josh smirked as well and reached down to grab Tyson’s legs that were still partially in the vehicle. He swung them around so that Tyson was now facing upwards with his head by the driver’s side door.

He paused for a moment as Kyedae leaned in to see what was delaying him. Without warning, he delivered a swift kick to the unconscious man’s groin. Kyedae gasped slightly and held her mouth open as Josh got into the car and began to lower his sweatpants. She was fine with their behavior before, but this seemed like a line they hadn't crossed yet. Though, she wasn’t super surprised or even upset. Moreso in awe of his bold behavior.

Kyedae glared at the big bully in front of her with an amused look. "Did you rrrrreally have to do that?" She asked with a slight giggle to let him know she wasn’t mad. She still wanted to suck his dick and drink his cum.

"Probably not, but I thought it'd be funny if his balls were aching while you sucked on mine.”

Kyedae chuckled and rolled her eyes. “You have such a cute sense of humor, hehe.”

She could sense that he was still unsure about her reaction by the way he wasn’t immediately impaling his co*ck down her throat, so she felt the need to reassure him. In reality, he was just thinking about the best way to position her for the facef*ck.

Kyedae grabbed ahold of his co*ck with both hands and began to jerk him off. “Listen, I’m not mad or anything. I don’t think I could ever be mad at you, hehe. As far as I go, you have free reign to do whatever. But.. you know, he’s still alive! He’s going to wake up at some point.. and if he wakes up with a ton of bruises, he’s going to start asking questions.” She paused for a moment to lean in and suck on Josh’s large co*ckhead as she jerked him off. A moment later, she continued, “Mmm you taste so good! God, I love being your whor*! Hehe. Oh yeah.. let’s, uhm.. just be a little more careful, okay? I mean, you’re already f*cking his fiancée’s face!! Hehe, do you really have to go and embarrass him more?”

She made a good point, but that’s not the way Josh saw it. “Yeah, I don’t really think about it that much. Kinda just do whatever the f*ck I feel like doing, y’know?” He replied as he adjusted a lever and raised the steering wheel as high as it would go.

Kyedae continued to jerk off his co*ck as she contemplated his reasoning. “Yeah, that.. does make sense. You wouldn’t really be.. you if you didn’t go around doing whatever you wanted, hehe.” She stared at his fat co*ck and continued. “And I don’t want you to change.. like at all. I loveee how rude and disrespectful you are. I love that you slap me around and degrade me every chance you get, just in case I forget, hehe. Which I do forget.. since I'm a little slow. Oo! I also love when you make me feel like I'm completely useless.. oh, and stupid! f*ck.. I LOVE when you make me feel all dumb and empty-headed. It just feels so feminine. Like, I'm supposed to be stupid and you're just helping me by constantly reminding me how dumb I really am. It's such a warm, cozy feeling. And honestly, it’s what gets my panties so wet whenever I’m around you, hehe.”

“Haha, well I'm glad I can help you out. So I'm good to keep doing whatever I want?"

Kyedae looked at the masculine man as she jerked him off. “Yes sir! Do as you please,” she said with a smile. "As long as you never stop degrading me and treating me like a cumrag, I'll fully support anything you do, hehe."

"Really?" Josh asked curiously. "Anything?"

Kyedae thought for a moment before responding. "I mean.. if we're talking about you hurting my fiancé, I don't know.. I guess I might be a little upset if you like.. ran him over or something crazy like that."

Surprised with her example, Josh replied with, "Just a little upset?"

"Yeah, for sure. Like.. I'd probably make you say sorry at least once before I go down on you.. and I'd still let you cum in my mouth or on my face, but I wouldn't let you take pictures. Just for the day, though. We could go back to normal the next day."

Josh continued the twisted scenario they were discussing. "What if I said sorry and I didn't mean it?"

Kyedae let out a giggle. "That does sound like something you'd do! Hehe, well.. that doesn't matter. You said sorry so you would still get your co*ck sucked, for sure."

“Great,” Josh replied as he shifted the base of his seat as far back as it would go. "I'm glad we've established that, haha."

Kyedae giggled as he repositioned her beneath the steering wheel directly in front of him. He opened his legs wide to give her full access to his co*ck.

“What did you say you wanted? To have me suck on your balls while his are aching? Hehe..” Kyedae said, giggling as she leaned in to take one of his balls in her mouth.

“I mean, you were yapping for so long. I doubt they’re aching anymore,” Josh replied, glossing over the fact that Tyson was unconscious and couldn’t feel the pain anyway.

“Awh, I’m sorry..” Kyedae apologized with a pouty face. “I know I was kind of being a bitch about it. I don't want you to think I'm a bitch! I'm reallyyy not. I'm your whor*. Your obedient little slu*t, first and foremost," she said with a smile. "Uhm, you know.. if you wanted to..” she said as a mischievous smirk formed on her face. Her eyes quickly darted to her fiancé and back.

Josh looked at her curiously. "If I wanted to what?"

Kyedae but her lip. "I mean, that thing you said would be funny.. y'know, if I sucked on your balls while his were.." She paused for a moment. "You could.. again.."

Josh took the hint and smiled. He knew what she meant. He just wanted her to repeat it.

“But just once!” Kyedae added with a stern but amused face.

Josh pulled his sweats up and maneuvered his right leg up and around her as he exited the vehicle.

Kyedae sat back on her knees as one of her hands slowly creeped down in between her legs and into her panties. She rubbed herself as she watched Josh take a few steps back, comically getting a running start before kicking her beloved Tyson in the groin. To her surprise and delight, Josh reeled his foot back and connected again. He did this twice more before leaning into the door entrance to see Kyedae’s reaction.

Kyedae had a serious look on her face that couldn’t hide the giggle she was holding back. “That was more than once! You big jerk!! Hehe.”

“Who cares?” Josh asked.

She rolled her eyes and giggled at his antics. “Oh, just hurry up and get in! I have some big juicy balls I need to suck, hehe.”

She spent the next several minutes lovingly sucking on each of his balls, moaning and touching herself at the same time.

"Yooor suchh ahh bighh mean man! Hurting mah futuree hushhband," she moaned while sucking on Josh's balls. She rubbed herself into an org*sm as she recollected the recent event.

“Okay, that’s enough. Time to f*ck your dumb face.”

“Hehe, yes sir!” She said before parting her lips and inserting his co*ck in her warm mouth.

Kyedae quickly got to work and developed a good rhythm, forming a tight circle with her lips. She sucked his co*ck eagerly. Josh groaned in pleasure as he thought about his plans for the rest of that night.

Just then, an idea popped into his head. He looked at the time. 6:40 PM. He quickly grabbed his phone and searched up the restaurant that Kyedae and Tyson were planning on going to. Marilyn’s Bistro.

“Is this the place you guys had reservations at?” Josh asked her as he held up his phone for her to see.

Without taking his dick out of her mouth, she nodded up and down. “Mmmhm!”

With her confirmation, Josh dialed their number and held the phone up to his ear.

“Hello! Yes, I have reservations for tonight at 7:00 PM, but we’ve had a bit of an emergency. Would it be okay if we moved them to eight o’clock? The reservations are for two under the name Tyson Ngo. Oh really? That’s wonderful! Yes, we’re very lucky indeed. Thank you. We’ll see you at 8:00 PM.”

Kyedae smirked with Josh’s fat co*ck in her mouth. She was elated.

She was about to release his co*ck from her mouth to speak, but Josh held her head down.

“Nuh uh, keep sucking whor*. Yes, I have commandeered your anniversary dinner. I will be your date and I promise to treat you like a princess. How do you feel about that?” Josh asked with a smirk.

Kyedae’s only response was to suck his big co*ck harder, faster, and deeper. Her enthusiasm tripled to show her excitement for their evening together. She let all her limitations slip away as she bobbed up and down frantically. She even managed to stuff three-fourths of his co*ck down her throat.. with help from Josh’s firm hand, of course.

Josh chuckled as he took a moment to appreciate the sight in front of him. This loyal Japanese virgin, the well known and widely respected streamer, the outspoken feminist named Kyedae, was currently choking herself on his massive co*ck, forcing as much dick into her throat as she possibly could.

“God, you look like such a dumb whor* when you choke yourself like that! Haha,” Josh said, thrusting his hips up to f*ck her face harder as he held her head down in his lap with as much force as he could.

Kyedae choked and gagged repeatedly, but she put these reflexes aside to pleasure her date for the night as much as she could. It seemed like she was getting closer to taking his full length down her gullet with every thrust.

“There you go, you dumb c*nt! Almost there! C’mon BITCH, I KNOW YOU CAN TAKE MORE!”

His assault on her face was constantly brutal and unending. The force his co*ck carried with each thrust jabbed the bottom of her throat as she struggled to breath. Spit flew out of the corner of her mouth and only added to her disheveled appearance.

On one particularly hard intrusion, he kept the pressure on the back of her head and used both hands to cram his thick co*ck down her throat. Kyedae held strong for a good thirty seconds before attempting to tap out. When he didn’t release her, she started to use her hands to free herself, but this was of no use. Her eyes pleaded with him for some air, but he was not budging. Her gag reflex was going haywire at this point. Her throat was convulsing around his co*ck, massaging it further.

“f*ckkk, that’s the best f*cking feeling!” Josh barked out. “A choking throat always gives the best co*ck massages! Haha!”

Kyedae rolled her eyes at his selfishness, but she was hardly surprised and definitely not upset. She was happy- no.. she was honored to be able to give Josh and his marvelous co*ck any amount of pleasure. She was making him feel good and that's the only thing that mattered. His moans were what her life centered around now. Even if it was at the expense of her comfort. Would it really be a lot to ask for if he could let her breathe? For even one second after several minutes of relentless facef*cking? No, probably not, but she wasn't a guy. She had no idea what several minutes of f*cking a tight young throat without mercy felt like, so she didn't feel like she was in any position to disturb that stream of pleasure. Even if all the air in her lungs was gone and her body selfishly needed her to breathe to keep her conscious. Not to mention, he was a lot smarter than her! Clearly, he had to know something she didn't. That one second that she would waste on breathing was probably much more valuable if it was spent with his co*ck lodged incredibly deep in her stupid throat. These thoughts and more circled inside of Kyedae's head as Josh mercilessly f*cked her face with abandon.

She did make a small mental note, after all the larger mental notes prioritizing Josh's pleasure, that she was completely out of oxygen and needed a fresh breath of air soon. Purely just so she could stay awake longer and please Josh for as long as he allowed her to.

“I love hearing you gag, haha! It’s the most coherent sound a woman can make,” Josh said. “Don’t you agree?”

Kyedae giggled around his co*ck as her body instinctually attempted to free itself. Though, her efforts were clearly fading.

Josh slapped the side of her face. “I said, don’t you agree? Huh, you dumb whor*?”

Kyedae gave a thumbs up as she continued to struggle around his co*ck.

“Atta girl. I thought you were about to pass out on me before you could give me an answer!”

Kyedae continued to gag and choke as Josh laughed above her. Her attempts to get free were completely fruitless, so instead, she refocused on trying to take him deeper. It went against her survival instinct to shove more co*ck down her throat when she was already choking, but that’s exactly what she did. And she rubbed her puss* as she did so. Something about Josh's carelessness and the asphyxiation turned her on so much.

“f*ck, you look so stupid when you’re choking like that, haha. Dumb f*ckING co*ckSLEEVE. YOU’RE A STUPID c*nt. TAKE MY co*ck!”

With a few hits to the back of her head and one last shove, Josh finally bottomed out in Kyedae’s throat. Her nose was pressed firmly against his abdomen as she gave her best attempt at a smile. Josh kept her there for ten seconds before she started really struggling.

“Just a little bit longer, don’t fight it slu*t,” Josh said, enjoying the feeling of her tight, constricting throat.

He suddenly began to thrust his co*ck up and down Kyedae’s throat mercilessly. Her body didn’t know how to react. It was in a constant state of convulsing as it struggled to breath. After a minute of this, she felt his co*ck start to twitch. A rush of warm liquid was being injected directly into her throat. Pump after pump, she struggled to swallow repeatedly. It was all she could do to stay awake.

“Ahhh, yeah! Swallow my cum you whor*! Haha, how the f*ck are you still conscious?”

Kyedae couldn’t focus on his demeaning comments. She still had plenty of cum to swallow.

For the next minute, Josh continued to pump sem*n directly into her gullet.

“You’re a stupid, mindless cum dumpster. f*ckkkk, yeah.. just like that. Not letting you go until your job is done, whor*.”

Kyedae begged for some mercy by tapping his thighs, but that only ended up distracting her from her efforts to swallow, so she quickly gave that up. Either way, it was clear Josh was not going to release her.

And so, she swallowed. And swallowed again. She tried to breathe through her nose, but it was pressed against his abdomen tightly enough to create a good seal. It seemed like everything was working against her. She felt herself lose strength in her limbs. Her fingers became tingly. Her vision started to fade.

At the last moment, Josh finally released her.

He sat back, put his hands behind his head, and enjoyed the sight of Kyedae struggling to clear her airway. Simply by reflex, she aimed her aggressive recovery outside of the vehicle to her right. She violently gasped for air while simultaneously spitting out a large amount of phlegm and leftover cum. Her stomach visibly convulsed as she retched without producing vomit, only strands of spit and ji*zz. By accident, the leftover remnants of their oral session were blasted all over the face of the man laying outside.

“Haha! Talk about adding insult to injury..” Josh chuckled out as Kyedae continued her coughing fit.

She finally noticed what she was doing to her fiancé and adjusted her position slightly to avoid him, but Josh grabbed her by the hair and brought her right back to where she was originally. If Kyedae was planning to protest, she simply did not have the strength to do so. And so, she continued hacking up saliva and leftover sem*n until her beloved’s face was covered in their mixed facef*ck juices.

“f*ck! That was hard work. You did good, whor*. You did good. You should be proud of yourself,” Josh called out to her.

A small smile formed on Kyedae’s face. She could never get tired of Josh’s praise. Her breathing began to normalize after a minute.

Her adorable face was now a complete mess. Her once perfectly styled hair was now in shambles from Josh’s harsh treatment. Strands of wet and matted hair covered the outline of her face. Sweat and spit covered her face from her forehead down to her chin. Her right cheek was still red from the slaps it endured.

She was an absolute mess, but even in her ravaged state, she looked fantastically sexy. It was a token of his hard work. And so, Josh took out his phone to capture the moment.

Kyedae rolled her eyes and laughed slightly. Of course he wanted to take a picture of her like this!

“Are you really taking a picture? Hehe,” she asked in her giggly tone.

“Of course. This,” Josh said, pausing to motion towards her face. “This is art. To be able to.. destroy such a beautiful face and still retain the beauty, but.. in a more rugged, primal way. It’s f*cking hot.”

Kyedae slanted her head as she thought about his explanation. She found it to be reasonable. Profound, even. Just when she thought she knew the man that jammed his co*ck down her throat so passionately, she found that she did not. Not fully anyway.

Nonetheless, she eagerly put up a double peace sign to pose for his well deserved photo and gave him a big smile.

Josh snapped his photo and looked at the clock. 7:25 PM.

“f*ck, we’re going to be late! And you look like hell.”

“Hm, I wonder why! Haha. Follow me, we need to find you something to wear!”

Kyedae found him an oversized dress shirt that Tyson never wore. It was a fancy gift from a relative who completely guessed on his size. It was dark blue and a bit small on him, but that only worked to accentuate his muscles. Josh also borrowed one of Tyson’s ties and grabbed his own pair of gray khakis. He was done getting ready in a mere five minutes, but Kyedae had a lot more to take care of. Her outfit was salvageable, but she spent the next fifteen minutes scrambling to wash her face and fix her hair, which was made worse as Josh kept humping her from behind or groping her boobs through her dress.

At 7:45 PM, the couple walked out through the front door with their arms linked. Side by side, they looked like an untouchable celebrity couple. Kyedae somehow looked more beautiful than she did before the oral extravaganza. Her hair had a better shine to it and flowed more freely. Her face glowed in the moonlight. And her smile had never been bigger.

They walked to the car and Kyedae let out a verbal groan as she remembered one last thing they had to take care of. Her fiancé.

“I’ll take care of it,” Josh announced. “You’re my date tonight. You shouldn’t have to worry about these little inconveniences.”

Kyedae smiled warmly at him as he reduced her future husband to a mere nuisance. “Thank you. You’re too good for me,” she said, getting on her tippy toes to plant a kiss on Josh’s lips. “I promise I will do whatever I can to make you happy,” she added, looking deeply into his eyes.

She looked on as Josh casually walked around the car and grabbed Tyson by the ankles, hauling him away from the car and towards the bushes along the side of the home. His head and body dragged on the hard driveway.

“Sorry,” Josh called out. “No time to be gentle.”

Kyedae giggled and replied, “Oh please! You’re doing a great job. My big strong man!”

Josh used Tyson’s body weight to swing him around, releasing his grip at the right moment to land him right in the bushes. Kyedae looked on with sheer amusem*nt as her fiancé was manhandled.

She walked up next to Josh and despite the entertaining scene that just unfolded, looking at her fiancé now sent a pang of guilt to her heart. She still loved him. Things were different now, but that kind of feeling couldn’t possibly evaporate this quickly. With the sun fully set, it was dark outside and the temperature had dropped a bit. It was still warm by most standards, but chilly in the context of LA weather.

“I know we don’t have a lot of time, but.. I’m kind of worried he might get a little cold,” Kyedae said with a sympathetic tone. “Maybe I should go grab him a blanket or something.”

Josh wore a contemplative look on his face for a moment before replying. “Oh! No need. I can know something that will warm him right up.”

Not showing any signs of joking, Josh unzipped his khakis and fished out his co*ck. Even flaccid, it still impressed the young Asian that looked at him with a shocked expression.

“What?” Josh asked. “My bladder is full anyways. Two birds, one stone situation here.”

Kyedae looked up at Josh as she scoured his face for any sign of a bluff or some sarcasm or a joke. Anything. But.. she found nothing. He was dead serious.

“C’mon,” Josh continued. “Piss is warm, right?”

Kyedae replied with a breathy tone. “R-right..”

She was wasting too much time. Josh replied, “We don’t have time for this. Here, I’m going to piss in the bushes. Up to you if you want Tyson to get warmed up or not.”

Josh stepped up and began urinating. He aimed his stream of urine right at the base of the bushes. It splattered onto the round rocks that made up the base of the hedges below. A moment later, he felt Kyedae’s soft hand take a hold of his co*ck. He was truly surprised, but he looked on as he released his grip and let her take control. He watched as his stream of piss was slowly guided further up and directly onto Tyson’s unconscious body.

Kyedae’s was breathing heavily as she aimed Josh’s girthy co*ck. She started at her fiancé’s stomach, drenching his nice dress shirt with the foul liquid. As soon as Josh’s piss made contact, it was as if she let go of any inhibitions. Whatever was left, anyway. She began to move Josh’s co*ck left and right, soaking Tyson’s entire body with urine. She was fascinated. The power she felt by simply holding Josh’s co*ck consumed her. The pure force of his piss was enough to make her swoon.

Josh heard her begin to whisper something. At first, he couldn’t make it out. She wasn’t saying it so Josh could hear. It was for her own reasons. Her own satisfaction, perhaps. He quickly realized that.. she was, in fact, mumbling expletives.. directed at her fiancé.

f*ck you tyson

take this piss

f*ck you, you stupid f*ck

covered in piss like a f*cking loser

A smirk creeped onto Josh’s face as he looked at the Asian beauty next to him. Impressed would be putting it mildly. His influence over her had completely altered who she was. Or perhaps, it just led her to who she truly was. Either way, Josh had never been more attracted to her than he was right now.

f*ck you, f*ck you so much

you deserve to be pissed on

He watched on as Kyedae covered her fiancé in his urine. The same fiancé she claimed to love. Seemingly not wanting to miss a single spot on his body, she kept going back to areas of his clothing that were not already darkened by his warm co*ck fluid.

i’m going to drown you in piss

his piss, his delicious co*ck fluid

Once all of his clothes were soaked, which only really took ten to twenty seconds, Kyedae guided Josh’s large dick in the direction of Tyson’s face. She let out an involuntary moan as the yellow piss splattered all over his face.

thank him for pissing on you

thank him you f*cking loser

you f*cking stupid loser

She aimed it in circles to hit his forehead, his cheeks, and his nose. She drenched his hair. She continued to circle the stream of urine and paused on his lips for a bit, seemingly trying to get them to part but with no luck.

how the f*ck did you get drugged so easily

you deserve this so f*cking much

After a full minute, his stream weakened. Kyedae guided Josh forward as the power of his flow and the distance his piss traveled decreased.

“Just want to be sure he gets.. every last ounce of your piss..” Kyedae said aloud. “Don’t want to waste.. a single drop.” She shook Josh’s co*ck directly above Tyson’s face to get everything out. For another full minute after his stream ended, Kyedae worked his semi-erect co*ck up and down with her hand. From the base of his co*ck to the tip, she massaged the entire length of his co*ck in an attempt to get as much of his piss out as humanly possible.

When she was certain nothing more would come out by hand, she bent forward at the hip and sucked on Josh’s co*ckhead lovingly. She then released his co*ck, turned her head in Tyson’s direction, and spit. Directly on his face.

She backed away and straightened up. She shook her head as if she had just come out of a trance.

Looking at Josh, she said, “Sorry.. uhm, it was just.. very.. very important to me.. that.. he got every drop of your piss.”

Josh looked at her with amazement. As he put his co*ck back into his pants and closed his zipper, he chuckled out, “Can I ask why?”

“I just.. I don’t feel that he appreciated it,” she replied. “Your piss, I mean. You didn’t.. have to share it with him, but you did. Because you’re sweet and you’re kind.” She continued as she licked the remnants of urine off of her hand. “I know he’s asleep, but still. Some gratitude would be nice.”

Shaking his head at the obscurity of her reasoning, he slapped her on the ass and made his way towards the car. “Well that was fun, but I’m absolutely starving, and we’re going to be late.”

“Okay, just give me a second,” Kyedae replied as Josh walked away. She turned her head towards Tyson and leaned down to talk to him.

“I’m sorry that I got so carried away. I didn’t mean for it to go that far, but.. can you really blame me? I mean, you saw his co*ck! It’s..” she paused as a shiver went down her spine. “It’s perfect. It’s so f*cking beautiful. So powerful. I can’t help myself around him. I’m.. probably going to end up being his slave. I don’t see this working out any other way. I mean, I kind of already am. He orders me around and I do exactly what he says.. like a bitch in heat, hehe. He’s just sooo sexy, ughh!” She paused briefly as she got back to her original train of thought. “But.. yeah, I am kind of sorry that we involve you so much. This.. little situation is not the first time you’ve experienced his co*ck fluid, hehe. And it definitely.. definitely won’t be the last. Honestly? I would be surprised if you go a single day from now on without eating or being blasted with some delicious and slimy fluid from his co*ck. Piss, cum, precum maybe.. I don’t know. How about.. all the above? Hehe. But.. don’t you worry one bit! I will make sure that you never, ever find out about this. Can you imagine how humiliating that’d be? No, no.. I don’t want that for you. So we’ll just do it behind your back,” Kyedae said as she finished with a big smile. “It’s a lot more fun that way.”

“Hey!” Josh called out. “Let’s get going! I want you to suck on my balls on the drive over.”

Kyedae became giddy with excitement as she turned back to her unconscious fiancé.

“Sorry, you heard the man. Don’t have too much fun without us! Hehe,” she giggled as she hurried over to the car with a kick in her step.

Chapter 10: Keeping His _____ Empty

Chapter Text

As Kyedae walked over, she noticed that Josh was now positioned by the passenger’s door. She was slightly confused, but his intentions would soon become clear. As she approached, Josh grinned subtly and opened her door, waiting patiently for her to climb into the vehicle.

Kyedae was a bit surprised by his pleasant gesture, but she still cooed in response. “Oh my, what a gentleman! Thank you, sir,” she said with a kind smile.

Once she was seated, Josh closed her door and walked around the car to the driver's side. He climbed in and readjusted his seat and the steering wheel from their wacky positions that accommodated their earlier shenanigans. Kyedae showed him how to open the gate with a remote button that was attached to the keys.

“Now that’s pretty fancy,” Josh commented as he watched the driveway gate open in the rearview mirror.

“You think so?” Kyedae asked as she stared at the burly man beside her. “I think it’s just one of those electronic fobs. You know, like the ones most people have with a garage door?”

Josh chuckled. “Right.. no, I was kind of referring to the size of the gate. It’s huge!”

“Yeah, well.. we need it to keep all the creeps out! I mean, think about who lives here,” Kyedae replied. “Now, imagine how many perverts out there would sneak in if they had the chance!”

“Hah, you mean.. perverts like me?” Josh laughed out as he put the car in reverse and began to back out of the driveway.

Kyedae giggled back. “I guess so, hehe. Our defenses weren’t good enough to keep you out,” she said as she hugged Josh’s right arm and snuggled up next to him. She could smell his cologne and felt his muscular arms with her tight embrace. This combination of senses sent a slight shiver down her body. “I’m.. glad that they weren’t. I’m glad you slipped through the cracks, and.. took advantage of our kindness,” she whispered as she watched Josh drive through the city. “I’m glad that you’re here,” she finished off with.

Josh could only smile in return.

Several minutes later, they arrived at the much-anticipated restaurant: Marilyn’s Bistro. It was nearly breath-taking on the outside. The entrance was designed with a sleek, red carpet-esque presentation, and there was a large sign with the restaurant's name on the front that was lit up by spotlights.

Kyedae squealed in excitement as Josh pulled up to the front entrance. A valet was waiting for them to confirm their reservation. Josh exited the car and handed the keys over before circling around and opening Kyedae’s door for her. He held out his hand to help her out, which she gladfully accepted. They locked arms and made their way inside. The interior somehow put the outside display to shame. The dining room was full of low-hanging lights, expensive looking decor, and very fancy seating. The entirety of the south wall was glass, which provided an excellent view of the busy city.

“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to come here!” Kyedae said excitedly.

A beautiful, well-dressed waitress escorted them to their table before supplying their menus. Once she confirmed that it was their first time dining there, she explained how the five-course meal would work and what a few of their signature dishes were.

When she left to give them time to decide, Kyedae quickly looked over to Josh and whispered, “Five-course meal?!”

Josh matched her surprised energy. They ordered soon after and spent the night learning more about each other. They discussed each other’s childhoods and how they got to where they were. Josh revealed a few embarrassing date stories that Kyedae was fascinated by.

“There’s no f*ckin-” Kyedae caught herself and looked around. In a quieter tone, she continued. “There’s no freaking way that happened!”

Josh raised his right hand to portray his honesty. “I swear! It was an absolute trainwreck! She started babbling about crystals and how she could see into the future, which I could’ve ignored, but then she started reading my palms and somehow, that convinced her that I was going to die soon.” Kyedae looked on, completely engrossed with Josh’s story. “That’s all she could talk about, so I knew I had to get out of there. But the waiter kept forgetting to bring the damn bill. I asked him for it three times before I just gave up and snuck out. I excused myself to the bathroom, and for whatever reason, I had a fake mustache in my pocket. Must’ve been from a costume party or something, but I didn’t question it. I promptly put it on and used it to slip past everyone on my way out,” Josh said with a big laugh, which Kyedae matched.

“God, that kinda makes me wish I had embarrassing dating experiences,” Kyedae replied. “I was kind of a nerd in high school and didn’t go out much, hah.”

They continued swapping stories as plates of food filled their table. The night was full of gourmet cuisine, contagious laughter, and witty banter. Their chemistry was undeniable and Kyedae noticed it right away.

The enamored couple seemed to be an outlier among the other reserved patrons that they were surrounded by. Kyedae had to catch herself multiple times when her giggle was too loud, which only caused her to giggle more out of embarrassment.

An unquestionable sexual tension also filled the air every time one of the two made a suggestive joke.

“Jesus, I am absolutely stuffed,” Kyedae remarked as she sat back after finishing her medium rare steak.

Josh looked at her and replied, “No, not yet you aren’t. Tonight, though, you will be.”

“Oh yeah?” Kyedae replied with a sexy stare. “What does that mean, exactly?”

Josh only smirked and shrugged off her question. Kyedae’s cheeks reddened a bit. They hadn’t really discussed her virginity at all that day. Perhaps he just assumed it was his to take.

At times, Kyedae took advantage of the long table cloths and slipped her foot out of her heels before stretching out to rub Josh’s leg. She did this specifically when he was talking and acted like nothing was wrong, which drove Josh crazy.

By the time they finished their desserts, the pair could hardly wait to leave. When it came time to pay for the bill, Kyedae quickly apologized. “Shoot, I forgot.. uhm,” she said awkwardly. She was obviously the one in a better financial position between the two, and the bill in front of them looked like it would cost an arm and a leg. She continued, “I can take care of-”

Josh swiftly cut her off. “No, it’s okay. I got it.” He reached into his pocket and took out a wallet that Kyedae quickly recognized. He pulled out a credit card and handed it to the waitress.

Kyedae waited for her to leave before whispering, “You.. sneaky f*cker!” She giggled out. “When on earth did you grab Tyson’s wallet? I never saw you do that!”

Josh smirked in response. “It was just laying on the ground. Must’ve fallen out of his pocket at some point, hah.”

He then raised his nearly-empty glass of champagne up into the air, which prompted Kyedae to do the same.

“A toast.. to Tyson! And his truly admirable generosity. For treating us to this delicious meal and for.. lending me his lovely fiancée,” Josh said pompously.

Kyedae gave him an adorable smile, but did not bring her glass forward to meet his. Instead, she responded with, “f*ck that. He shouldn’t get the credit for this amazing night. No, this was all you. You made this happen, Josh. And he didn’t lend me out. You took me. You stole me right out from under his nose. So,” she said with a cheeky grin. “I propose this toast to you. The real reason we’re having such a great night," she said, looking directly into Josh's eyes. "To the victor go the spoils."

And with that, they clinked their glasses together and swallowed whatever remained in their cups. In quick fashion, they gathered themselves and made their way to the exit. Once they were in the privacy of the car, they embraced each other and began making out. Their heavy breaths invaded each other’s mouths as they kissed. Their tongues wrestled and their hands explored.

A minute passed before Josh broke the kiss. “Let’s get home. I think the valets are looking at us,” he said jokingly.

Kyedae clung to Josh’s arm again on the drive home. She felt so comfortable with him. It was a kind of comfort that she had never known before. But there had been enough romance for one night. Kyedae wanted more, so she slowly reached her right hand down towards Josh’s groin and she massaged the outline of his co*ck.

“Whatcha doing down there?” Josh asked as he tried to remain focused on the road.

“Oh, nothing..” Kyedae replied coyly as she continued teasing Josh's growing co*ck with her dainty fingers. “Just trying to judge whether it’ll fit or not.”

Josh immediately understood what she meant and it drove his lust crazy.

"If you keep that up, I might have to pull over and f*ck your brains out right here and now," Josh threatened.

"Mmm, is that so?" Kyedae whispered back.

"There would be an audience. Look at all these people on the sidewalk," Josh replied.

She turned her head and groaned. "As tempting as that sounds, there's a family right there and I don't want to go to jail tonight. Just.. get me home, stud."

And he did. A few minutes later, they arrived and began kissing as soon as the car was parked. The kiss only lasted a moment before Kyedae spoke up.

With a breathy tone, she said, "You have no f*cking idea how wet I am. You’ve been smooth-talking me allllll night. And guess what, stud?” She paused, looking deeply into Josh’s eyes with a wanton stare. “It worked. I.. I want you to take me. I want you to f*ck me.”

Without hesitation, Josh kicked his door open and grabbed Kyedae by her upper torso. With a hand on each side, he heaved her towards the driver’s side door as he stepped out. Kyedae swooned at his strength as she was promptly tossed over his shoulder like a ragdoll. “Oh my! Josh!!” She giggled out as he slapped her nearly exposed ass and began walking towards the front entrance. As he did so, Kyedae glared through the dark night and towards the bushes. Spotting the outline of her unconscious fiancé, she gave him a small wave before giggling at Josh’s wandering hand that snuck under her dress.

Josh wasted no time in getting to Kyedae's bedroom. He quickly shut the door behind them with a kick of his foot and threw the bubbly Asian onto the bed.

"Whoaaa! Hehe," Kyedae squealed out as she bounced on the mattress. "So what, I tell you to f*ck me and you think you can just toss me around, huh?” She asked playfully.

“Yup,” Josh replied.

“What happened to the gentleman I had dinner with?" Kyedae asked in a teasing tone.

Josh stood over her as he unbuttoned his shirt. He wasn't smiling or laughing. He had a stern look on his face — one of pure desire. It was clear that his mindset had changed. He only had one thing on his mind as he looked down at the beautifully innocent streamer in front of him. She was all dolled up for their date, and she laid there with her dress riding up high on her thighs as her legs parted slightly, waiting to be taken.

"He's not here right now," Josh replied. "If you want a gentleman, I think there's one outside sleeping in the bushes."

Kyedae's smiling face turned serious. She glared up at the man currently removing his clothes above her. “No,” she said immediately. “I don’t want him. He couldn’t possibly hope to give me what I need right now. Right now.. I need a jerk. I need an asshole. An absolutely careless, selfish prick who’s going to f*ck me like a whor* deserves to be f*cked.. I need you,” she finished off with.

“Good,” Josh replied as he removed his undershirt to reveal his muscular abdomen. He tossed it at Kyedae and she did her best to dodge it. His jeans were next, and then his underwear. Kyedae's breath quickened as she watched him. The roles would usually be reversed. She’d normally be the one to strip and make a show of herself before sex, but Kyedae’s fascination with Josh flipped the whole dynamic. She was mesmerized as she watched him shed his clothing.

She bit her bottom lip and let an expletive slip out as he revealed his angry co*ck. "f*ck.. you're going to destroy me," she said nervously.

"That's the plan,” Josh replied as he got down on one knee. He hooked his arms underneath her legs to pull her closer.

With her puss* now only inches away from his face, Josh pushed her dress up further and slowly slid off her red panties before throwing them to the other side of the room. They ricocheted off of Tyson’s monitor and landed on his custom keyboard. Kyedae let out a small whimper as her sex was revealed.

"God damn, your puss* is perfect," Josh remarked as he admired her shaven hole. "Spread your legs more."

Kyedae did as she was told and stretched her legs open as widely as she could. “I feel so exposed,” she admitted.

“Get used to it,” Josh replied. “You’re going to be in this position a lot more often when you’re with me,” he added as he leaned forward and began to kiss her inner thighs.

“Mmm, if you say so,” she moaned as she felt his warm lips on her flesh. Josh kissed his way towards her puss* and began to lick the length of her labia. Kyedae was overtaken with pleasure as Josh’s outstretched tongue licked her puss*. She repositioned her legs so her thighs now rested on his strong shoulders.

“Ahhh..” Kyedae moaned again. Waves of ecstasy passed over her as Josh focused on her cl*tor*s. He swiveled his tongue expertly and licked her c*nt without mercy. All she could do was squirm and hold onto the bed sheets as she reached a climax. “f*ckkkk, f*ck, f*ck! I’m cumming!” She shouted out. Her body spasmed and she grinded her pelvis onto Josh’s face as he continued to lick her, allowing her to ride out the full extent of her euphoric org*sm.

“Wow..” she whispered out. She could almost see stars.

Eventually, the pleasure subsided and Josh backed away. He smiled at her and asked, “How was that?”

Still reeling from her climax, she responded in between heavy breaths. “That was.. incredible. I don’t know how.. you do it, but.. you have a f*cking gift, haha. I know you’ve.. made me cum before, but.. how did I go.. this long without.. that?”

Josh admired her flustered face and smirked. “That was nothing. We’re just getting started,” he replied as he got to his feet, keeping her legs on top of his shoulders. He wiped his face to remove some of the excess ejacul*te that Kyedae produced before grabbing his co*ck and laying it on top of her stomach.

This angle clearly showed how deep he’d be inside of her. Kyedae's beautiful eyes looked down and immediately widened. “I will never get used to your co*ck. It’s like a f*cking murder weapon. Please.. be gentle with me.”

Josh looked at her sternly. “slu*ts don’t get to choose how they get f*cked. They just get f*cked, and they take it,” he replied.

Kyedae's eyes flickered at him and his show of authority. She nodded. “Duh, of course. I’m sorry– go ahead, stud. You deserve to take my virginity. And you deserve to take it however you want,” she said with a breathy tone as she worked herself up. The anticipation of finally having sex was driving her lust up a wall. “You’ve more than earned it. Take it. f*cking take it! Take me! Take my virg– ahh, f*ck!”

She was interrupted as Josh’s large co*ckhead pushed its way past her delicate lips and into her c*nt.

“You’re tighter than a goddamn nun,” Josh exclaimed. His co*ck was met with ample resistance, but her recent org*sm kept her well lubricated. He could feel the intense warmth of her c*nt surrounding his co*ck as he pushed his way in, and he ignored Kyedae’s pleas to slow down.

“You know, your whining only makes me want to f*ck you harder,” he said to her.

“Mm, sorry.. I can’t– f*ck.. I can’t help it. You’re tearing me in.. two,” she replied as Josh pushed his way inside of her further. “But don’t stop. It feels good, too. I’ll stop complaining, sir. I’ll stop– f*ck!”

Josh grew bored of her talking and thrust his co*ck forward. Whenever his progress slowed down, he’d pull a few inches of his co*ck out and then ram himself back in, earning another inch of progress. “Uhhh! f*ck!” Kyedae moaned out each time.

With one final thrust, Josh buried himself balls deep in the gorgeous Asian. He stayed deep inside her wet c*nt to relish the feeling.

Kyedae was already almost out of breath. “I feel so f*cking full! I can feel every inch of you,” she said as she reached down to rub her cl*tor*s. “Mm, so just like that, I’m no longer a virgin, hehe.”

“Yup,” Josh replied as he turned his head and kissed her left calf that was positioned near his head. “Now, you’re no different than every other whor* out there.”

Kyedae giggled and rolled her eyes as Josh began to withdraw his co*ck so he could continue f*cking her. “Mmm, that’s kind of hot. I was so pure before you ruined me, hehe,” she said with a sultry tone in between moans.

Josh ignored her comment and focused on the task at hand. He thrust his co*ck forward and began to f*ck her vigorously, removing his rock-hard f*ckstick until just the head was left inside. He then slammed his co*ck as deep as it would go before repeating the move over and over. It wasn’t a necessary technique, but it was rough and treating Kyedae in a harsh manner was hot.

“You must be soooo proud,” Kyedae moaned out. “Turning such a sweet girl into a a dirty f*cking whor*.”

Josh continued ram his angry co*ck deep inside the young Asian. “That’s all I am– f*ck.. now. A useless f*cking whor*! f*ck me, uhh! f*ck your whor*!” Kyedae exclaimed as her body was pounded into the bed.

She was clearly not afraid of letting anyone hear her moans. “f*ck me! Ahh, f*ck my f*cking puss*! Just like that.. god, f*ck! f*ck me, you stud!”

She noticed her words were fueling his thrusts, and while she could barely take his current rough treatment, she prioritized Josh’s pleasure and egged him on further. “I am such a whor*! f*ck your whor*, Josh! Uhhh, just like that! I’m your whor*! And that’s all I want to be! f*ck! f*ck me! f*ck your whor*! f*ck your dumb whor*! f*ck!” she said passionately.

And that’s exactly what Josh did. He brigaded her c*nt with his co*ck relentlessly. The force of each thrust was enough to make Kyedae bounce slightly off the surface of the bed.

“You sure are tight for a whor*,” Josh stated.

“f*ck, uhh! Uhhh! I’m sorry! Stretch me out, then! Make me a proper whor*!” Kyedae exclaimed as her body was tossed to and fro. “Make me a whor*! f*ck! YES! Uhhh baby, that’s so f*cking good!”

Kyedae’s enthusiastic moaning and dirty talk kept Josh’s momentum at a constant high. The inexperienced Asian let out a guttural moan with each of Josh’s powerful thrusts. “f*ckkkk, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck! f*ck me, f*ck me, f*ck ME!” she exclaimed wildly. She normally had no filter when she played Valorant, and it was no different when she was getting f*cked.

“I can’t believe you took this long to put out,” Josh remarked.

Kyedae rolled her eyes as her body was shunted back and forth. “Uhm, two days.. is not even a long time! Maybe– f*ck.. maybe if you focused on me, instead of Poki or Rae, you could’ve been f*cking me– f*ck.. every day for the past week!” Kyedae said with a playfully jealous tone. “f*ck! Imagine all the org*sms I missed out on!”

“Take off your dress,” Josh barked out.

“Yes, sir,” Kyedae said with a smile. She propped herself up with her elbows and quickly grabbed the bottom of her dress that was scrunched up around her stomach before pulling it up and over her head. Her bra joined her dress on the ground soon after.

With her boobs now in full view, she smirked up at man impaling his co*ck inside of her repeatedly. As her head bobbed back and forth in rhythm with Josh’s intense thrusts, she shook her tit* at Josh to tease him. “Do you– f*ck, like my boobs? You can’t keep your eyes off of them, hehe.”

“f*ck, yeah. Can’t believe I own a whor* with tit* this nice,” he replied as he leaned forward and sucked on her right nipple while his left hand grabbed her unattended breast.

Kyedae giggled. “Well, believe it! Because they’re all yours,” she replied as her hand caressed the back of his head. “They’re yours to suck, to squeeze, and to grope.. whenever you want.”

“Even if Tyson is around?” Josh asked with a mouthful of Kyedae’s right boob. The vibrations of his voice send a shock of pleasure through her.

Kyedae smirked at his question and replied, “Mmm! Yup, especially when he’s around. Any time he turns his head, I want your sexy hands on my boobs. You can squeeze them over my shirt if you want, but if you can manage to get inside my bra and play with my nipples, you should do that, too. f*ck, that’d be so hot!” She began to squirm at the thought.

Josh only grunted in response as he switched over to her left tit and began sucking that nipple, using his tongue to swivel around her areola and lap at her hard nipple. At the same time, he continued pumping his co*ck in and out of her, never pausing his constant f*cking for even a moment.

“Ahh, f*ck.. that feels good. Yeah, keep sucking my boob, just like that,” she replied in a breathy tone. “f*ck me.. f*ckkkk!” The stimulation to her nipples combined with Josh’s deep penetration was too much for her to handle. With her legs high in the air, she began to org*sm yet again.

“f*ck! I’m.. uhh, f*ck! f*ck me! I’m CUMMING!” she moaned out loudly as her body shook. Josh could feel the vibration of her org*sm on his co*ck as he pistoned his f*ckmeat in and out of the spasming girl.

Josh finally released her breast and straightened back up, keeping his co*ck buried inside of her. Not that he could escape anyway. Kyedae’s legs were wrapped tightly around him as she rode out her org*sm. The look on her face was one of pure ecstasy. Sweat formed around her forehead and her eyes carried a lustful glare.

Breathing heavily, she looked at the stud that was responsible for so much of her pleasure. “Josh, I don’t know.. f*ck. That was.. wow! I– I.. f*cking love you,” she announced in her state of euphoria.

Josh was caught slightly off guard, but refocused on her and held his stare, as if to confirm what he heard.

She obliged and repeated herself. “We don’t have to make it weird. I just wanted to say that I love you. I really do. I f*cking love you. I know we just met and it’s probably just the org*sm talking, but– actually, no. I’ve felt this since dinner, so it’s not just the org*sm. Whatever, I don’t give a sh*t if it doesn’t make sense. Just know that I love you, and that I’m yours. Entirely.” Her cheeks were bright red and a look of relief came over her as she finally was able to get that off her chest.

Josh was a bit surprised, but not extremely so. Rae and Imane had made similar confessions not too long ago, which consequently also occurred after their romantic dinner. What the f*ck was up with women and food that suddenly made them profess their deepest emotions?

Josh resumed his thrusts, but at a slower pace. “I’m not going to say it back, y’know?”

Kyedae grinned. “I know,” she replied, shaking her tit* slightly for Josh’s viewing pleasure.

“And love with me isn’t romantic. I only took you to dinner to get inside of your pants, and it worked,” Josh replied in a matter-of-fact tone. It was hard to concentrate with her puss* hugging his co*ck the way that it was. She was still super f*cking tight.

Kyedae giggled. “Of course you did! You seduce girls and make them into whor*s. That’s your thing. I know that,” she said. “I’m telling you that I don’t mind being a part of that. I don’t mind being just another slu*t that you seduced.”

“You don’t?” Josh asked.

“Nope. I think it’s so f*cking hot that I’m just a notch on your bedpost. A name on your list of conquests. A pair of panties you’ve collected. As long as I’m your slu*t, I don’t give a f*ck about anything else,” she said. After a brief moment of contemplation, she continued. “I’ll even help you f*ck other girls.”

A smirk grew on Josh’s face. “Oh, really?” His thrusts began to pick up speed, much to her pleasure.

“Mmm, yup. Name any– f*ck, that feels good.. uhm, just name a girl and I’ll do everything I can to help you f*ck her. I’ll talk you up and let her know how amazing you are. I can hint at how big your co*ck is. I’ll tell them that I accidentally saw you coming out of the shower, hehe. Then you can move in for the kill. Ahhhh, f*ck!”

Fueled by Kyedae’s dirty talk, Josh was now moving his hips at full speed, pounding her puss* with abandon. Her warm hole felt fantastic around his co*ck. It was a feeling he would never tire of. “Oh yeah, slu*t? Did you have anyone in mind?”

“f*ck! Uhh, uhh.. god, your co*ck is so good! f*ck!” she moaned out. “Uhm, sure. There’s lots of girls I could think of. Lots of Asians, too. You like that, right? Submissive Asian whor*s?” It felt so wrong to just offer up all of her friends as if they were items on a menu, but she no longer cared. All she wanted was to be on Josh’s good side and keep him happy.

“Yeah, of course. Nothing better than a cute Asian with cum on her face,” Josh replied.

Kyedae laughed as her body jolted back and forth. “Hehe, I’d have to– f*ck.. agree. You know,” she said with a bit of hesitation. “I.. actually have a younger sister.”

This really grabbed Josh’s attention. “Oh yeah?” he replied.

“Yup. She’s so f*cking cute, and.. she just turned eighteen,” Kyedae said with a smirk on her face.

A younger version of Kyedae sounded too good to be true. “You shouldn’t have told me that,” Josh replied.

Kyedae giggled. “Why? I know– f*ck! I know what you’ll do, hehe. I told you, I want to help!” The more Kyedae spoke, the more she realized she was getting as much pleasure out of this as Josh was. She loved the idea of helping Josh seduce women. It felt so natural to serve him.

When Josh didn’t respond, she continued. “I still have a bunch of sleeping pills left,” she said suggestively.

“And what are you going to do with those?” Josh asked immediately.

“Well, I could invite my young, innocent little sister over, and maybe one of those pills happens to make its way into her drink,” Kyedae said in a sexy whisper. “Then I could watch as you rape her cute, barely-legal Asian c*nt. f*ck! Can you imagine how hot that’d be? She’d be all f*cking.. defenseless, and f*ck!” Kyedae could hardly finish her sentence as she rubbed her cl*t to the thought of betraying her sister.

Josh paused his thrusting long enough to laugh. “Haha, you’re f*cking crazy,” he replied.

Kyedae smiled again. “All thanks to you,” she said. “You made a monster.”

“I’m just glad you’re on my side, haha,” Josh said.

“As long you keeping f*cking me and treat me like a dumb whor*, I will stay on your side, hehe,” Kyedae replied with a giggle.

They laughed the topic away and focused on f*cking each other. It was, by all accounts, the best sex Josh had so far. Kyedae’s sex drive was unlike any other. When Josh grabbed her by the throat and choked the air out of her while they f*cked, all she did was grind her hips back harder to meet every one of his thrusts. When they switched positions so she was on top riding him, she bucked her hips like a woman possessed. Her puss* milked his co*ck like it was desperate for his cum.

When the time came, he shot his cum deep inside of her. His co*ck was already stretching Kyedae’s puss* out to the fullest extent. There was nowhere for his ridiculously large load of cum to go except her cervix, so Kyedae felt the pressure build up almost immediately.

“f*ck! Take every f*cking drop,” Josh spat out. “Don’t let any spill out, you whor*.”

Kyedae cooed in response. “Mm, it’s so f*cking warm! I can feel it in my f*cking womb, hehe.”

“Is that what you want, slu*t?” Josh asked as he pumped her full of cum.

Kyedae replied eagerly, “Yesss, f*ck! I want your cum deep inside of me! I want you to knock me up! f*cking seed me!”

They separated only after Josh’s balls were empty, but he ordered Kyedae to keep her legs high in the air.

“Why?” Kyedae asked with a smirk. “To make sure your seed stays in me? Are you really trying to get me pregnant, you pervert? Hehe.”

“And what if I am?” Josh asked.

“Then.. I’ll have all your babies. The ones you put in my belly, anyway. I’m sure I’m not the only one you’ll knock up, hehe.”

Josh didn’t respond, but Kyedae still did as she was told. Ten minutes passed before Josh got up to sit on the side of the bed. “f*ck, what time is it?”

Kyedae looked at her phone. “Almost.. three o’clock in the morning. You’ve been f*cking me all night.”

“Well, damn. I need to take a piss,” he replied.

“What about Tyson?” Kyedae asked.

“What about him? He can wait until morning,” Josh replied.

Kyedae was a bit unsure, but with the amount of pills they gave him, he should very well be out until late in the morning, which allowed plenty of time for them to get some much needed rest. Josh went to use the bathroom and Kyedae went in after him, waddling on her way there with a hand blocking Josh’s cum from leaking onto the floor.

They climbed back into the bed soon after and cuddled together. Kyedae rested her head on his chest and fell asleep with a smile on her face.

In the morning, Kyedae woke up to birds chirping outside. She looked up at Josh and was filled with an inexplicable warmth. Just looking at her lover’s handsome face gave her so much joy. She really did love him, and would do anything just to see a smile on his face, regardless of how twisted it was.

She leaned forward to give him a few kisses on his cheek and on his lips. “I love you,” she whispered as he lay there still fast asleep. “I want to be yours.. forever. I want to belong to you, fully.. whatever that means, heh. I’m sorry. Sometimes I just say nonsense. Women, am I right? Hehe,” she said softly. She didn’t want to wake him, but still wanted to convey her heartfelt message. “But I do mean it. You own me, and every part of me. And not.. not like a girlfriend or wife or anything. I wouldn’t expect you to give me a title with that much respect. No, you literally own me. Boss me around, slap me, abuse me, or whatever else. I know that’s how you show me you care, so I’ll take it all with a smile. I know I probably mean less to you.. now that you’ve f*cked me, but.. I promise to always be a good whor* for you. You can f*ck me whenever you want. I’ll drop to my knees at the snap of your fingers. You can use me and throw me away.. because that’s what good whor*s are for. I am your property, so please.. do whatever you want with me. I really, really hope you’ll keep me around. At least until I give you my little sister. You’re going to really like her,” she said, finishing off her long, one-sided dialogue.

Kyedae then repositioned herself in between Josh’s muscular legs. She knew that he’d soon wake up, as would Rae and Poki, which meant that she’d have to share him. The idea made her a bit jealous, but instead of focusing on that, she took this opportunity to spend some quality time with Josh’s balls. She lovingly kissed them, sucked on them softly, and rubbed them on her face, making sure that every inch of her beautiful Asian face was touched by his sweaty balls at least three– no, four times over. She then decided that wasn’t enough and continued to rub her face all over his hefty ballsack for the next half hour, keeping her tongue out to pleasure him in his sleep. She hadn’t forgotten about Tyson and the fact that he could wake up at any moment, but this alone time with Josh’s balls was just more important to her.

Finally, Kyedae heard a noise outside of her bedroom that brought her back to reality.

“f*ck..” she whispered to herself. She sighed and tried to wake Josh up.

“Mmm, what?” Josh mumbled out.

“Joshhhhh, we have to go get Tyson! He’s going to wake up soon, and if he does, he’s going to reek of piss and he’ll know something happened! C’mon,” she said.

Josh was still half asleep as he responded. “f*ck, I don’t care if he wakes up. It’s too early, go figure something out,” he said as he turned over and hid his head under the pillow to shield himself from the sunlight.

Kyedae couldn’t help but smirk. Of course this big oaf would be unhelpful in this situation. “Hmphf, okay.. go back to sleep. I’ll deal with Tyson. I love you,” she said as she got out of bed.

After taking a moment to stretch, run a comb through her hair, and put on some clothes, she walked out and ran into Valkyrae and Poki in the living room. Perfect. She could ask them for help. Though, she’d have a bit of explaining to do.

“Hey guys, good morning,” she said.

“Look who it is!” Rae responded with a big smile on her face. “Miss moans-a-lot finally woke up.”

“Did you sleep well?” Imane asked with a smirk. “I bet you slept like a freaking baby.”

Kyedae blushed at their knowing glares. “Okay, it is not what you guys think,” she said as she sat down on the sofa beside them.

They both intensified their stares as if they knew she was lying. A few awkward moments passed before Kyedae spoke. “Okay, fine! It’s exactly what you think. I mean, jesus f*ck. He’s just.. so f*cking good in bed!”

As Imane and Rae both burst out into laughing fits, Kyedae tried to plead her case. “f*ck you guys! It is not my fault, okay? Hear me– c’mon, hear me out! Stop laughing!”

They finally calmed down enough to give Kyedae a chance to speak. “Okay, well.. he’s just.. he’s f*cking hot, okay? And he’s just super charming and assertive and.. he’s a professional womanizer! He could seduce the snakes off of medusa’s head, okay? This is not my fault!”

“You forgot to mention how big his co*ck is,” Rae chimed in with a giggle.

“And the way he talks down to you, ohhh my god,” Imane added, swooning as she described him. “Kyedae, trust us. We do not blame you one bit. Just had to give you a bit of sh*t, haha. Then again.. Rae and I aren’t engaged,” she added with a laugh. Rae chuckled as well.

“Oh, whatever!” Kyedae replied as she rolled her eyes. “I could’ve been married and I would still let him f*ck me,” she admitted. “Over and over and over..”

The girls all gave each other a knowing look. It seemed like there was consensus between the three of them. Kyedae hesitantly asked, “So, uhm.. how– I mean, how deep does it go.. with you guys?”

Rae jokingly responded with, “Nine inches? Maybe ten? I’m not sure. I’m usually too busy sucking on it to even think about measuring, hehe.”

Kyedae giggled. “Oh my god! You know what I mean,” she said.

Imane looked at Rae for a brief moment before turning her head towards Kyedae. “Slaves. I won’t even sugarcoat it. We’re like.. fully onboard as his sex slaves. Anytime he wants us, he can have us.”

Kyedae was still a bit unsure. She looked at Rae, who was nodding as if to confirm what Imane was saying.

“So you’re like.. dating him?” Kyedae asked.

Rae shook her head. “No, not really. We’re more like.. his property. He owns us. He could sell us if he really wanted to. He owns our bodies, and we just do whatever he says. He takes pictures and videos of us when we’re naked, and we send him nudes all the time.”

“Yup,” Imane confirmed. “And it gets me soaking wet just thinking about it, hehe.”

Kyedae breathed a huge sigh of relief. “Thank f*ckkkk. I thought I was in over my head. But it’s clearly not just me, right? It just feels so natural to give myself to him!”

Rae replied, “Oh, we know! And I was technically his first slave, so hah!”

Imane retorted with, “Hey, I’m the one who brought him here in the first place! But yeah, I guess.. if we’re being technical, she was first, and then she got Josh to seduce me, then the three of us kind of planned how he could get in your pants, Kyedae. Hehe.”

Kyedae’s mouth opened wide. “You sneaky f*cking.. whor*s!” she said as they all giggled together. “I guess I should thank you guys. Those org*sms I had last night–” Her voice trailed off as she closed her eyes and remembered the pleasure she experienced. “I’ve never felt anything like it in my entire life!”

Rae responded with, “Right?! I’ve never, ever cum as hard or as easily as I do with Josh. He’s just.. f*ck, just thinking about him gets me wet!” After a pause, she added, “You know, a few days ago.. Imane and I were sucking his co*ck. I was sucking on his big balls while he f*cked Imane’s face.. and we both had an org*sm. He wasn’t letting Imane breathe and it was just so f*cking hot that we both climaxed right there on our knees under him. It was the greatest thing I’ve ever been a part of, hehe.”

The girls began to swap stories about their adventures with Josh, but Kyedae had them all beat.

“Well, guess what? He took a piss on Tyson’s face, and I let him! I actually helped him. I aimed his big f*cking co*ck directly at Tyson’s face,” Kyedae confessed proudly. “You guys have never felt power until you’ve aimed that monster as he takes a piss. It literally changed me.”

Imane and Rae could only stare back with their mouths gaped open. Poki finally responded. “Okay.. you f*cking win,” she said as the three of them broke into laughter.

“Speaking of Tyson,” Kyedae said nervously. “I need your help with something..”

The next ten minutes were nothing short of chaotic. Knowing they were short on time, the girls scrambled to come up with a plan. They ran outside and assessed the situation.

“I can’t believe you just left him out here soaked in piss while Josh f*cked your brains out all night!” Imane said. Her voice turned softer as she added, “That is so evil, and so f*cking hot!”

“What can I say? His dick makes me do crazy things,” Kyedae replied with a smile.

The girls shared a laugh before refocusing on the task at hand. Imane was the one who smartly suggested using the tarp in the garage. With Rae and Poki at his feet and Kyedae holding his shoulders, they heaved Tyson out of the bushes and onto the tarp. He was definitely scrawny, but the girls were small and still struggled with his size. They each held onto a side of the tarp as she brought the unconscious man inside and into the largest shower in the home. They got their stories straight, and then turned the water on, rinsing his clothes as much as they could before hitting his face with the flowing water.

Tyson woke up suddenly and regained his awareness, prompting him to ask a few questions about what happened. Kyedae explained that they were in the driveway when he got out to check something and tripped. She told him that he hit his head and passed out, but woke up a little bit later with a huge headache. They both agreed that they should call it a night and let him sleep off the pain. When he didn’t wake up that morning, the three girls got worried and brought him into the shower to wake him up with water.

It was a messy story, but a plausible one. And it worked. Tyson ended up apologizing profusely to Kyedae for ruining their special night.

“Please, don’t apologize! It was still an incredible night,” she said honestly before catching herself and quickly adding, “Because I spent it nursing you back to health!” Rae and Imane held back their giggles.

“Oh, wait! Frick! What time is it?” Tyson said, getting up to sort himself out.

“Almost noon,” Kyedae replied. “Why?”

“I have a match tonight! I was supposed to be at the Sentinel's house two hours ago!” Tyson replied frantically.

Twenty minutes later, Tyson was showered, changed, and out the door. The girls all high fived each other and breathed a huge sigh of relief for pulling that off.

“You have to be more careful, Kyedae!” Imane said. “There were a million ways that could’ve gone wrong. I know it was hot, but.. maybe peeing on him wasn’t the best idea.”

Kyedae shrugged her shoulders and replied, “Honestly? I can’t make any promises. As much trouble as that was, if Josh tells me that he wants to do it again, I would help him. In a heartbeat. Like, I wouldn’t even think about it or the consequences. What Josh says goes.”

Rae bared her teeth as if she was on the fence. “I.. can’t really say that I blame her. If you were to check my panties, they’d be wet just from hearing the story.”

“And helping with the cover up,” Imane added with a giggle.

“Right,” Rae said, “I don’t see why Josh wouldn’t want to show off his power like that again. I honestly think the best thing to do is just be prepared.”

Poki was weighing the counter-argument, but seemed to have been persuaded. “I actually agree. I’d do whatever Josh told me to as well, but what do you mean ‘prepared’?”

Rae replied with, “I don’t know. I mean, like Kyedae.. you should make sure you always have sleeping pills stocked. Uhm, I could order a few extra tarps on Amazon. Maybe a wheelbarrow, too? That would have made it much easier to lug him around. Do they even have those on there?”

Imane replied, “Yeah, they should. They have all kinds of stuff on there. We might need to build it, though. We can just store it in the garage for now.” After a brief pause, she added, “Oh! And if anyone ever texts the group chat with a ‘911’, it means that we need all hands on deck. We all have to drop everything to help out.”

Kyedae smiled. “What the f*ck? Those are all great ideas, guys! Ooo, I just got super excited! Doing this alone would’ve sucked so hard, but with the three of us.. we can focus on what really matters.”

“Keeping Josh’s balls empty?” Rae asked with a smile.

The three girls laughed and agreed in unison. At that same moment, they heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs.

Thirty minutes later, Josh was enjoying a delicious sandwich on the sofa with his feet kicked up. The girls had learned a few new techniques and made sure to always keep fresh ingredients for any spontaneous meal he might want. They also bought a panini press that grilled the bread slices, which took his sandwich to a whole new level. The TV was playing one of Josh’s favorite movies: Inglourious Basterds.

Though, some details were left out. Josh’s feet were indeed stretched out, but not on the reclining mechanism that the sofa came with. His heavy legs were laying on Kyedae’s back, who was currently on all fours in front of him acting as an impromptu ottoman.

Rae was on her knees on the opposite side of Kyedae, massaging Josh’s feet. She had her back arched and her head ducked low for three reasons. The first was so that her head wouldn’t block Josh’s view of the television. That would simply be rude of her. The second was so she could keep her face close to Josh’s feet to shower them with kisses, and also so Josh could push his feet into her face. He did this to mess with and degrade her, but Rae enjoyed it, so she often kept her face pushed up against one of his feet while she massaged the other with her delicate hands. The third reason was to give Josh a slight view of her arched backside. It felt right to let him see the curve of her ass at all times, which was why Kyedae also arched her back with her ass in the air as much as she could with his weight on top of her. However, Rae was one step ahead of Kyedae. She purposely wore a thong that rested higher on her hips than her shorts did. If Josh ever decided to look her way, she was sure that he would appreciate the sight. She hoped he would, anyway. Rae had spent almost an hour that morning trying to decide what thong Josh would like the most. Between all the different colors and designs, it was a difficult choice for her to make. Unfortunately for her, when he wasn’t looking at the television, his focus was often on his own co*ck, which was currently lodged deep inside of Imane’s tight throat.

“Uhm, excuse me, dumb whor*?” Josh said to get her attention.

Amusedly, all three girls quickly diverted their heads in Josh’s direction. Technically, he could've been referring to any one of them.

“Hah!” Josh laughed out. “Sorry girls. I was talking to Imane.” Kyedae and Rae had slight looks of disappointment on their faces as they went back to their tasks.

“Lucky bitch..” whispered Rae as she refocused her energy on massaging Josh’s feet. Kyedae was still just struggling to maintain her position as Josh’s weight became heavier by the minute.

Josh continued his dialogue with Imane. “Every time you try to come up for air, you move my plate around. One of my chips almost fell off the plate because of your selfishness.” He then harshly slapped the side of her face on her cheek before grabbing a handful of her hair with his left hand. He proceeded to slam her head down so she was throating him balls deep. “See, slu*t, that’s where you should be most of the time. Then you can go up and down this much,” Josh said as he lifted her head with his tight grip before bringing it back down. “See? That’s only about three or four inches up. If you go more than that, you’ll move my plate. It’s really not that f*cking hard of a concept to grasp,” Josh barked out.

Imane murmured in response. “Phhgfffmm shhhphf!”

Rae chimed in. “I think that’s slu*t-speak for ‘yes sir’, hehe.”

“I think so, too,” Josh replied with a smile as he took another bite of his sandwich.

The infamous bar scene popped onto the screen as Josh felt his balls start to churn.

“Alright, slu*ts. Line up. I’ve got a fat f*cking load I need to blow on your dumb faces,” Josh said as he put his plate aside and stood up. Imane was finally freed and gasped for the air that she was denied for so long. She did her best to recover quickly as she still wanted to get painted with Josh’s cum. It was the reward for all her hard work, after all.

The girls swooned with excitement and quickly lined up as they were told. Poki barely made it in time as Josh started blasting his burning hot load all over the adorable faces in front of him. He aimed his co*ck back and forth to make sure each girl was blasted equally. If Kyedae didn’t have any cum on her forehead but Rae and Poki did, Josh would shift his position to get that area covered. When Kyedae’s eyes were both plastered with cum, Josh moved his aim towards Rae, whose eyes were practically unscathed by his cum, except for the globs that were dripping down from her hair. In the end, all three girls had a thick layer of cum covering their iconic faces.

Imane and Rae immediately began to make out, swapping cum back and forth like hungry slu*ts. This wasn’t a new experience for them, but Kyedae was a bit more shy. That is, until Imane turned and moved in for a kiss. Kyedae’s eyes went wide at first, but she quickly got into it. The taste of Josh’s cum that she loved so much removed all of her previous inhibitions. She soon began to make out with Imane fervently. She showed the same passion as she did that morning when she rubbed Josh’s balls all over her face. It was quite a sight to behold.

“Now,” Josh announced. “Who should get to clean me off and suck out the last drops of cum I have left?”

Imane quickly broke the kiss and looked up at Josh. “Me! Uhm, I have some.. news you might like. Lily texted me this morning. She said she's already on the plane back from her trip. She should get here in about.. four hours.”

With a slight smirk on his face, Josh brought his co*ck forward and presented it for Imane to suck on, which she did eagerly.

Chapter 11: Fly on the Wall

Chapter Text

Joshua slumped backwards onto the comfy sofa and rested momentarily. Though his stamina never failed to impress, the sheer pleasure from such a fantastic climax had depleted a good chunk of his energy. And who could blame him? Aggressively f*cking the deepest and warmest parts of Imane’s tight throat as Valkyrae lovingly kissed and massaged his feet while Kyedae acted as a footrest was just too f*cking good.

These submissive acts of service from three women would overstimulate any man, but for it to be three incredibly prominent feminists in the streaming industry? No words could describe the power that Josh felt in that moment. It was safe to say that his ego was at euphoric levels.

And how could it not be? Even now, as he sat on the sofa, the sight before him was one that surely no man had ever witnessed.

The three naked women were there in front of him. Pokimane remained on her knees as she passionately made out with an initially hesitant but now enthusiastic Kyedae. They were swapping his cum back and forth, expertly keeping large amounts of the gooey substance on their tongues as they french kissed. This was mainly to savor the flavor for as long as they could, but also to give Josh a sexy show. When one greedy whor* could no longer resist the taste of his delicious cum without swallowing it, she would pull back slightly to gulp it down, shivering with ecstasy as she accepted his yummy ejacul*te. This prompted the other to lean in and lick off remnants of cum from their recent facials and start the whole process over. Their hands explored each other's bodies curiously. Imane groped Kyedae’s perky boobs and delicately tugged on her nipples while Kyedae’s hands stroked the full length of Imane’s back, keeping her close.

While that was going on, Rae was just off to the side, frantically rubbing her desperate puss* with her right hand. With her left, she was smearing Josh’s cum all over her face. It was already coating every inch of her beautiful Filipino features, but she seemed to be rubbing it in harder. She sporadically brought her hand to her mouth and moaned loudly as the taste of Josh’s seed covered her tongue. Her intense lust was clearly being driven by the fast approaching org*sm that she was buildin–

“Ah, ahhh! f*ckkkkk me! f*ck! I’M CUMMING!” Rae loudly moaned out as her lower half began to spasm. Her head tilted backwards and her mouth hung open as she rode out the blissful climax to its fullest extent. Powerful waves of pleasure washed over her one after the other. They were almost too much for her small body to handle, and it was clear that she was being overwhelmed by the intense feeling.

Imane and Kyedae broke their kiss to giggle and watch as Valkyrae made herself cum with nothing but Josh’s potent sem*n to fuel her org*sm.

Kyedae looked back at Josh with a smile. “Okay, it has to be said. The cum that comes out of that big nutsa*ck of yours.. is too f*cking powerful. Like, scientists need to study that sh*t immediately.”

Josh chuckled in response. Imane also giggled and quickly added, “But that would mean less cum for us. Less cum to cover our faces and–.. and less cum for us to make out with and less cum to drip out of our puss*es after he shoots his load deep inside of us. No, no, that’s a horrible idea, Kyedae.”

From her position on the ground, a disheveled Rae weakly raised her head. “I’m.. with Imane.. on this one.”

The group laughed in unison, and when the laughter died down, Kyedae felt the need to clarify. “I was kidding, anyway. Did you actually think I wanted that? I’m the one who ate a whole bowl of cereal with his ji*zz as the milk! If we had to rank it, I’d definitely say that I’m the biggest slu*t for his cum.”

Imane looked at her in genuine surprise. “Why the f*ck.. haven’t I thought of doing that before?” she asked herself as the girls shared another laugh.

Josh was thoroughly enjoying the naked streamer’s banter, but it was time to get serious.

“So, I’m guessing you girls have had time to catch up?” Josh asked. He knew Valkyrae and Pokimane were well informed about the household hierarchy shift, but he wasn’t sure if Kyedae had discussed it with them.

The girls looked at each other before Kyedae spoke up. “Yeah, we’ve had some time to talk. We sort of bonded while we were taking care of your mess with Tyson, hehe.”

My mess? I think you were just as responsible as I was, Kyedae,” Josh replied.

“Oh, one hundred percent. I’d say I was even more responsible.. because– well, I’m the one that was supposed to be loyal to him. And if you ever want to do it again, just let me know,” Kyedae said with a cute wink. “But at least I helped clean it up!”

Josh laughed. “Ohh, that’s what you’re getting at. Hey, my whole goal was to blow your back out on your anniversary. I did that and then some. Can’t expect much more out of me from there.”

Imane and Rae both giggled at his brazen response, but Kyedae only looked on with adoration. Of course that’s what his response would be. She quickly got up and walked over to Josh before leaning in and giving him a quick kiss. “I know. I was just teasing you, babe. You get to blow my back out any time you want, and we’ll always be there to clean up your mess,” she said with a loving voice. “We wouldn’t want it any other way. And I was serious about doing it again. If you ever get even a tiny urge to embarrass my fiancé, just snap your fingers and I’ll set it all up so you can pee all over him again. Or maybe you can f*ck me on top of him, hehe. Anything you want, okay? The girls already told me they’ll help clean up any mess we make.”

Rae and Imane both agreed by nodding their cute little heads in the background. Josh smiled up at Kyedae. “Trust me– there will be plenty of that in the future, but right now, we have a different focus. Lily. I need some help figuring her out.”

The girls shuffled together on their knees as Josh continued. “We’ve got.. what? Three and a half hours left?”

Pokimane quickly nodded as she looked at her phone. “Yeah, just about. She should be here at six o’clock, and she’ll be with Michael, by the way.”

“Michael’s her boyfriend, right?” Josh asked just to confirm.

“Right,” Rae replied. “They both live here and sleep in–”

“In the room filled with all the art upstairs?” Josh quickly chimed in. “I had a chance to look around and.. uhm, appreciate her art yesterday.” Rae gave him a suspicious smile but didn’t inquire further.

“And how long have they been together?” Josh asked. He was trying to get as much background information as possible.

“Over three years,” Imane added.

“And are there any issues between them? Anything I could exploit?” Josh asked.

The girls contemplated for a moment before Rae spoke up. “None that come to mind. They argue just like any couple, but they’re in bed cuddling and watching a movie before the day is over. I mean, they build freaking forts in their room and spend the whole day goofing around.”

“Yeah, they really are perfect for each other,” Imane began to add to Rae’s point. “They both have that small amount of crazy in them, and I think that’s why they’re so comfortable around each other.”

Kyedae replied, “You’re being a tad bit negative, Imane. Don’t you want to see Lily’s adorable face being suffocated by Josh’s massive co*ck?”

“I do!” Imane immediately replied. “You have no idea how much I’d love to see that. The idea alone turns me on, and I will be the first one in line to hold her head down on your co*ck, Josh. Or hold her arms down so she doesn’t bother you with them in an attempt to get some air. But that is precisely why we have to cover all our bases. You need to know all of this if you really want her to be naked on her knees next to all of us.”

Kyedae nodded in agreement and yielded her argument as Imane continued. “I mean, I’ve been trying to get her to be more confident and dress more.. provocatively for a long time. Me, Aria, and Jaime all have, actually. And it hasn’t worked! She still wears super conservative clothes.”

Rae thought of something and spoke up. “Ohh! Also, she has been cheated on before, and it really hit her hard, if I recall correctly. Imane was there with her when she found out, right?”

Imane nodded to confirm and added, “Yeah, it took a long time for her to get over it. I think Michael did a lot to help her through that time. So.. if we want to f*ck up their relationship, it’s going to take something really messed up to do it.”

The nonchalant cadence in their voices really emphasized how dedicated they were to Josh and his conquest to f*ck Lily, but Josh wanted to ask just to be sure. “And you guys are all fine with this? Helping me get in between their relationship? Because I’m just after her puss*. I’m going to use her like a whor*, and I don’t really care about her feelings or any of that sh*t.”

With hesitation, Kyedae added, “Okay, hold on. You are totally not giving yourself enough credit. For starters, you’re also after her asshole and her mouth, right? Not just her puss*. And also, women can be super difficult sometimes. So when you degrade us and treat us like whor*s, it kind of forces us to accept our purpose. You’ll break her down and help her see how worthless she is without your co*ck. So you don’t really need to care about her feelings for her to feel important to you. I, for one, have never been happier than when your balls are in my mouth or when I’m choking on your co*ck.”

Imane chimed in with a joke. “What about when you had a bowl full of his cum in front of you? Hehe.”

Kyedae looked sheepishly at Imane and giggled. “Okay, maaaaaaybe that was my happiest moment, hehe.”

Valkyrae agreed with Kyedae’s previous point. “I think we all see the benefits of your co*ck Josh, so yes, we are more than happy to help you–.. wreck their relationship, if it means Lily gets to be a happy co*cksleeve just like us, hehe.”

Josh was proud of how far he had corrupted these girls. It was not an easy thing to accomplish. One could say it was almost impossible, but the results were right here in front of him. “Okay, let’s do it then. Their relationship is rock solid. Got it. They’re perfect for each other– blah, blah, blah, but we don’t know everything about them. We don’t know what their sex life is like, for example. I think.. I think we need a way to spy on them.”

After some contemplation, a potential solution came to Josh’s head. “What about cameras?” The girls looked at him curiously as he continued. “Ones that they won’t notice. We can set them up in her room and just.. see what we see.”

A mischievous smile crept onto Valkyrae’s face. “Hmm, that might just work. Maybe.. maybe Michael is a two-pump chump and isn’t satisfying Lily, hehe.”

Imane smiled as well and said, “Or maybe he has a micropenis, and Lily makes fun of it behind closed doors.”

The girl’s imaginations suddenly ran wild with ideas, but time was running out. They had to put the plan into action.

Josh delegated the tasks and grabbed Rae’s keys to go buy the cameras. Rae and Imane went up to Lily’s room to find the best place to install them, and Kyedae stayed there in the living room to clean up the mess they had made. The house needed to be free of any suspicious evidence so Lily and Michael didn’t catch onto their ruse. A chaotic sense of urgency swept upon them just as it had earlier that day, but it felt much more organized now that they were following Josh’s orders directly.

A few hours later, the girls were showered and back to their normal selves. The whole group stood in Lily’s room and looked at the cameras from different angles to see if they were noticeable. They were not.

“Installing one in their shower was a really f*cked up idea, Josh,” Kyedae giggled out. “f*cked up, but smart.”

“Right? It’s so hot helping him perv on Lily,” Rae added. The obscenity of their circ*mstances was making the girls giddy. Their actions felt wrong, but that’s precisely what made them feel right, too.

Imane agreed. “Yeah, we should install them in our showers, too, so he can see us whenever he wants, hehe.”

Kyedae replied with, “Hehe, he can already see us whenever he wants, dummy.”

Imane giggled. “Yeah, but I feel like spying makes it a little hotter for him–”

A loud crash and the sound of faint voices suddenly interrupted the conversation. The group looked at each other with wide eyes before quickly making their way to the living room. Kyedae jumped onto the sofa, tucked her legs beneath her, and did her best to not look suspicious. Josh took his seat to her left and rested his outstretched arms on the couch. Rae ran to grab the remote and turned the television on before joining them. Imane stood a few feet away from them as if she was concerned about the loud crash.

Lily and Michael walked in through the garage door moments later.

“Hey guys!” Michael announced.

Greetings were exchanged as Imane excitedly approached Lily to give her a big hug. The two were the greatest of friends and hadn’t seen each other in over a week.

“I feel like it’s been years since I last saw you,” Imane said to her as their hug continued.

“Oh my, Poki you’re making me blush. I missed you, too!” Lily replied and reciprocated the intensity of her hug.

They separated and Poki asked, “What was that loud noise we heard?”

Michael looked sheepish as Lily responded. “Oh, that was freaking Michael. He dropped one of our suitcases and I think he broke the handle!”

Imane reached forward and pinched Michael’s cheek. “Awh, was the suitcase too heavy for you, wittle baby Michael?”

He comically slapped her hand away as the group chuckled. “No, no– don’t pin this on me. They don’t design those things the right way. The weight– it’s not distributed evenly at all. I think that they want people to break the handles so they have to buy another one,” Michael replied with a playfully spiteful tone. Imane giggled and then quickly added, “Oh, hey! I bet Josh could help with the rest of your luggage. Josh, come meet Lily!”

Rae and Kyedae were still sitting on the sofa and looked at each other with subtle smirks.

Josh stood up from his seat and approached. As he did, Imane explained, “He’s one of Rae’s friends, and he’s staying here for a few days until he moves into his new apartment.”

Lily smiled to acknowledge Imane’s explanation and diverted her attention to the only stranger in the room.

Immediately, she noticed multiple striking features about him. He was unequivocally handsome. His face was chiseled and well-defined. His medium-length brown hair was messy in a very casual way. His smile and pearly white teeth somehow made her blush. The most distinct attribute, however, was his size. He was f*cking massive. Not only were his muscular arms and chest threatening to burst out of the shirt he was wearing, but his height was a staggering attribute all on its own. He had to be either 6’5 or 6’6, which was gigantic in comparison to her own height of 5’3. This was all she could think about as she nervously held her hand out to greet him.

Josh, however, had a different greeting in mind. As he closed the distance between them, he moved her hand aside and went in for a hug. “We don’t shake hands where I’m from,” he announced as he embraced Lily with a bear hug, wrapping his strong arms around her lower waist. She was overpowered by his strength as her feet suddenly left the ground. For a few moments, Josh hoisted her up in the air with his dramatically affectionate embrace.

Lily’s eyes widened and she let out a shriek as the girls giggled and cheered at Josh’s forward greeting. Lily’s new height was almost double the one she was used to, so she instinctively wrapped her arms around Josh’s neck for stability. Her feet dangled as Josh pivoted his body left and right, and this prompted Lily to wrap her legs around his upper waist.

Michael could only look on in surprise as no one else in the room seemed to be questioning Josh’s behavior.

In the intensity of the moment, Lily could hardly focus on much, but there were a few things that stuck out to her. The most notable detail was Josh’s incredible strength. It was clear to Lily that she was a mere toy to him given how easily he was handling her. His powerful arms were wrapped tightly around her small waist, and while the height made her anxious, his obvious stability comforted her somewhat. The second thing she noticed was his scent. He smelled good . She wasn’t sure if it was deodorant or aftershave, but it was an attractive smell nonetheless. That, combined with his normal musk, was akin to a kind of natural cologne, despite him not currently wearing any. It left a noticeable impact on her.

The whole ordeal only lasted a few seconds, and Lily suddenly found herself on the ground again. The immediate loss of contact with the strong man brought her some disappointment.

She had a flushed look on her face as they separated, which Imane pointed out. “Ohh, Josh! Look! You made her blush, hehe.”

That, of course, only served to embarrass her further. After nervously looking towards Michael, she explained, “I’m not blushing! I just–.. didn’t expect to be hoisted into the air like that!”

From the nearby sofa, Rae chimed in. “Awhhh. No, I think Lily has a crush!” This was met by ooo’s from the other girls, which egged on the embarrassing sentiment.

The statement was, by all means, f*cked up given the context of their situation, but that’s what their goal was from the very beginning: normalize f*cked up comments and behavior. Her long absence from the house meant that she was somewhat unfamiliar with the social dynamics, so it was the perfect time to implement new changes. Say what you will about Josh, but the man could scheme.

“What the– have you guys been drinking today?” Michael asked incredulously.

“No need to be jealous, Michael,” Imane said with a laugh as she hit Michael on the shoulder. “But yes, I think we should tone it down. We’re just so happy to have you guys back.” Lily breathed a sigh of relief as she was seemingly bailed out of the awkward situation. “We’ll let you guys settle in, but I want to hear some stories from your trip later!”

Josh helped them get the rest of their luggage out of the car, impressively carrying three duffel bags and two suitcases up the stairs. He met Lily and Michael just outside of their bedroom and dropped off the bags there.

Lily smiled at him. “Oh my god, you’re a lifesaver, Josh. It would have taken us three trips to get that all up here!”

“I’m glad I could help,” Josh replied with a grin. “A pretty girl like you shouldn’t have to do any heavy lifting.”

Lily blushed again and looked behind her to see Michael’s reaction. Fortunately, he was fumbling with the bags and had just opened the bedroom door to start unpacking.

She looked back at the hunk who had just complimented her. “Yeah, well– that’s, uhm.. thank you. Again,” she said nervously.

“Don’t mention it,” Josh replied. “So I guess I’ll see you around the house?”

Lily nodded, signaling the end of their brief conversation. Josh moved in for another hug, which caught Lily a bit off guard, but not enough to deny him. A little flashback from their first hug crossed her mind as they embraced each other tightly. It was a bit odd. Most hugs with strangers were similar to a peck on the cheek– quick and subtle, but Josh’s hugs were not.

He held onto her tightly, squeezing her small body with his hands pressed firmly on the upper and lower part of her back. His body was so warm and.. firm. Muscular. Their size difference was insane too. Her head was squarely pressed against his prominent pectoral muscles. She determined that hugging Josh wasn’t awful.

In fact, she rather liked it.

The hug only lasted a second or two before Josh firmly slapped her ass and pulled away from the hug. Lily was surprised, but Josh did it so casually that it didn’t interrupt the mood at all. He turned to walk away. “See ya,” he said.

“Yup, uh.. see ya,” Lily replied meekly. She shook her head and decided to let the issue go for now.

Once Lily and Michael carried all of the bags into their room, they began unpacking.

“Does it feel like we got ambushed as soon as we got here?” Michael asked.

Lily had an inquisitive look on her face. “Hm, I guess.. maybe a little?”

Michael gave up on unpacking and went to lie down. “I don’t know. Something just felt off,” he said.

A smile grew on Lily’s face. “So Imane was right. You are jealous! Hehe,” she giggled out before joining him on the bed.

Michael rolled his eyes jokingly. “Oh, shut up. There’s nothing to even be jealous about!”

She poked Michael’s side and began to annoy him whimsically. “Uh huh, you’re jealous because he’s sooo much taller and stronger and–”

That was as far as Lily got before Michael tackled her on the bed. The two began to wrestle playfully, giggling and squealing from the tickles.

Back in the living room, Imane, Rae, and Kyedae all gathered around Josh. He held his phone out, which displayed a full view of Lily’s bedroom. The cameras came with an easy-to-use app.

“Well, Imane.. you weren’t wrong. Jealousy would work on a lot of couples, but not these two,” Josh said as they watched the pair wrestle in bed.

“Hold on, keep watching,” Kyedae replied as she noticed something on the camera.

Michael had seemingly gotten the best of Lily. He managed to pin her arms down as the two drew heavy breaths from their scuffle. Lily smirked up at him in defeat. “Oh, maybe you’re not so weak yourself. Are you going to take it farther or are you going to stop here.. like always?”

This seemed to hit a sore spot for Michael. He let her go and sighed heavily as he sat on the edge of the bed. “We’ve talked about this so many times, Lily,” he said.

Lily pouted and replied, “Yeah, but you never agree with me. I just want to feel what it’s like.. you know, to be a little rough. Is it really that unreasonable?”

There was silence for a moment. In that pause, Michael’s nose caught onto a pungent scent. “Do you smell that?” he asked.

After sniffing the air once and then twice, Lily scrunched up her nose. “Yeah, it.. it kind of smells like– pee?”

They quickly found the source. A yellow puddle under her artwork in the corner of the room.

Lily was understandably shocked. “It can’t be, right?”

“I mean, there’s no pets in the house,” Michael reasoned.

“Even if there was, my drawings all the way up here are damp and wrinkled,” Lily responded with a mixture of anger and sadness. The smell of the urine was constant now with them being in such close proximity, but Lily did nothing to cover her nose or mask the smell. “I was going to sell these, too!”

“Who the f*ck would do this?” Michael whispered. “I doubt–.. no, it couldn’t have been any of the girls.”

The two looked at each other for a moment before simultaneously asking, “Josh?”

With an energized anger, the pair left their room and marched down the stairs. They were normally not ones for confrontation, but this was too messed up to simply let go. They were also curious to know the reason for such disrespect.

Finally, they made it into the living room. The group was still all there scattered around the sofa.

Imane turned her head and pretended to just notice them come in. “Oh, hey guys. What’s up?” The group clearly knew why they were coming. They were watching the cameras, after all.

“Josh, we need to ask you something..” Lily began to say. “We found something.. uhm, it’s–”

“Someone took a piss all over Lily’s drawings,” Michael interjected.

Imane, Rae, Kyedae, and Josh all did their best to look surprised. “What?” Josh asked.

“Pee. Someone peed in our room, and it looked intentional.. from what we saw,” Michael continued. Lily looked at Josh nervously with half of her body hidden behind her boyfriend. She had walked into the room with confidence, but either Josh’s presence or the nature of the conversation had diminished her. She noticed that Josh looked genuinely confused by the accusation. That look, however, quickly turned into an expression of clarity and embarrassment.

“Oh, f*ck,” Josh said to himself as he ran a hand through his hair. Lily noticed his biceps flex as he did so. Why am I focusing on that right now?

Josh turned to look at Imane before whispering, “The sleepwalking.” He said it loud enough for everyone to hear, and from his tone, it was clearly a reference to a prior conversation.

He turned his attention back to the couple. “I’m so sorry, guys. I’ve had this issue before, uhm.. it’s–”

Imane jumped in. “He sleepwalks sometimes. He said it hasn’t happened before, so we’re guessing that it’s because he’s not used to sleeping here.”

Rae helped explain further. “And sometimes when he sleepwalks, he.. tends to pee on things. We– we tried to wake him up once, and that did not go well. He almost punched Imane in the face, remember?” Rae said as Imane nodded her head to confirm. “So we’ve just resorted to cleaning up the messes. We thought we got them all, but clearly, we missed one.”

“Yeah, I’m super sorry. It’s really embarrassing,” Josh admitted.

Lily and Michael both felt immediate pangs of guilt. With a hand on his forehead, Michael said, “You know, I was thinking.. there could be no reasonable explanation for.. that, but I stand corrected. We had no idea.”

Kyedae couldn’t suppress a giggle as she chimed in. “We sorta came up with the theory that it’s his way of.. marking his territory. Like a wolf or something.” Her contribution served to lighten the mood as small chuckles were heard around the room.

Josh then immediately got up, still pretending to feel bad about the situation. “I’ll go clean it up right now,” he said as he walked towards the stairs.

Lily reached out to put a hand on his chest and stopped him dead in his tracks. “No!” she replied. “That’s not necessary at all. We f*cked up here. We should’ve been more discreet. I’ll clean it up, okay? I’m sure you’re embarrassed enough as it is.” Lily then noticed that her hand was still lingering on his toned chest, so she quickly removed it.

Michael agreed. “I’ll go grab some paper towels,” he said before heading to the kitchen.

Josh looked down at Lily. “So.. we’re good then?”

She smiled in response. “Yes, everything is good. Just a misunderstanding.”

Suddenly, Kyedae, Rae, and Imane all began to chant, “Hug it out. Hug it out. Hug it out!”

Lily looked at the trio of girls with a flushed face before looking back at Josh. They both shrugged and went in for a hug, which seemed to be their thing now. The embrace was similar to the others, but now that it was their third, Lily felt a lot more comfortable. Josh held her tightly so that her whole body was pressed up against his. It was a bear hug for sure, which came with a sense of coziness and protection. She snuggled into his chest and closed her eyes, smelling his shirt and letting the comfort take over.

That’s when she felt Josh’s right hand loosen up and reposition lower on her back. A moment later, his large hand was palming her ass through her thin skirt. She ignored it for a moment to see if he would stop, but he didn’t. His hand continued to knead her ass over and over. When he seemingly got tired of her left ass cheek, he moved to her right one, massaging away without hesitation.

Lily opened her eyes and tilted her head backwards to look up at Josh. She had a blank look on her face as he met her gaze. All the while, Josh continued to grope her butt. Neither of them caved, so Lily just smirked at him, snuggled back into his chest, and closed her eyes.

The comfort was too enjoyable to ignore, so Lily just allowed herself to be groped. The girls cheered on their affectionate hug, which lasted about a minute before Lily finally came to her senses and stepped back.

Her face was crimson red from the warmth of the hug and the unusual circ*mstances. “Uhm, I’m going.. to go clean up that mess now.”

As she turned to leave, Josh slapped her ass hard. “Atta girl,” he said sternly. Lily yelped at the contact but made no complaint as she continued walking. On her way to the bedroom, she smiled. It was f*cking ridiculous, but she smiled. She brought a hand up to her cheek and surprised herself by the warmth she was emitting. She had never been treated like that before. And that was the problem.

Before Lily entered her bedroom, she took a moment to compose herself, fanning her face with her hands to cool down. She realized that she probably shouldn’t have let Josh do what he did, and especially not in front of her roommates, but they weren’t making a big deal out of it, so she decided that she wouldn’t either.

Eventually, she walked in and saw her boyfriend scrolling through his phone on the bed.

He looked up at her as she grabbed the paper towels by his feet. “I would’ve started to clean up the mess, but you’re the one that offered, if I recall correctly,” Michael said preemptively.

“Oh, no– it’s fine,” Lily replied. “I’ll take care of it.”

She had somewhat of an urge to clean up after Josh.

After a few minutes, Lily wiped down the last of his piss and took a pause. She sat back on her heels and looked at Michael. “You know, this–” she began to say, clearly referring to the pee on the floor, “combined with our conversation from earlier. It.. it reminded me of something.”

She joined Michael on the bed and continued. “Do you remember when we were showering together that one time? And you had to pee so you peed right there in the shower?”

Michael sighed deeply. He knew where she was going with this. “Yeah, I remember,” he replied.

“Well, do you remember me telling you that I thought it was kind of hot? And then I looked it up later and saw that it was an actual kink people have? Peeing on people and stuff?” Lily asked.

“Yes..” her boyfriend replied.

“And then, I asked you to do it on me, but you said no and we kind of just forgot about it?” Lily continued with an obvious insinuation. “Would you want to try it now?”

Michael sighed again. “I don’t know.. I just don’t think that stuff is interesting. It’s like a foot fetish, you know? I can acknowledge it and I can respect it, but it’s just not my cup ‘o tea,” he said in an awful British accent.

Lily frowned. “Ugh. Is anything your cup of tea, other than just regular sex? Missionary position with please and thank you’s and that’s it?” she asked with a bit of irritation in her voice. “Nothing rough or exciting or– hey, what about my butt, huh? You’ve never even tried to do anything with my butt.”

Michael smirked at the silly turn the conversation had taken. “What about your butt? You’re really saying you want to try anal?”

Lily crossed her arms and pouted. “I don’t know! Maybe! Maybe I would if you wanted to try it, too.”

The two continued their conversation before it predictably trailed off with no real progress. It was a frustrating topic, but it brought one particular man an incredible amount of joy.

Rae’s head was bobbing up and down rapidly on Josh’s co*ck as he paid close attention to Lily and Michael’s argument through his phone. Imane and Kyedae sat on either side of him. Each girl had one hand on Rae’s head to ensure her rhythm didn’t slow down for even a moment. They were watching the live feed alongside Josh and smirks were being exchanged as the argument continued.

“I guess their relationship isn’t as rock solid as we thought,” Josh chuckled out. “I know we agreed to wait longer, but I say we move onto stage two tonight. Could you get me a cup of water?”


It was about two o’clock in the morning when the creeping of footsteps disrupted the peaceful night. Lily had gone to bed with a thorn in her side, but a strangely comforting smell on her pillow allowed her to put the day’s concerns behind as she drifted off into a deep slumber.

She dreamt about living with a pack of wolves. Her behavior was animalistic and her clothes were tattered, but she was having fun. They went on invigorating hunts, they howled loudly into the night sky, and she spent plenty of time bonding with the leader of the pack– the alpha wolf. They had become very close. He was the one that found her and accepted her into their group, saving her from a quick death in the cold forest. She was grateful for him.

That was when a sudden wetness woke her from her sleep. A stream of water was hitting her face. Her arms were pinned at her side so she couldn’t protect herself. All she could do was ask for help.

“Wh– what the f*ck! Help!” she yelled out. The moonlight that snuck in through their window was just enough to help her see.

Through squinted eyes, she realized what was happening. It was Josh. He was sitting on top of her with a knee on either one of her sides, restricting her arm’s movements. His eyes were closed and he seemed to be unresponsive. That was when she noticed the source of the “water”.

Josh was naked from the waist down. He had his co*ck out, and with the help of his right hand, it was aimed directly at her. He was peeing. All over her face.

“What the f*ck!” she yelled out again. This time, Michael woke up and realized what was happening.

“Josh? Josh! The f*ck are you doing? Get off of her!” he said as he reached out to grab his arm by the shoulder. Despite his attempts, he hardly made the large man budge at all.

Michael’s abrupt panic somehow made Lily more calm. He was panicking for her, perhaps, so she was able to rationalize the situation.

“Hold on! I think.. I think he’s asleep,” she said, still squinting as Josh’s flow of piss sprayed against her cheek, then her nose, and down to her sealed lips. The splatter of his turbulent flow of urine reached her forehead as little droplets covered the entirety of her face.

The smell was powerful, and Lily could feel the warmth from his steaming co*ck fluid.

“He’s sleepwalking,” Lily said.

“So what do I do?!” Michael asked with a slightly calmer demeanor.

“I– I don’t think we can– pfftt.. wake him up,” Lily replied. “Remember– pfft.. remember what the– pfft.. girls said.” Each time she opened her mouth to speak, the acidic taste of Josh’s pee covered her taste buds.

After a few moments, the shock was gone. Lily was now just laying there. Getting peed on.

This newfound calmness allowed her mind to stray. She now noticed Josh’s co*ck, and how f*cking big it was, but she couldn’t quite get a good look at it through a blurry vision and the darkness of the night.

She could, however, see how large Josh’s frame was. He was towering over her. It was obvious why she had no chance to escape. This behemoth of a man was plopped on top of her, pissing all over her face against her will, and she kind of loved it. This was exactly what she was talking to her boyfriend about. The urine was a side detail; she loved the helplessness. She loved that someone was doing something to her without asking first. She loved–

“Josh! Wake the f*ck up, dude!” Michael yelled out. He was getting tired of sitting and watching the insane spectacle in front of him.

Lily closed her eyes before rolling them, frustrated at the interruption. She was finally able to indulge in a long-time fantasy of hers, and Michael was all too eager to stop it.

“Michael! Shut up! We aren’t supposed to wake him up! He could go crazy and start hitting us or something,” Lily reasoned.

“I’m going to go grab some towels,” he said before leaving the bed in a hurry.

It was now just Lily and Josh. His stream of piss was losing strength, and with her boyfriend gone, Lily did the one thing on her mind. She parted her lips and opened her mouth.

Urine quickly filled her oral cavity. His moving stream of piss would sometimes miss her mouth, so she had to lean her head to catch what she could. Before long, his stream died down and dribbled down her neck before dripping onto her chest and stopping altogether.

Lily, however, was left with a mouthful of pee. She breathed heavily through her nose. Her heart rate was high, and though the taste was acidic at first, something odd in her brain altered her taste receptors. Perhaps it was the insanity of the situation or the taboo aspect of it, but the taste was no longer foul. The smell wasn’t either. She was dizzy and couldn’t think straight. She was being rewired by the massive man on top of her. In his sleep, he was fulfilling her deepest fantasies. Imagine what he could do if he was awake?

At that moment, she spotted Michael coming back into the room with what looked to be a dozen towels. She closed her mouth, shut her eyes, and swallowed the yellow co*ck fluid that Josh had gifted her.

Her body shivered as the urine made its way down her throat. She had goosebumps.

And as quickly as Josh had come into the room, he was gone. He did his utmost to retain his composure and continue the sleepwalking charade, and they seemed to buy it.

Lily was left soaked in pee. Her hair, her face, her chest, and the sheets below her were all drenched. She had half a mind to go back to sleep, just like that, but Michael would question her sanity. So she cleaned was she could with the towels and made her way to the bathroom for a shower.

As the warm water rained down on top of her, she couldn’t stop her hand from wandering down to her c*nt. She was soaking wet, but she couldn’t tell if it was from the shower, Josh’s piss, or her own excitement. It didn’t matter. She rubbed her cl*t and thought about the f*cking ridiculous event that she was just involved in.

It only took her a few minutes to reach her climax. A powerful wave of pleasure overwhelmed her small body and she collapsed onto the shower floor. It was there on the floor and through heavy breaths that she wondered what the next few days would have in store for her.

Lily had one request for her boyfriend when she finally got out of the shower. “Keep this between us, okay?” She reasoned that they had embarrassed Josh enough and that it wasn’t his fault for doing what he did. She received pushback, but won the argument in the end.

Michael, however, was left deeply disturbed. More disturbed than even his girlfriend was for some odd reason. Something weird was happening in the home and he was determined to figure it out.

The following morning, Kyedae was feeling a hint of sorrow. It seemed like only hours ago that she was Josh’s primary focus. She knew that he would move on quickly. He was a stud, after all. She also knew that giving in to him would reduce her worth in his eyes, but she loved seeing him happy, too. It was a confusing emotion, and she wanted to discuss it.

Not with Josh, of course. He had Lily on his mind, and Kyedae didn’t want to bother him with her emotions. He was always saying how hysterical women could be and she knew her feelings were a bit unreasonable, so she decided not to bring them up to him.

Instead, she decided to see if Rae was up for a chat. She walked to her room and thought about knocking, but opted to just open the door slowly. Inside, she saw Valkyrae was indeed awake.

She was on her knees facing her mirror and whispering to herself. “I’m a stupid, dumb whor*. I am a stupid, stupid, dumb whor*. I’m a useless c*nt. I am a useless, dumb c*nt.” Over and over, she recited degrading comments about herself.

She then stuck her tongue out and crossed her eyes, practicing several different ahegao faces.

Kyedae then knocked on the already open door to get her attention.

Rae quickly looked over and smiled. “Come on in, Kyedae,” she said kindly.

Kyedae joined her on the floor and asked if she had time to talk.

“Yeah, for sure. I was just practicing some stuff,” Rae replied.

Kyedae inquired further. “Practicing for what?”

Rae smirked. “You know.. for Josh. So that I’m ready to be degraded and I can talk dirty for him. He always blows such big loads when I do that, hehe."

Kyedae giggled. “f*ck, that’s smart. I should start practicing, too. I’m still kind of new to this.”

Rae nodded empathetically. “Yeah, it’s taken me some time to get used to it, too, but the payoff is always great. Practicing my ahegao face in the mirror for hours in the morning is always worth it when I get a big load of Josh’s cum on my face, hehe.”

Kyedae smiled. It was nice being able to relate to someone about her slu*tty thoughts. “Does practicing help? I feel like, in the heat of the moment, I’d just forget all the practice and my slu*tty instinct would take over.”

“Yeah, I can understand that, but I think it helps. If I do it just the right way and look extra dumb, it might make him cum more. Even an ounce more would make it worth the trouble,” she replied with a glowing smile. Kyedae agreed.

Rae continued. “I’m having trouble deciding between these two faces, though. Can you tell me which one makes me look the dumbest?”

Kyedae nodded and Rae proceeded to express her best ahegao faces. For the first, she stuck her tongue out completely and rolled her eyes back to the top of her sockets. The second face was similar, but this time, she gathered some saliva and allowed it to drip from her tongue when she stuck it out. Her eyes looked towards the middle of her face instead of upwards.

“f*ck, they both look really hot, hehe,” Kyedae said, swooning at the attractive girl.

Rae reverted back to her normal face before replying. “Awh, thank you! But I really need to know which one makes me look dumber. Like– if you saw me, your first thought would be.. wow, there are absolutely no thoughts in that stupid whor*’s head, and the only thing that dumb face is good for is being covered in a massive load of cum.”

Kyedae cooed at her passionate description. “That was so well said, hehe. It’s times like these that I just stop and.. thank Josh for turning us into slu*ts.”

Rae quickly responded, “I know! Oh my god. Sometimes, I lose sleep at night just thinking about his co*ck and how much he degrades us. Then I get all giddy and can’t fall asleep until I masturbat*. He’s just.. ugh! He’s a f*cking stud. I don’t know how we got so lucky, but I wake up thankful every day.”

“And then get up to practice your ahegao face? Hehe,” Kyedae replied.

“Exactly!” Rae giggled out. “Okay, now can you help me decide which face to use?”

“Okay, okay– I’m sorry. Do them again and I’ll give you my honest answer,” Kyedae replied.

After Rae showed the two faces again, Kyedae contemplated for a moment. “Okay, the second one is more of a face that you’d do if he’s getting ready to pee on you. Yeah, I think he’d really like that. The first face, though, that’s the one you want to show him so he c*ms more. It makes you look extra stupid.”

“Awh! Okay, okay– eek! I’m so excited. I’ve been struggling with this choice all morning. Thank you,” Rae replied like a giddy schoolgirl. “Do you want me to help you with your dumb faces now, too?”

Kyedae smiled. “I would love that!”

Chapter 12: I Know You're Not Asleep

Chapter Text

Streamers and a Stud - Bullzer (6)

After some practice and a few pointers from Rae, Kyedae looked sternly into the mirror. “I am a dumb.. f*cking whor*. I am a dumb whor*. I am a dumb whor*!”

The more she repeated it, the easier it became for her to say, and the more convincing her words were. Perhaps Rae was onto something with this whole practicing thing. If she started to do it daily, maybe Josh would notice. Maybe he would treat me just a little harsher. Maybe he would prioritize me. Maybe he would choose me. If he ever needs to decide who to facef*ck into a silly mess or who to take his frustration out on, surely, he’ll choose me .

“I am a stupid woman.. who should keep her mouth shut unless I am spoken to– or.. unless Josh is ramming his co*ck down my throat, of course. I am useless. I have no real world skills, so I am.. eternally grateful that Josh claimed me. I am grateful that he owns me and does whatever he wants to me. He is the only man who can treat me like I deserve. Like a whor* should be treated. I am a cheating slu*t, and that’s all I will ever be.”

She then turned towards an open-mouthed Rae and asked, “How was that?”

Rae’s slack-jawed expression turned into a smirk as she responded. “Oh my god! I actually shivered, hehe. That was so good!”

“Really? You’re not just being nice? Because I really want to improve.. you know, at degrading myself,” Kyedae replied. “I want Josh to know how little I think of myself. I want him to know he has completely destroyed my self-worth, and that all his disrespect is really paying off. He deserves that.. after all he's done for us.”

Rae nodded in agreement. "He deserves that and more, but trust me– I am not just being nice. Here,” Rae replied as she grabbed Kyedae’s wrist and led it to her own arm. “See? Goosebumps!”

Kyedae confirmed the bumps on Rae’s skin as she ran her delicate fingers over them. The atmosphere of their friendly conversation suddenly became more intimate as their skin touched.

Rae continued. “I’ve seen Poki degrade herself for Josh, but I know her so well, and it kind of.. fits her personality. You, on the other hand, are so cute and.. I don’t know– you look so innocent and so pure, which makes your dirty talk extra sexy. Oh my god, I can only imagine how hot it is for Josh to slap you around and cum on your adorable little face, hehe! All while he gets you to cheat on your fiancé! No wonder he’s so f*cking confident all the time.” Rae couldn’t help but giggle as she ended her sentence.

Kyedae’s face glowed with a blushing smile. Being praised was one of her weaknesses, but being praised by Rae magnified the compliment dramatically. Her right hand was still caressing Rae’s arm absent-mindedly as her goosebumps retreated and her silky smooth skin revealed itself.

Rae looked at her rosy-cheeked friend. She was so naturally beautiful, and she didn’t need an ounce of makeup to look that way. In fact, makeup would only serve to diminish her looks. Her hair fell around her pretty Asian face perfectly, and her gaze was seemingly carried by pure innocence. Though, there were hidden flickers of deviance. It was no wonder why Josh had spent so much time trying to steal her away from Tyson. As Rae appreciated her admirable features, she noticed her breath quickening.

Kyedae was nervous.

With a seductive grin on her face, Rae leaned in to whisper, “And if you want more evidence that I’m not just being nice, you cooould.. check my panties. You calling yourself a dumb.. useless.. whor*.. really got me wet, hehe.”

Kyedae's anxiety grew as her roommate was mere inches away from her face. She stifled a nervous laugh and did her best to maintain eye contact. She was not used to intimacy with her roommate– definitely not on the level that she was with Josh. And Rae was so f*cking gorgeous, too! Her effortless beauty made the whole situation that much more intimidating.

“Uhm, I.. I–” she muttered out before Rae leaned in even closer and put a finger on her lips.

"Shh, you don't have to say anything," Rae whispered. "I know exactly what a dumb whor* like you wants."

And with that, Rae erased the short distance between their faces and planted a soft kiss on Kyedae's quivering lips.

Kyedae’s eyes widened at the initial contact, but she closed them as the shock subsided. They kissed once, and then twice. Their lips moved in sync with each other as the flames of their passion began to grow. The contact felt good. It sent small waves of pleasure throughout their feminine bodies. This wasn’t like a cum-swapping kiss after a facial. No, not at all. They weren’t currently co*ck drunk or performing for Josh’s pleasure, which they loved doing. This was different, though. They were kissing all on their own accord.

Their noses subtly rubbed together as the kiss became more active. Rae’s tongue wandered forward but was rejected by Kyedae’s closed lips. A few seconds passed before Kyedae opened her mouth to allow a moan to slip out. Rae took advantage of the opportunity and slipped her tongue past Kyedae’s defenses, which was met by another open-mouthed moan. They were soon french kissing as if they had just discovered the intimate sensation for the first time.

As the kiss continued, Rae grabbed Kyedae's wrist once more and led it to the hem of her shorts. That's as far as she went, though. She wanted Kyedae to do the rest but could feel her hand hesitating.

Indeed, Kyedae was nervous about proceeding; however, as the passion of their kiss took over, her fingertips began to creep down inside of Rae’s shorts. Rae let out a moan as Kyedae made it to her thong and kept going. Her soft touch was now sliding down Rae’s shaven pubic area.

And that’s as far as Kyedae got. In a moment of clarity, she quickly retracted her hand and backed away from the kiss.

Through heavy breaths, she was met with a confused expression. “What’s wrong?” Rae asked.

“I’m sorry,” Kyedae replied regretfully. “I just– it feels wrong. I need.. permission.”

“Permission?” Rae asked, prompting Kyedae to clarify further.

“Yeah, you know.. from Josh. It just feels weird to do this without him here. Without him watching. Without his cum on our faces. I don't know– I just think that everything we do should be for him, not for us, ya know?” she replied cautiously. It was clear that she didn't want to disappoint her friend.

Rae smiled. It was so cute seeing her instinct to be loyal. “Yeah, I get what you mean, but you know he wouldn’t mind, right?”

“Yeah, I know.. he’d probably like the fact that we’re kissing, hehe. I just.. want to be sure, you know? I don’t want to risk anything that might upset him. I’m already afraid that he’ll move on from me..” Kyedae admitted.

“You really think he would do that?” Rae asked. It was difficult seeing such a beautiful girl not acknowledge her value.

Kyedae frowned and nodded.

"Hm, well.. wouldn't that be kind of hot?" Rae asked unexpectedly. Kyedae looked at her in confusion as she continued. "Hear me out. I mean, just picture it. Him using us like cumrags, bossing us around, f*cking us silly– basically borderline raping us on a daily basis! Maybe he'll even get us pregnant and then, out of nowhere, he throws us away? Like useless f*cking slu*ts ♡? And it’ll most likely be for new girls that we helped him seduce! Mm, it makes me hot just thinking about it. Maybe he'll even leak the nudes we sent him, hehe. f*ck! That'd be so careless.." Rae spoke with pure admiration and passion. It was clear that she was eager to discuss her slu*tty thoughts.

Kyedae rubbed her thighs together. Rae's words had clearly turned her on. "f*ck, okay.. maybe you're right. It would be hot, damn it! But still, I.. I want to be the one that he disrespects. I want to be the one drowning in his cum every time he gives me a facial. I'm f*cking addicted to him, and I don't want to lose him."

Rae looked at her doubtful friend with a half-frown and paused for a moment. “Well, if you’re worried about that, then you should try your best to stick out. Be special to him. Make yourself irreplaceable. What unique thing about you makes him hard?”

Kyedae thought for a moment. “Well, there's my little sister. She just turned eighteen, and I'm going to try to trick her into being his co*ck slave."

Rae's face was optimistic. "Oh yeah! Sakura, right? Doesn't she have a boyfriend, too?"

Kyedae nodded. "Yeah, but Josh could get past that. I don't know. He might full on seduce her or I might just invite her over for a weekend and slip her some sleeping pills so Josh can rape her as much as he wants . Not sure, hehe. It's just an idea for now."

Rae giggled. "Mm, that would be so f*cking hot! I've seen some of her pictures on Instagram. She's sooo adorable! Josh would love abusing her."

Kyedae still looked dejected. "Right?! I'm really looking forward to it, but I don't know. Something tells me that still won't be enough."

Rae replied, "Well, what else is there?"

"My fiancé?" Kyedae suggested. "I mean.. I’m engaged, and you and Poki aren’t. Even Lily isn’t engaged.”

Rae smiled in agreement. “There you go. Run with that! I know for a fact that Josh loves f*cking you behind Tyson’s back."

Kyedae’s face gleamed with joy. “Okay! I can do that. Yeah, that’s easy, but– oh.. maybe not. I mean, I’ve already been secretly feeding Tyson his cum and little things like that. Maybe.. I just– I just have to..”

“Cuck your fiancé,” Rae interjected with a big smile. “Cuck him even harder than you have been. Ruin his life, and make sure Josh knows you’re doing that all to make him nut. And then, you can sneak that nut into Tyson’s food, hehe.”

Kyedae looked at Rae. A wicked grin slowly grew on her face. The two finished their conversation shortly after, and Kyedae walked away pondering how she could execute Rae’s advice.


“Do you guys like this song? I just found it the other day, and I’ve had it on repeat ever since,” Imane exclaimed as her chat provided feedback.

Her streaming schedule over the past several days had been sporadic at best. Though, she didn’t regret prioritizing her role as Josh’s slu*t. It had been a transformative few days, but she thought it would be a good idea to get a stream in early that morning. Josh had plans for Lily in the evening that she definitely wanted to be a part of.

And it certainly hadn’t hurt her too much. Her comeback streams always performed well statistically. She had almost twenty-four thousand people waiting before she even turned her camera on. The influence she had was far-reaching.

“What?! Wait, do you really not like it or am I getting one-guyed?” Imane asked her chat as she began to move her body to the rhythm of the music. “I could totally see myself dancing to this in a club or like.. a house party, hehe. Really? Ugh, whatever! Your music taste sucks, chat.”

Imane was wearing a low-cut blouse and decided to go with ponytails for her hairstyle. It felt like the correct option as she began to fully embrace her submissive side. For that same reason, she opted not to wear a bra, which was usually a definite must for her streams. This was partly for her own comfort, but she also wanted her clothing to accentuate the full shape of her breasts. If her nipples poked at the fabric of her shirt from time to time, well.. that would simply increase her sexual appeal. She felt hot showing off.

There was also a small chance that Josh was still lying in bed and looking at her stream from his phone, so she needed to look sexy at all times.

Imane didn’t care if her chatters reaped a few of the visual benefits that came with her instinct to please Josh. She was tired of hiding her body away and no longer cared about clips or perverted comments. In fact, she found herself smirking every time a little message popped up about her thick ass or her perky boobs.

As the stream went on, she transitioned into the content sharing portion where viewers could link clips for her to react to. It was during one of these reactions that she noticed Josh walk into the room. Butterflies immediately filled her stomach as she was suddenly very aware of her bad posture. She sat up straight and pushed her breasts out to give Josh a better view.

She also noticed a familiar look in his eyes as he walked straight towards her. This look quickly prompted her to minimize her camera and mute her mic. A moment later, Josh pulled his shorts down in front of her and forced her head forward so he could smother her face with his balls.

“Mm, hewwo sir,” she mumbled out below his ball sack as she gave his cum makers several loving kisses. She took a deep whiff of his musk before adding, “Yew smell so good ♡.”

“Morning, slu*t. What are you up to?” Josh asked as he looked towards her monitor and saw the fast flow of her incoming chatters. “Streaming?”

“Yes, sir,” Imane replied as she stuck her tongue out and moved her head side to side, pleasuring the underneath of his hefty sack. “Well, I washh stweaming. That was before yeww barged in here an’ plopped dese big balls on mah face, hehe.”

“Mm, f*ck– that feels good,” Josh groaned out. “You’re not complaining, are you?”

Imane replied, “Mmphf, no, of courshh not! Yeww can use me whenever yew want. I just feel bad for my viewers since I haven’t streamed in a few days.”

Josh considered her reply for a moment. “I mean, I could just not let you stream at all. Is that better? Huh, Poki slu*t?” Josh taunted her as he reached down and groped her right breast, which prompted a moan to escape from her lips. He noticed she wasn’t wearing a bra. “What if I just turned the camera back on and showed the world what a slu*t you really are and then never let you stream again?”

Imane paused her tender kisses for a moment. “Mmm, that would.. be very mean, sir,” she said. Josh could feel her breathy voice under his sack. “Revealing.. who I really am? No, no, no, no. That’s no good. I want to be your secret slu*t. All yours. Your.. hidden whor*, hehe. Only you know the real me ♡.”

“Huh,” Josh grunted out. He looked down past her face and towards her thighs and ass. He noticed the way she filled out her seat so completely. Her flesh molded around the edges of her seat, emphasizing the suppleness of her lower half. “You know, I was thinking.. you strut that big ass of yours around all the time, and I haven’t even f*cked it yet.”

Poki perked up at his comment. Her eyes, which were the only part of her face that weren’t covered with Josh’s balls, widened as she spoke. “You.. want to f*ck my ass?”

“Yeah, I do. It’s the only hole I haven’t f*cked yet. You wouldn’t make me wait until your stream is over, would you?” Josh asked in a demanding tone. He backed his pelvis away, letting his balls drag off the top of her face. He grabbed her tightly by the hair and brought her to her feet.

“Ahh! Okay, okay,” Imane winced at the sudden rough treatment. “Uhm.. no, I would never make you– ow! Uhm, wait. Of course not. I just– I’m a little scared, heh. Ahh!”

SMACK. Josh began to slap her fat ass as she stood there in front of her streaming set up. SMACK. SMACK. All the beautiful Moroccan girl could do is stay still and take it. SMACK. She was used to being degraded– SMACK, but not here. Not in front of her audience. SMACK. She enjoyed it, of course, but the daunting idea of being ass f*cked by Josh’s massive co*ck was currently occupying her mind. SMACK.

“Scared of what?” Josh asked as he pulled her leggings down just far enough for her thick booty to be exposed. Imane instinctively looked towards her second monitor and was relieved to see that her camera was still off. “f*ck, I love this ass of yours,” Josh added as he slapped her butt yet again. This time, there was no clothing to reduce the bounce that rippled across her magnificent cheeks. They jiggled freely back and forth and Josh watched on with fascination.

Imane was reluctant to show any sort of hesitation. “Well, it’s just– we haven’t prepared at all.. and your co*ck is so big! I love it, but maybe.. I don’t know. Maybe it won’t fit right away. Maybe we should start with like– a butt plug or something,” she said with nervous optimism. Josh was a lot of things, but he wasn’t completely unreasonable, right?

“Goddamn,” Josh exclaimed as he continued to play with her fat ass. “This has to be the greatest ass on earth.” After playing with her butt for a bit longer, he finally responded to her concerns.

“You know, that’s actually a good idea,” Josh said, which gave Imane a bit of relief. She knew he would see reason.

Unfortunately, that relief was short-lived. “But I’m curious,” Josh quickly added as he grabbed her by the hair once again and pulled her head back. “Why the f*ck is a cumrag like you suggesting a good idea? Or any ideas at all?”

“Ahhh! Uhm, I’m sor–”

“You’re supposed to be stupid,” Josh interjected. “You’re supposed to be a dumb, ditzy whor*, and that’s it. “

Imane tried to appease him. “I am! I am a dumb, ditz–”

“Shut the f*ck up,” Josh cut her off once more. “There you go again.. talking out of turn. No, I shouldn’t blame you. This is my fault. I’ve been too patient with you.”

With that, Josh forced Imane to her knees. He aimed his co*ck at her face and slapped her with it a few times as she tried to calm him down.

She wasn’t sure what patience he was referring to. Since day one, he had taken everything he wanted, in the manner that he wanted, and she allowed it all. He bullied his way into every hole that she and her roommates had, and he physically abused them any time he saw even slight hesitation.

Though, Imane would be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy it. Even now, as she struggled to keep up with his angry behavior, she could feel the warmth between her legs. She was being manhandled, and she loved it.

But for him to claim that he had been patient in the past.. well, that was simply ridiculous!

Without warning, Josh jammed his co*ck into her open throat and tried to stuff his entire length down her gullet in one thrust, but it was an impossible task. Imane’s eyes went wide as she looked at the monster currently invading her mouth. It looked obscenely large. The girth had her lips stretched to their limits. Josh quickly met harsh resistance, which caused Imane to gag dramatically.

“Mmmmpphhhf! Gluuuughhhghhh!” she moaned out as spit began flying out of the miniscule crevices between her lips and Josh’s raging co*ck.

He pulled his dick out of her mouth and delivered a few heavy-handed slaps to her unexpecting face. “C’mon, I’ve trained you better than this. You’re a whor*! You should be able to take my co*ck easily. I know you have it in you. Let’s try again,” Josh said before ramming his veiny co*ck back into her tired mouth with a fierce thrust.

The slaps caught Poki off guard, but she found that they actually helped. They served to dumb her down and allowed her to focus less on her instinctual survival defenses and more on allowing Josh to occupy the deepest depths of her tight throat.

“Ahhh, man! That’s a good girl,” Josh muttered. Finally, after tossing aside her own comfort and relaxing every esophageal muscle that she possibly could, Josh forced his co*ck balls deep into her gullet.

Poki was proud of herself. That's exactly what the issue had been. She kept seeing herself as a partner giving her lover oral sex when, really, she just needed to be a co*ck massager. Her throat was a tool for Josh to use. Her comfort did not matter one f*cking bit. This mentality is what helped get Josh's co*ck all the way down her throat.

Josh held Imane’s head tightly and didn’t allow her even an inch of buffer room. Her reddened face was right up against his pelvis and despite his aggressive nature, she found herself complimenting his manly scent in her head. Those thoughts only lasted a moment, though, as the seconds ticked by rapidly and Josh still showed no signs of letting up any time soon.

“Ahhhh, yeah baby,” Josh groaned in pleasure. “This has to be the best feeling in the world– a struggling throat squeezing my co*ck.”

As panic started to set in, Imane attempted to free herself. She tried to pull her head back, but Josh had an iron grip on her hair. She tried to slap his hands away, but it felt like a dream where her efforts had no impact at all. To add to her dismay, the longer she went without breathing, the less coordinated her hands were. She truly was helpless.

That’s when Josh threw her a bone. “f*ck, are you serious? Your eyes are already rolling back into that dumb f*cking skull of yours? It’s only been a minute or two! Goddamn it. Fine, here,” Josh said as he grabbed her semi-limp wrist and put it against his thigh. “When you’re completely ready to tap out, just slap my leg. Don’t f*cking do it prematurely, either. I’ll know if you can take more,” Josh said.

Though, Imane could barely process what he was saying. Her cognitive functions were fading fast. She could feel herself losing consciousness. Luckily, she did manage to get the gist of his message and after ten more seconds and a few violent spasms, she tapped his leg and went completely limp.

Josh felt her body weight give out, but his grip on her ponytails kept her in place. “Ahh, f*ck it– another thirty seconds won’t hurt you,” Josh asserted without care for Imane’s well-being. He looked at her and derived great amusem*nt out of her stupid facial expressions.

She really was facef*cked silly. Her eyes were at the top of her skull, flickering erratically as all of her previous resistance had disappeared. “This is the f*cking best,” Josh mumbled out as drool pooled out of her mouth and involuntary spasms contracted the walls of her throat.

He rocked his co*ck around in Imane’s tight throat as her face was pressed tightly against his pelvis. His aforementioned thirty second timer came and went as the pleasure he felt from Imane’s warm co*ckhole kept him distracted. Imane slipped in and out of consciousness during that time, and finally, a full minute later, Josh carelessly began to jackhammer his co*ck in and out of her throat. This only lasted a moment before he threw her off of his co*ck. The thrusts had woken her up slightly and her suddenly free airway allowed her to gasp for much needed air.

“Uhhhhhh! Muuuuuuuuuhhhhh!” she gasped out, desperately taking in as much oxygen as she could. She coughed out phlegm and did her best to regain her composure. A delirious giggle could be heard as she recovered. She looked up at Josh with a disheveled smirk. “That was.. hot ♡, hehe.”

Josh returned her smirk as he stood over her. “There’s the whor* I’ve been looking for. Now, get the f*ck up,” Josh said as he pulled her up by her hair. “It’s time to pop that ass cherry of yours.”

Imane squealed in excitement. The high from being facef*cked was at its peak and she was willing to agree to anything in that moment. She tried to reach down to lift herself up off the floor, but Josh’s painful grip on her hair had already raised her far enough so she couldn’t prop herself up, so she had to endure his hair-pulling a bit longer until she was high enough to steady herself on her feet.

Josh quickly spun her away from him and bent her over the desk where her chat was still spamming messages. The video she was reacting to was still playing, which provided them with some entertainment as the side of Imane’s face was pressed into her keyboard. Josh’s forcefulness also shoved her monitors out of the way and knocked her mouse to the side.

“Mmm, you’re so aggressive! You really want to f*ck my ass, huh?” Imane asked.

Josh ignored her. “Reach back here and spread these fat cheeks of yours, slu*t.”

She did as she was told. “Yes, sir! Anything to make your anal experience bett– ahh, f*ck!” she exclaimed as Josh’s co*ck pressed against her asshole.

“See? All that drool from f*cking you unconscious is acting a great lubricant,” Josh said as the head of his massive co*ck disappeared inside of Imane’s tight brown hole.

Imane grimaced as her asshole was penetrated. “Ahh, yeah it actually is. Still kind of hurts, f*ck! But.. I can handle– ahh, ugh! f*ck! I can handle it! I’ll be the butt slu*t you deserve ♡.”

“Damn right,” Josh said as Imane’s ass swallowed another inch of his raging f*ckstick. And then another. He eventually met some substantial resistance, which prompted him to back out and then thrust back in even harder. This process repeated itself until three quarters of his co*ck were completely engulfed by her fat ass.

“You’re a goddamn natural, you know that?” Josh asked. “Your ass was made to be f*cked!”

Imane smiled through the pain. His praise helped turn the hurt into pleasure. Her discomfort took a backseat to her unwavering need to serve him in any way possible. So, even though half of her face was being imprinted by the keys on her keyboard, she smiled. It was there that she felt her legs tremble and her lower half began to spasm. She was org*sming just from the penetration alone.

“AHHHHH, YESSSSS ♡,” she moaned. There was something about his degrading praise that hit all the right boxes for her.

Josh didn’t pause at all despite her obvious climax. He built up a rough rhythm as his initial patience with her virgin ass had run thin.

“Atta girl. Keeping taking my f*cking co*ck. Just like that, like a good whor*,” Josh barked out.

“Thank you, sir ♡! Thank you for f*cking me! AHH! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Master! f*ck me! f*ck your property! Put me in my place!” Imane moaned. “Thank you for taking my ass even though I was a little hesitant earlier. You’re so f*cking manly for that ♡. Never let me stop you from f*cking my holes again!”

The two continued their degrading remarks, all of which were aimed at Imane, of course. Josh pounded her asshole without mercy. Her ass cheeks made fantastic cushions for his rough thrusts. His hips bounced off of them easily, which made the rhythm easy to maintain.

“Haha,” Josh laughed out. The pleasure of Imane’s warm asshole wrapped around his co*ck had given him much to laugh about. “I don’t know why the f*ck you co*cksleeves let me f*ck you like this. I don’t respect you one f*cking bit. Don’t you have an ounce of dignity?” To emphasize his point, Josh reached forward and grabbed Imane by the hair, pulling her head back as he f*cked her from behind.

“Did you hear that, c*nt? I said I don’t f*cking respect you,” Josh repeated.

“Agghhhh! Uhhh, uhhh! f*ck! Good! No one should respect me– a whor* like me.. I don’t deserv– f*ckkkk! Ahhh! Uhhh! Don’t deserve.. respect.. don’t deserve it.. I’m.. whor*.. whor*.. dumb whor*.. so dumb.. very dumb,” Imane mumbled out as the painful pleasure from getting ass f*cked and having her hair pulled over took over her senses. She was being f*cked stupid. If her webcam was still on and pointed towards her, they would see a bitch in heat– pure ecstasy on Imane’s face. Her tongue stuck out of her mouth and drooled onto her desk. Her eyes were glossed over with a blank stare and pointed upwards.

“Take it, you f*cking BITCH! TAKE MY co*ck! YOU BELONG TO ME! I OWN YOU, I OWN YOUR c*nt, AND I OWN THIS. f*ckING. ASSHOLE!” Josh emphasized his words with several aggressive thrusts.

“Yessssss, ahhhhh! You own me ♡! Hehe, ahhh! I am so happy– f*ck! That you own me! I love being your property ♡! I love being your bitch ♡!”

Each thrust shoved Imane’s sexy body forward and against her streaming set up. Her left monitor was on the edge of the desk and the one on the right was knocked over completely. Her mouse was somewhere on the ground a few feet away with the batteries scattered around. Her keyboard was wedged below the monitor and her wrist. Her whole set up was a complete mess and neither of them cared one bit.

“Ahhhh! Yesssss sir ♡, just like that! Please never stop f*cking me! f*ck me ♡! f*ck me like a whor*! That’s what I am, right? A whor*? A dumb whor*? So then use me ♡. Use my asshole! I’m a butt slu*t! I’m YOUR butt slu*t!” Imane cried out in between moans.

“Your ass is so f*cking tight,” Josh groaned. “It won’t be when I’m done with it.”

“Hehe, good ♡. f*ck me. Never stop f*cking me! Give me the ass of a whor*! f*ckkkk!” Imane moaned.

Constant sounds of flesh slapping against each other could be heard around the room. Luckily, Lily’s room wasn’t very close to Imane’s, so there was little risk of her hearing what was going on.

A full thirty minutes later, Josh could feel his balls churning. He was building up a massive load and he knew exactly where he wanted it to go. His foot was currently sitting on top of Imane’s right cheek as he plowed her ass with a final few thrusts. Her body was still bent over the desk, but her upper torso was turned to the right side to allow for his foot to rest on her face comfortably. Well, comfortably for Josh. The position couldn’t get much more degrading for Poki, but that didn’t matter much. The deliriously happy girl org*smed five times before she finally passed out from exhaustion. That, of course, didn’t stop Josh from f*cking her relentlessly. She was nothing more than a f*ckdoll for several minutes.

All good things must come to an end, though, and this was no exception. Josh removed his foot from atop her head and slid his rock hard co*ck out of her gaping asshole. He then carelessly grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled the unconscious Imane off her desk slightly before letting go. Her weight shifted and the rest of her body crumbled down onto the floor.

Josh kneeled down and straddled Imane’s chest. He began masturbating right over her face. The sight of the beautifully destroyed streamer was too much to handle. He erupted like a geyser of cum, spewing hot blasts of sem*n all over Poki’s adorable face. He didn’t even need to aim. The velocity of his c*mshot made it so his sperm hit one part of her face and then ricocheted off to another part. It was akin to a dam bursting open and releasing the floodgates. Imane’s hair, forehead, cheeks, eyes, nose, lips, chin, and neck were all heavily coated in Josh’s load. Pools of cum formed around the side of her head on the floor as well. The newest shots of cum only served to push the rest of his cum out of the way as her face was covered in seven or eight layers of thick ejacul*te.

For a moment, Josh thought she might actually drown in his sperm, and the idea made him chuckle. Despite being drenched in a gallon of cum, Imane remained unconscious. The sex clearly took a lot out of her.

Josh took a moment to appreciate the sight in front of him and then stood up. He found his shorts lying on the ground a few feet away and put them back on before leaving the room.

His stomach growled for food. If Imane wasn’t completely passed out, he would have told her to make him some breakfast. Since that was not an option, he headed downstairs to the kitchen to see what he could find for himself.

It was still pretty early, so he wasn’t too surprised that no one was wandering around. He checked the pantry for something quick to eat and found that it was stocked full of food. There were various cereals, fruits, oatmeals, spreads like peanut butter and nutella, chips, and granola bars. He opted for an apple and washed it off before removing the sticker and taking a bite.

Josh leaned against the counter and took a moment to pause and think about his plans for that night. He had already spoken with Imane, Rae, and Kyedae about convincing Lily to join them in the hot tub and hang out. They figured they could play some spin the bottle and drink some beer or wine to get Lily out of her comfort zone. She already seemed to be very accepting of his advances so far. One night of reckless fun should seal the deal.

As his mind wandered, he heard footsteps approaching.

“There’s my favorite chink,” Josh said as he saw Kyedae turn the corner.

She instantly smiled and brought a hand up to twirl her hair. “Awh, good morning, sir!” she replied. She couldn’t help but gush at the way he so easily degraded her. The lust she had for the hunky man standing shirtless in the kitchen took over every one of her waking thoughts, so seeing him instantly brightened her day. Somehow, he still made her nervous, like a high school girl with a crush.

Despite her nerves, she walked up to him and got on her knees. With an adorable smile on her face, she asked, “Would you like to f*ck my face while you eat your apple?”

Josh returned her smile. “What if someone walks in?”

Kyedae shook her head. “Lily and Michael aren’t really early birds. They sleep in most days, and Tyson is still at the Sentinels house. They lost their match yesterday, so now they have to play in the loser’s bracket, hehe.”

Josh laughed. “How fitting.”

“Right? I thought so, too. A loser playing in the loser’s bracket while his cute fiancée is here getting her throat raped by a big, beefy stud ♡, hehe. So what do you say? Are you going to f*ck my face? Pleaseeee ♡?”

Josh took another bite of his apple before replying. “I’d normally take you up on your offer, but I just blew a load all over Poki’s face, and I think I’m going to save the rest of my cum for Lily tonight.”

Kyedae began to pout before Josh added, “But you know what? I was f*cking Imane’s ass for almost an hour. How about you clean me off before I hop in the shower?”

Her frown instantly turned into a playful grin. “Ohh.. oh! Really? You want me to clean off your big, dirty dick right before you hop in the shower? What am I? Your co*ck cleaning tool to use whenever you want? Huh, mister? Is that all I am to you?”

Josh nodded with a slight smirk on his face. “Yup, that pretty much sums it up.”

Kyedae’s face beamed with happiness. “Good,” was all she said before she reached for Josh’s shorts and pulled them down.

After a thorough tongue bath from Kyedae, Josh had her cook breakfast while he took his shower. He washed off all of the dried sweat that had accumulated from the past day’s sexual escapades and then returned to the kitchen. Kyedae made him a massive omelet with sausage, ham, and cheese. On the side, she made potato hash from scratch, sliced some avocado, and prepared a few pieces of toast.

After he scarfed down the first few mouthfuls of food, Josh felt the need to compliment her. “Wow, this omelette is actually pretty f*cking good. You’re not too bad at cooking!”

Kyedae muffled a response as she sucked on Josh’s balls from below the table. “I’ve been practicing a bit, hehe. Glad you like it!”

After breakfast, Josh spent some time in his own room and unpacked a few of the things he brought with him. He had been so busy with the girls that he never took the opportunity to hang up his clothes from his duffel bag.

There were other reasons to not unpack, of course. He spent most days naked or half naked, so he didn’t really need much clothes in the first place. He also wasn’t sure how long he’d be living there. If things hadn’t worked out the way he wanted them to in the first few days, he could very well have found himself on the streets of Los Angeles. It was a scary thought, but he now felt comfortable enough to call this place home for the time being.

After his t-shirts were all hung up and his jeans and shorts were folded in the closet, Josh decided to rest for a moment. It was only the early afternoon, but his day had already seen plenty of action. He laid down on his bed and scrolled through his phone.

He checked a few social media apps, but he quickly remembered the cameras they installed in Lily’s room. He opened the spy app up and sure enough, there was Lily in her bedroom. She was in bed scrolling through her phone, just like he was. She was on her side facing the door and there didn’t seem to be any sign of Michael. Josh made sure to flip through the other cameras that planted in the bathroom, but still, no Michael.

Josh quickly texted the group chat with Imane, Rae, and Kyedae to ask if anyone knew where he was. They all responded with no’s, but said they would try to find out. A minute later, Kyedae responded and advised that he was watching television in the living room.

That was enough information to embolden Josh. He didn’t know exactly what he wanted to do, but seeing Lily lying in bed was too good of an opportunity to pass over.

Josh walked across the hall and around a corner before Lily’s room came into view. The door was half open, which caught him off guard and made him keep walking past her door.

Lily had been scrolling on her phone for about half an hour by that point. She spent the morning streaming her Valorant gameplay. She was desperate to get out of the bronze rank that she had been stuck in for months. Unfortunately, she ended up losing five games and only winning three.

Lily eventually gave up, ended her stream, and doodled in her notebook before she climbed back into bed where she was currently laying. It was a hard day’s work in the life of a gaming streamer.

She was browsing Twitter and trying to keep her mind occupied. Any time she stayed idle for too long, she began thinking about the asshole who had peed all over the face the night before

Well, he wasn’t an asshole. It wasn’t his fault. He was just sleepwalking, but he was an asshole for hugging her so much and touching her butt! She had good reasons to be upset at his weird behavior and part of her wondered if he was doing all this on purpose. Just to get under her skin.

What the hell does he want with me? Why was he being so touchy? I just got home! I’m tired and still jet lagged, I think. I can’t be dealing with all this nonsense. I mean, geez, does he like me or something? Ugh, I bet he just wants sex. Those big f*cking jock types always want sex. Sex, sex, sex. That’s all they think about. Hugging other people’s girlfriends and touching their butts and peeing all over their faces! Ugh! If he likes me, why doesn’t he just say it? So I can reject him, of course. I would never like a rude guy like him. They take whatever they want and don’t care who it affects. Well, I have a boyfriend! And he’s not a mean jock. He’s kind and respectful and I love him. I would never love a tall, muscular asshole like him. One who could throw me around and force me to do things I don’t want to do. I definitely don’t want to do the things he enjoys. He’s probably a freak in bed! He definitely talks down to women. Maybe even slaps them in the face! And on their butts, until they degrade themselves for his pleasure. It’s sick! I wonder if he chokes them, too. f*ck. He definitely does. His strong hands were made to choke out pretty girls. Even if they beg for air, he definitely doesn’t listen to them. He likes seeing girls struggle, for sure. I wonder if he’d like to see me struggle? He doesn’t even know me and he’s already pissed on my face, hehe. I wonder if he’d do it again. On purpose this time. I bet I could swallow five or six mouthfuls of his piss.. instead of just the one I had last night. Would he do it again? If I asked? As a favor? Well, first we have to be friends, I guess. People don’t do favors for strangers! I could be his friend. Platonic friends, of course. Nothing more. Definitely nothing sexual. Hugs are fine. Friends hug, but no butt touching! Even if I did kind of enjoy it. And definitely no kissing or face slapping or choking. He cannot choke me. And if he does choke me, I can’t enjoy it. If I don’t enjoy it, it should be okay. Because we’re just friends. Or.. we will be. Hopefully. Er– not hopefully. I don’t care if we are or not. I definitely do not care–

Just then, Lily saw a large figure walk down the hallway and across her open door. Whether it was her inappropriate train of thought or just the fact that she was caught off guard, she quickly hid her phone and pretended to sleep. That wasn’t Josh, right? No way. But.. who else could make such a large shadow?

The moment sobered her up quickly and she realized how ridiculous her train of thought was. She had an imaginative mind to say the least, and it could certainly be dangerous when she let it run rampant.

Lily squinted her left eye open slightly, looked back at the door, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Nothing. Thank goodness. I almost had a pani–

Suddenly, the same figure appeared in her doorway and walked in. f*ck me.

She closed her eyes completely and pretended to be asleep. Her heartbeat increased with every footstep she heard. The steps were quieter than they should be, though. It was pretty obvious that the person was trying to be quiet. The thought made her shiver. She was now concerned for her safety. Why would someone be sneaking up to her?

The next step she heard was directly next to the bed, and then.. nothing. The room was silent. This person was now just staring at her, pretending to be asleep. Did they know she was pretending? Her heart felt it was going to leap out of her chest and that’s when she felt a hand tuck her hair behind her ear. A kind gesture? What was going on?

And that’s when it hit her. His scent. Lily had barely met him the day before, but she had been in close proximity with him enough times to know his smell.

It was Josh. Without a doubt, the man she had just been fantasizing over was currently in her bedroom.

Relief overcame the small Asian streamer. At least now, she knew it wasn’t some random intruder. It was just the guy that had continually pushed her boundaries and groped her a few times. Phew!

Josh smiled down at Lily. He knew that she was still awake. She had just been on her phone a few minutes prior to that when he was watching the cameras. Plus, her breathing was way too fast. There’s no way that was her resting respiration rate. He just didn’t know why she was pretending to be asleep. He figured he’d come in and have a nice chat with her. Getting her comfortable with him being in her bedroom seemed like it would be good progress. Maybe he’d offer her a massage or something, but this.. this was unexpected.

He tucked her hair behind her head as an innocent gesture. If she woke up, it could be played off easily.

But something told Josh that he would be able to get away with a lot more. She never confronted him about the events that happened the night before. Michael didn’t either, for that matter. She was clearly extending a lot of understanding towards him. More than would be normal for their situation. Maybe she was just being nice, but she also seemed to enjoy their intimate hugs. Josh was willing to bet that his pissing stunt sparked a little fire inside of her. One that she was still debating amongst herself.

His instinct had yet to be wrong, so he decided to go further. Josh brought his hand down to her face and ran his large thumb across her cheek. Her skin was extremely soft and was emitting an unusual warmth. He dragged his thumb across her loveable face and brought it over to her mouth where he began to trace the length of her lips.

It was a subtle display of intimacy, but it drove Lily wild. What the f*ck is he doing?

“Dick sucking lips,” Josh whispered unexpectedly.

Lily couldn’t react. She had to keep her charade up, but her mind was going a million miles per minute.

I knew he liked me! Well, he likes my lips at least. Enough to call them dick sucking lips! That has to be a compliment, right? Of course it is. For a brute like him, that’s probably the best compliment he could come up with. He’s probably not used to being nice. He’s so handsome and strong. He’s probably never had to compliment a girl to have his way with them. Ugh, why can’t big strong men like him just be romantic? Small, normal guys like Michael are perfectly capable of it. How about pretty or gorgeous or beautiful? No! Of course not! Manly jocks like him always think in terms of sex. It’s gross. It’s so demeaning and rude and ugh! I hope he doesn’t go any farther. I’ll.. probably stop him if he goes too far.

Lily then felt his thumb enter her slightly open mouth and without thinking twice, she began to tenderly suck on it. It was an automatic reaction. His overwhelming musk was making her think things she didn’t want to think. It put her in an odd frame of mind. And since her initial instinct was to suck, she couldn’t just stop a moment later. It would look suspicious, so she kept sucking.

She began to work her tongue around his large thumb, too. Lily wanted to show off the fact that she had a good technique. For no reason, surely. It wasn’t to convince him of anything. She has a boyfriend, after all.

Josh smiled at her. Somehow, Lily continued to surprise him. Not in the obvious sense. He knew she had slu*tty tendencies. All girls did. The way that she displayed those tendencies is what surprised him.

An idea formed in his head. She had been receptive to every stunt he pulled so far, so he saw no reason to hold back.

Lily lost herself as she sucked on his thumb. She wasn’t going overboard, but still, it took all of her focus to show off her oral skills and pretend to be asleep at the same time. A full minute passed by and she was still pleasuring his thumb like it was an irresistible co*ck.

That’s when she felt his thumb back away and then return a moment later. His musk was suddenly a lot more pungent, though. And his thumb was a lot warmer as she felt it bump against her lips. And.. larger?

What the f*ck? Is that his.. penis? No, f*ck. Men like him don’t have penises. They have co*cks. Is he really trying to stick his co*ck.. in my mouth?! He can’t be serious! What a boneheaded thing to do! Of course I would wake up! If I was asleep, that is. I’m not, though. I guess.. if I sucked on his thumb, I would.. realistically suck on his co*ck too, right? Just the head, maybe? f*ck, why does he smell so good? I can’t think straight.

Josh held his co*ck against her lips and pushed towards her oral entrance. His dick was multiple times larger than his thumb, of course, but he already knew Lily was awake, so it wasn’t really a matter of not waking her up. It was a matter of pushing her to see how far she’d go.

Once her lips parted slightly, he began to make good progress. He slowly eased his way into her warm mouth, using his right hand on her chin to pry her mouth open further, until half of his co*ckhead was nuzzled securely past her lips.

Her mouth was stressed beyond normal means. It was an amusing sight and clearly beyond anything a sleeping girl would tolerate, but that didn’t stop her from attempting to keep the smokeshow going. In fact, she began sucking, just like she did with his thumb. She tenderly formed a seal around his sensitive head with her lips and sucked rhythmically. It wasn’t a grandeur display by any means, but it felt f*cking good.

“Ahh, yeah, just like that,” Josh whispered, which egged Lily on to keep her rhythm going.

He was in an awkwardly crouched position, but he leaned over and steadied himself with a hand on her pillow, which felt a lot better. He likely wouldn’t have been so brazen if she really was asleep since she could clearly feel the movement.

This new position allowed him to push his co*ck forward just using his pelvis, which he tried a few times. He was only able to get a few more centimeters in. Nothing substantial. She seemed to want to keep this somewhat realistic to maintain the ruse.

f*ck, why does he taste so good? And how is his co*ck so f*cking BIG? I mean, this is ridiculous! I’ll never be able to fit it all in my mouth, or my puss*, or my ass. Not that.. I want that. Obviously not. f*ck, he tastes good. I just.. I’ll suck on his head and that’s it. He keeps trying to fit more in, but I can’t. That would be cheating. Just the tip is as far as I’ll go. Friends do this, right? Sometimes? Ah, f*ck. I’m f*cked. Michael is going to kill me. I hope this feels good for him, though. I really hope it feels good.

Lily continued to suck on the head of his co*ck for another full minute before she began using her tongue. She tried to make it seem absent-minded and lazy by going slow. She lapped at his piss slit several times over before circling his bulging head.

She repeated this again and again, seemingly unable to get tired of the repetitive motions. His smell was driving her crazy and she had half a mind to open her mouth fully and deepthroat his fat co*ck, but she resisted.

After another two minutes, Josh grew tired of the teasing. He didn’t want to go overboard and f*ck her outright. She might get freaked out and put a stop to the whole thing, which Josh was not willing to risk, but the thought sure was tempting.

Instead, he removed co*ck from her mouth and lifted his sack before plopping his balls down right on her cheek. He dragged them across her adorable face before lifting them and dropping them again.

Ugh, he’s humiliating me! What a f*cking asshole. Rubbing his balls all over my face! His big, sweaty balls.. geez, he could suffocate me with these things.. if he really wanted to.. mmphf ♡. Do it. Suffocate me with your manly balls, uhh! f*ck! Yes, do it! f*ck, they smell even better than his co*ck. Stop teasing me, put those beautiful balls back on my nose ♡. Mm, yeah. Just like that. Keep them there ♡. Mmphhf! Forever.. keep your balls there forever.. on my face. That’s where they belong ♡. Mm, f*ck! Wait, where.. are you taking them? Put them back! Hello?

Josh backed away and stroked his co*ck as he contemplated what he should do next. Josh smirked as he saw some drool fall from Lily’s mouth. He aimed his sights for her ass. She was wearing a dark skirt that was loose enough for him to manipulate.

A skirt in Josh’s eyes meant easy access, so he carefully got on the bed and mounted her lower legs. He lifted her skirt and found that she was wearing cute cotton panties with cat graphics near the hems.

He paused there.

No movement from Lily.

Her pale ass was half covered, but it still sent an animalistic urge of desire directly to Josh’s co*ck. Her cheeks would provide more than enough cushion for the brutal f*cking he would eventually give her. This was an ass that could be ridden all day and night. It was an ass he could proudly own. He had to see more, though, so he reached out and hooked his fingers along the insides of the top of her panties, clearly preparing to pull them down.

He paused again.

Still, no movement.

Josh took that as a green light and slowly pulled her panties down. They slid past her subtle curves, past her upper cheeks, and then past her ass completely. He met some resistance as her body weight held down the other side of her underwear, but that resistance quickly disappeared and Josh managed to remove her panties completely. He swore that he felt her weight shift slightly and he smirked at her subtleness. She wanted this just as much as he did.

He crumbled up her panties and brought them to his face, taking a deep whiff to enjoy her scent. That’s when he realized how wet they were.

“You’re soaking wet,” Josh whispered.

He tossed her panties aside and focused on the real prize. From this angle, her puss* was still slightly hidden, so he grabbed her leg and moved it to the right with ease. This allowed him a much better view of her sex.

“What a perfect f*cking puss*,” Josh mumbled out. And it was. Lily’s c*nt was immaculate. Her shaven lips were only moderately separated, but that had more to do with the position of her open legs than anything else. She looked almost untouched. Her skin was smooth and unblemished. There were no faults to be found anywhere, and an obvious glistening could be seen right around her slit. She was almost dripping wet. Paired with a tight, dark asshole, she was perfect.

And still, Lily did not move. Josh was curious how far she’d let him go, but he wasn’t going to stop on his own accord. He delicately ran his hands along her thighs and up towards her ass. He massaged her perky cheeks over and over, spreading them to watch her holes open before letting her go and seeing her sexy ass bounce back into its original place.

Josh spent several minutes just playing with her ass and Lily seemed to allow it all. He even slapped her ass several times. Something that clearly would’ve woken up a sleeping girl. There was nothing that she wouldn’t let him do, so Josh grabbed his co*ck with his right hand and pushed his pelvis forward towards her vagin*l entrance.

Then, and only then, did Lily finally show resistance. The head of Josh’s co*ck kissed her wet c*nt before he felt her thighs closing around him, clearly indicating that the fun was over. She also repositioned her head and breathed loudly, as a sleeping person would if they had been disturbed.

Josh couldn’t help but frown. Not much was able to bother the confident man, but this definitely met that mark. To have seen gold but not be allowed to strike it was a big let down.

She was a f*cking tease.

Though, Josh wasn’t one to pout. He knew her time would come, and when it did, he would not be gentle.

He got up off the bed with her panties in his hand and stood next to her “sleeping” body. He would have left her with a facial if he was close enough to an org*sm, but he, unfortunately, was not. Instead, his eyes wandered to her nightstand, where her sketchbook sat. Josh reached out for it and flipped through the pages. He was impressed by her designs. Some of the sketches clearly took dozens of hours to complete. The details were incredible.

But Josh wasn’t in the mood to admire her artistic abilities. He was looking for something specific, and he didn’t have to search for long before he found it.

Lily was proud of herself for finally putting her foot down. She might’ve let him go a little farther than she anticipated, but in the end, she resisted him. If she wasn’t pretending to be asleep, she would have smiled.

Lily felt Josh stand up and heard him put his shorts back on. His disappointment was obvious. It was almost audible, which made her a bit uneasy when a few moments passed without noise. He was just staring at her.

Haha! Take that, you big jerk! You didn’t get to f*ck me. I guess big jocks like you don’t always get what they want. Sucks, doesn’t it? Well, guess what? I have a boyfriend! Who I love! So yes, you might’ve stuck your dick in my mouth, and yes, I sucked on it.. for way longer than I should have. And yes, it tasted.. really f*cking good.. f*ck, it tasted good. And maybe I still have the smell of your balls on my face, and.. erhm.. f*ck, you also saw my puss* and my asshole.. and I let you play with my butt a lot.. which felt, mmh ♡. It felt good. It felt really good. f*ck, it felt so good ♡. Why did I stop you? Why the f*ck didn’t I let you stick your dick in me? Am I f*cking dumb? Ughhh, I’m dumb! That was my only chance! f*ck. f*ck, no. No, I have a boyfriend. A boyfriend. That’s why I stopped you. Yes, that’ssss why. And now you’re just staring at me. With blue balls, hah! Wait, you’re still staring at me? I didn’t hear you leave.. uhm, you’re mad, aren’t you? Mad enough to.. do something really bad? Mad enough to.. rape me? Maybe ♡? Pleaseeee? You can choke me if you want. What if I don’t tell anyone? What if I promise to stay quiet?

A sudden noise disrupted Lily’s thoughts. She heard Josh reach over and grab something off of her nightstand. He was aggressively flipping through pages. Pages.. it had to be her doodling book! What was he doing with that?


Lily’s eyes almost shot open. It took every ounce of her strength to resist seeing what was going on. He had clearly just torn out one of her drawings!

Her anger began to boil as she heard him toss her sketchbook back on the nightstand and walk to her ensuite bathroom. He didn’t bother to close the door. A moment later, she heard a heavy flow of liquid. He was peeing.

It lasted almost a minute, and Lily’s curiosity almost got the best of her, but she resisted. She kept her eyes closed until she heard Josh leave the room entirely. The moment the door closed behind him, she opened her eyes and sat up in bed.

He left her skirt flipped up and her panties were nowhere to be found.

Ugh! That co*cky asshole. Doesn’t he know I can easily see that something happened here? He didn’t bother putting my panties back on.. or flipping my skirt down! Or, or anything! He didn’t cover his tracks at all!

Lily walked over to the bathroom and looked in the toilet. There, floating in a pool of urine, was one of her drawings.

She sat down next to the toilet and reached in to fish it out.

Lily held it by one corner and let the droplets of pee leak down. She immediately recognized the sketch. It was one that she had spent almost two weeks on. It might’ve been the one she was most proud of.

The drawing, which was now ruined thanks to Josh, was a self-portrait.

Her pretty face, her blue-tinted hair, her eyes– every part of it had incredible detail.

But instead of being angry or sad, Lily just looked at the piece of paper with a blank expression. It was her face.. drenched in piss. Josh’s piss. The liquid waste of a man who had been harassing and groping her every chance he got.

She felt her nipples harden at the thought. Without letting another moment pass, Lily reached down below her skirt and began to rub her puss*.

Chapter 13: Blowing Off Steam


I am adding an addition warning for this chapter. It contains physical abuse that, in the past, was usually accompanied by sex where both parties derived pleasure. In this chapter, the physical abuse stands alone and has dubious consent. Its primary purpose is not erotic in nature, but it is pivotal for the overall plot. Please keep in mind, this is a story. Not every event will be sexual or happy. If this is too much for you in any way, please refrain from reading. Or skim over it. It's just one scene of what ended up being my largest chapter yet. Either way, I hope you enjoy. :)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Kyedae sat there on her knees below the table where Josh had left her. Her head rested on the chair that he was sitting in as she recovered from an extremely powerful org*sm, evident from her slow, heavy breaths and her glossy stare at nothing in particular. She took in as much of his lingering scent as she could while riding the aftershocks of her climax.

Minutes before, Josh had scarfed down the heaping breakfast that Kyedae lovingly cooked for him and then left without so much as a thank you. His mind was onto the next thing as soon as he began walking away, but their interaction was all Kyedae could think about. The humiliation of the scenario was enough to fuel an intense masturbation session, which quickly brought Kyedae two incredible org*sms.

His brutish demeanor. His blatant rudeness. He was so demanding, so unappreciative.

But still, Kyedae was grinning to herself like a ditzy school girl while panting heavily. Verbal gratitude was never Josh’s strong suit. She already knew that. She also knew that he wasn’t the average guy, so it was unreasonable for her to have average expectations of him.

No, Josh showed his gratitude in different ways. For example, while the hunky man ate the breakfast she cooked, he allowed her to get down on her knees where she belonged and suck his big, juicy cum makers, and that was enough for her.

It was more than enough, even. She knew that Rae or Poki could have easily been the ones to pleasure him while he ate, so Kyedae was thrilled to have been chosen, which explained her enthusiastic smile. He also allowed her to cook for him, and that was no small gesture either. Not to mention, she got to clean his co*ck off after the dirty sex he had with Imane!


From Josh’s description, it seemed that she had taken his big co*ck up her butt.

But how? Kyedae had no idea. That beefy monster barely fit up her own puss*. Josh had to f*ck her hard to make room inside of her tight c*nt, ignoring her pleas to go slow, so she could only imagine how he managed to stuff it up Imane’s ass. He had to have been pretty rough on her.

Very rough. Super f*cking rough. There’s no way he took it easy on her. Maybe he even left Imane with a few bruises ♡! And maybeeee.. if he was that wild, there could be some cum left.. on her bed.. even on the floor.. I can at least look, right? There’s no harm in that. It’s the only chance I’ll get to taste.. him.. today.. since he’s building up a big load for Lily tonight.

Curiosity got the best of Kyedae and she decided to investigate the aftermath.

She crawled out from under the table and felt a bit of pain in her legs as she stood up. She observed her lower half and saw small red patches had formed on her knees. Nothing serious.

I need to get used to it. If I’m lucky, Josh will force me on my knees and f*ck my face for multiple hours every day. I can’t complain about something as small as knee pain! And I’m sure he won’t waste a single second to let me fetch a pillow. The same second that his big co*ck gets the urge to pound the back of my throat is the same second my knees should hit the floor. That’s what a good Asian slu*t would do, anyway. And I want to be the best Asian whor* that I can be.

Kyedae began to walk towards Imane’s room, but quickly stopped herself. She turned around and saw all the dirty dishes from breakfast, including Josh’s empty plate that was still on the table.

She had almost forgotten to clean up! Kyedae quickly chuckled to herself and brought her hand up to hit the side of her head lightly. “So stupid,” she giggled out.

As she scrubbed the dishes and utensils, she mumbled to herself. “So dumb dumb dumb, super mega dumb dummy. Doing the dishes like a good girl, hm hm hmmm.”

After Kyedae finished with her womanly duties, she walked upstairs to Imane’s room.


Josh angrily exited the room that Lily shared with her boyfriend. He wasn’t sure what to think or how to feel. Lily had given him a lot of leniency with his sexual advances and it was clear that he was making progress with her, but when the dust settled, he was left with an angry co*ck and blue balls.

It was safe to say that Lily’s rejection had soured his mood.

Unsure of what to do next, he walked aimlessly downstairs. He saw Michael laying down on the sofa watching Arcane on Netflix and a co*cky smile crept on his face. It was too bad that he wasn’t in his room to protect his “sleeping” partner.

“You know, that girlfriend of yours really is something special,” Josh announced as he took a seat on the adjacent sofa.

Michael sat up and looked at him in surprise. His choice of words seemed odd. “Oh, sh*t. I didn’t even hear you come downstairs. Uhm, special? How so?”

“I just mean she’s cool. Definitely stubborn at first, but she’s starting to come around,” Josh replied casually, as if his words had no ulterior meaning.

Michael could sense that he wasn’t saying what he really meant though. He was being elusive.

“Uhm, yeah.. she’s great,” he said with uncertainty as he reached for the remote to pause his show. “I’m sorry, did something.. happen or?”

Josh picked up on his hesitation and expanded. “No, no– I’m just speaking in general. She’s just been.. very understanding of me being here, and.. she’s made me feel welcome,” Josh said cryptically. “Very welcome, actually. Staying in someone else’s home can be weird. Feels like you don’t belong, you know? But she’s gone out of her way to accept me and my bullsh*t, haha. You’re a lucky dude.”

Michael wasn’t an idiot. He knew something was off with his dialogue, but he had no way of knowing how sinister his words really were. Not to mention, the last time he saw Josh was the night before when he was pissing all over Lily’s face.

Sure, he had been sleepwalking, but that didn’t negate the awkward tension completely.

“Oh, well.. I’m glad to hear that. Yeah, dude– whatever you need, just let us know,” Michael replied, opting to give Josh the benefit of the doubt and remain hospitable.

“Thanks, but Rae has been so accommodating. As has Poki and Kyedae. I don’t think I’ll be bothering you much,” Josh said as he stood up and patted Michael on the back, signaling the end of their conversation. “As long as you don’t mind sharing Lily a bit here and there, haha.”

Josh chuckled heavily as he began walking away. Michael faked a laugh just to appease the conversation, but his expression quickly dropped as soon as Josh was out of sight. He could tell something was off. What the f*ck did he mean by sharing Lily? How could Rae be friends with such a co*cky asshole? Not to mention inviting him into their home?

He felt an urgent need to protect his girlfriend, so he quickly shut the TV off and went to check on her.

Josh continued walking and headed for the small gym they had. His frustration from Lily’s slight rejection was likely what led him to being a dick with Michael, but that outlet wasn’t enough to raise his mood so he decided to go for a quick run.

Looking at the poor excuse for a gym reignited his previous disappointment. Still just a few yoga mats, small weights, and a couple of treadmills. This was a project he couldn’t postpone any longer. He had to get ahold of some of the streamer money these chicks were hoarding.

As Josh started the treadmill up, he quickly realized that even this piece of equipment wasn’t up to his standards. It was dainty and unstable. It shook slightly as he increased his speed, clearly struggling to remain steady under the weight of his large body.

Josh tried to ignore it, but the problem became more annoying as he ran faster. In frustration, he slammed the stop button and walked until the rotating belt below his feet came to a complete stop. He couldn’t even work out his discontent with basic exercise, which only served to increase his anger.

Josh briefly considered going outside for a jog, but he opted against it. Why would he do that when there were girls in the home that he could take his frustrations out on?

There was still plenty of time to kill before the evening came. Josh wanted the sun to at least be setting before they all gathered together in the backyard to relax and wind down. Something about the night sky just seemed like it would give him the best chance for Lily to let go and give into his advances. Plus, it would give Lily some time to brew.

The option was a no-brainer. Rae was the only girl he had yet to see that day, so perhaps paying her a visit would lighten his mood. She’d certainly be less of a c*nt than Lily was.

Shortly after Josh made his decision, he was closing Valkyrae’s door behind him, not providing her with enough respect to even knock before entering.

Her room was extremely cozy. The lighting from the lamps gave the bedroom an orange tint and the large, stylish plants scattered around were all very aesthetically pleasing.

Though, that’s not what Josh cared about.

He had seemingly caught the beautiful streamer folding laundry, and no girl had ever looked more stunning while doing chores.

Her jet black hair was freshly shampooed, conditioned, and styled. She went with a dual pigtail braid and it suited her outfit perfectly. Rae was wearing an extremely short, loose-fitting skirt that provided her with a look of innocence. It was combined with a stylish denim top that wrapped around her upper torso, leaving her arms and shoulders bare for Josh to enjoy.

Valkyrae heard him walk in and quickly looked up. Upon seeing her brutish owner, she gasped audibly in surprise and ran over to greet him with a hug.

“Oh my god, oh my god,” she said with an overly enthusiastic tone. “Josh! Eeeeek! I’ve been thinking about you all morning!” Her excitement was clearly punctuated by how tightly she had her arms wrapped around Josh’s lower torso. Her body wiggled against him, seemingly unable to get close enough. Josh reached around under her skirt to grab two handfuls of her fat ass, nearly lifting her off her feet. Her head rested against his chest and she pivoted it slightly to breathe in his scent.

“Mmm, you smell so good!” she said eagerly before looking up at him with an adorable pout. “Why haven’t you come to see me today? I’ve been waiting alllllll day for you to use me. I got all dolled up and I showered and I put on the cutest outfit I could find and I didn’t even stream so I could focus on you and I–”

Josh couldn’t help but chuckle at her obsessive behavior. “Slow down, Rae, slow down,” he interrupted. “There are other whor*s in this house that need to be used and abused. It’s not just you, you selfish c*nt.”

Despite his harsh words, Rae knew they came from a place of love. At least, she hoped they did.

Still, she couldn’t hide her dejection and curled her lips into a dramatic frown.

“You’re a needy little bitch, aren’t you?” he asked her as he kneaded her ass more roughly.

Rae’s frown turned into a smirk as she looked up at him. Nodding slightly, she responded, “I’m your needy little bitch.”

“Mm, say that again,” Josh demanded.

Rae giggled and repeated herself. “I’m your needy little bitch.”

“Now say it without the ‘needy little’ part,” Josh replied. “Keep it simple. Admit what you are.”

Rae smiled and appeased his demands. “I’m.. a bitch. I’m a bitch, okay? I’m a bitch .”

“Again,” Josh said as his co*ck hardened against the sexy streamer’s stomach.

Rae could tell how much he enjoyed hearing her degrade herself. “I’m a bitch! I’m a dumb bitch.. all women are. All pretty girls like me are bitches, so we should be comfortable saying it, and I am! I’m a bitchy bitch.”

Josh leaned forward and planted a kiss on her lips as his right hand gravitated towards her puss*. He quickly found her warm entrance and slipped his large middle finger into her tight hole.

“Uhhh, erhh, mmmh,” Rae moaned into Josh’s mouth as they made out. Her tongue was at least twice as enthusiastic as his. It was like she was exploring his mouth for the first time; she couldn’t get enough of him.

Rae was cognisant of her obsession. She knew that she was too attached and demanding, but she was happy showing off her true emotions. For too long, she had kept her feelings limited for her own well-being. Separating her individual self from her partner in past relationships was something she used to consider healthy. It gave her confidence and allowed her to remain independent.

But Rae no longer saw things that way.

By not hiding any of her feelings and showing Josh just how important he was to her, she gave him all the power. She wanted him to have power over her. She wanted him to have full control over her feelings and emotions and thoughts, on top of owning her body, of course. Without officially saying it out loud, Rae gave him full autonomy over her decisions. Allowing him to have a power dynamic in their relationship was very, very important to her.

Valkyrae wanted him to own her completely. Each and every piece of her was his to control and manipulate and corrupt. And Josh had shown, time and time again, that he would. He was not a kind or gentle man. He would abuse her and the privileges she gave him, and she was okay with that. As long as he was happy, she was happy, too.

Rae had lost herself in her thoughts as she continued to kiss Josh passionately. As she refocused on the current happenings, she noticed that Josh was not putting in the usual amount of effort. In fact, the mere length of their kiss was unusual. Normally, she’d be on her knees choking on his co*ck and begging for air by now.

Rae pulled away from the kiss and looked at him. “Is.. is everything okay?”

Josh gave her a confused look. “Of course, why wouldn’t it be?”

Rae shifted her eyes subtly before replying. “It just feels like you’ve got something on your mind or you’re distracted or something.”

Josh wanted to roll his eyes, but he refrained. Something about chicks always wanting to talk about emotions bothered him. Was he distracted? Yeah, he was thinking about how he could f*ck Lily’s tight Asian c*nt without raping her. That’s where his head was at and it didn’t need to get any deeper than that.

But if she wanted to pry further, perhaps he could use it to his benefit.

Instead of a verbal response, Josh slapped her ass and loosened his embrace, signaling her to separate. They made their way over to her bed and sat on the edge.

“It’s no big deal. I was just thinking about tonight and how I could convince Lily to let me f*ck her,” he said.

Rae couldn’t help but feel slightly hurt. “Oh wow, so while you were kissing me , you were thinking about having sex with Lily ?”

“Yeah, pretty much,” Josh replied sternly. He looked at her clearly unimpressed expression and nudged her shoulder. “Oh, relax. I was just in her room and she let me take her panties off but didn’t let me f*ck her. Of course I’m going to be thinking about it.”

His explanation actually made sense, so she relented. “Oh. I didn’t know that. And do you know why I didn’t know? Because I haven’t seen you all day,” she said in a mocking tone, clearly referencing her prior grievance.

Josh grunted in response. Sensing that it was a topic he no longer wanted to talk about, Rae continued, “So wait, she let you take her panties off?”

Josh nodded. “Well, she was pretending to be asleep. I checked the cameras and she was awake a minute before I walked in, so I knew she was faking it. I just rolled with it and she actually let me go pretty far.”

“Oh my god! That sneaky little slu*t, hehe. How far exactly?” Rae asked curiously.

Josh replied, “Well, she sucked my co*ck for a little. Then I rubbed my balls on her face and when she didn't stop me, I flipped her skirt up and took off her panties.”

“She let you do all of that?!” Rae said in surprise. “She hasn’t even been back for a full day! Are you sure she wasn’t asleep?”

Josh looked at an inquisitive Rae and considered how to respond. “Hm, if only we had some way to check on her and see what she’s up to without her knowing..”

The pair looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

Josh quickly pulled his phone out and checked the cameras in her room. Her bedroom was empty, so he switched to the bathroom camera and there she was. On the ground, next to the toilet that he had pissed in.


Valkyrae immediately covered her mouth in surprise. Josh filled her in on the details of what happened when he left Lily’s room and that left Rae even more shocked.

Josh, however, was actually angry. “If I got her so hot and bothered, why the hell didn’t she let me f*ck?”

Rae understood where Josh was coming from but tried to give Lily the benefit of the doubt. “I don’t know. Maybe she still needs a little time to go all the way. You know, her boyfriend has been–”

“So she gets to org*sm off of what I did to her but I don’t?” Josh asked rhetorically, stopping Rae from adjusting his rationale. “That’s f*cked. That's so f*cked! She shows off her c*nt and asshole but stops me from enjoying them? I’m the f*cking guy; I’m supposed to blow my load. She should only cum when I f*cking let her! If I let her. f*cking stuck up whor*. That bitch.. just wait until tonight. She’s going to f*cking wish she never stopped me.”

Rae sat silently next to Josh as he ranted and let his anger boil.

His logic was beginning to worry her. It was deviating from reality– even more so than usual. He was speaking as if he had a right to have sex with Lily, despite the fact that she had a boyfriend and despite the fact that he was harassing her in her sleep.

His frustration was very animated and clear to see.

In that moment, Rae developed a new emotion towards Josh that she had not felt before.


It was one of the first times she had seen him genuinely angry. Rae took a moment to really grasp the situation. She gazed at his large frame, his beefy arms, his muscular chest, and his intimidating fists.


His hands were indeed balled up into large, angry fists. There was no doubt that they could easily kill a man if the intent was there, which made Rae consider what they could do to a small girl like Lily.

It was right then and there that Rae realized this whole dynamic could be more than just sexual.

It was borderline dangerous.

Feeding a man’s ego this much.. there had to be consequences, right? There was more at stake here than just submission and domination. He could really hurt Lily if he wanted to.

What would happen if she didn’t give in? What would he do to her? What would he do to Michael if he intervened? Were her friends safe?

As Rae pondered, she began to wonder if she was even safe. She was about the same size as Lily. Maybe one inch taller, but that wouldn’t make a difference against Josh if she really had to defend herself.

And he had shown aggression towards her before! Though, it was mostly fueled by lust. He often slammed his co*ck in and out of her throat and used her like a tool to get off, which she had to admit she enjoyed, but the carelessness was there. He took great pleasure in watching her choke. As long as his co*ck was being massaged by her gag reflexes, he didn’t care. The more she thought about it, the more she realized that the red flags had always been there. It was only a matter of time before–

“Hey, is it okay if I slap you around a bit?” Josh asked her.

Rae blinked and realized she had disassociated for a bit. Josh was no longer ranting to himself. He was talking to her and he wanted an answer.

“Uhm, sorry?” she said weakly, hoping that she misheard him.

“Yeah, I’m way too pissed off. I think smacking you around will help me relax,” he replied in a matter-of-fact tone. He stood up as if Rae had already agreed.

Valkyrae’s eyes widened ever so slightly and her heart began to race.

When Rae didn't immediately answer, Josh added, “Just for a few minutes. I need to let some anger out and you look really f*cking pretty. Taking it out on your face should do the trick.”

Her heart was really pounding now. She had just psyched herself out with thoughts of Josh's potential to harm her, so the timing of his question couldn't have been worse.

"Uhm.." she said as she considered his half request, half demand. "A few minutes.. seems like a lot, n-no?"

It wasn't exactly new territory. Josh had slapped her before, but that was once or twice in the midst of sex or a rough throatf*ck. Those were okay. She liked those. Especially when she was high off the drug of lust.

But this.. this sounded like he just wanted to abuse her.

Rae began to speak, but she found that her throat had become dry and she coughed. “Uhm, I could just give you a blowj*b.. if you want? You could f*ck my throat, maybe? As hard as you want! Treat me like a sex toy. You won’t have to hold back at all! You love doing that–”

Josh shook his head. “No, no– I’m saving my load for Lily tonight. That bitch's womb is going to get flooded with a gallon of my nut. Come onnn, I just want to hurt you a little. Don’t be a f*cking c*nt.”

Rae did her best to not show her hesitation, but Josh could read her like a book.

"Ugh, why are you being a bitch about it?" he asked.

Rae was grateful that he was at least asking about her concerns. As unlikely as it was, perhaps he did care about her.

"It's just.. uhh, you sounded really angry.. from the thing with Lily! And you should be, of course. She shouldn't have stopped you from f*cking her. I wouldn’t have stopped you.. if i was in her place. I would’ve let you rail me! She's.. uhm– a huge bitch for not letting you do that, but I'm.. I'm just.. scared that you're taking that out on me," she said timidly. "Even though I didn't do anything wrong.. heh."

A small wave of relief washed over her as she finally built up the courage to verbalize her worries.

That relief, however, was short lived.

"The f*ck? Of course I'm going to take it out on you," Josh replied immediately with an irritated expression. “That’s the whole f*cking point, you moron. How else am I going to let my anger out? Listen, I know you’re a f*cking girl and it takes you longer to comprehend basic things, but this bullsh*t is really disappointing, and all it’s doing is getting me more angry.”

Rae’s anxiety shot back up. It seemed that all she was doing was digging herself a bigger hole. He was clearly not in an understanding mood.

“I– uh.. I’m sorry! Please! I’m just scared.. my face! I’m so small compared to you and you’re the strongest guy I’ve ever seen! You could really hurt me!” she pleaded.

“That’s the f*cking point. I want to hurt you!” Josh shouted back at her condescendingly.

Rae briefly considered another attempt to persuade him, but she knew it would be useless.

Accepting her fate, she sighed deeply and asked, “Will you.. promise not to go overboard?”

Josh looked at her with resentment. It was one thing for Lily to reject him, but now Rae, who was his first conquest and who he believed to be thoroughly broken in, was also being defiant? Not on his f*cking watch.

He could see the panic in her eyes. It was a sexy look on her, but there was also a small glimmer of hope. Hope that he wouldn’t be too harsh on her.

Josh’s intent was to destroy that hope.

“Do you trust me, Rae?” he asked her.

Rae thought for a second. As reckless and abusive as Josh was towards her, he wasn’t a liar. Sure, he was manipulative and got off on taking advantage of her and her friends, but he was still a stand-up guy in her brainwashed head.

“Yes, of course I do. I trust you with my life,” Rae replied. “Literally, I trust you to let me breathe every time you facef*ck me. Which.. you almost never do. But that’s different!”

“Yeah, yeah, it’s different. So you trust me still. Do you love me, too?” Josh asked.

That one didn’t require any thought from Rae. “Absolutely! I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone!”

In a desperate attempt to convince Josh of her love, she looked around and saw the hamper of clothes she was folding. “Look, I was doing your laundry before you walked in. Just because I missed you so much. I thought about you all day! I even gushed about you in my journal. Like, it is not normal to be obsessed about someone like I am with you. Really, you have no idea how excited I was when you walked into my room. I really, truly have never felt love for someone like I do with you,” she said eagerly.

Josh maintained his stern expression. “Jesus f*ck, a simple yes or no would have been fine. Whatever, so.. when I tell you I won’t go overboard, you should trust me enough to let me slap the sh*t out of you.”

Rae nodded in agreement. That much was fair.

“And then, when I break that promise, which is very likely, you should love me enough to forgive me,” Josh said.

That part didn’t quite connect in Rae’s head. The gears in her head were not turning like they should.

She was juggling between rationalizing the impending abuse and finding ways to dissuade him, but Josh’s most recent line of reasoning was.. seemingly blatant manipulation.

Josh, however, was sick of her hesitation. “f*ck this. I won’t hurt you unless you want me to, and you clearly don’t,” he said as he began turning to leave.

There it was. Her out.

All Rae had to do was stay quiet, and she would be free. Unharmed. Safe. She could make it up to him later.. when he wasn’t so angry. He’d understand. She would be extra loving and submissive as an apology.

But something in Rae sparked a need to respond. Whether it was her unconditional love or her instinct to please him or her relentless need for his attention regardless of what that attention entailed, she wasn’t sure, but it forced her to speak.

“Okay, okay! Hey!” she started to say, causing Josh to turn back towards her. “I’m sorry. I was being a bitch. I’ll.. I’ll let you slap me, okay? You can– uhm.. hurt me.. and use me to let your anger out, but.. maybe we should have a safe word? I think that would–”

Before Rae got a chance to finish, Josh took a step forward, reeled his hand back high in the air, and delivered a heavy-handed slap to her right cheek. The force was enough to knock her off of the bed and down to the ground. A witness would admit under oath that she had been airborne for half of a second.

But there were no witnesses to be found. There was only Valkyrae, Josh, and his anger.

He quickly grabbed her from one of her ponytails and harshly pulled her backwards up off the floor so she was sitting on her knees. He kept his grip on her hair as he walked around and looked at her fearful expression.

“You talk way too f*cking much,” was all he said before slapping the beautiful girl again. This time, his hold on her ponytail kept her in place.

It was the only thing that kept her in place. Rae herself was in too much shock to resist or remain upright. The first slap was more powerful than she ever expected it to be. Surely, the rest wouldn’t be the same, would they?

Two equally brutal slaps later is when she finally began to resist. Rae tried to cover her face, but Josh simply choked her and shook her head back and forth until she gave him access to her cheeks. She then received the hardest slap yet.

“Stupid f*cking bitch..” Josh barked out at her. He repeated this over and over as he administered his abuse.

“Mhh, uh! Uhh! f*ck!” was all Rae could say. She grunted and groaned with each slap.

Resisting only made him more upset, so she stopped that dumb behavior pretty quickly. She still tried bracing for his slaps as well as she could, which helped diminish their impact.

The problem was that he wasn’t stopping. His facial abuse became merciless. He would slap her with his palm on her right cheek and then immediately follow that up with a backhanded slap on her left cheek. All within the same second. The time between impacts would be even faster, but he made sure to take enough time to wind up for each blow.

“Thank.. you.. for.. trusting.. me, you stupid f*ck,” Josh said, slapping Rae’s pretty face with each pause. “f*ck, this is too good, haha.”

Rae felt helpless and Josh’s cruel laughter made it worse. She had to fight her instinct to protect herself and keep her arms at her side just to avoid upsetting her abuser. It was mental torture for her, but at least one of them was receiving pleasure from the experience.

And It wouldn’t last forever. Josh would surely tire out soon and they’d go back to go things were.

“You.. look.. so.. f*cking.. dumb.. haha,” Josh grunted out.

Three minutes of nonstop, vicious face smacking came and went, but it felt like an eternity for Rae. She found herself scouring her memory for what he was saying earlier.

How long did he mention this would last? A few minutes? Hasn’t that already passed?

These thoughts came and went in sporadic intervals. It was impossible to maintain any train of thought with his fierce hand constantly rattling her head and, in turn, her brain.

“f*ck, my hand kind of stings,” Josh said, shaking it near his torso as if that would remove the pain. Rae found it incredible that he was the one complaining about pain, but she wasn’t about to voice that thought. He’d probably kill her.

No, he wouldn’t do that. He cares about me. Sure, he’s slapping the f*ck out of me, but he’s just letting some anger out. This is fine. This is okay.

The brief pause was the most mercy he had shown her in the past five minutes.

Alas, he quickly resumed his aggressive slapping. “You have no f*cking idea.. how fun this is, haha.”

Rae scrunched up her face and did her best to take his painful strikes. She was starting to take pride in how well she was doing. A lesser girl would have tapped out by now.

Not that that would change anything. Rae was sure that if she lost consciousness, he would continue his anger-fueled tirade on her helpless face.

Or maybe he would stop. Maybe he likes seeing me in pain, and that’s why he keeps going. If I try to be as emotionless as possible, maybe he’ll stop? But then.. he wouldn’t get any pleasure from this. No, no.. that’s no good.

“Hang in there, bitch. A few more minutes and I’ll give you a break,” Josh spat out at her in between slaps.

A few more minutes?! Did I hear him right? No, no.. I’m dumb.. from all the slapping. He didn’t say that. I’ll be slapped stupid if he keeps going that long. Or.. is that what he wants?

Rae began to resist again two minutes later. She had seemingly met her utmost capacity for pain, and this attempt to protect herself was about pure survival.

But Josh quickly choked any opposition she had out of her. Valkyrae was spent. She was still conscious, but she no longer reacted to his blows.

A minute later, Josh stopped his abuse and let Rae slump to the floor. Her hands did not stop her fall.

Josh stretched out his fingers and looked his hands over. Strength. Power.

And a girl willing to take it all crumbled on the floor in front of him. He felt fantastic, and it was safe to say that most of his anger was gone.

Rae began to move as she propped herself up with her hands. She immediately reached for her face and delicately touched her tender cheeks.

“Are you.. feeling better.. now?” she said as she looked at Josh with a broken, pathetic excuse for a smile. Her whole face was red, but her cheeks were remarkably more red than the rest of her face. Sweat covered her forehead and the braids in her hair had come slightly undone. Her eyes were watery and her eyeliner was smudged.

“Haha, yeah. A lot better actually,” Josh said in response. “I might have to do that more often. It felt good.. really good.”

Rae’s eyes widened and Josh laughed. “Ah, don’t worry. I’ll be sure to spread it out. Imane will be next,” he said as he walked towards Rae, put her in a chokehold, and lifted her in that position.

“Erghhh,” she muttered out, choking briefly before she found her footing. She had to stand on her tippy toes just to keep from choking. “I’m.. gladff.. I could.. err, help!”

“You handled that pretty well. I’m proud of you,” he said. Despite his aggressive hold on her neck, Rae felt good. Praise from Josh was so rare that she genuinely cherished it every time, regardless of the cirucmstances.

Though, unbeknownst to her, it was simply a tactic so Josh could ease into his upcoming request.

“I’ve been meaning to bring this up,” he began to say as Rae found a somewhat comfortable position against his large body. Well, as comfortable as someone can be while they’re in a chokehold. “That gym you guys have downstairs. It needs some work.”

Rae struggled to respond with her airway slightly restricted, but Josh’s grip could be much worse, so she didn’t complain. “Ye– yeah.. it’s just.. meant for small.. exercises. We didn’t.. really plan on having such a.. muscular.. guy.. using it, eh!”

“Yeah, I get that. But now that I’m here, I need to stay in shape. Especially if I’m going to keep abusing you slu*ts like this or worse. So it’ll need some upgrades,” Josh replied. “You got a credit card I can use to buy said upgrades? I’m thinking.. some weight benches, some real dumbbells, a few pull machines, some treadmills that actually f*cking work.. it’ll probably be a high five figure bill after the dust settles. That cool?” Josh asked as he increased pressure on his chokehold.

Rae had no reason to refuse. They had been planning on improving the gym anyway, and having Josh around to do that would be a fantastic way to get it done. His estimate was a lot of money, but gyms were expensive. And despite everything, she still trusted enough to hand over her card. Though, even if she did want to say no, she wasn’t exactly in a strategic position to do so.

She opened her mouth but no words came out. Finding it difficult to speak, she simply nodded her head in a desperate manner.

“Great,” Josh replied. “Where’s your wallet?”

Rae meekly pointed towards her nightstand, and to her surprise, Josh walked over with his left arm still wrapped around her throat. Her feet couldn’t keep up, so she was simply dragged along with him, causing her to choke. She had no idea what Josh got from being so mean to her, but she assumed that treating her like a useless doll was fun for him. It had to be. She was nothing but nice and submissive towards him.

Josh paid her struggles no mind and ruffled through her drawer before finding a fancy purse. He pried it open with his free hand and asked, “Which of these has the largest limit on it?”

Rae still couldn’t speak as she was actively choking against his tight embrace, so she simply reached out her hand and did her best to point to the black American Express credit card.

“Ooo, this one is cool. Look, it shines in the light! Haha,” Josh laughed out as his companion struggled to breathe. “Okay, I think we’re done here.”

Finally. Rae was suddenly filled with hope. Her struggle with the brute was over. She absolutely adored spending time with him, but even she had to admit that their.. bonding that day had taken a toll on her.

Unfortunately, his chokehold didn’t immediately loosen up, which she found odd. He was actually applying more pressure.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I think it’s so much hotter if there’s an unconscious chick on the ground as I leave the room. I did it with Imane this morning and f*ck, that was cool, haha,” Josh said, not holding back on his chokehold anymore. He had already gotten everything he needed from her.

Rae’s circulation was completely cut off, so within ten seconds, her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Her vision darkened and she could only faintly hear Josh’s next words before she blacked out. “Make sure you finish folding my laundry whenever you wake up. Iron it, too, while you’re at it.”

And with that, Rae was unconscious. Josh maintained pressure for another ten seconds just to make sure she was really out of it before letting her go and watching her limp body slump onto the ground.

There was nothing better than using a beautiful woman to her fullest extent.

Josh stepped over her and left the room as he studied his cool new credit card.

He heard some shuffling as he passed Imane’s room, so he decided to check it out. He walked in and saw that Imane was still where he had left her earlier that morning. He must have really tired her out!

But she wasn’t alone.

Kyedae was also there, kneeled down next to her, licking the unconscious girl’s face clean. She looked as adorable as ever, and seeing her behave in such a depraved manner forced blood to rush to his co*ck.

The scene was also a bit humorous, so Josh chuckled as he walked towards them.

“I’m guessing this was your doing?” Kyedae giggled out as she looked up at the approaching man with a big smile. “I just walked in and she was covered– and I mean covered in a huuuge pool of sem*n. Yummy, delicious, gooey sem*n, hehe. I was surprised she didn’t drown before I came in.”

Josh faked a disappointed groan and snapped his fingers. “Wait, she didn’t drown? Damn, I blasted her with every ounce of cum I had. I thought that was more than enough to get the job done.”

Kyedae let out an adorable laugh at his crude joke. “Joshhh! Hehe, you are always being a big silly bully to everyone. It’s cute, but I’m serious! You have to be more careful, mister. Your cum is so thick and gooey, it could’ve easily plugged up her nose.”

Josh laughed. “Imagine that headline. Top female streamer Pokimane drowns in pool of cum. Feminists around the community left baffled.”

Kyedae giggled and looked up at him with a pretty smile. “I can think of worse ways to die, hehe.”

Josh smiled. He was glad that at least one of his whor*s was fully broken in. As he looked Imane over, he noticed that his ji*zz was almost completely absent. “f*ck, did you really lick all that cum off of her?”

Kyedae shook her cute little head. “I wish! Oh my god, I’d be in cum heaven right now, hehe. No, no– I scraped most of it off with my finger and put it in here,” she said, reaching to her right and lifting a half gallon milk jug that was just out of Josh’s view.

It was filled to the brim with his thick load.

Kyedae made sure the cap was on tight and then began to shake the repurposed milk carton in the air. “Look at how beautiful it is! Oh my god, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything as pretty as this,” she said as she brought the jug close to her face and began to kiss the outside of it. “Mwah, mwah, mwah! Mmm, I just love how your cum looks! And smells and tastes, of course, but its gooeyness and thickness and oh my god, the color! It’s so hot, hehe.”

She brought the carton up to her face and began rubbing it against her cheek. “Mmm, it’s so awesome. I loooove love love how much you can cum, Josh. It’s so f*cking hot. So f*cking alpha. And this,” she said as she nudged her head towards the jug, “is the physical result of you and all your manliness. It’s you in a carton, hehe.”

Josh chuckled. He found her obsession with his cum to be really sexy, and he was glad that she derived so much joy from it. “If we didn’t have plans for Lily later, I’d f*ck a fresh load directly into your stomach.”

Kyedae beamed at his comment. “I know! I want you to throatf*ck me sooo badly, but I know you want to add another girl to our little group. We’ll make up for it, okay? Tomorrow, maybe? You have to build up a load just like you’re doing with Lily and then completely murder my throat. No breaks, no holding back, no letting me breathe,” she said eagerly before looking down at Imane. “I want to end up just like her, but lock my door when you leave so no one can come in and take all of my hard earned cum, hehe.”

Josh smiled at her. “You got yourself a deal.”

“I can’t wait, stud. Mm, you’re going to be so rough, aren’t you?” she asked, giddy with the thought of being throat f*cked. “You should pretend like you’re raping my throat. Pretend like I don’t want it, but you’re giving it to me anyway because I’m a whor* who’s been teasing you, hehe. Or.. I don’t know, think of anything that will really make you want to plow your co*ck down my throat. Mm, I’m going to be choking so hard. Don’t pull out, even if I pass out, okay? Just slap me a few times. I’ll wake up. And if I don’t, well.. don’t stop f*cking my face. Do NOT let anything stop you from cumming, okay?”

“Haha, no need to worry about that. I don’t usually pay attention to how the girl is doing while I’m balls deep in her throat anyway,” Josh replied honestly.

“And that’s why I love you,” Kyedae replied. “And why I don’t love my fiance anymore. He’d never treat me like a whor*. He definitely wouldn’t suffocate me with his tiny co*ck. He wouldn’t slap me; he wouldn’t degrade me.. he’s just too f*cking nice, ugh. Makes me gag when I think of him now, and not the good kind of gagging, hehe.”

Josh chuckled at her lewd joke and noticed as she began to pout in a sad manner.

“Which reminds me.. I won’t even get to keep this,” Kyedae said, looking at the half gallon of cum with a longing frown. She turned her head back towards Josh and with an angelic, innocent look on her face, she asked, “Want to know what I’m using this for?”

Josh nodded his head curiously.

“Well, there’s a bit of a backstory. Tyson texted me earlier and told me that his team won the first match in the loser’s bracket, so they still have a chance to go to the finals. The good news is that he won’t be coming home since his matches are still going on, so tomorrow should be perfect for that throatf*cking you promised,” she said with an adorable sparkle in her eye. “We should totally do that in my room, by the way. With his pillow below us so it can catch all of your precum and my spit, hehe.”

Josh loved how evil she had gotten. He agreed and then looked at her inquisitively. “And what’s the bad news? How does this tie in with all that cum in your hands?”

Kyedae grinned mischievously. “Well, the bad news is that he won at all! He’s not supposed to win. He’s supposed to lose. He lost me because you stole me. He lost the virginity I was saving for him because you took it, hehe. And he lost my respect too after you showed me what a real man is.”

Josh chuckled. “So you want him to lose? Always? A man’s gotta win sometimes to keep going.”

Kyedae shook her head. “NO! Erhm– sorry, no. I don’t want him to win. Ever. You should be the one winning. You should get all the victories while he stays defeated. Always, for all time, every time. I want you to have all the satisfaction that comes with winning. So.. to tie this all together, his team won the match, whatever, blah blah. He probably got carried anyway. To counter his small, pathetic little victory, I’m going to bake him celebratory cookies. Made with my secret recipe, hehe,” Kyedae giggled as she finished her sentence.

Josh’s eyes widened. “Really? Haha, I mean.. that’s hot, but I don’t really care about his Valorant matches and whether he wins or not.”

Kyedae looked at him with pleading eyes. “I know! You have so much more on your mind, like whose throat you’re going to f*ck next. But I still want to do this.. I mean, isn’t it hot? You’re screwing him over even when you don’t know it. Because I’m doing it. Because I want to.”

Josh nodded. “Yeah, okay.”

Kyedae beamed with happiness. “Awesome. Okay, I’ll go get started on them. I’m going to use every single drop of this in the batter, hehe. Oh! I forgot the best part. I’m making oatmeal raisin cookies, and he’s the only one on the team who likes those. So this whole jug of your delicious cum is going to end up in his stomach. f*ck, he’s so lucky. I can’t wait to see him eat one. I’ll be sure to guilt trip him too if he stops. Like, oh Tyson, don’t you like them? I made them just for you. I’ll feel bad if you don’t eat them all, hehe!” she said with an evil giggle.

“You’re one twisted slu*t, haha,” Josh replied. “You really thought this all through, huh?”

Kyedae smirked proudly. “What can I say? You bring out the best in me ♡.”

Just then, Imane began to stir next to them. She was finally waking up.

“Mmm.. what– f*ck, what time is it?” Imane said as she rubbed her eyes and tried to get accustomed to the light in the room.

Kyedae and Josh both looked at each other and giggled. He leaned in and whispered, “Want to see something funny?”

Kyedae nodded her head eagerly and watched as Josh stepped around her and towards Imane. He kneeled down in front of her and lowered his shorts. His co*ck sprung outwards and hung low. Poki was still waking herself up, so she didn’t realize what was happening.

Kyedae, however, was perfectly aware of what he intended to do. She covered her mouth to stop any laughter from alerting her friend to Josh’s mischief.

He grabbed his co*ck with one hand and aimed it towards Poki’s mouth. Josh then grabbed her by her hair and forced her head forward, impaling his co*ck between her soft lips and into her mouth.

“Mphhffff!” Imane muffled out. The sudden intrusion woke her to full consciousness. Josh pushed his co*ck forward and lodged himself deeper in her throat. After having refused advances from Kyedae and Rae earlier that day in an effort to save his load for Lily, his co*ck was aching and angry. He quickly reached the deepest recesses of her throat and plunged himself balls deep into her gullet, courtesy of a few love taps to the back of her skull.

This wasn’t for pleasure, though. He just wanted to knock Imane back out and show off his manly power to an extremely intrigued Kyedae.

“Do you mind holding her hands behind her back?” Josh asked as he repositioned his legs and wrapped them around Poki’s neck. Kyedae giggled and did as she was told. Both of his hands had tight grips on her hair as he curled his upper body forward and leaned into the throatf*ck. Imane had no hope of escaping Josh’s snake-like entanglement, and with his massive python suffocating her airway, her eyes began to flutter.

Imane, who had just recently regained consciousness, was now blacked out again. Josh slipped his co*ck out of her mouth and stood up, but Kyedae remained kneeled, staring at Imane’s adorable, expressionless face.

“f*ck, that what so hot. She just woke up! And you said, nope.. back to sleep, hehe. f*ck,” Kyedae gushed over Josh’s primal behavior. “Can you do that to me, too? Please? You can still save your load.. I just want to feel that f*ckstick in my throat. No, deeper. In my stomach. f*ck! Please? Will you choke me stupid with your fat co*ck?”

Josh secured his shorts back around his waist, hiding the co*ck that Kyedae so badly wanted to be suffocated by. “Sorry, no can do.”

Kyedae pouted. “How is this fair? You f*cked Imane earlier and you just choked her silly. It may not have looked like she enjoyed it, but she did! Trust me, she’s going to masturbat* to it later. All I’ve done today is clean up after her f*cking messes! How is that–”

“I need you,” Josh stated plainly. “Imane’s out cold, and Rae is too.”

Kyedae’s eyes widened. “Rae too?! You f*cker..”

“Relax, relax. I just choked her out. She didn’t suffocate on my co*ck. I promise,” he said, calming Kyedae down a bit. “I need you because they’re both passed out, and we have some stuff to prepare for tonight.”

This was what she wanted. She wanted Josh to need her. Kyedae pouted one more time and sighed in acceptance. “Yes, sir. Just tell me what to do, and I’ll do it.”


The evening came quicker than expected. The first thing Kyedae took care of was a quick grocery run. They were in need of alcohol, meat for the barbecue Josh was planning, and some fresh fruit. She suggested that they just order the necessary items on instacart and have someone deliver the groceries, but Josh insisted that she went herself.

He just likes bossing me around, hmphf! He’s lucky I like taking his orders so much. Grrr.

Kyedae quickly arrived back home and brought the groceries inside. After a third trip from the car, she found Josh in the kitchen rummaging through the bags.

“Oh, now that all the hard work is done, you show up! You’re so lucky you have a big dick. Otherwise, I might be a little upset that you didn’t help me unload these,” she said playfully, panting from the brief exertion of physical exercise. Josh liked that she let her feisty attitude show at times.

“Sorry. I was planning on it, but I got distracted watching Lily in the shower,” Josh replied, waving his phone at her.

“You pervert!” she laughed out. “I still can’t believe we helped you put cameras in her shower. That’s so f*cked up of us, hehe. But also.. I kind of wish you did that with us.. back when we weren't your slaves.”

Josh agreed. “Yeah, that would’ve been awesome, but I couldn’t risk being caught, you know?”

He started preparing the meat and asked Kyedae to cut the fruit up into bite-sized pieces. The available assortment included hotdogs, various cuts of chicken, burgers, watermelon, and pineapple. After seasoning the meat thoroughly, Josh quickly changed into swimming trunks, removed his shirt, and went outside to clean the grill.

Kyedae went upstairs to try to get Imane and Rae ready. They were both still out cold, but Kyedae shook them awake and brought them up to speed with the current happenings. Imane was a bit more discombobulated than Rae, but she understood why Josh behaved the way he did. They quickly showered and got dressed while Kyedae headed off to find Lily.

The last thing on her list of to-dos was to make sure Lily was still in the mood to attend their little gathering and, of course, that she'd be dressed appropriately.

Appropriately for Josh that is, which really meant inappropriately .

Kyedae was a little annoyed that she had to babysit all the girls in the home, but she was sure that Josh would change the roles up the following day. He was very good at delegating and knowing which slu*ts were free to completely destroy and which needed to stay conscious to keep things in order.

And she’d be lying if she said she didn’t find some joy in organizing all of his debauchery. Seeing the aftermath of his abusive sex drive was very empowering.

In the backyard, Josh was thoroughly cleaning the grill, removing the black muck from the last time it was used and powering it on. Before long, the girls would all be outside and the sun would be setting, so he began piling the meat onto the open flames.

His family often hosted barbecues for relatives and neighbors when he was younger, so he was definitely comfortable behind a grill, which was obvious to see as he used his tongs to pull the last of the meat off the cooking grate; a juicy chicken leg to add to the rest of the perfectly cooked meat on the counter.

“Mmm, Josh! This all looks so good!” Kyedae said as she helped him set out the condiments and sort the hotdog and hamburger buns. She was dressed in a beautiful bikini that very liberally showed off her curves. “Though, I would much rather have your meat on my plate instead of this, hehe.”

Josh chuckled but remained restrained. “Kyedae, I love when you talk dirty, but I haven’t cum since this morning and I don’t want to scare Lily away with a raging erection, so if we could keep the teasing to a minimum, I’d really appreciate it.”

“That’s your own fault, mister! I offered you my throat like five times today. I said you could use me like an object, no holding back, no letting me breathe, but nooo, you wanted to build up a big load for Lily,” Kyedae reminded him in a playful tone. “So now, you have to deal with the consequences.” She smiled and looked down at his swimming trunks to emphasize his painfully hard co*ck. “Even without your being hard, she’s going to see the outline of your.. fat, juicy co*ck , anyway.”

Josh quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her close, gazing deeply into her eyes. The beauty of her perfect Japanese features still impressed him each time he took a moment to appreciate her. She was everything a guy could want out of a girl. Her adorable nose, her pale skin and rosy cheeks, her slightly squinted eyes, and her glossy lips.. it was enough to make him consider officially dating her, which spoke volumes for a man like Josh. “We still have that skullf*cking session tomorrow though, so keep it up and I won’t just not let you breathe. I might keep going.. even after you pass out.”

Kyedae maintained her eye contact and perfect smile as she leaned in even more and whispered, “Make sure to record it so I can masturbat* to it later.”

The two stared at each other for another second before breaking out in a laughing fit. It was timed perfectly with the arrival of Imane and Rae, who were both wearing incredibly skimpy swimsuits.

“Wowww, look who’s having all the fun while we were passed out in our bedrooms,” Imane joked as she approached and gave Josh a hug and a kiss. “You know, you could’ve at least given me a pillow to lie on. My head hurts a little bit from how rough you were, hehe.”

Josh returned her hug and grabbed two healthy handfuls of her fat ass, which was displayed irresistibly in her thong bikini. “You’re still talking in coherent sentences, so I’d say I wasn’t rough enough.”

Imane's mouth gaped open in a flirtatious manner before closing to form a smile. “So I guess you’ll be making that adjustment for next time? Hehe, how dumb do you want me to end up?”

Josh pondered. “Not sure. Brain damage for sure, but who knows from there. Until I get bored of you, maybe.”

Poki rolled her eyes and giggled at his careless response. “Well, you do whatever makes your big co*ck happy. I don’t mind getting dumbed down as long as you’re getting off on it. I’m yours to use however you see fit, hehe.”

Josh smirked at her. “Hey, you don’t have to tell me twice. I’ll try to f*ck up that brain of yours before you change your mind, haha.”

Imane moaned in excitement. “Mmm, that won’t happen, but if that concern motivates you to make me stupid sooner, then maybe I can fake it. Gee, Josh.. I’m not so sure about this. I kinda like being a smart and confident woman, hehe.” Imane giggled at her own silliness and Josh’s smirk proved that he enjoyed it as well.

He then slapped her ass as he separated from their embrace and made room for Valkyrae, who was busy building her dinner plate. She quickly set it down when she noticed that Imane had stopped hogging Josh’s attention.

“The food all looks super yummy,” Rae said with a weak smile as she hugged him and backed away. She was still uneasy about their intense.. conversation from a few hours prior, so she felt the need to clear it up.

“Listen, I thought about it while I was in the shower, and I realized that I was being a little difficult earlier. I mean, you were just trying to let off some steam, and I was probably making things ten times worse by arguing,” Rae said, admitting the guilt she was carrying.

She noticed that Josh wasn’t fully focused on her. He was organizing his grilling tools, closing the hood of the grill, and shutting off the propane valve. His distracted mannerisms caused her to keep rambling on.

“That was dumb of me. Really dumb. But.. you already know that I’m not smart. Not like you. I don’t have your quick wit, so I don’t know.. I guess I just froze up. I wasn’t thinking about it from your side, either. You probably really enjoyed hurting me, right? Seeing me in pain and using me however you wanted? I.. I need to be more aware of that. I’ll try to be. In the future. I’ll always try to keep your perspective as a priority. I wasn’t doing that I guess, so.. I’m sorry. I’m very sorry.”

Josh heard her finally stop talking and replied, “I honestly forgot all about that, haha. I don’t know why you spend so much time worrying about little sh*t like that. It was no big deal.”

His cold response caught Rae off guard. She didn’t expect much out of him, but the painful experience in her bedroom did take a toll on her. For him to say that he had already forgotten about it was.. surprising, to say the least.

But Valkyrae didn’t want to cause further problems, so she let out a forced chuckle. “Hah, yeah. Sorry, it was definitely not a big deal.”

That signaled the end of their brief conversation. Rae quickly grabbed her plate made up of two hotdogs and watermelon and went to join Kyedae and Imane, who were already eating with their legs dipped into the hot tub.

As if on cue, Lily chose that moment to walk through the sliding glass doors that gave the home backyard access.

Josh looked up and was nothing short of disappointed with what he saw.

Lily was her usual adorable self, but it was her outfit that left much to be desired. She was not wearing a bikini like the rest of the girls. Well, she could have been wearing one, but it was impossible to tell with the oversized shirt she had on. It very tragically covered the sexiest parts of her body.

Her legs were mostly left bare though, so it was possible that she had a bikini on underneath. That.. or very short shorts.

Josh knew she liked to dress conservatively, but this just made him roll his eyes. Had Kyedae not told Lily that they would be hanging out in the hot tub?

He quickly diverted his head towards Kyedae and shot her a questioning glare. He put her in charge of making sure that Lily wore something appealing. Something sexy. Something outside of her comfort zone. And clearly, the message had not been received.

Kyedae immediately caught his glare and looked back with a guilty expression, as if she had tried her best.

Lily made her way towards the grill to grab some of the food that Kyedae had been hyping up. She saw Josh standing there, which made her briefly consider skipping out the meal and going directly to join her roomies, but she hadn’t eaten much of anything that day. Her stomach made the choice for her.

As she approached, she remembered why she didn’t like ‘touching grass’ as they say. She hated the sun and the warmth and the social anxiety she got from large groups. She hated sweating and the bugs, too. She much preferred to be inside, holed up in her room playing video games with a soft blanket, but Rae, Poki, and Kyedae had all begged her to hang out with them. And she couldn’t resist the mouthwatering smell of a barbecue.

“Mmm, it smells delicious out here!” she said to Josh as she grabbed an empty plate, doing her best to play it cool.

It would have been insane for Lily to not acknowledge one very obvious fact: Josh was trying to f*ck her.

She could have denied this claim prior to their latest interaction, but when he walked into her room and messed around with her sleeping body, he had made his intentions perfectly clear. Though, she couldn’t exactly claim the moral high ground and avoid him altogether.

She’s the one that allowed him to stick his dick in her mouth and rub his balls all over her face, among other things.

And he did it so blatantly. If Lily had actually been asleep, she would’ve known someone was in her room. She would’ve noticed that she was missing her panties, that her skirt had been messed with, and that her drawing was ripped out and left in her piss-filled toilet.

All of this added up to pure confusion for her. Why would he have done all of that and not hide the evidence? Was he planning on playing ignorant and hoping it didn’t get pinned on him? Or did he know she wasn’t actually sleeping? Did he want her to know what he was doing?

This, of course, led her to question his previous behavior as well, like the peeing while sleepwalking story.

Was that all bullsh*t too?

Lily wasn’t sure. All she knew was that the two org*sms she had on the floor of her bathroom were the greatest org*sms of her life. And all it took was for Josh to pee into a toilet and carelessly destroy something she valued. That was enough to rock her f*cking world and question her longterm relationship.

Which was why she was out there, making small talk with the hunky, shirtless behemoth of a stud.

“Right? There’s nothing better than the smell of freshly grilled meat,” Josh replied with a confident grin. “I’m glad you’re not one of those picky vegan types. God, those f*ckers can be annoying.”

Lily found herself hanging onto every word he said. “Oh, no, no. Hah, I’m definitely not like those people.”

Those people? Those people are making the world a better place! They’re fighting animal cruelty! And you used to be a vegetarian, dummy! You can’t agree with everything he says just because he’s got his shirt off and his abs are staring at you. His rock hard abs.. and his muscular chest.. f*ck, he’s got a really nice body.

“I actually really love meat,” she said, adding to her point of not being a vegan. She immediately cursed herself when she realized that her sentence could be misunderstood for something sexual.

“Oh, really? I wouldn’t have guessed that, if I’m being honest. You don’t look like someone who’s enjoyed a lot of meat in her life,” Josh replied.

Okay, he’s definitely messing with me now. f*ck, I shouldn’t have said anything.

Lily was slightly offended. Though, not by the sexual undertone of his comment. She was offended that, if he did mean his statement in a sexual way, then he was essentially saying that she was inexperienced.

Which was fine. There was nothing wrong with being inexperienced, but saying that someone looks inexperienced is basically saying they are ugly or unattractive or nerdy or something! She had to meet him at his level and retort accordingly.

“No, I wouldn’t say I’ve tried a bunch of different kinds of meat, but that doesn’t mean anything. The ones I have tried are good enough,” Lily said with defiance. To try to maintain the innocence of her sentence, she added, “The basics, I mean. Like beef, chicken.. and turkey! Oh, and lots of fish, too.”

Josh looked her over from head to toe. “Why settle for good enough, though? There might be something out there you’ve never tried before and then, once you do try it, you might never look back. It might change your whole perspective. You’ll.. experience things you’ve never experienced before,” he said convincingly. To add to her attempt of being innocent, he continued, “You know, like bison, lamb.. or maybe alligator. Who knows what you might be into.”

Lily smirked at him. He was much less subtle than she was, but he gave it a valiant effort. “Alligator? Really? So which of these three are alligator, Mr. Josh?”

Her voice was playful. He had clearly been referring to something sexual, but she decided to take him literally and tease him a bit.

“Is it this one?” she asked, pointing to the hotdogs and then moving to the chicken. “Or this one? How about these? Because they look a lot like regular burgers to me, but I could be wrong. I could be way off because I’m just sooo inexperienced with meat. I’m basically stupid when it comes to protein, so tell me.. which one is the alligator that you claim will change my life?”

Josh smiled at her smart ass behavior and almost let out a laugh, but he held it in. “Well, since you’re so dumb with meat, I’ll tell you that.. there’s no alligator here.”

Lily smirked. “Uh huh, so then there must be bison, right? Or– what was that other you said.. lamb?”

Josh pursed his lips as she had seemingly gotten the best of their little exchange. “No, Lily. There’s no lamb or bison here.”

She was enjoying the banter way too much, but she wasn’t about to let off the gas now. “Wow, so then.. you don’t have the meat that you claimed would change my life?” Lily asked with an innocent glare.

Josh could only stare in response. The way that she tied it all back together just to ask, in a windabout way, if he was going to be the one to use his co*ck to change her sexual horizons was very, very impressive.

“That was good,” Josh said with a smirk.

Lily faked a confused appearance. “What was good? We’re just talking about animal meat and eating different kinds with different meals, right?”

Josh shook his head. She was so f*cking co*cky. He needed to get the upper hand back. Lily was way too confident and that didn’t bode well for his chances of seducing her.

He looked to his left and saw the girls giggling at the hot tub. They were sneaking peeks in his direction, and that’s when it hit him.

Josh’s whole advantage was being bold. Taking risks when the other guys in these slu*ts’ lives wouldn’t. They responded well to his dominant behavior, so this subtle conversational metaphor bullsh*t wasn’t what he needed to focus on.

“No,” Josh replied sternly. “We weren’t talking about animal meat.”

Lily’s face dropped slightly. She turned towards the assorted food on the counter as she replied. “Of course we were. I don’t know what you’re talking about, you goof. Maybe you’re just having conversations with yourself.”

There it was. “No, we weren’t. You weren’t and I definitely wasn’t. We were talking about one particular kind of meat.”

Lily began getting nervous. She wasn’t really expecting Josh to push back. She quickly grabbed her plate and started scooping some of the pineapple onto it in an attempt to appear distracted. “You’re crazy,” she said softly.

“No, I’m not. Don’t act stupid. You and I were both talking about co*ck,” Josh said bluntly. His last word made Lily’s eyes open wide. “My co*ck, to be specific. And whether you getting f*cked by my co*ck would change your whole mindset. That’s what we meant by trying different kinds of meat.”

Lily’s breaths grew heavier. “That’s not–.. I wasn’t– uhm,” she mustered out.

“Not such a smartass anymore, are you?” Josh asked her.

I should’ve known better than to try and tease him. I already know what he’s capable of. Why the f*ck didn’t I just mind my own business and get my food and go? Maybe I wanted his attention. Maybe I wanted him to belittle me like this. Ugh, I’m f*cked up. Michael wouldn’t like this. I wonder how far he’ll go..

“I won’t press you on it,” Josh said, easing her tension slightly. “You and I both know the truth. And in return for being such a nice guy and backing off, you’ve gotta do something for me.”

Lily rolled her eyes. When she didn’t immediately respond, Josh added, “It’s simple, relax. All you have to do is take that shirt off. We’re all here in our swimwear and you’re holding out on us. I want to see what you’re hiding under there.”

Lily sighed deeply.

Of course he’d ask me to do such a thing. I don’t know why I’m even surprised. He’s so f*cking arrogant. I mean, he has a bunch of reasons to be arrogant, like.. a ton of f*cking reasons.. so many I can’t even count them, but that doesn’t excuse his behavior. Though, I was teasing him a little too hard.. should I? Uhm, er– no! No, of course not. I’m comfortable with baggy clothes, and he just wants to control what I’m wearing. It’ll give him a reason to gloat, ugh. He’ll probably stare at my boobs all night if I listen to him. No, there’s no way. I need to stand up to him right now or else he’s going to keep bullying me all night until I’m f*cking naked.

“If you want my shirt off, you’re going to have to take it off me yourself,” Lily blurted out impulsively.

What the f*ck did I just say?!

Josh didn’t even take the time to respond. He smiled and immediately moved in behind her to hook his hands around the bottom of her oversized t-shirt. Lily did nothing to stop him. She gave him permission. Even if it was impulsive and stupid of her, she wasn’t about to go back on her word now.

Josh quickly raised the hem of her shirt as he pressed his hardening co*ck into her backside. Lily put her plate down and raised her hands to help Josh out.

A second later, Lily was standing there in front of him with just her bikini on, and Josh nearly moaned out audibly.

Her bikini was by far the skimpiest of all the bikinis the girls were wearing. He was surprised that she even owned something that small. Her bottoms were nothing more than a small piece of cloth attached to a string, and the top wasn’t much different; two small triangles that were barely big enough to cover her nipples.

“God f*cking damn,” Josh said involuntarily. It was a verbal reaction that only a few girls had forced out of him before. “I’ve seen prostitutes who wear more clothing than this.”

His comment made Lily bite her lip. She was almost naked. The tiny string on her backside completely disappeared between her supple ass cheeks.

He wanted to see more of her, so he added, “Do a little spin for me.”

Lily wouldn’t admit it, but there was something incredibly empowering about having a man like Josh drool over her. She found herself feeling ecstatic at the fact that he liked her bikini. Or.. what it showed off, anyway.

This was a guy that had infiltrated her every waking thought ever since he gave her that first bear hug the day before. He had helped her explore her hidden kinks without even really trying and had inadvertently given her the most explosive org*sms she ever experienced. He was a stud by all definitions, and captivating him with her body was intoxicating for her.

And so, she did what Josh asked. He grabbed her left hand and raised it above her head, prompting her to do a little twirl for his viewing pleasure.

“One more,” Josh said greedily.

Lily giggled as she looked into his lustful eyes and did as he asked. Still, after she gave that final twirl her all, it was evident that he wanted more, so she spun around five more times. She made sure to move her hips seductively and go slow each time so he could see everything .

“I had no idea you could move like that,” Josh said as he gazed at her beautiful swaying hips.

Lily smiled at him. “I didn’t, either.”

“So you don’t show off like this often? For Michael?” Josh asked.

Lily shook her adorable head. “Nope, not even for Michael.”

“Huh,” Josh mumbled happily. “So this is just for me?”

“Mmhm, just for you,” Lily said to inflate his ego. “He gets everything else, though.”

Josh could’ve done without that reminder. “We’ll see about that,” he replied.

Lily ignored his comment and finished up her little spinning dance. “There! Are you satisfied, mister?”

“What else can you do?” Josh asked her, not wanting their inappropriate rendezvous to end.

Lily giggled and shook her head. “Oh my goodness, you are insatiable. I don’t know.. I guess I could wiggle my butt a little bit, if you want?”

Josh smiled. “Now that’s good thinking. Here, I’ll block the girls' view so they can’t see you. Put your hands on the counter and arch your back, there you go,” he said. “You’re a natural at this stuff. You really don’t show off like this for your boyfriend?”

Her boyfriend.

f*ck. He’s going to be so mad if he finds out I’m doing this. But.. I never get the chance to do this! He’s not interested in me like Josh is. Ugh. It’s his fault for not paying me enough attention. I’ll just.. I’ll just humor Josh for a bit. Just enough to make him happy, and that’ll be that. I can use this memory to masturbat* to later. It’s a win-win. Yeah, totally. It’s a win for everyone. Well.. except Michael, but that’s okay.

“No, I don’t,” Lily replied as she wagged her ass back and forth. Her ass wasn’t comparable to the likes of Poki, but it was sexy nonetheless. Her cheeks were stocked with enough oomph to shake and provide a fantastic viewing experience for Josh.

“God damn, you’re good enough to be a slu*t,” Josh remarked.

Lily wasn’t sure how she felt about that comment, but she kept going.

Josh was never satisfied, though, and decided he wanted to do more than just look. He reached his right hand forward and immediately grasped her warm, thinly-clothed c*nt.

Lily’s eyes opened wide as she felt the contact. “Josh!” she exclaimed without explicitly telling him to stop.

He rubbed his hand up and down along the length of her bikini bottoms. Lily began to whimper softly, and Josh decided even that wasn’t enough.

He pushed the tiny fabric aside and revealed her perfect puss* as well as her adorable asshole.

“Josh, that’s too far, uhhh,” she mumbled out as he began rubbing her soaking wet c*nt.

“Oh yeah? Then why are you so wet?” he asked her, which was not met with a response.

Realizing they didn’t have much time, Josh slipped a finger into her warm vagin*l entrance and began to insert and remove it slowly. With each thrust, he went deeper and deeper, until he was f*cking her all the way up to his third knuckle.

“Ahhh,” Lily moaned out as quietly as she possibly could. The sexual tension from the situation was almost too much to bear. Josh was such an attractive guy, but he was a f*cking asshole who took liberties with her body that no reasonable girl would ever be okay with.

And that’s what made her situation so hot. She was giving into him. Giving into the f*ckboy who surely had many names notched into his bedpost. Lily, the sweet, innocent, faithful girl was giving into a brute like him, bent over the table, out in public for anyone to see.

It was all too much for her repressed sex drive. In less than a minute, Lily reached an earth-shattering org*sm that reverberated across every muscle, every cell, and every sensory receptor in her small body.

“Mmmhmm! Fffffff*ckkkk ♡,” she stifled out, biting into her fist just to keep from alerting her nearby friends. Her legs shook uncontrollably as she rode the chaotic waves of her climax. She had never experienced such raw pleasure like this before, and she wished dearly that she could experience it every day from that point forward. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and the hair on her skin stood tall as she felt the full impact of this momentum sexual peak.

It was safe to say that Lily was in blissful heaven.

But now, she’d need to make the journey back down to earth and deal with the consequences. She panted away the intensity and finally stood to face her org*sm provider.


Lily wished that she turned around and felt horrible about the whole situation. She wished that she was disgusted by the person who violated her c*nt and she wished that she could brush him off and go on with her day.

But she couldn’t do any of that. He was a f*cking attractive stud, and she wanted him to finger f*ck her again. Right then and there.

Maybe with two fingers this time. And one in my asshole. Three fingers total. Could we do that? Do we have time?

“f*ck, haha. You’re a squirter,” Josh chuckled out, shaking his hand off to the side to show how drenched it was. Droplets fell generously off of his

Lily was mortified. In the midst of her powerful org*sm, she couldn’t even tell that she had cum that much. She then looked down and realized her inner thighs all the way down to her feet were completely soaked as well.

Just then, the pair heard the sliding glass door open.

Their heads both shot upwards and towards the approaching person.

It was Lily’s boyfriend, Michael.

“Hey guys! Sorry I’m late. I was editing a video, but my freaking file got corrupted and I lost everything,” he complained.

Lily didn’t say a word in response. She couldn’t even bring herself to empathize with her boyfriend’s grievance.

Michael shrugged off the silence and looked his girlfriend over. He noticed how her legs were glistening in the sunlight.

“Oh hey, did you already take a dip in the hot tub?” he asked, pointing at her wet lower half.

Lily blinked once and then twice, as if she was trying to remove herself from a trance. She had a blank expression on her face and rosy red cheeks.

“Yes,” she replied flatly. “That.. that’s exactly why I’m wet. You’re so smart, babe.”


Hope you enjoyed :) feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you thought!

Chapter 14: Backstabbing whor*


At long last, chapter fourteen is here. It's a massive 26k word monster that I've spent over a hundred hours on between brainstorming, writing, and editing in the last few months.

Lily's main arc is completed. The plot progresses tremendously. Faces are f*cked and pissed on, a whor* is made, choices are questioned, trust is broken, and in the end, blood is spilt. Best of all, the story is just getting started. Emiru is up next, folks, and I hope to see you in the next part of this journey.

Feel free to leave some feedback. Good or bad, it all helps me improve.

Chapter Text

As Lily, Michael, and Josh made awkward small talk by the grill, Imane, Rae, and Kyedae soaked their feet in the hot tub and munched on their food. The heated, bubbling water soothed the beautiful streamer’s legs while the warm West Coast air provided a relaxing atmosphere, further aided by the fading sunlight beyond the horizon.

“Grrr,” Kyedae groaned adorably as she picked up her hot dog and observed it from below. “My bun is soggy from all this icky watermelon juice.”

“That’s why you don’t put them right next to each other, genius,” Rae replied with a clever tone. “See, look at my bun. Completely dry.” She raised her hot dog in the air and rubbed it in Kyedae’s face by taking a dramatic bite. “Mmm, delicious,” Rae mused.

Kyedae smiled at her sarcastically. "Oh, whatever. It can’t be that good. You don’t have ketchup or mustard or anything on there! Who eats a hot dog plain?”

“Your mom,” Valkyrae mumbled out as she subtly dropped the smug look on her face. Kyedae’s comment was nothing more than a small jest, but it hit Rae harder than her friend knew.

In truth, she always put ketchup on her hotdogs. She hadn’t this time because.. well, because of Josh. Spending the extra few seconds it took to apply condiments would have been an extra few seconds near Josh at the grill.

For various reasons, that was simply too much for her to handle. She had tried to apologize and make amends, but he didn’t seem interested in anything she was saying. It left her very conflicted. Rae wanted to talk about her emotions, and in the past, she would have without hesitation, but things were different now. She was still fighting her own feelings of adoration for Josh despite being the focus of his earlier aggression, so her friends were sure to be even less understanding.

Luckily, she didn’t have to explain herself before Poki shushed them both. “Will you guys shut up? I’m trying to hear what they’re saying,” she said, clearly referring to the trio at the grill. “I don’t think Michael realizes that Lily just org*smed all over Josh’s hand, haha. Her face is all red and her legs are wobbly! How clueless can he be?”

Kyedae giggled at her. “Josh is way too smart to get caught like that! He’s always two steps ahead of everyone, and he has big strides, so it’s really like three or four steps. The day we stop questioning him is the day things will start making sense.”

Imane quickly agreed. “Right, right. I wasn’t trying to question him. I’m saying it more out of sheer amazement. He gets away with so much; it’s impossible to not gush about it!”

“I know what you mean. You don’t usually see brains paired with so much brawn. So, so much brawn, heh. I still can’t believe he chose us first,” Kyedae cooed back. “Imagine if he ran into Jodi or Sydney first.. or even Brooke or Tina!”

“I don’t even want to think about that,” Imane quickly replied. “I prefer to stay in this reality and be the dumb little bimbo he wants me to be.”

Kyedae giggled in response as Rae finally spoke up. “I think Josh getting away with so much has less to do with smarts and more to do with.. I don’t know– something bad, maybe?”

Imane looked at her with curious eyes. “What do you mean?”

Rae sighed. “He just tends to take advantage.. of people that won’t call him out on his behavior. Like with Michael,” she said as she looked over at him with a somber glare. “Poor guy. We all know him. He’s really nice. Super trusting. And because of that, Josh is going to end up f*cking Lily all around the house, day and night, and Michael will never find out."

“But.. that’s a good thing! We’ve been helping him get to Lily ever since she got back. Don’t you want Josh to f*ck as many of our friends as possible?” Kyedae asked as she bit down on a cube of watermelon.

Rae frowned slightly. “Right.. that part is hot! Seeing his manly power at work.. seeing him seduce all of our closest friends and treat us like whor*s.. seeing him happy. It’s super sexy. But– that kind of power might go to his head. What if he goes.. overboard? What if someone gets hurt?”

Imane considered her uncertainty and asked, “What do you mean, Rae? Overboard like.. shoving his dick down our throats and not taking it out until we beg for air? He does that all the time, and I personally wish he did it more often, hehe.”

“I am also a fan of being suffocated against my will,” Kyedae added plainly and raised her dainty hand. “And it’s even better when you can hear him laughing.. because he knows you’re choking, and it gets him off even more. I swear, whenever he’s been in my throat for too long and I start staring at him, begging him to let me breathe.. I swear that I can feel his co*ck getting bigger. He totally loves seeing us choke on his fat co*ck, haha.”

“But isn’t it worrying? You know, how little he cares about us?” Rae asked them. “I mean, Kyedae, did you see Josh being careful with us after we passed out?”

Kyedae thought back for a quick second. “Well, I wasn’t there when he choked you out, Rae, but I did check on you afterwards and your body was just slumped on the ground. It looked like he just dropped you there, haha. I highlyyyy doubt he set you down carefully.”

Imane giggled and chimed in. “But he does call us cumrags all the time. Can we really blame him for treating us like a crusty old sock he just came into?”

“Exactly my point,” Kyedae agreed. “At least he backs up what he says. Like, for Poki.. when you were passed out, he treated you just as bad. You might not even know, but he came allllllll over your face after he f*cked your ass. So much cum was covering you, I thought you were going to drown!”

“Oh my,” Imane replied, muffling a laugh. “That must’ve looked so hot.”

Kyedae nodded. “Oh, it was. Don’t worry, though. I took a few photos. I’ll send them to you later, heh.”

Pokimane smiled graciously as Kyedae continued. “But then, when he and I were talking, you woke up and Josh decided that.. it was still nap time.”

Imane brought a hand up to her mouth and giggled. “Oh my god, I was so confused when that happened! I just remember being f*cked in the butt, cumming more times than I ever have in my life, and then passing out. Then I woke up for like, two seconds and blacked out again.”

“Yup,” Kyedae added with a chuckle. “You woke up and started panicking immediately, so he had me hold your arms back while he stuffed his co*ck in your mouth and forced you to go back to sleep, heh ♡.”

“Uh! You bitch,” Poki joked as she let out a cute giggle. “That must’ve been really hot, though.”

Kyedae nodded her head. “Oh, it was. That wasn’t even the best part. After you passed out, he took his co*ck out and dragged his balls all over your face and slapped you a bit, hehe. It was so, so hot. I hope you don’t mind, but I’m definitely going to be thinking about that one the next time I masturbat*.. heh.”

“I wish you would’ve recorded it so I could get off to it, too. Haha,” Imane responded gleefully. “I’m going to try to get him to do it to you next time, and then I’ll hold your arms back while he suffocates you.. mm!”

“Guys! See, this is what I mean!” Rae interrupted. “Treating us like whor*s.. is one thing, but actually making us black out and slapping us.. it’s too far, no?”

There was a brief pause. “You.. you can’t really think about it like that,” Imane countered. “If we start putting up silly boundaries and asking for respect, then.. then the whole thing is f*cked. It all crumbles. He’ll think twice before doing anything, just in case it’s too far. Like, if he’s on the verge of cumming after he’s been brutally throatf*cking me, but I suddenly tap his thigh to signal that I’m about to pass out.. I don’t know. I just don’t want him to feel like he has to pull out! He works really hard to degrade us as much as he can and to make his co*ck feel as good as possible. It’s not really fair for us to stop him..”

“Yeah,” Kyedae agreed vigorously. “I don’t want him to second guess himself when he has his strong hands wrapped around my throat, choking me while f*cking my ass or something. He should get to choke me as much as he wants, and then it’s up to us to stay awake for him.”

Poki giggled as Valkyrae shrugged in response. Her friends were making great points and she had a difficult time disagreeing, but they just didn’t understand what she meant. Maybe they hadn’t experienced that quick flash of fear that she had. “I love all of that, too! I don’t want to put doubt in his head or anything. It’s.. uhm, it’s nothing. I’m just rambling, I guess. I’ve.. been dealing with a headache all day. That must be it. I think I’m going to go upstairs and lie down, okay?”

The girls protested, but they couldn’t argue much against Rae prioritizing her health. They promised to let Josh know she was feeling unwell and took her plate so she could focus on going to get some rest.

“That was weird,” Kyedae remarked as she watched Rae close the sliding glass door behind her. “But at least I can steal her non-soggy hotdog now, hah!”

“I agree– she seemed a bit off. I have a headache too, but I’m not being a little baby about it,” Imane joked.

Kyedae rolled her eyes and snickered. “You just want to stick around and see Lily get railed. Don’t lie!”

Poki blushed but couldn’t deny the truth. “It’s not my fault! She’s sooo cute and shy. Anyone with even a slightly perverted brain would want to see her wild side, but she’s alwaysssss hiding her body. Finally, finally, there’s someone who can convince her to let loose a little. Or a lot, heh. I wouldn’t miss that for the world.”

The girls giggled as Josh, Lily, and Michael joined them in the hot tub.

“What’s so funny?” Josh asked as he dipped his feet into the warm water.

“Oh, nothing. Just dumb girl stuff,” Imane replied innocently, shooting Kyedae a knowing smile. “Nothing important.”

“Is anything that comes out of a girl’s mouth ever important?” Josh asked jokingly, which earned adorable giggles from Kyedae and Imane. Lily was surprised to see her friends laughing at such a sexist joke, but she figured that Josh’s hunky appearance had something to do with it. Being attractive always lets people get away with more than they should, so she added in a small chuckle of her own.

Josh took a moment to appreciate Poki’s drool-inducing bikini. It was light blue and left very little to the imagination. Her fantastic tit* were on begging to be released, her tantalizing curves stretched her swimwear to its fullest extent, and her ass almost made him lose focus on his real target. She shook her tit* at Josh when she caught him staring, and that was an image that would never leave Josh’s brain.

Until, of course, the next pair of tit* came along.

Kyedae was in a bikini as well, and even though he had seen her naked a number of times, her slender but perky figure never failed to get him hard. Her skin was super pale, which gave her the semblance of a pure angel.

However, Josh knew she was anything but.

The beautiful women alone were enough to get his gears turning, but the fact that he was sleeping with two of them and trying to get his dick inside of the third was making his lust go into overdrive. He was disappointed when Imane told him about Rae’s headache, but nothing much could be done about it.

Lily watched as Michael sank into the water on the opposite side of Josh, and she briefly wondered if he did that on purpose. Was something about Josh’s dominating presence repelling her boyfriend? Nevertheless, she sat next to her partner as was likely expected of her, despite Josh’s hunky abs beckoning her towards him.

The group quickly ate their food and discarded their plates.

“That was delicious,” Lily complimented. “Thank you for all the yummy food, Josh.”

“Did you hear that, Michael? Your girlfriend loved my meat.”

Imane and Kyedae giggled as Lily smirked at his dumb joke.

“I really did, babe,” Lily added as she looked at her partner with a slu*tty smirk. “His meat was so delicious.”

“Okay, okay. Very funny,” Michael murmured back.

The hot tub wasn’t massive, so their scattered group of five still made a pretty intimate circle.

“You guys have such a nice view from back here,” Josh said in appreciation. The orange hue from the sunset covered the sky and complimented the clouds nicely. The large home was located high on a hill, which made for a fantastic view. “How often do you guys come out here and watch the sunset?”

“Not very often, honestly,” Imane replied as she took in the evening sky. “I’ve barely even used the hot tub! I think we’ve only hung out here like three or four times since we moved in.”

Kyedae added, “Yeah, I think the last time was for New Years.”

Michael nodded as well. “We’re streamers, man. We’re basically professional cave dwellers. Touching grass isn’t on our list of priorities, haha.”

“Damn, that’s a shame. You know what? I’m going to take charge and make sure we spend more time out here,” Josh replied. He then turned back to the group before openly ogling each of the beautiful streamers. “And I’m not just saying that so I can see you girls in bikinis more often. Definitely not, nope.”

Kyedae, Poki, and Lily all laughed at his joke, which prompted Michael to let out an awkward chuckle as well.

“Uh huh. Sure, Josh,” Imane said with a smirk. “We totally believe you.”

Josh faked a surprised look. “What? I’m being serious. I hate being around half-naked women.”

Lily giggled in response. “Oh, yeah. I’m sure this is pure torture for you, Josh. So many boobs and butts, and such little clothing. Someone please save him!”

Josh directed his glare towards Lily. If she was going to start bantering with him in front of Michael, he certainly wasn’t going to shy away from it.

“Yeah, it is torture, actually,” Josh replied sternly as he waded through the water and stood in front of Lily, who stared up at him with trepidation.

She found herself rubbing her thighs together. She couldn't help herself. She wanted him to pull something. The attention Josh gave her was intoxicating. Every glance, every smirk, every touch from him filled a void that Lily didn't even know existed. She would welcome anything that would free her of the sexually repressed state she had been in for so long. Her boyfriend was the only reason she presented a reasonable amount of hesitation.

The rest of the group held their breath at Josh's brazen approach. Josh brought his right hand forward and tucked his pointer finger underneath the right shoulder strap of Lily's bikini. Michael hoped it was some odd joke and said nothing.

"Being so close to seeing.. what I actually want to see," Josh began to say as he ran his finger up and down slowly, "but being denied over and over. It's a tease, and I don’t like being teased. It's.. edging without the completion. It absolutely is torture. I mean, look at me. Look at what your tiny bikini has done."

Josh looked down and guided everyone's eyesight to his shorts. The water forced the fabric to cling tightly to his skin, which portrayed an obvious outline of his co*ck. His thick member traced down his thigh until the surface of the water blurred its ending point.

Lily let out an audible gasp. The tension of the moment rose dramatically as everyone stayed still and silent.

Before anyone could speak up, Josh finally broke the peace. He tugged on Lily's shoulder strap and in one quick motion, both of her bare, perky tit* came into view.

Gasps could be heard all around. Josh immediately let out a laugh as Lily shrieked and hid her chest under the water.

"Joshhhh! Oh my god!" Lily squealed out.

She was quick. Her sexy nipples were only on display for a split second, but everyone had been watching, so that split second was more than enough.

Michael leaned forward and put a hand out in between his girlfriend and Josh. "Hey, hey! Dude! What the hell? That's way too far."

Josh raised his hands in the air to indicate that he was done. "Relax, man. I’m just messing around," he said as he retreated back to his original seat in the hot tub.

"By flashing Lily's boobs to everyone? Really, dude?" Michael asked aggressively as his girlfriend fixed her bikini under the water.

Imane and Kyedae were simply amused spectators up to that point, but they quickly saw their cue to step in.

"Oh, relax, Michael. He didn’t mean anything by it," Imane said.

Kyedae saw an opening for a joke and added, "Would it be awful if I asked Josh to do it again? I couldn’t really see from my angle, hehe.”

Imane laughed and Lily's hesitant expression turned into a smirk. “Kyedae! I’ll flash you anytime you want, heh.. but not while he’s here,” she said as she directed her comment towards Josh.

“Oo, Lily! I might take you up on that,” Kyedae replied with reddening cheeks.

Even Michael enjoyed the banter. Their friend group was full of pretty streamers who were always teasing him about being affectionate with Lily, especially Poki and Rae, so it was something he had learned to laugh at.

Though, it usually wasn’t a guy crossing those boundaries.

"Whatever, guys. Let's just take it down a notch. Flash your own parts if you want, but don’t make that decision for others," Michael stated before pausing briefly. He looked back at Josh and pointed at him. “Except for you, f*cker. Keep those goddamn shorts on.”

The group laughed as Michael had clearly referenced the impressive sight they all witnessed moments earlier: the bulge in Josh’s shorts. Making fun of the situation was the easier option, but in actuality, Michael was bothered by how brazen Josh had been with Lily. Laughing it away just seemed like the most appropriate course of action. As long as Josh stayed on his side of the hot tub, there was no reason to overreact.

Michael then turned back to Lily to check on her. "Hey, are you okay?"

She looked up at her protective boyfriend and smiled. He was so good to her. He was so caring. Despite his anger, he still had the wherewithal to check on her. He was protective and jealous when he needed to be, but kept it in check for her benefit. He didn't have some massive ego making his decisions for him.

Just before she provided a response, Lily double checked her bikini to make sure it was properly positioned over her areolas. She didn't want to flash everyone again and– suddenly, her eyes widened.

As she fixed her swimsuit, she noticed that her nipples were as hard as bullets.

Rubbing against them caused shockwaves of pleasure that almost made her flinch.

What the f*ck? Why are my nipples so hard? And.. sensitive?? Why am I so.. turned on?

Uh.. of course.

f*cking Josh.

He carelessly showed her tit* to everyone and her body was reacting to being exposed. Against her will. What was wrong with her?

Lily looked at her boyfriend's patient face.


Her eyes then glanced past him and towards Josh's smug, arrogant, co*cky, handsome smile. Instantly, her puss* gushed. She could feel it twitch as she looked at him.

Just to make sure, she looked back at Michael and.. maybe? Was that a little spark? Ugh.. no, it wasn't. There was nothing. f*ck. Then back to Josh and f*ckity f*ck. There it was again. Little, tiny spasms of passion. Of thrill. Inadvertent ones. Her body was reacting on its own. It was like that big hunk of muscle and charm was the only thing that could light her c*nt on fire.

"Lily, are you okay?" Michael repeated his question with more emphasis.

She cleared the thoughtful haze that shrouded her mind and finally replied to her boyfriend. “Yessss, Michael. I’m fine. I’m.. great, actually.”

Michael felt relief wash over him. “Phew! That’s good. You had me worried there for a second. I just wanted to make su–”

“So Josh, are you done ripping my clothes off?” Lily loudly asked as she sat up in her section of the hot tub, no longer hiding her chest and hard nipples that pierced through the fabric of her bikini. “Can I finally relax with my friends now or should I keep my guard up in case you get the urge to look at my boobs again?”

Her blatant dismissal of Michael’s dialogue did not go unnoticed, and it left her boyfriend stewing in frustration as she chatted with the muscular jerk. It was also upsetting that Kyedae and Poki just seemed to giggle at everything Josh said. Why was no one else calling Josh out on being a complete jackass?

“Oh, yeah, no– you should definitely keep your guard up,” Josh retorted after a quick chuckle. “Those tit* were too nice to look at just once.”

Lily smirked and shook her head at his crude remarks. “Ugh, fine. I guess if you can’t help yourself..”

“Yeah, sorry,” Josh replied, continuing their sexually charged charade. “Maybe you should just make it more convenient for everyone and keep your tit* out? It’ll be so much easier to listen to you talk if you’re topless.”

As if enlightened by the idea, Lily’s face became animated. “Oh my god, what a fantastic idea! It must be so hard to listen to a girl blabber on and on without a nice pair of tit* to look at.”

Josh agreed with a co*cky nod.

Lily continued, “Why don’t I just stay topless for the rest of the night? Or better yet, I can stay topless tomorrow and the next day, too! For however long you’re staying with us. I’m sure you’d love that, wouldn’t you?”

“Well, that goes without saying. The real question is.. would you love that? Showing off? Something tells me you might enjoy it even more than I would,” Josh quipped back.

An awkward silence followed as Lily and Josh stared at each other.

Poki noticed that Michael was about to blow a gasket and decided to chime in. “Okay, okay, enough! Josh, you’re making Michael miserable. We know you’re both joking, but let’s give the poor guy a break, okay? Michael, don’t pay him any attention. He’s a guy. Of course he wants to see a random pair of boobs. Let’s all just calm down, yeah?”

The five of them eased out awkwardly sexual tension and began chatting about Lily’s recent trip. She had just returned from New York with her boyfriend and the pair had plenty of stories to tell. Kyedae was very keen about visiting New York soon, so she was particularly interested in the details of their trip.

Lily and Josh inevitably exchanged several sexually charged smirks throughout the storytelling.

One story was about a mugging incident. Luckily, they weren’t carrying any cash on them, so the man just ended up running off with Michael’s watch. Another was about Michael getting scammed in Chinatown. He supposedly paid for an authentic Pokémon card, but it ended up being a counterfeit. And finally, their hotel room story..

“And she was so freaking loud! All we heard for three straight nights was moaning and grunting and–”

“And the headboard slamming against the wall!” Lily added as Michael recounted the details of their sexually active hotel neighbors. “I don’t know how she had that much energy, but we didn’t get any sleep the first three nights.”

Michael nodded as he continued the story. “Yup. We had the room booked for the whole week, but they ended up moving us to a honeymoon suite after we complained for the fifth time. It was a f*cking mess, haha.”

Kyedae’s mouth dropped open. “Wow! I bet it was worth it, though. Those honeymoon suites are like twice as big as the regular rooms.”

Josh interrupted for clarification. “Wait, did you guys ever get a good look at them? Or were they stuck in their rooms f*cking the whole time?”

Michael and Lily looked at each other sheepishly before Lily spoke up. “Yeah, actually. We ran into them as they were leaving their room on the last day. It was.. some huge dude and a tiny girl. We just.. heh, we waved and ran into our room, haha.”

“Huh,” Josh replied contemplatively. “Would you say that couple looked more like you and Michael or you and me, Lily?”

Her eyes went wide. A few seconds passed before she answered. “Probably.. probably me and you,” she replied, looking directly into Josh’s eyes.

It was an innocent enough question, but it was chock-full of implications.

“Interesting,” Josh said with a smirk.

“Do you guys think the hotel actually asked them to be more quiet?” Imane pondered. “I mean, there are rooms on each side, so you couldn’t have been the only ones complaining!”

Michael shook his head. “I’m not sure, but from the sound of it, those f*ckers did not listen, haha.”

The group laughed and Lily’s eyes widened as she recalled a detail they had yet to reveal. “Oh my god, that wasn’t even the best part! Michael, do you remember what the girl kept yelling? Like, at completely random times?”

The couple looked at each other for a second before simultaneously finding the answer. “Giraffe!”

“It was their freaking safe word,” Lily added with a giggle. “We’d hear moan after moan, and then a random ‘giraffe’ would come out of nowhere. It was hysterical.”

After the chuckles died down, Josh’s co*ck got the best of him and he decided there had been enough niceties exchanged. It was time to get down to business.

“So what’s your safe word, Lily?” Josh asked, catching her off guard. “I might need to know it eventually.”

Her adorable eyes widened a bit behind her circular glasses. “Mine? We don’t.. I don’t think we really have one, heh. We don’t need it.”

Michael nodded to confirm his girlfriend’s admission. Josh replied with, “So you guys keep it pretty plain then, huh?”

That comment struck a nerve with Lily, which turned off her flirty mood. They did keep it plain. Too plain, which was a constant complaint of hers.

She looked at Josh with a bit of frustration. “Yeah, we keep it plain– not that it's any of your business. Some people just like it that way.”

Lily wasn’t one of those people.

“So no anal? No handcuffs, bondage? No.. golden showers?” Josh inquired as he stretched his arms out, showing off his muscular biceps.

Lily was pissed. Not only had Josh somehow mentioned all of the things she wanted to try out, but he was f*cking showing off by flexing his muscles, too. And it was working! He looked f*cking good. Her puss* was yelling at her again. It begged for attention every time she looked at the stud asking her inappropriate questions.

“Oh, my bad. I didn’t know I was in a freaking interrogation. I know you’re obsessed with me, but why don’t you ask Imane or Kyedae some questions already,” Lily responded with notable amounts of sass.

Josh smugly chuckled as he nodded his head. “Fair enough. That’s perfect, actually. I know how we can all get our burning questions out in the open.”

After a few uncertain looks, Josh added, “Truth or dare, guys. C’mon, it’ll be fun. I’ll grab some alcohol, too. As a punishment. Just in case some dares go a little too far, and one of you is too pansy to go through with it.”

Imane and Kyedae quickly approved, which prompted Michael and Lily to give in as well. Without further delay, Josh left the hot tub and began to jog inside.

Lily watched as water cascaded off of his well-toned, herculean body. She found herself constantly fawning over his large stature. Something about his size was just so manly. Her eyes began drifting towards his crotch, and she did her best to not be too apparent. Josh then abruptly turned around and looked directly at her.

“I’ll need help carrying some stuff. Lily, mind helping me out?”

Michael rolled his eyes. It seemed that Josh was targeting Lily all night, and he was getting sick of it. Though, he seemed to be the only one feeling this way. His girlfriend didn’t even hesitate to stand up.

“Okay,” she said as water dripped off of her scantily-clad body. As she turned back to Michael, she noticed his disapproving facial expression. “It’s fine– I’ll be quick. The hot tub is making my head a little dizzy anyway.”

Michael opened his mouth to object, but nothing came out. He didn’t want to come off as controlling, but surely, a small warning wouldn’t do any harm.

“Okay, babe. Just.. let’s keep our clothes on, yeah?”

Lily gave her boyfriend a reassuring smile. “Oh my god, you’re too funny,” she said, leaning in to whisper her reassurances. “Of course I won’t take any of my clothes off.”

Michael oddly thought she emphasized herself in that sentence a little too much, but something else caught his attention. He glanced down before replying. “Uhm, babe.. your nipple is showing!”

Lily quickly looked down and giggled. “Oh frick, sorry! This bikini is just so tiny, heh. I'm surprised it has stayed put for this long, honestly.”

And with that, Lily ran off to join Josh’s side.

Her comment threw Michael off a bit. If she was expecting more wardrobe malfunctions, then why would she pick that bikini in the first place? Does she not care if people see her breasts? What about Josh? Does she want him to see them?!

No, no.. that couldn’t be.

Michael looked away and heard a fleshy slap and a playful shriek from Lily. When his head darted back to observe what had happened, he saw Josh’s hand hook around his girlfriend’s waist as the pair walked inside. He couldn’t do much other than pout, sink deeper into his seat, and try to enjoy the water being propulsed into his back by the hot tub jets.

Kyedae and Imane muffled their giggles before trying to distract the distraught boyfriend. “Michael, relax! I don’t think anyone has ever looked as miserable as you do while sitting in a hot tub! Lily is just messing around. It’s good to let loose once in a while!”

Poki quickly added, “Yeah! She’s just being a little spontaneous. I wouldn’t get too mad at her for trying to have a good night.”

Michael only shrugged in response.

The second that they were inside and out of view, Lily turned towards Josh and threw a barrage of weak punches into his side and his shoulder. “You.. freaking.. asshole! Why are you being so weird? Teasing me like that in front of my boyfriend! Messing with my bikini?! Asking me inappropriate questions! I mean, really? My safe word?”

Josh chuckled as he brought his hands up to defend himself. “Hey now, don’t blame me, alright? Look at what you’re wearing. You can’t really expect me to control myself.”

“Ugh, typical guy response. That’s such a misogynistic trope. My outfit shouldn’t affect your freaking behavior! I can wear whatever I want!” she declared defiantly as she threw more frail punches. Lily knew they were useless, but it was fun to act stubborn against such a large brute.

Josh managed to stop her adorably aggressive fists by grabbing her wrists and raising them both above her head, pinning her against the wall.

After a brief attempt to break free, Lily stopped struggling. Her efforts were futile. Instead, she looked up at her captor with heavy breaths.

“Awh, poor Lily wants to play the victim,” Josh teased as he inched his face closer to hers. “As if you didn’t wear this slu*tty bikini just for me. You know, not all guys are as clueless as that boyfriend of yours.”

Lily could feel her c*nt burning as Josh spoke. He was speaking his mind freely and ogling her nearly naked body, all while pinning her against the wall. She was helpless, and she loved it.

“Don’t.. don’t call him clueless,” she mumbled. “He’s actually really smart.”

“With tech sh*t, maybe.”

“Not just that! He knows that you’ve been weird. He’s onto you, mister.”

“Oh, yeah? Does he know you're going to let me f*ck your brains out?”

“No,” Lily replied before she caught herself. “I mean, erh– yes, he does! Uh– no.. f*ck.”

Josh smirked as she bit her lip. The sexual tension between them could almost be seen in the air around them. They were just waiting for the other to pull the trigger.

Josh gave her one final smile before turning her around and tugging on the straps of her bikini top and bottom. He pulled them both off in quick succession, throwing the tiny pieces of fabric off onto the ground.

“Hey..” Lily protested half-heartedly as Josh knelt down and spread her ass cheeks, diving in head first to taste her sweet c*nt from behind. “We– we can’t! I didn’t– f*ck! I was just teasing! They’re.. they’re expecting us back soon! Ahh, f*ck.. mmm! They’ll.. uhh.. they’ll come looking for us.”

Lily let a few moans slip from her mouth as she spoke.

Josh’s large, outstretched tongue lurched forward and explored the length of her labia passionately. He could immediately tell how wet Lily was. He then ventured upwards and tongued her asshole, which elicited much louder moans from the shy streamer.

“Ahh! f*ck me..” Lily mumbled out. “That’s my butt! Oh my godddd.. you’re crazy, heh. Mmm! But– but I’m.. serious, Josh! We have to– uh.. stop. There’s no time..”

Josh didn’t stop, though. He continued eating her out from behind. He could taste her delicious c*nt, which had hints of chlorine from the hot tub. “Mm! Maybe.. maybe we would’ve had more time.. if you didn’t.. mess with me so much! Uhhh.. right in front of him! But he’s.. f*ck.. f*ck, that feels good! He’s so suspicious now.. He knows that you want me..”

Josh stood up and reached a hand around to grab Lily by the throat, roughly constricting her airway. He leaned forward to meet her anxious gaze. “You talk way too f*cking much. You know that?”

“Am.. guhh– am I supposed to answer that? Because– uh, then.. I’ll just be talking more, and..”

Lily’s sentence was quickly cut off as Josh’s grip on her throat intensified.

“You really want me to get rough, don’t you?” Josh snarled at her. “Do you know how much prettier you’d be if you just kept your stupid mouth shut?”

“Guuhhrrhh,” Lily groaned, unable to speak. She felt Josh loosen his grip after a few moments. She took that opportunity to push backwards, releasing herself from Josh’s tight embrace as the two now faced each other.

“You’re.. you’re serious about this, aren’t you?” Lily inquired with a firm tone. “You’re not just roleplaying to be hot or whatever. You actually think women should keep their mouths shut and just– what? Stand around and look pretty?”

Josh looked confused. “Why would I be joking about that? What other use do you have?”

“Ugh,” she uttered out with disgust. “I have a lot of uses! f*ck you!”

“Hah, name one.”

“You just don’t know how to appreciate women. It’s not all about sex! How about conversation? You know, smart, civilized discussion? Thinking with your brain and not your dick?”

“Yeah, yeah– sure. I call you a whor* and you respond with sounds of gagging as I push more of my co*ck down your throat. That’s the most intelligent conversation someone can have with a woman, haha.”

Lily rolled her eyes. “Prick. Okay, what about love? You need someone like me, a supposedly useless woman, to love.”

“Hey, my soulmate would be begging me to f*ck her ass by now,” Josh immediately replied. “She wouldn’t be bitching to me about love.”

Lily’s puss* raved with every sentence Josh spoke. His brazen choice of words had yet to lose their shock value, and his confidence was working wonders on Lily.

“Uh, okay– that’s fair, I guess. You know what you want in a girl, at least, but.. what about just having a girlfriend? That doesn’t require love. Even an asshole like you needs a nice, loyal girlfriend.”

“Sure, but I don’t want to date you, though. I’m trying to turn you into a whor*. I’m trying to get you to throw your relationship away just so I can bust a fat f*cking nut, haha. And if I’m successful, then you’ll be a slu*t. A cheating slu*t. Why would I ever date a slu*t?”

“You’re f*cking evil,” Lily murmured with more intrigue than hostility. “I can’t believe you’re so sexist. I mean, my god. Do you even hear yourself?”

“Judge all you want. At least I’m being honest with my intentions. Can you say the same?”

Lily felt cornered and shook her head in frustration. “Ugh! Do you know how much easier this would be if you weren’t such a pig? I.. I might already be on my knees– if you were nice..”

Josh scoffed. “If I was nice, we wouldn’t even be standing here. You’d still be sitting next to your boyfriend in the hot tub! As a matter of fact..”

Suddenly, Josh stepped forward and threw the small naked girl over his shoulder with ease. “Since you already think I’m an asshole, might as well do asshole things and take you up to a bedroom.”

He slapped her bare ass a few times before pivoting away from the kitchen.

“Uhhh, excuse me!” Lily rebelled half-heartedly. “I’m not some.. some sex doll you can just toss around!”

Josh let out a hearty laugh. “No, you’re not. A sex doll wouldn’t be this f*cking annoying,” he said as he took the nude streamer upstairs.

That comment shut Lily up. She knew what was coming. She wanted it, too, but it felt wrong to say out loud.

“I told Michael I’d be quick. He’s going to come looking for us..”

Josh shrugged off her concern. “We’ll just have to be hard to find,” he said as he walked into Imane’s room.

He briefly considered the bed for a moment, but Lily was right. They’d come looking soon, and the bed would be far too obvious.

Josh looked to his right and opted for Imane’s large walk-in closet. Once inside, he shut the door behind him and turned on the light. Lily was promptly placed on her knees.

“Hey, gently please! I'm delicate, mister,” she whined. Lily looked up at Josh with an anxious glance.

"I don't do anything gently, and you should replace that ‘i’ in mister with an ‘a’.”

"Hah! Yeah, sure thing, ‘master’, and you can call me the freaking tooth fairy,” Lily quipped back. Her c*nt was throbbing with anticipation. She was naked, on her knees, and actively being degraded. Her c*nt wanted to be f*cked, but her bratty attitude kept her defiance on full display.

Josh glared at her. “You’re not getting this, are you?”

“Getting what? I don’t want to call you master. Boo-f*cking-hoo!” she replied and stuck out her tongue.

“This isn’t about what you want. You don’t get a say.”

“Oh, really?” Lily gawked back. She decided to humor him this time. “Okay, fine. I don’t get a say. Because I’m a dumb, stupid girl and I should be ordered around, right? So, fine. In this perverted world of yours, you get a slu*t to call you master and be all obedient, and I get.. what exactly?”

“Oh, that’s the best part. You don’t get anything. I mean, you get used. You get degraded and treated worse than a f*cking fleshlight. Your feelings, thoughts, and the rest of that bullsh*t stops mattering. Your whole purpose becomes getting me off, and you’re fine with it because that’s what women were made for. You guys have a knack for this sh*t. It’s in your genes to serve, haha. If you’re lucky and a good enough f*ck, I’ll use you again tomorrow. And regardless of what you think now, you will be happier than you’ve ever been.”

Anger would have been the rightful reaction to Josh’s remarks, but that wasn’t the case this time. Lily was tired of resisting. This brute of a man was so f*cking arrogant, but his arrogance had to stem from somewhere. Had he done this before? With other girls? Lily had no idea, but she had her suspicions, and those suspicions drove her lust and her curiosity.

“No witty remarks this time?” Josh asked her.

Lily shook her head. She had no more fight left in her. “Women should keep their mouths shut, right?” she said as she brought her hand up to her lips and zipped them closed.

She then reached forward and began to untie the strings of Josh’s swimming trunks. Once loosened, she tugged down on the hem of his shorts and unveiled the most intimidating co*ck she had ever seen. Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open.

Lily could hardly believe it. She had sucked on Josh’s co*ck briefly while she was pretending to sleep, but that was only the head and her eyes had been closed. She also caught a glimpse of his erection in the hot tub, but that was only an outline.

This was an entirely different ordeal. Actually seeing Josh’s co*ck was causing her to swoon, almost to the point of being light-headed. It was nothing short of mesmerizing. His co*ck was a fat f*cking veiny monster. It hung low as if its weight was too much to stand on its own. It almost reached down his f*cking knees. Its girth was as thick as her wrist, making it hard to believe that she’d ever be able to take it in her mouth or puss*.

The adorable streamer was absolutely awestruck by his powerful f*ck tool. And his balls paired perfectly with it. They were massive and emanated pure, raw power. Lily couldn’t tear her eyes away.

Her boyfriend’s penis was nothing, nothing like this. “So.. big..” she whispered while wondering what kind of abuse she was about to endure.

After her initial amazement wore off, Lily unexpectedly leaned her head forward, ducking underneath his massive co*ck and smothering her face into Josh’s nutsa*ck, rotating her adorable face left and right. It just seemed like the right thing for her to do.

“Ahh, f*ck,” Josh groaned at Lily’s surprising reaction. He smirked as the well-known Asian streamer eagerly explored his balls with her cute face. Defiling herself like this after he just berated her on being useless gave him a rush of power. His ego was understandably inflated.

But he wasn't the only one with a reason to smile. Lily discovered a level of enthusiasm that she didn't even know she had, and she used it to massage Josh's massive, sweaty balls with her adorable nose, her soft cheeks, and her tender lips.

“Mmm,” she moaned out as she planted small kisses and licked his powerful testicl*s. The heat his ballsack radiated was similar to the heat an oven produced after checking on a pizza and dodging the initial blast of hot air. It was powerful and comforting at the same time. And his musk..

She took in as much of his potent scent as she could, and Lily could almost feel it changing her brain chemistry.

“You smell so, so, so good.. mmrggghh!” Lily moaned out.

“Yeah? You like how my balls smell?”

“Mmhmm. It’s my new favorite smell, mmmfgfgjhhh!”

His musk overwhelmed every sensory gland Lily had. It shot direct surges of arousal to her throbbing c*nt, which she was now rubbing. Embarrassingly, she could feel herself dripping onto Imane’s expensive rug, but she didn’t care. Her mouth worked quickly to provide pleasure to the underside of Josh’s big balls.

"Oh, yeah.. right where you belong," Josh uttered out, which caused her to smile below his sack.

He had been staring at her like a piece of meat all night, and now he had her on her knees, worshiping his balls.

Josh was everything that was wrong with men. He was sexist, arrogant, rude, co*cky, and selfish, but that’s also what made the situation so hot. She was giving this asshole exactly what he wanted.

And that’s why Lily found herself swelling with pride. She realized how much she was contributing to his co*ckiness. Whatever level his egotistical attitude was at before, it was surely doubled by now, and Lily couldn’t help but love that fact. She redoubled her enthusiasm just to embarrass herself further and give Josh more to brag about.

“Your balls are so f*cking addicting,” she moaned out, sending stimulating vibrations onto Josh’s gonads. “I think they’re turning me into a whor*..”

“You’ve always been a whor*. You just didn’t know it.”

“Hmmmmm, I guess I can’t argue much when your nuts are on my face, hehe,” Lily laughed as she did her best to cover her entire face under Josh’s sack, emphasizing her slu*tty behavior.

Josh chuckled in response. “Oh, really? It’s that easy? Like, any time you’re being a bitch, I can just take my balls out, place them on your face, and you’ll shut up?”

Lily snickered from below Josh’s groin. “Umm.. I guess. I can’t really see myself arguing about anything when these big, mwah, mwah, mwah.. beautiful, mwah, mwah.. balls.. are on my face.. mwah,” she moaned out, intermittently kissing the fleshy orbs covering her stupid face.

“Huh, good to know,” Josh groaned.

“Uhm, you’re totally.. haha, totally going to take advantage of that from now on, aren’t you? Any time I’m being a bitch.. boom, balls on.. my face. Shutting.. shutting me the f*ck up.. haha, so hot. Mwah, mwah.. all of my stupid.. arguments.. mwah, stupid talking.. mm, unnecessary.. mmm, that’s so hot..”

Josh stayed quiet as Lily’s slu*tty side consumed her. Her whorish enthusiasm didn’t seem to end. Every time Josh thought she was about to quit rubbing her face deeper into his sack, she would just pivot and rub them on a part of her face that hadn’t been tended to recently, like her forehead or the far side of her cheeks. She worked diligently to make sure every inch of her cute face was defiled by his heavy nuts. She then plopped them right on her closed eyes and stayed there for a bit, giggling like a dumb schoolgirl.

“Do you like my new glasses? Hehe.”

A response wasn’t necessary.

After two more minutes of loving ball worship, Josh finally spoke up. “Listen, I’d love nothing more than to stay here all day and smother your stupid face with my balls, but we’re short on time.”

Lily pulled back. A noticeable gleam of saliva and sweat covered her pouting face. “Awh.. okay. Another time then? I’m sorry for going overboard. I just.. I really love your balls, heh ♡. They feel sooooo good against my face.”

“Haha, you’re actually a genuine whor*, huh?”

“I knowwwww, hah. I mean, I didn’t know.. until now. Thanks to you.. and your big manly balls.. I don’t know what it is, but holy sh*t, I’m kind of light-headed.. just from making out with them! That’s not normal, right?”

“Don’t worry. Lots of girls react the exact same way. Maybe when we have more time, we’ll spend a whole day with my balls on your face.”

Lily salivated at the thought and giggled as her imagination ran wild. “Oh my god. That’d be so, so degrading.. heh. A full twenty-four hours.. smothered by your big balls.. there’s no way you’d ever have any respect for me after that..”

“I already don’t have any respect for you.”

Lily leaned forward against Josh’s balls to giggle, causing small, pleasurable reverberations. “Heh, oh yeah.. well, it’s a date then! ♡”

“Great,” Josh responded. “If we do it often enough, maybe you’ll finally realize that you're just an object and you'll stop being such a c*nt. Always whining about me being a dick. You should be happy that I talk to you at all.”

Lily thought for a moment. “Ugh, I know. I have been a bitch towards you, but I swear I’ll change, okay? I’m in a completely different mood right now,” she said, giggling to prove her point. “I kinda feel like I’m high. Off of your musk.. or something.”

Without warning, Josh wound his hand back and slapped Lily across the face.

“Uhh!” Lily blurted out as her head shot to the left. She was a bit stunned, but after recovering, she apologized. “I’m.. so sorry. Did.. did I do something wrong?”

“Nope,” Josh replied plainly, offering no explanation.

“Oh.. okay. Right. I’m so sorry, sir. I’m still getting used to.. being used.. so roughly. It’s my first time, really. I.. I guess I should expect to be slapped pretty regularly?”

Josh didn’t respond verbally. Instead, he slapped her again, which jolted her to the side. She braced her impact with her hand and caught herself from falling over completely.

“Mmm, okay, okay,” Lily giggled out as she rubbed her reddening cheek. “You’re the boss. I get it, stud. Would.. would you like to slap me again, sir?”

And Josh did. Three more times on her right cheek and then five hefty slaps on her left. To keep it even.

Lily continued giggling after each slap, but the pain was becoming more difficult for her to hide. After the final strike, Lily mumbled, “Oh my.. f*ck. Those sting so bad. I guess.. it’s because you’re so strong, probably. I’ve never seen anyone as strong as you, hah. Do.. do you want to keep slapping me?”

Josh was impressed by Lily’s dedication. “Open your mouth,” he barked out.

Lily quickly sat back up and did as ordered. “Ahhhh.”

“Wider. Stick your tongue out all the way.”

Lily followed Josh’s instruction again, but added a little twist. She brought both of her pointer fingers up and hooked them around her cheeks to stretch her mouth open as wide as it could go. “Ahhhhhhhh.”

“f*ck, haha. You look so stupid like that,” Josh teased her. “On your f*cking knees. Naked. Offering your mouth to someone other than your boyfriend. Don’t you have any dignity?“

She let out a small chuckle without closing her mouth. Lily could tell that Josh really enjoyed making fun of her, and she began to accept that she would be degraded much more often from now on.

“Such a stupid whor*,” Josh mumbled as he grabbed his member and began pushing his thick co*ckhead into Lily’s waiting mouth. The sensation of her wet tongue felt fantastic on Josh’s aching member.

“Ahh, yeah,” Josh groaned out. “I can tell I’m going to love abusing the f*ck out of your throat.”

Lily heard every degrading comment he made, and each of them surprised her. She obviously couldn’t respond, but it was interesting to see what he really thought about her.

Though, this wasn’t at the forefront of her mind. She was focusing on the giant tree trunk being forced into her gullet.

Despite Lily’s attempts to widen her mouth as much as possible, it was still a tight fit. Of course, that didn’t stop Josh from making progress. He began forcing his fat co*ck past her tongue, past her tonsils, and into her tight throat. Her mouth was stretched obscenely to accommodate Josh’s size, and her startled eyes drove Josh mad with lust.

“Damn, I don’t think I’ve ever had a throat this tight,” Josh remarked as he felt the pressure on his co*ck increase dramatically the deeper he went. It felt f*cking fantastic, but half of his co*ck wasn’t even in before progress was stalled.

“sh*t. Going to have to ram my way in,” Josh mumbled out as his thrusts became more powerful. “Gotta resize this f*cking throat.”

Josh’s brutal energy allowed him to get deeper into Lily’s throat. He thrusted himself in and out of her mouth, gaining new ground with every co*ck jab.

Almost immediately, Lily tried pulling back. She wanted to give Josh pleasure, but it seemed like an impossible task to blow him the way he wanted. Her retreat was thwarted as Josh roughly grabbed large chunks of her hair and kept her in place.

“Uh uh,” Josh muttered out. “We just f*cking started, bitch.”

Lily didn’t have time to react and obviously couldn’t respond to his aggression. She was too busy trying to accommodate the gigantic meat stick being shoved down her esophagus. Her eyes grew wide as she panicked. She looked up at Josh and saw nothing but determination on his face; determination to completely destroy her throat, regardless of how badly she struggled.

“Ahh, yeah. That’s a good slu*t,” Josh complimented as Lily finally took half of his co*ck into her throat. Though, it was not by her own efforts.

Josh had refused sexual service from Kyedae and Rae multiple times that day, so his lust-fueled aggression was higher than it had been in the past two weeks. It was obvious that he was holding nothing back as Lily’s cute head was mercilessly shunted to and fro.

Gluck, gluck, gluck.

“whor*.. stupid f*cking whor*,” Josh groaned out. He repeatedly and unapologetically rammed his thick baseball bat of a co*ck in and out of Lily’s mouth with great speed. “This is your place. This is where you f*cking belong.”


Poor Lily didn’t stand a chance. All she could do was kneel there and take it as Josh let out a constant barrage of co*ck punches into her tight throat.

Gluck, gluck, gluck.

“f*ckkkk, that’s it. That’s the f*cking way,” he howled out. By sheer force, he had gotten three-fourths of his co*ck into Lily’s tiny throat.

The combination of slimy wetness and warmth made for such a euphoric sensation. It was combined with an awesome visual, of course. Lily’s well-known, much-loved face bobbing on his co*ck with incredible speed. Using such an innocent streamer like this was the reason he left everything behind, and it made every second of slow-burning seduction worth it.

In that moment, as he looked into Lily’s pleading eyes, he knew he’d never get tired of treating these streamers like cumrags.

Josh tilted his head back and focused on his pleasure. He was receiving the pinnacle of throat massages, further aided by Lily’s spasming gag reflex, and that led to him getting carried away and losing track of time.

Gluck, gluck, gluck, gluck, gluck, gluck, gluck.

Once he realized that the tiny taps on his thighs were Lily’s hands pleading to get his attention, he begrudgingly let go of her hair and allowed her to take a break.

A short four-second break. That was all Josh afforded the small streamer as he immediately grabbed her by the hair again, slapped her dumb spit-covered face, and jammed his co*ck right back down her unexpecting throat.

“Just.. give me a– gurghhh!” was all she managed to get out.

Lily might have wanted a bit more time to catch her breath, but it was impossible to know since she was.. currently occupied. So Josh spent no time worrying about it and continued plowing away. The rough face humping shook Lily’s entire body, not just her head, and that served to mask any attempts she made to protest.

Regardless of her opinion, though, four seconds was nothing to scoff at.

One mississippi, two mississippi, three mississippi, four mississippi.

An entire four seconds where an adorable Asian whor* wasn’t choking on co*ck. Framed in that context, two seconds might almost seem like too much of a break. That was the conclusion Josh’s sex-driven mind reached and decided two seconds would be more than enough the next time around.

If he gave Lily another break at all, that is.

“f*ck yeah, c*nt,” Josh moaned. “This is your f*cking life now. Every day. I’m going to f*ck your dumb face like this.. every day. Except.. probably harder. Just going easy on you since it’s your first time, ya know?”

Gluck, gluck, gluck, gluck, gluck, gluck, gluck.

Lily couldn’t possibly imagine how this was ‘going easy on her’, but she also had no reason to not believe him. If Josh said he was going to be more rough with her the next time around, she wasn’t about to doubt him.

And that made her slightly thankful.

Sure, Josh was completely violating her throat and putting his pleasure over her ability to breathe, but it could be worse. He just said it could be! That logic helped her a lot.

Still, she couldn’t fight her primal instinct to stay alive, so she tried to grab onto Josh’s arms in an attempt to slow him down, but she was being facef*cked so harshly that her hand-eye coordination was all messed up. All she could do was relax her throat and allow Josh to enjoy the deepest parts of it in hopes that he’d cum soon.

She really hoped that he would cum soon. Partially because she hadn’t had a fresh breath of air in over thirty seconds, but also because she really wanted to make Josh feel good and explode with a fantastic org*sm. All over her face, perhaps. Whatever he wanted to do with it.

With one final, animalistic thrust forward, Josh buried his entire mammoth co*ck down Lily’s throat. Her eyes bulged open at the new depths Josh had just reached.

“Ahhhhh, f*ck! You actually did it,” he praised as he grinded his pelvis against Lily’s struggling face. “I could have sworn your throat was too tight to take my whole co*ck, haha.”

Lily’s nose was buried into Josh’s pubes. A sign of victory for whor*s like her.

She strained to look upwards at her throat conqueror. He had the most smug look that she’d ever seen on a guy, and it was completely reasonable. She knew how silly she must have looked at that moment, but she was happy to do it for him. She was happy to sacrifice her comfort, her dignity, and her relationship just to stimulate Josh’s co*ck.

“Gonna stay here for a sec,” Josh muttered in pleasure. “Oh man, that’s good. I f*cking love using you, haha. Treating you like sh*t is the best.”

He gave the back of her head a few love taps. They didn’t serve any important purpose, but it debased Lily further and reinforced her position as an object.

Lily winced with each strike. If Lily could giggle, she would have. Despite all her struggling and suffocating and the pleasure she was giving Josh, he still thought it was appropriate to smack her head, furthering her discomfort. He really was too co*cky for his own good.

Nevertheless, Lily was still proud of herself for accomplishing such an impressive feat. Having her hard work be acknowledged by the hunky man standing above her made it all worth it.

But ten seconds passed and he had yet to let go of her. He kept pivoting his co*ck in a circular motion, and she could feel his bulging co*ckhead swivel around in the absolute deepest part of her esophagus.

It was not easy in the slightest. She managed this long just to keep Josh happy, but her gag reflex was going haywire, her stomach was constantly contracting, and her lungs were screaming for air. Her hands were of no use, so she began to plead for mercy with her eyes.

Surely, Josh didn’t want her to die. She wouldn’t be able to deepthroat his co*ck tomorrow if that happened. Or the next day after that.

But Lily didn’t know that her panicked appearance turned Josh on more, adding to the time he’d keep her without air.

Her feet were kicking behind her as her entire body showed signs of struggling. Her stomach kept recoiling back in an attempt to retch, but her reflex was constantly interrupted by the monster co*ck in her throat. “You have no idea how good this feels. Holy sh*t, haha. Keep f*cking choking, keep gagging, keep struggling.. yeahhhh, god.. this is f*cking heaven.”

This was another moment where she would have giggled if she could. Josh was such a careless brute at all times and in all ways, and it wasn’t entirely unexpected. He had proven to be a certified asshole, so of course he’d take advantage of her when she was in a vulnerable position. She couldn't really hold it against him, but it was funny to see how much he expected of her.

Josh was just being his normal co*cky self, and Lily had done very little to dissuade his behavior. In fact, she basically encouraged it and then rewarded him for it. By all accounts, it was her fault that she was being facef*cked into oblivion.

“Dumb f*cking whor*,” Josh spat out. His comments were degrading and constant. “Dumb, stupid whor*.. letting me facef*ck you like this, haha. And enjoying it! I can see you fingering yourself, c*nt. Can’t even breathe, but you’re fingering yourself.. f*cking slu*t. Why would I ever respect you? I treat you like sh*t, and you let me do this..”

Josh punctuated his statement by slapping the sides of Lily’s mess of a face. He began to pull four or five inches of his co*ck out before roughly pounding himself back to balls deep. He gave her enough time to catch a quick breath of air, but then immediately jammed his co*ck back into her throat. He then reached down to wipe the heavy flow of saliva from her chin and rubbed that into Lily’s nose and cheeks and forehead, further destroying her lovable appearance.

“This is the prettiest you’ve ever looked, haha.”

Lily’s body was panicking, but her mind was.. not?

It was.. calm. Happy, even.

She doubled-checked herself. Yeah.. that was happiness. Euphoria. She was enjoying this. Being used. Not even just being used.. being completely destroyed, nearly beyond the point of recognition.

And she let it all happen! Yup. This was her fault. She got herself into this ordeal, and she’d have to get herself out of it. Starting with not passing out, which was seemingly seconds away as Josh laughed above her.

“I love when your eyes roll back like that,” he commented while chuckling. “Makes you look so dumb, haha. Dumber than you already are. Tough f*cking feat to accomplish, that.”

Lily's eyes were indeed losing their grip on reality. They began to recede into her skull as her awareness faded. There was no way she was able to focus on Josh’s rude comments. His impressive co*ck was bullying any attempt for her brain to receive oxygen, and her fragile body couldn’t take much more.

Miraculously, Josh put his own satisfaction aside long enough to notice that Lily was losing consciousness. As much as he would have loved to give sweet Lily the full facef*cking experience on day one, there was simply no time to wait for her to wake up. He grumbled out a reluctant expletive and pulled his co*ck from her throat.

Lily immediately gasped for air. “You’re so dramatic,” he said as she collapsed and inhaled desperately, gulping in as much oxygen as possible. Josh kneeled down and slapped her face a few times.

“Do you know how selfish it is to black out that quickly?” Josh asked her. He slapped her right cheek and then backhanded her as well.

Lily looked completely disheveled. Her face was covered in spit, her eyes were unable to focus and hazy, and her cheeks were shining bright red. After she finally caught her breath, she looked up slowly at Josh, and a smile formed on her face.

Choking a girl with his co*ck and then slapping her when she tried to recover from the verge of blacking out was totally a Josh move. She didn't know why exactly, but she was starting to love how consistently careless he was at all times.

“You.. I thought you.. were all talk.. heh,” she mumbled out through faint giggles. “Grabbing my hair.. harder than you need to.. slapping me.. while I’m trying to make you feel good.. not letting me breathe, hah. Ass.. stud.. f*cking stud. You– you really don’t care about me at all, do you?”

Josh looked at her unfazed while stroking his wet co*ck. “Am I supposed to?”

“No.. please, don’t. Don’t ever care about me. Don’t.. don’t check if I need air or if I’m awake or anything, heh.. because.. holy sh*t! That was.. wow,” she said with a delirious giggle. “That was the hottest thing that’s ever happened to me. I felt so.. helpless.. so powerless. I couldn't do anything to stop you. I didn’t want to stop you, of course.. but even if I did, there’s no way I could’ve.”

“Yeah, I mean.. you’re weak as f*ck. Nothing you did could’ve gotten me out of your throat. Michael could’ve walked in and I’d still be f*cking your face senseless.”

“Hah.. I believe it. You were so rough! So angry, hah.. I just had to take it.. had to be your bitch. Your.. throat bitch, hah. So.. hot. You didn’t even notice.. that I org*smed all over the floor.. while you were using me. Imane is totally going to get mad at me.. for making a mess in here."

“Damn– nah, I didn’t notice at all, but that makes sense. You were moaning like crazy around my co*ck."

Lily smiled and nodded eagerly. “I want you to treat me.. just like that.. every time. Every time you facef*ck me, okay? I mean, this can’t be the last time you do it, right? You said you were going to do it more often. Every day? I think that’s what you said, anyway.. it was a little hard to hear with this.. beautiful co*ck.. bullying its way into my throat! Heh.”

“We’ll see. I have to say.. that stupid look on your face when you almost passed out.. I’ve seen it a dozen times. On other girls, of course, but yours is one of the f*cking hottest, haha.”

Lily smiled as she tried to wipe her face clean with one of Imane’s shirts. “Oh, you mean when I was seconds away from suffocating? Because you wouldn't let me freaking breathe? Haha, I'm sure I did look pretty silly..”

"No, no. I said stupid, not silly."

Lily rolled her eyes. "Oh my god. Yessss, stupid. How does that feel, huh? Your big, fat, manly co*ck was making me all dumb and stupid. You like that, don't you?"

"I f*cking love it. And your throat, don’t even get me started. It was so f*cking tight. Tightest I’ve ever had. Forcing my way in felt way too good.”

Lily blushed from all of Josh’s degenerate praising. “You are so sweet, gosh. People have complimented me a lot before, but.. it’s like you’re the first one who’s doing it right, haha. Even if you are just degrading me. It feels so good. And to think.. all I had to do was let you completely destroy my throat for you to be a little nice, haha.”

“Yeah, yeah.. I’m f*cking charmer,” Josh responded as he kneeled down.

“Mhmm. A charmer who’s going to see my stupid face a lot more often. The one I make when.. my little girl brain has no oxygen, haha,” Lily cooed back. She looked like she carefully considered this decision. “And I really mean that, okay? You.. you can use my mouth whenever. Day or night.”

“That’s a big f*cking deal, bu you know.. I only f*ck throats that belong to me.”

Lily nodded enthusiastically. “It does. It does! My throat is yours. All yours.”

“I don’t want anyone else in there, got it?”

“Got it. Done. Don’t even have to say it twice. I will never let another dick in my mouth. Ever, ever, ever. It’s all yours.”

“Not even Michael's?” Josh asked as he spread Lily’s legs open and positioned himself in between them. Her c*nt glistened, inviting him to f*ck her senseless.

“Especially not Michael,” Lily replied confidently. “He’s never used me like you have. My throat is wasted on him. Even if he tried to be aggressive, which is.. funny to picture, heh.. it wouldn’t matter. He’s tiny compared to you. He could never stuff my throat like your monster does. So.. it’s all yours. From now on, my throat is like a reserved parking spot, heh.. for your co*ck!”

Josh chuckled as he rubbed the head of his co*ck against the lips of her puss*. “What about this, huh? Your c*nt. Is this mine, too?”

Lily bit her lips and let out a slight moan. “You– you have to take it first.. before it can be yours.”

Josh smirked and thrust his co*ck forward into her unbelievably tight puss*.

Back in the hot tub, Michael's patience had reached its breaking point. Pokimane and Kyedae were doing their utmost to distract him, buying Josh as much alone time with Lily as possible. From their personal experience, they knew that talking with Josh, one on one, was extremely dangerous. It was only a matter of minutes before Josh would have his co*ck inside one of Lily's holes– if it wasn't already.

"Michael! Just relax! They're probably looking for an empty bottle or something. We need one of those to spin, ya know?" Imane tried to reason with the antsy boyfriend. Her puss* tingled as she spoke. Her logic was reasonable, but its true nature was deceptive. She was gaslighting him. His instinct to be worried was perfectly valid. The love of his life, his loving partner, his soulmate.. was currently being ripped away from him.

It felt odd manipulating her friend on purpose. Imane had known Michael for over five years at that point, and he had been dating Lily for most of that time, but here she was.. buying time for his adorable girlfriend to cheat on him.

It felt wrong. It was completely f*cked.

But that's also what made it hot. Imane's loyalty was now with Josh, and she would do whatever she had to in order to make him and his co*ck happy. She couldn’t wait to tell Josh all about how Lily was cheated on in the past and how Michael came to her emotional aid. Poki was sure that he’d love hearing about what his co*ck had destroyed.

"Yeah, tell us about your newest video," Kyedae said with feigned interest. "Are you planning on posting it soon or are you going to make everyone wait another six months?"

“Yeah, tell us, Michael. We want the inside scoop!” Imane begged.

Michael Reeves was known for posting extremely creative videos on YouTube that focused on engineering and robotics, but several months would usually pass in between his uploads, which Kyedae was referencing. Despite being in a relationship, having two extremely attractive women asking him about his projects worked and seemed to get Michael's mind off of Lily for a while.

After ten minutes, though, Imane couldn’t help herself. She rather wickedly felt the need to remind Michael about what Josh could being doing to his sweet girlfriend.

“That’s the main problem I’m having. Parts of my footage were completely corrupted,” Michael described as part of a long-winded explanation. “And I usually have backups for everything, but there’s two or three scenes that I just can’t seem to find. So I’m debating taking the whole laser apart and reenacting the scenes or.. I don’t know. It just sucks–”

“Wow, Michael,” Imane interrupted. “I’ve gotta say, you’re taking all of this surprisingly well. Considering.. you know, Lily still hasn’t come back yet.”

“I– er.. yeah, but.. there’s nothing to worry about, right? You said that earlier..”

“Yeah, sure.. if they were only gone for like five minutes. It’s been a lot longer than that now. You’ve gotta be stupid to think they’re not up to something!”

Kyedae just barely resisted the urge to drop her mouth open in surprise. She was completely giving Lily up! On purpose! And the look on Michael’s face.. f*ck.

That’s why she was teasing him. It was f*cking hot. Bragging about Josh’s possible conquest.. to the man being cucked.. it was a powerful feeling, which made her add onto the suspense. “Yeah, I mean.. Lily has been eyeing him up all night. You didn’t notice?”

Michael shook his head anxiously.

“Really? She was pretty obvious about it. Honestly, I wouldn’t have left them alone for one minute, let alone.. what? Twenty minutes now?”

Michael's face was covered in despair. “Then why didn’t.. you– guys!” he shouted out in confusion as he hurriedly stood up and began jogging towards the door.

Kyedae and Imane looked at each other before bursting out in laughter. They quickly got up and chased after their friend. As Michael frantically searched for them in the living room, Imane spotted Lily’s discarded bikini on the ground and quickly picked it up. Kyedae’s eyes widened as their assumptions had just been confirmed. She opened the nearest kitchen cabinet and Imane threw the bikini inside, hiding it just before Michael scoured the kitchen and dining room.

“Lily? Lily, where are you?” Michael called out.

Kyedae nudged Imane and nodded towards a little path of wet footsteps. They appeared to lead towards the stairs. With sly smirks, they offered to help search the massive home. “I’ll look upstairs, Michael. Kyedae will help you search the downstairs rooms.”

In his panic, Michael agreed and continued his search.

Eager to see what Josh and Lily had been up to, Imane ran up the steps of their home. She had no trouble finding the missing duo.

Faint moaning and explicit dirty talk could be heard from the corridor.

“Ahhh, YES. f*ck ME. USE ME. Uhhh, uhhh, uh! f*cking use me! Use me like a cumrag! Like a f*ck toy! Your f*ck toy! Your sexy f*ck toy!”

Imane opened the door to her room and was surprised to see the bed empty, but the sounds quickly directed her towards the closet. She opened it and almost melted with what she saw.

Josh’s massive body was on top of Lily’s petite frame, pummeling her puss* over and over. His co*ck was bulldozing its way into her tight c*nt. It was obvious that Josh had all the control. He had both hands wrapped around Lily’s neck, choking her as he slammed his pelvis against hers.

“Uhh, uhhhh, uhhhhh!” was all Lily could moan. Her face was noticeably more red than the rest of her body due to Josh’s strong hands blocking her airway, and her eyes were completely lost. They were rolled back so only the whites could be seen. Her hair showed obvious signs of being pulled and yanked. Her mouth stayed open as she panted repeatedly in response to the overwhelming sexual stimulation.

“f*ck me.. f*ck me.. f*ckkkk..” Lily mumbled out.

But what caught Imane’s attention the most was her view from the back. Josh’s co*ck pistoned in and out of Lily’s puss* unrelentingly. Seven or eight girthy inches would come out, and then slam back into Lily’s c*nt, jolting her whole body in the direct of his thrust and rocking her head back and forth repeatedly. Her puss* clung to every one of his inches like a strong adhesive. The repetitive motion was mesmerizing.

The way Lily’s c*nt gripped onto Josh’s co*ck was enough to lift her pelvis off the ground with every upwards motion. Imane knew the feeling must’ve been incredible.

“I’m your whor*.. your whor*.. I promise.. yours.. all yours..” Lily mumbled in a sexual haze. It appeared as though, even if Imane tried to call out to her, Lily wouldn’t be able to respond. She was completely lost in a blissful mirage of sex.

And Josh wasn’t letting up for even a second. Imane could see the muscles in his forearm strain as he choked the small girl, squeezing her throat with a vice grip. One hand would’ve been more than enough, but he was using her throat as an anchor to control the fierce momentum of his lower half, which both added to his ability to control her body and increased the strength of his harsh chokehold.

Lily was nothing more than a sex toy from the looks of it.

Imane couldn’t resist. Seeing Lily’s petite body being abused in such an uncivilized manner brought all of her fantasies about her friend to real life. Her right hand creeped into her bikini bottoms and she began fingering herself. Her left moved upwards towards her tit* and tugged on her sensitive nipples.

“Ahh, f*ck. You like when I f*cking use you, huh? When I treat you like sh*t?”

Lily couldn’t respond. All she could do was nod ever so slightly.

“Of course you do. Of course you f*cking do, you dumb whor*. You f*cking love being abused. Well then, f*cking take it. TAKE MY f*ckING co*ck. whor*. WORTHLESS whor*.”

The scene was straight out of p*rn video, and Pokimane found it hard to tear her eyes away. She was there to find Josh and keep him hidden from Michael, but that stopped being important the second she laid eyes on this glorious f*ckfest.

Josh was just so brutal. It was clear that he had little regard for the girl he was wildly f*cking. Without pausing his thrusts, he took his right hand and slapped Lily’s right cheek twice, further adding to her delirious state of mind.

Lily just curled her adorable lips into a smile and continued moaning while her cheek became increasingly more red.

“God, it’s so f*cking good.. using you however the f*ck I want. Uhh.. feels so f*cking good, haha,” Josh groaned out as he slapped the streamer yet again and rammed his co*ck deep inside of her. “Stupid c*nt. Ahh! Stupid f*cking c*nt. This is all you are to me. A tight puss* to f*ck. Nothing else. You’re just a f*cking hole. A stupid, worthless, pathetic f*cking hole.”

Lily’s sex-driven mind was completely overwhelmed. Her brain was constantly producing powerful hormones that kept her in a euphoric condition, which was evident from the sexy, satisfied look on her face.

“Ahhhh, ahh! You’re righhhht. Everythinghh.. about.. everythinghh.. useless.. dumb. Fuhhh.. f*ck.. uh, uhh! Cumming.. I’m.. f*ck! Cumming!” Lily cried out as her puss* exploded all over Josh’s co*ck.

It was her third org*sm so far, and Josh could feel her c*nt contract repeatedly around his co*ck. It was almost as good of a feeling as a throat with a strong gag reflex. Nevertheless, he paused to savor the sensation and to allow Lily some freedom to ride out her climax. Her legs shook uncontrollably from the abundant pleasure flowing through her body. Her eyes flickered in the back of her skull and her mouth hung open as she panted heavily.

Josh released his grip on her throat and only slapped her face with half of the strength he was using before. Lily’s adorably seductive look was too appealing to not abuse just a little bit.

That’s when he heard a slight knock behind him. He turned to see Poki standing in the doorway. Her face was flushed as if she just recently reached an org*sm herself, but Josh assumed that was her naturally sexy glow.

He didn’t know that Imane had just masturbat*d to the sight of Lily getting her back blown out.

“You f*cking stud,” she mouthed with a smirk.

Imane was dressed in her revealing bikini, which made Josh twitch inside of the c*nt that was currently wrapped around his co*ck. She wanted to join in so badly, but she didn’t want to ruin whatever was going on with Lily. Poki had no idea how far Lily had been seduced, and joining in at the wrong moment might set back all of Josh’s progress. She didn’t want to risk ruining her friend from being brainwashed into a whor* like she was. It was a beautiful process that needed to be respected.

And so, she simply tapped her wrist to let Josh know that time was running low. She also pointed behind her to signal a potential danger, which he correctly interpreted that Michael was looking for them.

Josh gave her a quick nod and refocused his attention on the task at hand. Imane closed the door without Lily noticing and headed back downstairs.

The brute of a man looked down and saw Lily’s enraptured appearance. She was still riding the throes of her powerful org*sm, and that made Josh smile. He took great pride in being able to give this much pleasure to a girl without even really trying. He was just f*cking her to satisfy himself, really. He was unwavering in his f*cking, he slapped her around, and he didn’t listen to a word she said. When Lily asked him to slow down, he sped up, and yet, she and every other girl he f*cked absolutely loved his rough treatment.

Their org*sms were just calculated byproducts of his own. They loved being manhandled, plain and simple.

And these were the moments where he earned his keep. The intense feeling of constant org*smic ecstasy was necessary for these girls to give themselves over to him completely. There had to be a reason for them to accept so much degradation, so much disrespect, so much belittlement, and this was it.

As Lily’s org*sm winded down, the sexual fog in her brain dissipated, and she was able to look Josh directly in the face.

She wore an elated, giddy smile. “Wow. Just.. wowwww. I was seeing stars for a second there, haha. You’re.. incredible. You.. your dick.. everything! That was so, so, so good.”

Josh could feel her flex the warm walls of her puss* as she spoke. “You’re a stud.. a f*cking stud. I’ve never ever felt anything like that!”

“Really? Would’ve never guessed,” Josh replied sarcastically. “That loser of yours looks like he really knows how to lay some pipe.”

Lily chuckled at his obvious joke. “Oh my god. You’re mean,” she said before pausing briefly. “I.. I just had the urge to defend him. It’s like an instinct, but I can’t. He totally is a loser. And it’s not because he’s nerdy. He’s.. always been nerdy, but that never made him a loser. He’s a loser.. because your penis.. er– your co*ck. Your hugggge, veiny, f*cking amazing monster co*ck.. is inside of me. You.. or we, hah.. just made him a cuck.”

Josh began to slowly slide his co*ck in and out of the streamer’s c*nt. “Mmm! That feels good. Yessss, we cucked him. We cucked Michael.. ahhh! f*cking.. stupid cuck. You’re.. better than him.. uh, uh, in every way. So much better. Uh! So much f*cking better..”

Josh began to increase the speed of his thrusts as Lily continued rambling. They were still in the missionary position, and Josh watched as Lily’s cute, perky tit* jiggled back and forth. “I spent.. three f*cking years.. uh, with Michael, and never felt this.. even once. Or.. f*ck, f*ck, f*ck.. anything even close. Uhh.. f*ck! f*ck him.”

“Yeah? Do you want to ‘f*ck him’?”

“What? f*ck.. f*ck Michael? No!” Lily replied immediately as she struggled to take Josh’s girth. “Uhhh, f*ck.. so good. You’re f*cking big.. uhhh. No, that’s not what I meant! I meant.. f*ck him, as in.. I’m never f*cking him again, hahhhh..”

“Ever?” Josh asked as his co*ck pounded Lily’s guts like a bully beating up a nerd.

“N– nope. Uh, never.. ever, ever, ever. He had his.. f*ck! Uh! Uhhh! Big! So f*cking big! He.. had his chance,” Lily managed to get out as she grunted with every one of Josh’s thrusts. She could feel her body heating up towards another org*sm as Josh plowed into her puss*. “And he f*cking wasted it! Ahh! f*ck! f*ck him! He wasted it.. so now, it’s your turn, heh.”

Josh let out a nasal laugh as he flipped Lily onto her right side. Her left leg stayed flat on the floor and her right stuck straight up into the air, allowing generous access to her soaking wet c*nt. Josh’s co*ck never left her c*nt fully, and the rotation provided an oddly stimulating sensation that Lily closed her eyes to appreciate.

“My turn, huh?” Josh responded. “Are you out here giving everyone turns?”

Lily bit her lip at the thought of being passed around like a cheap hooker. She never thought such degeneracy would excite her, but she also never thought that she would cheat on her boyfriend.

Things were changing quicker than her mind could comprehend.

“No, no, no.. unless, you want me to?” Lily asked through heavy pants. Josh’s massive co*ck was making it hard to respond immediately, but she was doing her best. “I’m.. not like that. Or.. f*ck! I– I didn’t think I was.. I’m very loyal.”

Josh held onto her right leg as he pistoned his co*ck in and out her. This position exposed her ass in a way that missionary did not, and he made sure to take advantage of it by slapping her supple cheeks every few seconds.

“Haha, loyal? You’re loyal?” SPANK

The irony was not lost on Lily. “Yes, I am! Ow! Hah.. uh! f*ck, yes! f*ck me.. give me that f*cking dick.. uh! Pound me, sir! f*cking pound me! Uhh!”


Josh let out another chuckle. f*cking Lily was a fantastic conquest, of course, but it was also proving to be a lot of fun. He usually didn’t laugh this much during a f*ck.

“If you’re loyal, I’m a f*cking virgin,” Josh taunted her. SPANK

Lily let out a tremendous moan as a mini climax overtook her cognitive abilities. She had reached three mind-blowing org*sms by this point, but those were only counting the full-on c*nt explosions. These smaller climaxes were less powerful, but much more frequent.

It would have been impossible for her to try to keep count of the small ones.

“Ahh, f*ck.. so good.. so good,” Lily moaned out. “You’re sooo good. Your co*ck.. mm! I love it.. I love it so much. f*ck me.. hah. Uhm, er.. no! I– I totally am loyal, you prick. You know, just.. f*ck.. just because you have your dick in me, doesn’t.. ah, ahh.. doesn’t mean you have to be one, too!”

“Yeah, yeah.. you slu*ts all like it when I’m a dick though.” SPANK

Lily giggled as she acquiesced. “Ahh.. maybe. Maybe I do. I’m undecided sti–”

Josh leaned forward and slapped Lily across the face. He choked her with a tight grip on her neck right after and began to f*ck her with more severity.

“Grhhh! Guhhh. Okay, I.. I do,” she replied in response to the rough treatment. She was already being overstimulated with pleasure, but every time he slapped her, every time he choked her, every time he talked down to her.. it added to her sexual gratification.

“I love when you’re a dick, hahhh. I do.. I really do. It’s.. ah, so manly. You don’t give a f*ck, and because.. uh, uhh, uh.. because you dont’t give a f*ck, you treat me like.. a slu*t.. uh! It feels so good. I like.. being treated like this! Treated like a whor*! Uh, uhhh! Treat me like sh*t! Please! f*cking.. f*ck! Degrade me! Slap me! f*cking own me.. f*ck!

“Now you’re starting to get it,” Josh replied as he slapped Lily yet again, who quickly smirked back at him.

“Yes, sir.. keep– keep slapping me until I get it. Slap me until I see things your way. f*ck! f*ck.. f*ck me into a slu*t,” Lily moaned out. “I’m already a slu*t.. your slu*t. I’m your f*cking slu*t! f*ckkk! f*ck! Yours! All yours! But.. f*ck me into a bigger one. A bigger slu*t. A slu*t who.. only cares about co*ck! Your co*ck! Only yours! I’m.. I’m all yours. Yours to do whatever you want with. Slap me around, spit in my face, treat me like sh*t, and I’ll be your little whor* in return! f*ckkk!”

Her own words combined with Josh’s indelicate treatment was too much to handle, and she found herself reaching yet another ferociously enhanced org*sm. Her ejacul*te squirted onto Josh’s co*ck, providing an amazing rush of wet stimulation. With next to no room inside of her c*nt, those juices quickly found their way out of Lily’s tight hole and onto her thigh and the rug below them.

“Ahh! f*ckkkk! I’m cumming! Again! f*cking again! Sooo good.. so hard.. ah, ahhh. f*ck! Never, ever.. felt like this.. god, so good. So, so, so goooood, f*cking f*ck! Yes, daddy! f*ck me!”

Josh paused his thrusts briefly to enjoy the sight of Lily’s uncontrollable sexual reactions. Seeing her distorted expressions and knowing that his co*ck caused such a primal reaction was an incredibly empowering feeling.

As she recovered, Josh asked, “Did you mean all of that?”

Lily panted and raised her head to meet Josh’s gaze. She smiled weakly at him. He got more and more handsome with every climax she experienced.

Not that he wasn’t already objectively handsome. He just became more handsome in her eyes.

“Mean.. all of what?” Lily asked. “Sorry. I’m a little.. out of it, heh.”

“You said all I have to do is treat you like sh*t, f*ck you, and you’ll be my whor* in return.”

Lily let out a feeble giggle. “Oh, hah.. yeah, yes. I.. I did.. mean that. This feels wayyyy too good.. I want this every day, hah.”

“You want to be f*cked stupid every day?”

She nodded as if there were no thoughts in her head. “Yes, I do.”

“Why? Where’s your f*cking diginity?” Josh teased her as he flipped Lily around again and placed her on all fours. Her body was so light that Josh simply positioned her any way he wanted, and Lily found herself loving that. She curved the small of her back so her ass stuck out before Josh inserted his co*ck back inside of her.

Her mouth opened as she adjusted and she took a brief pause. “f*ck that. Being.. a prude.. has done nothing for me.. sexually. Uhh! If.. being a whor*.. your whor*.. means I get all these.. amazing org*sms, then f*ck it. I’m a whor*.”

As Josh sped the rhythm of his thrusts up, Lily continued. “This feels so much better! Empty brain.. no thoughts.. I’m just.. in whor* mode, hah. So easy. Life like this must be so easy..”

“I hope you stay like this. You’re ten times hotter when your brain is off. I want you f*cking stupid.”

“Mm, yeah.. stupid and slu*tty? All the time? I.. I can do that. You like seeing me.. all worked up and horny and dumb, huh? You like knowing your big, fat, juicy co*ck can.. bring me down.. to nothing but a ditzy girl, hah. I’m down. I’m.. f*ck! f*ck me, you stud! I’m so f*cking down.. I’m all yours. You can f*ck me.. whenever, and I’ll be there, willing and ready.”

“Good,” Josh responded as he reached forward, collected Lily’s hair into a ponytail, and held on firmly so her head was reeled backwards. “Your bratty f*cking attitude was fun to f*ck with, but you yapped so goddamn much. It was getting annoying.”

“Ahh,” she groaned out as her scalp sensed the hair pulling. Josh sunk his co*ck deep into her c*nt, ramming her puss* with a merciless speed. Her puss* was still as tight as ever, sucking him in and not making it easy to get out.

“I’m sorry.. for arguing so much,” Lily replied in between grunts. “Uhh, uh! f*ck me.. give it to me, f*ck! I was just being stupid.. uh, being a bitch.. that’s how I am sometimes. I should’ve gave into you.. f*ck, right away. As soon as I got back.. I should’ve let you f*ck my brains out. Ugh, ugh, uhh! I wasted a whole day.. a whole day without.. this!”

Lily stuck her tongue out as her mind was warped with pleasure.

“Haha, yeah. You should have. Right there in the living room. What would your boyfriend have said?” Josh said as he strengthened the grip on her hair. He loved f*cking her like a proper bitch.

“Hah.. he’d be so confused, but.. f*ck him. He’d probably.. just stand there and watch. Uh, do nothing.. just like when you.. bear hugged me! f*ck! I remember.. you lifted me in the air.. hah, you were manhandling me.. f*ck, from the start! Uh, uhhh! f*ck! You’re so bad!”

“But you like that, don’t you bitch?” Josh spat back at her.

“Mm, yes! I do.. I definitely do. I’m.. your bitch now. I have to like it! It’s.. f*ck, my job now, heh. My job to like it.. that’s f*cking exactly what I am. Your bitch.. to f*ck, to.. abuse, to slap, to say.. mean things to, hah.. and to show off,” Lily moaned.

Josh smirked at her last comment. “Show off?”

“Yeah.. f*ck! Er– will you.. show me off?” she questioned with closed eyes. Her c*nt was receiving a powerful battering that was almost too much to withstand. “f*ck! f*ck meeee! f*ck your bitch! Put me in my place, master! f*ckkkkk! Don’t stop, please! Don’t ever stop f*cking me! Ahhh, ahhh, ah, f*ck!”

Josh decided not to answer. They had more than exceeded their time limit, and it was time to put an end to this session. He could have gone on for another half hour at least, but his balls were also begging for release. This severe pounding that Lily was taking had been building up all day. The last time Josh released his load was almost fourteen hours prior when he f*cked Imane’s ass, and cumming twice in one day was simply not enough for a man like Josh.

He’d have to find some time to let another load go before the night was over. If the opportunity was there, Lily’s ass sounded like a good option.

Josh let go of Lily’s hair and reached out to grab both of her wrists, one with each hand. He pulled them back so her body was arched backwards and used this new position to anchor Lily’s body in place, making it much easier to f*ck her as hard as he wanted.

And that’s exactly what he did. For the next four minutes, Josh’s co*ck was used as a relentless battering ram. Lily’s fortress had no defenses. She could only take whatever Josh threw her way and hope that she didn’t break. Her body, at least. Her mind had already been broken several times over.

Josh’s thick co*ck plunged into her c*nt, stretched her beyond comprehension, brutalized her insides, and then retracted before doing it all over again. Over and over and over and over.

“Ugh, ugh, ugh! Ughhhh! Yes, sir! f*ck me.. f*ck me, m.. master! Yes, master! f*ck your slu*t! You own me! You f*cking own me..”

“What do I f*cking own? Tell me, f*cking whor*.”

Lily couldn’t explain it, but she absolutely loved the vile dirty talk that they exchanged. It felt so primal to verbally release all of the degenerate thoughts in her head.

“Me! You.. you own me! f*ckkk,” Lily moaned out gutturally as she sensed another climax approaching. “You own me. You own.. my body. My puss*.. my mouth.. my ass.. it’s all yours! My tit*.. too, hah. Can’t forget.. those. Did.. you think I’d be saying that when you flashed them earlier? In the hot tub? You own my tit*, hah. You’ve owned them ever since you snuck a peek.. ahh. I just.. f*ck, didn’t know it. Until now! f*ck! Any.. anytime you want me.. to flash you, just.. ask. Or– no! Don’t even ask! Just look at me and I’ll do it! I’ll show off my tit* for you! f*ck!”

Her c*nt was being bullied, and her entire body was long past the point of being overwhelmed. “f*ckkkkk! f*ck! SO f*ckING GOOD! I’M YOURS! ALL YOURS! f*ck YOUR slu*t! f*ck YOUR PROPERTY! THAT’S ALL I AM! AHH, AH, AH! SO DEEP! Y– you’re stretching me out so f*cking good” Lily cried out. “Stretching me.. so good.. ruining me.. ruining my puss*, hah. RUINING ME! RUIN ME! AHH.”

The persistent onslaught of co*ck pummeling was too much to bear. Lily reached her fourth org*sm, and it was the most powerful one of her young life. Her entire body spasmed at the peak of her climax, and she lost herself in a haze of org*smic bliss. Josh felt her c*nt contract around his bulging erection and that put him over the edge as well.

With one final thrust, he buried his co*ck deep inside of the streamer and released a powerful ejacul*tion of potent cum. “f*ckkkkk. I’m cumming, you f*cking slu*t! Take my f*cking load!”

“Ahh, I.. I feel it! Yessss, ahhh.. inside of me.. holy f*ck!” she moaned out. “I can feel it in my stomach, uhhh! So much.. so much cum.”

Josh emptied half of his balls inside of Lily before quickly pulling out and letting go of her wrists. The unexpected release caused Lily to collapse onto the floor. Josh then rolled her over onto her back, mounted her, and rubbed out the remainder of his load onto her face.

“Ahh, yeah. Right on that stupid face of yours,” Josh groaned as he jerked his co*ck. Blast after blast of warm sem*n sprayed Lily’s adorably disheveled face. Josh aimed his co*ck to focus on her closed eyes, then on her nose, her cheeks, lips, forehead, and her chin.

“Open your f*cking mouth,” Josh demanded.

Lily gladfully opened up and stuck her tongue out. She was immediately met with several copious spurts of ji*zz, which began to fill her mouth slowly. She tilted her head back slightly to prevent any of the gooey cum from falling out.

Josh surely wouldn’t have appreciated that.

As he continued roaring from his org*sm, Lily opened her cum covered eyelids to see his python of a co*ck spraying its venom, shot after shot, adding to the rising pool in her mouth. She was worried that it would soon overflow, but Josh hadn’t told her to swallow just yet. It seemed wrong to act without his instruction.

The flavor of his ejacul*te distracted her, though. It was completely unexpected. Instead of just being mildly okay with it as she was with her boyfriend’s, Lily found herself enjoying the taste. It coated her tongue and her teeth and every other surface in her mouth. The potent smell of it drove her brain crazy. It was a primal musk that gave her goosebumps. It smelled and tasted fantastic.

Lily found herself squirming in hopes that she’d be able to swallow his delicious seed soon.

“Ghhhhhgghh,” she whimpered as Josh finally stopped cumming.

He stroked his co*ck and dropped one last speck of cum into Lily’s mouth before pausing to observe his masterpiece.

Lily Pichu, naked and completely exhausted from their sexual bout, was absolutely drenched in thick, viscous cum. Had Josh not released half of his load into her womb, her face would have had plastered twice as much as it was, but her facial features were still hard to distinguished beneath all the sem*n.

And to top it off, her mouth was wide open and full to the brim with his sticky ji*zz.

“Ahh, uh haaghha hgaa?” Lily attempted to ask.

Josh shook his head. Whatever she was asking, the answer was no. He wanted her to stay exactly where she was.

“You look so hot like that,” he remarked. “How does it feel?”

“Hhaaa ghhuh uhhh..” she mumbled, creating bubbles of cum as she attempted to communicate.

“Haha, goddamn. This has got to be the proudest moment in your life, huh? Covered in a man’s cum like this? Drenched in a load of sticky sem*n. I mean, this is it. You’ve peaked as a woman, haha!”

Lily’s lips curled up slightly at the continued degradation. Even after he had cum, he still found it necessary to belittle her.

He’s such a freaking goofball. Always messing around. Cumming on me isn’t enough, heh. He has to take it further and laugh in my face! It’s.. funny, he’s funny.. in his own.. manly way. Bakka, bakka.

“Stay there for a second, okay?” Josh said as he left the closet. He returned a moment later with Poki’s phone. It was the only camera he had immediate access to.

He quickly opened the camera app and began taking a few photos.

“You don’t mind if I snap a couple pics, right?” he asked in a mostly rhetorical manner. He was already doing what he was asking permission to do.

Lily’s eyebrows furrowed by instinct, but she didn’t move. She was in an extremely vulnerable and embarrassing position. Having a permanent record of this moment, something that Josh could use to blackmail her and use against her, giving him the upper hand and the satisfaction of having super degrading nudes of her..

It was.. perfect.

It was exactly what she had been begging for minutes earlier. Lily wanted to be owned. And this was just one step towards that newly established goal.

Her brows unfurrowed and she smiled as best as she could. She sat up on her knees and posed with her arms at her sides, all while her mouthful of cum remained at the center of attention.

“Yeah, slu*t. Pose just like that, haha. You look so dumb,” Josh mocked as he took his photos and recorded a video. “Covered in cum. You’re a true slu*t, aren’t you?”

Lily nodded happily.

“And whose cum is all over your face?”

Lily thought about how to respond for a second before pointing to the man holding the phone.

“So.. not your boyfriends?” Josh continued.

Lily’s adorable face shook left and right.

“You know I could show this video to him, right?”

Lily's eyes widened slightly, but she relaxed soon after. It didn’t matter. She wasn’t loyal to Michael anymore, and Josh was probably just teasing her anyway.

She nodded.

“f*cking dumb whor*, haha. Gargle my cum. Show him what a whor* you really are.”

And that’s exactly what Lily did. She gargled Josh’s potent sem*n in her mouth for ten seconds, making ridiculous noises as she did so. She used her hands to catch any stray drops of cum that fell and put them right back into her mouth.

“Yeah, just like that, haha. Keep gargling if you’re going to cheat on your boyfriend again after tonight. And again and again.”

Lily’s cheeks flexed as she suppressed a laugh, and she continued guzzling the thick cum in her mouth.

“And you’re going to do it all behind his back, right?”

Lily nodded as ripples of cum splashed around in her mouth. Josh made sure to keep her whole body in frame for most of the video, but he zoomed into her giddy face as she gargled his cum like mouthwash. It was too good of a scene to not have a close-up.

“Atta girl,” Josh praised. “You’re a proper cum dump now, haha. You can go ahead and swallow, but if you do, know that.. you’re choosing to be mine. You’ll belong to me– like a goddamn slave. I own you if that cum goes down your throat, got it? You’ll be my property. I’ll keep you in a f*cking cage and feed you nothing but cum and piss if I decide that’s what’s best. So choose, and take your time if you n–”

Without hesitation, Lily closed her mouth and began swallowing. Satisfaction was apparent on her cute face as she gulped down Josh’s delicious load. She paused briefly to relish the flavor.

Four gulps later, Lily’s mouth was completely empty. She opened her eyes and her mouth to prove it was all gone, showing off for the camera.

“Mm, that was so yummy,” she whispered in a seductive voice as she rubbed her stomach jovially. “I can’t wait to empty your balls.. every.. single.. day.. from now on. I want your sperm in my tummy.. for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. After you unload all over my dumb face, of course, heh.”

Josh grinned at his newly acquired property. She was off to such a great start. He slapped her with his co*ck to mark the occasion, and she giggled at how hefty Josh’s co*ck was even as it began to soften. Josh chose that moment to end the video.

“That was the hottest thing ever,” Lily gushed now that the camera was off. “Again! Ugh, I just keep repeating myself. Every little thing you do tops the last hottest thing you just did, hah. You’re so, so, so sexy. And your cum! Oh my god.. it tastes ridiculous. In a good way. I mean, what the hell? Are you even human? Were you made in a lab or something?”

Josh simply laughed in response.

“No, I’m serious! You can’t look perfect and have perfect muscles and the perfect co*ck and perfect tasting cum on top of all that! It’s.. it’s just not fair to good girls like me. What chance does any other guy have? None! f*cking no chance!”

“You’re not a good girl. You’re an object that I’ll use for sex and throw away.”

Lily rolled her eyes and grinned. “You’re right, sorry.. sir. Hehe. I’m still getting used to it. I just.. I can’t believe you recorded all of that. You’re insane! Or.. am I insane for going along with it?”

“Do you regret it?” Josh asked as he put Imane’s phone on her dresser.

“No, not at all. I don’t think I do, anyway. My brain is still a little hazy. I feel like I’m drunk.. off of all those org*sms, heh. But it doesn’t matter. I’m yours now, right? So even if I did regret it, you can just slap me until I obey. Or choke me until I’m stupid and follow your orders. That’s what I just signed up for, right?”

“You catch on quick, haha. Thought you’d be a bigger bitch about all of this. I’m impressed.”

Lily smiled at the praise. “Thank you, sir. I’m still a bitch, of course, because.. I’m a girl, heh. But now, I’m yourrrr bitch. So.. I have to be on my A game. You– you’d probably punish me if I disappoint you or if I don’t obey you fast enough, right?”

“Ehh, yes and no. In all honesty, I’m going to punish you even if you are a perfect little sex slave. Gotta remind you where your place is from time to time.”

Lily giggled as she wiped some cum from her eyelids and sucked on her finger. “Mmm, I wouldn’t expect anything less, master.”

The two shared a final gaze of lust before reality set in. Lily panicked at the thought of being discovered by her boyfriend in her current state, but Josh calmed her down and explained his plan.

“–and then we’ll just pretend like nothing happened. Got it?”

Lily nodded. “Got it. Mm, I love this so much. You know exactly what to do, haha. Can I.. erhm– is it okay if I clean my face.. before we head out there?”

Josh shook his head. “No, I want you to stay like that until we get to the pool. You can clean yourself off there.”

“But Michael might see me!”

“If he sees that you're naked, what’s on your face won’t matter. He'll know that we were f*cking."

Lily pouted. This is what her life was now. Wanting to argue her point, which was reasonable in her mind, but not being able to. She had to submit to whatever Josh wanted, and that reality, as frustrating as it might prove to be, turned her on.

She was someone else’s toy now.

“Okayyyyy. I’ll keep your cum on my face until we get to the pool. Lead the way, sir.”

“Ehh, actually.. get on your hands and knees. I want to walk you like a dog all the way outside.”

Lily didn’t react immediately. Instead, she considered Josh’s degrading idea, and she found herself enjoying it.

“You are so mean, hehe,” she giggled as she kneeled down and put her hands on the floor, leaking cum onto Imane’s rug as she did so. “Michael is going to go crazy if he sees us.”

“Might get caught on purpose then,” Josh joked as he grabbed a lock of Lily’s hair and used it as a leash.

“Mmm, up to you, stud. I’m yours. Do whatever you want with me.” Lily could feel her c*nt gush as she was reduced to the position of a f*cking dog. A female dog. How poetic, she thought to herself.

Josh began to lead Lily out of the closet and through Imane’s room. Michael could be anywhere at this point, so he cracked the door open and peeked out. He spotted Imane at the top of the stairs. She was arguing with Lily’s boyfriend.

“I’ve already checked all of the upstairs rooms, Michael! They’re not up here,” Imane explained. Even letting Michael into the hallways upstairs could be a mistake since Lily was moaning her head off the last time she checked.

“Well, they didn’t disappear into thin air! I’ve gone through all of the downstairs rooms twice now, and Kyedae’s been no help.”

“Hey!” Kyedae protested. “You’re the one that bumped into me and made me drop my glass of water. We couldn’t just leave all that broken glass on the floor with everyone running around!”

“Yeah, yeah, but you could’ve cleaned it up while I kept searching!” Michael retorted.

“I told you! I cut myself once when I was picking up shards of glass and I totally have PTSD from it! Asshole!”

Imane did her best to hide her smirk as the two argued. She knew Kyedae was clever, but she really had a knack for this.

“Yeah, well– f*ck. I’m sorry, okay? I’m just worried about Lily,” Michael replied.

“Don’t be!” Kyedae said encouragingly. “Wherever they are, I’m sure Josh is taking really, really good care of her.”

Michael smiled, oblivious to her true meaning.

As they were quickly exhausting all possible options to distract their anxious friend, Pokimane came up with an idea.

“What if they went out to pick up a few things? Did you check the garage to see if any of the cars are missing?”

Michael’s face lit up and he ran down the stairs to the garage. Kyedae turned to give Imane a wink before quickly following the worried boyfriend to see what other mischief she could conjure up.

Poki sighed in relief and heard a door creak open behind her.

Josh was approaching with Lily in tow, causing Imane to let out an audible gasp. Her sweet, innocent friend was on her hands and knees, roughly being led by her hair. She was completely naked and her face was plastered with fresh cum.

But most surprising of all was the smile on her face. The whole scene was more than anything she could have ever expected from Josh. His ability to seduce a woman and reduce her into a whor* was truly remarkable. The turnaround time was even more impressive.

“Say hello to cumrag number four,” Josh announced plainly.

Lily was slightly confused by what Josh meant, but she turned her attention to Imane, her friend of many, many years. Lily was still in the dark about the rest of Josh’s conquests, so in her eyes, she just looked like a cheating degenerate whor*.

And their friend group did not treat cheaters very kindly.

“I’m so sorry,” she whispered from her position on the floor.

To her surprise, however, Imane just smirked at her. “Don’t be. I’ll explain everything later, but we have bigger problems to deal with right now.”

Imane quickly got Josh up to speed and the trio made their way to the kitchen. Lily had some difficulties with getting down the stairs while on her hands and feet, but she did her best. She had to. Josh’s grip on her hair was forcing her to maintain a certain speed, and if she didn’t keep up, she would tumble all the way down.

Josh and Imane grabbed four bottles of vodka and whiskey, shot glasses, a blow-up floatie, and a large cutting board. Oh, and of course, Lily’s bathing suit from the cupboard that Imane used to hide it.

“You know, I could help carry some stuff if you let me stand up, master,” Lily offered in an attempt to be useful, despite how useless Josh told her she was.

“No shot. I’m still breaking you in. Can’t be lenient on your first night as a cum dumpster,” Josh replied, causing a giggle from Poki. “Here, you can carry the floatie.”

Josh placed the circular inflatable around her neck, drawing laughs from all three of them. The group made their way out to the hot tub, and Imane took her leave since she couldn’t be seen helping them.

Lily quickly cleaned her face in the pool and put her swimsuit on before helping Josh set everything up. They opened the bottles of alcohol, poured one out completely to use as the spinning bottle, organized the shot glasses, put the cutting board on the floatie, and then tested it to see how well it’d work.

The bottle spun in the middle of the hot tub like a goddamn charm.

“I can’t believe this is going to work, haha,” Lily mused with her famously adorable smile, which was now unburdened by a layer of sem*n. “But what are we going to say to Michael?”

“Just leave that to me,” Josh replied confidently.

And she did. Lily watched as Michael and Kyedae eventually met up with Poki inside, who told them that she had spotted the missing pair in the hot tub.

“Where the hell were you guys?” Michael asked as he made his way to Lily’s side. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m great, babe. Why wouldn’t I be?”

Josh explained the whole thing away and Lily gazed at him with admiration. “It’s my bad guys. I really wanted to do truth or dare, but I wanted to spin the bottle here in the hot tub, so Lily and I were looking all over the place for something to make that work. Eventually, Lily here suggested a floatie, but we couldn’t find the one she was talking about. So we looked upstairs and downstairs and.. it was a huge mess, haha.”

“Y– yeah. It was a huge mess, alright,” Lily mumbled out cunningly.

“But we looked upstairs and downstairs and didn’t see you guys,” Michael challenged, still upset from their long absence.

“We were in the garage checking all the cars. We figured someone might’ve taken the floatie to a beach or something, so it could’ve been in anyone’s car.”

“We checked the garage, too!”

“Did you check the driveway? Kyedae’s car is out there, and that’s where we finally found it.”

Kyedae saw her cue to step in. “Ahh, f*ck, that’s right! Tyson and I were going to use it for a silly little photoshoot we were doing like three weeks ago, but we never did. Must’ve forgot it was even in there!”

Silence followed as the whole situation had been reasoned. Michael finally took his first relaxed breath of air in over an hour.

“That’s.. huh. I’m– really glad, haha. Whew! We were just really worried about you, is all,” Michael replied in an attempt to play off his now unreasonable anger.

“We?” Imane chimed in. “You were the one panicking the whole time. Kyedae and I were kicked back, having a good time, and you kept bringing up what

Lily looked at her embarrassed boyfriend. “Really?” she asked.

“I– I mean, no.. not really! Just– uhh..” he stuttered. Michael could feel everyone staring at him.

“What did you think we were doing?” Lily pressed him with a stern glare. Her boyfriend was clearly uncomfortable, but she wanted to mess with him a little. She didn’t know why, but watching her boyfriend squirm gave her an odd feeling of power.

“No– it’s not.. uhm, like that. I didn’t..”

Michael could feel his face warming up. He was sure that everyone could tell how red his cheeks were.

“Did you think I was cheating on you?”

The question caught him completely off guard, and he looked up to meet his girlfriend’s stare. She looked like her usual self, but with, perhaps, an unusually beautiful glow to her.

“Cheating?” he asked for unnecessary clarification.

“Yeah, did you think I was f*cking Josh?”

“What? Uhm, no way. I never–”

“Good,” Lily interrupted. “Because I wouldn’t do that to you, babe. I just met him yesterday! What– we just snuck upstairs and had incredible sex for an hour while you were out here waiting for us to come back?”

Smirks were exchanged all around the hot tub, but no one else spoke.

“Haha, yeah.. it’s ridiculous,” Michael reasoned as he rubbed the back on his neck. To play the whole situation off, he pretended to add onto the joke. “And– and Poki and Kyedae were just stalling to give you guys more time.. haha, more time to–”

“More time to f*ck,” Lily cut in crudely. “Yeah, they were distracting you to give Josh all the time he’d need to seduce me and blow my back out.”

“Haha..” Michael chuckled nervously. Lily was speaking in more of a matter-of-fact manner than as a joke, but he wasn’t about to start another accusation. “Totally. What– did you give her a facial, too?” he asked Josh directly.

Josh simply smiled at the hilarity of the ongoing conversation.

“Yeah, he did, babe. He came all over my face and almost drowned me in his fat load, haha. It even got into my eye. See,” Lily said as she leaned towards her boyfriend and widened her right eye with her fingers. “It’s probably a little bit red because he didn’t let me clean up for like ten minutes.”

“Hah. Okay, okay, enough jokes,” Michael said as he looked into his girlfriend’s eye. “Oh, wow. Your eye is red! Err.. from the hot tub water.. or something, right?”

Lily didn’t respond right away. She just stared at her boyfriend and watched him shift uneasily.

“No. It wasn’t the water,” Lily answered bluntly. “Anyways, let’s get some shots going! I haven’t had any alcohol in, like.. over a month.”

Imane cheered that sentiment on. “Oo, good idea! I say everyone drinks at least one shot before we start the game.”

Michael didn’t love Lily’s response, but he was perfectly okay with a change of topic. Lily’s questions were super intense for some reason. She was in a weird mood, so he was fine taking the backseat tonight.

“Josh, you’re drinking two to start off,” Lily announced as she waded through the hot tub and helped Kyedae hand out the shots. “Since you’re so big.. hah. Otherwise, we’ll all be drunk before you’re even tipsy.”

“Fair enough,” Josh replied as he swatted at Lily’s butt. “Thanks, doll.”

Michael noticed and rolled his eyes. It was going to be a long night.

“What is this? Vodka?” Imane asked as she sniffed the alcohol in her hand.

“Yeah, we have whiskey too.. if you prefer that?” Kyedae asked as the rest of the girls took their seat.

“No, no, I don’t mind vodka! Thank you, though,” Imane replied as she looked over at Josh. “Hey! Wait a second. Isn’t this your first shot, Josh? I remember you told us something about never drinking before.”

Josh nodded in response. “Yeah, I’m surprised you remembered that. Feels like a good occasion to take the leap, haha.”’

The girls erupted in response. Kyedae and Lily didn’t even know about this, so they asked a few questions out of curiosity. It was a big deal. Someone’s first drink. At last, they all raised their shot glasses in the air and downed the hard liquor.

They all grimaced simultaneously.




“Jesus christ!”

The high alcohol percentage in the vodka really packed a punch, and no one took it lightly. With a fresh taste of what the stakes were, the game kicked off.

Josh took the lead and explained the rules, as expected from the most confident person in the tub. Lily, Kyedae, and Imane all listened intently while stealing glances at his package or his irresistible abs.

The turns would go in a circle. Each person would spin the bottle and propose the truth or dare question to the person the bottle landed on. Once they’ve picked their option, the spinner would ask an intimate question or contrive an entertaining dare. The selected member would then follow through or pass and drink a shot of alcohol.

“Does anyone have any limits? Speak now or hold your peace,” Josh asked with a hand on the empty bottle. He knew it was only directly at Michael since.. well, he knew the limits of the rest of the girls.

He’s the one who picked those limits, and for the most part, they were non-existent.

Predictably, everyone shook their heads except for Michael. He had a weird feeling that Josh might try something with his girlfriend, so he wanted to nip that in the bud. “As far as the dares go, I think we should ban.. sexual things, ya know? Like kissing and whatnot.”

Everyone looked at him with an odd glance.

“What is this– middle school?” Imane asked. “Live a little!”

“Yeah, Michael,” Kyedae agreed. “We’re all adults here.”

He felt embarrassed for having suggested such an unpopular opinion and looked to Lily for support.

She gave him none. “I think he’s worried that I’m going to cheat on him again,” Lily joked, causing a heavy roar of laughter among the group. Once the laughs died down, she added, “Don’t worry, babe. I promise not to cheat in front of you.”

Michael rolled his eyes at her obvious joke. “Okay, okay– whatever. I guess we can always skip if the dares go too far.”

“Don’t worry, little guy,” Josh asserted as he leaned over and patted Michael’s shoulder. “I won’t make Lily do anything she doesn’t want to.”

But the brute’s promise did nothing to quell his anxiety. Their friend group was usually so nice and understanding of everyone’s concerns. It never had a toxic mob mentality like this. It reminded him of high school all over again. Bullsh*t hierarchy culture that resulted in peer pressure and bullying. Lily and Poki and Kyedae and all of his female friends would never, ever give an asshat like Josh the time of day. They usually called his behavior out right away. Everyone here was always chill and friendly, but something had changed. And Josh seemed to be the only new factor.

Michael hoped it was just an off night and things would go back to normal in the morning. Or.. at the very latest, when Josh left.

Josh chuckled and spun the bottle, not bothering to ask who wanted to go first. Imane, Kyedae, and Lily all sat up and fixed their postures, sticking out their chests and attempting to look as appealing as possible for Josh’s upcoming question or dare.

As luck would have it, the bottle landed on Lily. Michael was not impressed. “Of f*cking course,” he mumbled.

Before anyone could blink, Lily blurted out her answer. “Dare!”

Heads shot in her direction, surprised at the speed of her answer. “Sorry, heh. I just think.. truths are so lame. Uhm, I choose dare. Please. Dare me to do something, sir,” she said in Josh’s direction while avoiding her boyfriend’s curious glare.

Josh cracked a smile at her inability to hide her enthusiasm. “Okay, Lily. I dare you to suck my dick.”

Silence and mini gasps were all that could be heard over the next five seconds. Josh had just promised to take it easy on her, but he clearly had no intention to do so.

“Not easing into it at all, are you?” Imane stated rhetorically.

“Okay,” Lily announced as she stood from her seated position. She waded through the water towards Josh and began to fix her hair into a ponytail.

Everything was moving in slow motion for Michael. He had no idea what was happening or why Lily was going along with it.

“Uhm, babe! What’s.. what are you doing?” he asked nervously.

Lily paused as she knelt onto the seat besides Josh. “Don’t you see what his goal is? He’s going to give us all super hard dares to start off so that we skip them right away. Then, after we’ve had too many shots, we’ll be forced to do his later dares. I’m not dumb! I won’t fall for it.”

“But babe! You can’t give him a blowj*b. It’s just a stupid dare. Skip it!” Michael pleaded.

“Sorry, babe. I won’t let him get the upper hand. Just look away, okay?” Lily suggested nonchalantly. She then turned back towards Josh and gave him a seductive wink before slowly lowering her head towards his lap.

Her descent was in complete slow motion in Michael’s eyes. He could feel his heart beating faster, and just before anything could happen, his vision blurred and he blacked out.

Josh and Lily had just been joking. She was planning on teasing her boyfriend until the last second before revealing the gag, but Michael had just passed out.

“Holy sh*t,” Josh exclaimed. Kyedae reached over and grabbed Michael’s torso before it dipped further into the water.

“Should I wake him up?” she asked.

“No, f*ck no,” Josh said as he saw a fantastic opportunity. He quickly raised his torso and tugged his trunks down, releasing his hardening co*ck. Without giving her a warning, he grabbed Lily by her ponytail and slammed it into the water, guiding her mouth towards his co*ck.

She was surprised, but not overtly so. Josh would always take advantage of a situation if he could, and this was one he wouldn’t let slip past him.

Lily opened her mouth to accept Josh’s girthy co*ck. He pushed it as deep as she could take it and began thrusting, lifting his pelvis out of his seat to pound Lily’s mouth. He was not gentle about it, despite Lily being underwater, and within seconds, his mammoth co*ck was balls deep inside of Lily’s tight throat.

“f*ckkk,” Josh groaned out as he kept his co*ck buried to the hilt. He felt Lily’s tongue lap at the underside of his co*ck, and he chuckled from the pleasure.

“He’s still breathing,” Kyedae announced as she checked on their sleeping friend.

“Josh, he could wake up any second, so don’t go easy on her,” Imane suggested with a smirk. She couldn’t believe how hot the situation was, so she did her best to egg him on.

Josh knew that she was right, so he immediately doubled his efforts and facef*cked Lily’s helpless throat without pause or consideration for her well-being. Six or seven inches would come out and those same girthy inches of co*ck would get shoved right back down her feeble gullet, over and over.

Her warm throat constricted around his co*ck so perfectly that he was worried he wouldn’t want to pull out, even if Michael woke up.

A minute of this constant skull f*cking went on before Josh called it. He finally let go of Lily’s hair and she rose out of the water dramatically. She coughed out water and breathed in heavy gulps of air while her friends watched in sheer amusem*nt.

They had all been there before, but never underwater. That one was new, and they secretly hoped to experience it soon.

“Josh, you have absolutely zero self control, haha,” Imane teased him.

As Lily relaxed her knee-jerk reactions, she combed the stray hair on her face backwards with her hands and chimed in. “He.. doesn’t need it. Self control.. is what losers like him have,” she mumbled, pointing at her blacked out boyfriend. “You.. f*ck, haha. You crossed something off my bucket list that I didn’t even know was on there. Thank you, sir. That was hot. ♡”

“Glad to help, haha. I would’ve kept going, but I was worried you’d drown,” Josh admitted.

The girls all fawned over this. “Awhhh,” they cooed in admiration as their dear friend lay passed out next to them.

“That’s so sweet, Josh!” Kyedae admitted, focusing her attention on Josh and letting go of Michael’s torso.

“Guess we’re not as disposable as you say,” Imane chirped with a sly grin. Lily was taking everything in and learning a lot as time went on. Imane and Kyedae were clearly in on the whole situation.

“Hey, hey. Enough mushy bullsh*t,” Josh demanded. “I never meant that literally. I don’t want you slu*ts to die, of course. I just meant.. you know, I want to be able to go room to room, using and abusing you guys however I want.”

“And that’s exactly what you get to do,” Lily joined in. She met everyone’s gaze before continuing. “I’m.. new to all this, but you can visit my room and use me as a sex object all you want. No holding back, okay?”

“Yup, same here,” Kyedae added. “But you already knew that, heh.”

“Welcome to the group,” Imane said to Lily, sharing a subtle smile with her longtime friend.

That was the moment that Michael’s body gave way and dipped into the hot tub. He had been slowly leaning in ever since Kyedae released her grip, and the water quickly woke him up.

Michael propped himself up and looked around at his friends. “Whoa. What.. what happened?”

“You blacked out, babe. Oh my god,” she yelped out, quickly moving to reposition herself away from Josh and next to her boyfriend. “I was so worried! Are you okay?”

His mind quickly recollected the prior events. “You.. you were about to.. f*ck, what– did you.. did you do it?”

“Do what, babe?” Lily asked her boyfriend innocently.

“Suck.. suck him off! You were about to.. I passed out.. er, right before,” he said, stumbling over his words.

Lily looked confused for a second and then her face warmed into a smile. “No, hon! Are you kidding me? It was just a joke. I was going to stop and say sike and everyone was going to laugh, but you passed out before I could. It was about to be my best joke of the night!”

Michael felt relief, but he still wasn’t amused. “Yeah, real funny, babe. You.. you made me pass out. I had no idea you were joking! It was so real.. to me.”

Instead of reacting concerning or caring, the way that Michael expected, Lily became sour. “Michael, I did it for you. I did all of that as a joke.. to make you laugh! Do you think I liked getting that close to Josh? Look at him!” she blurted out.

“Hey,” Josh intervened. “What’s wrong with me?”

“Shut up,” Lily replied. “I just mean, you’re a hunk. He’s a hunk, babe. He’s tall, athletic, super built. He’s a stud! He probably likes teasing girls, especially ones that are taken, like me. So giving him a pretend blowj*b would’ve just coddled his freaking ego! And it would’ve embarrassed me, but I didn’t mind. As long as you got a good laugh.”

“Well, I– I didn’t see it like that.. I guess.”

“No, you didn’t. Because you can be a real ass sometimes, Michael.”

“I’m sorry, babe,” he replied genuinely. “I didn’t–”

“No, you didn’t. Now,” she began to say as she stood up and made her way over to Josh. “I’m going to sit over here until you’re done being an ass.”

“But.. babe,” he pleaded. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. It’s okay, now. It’s just a little punishment. I don’t want to spend the night angry, okay?”

Michael anxiety shot back up. Sitting next to the creep that had been bothering her all night.. it was a recipe for disaster, but he couldn’t do much about it.

“Okay, babe. I love you,” he mumbled. Josh raised his hand and wrapped it around Lily’s shoulder, much to Michael’s discontent.

“I love you, too,” Lily replied. Her attention quickly focused towards Josh as he tickled her side. “Ahh, oh my. St– stop! Haha, you’re silly!” she giggled out playfully. Michael tried to regain her attention with his eyes, but Josh had a hold on it.

He sighed and decided to move on for the moment.

“Okay,” Josh finally said to the group. “That might’ve been the most chaotic first turn of truth or dare ever, haha.”

“No kidding,” Kyedae mused. “Felt like I was watching a drama movie for a second.”

“Yeah, we’re just spectating. Don’t mind us,” Imane jested.

“I’m sorry, guys,” Lily responded as she leaned into Josh’s embrace. “Here, it’s my turn, but you can spin next, Imane.”

“Uh huh,” Imane murmured. “You’re just giving up your turn so you can keep snuggling with Josh, hehe.”

Her mouth dropped at the accusation and her eyes darted towards her boyfriend, who met her glare and quickly looked away. “That’s– that’s not true at all! I.. I just feel bad that all the attention has been on me.. or whatever. And we’re not.. even cuddling, ugh!”

Lily was shocked at how Poki was able to guess her true intention.

“Relax! I’m just giving you sh*t, haha.”

She finally leaned forward and spun the bottle, and the night proceeded without too much conflict. Kyedae took a dare and had to lick Imane’s foot. She joked about how some of her fans might see this as a reward. Michael chose truth from Kyedae and had to reveal his dick size. He didn’t want to play into the sexual themes of the game and decided to take a shot. Michael spun and dared Imane to cluck like a chicken. He earned boos for his lame dare, but it was an amusing one nonetheless.

Every time Josh spun, however, he went past all of the unspoken boundaries. He dared Michael to jump off the roof and into the large pool in the backyard. Michael was tired of Josh’s macho bullsh*t, so he went to eye the jump, but quickly determined that it’d be impossible. He ended up taking another shot.

For his next turn, Josh dared Imane to flash everyone. She said she would, but that Michael had to turn away.

“No, no, that’s cheating. The dare was for you to flash everyone here,” Michael contended. He was tired of seemingly getting the short end of every turn so far, and he wanted to hold others accountable. “If you don’t want to, you have to take a shot.”

Lily stared daggers at her boyfriend as Josh’s hand draped comfortably around her neck. His fingertips grazed her left boob, often skirting along the tip of her erect nipple. He was toying with her, and she loved it.

“Babe! Seriously? Why don’t you just ask Imane for a private show? That’d be more discreet than what you just said.”

Michael looked at Lily with a desperate face. “No, Lily.. you don’t– it’s not that! I don’t want to see.. her. I’m just trying–”

“Trying, trying, trying to what?” Lily replied, mocking his inadvertent stutter. “Trying to see her tit*? Can you go be a perv somewhere else? I mean, seriously!”

“Yeah,” Kyedae whispered. “Poki just doesn’t feel comfortable flashing you. No need to argue about it.”

It was Michael against the world. Or.. that’s what it felt like, anyway. And he was sick of it.

“Fine! I’m sorry, Imane. I didn’t mean anything by it, but clearly, I just don’t get the rules,” he remarked in anger before standing up to leave. “I’ll leave you guys to it, if that’s what you want.”

“Thanks, babe,” Lily replied absent-mindedly, never taking her eyes off of Josh. They were whispering to each other and she was giggling like a schoolgirl.

Without further comment, Michael stepped out of the hot tub and marched inside. He could hear Lily laugh as he reached the sliding glass doors.

There was silence in the hot tub for a few seconds.

“Do you guys want to keep playing?” Kyedae asked the group. “I mean, we kind of set the whole thing up.. specifically to mess around with Lily, right?”

Imane’s smirk turned into a small giggle. “Yeah, you’re not.. wrong, hah.”

Josh and Lily finally separated before he spoke up. “Nah, f*ck that. Michael leaving won’t ruin the game. It’ll just make the dares that much more fun. I think the rules do need a bit of an update, though.”

The group exchanged smiles. They knew the night had just begun.

Michael paced in his bedroom. He couldn’t sit still. The angst that had built up inside of him was too much to allow him any relaxation. Every interaction from that day kept repeating in his mind.

What could have possibly gone so wrong? Why was everyone against him?

Josh was the problem. He had to be, but why were Imane and Kyedae acting weird, too? Not to mention, Lily.

His girlfriend. His lover. His whole world. He was never one to be emotional, but he couldn’t take the nonchalant disrespect anymore.

Michael was hurt.

He had to get answers. sh*t just doesn’t change that quickly without something happening. Kyedae, Imane, and Lily all looked like they were fawning over Josh. Sure, he was a fit, handsome dude, but that doesn’t change friendships. It doesn’t undo years of loyal relationships.

Something had to have happened before he got back from New York. He couldn’t ask anyone outside, obviously. He knew Rae was home, so he tried to knock on her door, but she wasn’t answering. Michael heard the water running, so she might’ve been in the shower.

The only other person in the house recently would have been Tyson. Kyedae’s boyfriend.

They weren’t super close. He was often out of the house at Valorant events and practices, but it was worth a shot. He picked up his phone and gave him a call.

The phone rang and rang, and continued ringing. Every ring reduced his hope for answers. He was on the edge of his seat, hoping, praying that Tyson would pick up.

Finally, after the tenth ring, Tyson answered.


“Hey, Tyson! It’s Michael,” he responded gratefully.

“Oh, hey dude. I’m not at the house right now, if you need–”

“No, no, you’re fine, man. Just.. just had a few questions.”

“Sure, yeah. What’s up? Everything okay?”

“Yeah, everything’s fine. Everyone is good. Kyedae says hi, by the way. Uhm, I know you’re probably busy, so I’ll get right to the point. Err, have you– sorry, this might sound weird, but it’s important. Have you noticed.. anything weird happening in the house?”

“Weird? Haha, like a ghost or?”

“No, no. Nothing like that. I mean, you met Josh, right?” Michael asked.

“Yeah, I met him last week. Tall dude. Imane introduced me.”

“Yeah, tall dude..” Michael replied as Lily’s voice echoed in his brain.

Tall, athletic, super built, hunk. Tall, athletic, super built, hunk.

“What about him?” Tyson asked, breaking Michael’s trance.

“Yeah, sorry.. uhm, did you notice anything weird with him? Or with Kyedae, maybe? Or Poki?”

There was a brief pause as Tyson considered his question.

“No, not really. Nothing that comes to mind, anyway. My brain is kind of fried from all the matches, though. We’ve been practicing in between games and there hasn’t been much downtime.”

Michael’s hope dropped like a ton of bricks. He was looking for any kind of lead or.. something. Anything that could help him out.

“All good, man. I know you’ve got a lot on your plate, so no worries. But hey, good luck on your matches.”

“Thanks, dude. We’ve got LOUD coming up, so you might be seeing me back at the house pretty soon, haha.”

“Hey, f*ck those Brazilian co*cksuckers. You’ve got this, dude.”

“Haha, hopefully. They’re looking good, though, so we’ll see.”

“Either way, good luck. Have a good one–”

“Wait,” Tyson interjected. “There was actually one weird thing, now that I think about it..”

Michael’s face lit up. Tyson went on to describe his anniversary with Kyedae. He had planned a whole date with her at a fancy restaurant, but when their reservation came up, Josh swooped in. The next thing he remembered was waking up in the bathtub with the whole house trying to wake him up. Kyedae had apparently nursed him back to health after he tripped and blacked out.

He knew it. He f*cking knew it. This was exactly what Michael was looking for.

Michael asked for a few more details and ended the call. He did his best not to alarm Tyson, since he didn’t have any solid proof, but things were not looking good. If Michael was right, his suspicions would be vindicated, but his worst fears would also be true.

Lily was cheating on him.

His heart pumped as he thought of his next steps.

The cameras. There were cameras outside that showed the driveway. That’s where everything went down, according to Tyson. If Josh was involved in Tyson’s weird passing out event, there would be evidence of it.

And he had access to all of it. Michael was the one that helped install the cameras after a close call with one of Imane’s stalkers. He just hoped that the footage wasn’t taped over yet.

He ran to his computer and checked the cloud storage where the footage was kept, and after scrolling for a bit, he found it.

The exact day that Tyson mentioned. Michael scrolled through until he saw Kyedae and Tyson sitting in their car. Sure enough, Josh walked over and entered their vehicle right on cue.

What he witnessed over the next hour was devastating. It confirmed everything. Josh was a psychopathic bully, and at the very least, Kyedae was an accessory to it all.

As the footage continued to roll, he saw Josh and Kyedae leave while Tyson remained in the bushes. They came back sometime later, walked over to Tyson’s body, and did.. something. He couldn’t quite make it out, but they went inside soon after, leaving Tyson out there all by himself.

He sped the video along, and sure enough, he was outside the whole night. Michael was about to cut the video, but suddenly, Rae, Imane, and Kyedae all came into frame sometime in the late morning. He watched on as they dragged him inside.

There was an eerie pit inside of his stomach. He wasn’t even sure what he just witnessed, but Tyson clearly had no idea what truly happened to him.

He needed to put an end to it.

Michael acted quickly. He saved the video footage to the computer and emailed it to himself as well, just in case.

He wanted to be smart about the situation, but the anger inside of him started to boil.. uncontrollably. He was right. He was f*cking right all along. Every concern he raised that night was reasonable, and the rest of the group was just f*cking gaslighting him into thinking he was in the wrong.

Michael was furious, and that’s when he remembered. Lily was still outside with that asshole.. doing god knows what.

He wouldn’t f*cking stand for it.

Back at the hot tub, Imane, Kyedae, and Lily all had their heads leaned back flat against the pavement. Their bodies were next to each other, and Josh was above them, kneeling down so his large ball sack dipped into Imane’s waiting mouth. Lily already had her turn, and Kyedae was up next. The eager streamers all had their mouths wide open as they begged to be tbagged.

It had been Kyedae’s turn. She spun the bottle, and it landed on Josh, who promptly chose dare. With a smirk, she dared him to tbag every girl in the tub.

After Imane had her fair dose of balls, Josh took his sack out of her mouth, only to plop it back down on her pretty face. He swiveled his torso and made sure her entire face was smothered thoroughly.

“Mmmgffgggg, so good!” she moaned out. “Smells so good. Love your balls, love.. love them!”

He repeated the process with Kyedae, who looked way too happy to be degraded in such a manner, but Josh was not one to judge. He had worked hard to get her, and the others, to this point.

In his mind, this was a reward for all of his hard work. And he enjoyed it. Kyedae’s face received the same treatment. Josh tbagged her a few times and insulted her intelligence to establish his dominance further. He then dragged his hefty sack all over her pretty face. Kyedae was one of the more enthusiastic whor*s, so she pivoted her own face left and right to make sure as much of her face was covered as possible.

This was heaven. Finally, no bullsh*t boyfriend or fiancee to ruin the fun. Just three willing whor*s.


Even though there should be four here. Josh put just as much work into Rae as the rest of them. He deserved to be tbagging four girls. Not three.

With this new thorn in his side, he stood up from his kneeled position.

“I’m going to go take a quick piss. Stay just like that,” Josh ordered. “Don’t you dare wipe that balls sweat off your dumb faces.”

The girls giggled in response.

“Wouldn’t dream of it, master.”

“I’ll never wash my face again, heh.”

“Can you tbag me one more time before you go?” asked Lily with an adorable pout.

Since she was new, Josh humored her and knelt down to sink his sack in her mouth. Both of his balls couldn’t fit, of course, so he dipped his left nut in and then his right.

“Hey, why don’t you just piss on us?” Imane asked, prompting the other girls to agree enthusiastically.

“Yeah, that’s perfect! Lily hasn’t had the full slu*t experience until she’s been pissed on,” Kyedae reasoned.

Lily quickly corrected her, though. “He’s.. already peed on my face, hah. He did it next to Michael, too! It was a part of that whole sleepwalking thing you guys set up, which I know was bullsh*t now! Haha.”

The girls apologized, but there was no need. Lily was happy to be where she was now. Naked and in a prime tbagging position.

“Sorry, girls. I think Rae’s missed out on enough fun, so I’m going to go piss on her face this time, but don’t worry. You guys can share the next one, okay?”

“Okay,” Lily pouted. “Don’t miss a single drop. Make sure it all hits her face, okay?”

“Yes, sir,” Kyedae added. “Please hurry back.”

“We’ll have a bottle of water waiting for you when you get back,” Imane said with a wink.

Josh heard the girls giggle as he put his trunks back on and walked inside.

Rae had been mulling all of her emotions over for most of the night. She was currently in her bathtub with candles scattered around. The peaceful atmosphere helped calm her down and clear her mind. It was exactly what she needed.

Rae was doing her best to remember the positive aspects of Josh. How fantastic he made her feel, how many org*sms she had with him, how comfortable and relaxed she was when she was drunk on his dick and his balls and his musk..

It was all fantastic. She even found her hand creeping down to her throbbing c*nt, and she allowed herself one blissful org*sm.

To clear her mind, of course. This whole evening was to decide what to do about Josh. She needed clarity for that. Post-nut clarity.

That’s what she told herself, anyway. In truth, thinking about Josh’s aggressive nature, how poorly he treated her, and how rough he manhandled her was all too stimulating. She needed to rub one out, and she did.

Unfortunately, that left her even more confused. She grabbed her phone and browsed Twitter for a while as a distraction. Eventually, she came across an interesting post.

It was from Hasanabi, a fellow streamer that she had met a few times before through various 100T collaborations, birthday dinners, and event afterparties. He was tweeting about his search for a puppy, and the wholesome topic brought a smile to her face.

It felt nice to get a glimpse back into the real world where sex wasn’t at the forefront of every issue.

She clicked on his profile and discovered other puppy posts where he was clearly struggling to find a reputable shelter. Rae had a friend that could help him out, so she decided to type up a message.

Hey Hasan, I know someone who could totally link you with some great shelters. They’re a bit lowkey, so you might not have heard about them before.

Rae finished typing the message and bit her lip. It was weird, but she had butterflies in her stomach. As if this was freaking high school. She giggled to herself and set her phone off to the side.

A minute later, Josh burst through her bathroom door. Rae was startled, but she calmed down as soon as she saw him.

“Look at you,” he commented as he approached her. Rae was absolutely stunning. She was naked, of course, but her whole appearance was angelic. Her damp, jet black hair flowed beautifully off her head and onto her shoulders. Her adorable eyes, her cute smile, her luscious lips. The perfect symmetry of her face begged to have his balls on it. She just oozed sexiness. “You look good enough to eat.”

“Hiiii,” she said with a smile. It really was nice seeing him after not getting to all evening. “Sorry I missed out on everything. My head was hurting a bit.”

“No worries,” he said as began to lower his trunks. “There was no major hiccups, so I still got to f*ck Lily.”

“Oh, trust me.. I know. I could hear you guys from my room, haha. I was smiling so hard when I heard her start moaning.”

“Oh, yeah?”

Rae nodded genuinely. “Yup. One more of our friends off your list, heh. I wonder who’s next?”

“Not sure, but let’s focus on right now. On you. Are you.. feeling better?”

“Yes! Much better, definitely,” Rae replied as her eyes darted to his co*ck. “I.. I always forget how massive your co*ck is, heh.”

“Yeah, can you believe you’ve taken this whole thing down your throat before?”

“Not by myself! I had your.. very aggressive help, hah. There’s no way I could’ve done it on my own,” Rae mused as she let Josh’s swinging co*ck mesmerize her.

“I agree. You need me, don’t you?”

She nodded in response. “Of course.. of course I do. You and your big, beautiful co*ck, heh. I need it so much. I need it.. more.. more than I need air.”

“Mm, you want to get facef*cked, don’t you?”

“Yes, sir,” she pleaded. “Please.. please f*ck my face. Destroy me. Destroy my pretty face.”

Josh wasn’t about to humor her, though. “Maybe some other time. I mostly just came in here for one thing.”

“Oh,” Rae mumbled. “What’s th– ahhh, okay.. I see..”

Josh aimed his co*ck right at Rae’s face as his stream of piss began.

Rae was blasted with his warm urine. “So, this.. is.. what you wanted.. to do, huh?”

Talking with Rae while pissing on her face was such a turn on.

“Yeah, it’s the only reason I came up here, honestly.”

Rae’s eyes were squeezed shut as she took Josh’s piss. She made no attempt to move out of the way. “Uh huh, all so you could pee on me.. on my pretty face, huh? Haha, you’re.. such a guy. I.. I bet I look silly, right?”

“Stupid. You look stupid, ahhh. Yeah, take my piss, slu*t.”

Josh did his best to aim his stream right at her eyes. She had them closed, but that seemed to be the most degrading target.

“Mm, yeah.. piss on me.. piss all over me. All over my face, sir,” she moaned out.

Josh did exactly that. He emptied his entire bladder onto her face, and just like Lily had requested, not a single drop missed.

As his stream died down, Josh leaned forward and shook his co*ck to get the last few droplets out and onto Rae’s face.

“Can’t even waste one drop, huh?” Rae asked with a smile as she looked up at her owner.

“I promised Kyedae I wouldn’t, hah.”

“Mm, I’ll have to thank her later,” she cooed.

“Don’t wipe your face off, and take your time in there. You’ll be much more relaxed with your new piss bath,” Josh laughed as he put his trunks back on and headed out the door.

Rae bit her lip again. She absolutely loved how careless he was. Just walked in, pissed on her face, and left. Like a f*cking man.

She was just a thing to play with. She was an object to piss on, to deepthroat, and to f*ck.

Life was so f*cking simple like that, wasn’t it?

When he wasn’t slapping the sh*t out of her, it was.

Valkyrae pouted. She still didn’t have her answer. She didn’t know what she wanted.

After a minute of contemplation, she reached for her phone and added to the message she had written.

Hey Hasan, I know someone who could totally link you with some great shelters. They’re a bit lowkey, so you might not have heard about them before. Also, I love dogs and would totally love to come help you pick one out in person, if you’re down. Just let me know :)

She reread her text to check for any spelling errors and clicked send.

Josh walked downstairs with a confident kick in his step. Life was good. The intoxicating thrill he received from degrading such a beautiful, famous, well-respected streamer.. it was unlike anything else. No drug could possibly match that exhilaration. That ego boost.

It was heaven on earth.

And now, he was on his way back to three other waiting, willing whor*s.

Yup, life sure was goo–

“Hey! Hey, you! You’re just the f*cker I was looking for!” a voice shouted out behind him.

Josh turned to spot the aggressor, and sure enough, it was Michael.

“Motherf*cker. You motherf*cker,” he continued yelling as he reached the bottom of the stairs and walked up to Josh.

“What the f*ck do you want?” Josh asked him. There was only one reason he could be as mad as he was, but Josh wasn’t sure how he could have possibly found out.

“What do I want?” Michael asked. He let his anger get the best of him, and he lunged forward with a right hook.

Well, more like forward and about forty-five degrees up. Josh towered over him, but that didn’t stop Michael from taking a swing. It was, however, extremely predictable, and Josh stopped his movement by taking hold of his forearms.

This negated any further attack from the angry boyfriend.

“Let’s just calm down, okay?” Josh suggested. “Before you do something that you’ll regret.”

“f*ck you, man,” Michael spouted as his arms were rendered useless. “f*ck you!”

“Your girlfriend already took care of that,” Josh quipped. He was smirking. He was f*cking smirking, and that sent Michael into a renewed frenzy.

The loud commotion could be heard all the way outside. Lily, Kyedae, and Imane all simultaneously lifted their heads out of the tbagging position they were in and looked towards the house.

They quickly got out of the hot tub once their fears were confirmed by further shouting.

Josh noticed the girls walk in and did his best to quell the situation. He used his grip on Michael’s forearms to shove him backwards about five feet, which sent him tumbling onto his back. He hoped that small display of his strength would be enough to discourage further aggression.

“Listen, man,” Josh began to assert. “Nothing’s been done yet, okay? No harm, no foul. Just let it go, and move on.”

Michael’s face was still red with anger as he got to his feet. “No harm done? No harm done?! I know what you f*cking did!”

He then turned his attention towards the girls. “I know what all of you did. You.. you sick f*cks! And I’m going to show everyone.”

Josh’s protective nature kicked in. He took a step to his right to block Michael’s view of the frightened girls. “Leave them out of it, okay? This is between you and me. Now, why don’t you tell me why you’re so upset.”

“I f*cking know! I know about Tyson. I know all of it. I know what you did! I have it all on tape,” Michael continued to exclaim.

“What about it? Tyson– what? What happened with Tyson?”

“Michael, babe.. just talk to us,” Lily blurted out. “Tell us what’s wrong, and we can talk it out!”

She had never seen her boyfriend like this before, and after just having cheated on him, she knew that it was likely her fault.

Josh could feel the girls behind him shift to the side behind the sofa and closer to the kitchen.

“Talk to us, Michael,” Imane pleaded. “We’re all friends here. Why are you so upset?”

“All friends, huh? All friends?! Friends that help other friends cheat? And you think you can get away with it?”

The air left the room. Everyone now knew that Michael knew. He knew their secret.

“And you, Kyedae. You’re real f*cking quiet! Does Tyson know? Does he know what you did?”

She simply stared back in shock. It was like an intruder had entered the building. They didn’t recognize Michael in this state, and it was frightening.

“But it doesn’t even f*cking matter! It’s not them. It’s f*cking you! You prick!” Michael shouted as he redirected his anger towards Josh. “You ruined everything! You f*cking came in here and spread your f*cking sh*t! Your poison! You’re a sick f*ck!”

“That’s right,” Josh replied. “It’s me. I’m the one who f*cked everything up. Focus on me, Michael.”

He was doing his best to keep all of the volatile man’s attention on him. All it took was one bad decision to turn a dumb argument into a police call. “Now, let’s talk. Like men, okay? Just me and you.”

“f*ck that! Like men, hah! Bullsh*t!” Michael spouted. He began yelling obscenities at the girls. The scene quickly devolved into chaos, and that’s when it happened.

The room became silent. Lily stood behind her boyfriend with an empty hand in the air. Complete and utter shock painted Michael’s face.

The stunned boyfriend turned around towards his lover, and that’s when Josh saw it.

A large kitchen knife sticking out of Michael’s back.

Chapter 15: Picking Up The Pieces


Happy holidays everyone! Chapter fifteen is finally here, and it's a f*cking doozy. In my second longest chapter to date, we sift through the chaos that Lily has caused. A poor decision has propelled our protagonists onto diverging paths. The police are involved, a cover-up is underway, and plans for the future are set into motion. New faces. A new environment. And a new target. Will our stud flourish in this foreign place? Or will he f*ck things up even further and add to the mess that he and his co*ck have created? Read now to find out and leave some feedback if you're feeling feedbacky. :)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Absolute disbelief filled the room, thickening the air and making it hard to breathe. The surreal moment demanded pause from each witness. No one moved. No one even blinked.

Emotions had been running high– sure, but the intensity of the situation hadn’t yet crossed the threshold of requiring violence. It could have been settled peacefully. That was the most prevalent opinion in the room, at least.

Evidently, Lily saw it differently, and since she held the knife, her opinion was the only one that mattered.

There Michael stood.. with a giant kitchen knife piercing his back, placed there, impaled there, by his loving and seemingly psychotic girlfriend, Lily.

Lily of all people. Michael’s longtime partner. The sweetest f*cking couple around. The nerdiest love birds in the whole streaming industry. Josh had come in and corrupted their relationship, but the immediate aftermath surpassed all exaggerated expectations. It was real life hyperbole. It was absurd. It didn’t make sense.

Imane’s hand shot up to cover her open mouth. Kyedae had two hands on hers and her eyes were as wide as saucers.

But somehow, Lily appeared to be the most stunned person in the room. She looked at her right hand as if it wasn’t her own; as if it didn’t just turn a kitchen utensil into a potential murder weapon.

These reactions all happened within seconds. Shock paralyzed the women in the room, but someone had to act. Luckily for them, Josh had too much on the line not to.

Without hesitation, he stepped forward to grab Michael’s body, which had just begun to collapse onto the floor. Josh gently placed him on his stomach as blood began to flood from the wound.

He quickly analyzed the gash and the knife, doing his best to keep Michael’s body steady. The incision was deep. Too deep to pull the knife out. It was likely stemming some of the bleeding, and that would work in their favor.

They would need as many advantages and as much luck as possible.. because Michael’s bleeding was worsening by the second.

As Josh decided to keep the knife in place, he put pressure on both sides of the wound and looked up.

With urgency, he ordered Imane to fetch two belts. “f*cking now, okay? I need them yesterday. First two you can find.”

Poki jumped at first. Josh’s voice was as blunt as always, but in a much different way this time. The adrenaline in his words was clear. Perhaps there was fear in there, too. It wasn’t something she could analyze for long though, so she nodded meekly and ran off.

Josh then turned to Kyedae and said, “I need you to open the front door, keep it propped open, and uh, start whatever car is parked out front. Needs.. needs to be an SUV. And open that f*cking gate, got it?”

Kyedae shook out of her frozen state. The alarm in Josh’s tone was sobering. She nodded before heading to the front door, barefooted and still wearing her skimpy bikini. If someone’s life hadn’t been on the line, Josh would’ve taken a moment to appreciate her ass as it bounced away.

It was an unaffordable luxury though. Josh remained focused as he turned to Lily and gave her the most important task yet.

“I need you to call 911,” he demanded in a straightforward manner.

Lily’s face was clearly still horrified from her own actions. “911? Me? No.. no. I can’t.. how could I? Michael! I’m so sorry..”

“Lily, there’s no time, okay? I need you to call 911. Now.”

“No,” she whispered as she watched the blood pool on the floor. “It’s too late. They’ll.. they’ll arrest me.. they’ll arrest all of us! I killed him! Everything.. everything is ruined! I didn’t mean to do it.. please! Michael, please be okay!”

Lily’s heart swelled with deep regret as she stared at her dying boyfriend.

“Lily, look at me,” Josh managed to say without yelling. She was clearly frazzled. Her whole body was shaking, and yelling wouldn’t help her see reason. “No one is going to get arrested, okay? Everything.. is going to be fine. I’m going to fix this. Michael is going to be okay, and everything will go back to normal, but you have to listen to me. You have to.”

His assurance that things would work out was all Lily needed. She looked Josh in the eyes as her uncertainty visibly dissipated and nodded slowly.

Realizing that she might need exact instructions, Josh explained her responsibilities step by step. “Go grab your phone and dial 911. I think you left it out in the backyard.. by the hot tub, okay? Tell them exactly what happened. Michael, your boyfriend, has been stabbed. He needs an ambulance right away. Give them our address.”

Lily continued nodding and mumbled the directions back. “Ambulance right away.. give address..”

“They’re going to ask you how he was stabbed,” Josh continued, swallowing hard before he spoke his next words. “You’re going to be honest. He was out of control. He was mad, tensions were high, and I stabbed him.”

Lily’s eyes shot open. “You.. you stabbed him?”

“Yes, damn it, Lily,” Josh replied as blood gushed around his hands. “I stabbed him. I.. I didn’t know what he was going to do. He was yelling at you guys, and.. f*ck, that sounds so pathetic. Oh man, this is screwed. Whatever– there’s no way around it now. Just.. I stabbed him, and you watched, okay? That’s all you did.”

“But.. you didn’t! It was me. I f*cked up! You can’t–”

“There’s no more time,” Josh interrupted her as blood continued flowing onto the floor. He thought for a moment and added, “After you ask for an ambulance, tell them that we’re driving to the hospital instead. They.. they won’t get here in time to help him. No more questions.. just do it, okay? You got this.”

With those final words, he quickly stood up and scanned the living room. He could see Lily run outside to grab her phone with his peripheral vision, but she wasn’t his current focus. Thinking on his feet, he inspected the coffee table and removed the large glass top from its frame. It was rectangular and perfectly long enough for Michael’s body. He placed it next to Michael and carefully transferred his unconscious body until he was squarely on top of the makeshift stretcher.

The knife stared back at him, as daunting as ever. One stupid f*cking knife was about to ruin all of his plans.

Imane showed up a moment later with an armful of belts, more than Josh asked for, and they hastily fastened them around Michael’s lower abdomen to maintain pressure on the wound. Josh used two longer belts to secure him onto the glass, and that was when Valkyrae walked downstairs.

Wearing nothing but a towel to cover her body, she stumbled onto a horrifying scene. “Hey, what’s with all the shouting? I’m trying to take a bath up here. A peaceful bath! And– and.. oh my god.. what the.. oh my god!”

Her face immediately shot from Michael’s bloody body to Josh. “What did you do? What the f*ck did you do? What happened?” she shouted as she ran down the rest of the stairs and into the living room.

The hasty insinuation was telling. It revealed the distrust that was hidden within their complex relationship, all of which flew over Josh’s head. Of all the people in the home, Rae was really the only one to recognize what harm could come from their degenerate decline in morality.

But even she couldn’t have predicted something like this, and Josh couldn’t give Rae the explanations she was looking for. His focus was on Michael. After he tugged on the belts to ensure they would hold, Josh lifted the glass panel to waist level, raising Michael’s body along with it, and briefly paused to look at Rae.

“No time to explain. Throw some clothes on and get clothes for all the girls,” he said as he looked to Imane and realized everyone was still in their bikinis. “If you’re not in the car in thirty seconds, meet us at the nearest hospital.”

His voice was urgent and intentional. He said what he needed to and immediately rushed out the propped open front door. Imane rushed behind him to help with anything she could, and Lily followed shortly after hanging up with emergency services.

Rae stuttered as if she had more to say, but there was no one there to say it to. She had no idea what was going on, and she was terrified for her friend’s well-being. Despite all that, she did exactly as Josh asked. She ran back up the stairs, stumbling along the way, and tore four hoodies off of their hangers, breaking a few in the process. Reaching further up in her walk-in closet, she snatched a stack of neatly folded sweatpants and bolted back down the stairs.

Her mind was racing, and her heart was beating even faster. She didn’t want to be left behind. Skipping steps as she ran down the stairs, she jumped off at the bottom and used that momentum to boost herself out the front door and towards the stalled vehicle, not wasting a moment to turn off any lights or close any doors. Her towel was just barely hanging onto her body.

The SUV was chaotic with Josh instructing Lily to keep pressure on the wound, Kyedae shouting out directions for the closest emergency room, and Imane doing her best to secure the seatbelts on the glass panel. Rae didn’t bother to ask the questions that were plaguing her head. She just opened up the back, threw in the pile of clothes, and rolled in like it was an action movie.

The car began moving just as she managed to close the door, which forced her body to press against the window pane until she steadied herself. If she was a second slower with shutting the rear door, she likely would’ve fallen out, and she wondered if anyone would have even noticed.

Poki looked back a moment later, peering over the backseat and reached out to hold her hand. A small gesture, but an affectionate one.

Imane would have noticed for sure.

They shared somber glances that eased the tension a little bit. Regardless of the circ*mstances, they were all in it together.

Josh maneuvered through traffic like a madman. It was dark out, making the impromptu ambulance ride even more dangerous. He had his hazard lights on and was honking at anyone who wouldn’t move out of the way. He passed cars on the shoulder, flew through red lights as cautiously as one could with oncoming traffic, and at one point, drove over the curb and onto a sidewalk to avoid a mess of traffic that was slowing them down at an intersection. Pedestrians scattered out of the way, unaware of the medical emergency in the vehicle they were barrel rolling to avoid.

Kyedae was riding shotgun, feeding Josh exact instructions to make sure he knew what turns he needed to make well in advance.

“You’re making a left turn at the next intersection,” she informed him. “I think there are two lanes.. uhm, use.. use the right one, because we have another turn a mile after that.”

His driving was disorderly, necessarily so, but giving him a heads up on the navigation would make the drive safer for everyone.

Rae and Imane were both extremely grateful to be in the back seats. They knew Josh was just trying to get to the hospital as quickly as he could, but they weren’t sure they could have pulled off a few of his driving maneuvers if they were in the same position, and Kyedae’s task seemed equally as stressful.

Their job was to take care of Michael. Lily was, of course, keeping pressure on his wound, and they were helping to keep his body as steady as possible, a task which absolutely required multiple people.

A few minutes into the car ride, after tensions leveled off slightly, Rae captured a moment of peace and decided to gather information on their situation.

“What the hell happened?” Rae whispered towards Lily as tears streaked down her face. Her voice was purposely low so only Lily and Imane could hear. She didn’t want to distract Josh in any way, but she also wanted the truth, and Lily might not be as forthcoming if Josh was a part of the conversation.

Her emotional friend simply looked up and shook her head, clearly on the verge of bawling her eyes out. Imane noticed this immediately and leaned over to hold her friend close. Guilt drowned Rae’s curiosity as she realized her questions were poorly timed and a bit selfish.

“It’s going to be okay,” Imane murmured. “He’s going to be fine, and we’re all going to laugh about this in a few days. It.. it’ll be a funny inside joke we can tell each other. We just have to get through this hard part first, okay?”

Lily rested her head on Imane’s shoulder and closed her eyes, clearly comforted by her friend’s kind words.

They arrived at the hospital shortly after. By some miracle, they didn’t cross paths with any police along their route. Kyedae sprinted towards the emergency room entrance to alert the medical staff while Josh hopped out and got Michael out of the vehicle. Imane, Rae, and Lily all helped out with the seatbelts as three nurses rushed out with a stretcher in tow.

Lily wanted to help and come with them, but the medical professionals took over as soon as Michael was secured onto the gurney. The issue with their patient was obvious and needed no further explanation.

The group just stood there, watching as their friend was wheeled away.

That was the first time they all felt like they could breathe. They were barefooted, dressed in nothing but their swimsuits, some of which were still damp. Rae retreated to the car before anyone else, given that she was only dressed in a towel, and put on her pair of sweats and her sweater before crawling back out and handing out the rest of the clothes.

The girls dressed themselves as Josh rinsed off his bloody hands with a water bottle.

“Well, f*ck me,” he blurted out, breaking the odd silence. “That was like a goddamn Grand Theft Auto mission. I’ve never done anything like that.”

The girls turned towards him and mostly replied with weak smiles. “You did really well,” Imane remarked in reference to his driving. “The ambulances here take forever to respond, and LA traffic would’ve slowed us down by another ten minutes if you didn’t do some of the stuff you did.”

Lily nodded in agreement.

“You did great,” Kyedae added with a bleak smirk. “But you had a good helper, too.”

Josh chuckled. “You were impressive, Kyedae. As soon as we saw that huge build up of cars on Lincoln Ave, you rerouted me like that,” Josh remarked with a snap of his fingers.

Kyedae’s smile grew warmer as the adrenaline of the whole situation began to die down. She didn’t respond verbally, but the appreciation was there.

After a few more moments of silence, Josh added, “I just hope he’s okay.”

“Oh, really?” Rae asked spitefully, surprising everyone. She was doing her best to keep her composure, pacing slightly until everyone was relaxed enough for her questions, but for all she knew, Josh was the one who stabbed their dear friend. “I mean, with Michael gone, you’d have Lily all to yourself. Isn’t that exactly what you want? Sex is not the only thing that matters!”

The group went quiet for a few seconds. Imane and Kyedae kept glancing at Josh, but it was clear that he had no intention of revealing what actually happened.

He was protecting Lily. At his own expense. And this didn’t go unnoticed by the girls.

Lily finally stepped in to disrupt Valky’s staredown. “Rae, it.. it wasn’t him. He didn’t do anything. All he’s done is try to clean up my mess. It was me, okay? I.. I stabbed him.”

Rae’s face contorted from angry to simply confused.

“Why?” she asked. “Why on earth would you do that? You know, you don’t have to protect him, Lily.”

“I’m not protecting anyone. That’s what happened! Michael was yelling. He was angry at everyone.. I don’t know. He.. he figured it out.”

Rae quickly put two and two together. “He caught you guys?” she asked, referring to the incredibly loud sex that Josh and Lily were having earlier that night. She heard it all the way in her own room, which had fueled an intense masturbation session.

Lily shook her head. “No, no. He didn’t catch us. That.. f*ck, that would’ve been a disaster. No, he was outside during.. while I was cheating on him. No, he said something about having it all on tape. Something about Tyson, I think. I don’t know. He must’ve talked to him and connected the dots somehow.”

Kyedae shifted in her standing position and became visibly worried.

“So he got mad, and.. you,” Rae continued, looking around to make sure no one else could hear. “You stabbed him?”

“He was yelling at Kyedae, asking her if Tyson knew what she was doing, and at Imane for being a bad friend, and at Josh.. he said he was going to show everyone. I don’t know. My protective instincts just kicked in.. I was seeing red, and.. and.. the knife was right there on the counter.”

Everyone was listening intently. Rae didn’t see what happened, so her curiosity was more than understandable, but the rest of them were just as confused by Lily’s bizarre behavior, even after having witnessed it themselves, so they wanted to hear Lily’s reasoning just as much as Rae did.

“I didn’t want to lose all of this. I felt like I just got invited into a weird sex cult, and oh my god, I was light-headed from how good it felt. Not just the sex, as amazing as that was, heh. Just.. being included, I guess. Being included in something so.. dirty, and with all my friends! It felt good.. before.. before,” she said, unable to find the words to finish her sentence. Instead, she raised her hand and moved it back and forth in a stabbing motion.

Her words took a few seconds for everyone to digest.

“So basically, you’re just as much of a freak as the rest of us,” Imane replied in an attempt to lighten the mood. Lust, jealousy, fear.. all of these emotions were understandable, given the complexity of their new dynamic, and each one could solely be responsible for erratic behavior.

Lily chuckled and looked up to see Kyedae and Rae smiling as well.

“We’ve all done some.. pretty f*cked up stuff,” Kyedae added reassuringly as highlights from the past several days spun around in her head.

Rae felt the need to chime in. “Within reason, of course. We haven’t stabbed anyone before. That’s a line that–”

“Don’t even,” Kyedae interjected. “You and Poki literally sat down and helped Josh plan how he could get into my pants. And.. oh, I don’t think I even need to mention the tarp, do I? With Tyson?”

Rae understood her reference and showed off a guilty frown, shaking her head to dissuade any further descriptions.

“That’s what I thought. No moral high horse for you,” Kyedae gloated. “We’re all in this together.”

“Agreeeeeed,” Rae conceded with Lily and Imane joining in.

Another few moments of hushed glances arrived before further conversation.

“I can’t believe you really thought that I stabbed him,” Josh asked, finally inserting himself into the conversation. The girls seemed to be working it out themselves, but Rae’s wavering loyalty had been bugging him.

“Oh my god! I don’t know. It made the most sense.. more sense than this!” she remarked, waving her hand towards Lily.

“Sure, but I would’ve just knocked him out. What would I need a knife for?”

“Ehh, yeah.. okay, that’s true,” Rae admitted with a quick glance at his muscular arms. If Michael ever presented an actual threat, Josh surely would have neutralized it with one swift swing of his fist. “Everything was so intense. I didn’t know what to think! I.. I’m sorry, okay?”

Josh smirked and nodded, dismissing her need to apologize.

Lily walked over to Josh, who was sitting sideways in the passenger seat with the door open. She held her hands out, prompting Josh to pour the rest of the water so she could clean off the blood. They were the only two with blood on their hands, so to speak.

“I’m not going to catch anything, am I?” Josh mustered out as Lily rubbed her small hands together. “No STDs or other diseases I should know about?”

“Really?” Lily said with a slight giggle. “I’m assuming you’ve had sex with every girl here, but you’re worried about STDs from Michael?”

A chorus of laughs emitted from the group, and the mood seemed to shift in a positive manner. Their friend was in a bad way, but he was getting the best care possible, and nothing they did from outside would help his situation.

“So he really has had sex with all of us?” Lily asked again, wanting to confirm her suspicions.

Poki, Kyedae, and Rae all nodded, glancing at each other with knowing glares.

“f*ck, I have so many questions,” Lily confessed, antsy to find out how far Josh’s control over her friends went. “But I think we’re out of time.”

The group looked at her curiously. “Uhm.. the police. I called them. Josh asked me to.”

Josh suddenly remembered that detail and cursed himself. He was hoping to get a blowj*b in the car while they waited for news about Michael, but there were consequences that he’d have to face before that happened.

“Yeah,” he began to say as each of his whor*s listened carefully. “Not calling for an ambulance would’ve looked suspicious. They’re probably going to question all of us, and we all need to give the same story.. so I guess I might not be seeing you for a while.”

Kyedae, Poki, and Rae all looked confused.

“What?” Kyedae asked. “Why not?”

“He told me to tell them that he’s the one who stabbed Michael,” Lily hesitantly interjected. That detail wasn’t known to the rest of the group in the midst of all the chaos, and they reacted just as she thought they would.

With shock, almost to the point of anger.

“Why would you do that?” Kyedae asked aggressively as she stepped towards Josh and punched his arm three times.

The reason was obvious though. Josh’s need to protect Lily didn’t need to be explained. The silence that followed did that for him.

Imane shook her head a few moments later. “Don’t be silly. We.. we can post your bail. It’s not like any of us are hurting for cash! We’ll see you very soon.”

Rae agreed. “You don’t have a record or anything, right? No reason they might deem you a flight risk?”

Josh shook his head and then laughed. “I just realized how little we actually know each other. I could have murder on my rap sheet and you guys wouldn’t know.”

Guilty looks spread across girls’ faces. Sexual attraction had accelerated their relationships with Josh, so that time where couples got to know each other wasn’t exactly a big priority for them, not that they were official couples in the first place.

“It doesn’t matter,” Kyedae blurted out. “He’ll still be arrested and charged. He’ll have a mugshot and it’ll be public and.. and.. people will know. It’ll be news. They’ll know Josh stabbed Michael, and we’ll never be able to go out in public with him or show him on stream.. not without being questioned. Why would we be hanging out with someone who hurt our friend?”

Kyedae was right. There weren’t enough lies in the world to explain that away. Not to drama hungry OfflineTV fans and cynics.

“Uhm, we.. we won’t have to worry about that,” Lily mumbled out.

“Huh?” Imane asked, searching for clarity.

“The police.. I didn’t tell them what Josh wanted me to.”

Wide eyes shot in her direction. Four pairs of them. She was certainly getting her fair share of attention tonight.

“Lily, why the f*ck are you being so stringent with information? What did you tell them?” Josh asked, stepping out of the car in an aggressive manner.

He had been in control of the situation. Everyone had been following his instructions, and things seemed to go as smoothly as they could have. He could control the outcome if he micromanaged the girls’ responsibilities. Even the follow up seemed like it would play out okay, as long as Lily had done her part, but that was seemingly not the case.

Lily looked at him in hesitation. “I didn’t tell them that you stabbed Michael. I know you wanted me to, but I didn’t! I.. I didn’t want you to take the blame. I wouldn’t be able to sleep if something happened to you! So.. I.. I kinda made something up.”

She had everyone’s attention. “I didn’t say he was stabbed at all. I told them that it was an accident. We were drinking, and.. ehm, we grabbed the knife to play that.. uhm, that knife roulette game. The one where you stab the spaces between your fingers? Well, we were deciding who would go first, and uh.. I was holding the knife.. upwards, I guess. Michael was in the bathroom, didn’t know what was going on, and then.. when he came into the living room, he just barrel rolled over the back of the sofa and onto my lap. He does stuff like that! It’s.. believable, I think.”

Imane stuffed her face in her hands and turned around. “f*ck,” she exclaimed.

Rae visibly cringed, and Kyedae grimaced at the story.

It was a stretch. Far-fetched, to be sure.

But it was the tale they would have to stick to. It was already recorded on the 911 call.

Someone had to remain positive, and so, Josh came to Lily’s defense. “No, guys.. this could work. It’s.. it’s not horrible. Crazier things have happened with alcohol involved.”

Josh went on to explain what everyone needed to do. First and foremost, he had to make sure everyone had their stories straight, so Josh had Lily recite exactly what she said on the emergency call.

“You didn’t mention me at all?” Josh asked in surprise.

“Nope,” she replied before looking him in the eyes. “Which is why.. actually, uh.. I think you have to leave.”

Before the girls gathered their pitchforks, Lily went on to explain. “If they start asking us questions.. about Josh, who he is, what he was doing there.. I just know they’re going to figure it out. He’s not a streamer or a longtime friend or anything. I’m not a good liar! I know you aren’t either, Rae, and Poki, you suck at lying too. I think I can handle the knife bullsh*t, if I repeat it enough in my head, but if they ask about Josh..”

“Damn,” Imane added. “She.. she might be right. We can only handle so many lies. If they catch even a whiff of something not making sense, this could blow up way more than it needs to.”

Kyedae wanted to clarify. “So what? He hides in one of our rooms until this all blows over? He can use mine! Until.. until Tyson finishes his tourney and comes home..”

Rae shook her head. “What if the police want to come to the house and investigate? Oh my god. This is a clusterf*ck.”

Josh shook his head. “No, no. It won’t come to that. They could pull up any minute now, so.. let’s just make it easy. Stick to Lily’s story. Exactly as she told it. You need to look more sad,” Josh said in Lily’s direction. He then looked around and added, “You all need to look more sad. I’ll just leave until the dust settles. Then you won’t have to worry about hiding me around the house or lying more than you need to. Maybe I could go to.. or stay with.. uhm, f*ck. I got nothing.”

Imane wracked her brain for a solution and smiled as one came to mind. “Well, we have a ton of friends here in LA that wouldn’t mind doing us a favor and taking you in. Though, I suppose most of them are girls and it might be a little awkward if you go alone..”

Lily thought it over and agreed. “Yeah, might be weird if we tried to push Josh onto Sydney and Jodi. Or onto Aria.”

“Jaime, too,” Imane added with a frown. “Leslie, Miyoung.. ugh. We need a place with dudes.”

Josh wanted to weigh in. “I don’t mind staying with chicks. I’ve watched all of those girls! Jaime, Sydney, Jodi.. f*ck. Aria and those tit*! Those melons could keep me busy for a week.”

“Josh!” Kyedae exclaimed, muffling a chuckle as she did. “This is just to weather the storm. On short notice! Can’t be too blunt about it or else people will catch on and start talking. Everyone is going to know about Michael’s accident soon. We can’t be suspicious.”

“Doesn’t mean I can’t have some fun,” Josh argued with a grin. This might actually work out better than anticipated.

Lily, Rae, and Imane all smirked and rolled their eyes. Despite the circ*mstances, Josh was still thinking with his dick. It was simultaneously his most annoying and attractive trait. It’s why he was able to treat them so poorly during sex. He stopped caring about them as lovers and just used their bodies to pleasure his co*ck, which gave them pleasure in return.

He was selfish in brutish, sexual ways, but caring when it mattered.

“But I agree,” he added. “It does have to come naturally. One chick at a time. Nothing too aggressive. Uhm, any.. any other suggestions?”

Poki tilted her head, as if the solution would untangle itself inside of her brain. Which, consequently, is exactly what happened. Her face beamed suddenly, gaining everyone’s attention.

“Have you ever visited Texas?” she asked Josh as a precursor, causing suggestive smirks to creep on everyone’s faces after a few moments of thought.

And that’s how Josh found himself knocking on the front door of a massive home in Austin, Texas. The borderline mansion was daunting, even to a man as big as Josh. Or perhaps it was what lied within that created the slight intimidation he felt. He had been in such a rush to leave California; rushing to the house to pack, booking the next available flight, stopping back by the hospital to get news on Michael, saying goodbye to everyone, and then racing to the airport.. it was a lot.

And now, he was meeting a whole new group of people. Important people. Big names in the streaming industry that he wanted to dominate.

Sexually, of course. He never cared much about starting his own streaming career. It’d just take time away from treating Imane like a whor* or suffocating Lily with his fat co*ck. Those were his priorities, but this is where they got him. Almost back to square one.

He’d have to be more careful. People were simply too unpredictable.

Josh loved humiliating his lovers and using them like cum dumpsters, but there was way more to his domineering than just sexual gratification. Dominating someone resulted in control, and control meant that he was in charge of the outcome.

People became more docile when he had authority over them. More submissive. More.. predictable.

And the other side of this door was full of people that he had no rapport with. No sway. No authority.

With a dumb flutter in his stomach, Josh knocked and took two steps back, awaiting a warm welcome.

When no one came to the door, he knocked again.

Still, no answer. With a sigh, he took his phone out and checked his texts. Imane had given him Mizkif’s phone number for communication purposes, and to his surprise, he had indeed missed a message. It must’ve come in while climbing in or out of the uber ride from the airport.

Front door should be unlocked. Just let yourself in, think everyone is streaming

They were certainly less concerned about security than the OfflineTV girls were, but at least there wouldn’t be a bunch of awkward introductions waiting for him. As social as he was, Josh always considered himself an introvert. Before arriving in LA, video games, Twitch streams, and the gym were his main comforts. It was a peaceful routine. Solitary, but calm.

That time in his life seemed like forever ago. As he turned the knob on the front door, he stepped into the unfamiliar home and found obvious signs that a bunch of guys lived here.

Taking off his shoes, he noticed empty cups all over the living room, throw blankets on the ground, a sink full of dirty dishes, and bags of fast food on the counter. Applebees. Five Guys. Chick-fil-A.

At least they had good taste. The place was dirty, but only in a surface level way. It was clear that a quick ‘mom will be home in five minutes’ cleaning would restore the place back to a cozy bachelor pad.

Josh set his duffel bag down on the kitchen counter and felt his stomach growl. He had enough time before his flight at LAX to order a burger, but that was several hours ago and his appetite was begging for sustenance once more.

After scanning his surroundings to make sure no one was around, Josh checked the fridge and settled for a hot pocket. Nothing substantial, but it would do the trick. He leaned against the kitchen island as he watched his snack rotate in the microwave, and for whatever reason, he felt his co*ck stir in his pants. Watching the savory meal must’ve crossed some wires in his brain and led to an erection.

He hadn’t cum since dumping his load onto Lily’s face the night before, so anything gluttonous was more than enough to get Josh riled up. He’d kill to have Rae or Kyedae gagging on his co*ck at that moment. Seeing their eyes panic as the head of his co*ck stabbed the deepest recesses of their throats, begging for a single breath of fresh air. He’d let them breathe only after the microwave timer was up. Only after his food was ready. Whether they were gasping for air or lying on the floor blacked out when the timer rang, he wouldn’t care. He’d be enjoying his delicious hot pocket.

With a chuckle, Josh popped open the radiation box and watched the steam flood out. His hand quickly recoiled at first touch, so he found tongs and used those to carefully extract his blazing hot–

“Who the f*ck are you?”

Startled by the sudden questioning, Josh mishandled his hot pocket and watched as it plopped down on the hardwood floor. Tightening his lips to display his disappointment, he looked up to see Emiru standing in front of him.

At about 5’3 and a little over a hundred pounds, she was smaller than he anticipated.

And more beautiful as well. Her eyes were as close to those big anime eyes as a real person could get, aided by the way she did her makeup, and Josh found that to be adorable. She was cute, but her cleavage, tempting his eyes to stray downwards, made her f*cking hot.

Her bluntness helped too.

“Hey, f*cko. I asked you a question,” she reiterated, taking a step backwards in case she needed to run for her roommates.

Not that she was overly concerned. It was normal for random streamers to show up unexpectedly around the home. It was a streamer house after all, but Josh.. well, she simply didn’t recognize him.

“Oh, relax,” Josh replied dismissively. “I’m friends with Imane. Pokimane? Well, I’m her manager, and she linked me up with Miz, who said I could stay over for a few days while I’m in Austin.”

Emiru’s slight trepidation subsided. Threat neutralized. “Cool. Sorry, he didn’t tell me anything.”

Josh shrugged in return. “Do you guys have a roommate group chat? Maybe you should let them know before more of my food ends up on the ground.”

Emi bunched up her lips and looked down at the pepperoni pizza flavored snack on the ground.

“So you’re a guest and the first thing you do is yoink one of my hot pockets?” she asked with her familiar sass. Emiru was easily his favorite female streamer in terms of hours watched, and her crude personality had a lot to do with it. “Who the hell do you think you are?”

“f*ck, my bad,” Josh replied, his words dripping with sarcastic sympathy. “A degenerate streamer like you probably lives off of these, huh? I didn’t mean to eat your only source of nutrients.”

His jest was met with a deadpan stare and silence.

Rude humor was Emiru’s forte. It was the only way she comfortably conversed with others, not having the patience for small talk. Though, not many people warmed up to that style of humor, especially during introductions, so Emi often opted to stay quiet in these situations.

But Josh was rolling with her punches. For the first time, she noticed the attraction in his beefy body frame, his tall stature, and his chiseled chin.

“No, you prick. I don’t live off of these. It’s just a snack, I guess. I’m actually a good cook,” Emi finally replied, inadvertently trying her best to seem normal to this complete stranger.

With a smile, Josh pointed at the empty Chick-fil-A bag. “Uh huh. Is this one of your gourmet meals, chef?”

“Oh my god. That’s not even mine,” she retorted, half-amused at the man trying to get under her skin. “Believe it or not, other people live here, dickhe*d.”

Josh tilted his head slightly and then pointed at the Applebee’s bag. “What about that one?”

A horrible liar through and through, Emi couldn’t resist her urge to smirk. Rolling her eyes, she admitted, “Oh, whatever. I’m only half a degenerate, okay? You should see how the rest of my roommates eat. Only god knows how they’re still alive.”

“Yeah, speaking of which,” Josh replied, eager to get a layout of the home, “how many people actually live here? The place seems empty.”

“Really? How long have you been here?”

“Only a few minutes. Ten, maybe.”

“Ahh,” Emi replied. “That makes sense. Stay a little longer and you’ll be hearing random shouting pretty consistently throughout the day. But yeah, uhm.. four people live here. Technically. People come and go, but it’s mainly me, Miz, Simply, and then Russel. They usually stay cooped up in their rooms, though.”

Curious about the other OTK streamers that Josh often heard about, he asked, “What about Esfand? And Nick? Or ExtraEmily?”

“Oh, you did your homework, huh?” Emiru asked. “You’re not here to poach one of our members, are you? You did say you were a manager..”

Josh chuckled at her joke and shook his head, denying her accusation. In a roundabout way, she managed to correctly guess his intentions. He was here to poach someone, but it wasn’t for some meaningless org.

“Uh huh,” she continued. “Well, they don’t live here. Nick lives with Malena in a different house, and Esfand lives with Bonnie next door. They’ve got Wake and Phin over there, too. Then it’s ExtraEmily, uhm.. Cinna, and Woojito at another place. Not here.”

Josh forced out a yawn. “Jesus, what a snooze fest. I don’t f*cking recall asking for an entire OTK history lesson.”

Dropping her mouth open and widening her eyes, Emi stared back at the tall stranger. “You asked me. You literally asked me, you motherf*cker.”

As Josh chuckled at the success his teasing found, the ends of Emiru’s lips curled upwards. The two stared at each other for a second, acknowledging their chemistry before Josh kept the conversation going.

“Listen. As fun as it is bantering with you,” Josh began to say as he moved past her and squatted down to open the bottom freezer section of the fridge, “I am absolutely starving, and I was so close to solving that issue, but then you came in here like a goddamn gremlin and scared the sh*t out of me.”

As he ruffled through boxes of frozen meals, Emiru glanced at the way his wavy hair settled on the rear of his head and how his back muscles still managed to show through his shirt. He had a nice scent about him as well. This guy was physically attractive in so many ways, and it was starting to annoy her.

“Well, maybe if you weren’t such a puss*, you wouldn’t get scared by a little girl,” she finally shot back, smiling as he immediately stopped scavenging.

“Oh, I’m a puss*, huh?” Josh replied without looking back. “Well.. I guess this puss* is going to be eating your last two hot pockets.”

With that, he grabbed the remaining two snacks from their box and threw the empty container towards the stunned streamer.

Emi’s arms flailed to catch the box, but it fell out of her hands clumsily. “No, f*ck no!” she exclaimed, stepping towards Josh and reaching to snatch her snacks out of his hands. “You’ve already wasted one! You’re not grabbing two more!”

She managed to grab one before Josh could raise them out of her reach, but he quickly grabbed her wrist and pinned it to the fridge. After a brief struggle, Emi realized she was not escaping his grasp. He was ten times stronger than she was. All she could do was hold onto her frozen turnover as tightly as possible.

With an amused expression on Josh’s face, it was obvious that the argument was playful in nature, but even little things needed to be taken seriously sometimes.

“You’re not f*cking eating two of them,” Emi growled out. “The last two!”

“You wasted the first one, okay? That wasn’t me,” Josh replied. “So at least one of these is mine.”

“Fine. Okay.. one is okay, but–”

“Look at me, Emi,” Josh interrupted her. “Really look at me.”

Emi stared into his eyes, which were only a foot away from her own.

“No, you dumbass,” Josh spat at her. “Look at all of me.”

She furrowed her brows in anger and then confusion before understanding his intent. With a sigh, her eyes went up to his hair, sideways to his arms, and then down to his chest. He was a big dude. Whatever.

“Keep going,” he ordered.

Her eyes shot back up to challenge his gaze. She pulled her arm and attempted to free herself once more, but it didn’t budge. Not even an inch.

“Ugh,” she complained, finally giving in and looking down to check out the rest of Josh’s body. He had a firm abdomen. Could have abs hidden behind his shirt. Whatever, yet again. Fancy jeans, a noticeable bulge, thick linebacker legs, and–

f*ck. Emiru’s eyes burst open as she registered the impressive sight. Her head shot back up and met his gaze once more. This time, though, he was smirking.

“Okay, I get it. You’re a big guy, so you need more food,” she said, attempting to glaze over the thing that they both know she saw. “Is that it?”

“Say it again,” Josh demanded.

“Oh my god. You’re a big guy. Whatever,” she groaned, rolling her eyes.

“One more time.”

Her face contorted to express her confusion. “You’re a.. big..”

After finally catching onto his perverted request, her eyes widened and she stopped talking. She used her left arm, which was free from his grasp, to push his body away from her own.

With a laugh, Josh gave up the bit and stepped back, giving her the space she clearly wanted.

“f*cking perv,” she muttered, only slightly entertained by his antics. “You’re getting way too comfortable way too quickly, asshole.”

Josh tilted his head before responding. “Hey, I’m just messing with you, alright? You seem like you can take it, which is a good thing. A compliment. Most chicks get uptight about these kinds of jokes. The prude ones, anyway.”

“I know, I know. I can tell you’re joking, but I gotta push back a little,” Emi replied, before pausing and extending her hand with the hot pocket. “Here, I guessssss you can take it, but you’re buying me more as soon as you get settled in!”

With a smile, Josh took her offering and nodded. “You got it. Pepperoni pizza?”

Smiling, Emi replied, “Pepperoni pizza.”

The two smiled at each other briefly.

“So, you must be hungry, huh?” Emi asked as she watched him prepare the snacks. “Did you.. uh, drive here or fly in?”

The two spoke for a little as the microwave did its job. They argued about who would clean up the collateral hot pocket on the floor, and Emiru eventually gave in.

“Want to join me on the couch?” Josh asked as he broke open both bready sacs of fat and sodium, taking a step in the direction of the living room. “I might even consider sharing half of one with you, if you ask nicely.”

Emi was about to agree. Josh’s easy-going hostility was entertaining, and she wouldn’t have minded getting to know him better, but an edging responsibility kept her from immediately replying. She didn’t just walk into the kitchen several minutes prior for the fun of it.

“Emi, where the hell are you?!”

The shout came from one of the hallways that dissected the home. Mizkif appeared soon after and began berating her.

“What’s taking so long? I’ve been guarding your character for the past hour,” he exaggerated, clearly frustrated about a prior game they were playing together.

That realization hit Emiru’s face like a ton of bricks. “Oh my god. I'm sorry! I completely forgot. f*ck, I.. I..”

“I.. I… I,” Miz replied, mocking her inadvertent stutter. “I don't care. Let's go! These f*cking quests aren't going to finish themselves.”

Josh set down his plate and stepped in between the bickering pair, holding a hand out to greet his host.

“I'm Josh, by the way. Good to meet ya,” he said as Miz shook his hand. Greeting the man that he was about to f*ck over was deranged, but being a little f*cked up was necessary in his line of work. “It was my fault. This little sh*t creeped up on me, and I was giving her a hard time about it. Must’ve gotten a little carried away, haha.”

“I’m not a little sh*t, asshole,” Emi shot back with an open-mouthed smile, unwilling to have her name tainted without a rebuttal.

Miz faked a welcoming grin, but it was pretty clear that he was bothered by how quickly the two were getting along. “Yeah, no worries, but we got a stream going on so we gotta get back. Make yourself at home, though. Anything in the fridge is free game.”

Josh immediately looked towards Emi and raised his brows in a co*cky way, making it clear that he was right about the hot pocket debate.

Emiru just rolled her eyes in playful annoyance. “You’re so f*cking annoying,” she said with a short laugh.

Miz gave them an odd look and shook his head in dismissal. “Uh, yeah. We should be done in a few hours,” he said, grabbing Emi’s arm and pulling her away to his streaming room. Emi gave Josh a guilty smile and walked off.

“Sure thing,” Josh replied. “I’ll just hang out until then.”

“Poki vouched for you, so no funny business. You’re here on her word,” Miz called out, clearly joking and being serious at the same time.

No reply was needed. Josh just watched as Emi was dragged away by her needy boyfriend.

Mizkif and Emiru were some of the most popular streamers in the entire industry. It was pretty obvious that the two were dating since they constantly spent time together, both on stream and off, but neither of them had publicly confirmed it. It was that elephant in the room that no one, except for their followers, wanted to acknowledge.

And from the few observations he made so far, it was clear that the rumors were true.

“Oh hey,” Josh called out just before they were just out of sight. “What room should I put my stuff in?”

Miz must’ve not heard since he didn’t turn around, having already let go of Emi by this point, but she did and replied with, “Oh, uhm.. I don’t know. Just pick an empty room! Should be one upstairs and two more down here.”

She spoke while walking backwards, clearly not wanting to piss Miz off any further. Josh just gave her a thumbs up and that was it. He was alone once more.

And something just didn’t sit right with him.

He had been enjoying Emiru’s company. She was a funny chick and very easy on the eyes. A dangerous combination by all measures.

Pretty was great. Josh loved pretty women, but adding funny into the mix was a problem. That’s the one trait that could pull at Josh’s heartstrings in a manner that nothing else could. It was his weakness.

With just a few minutes of talking, Josh spitefully acknowledged the fact that he had developed a crush on his potential conquest.

Now, he didn’t expect her panties to be on the ground on the first day, but he wouldn’t have been opposed to it either. The protective Miz had walked in and ruined any chance of that, though. He strolled in and Emi’s attention was his. Emi’s attention and her company. Her presence. Her cleavage. Her tit*. Her..

Josh was envious. An emotion that he wasn’t used to. He was usually the one stealing women away, and he hated the way these new shoes fit. A few more minutes and Emi’s throat would’ve been getting stuffed. No doubt about it. Her bratty attitude would’ve been so fun to shut down, and he’d keep her around afterwards, too. Just to hang out with her. Game with her. It’d been a while since he’d gotten a nice gaming session in. World of Warcraft, the game Miz and Emi were currently grinding, wasn’t his cup of tea, but she was huge on dungeon RPGs. The ones with tough boss battles. They could play one of those together. Josh had yet to finish Dark Souls III, a fact that he was thoroughly embarrassed by, and perhaps she could help him through it. She’d give him tips and he’d make fun of her for being a nerd. Maybe get some head while taking on an easier section of the game. They could cuddle and then do it all again the next day.

All that would have to wait now. Thanks to f*cking Miz.

With a deep breath, Josh calmed himself.

Things were okay. A seed had been planted. Emiru responded positively to most of his charismatic approaches. She didn’t overreact to his physical aggression. She seemed to enjoy his jokes.

Though, she was hesitant about his sexual references. Her face blushed each time, revealing that she might be inexperienced and shy about such topics.

With a satisfying bite of one of his room temperature hot pockets, Josh smiled. He wasn’t entirely sure how aggressive he should pursue Emi, but he knew that sitting around wouldn’t accomplish anything.

Back in Mizkif’s streaming room, the pair settled into their respective seats. Emi had her own scuffed gaming setup off to the side that she used to hang out and be closer to Miz while he was streaming, but she was regretting that close proximity right about now.

“What the f*ck was that about?” Miz asked her after confirming that his mic was muted. Their streams often lasted eight hours or more, so they weren’t too concerned with leaving their viewers to chill for a few more minutes while they argued.

“What do you mean?” Emi replied defensively. Miz was easily the most jealous boyfriend she ever had, but she felt as if she hadn’t done anything wrong and wasn’t about to be yelled at for nothing. “I lost track of time, dude. Whatever..”

“Yeah, no f*cking sh*t you lost track of time. Flirting your ass off with a complete stranger might’ve had something to do with that,” Miz blurted out, doing his best to convey his frustration without appearing frustrated to his chat.

Seeing that he wasn’t going to let the situation go easily, Emi groaned loudly. “Ughhhhh! I wasn’t f*cking flirting, dude. We were literally talking about hot pockets and sh*t. And it’s your fault, anyway. You didn’t say anything about having someone over! I was just making sure he wasn’t some random f*cking weirdo.”

“Oh yeah, classic Emi!” Miz blurted out, throwing his hands in the air for dramatic effect. “Somehow finds a way to make it my fault. Okay, fine. You were just checking who he was? That should’ve taken, like.. three seconds max. Hey, who are you? Someone Miz invited? Cool, bye. It’s that f*cking simple. I mean, am I missing something?”

Emi didn’t want to back down. She was used to Miz making a big deal out of random bullsh*t, but it would just get worse if she gave in.

“We were talking about food! f*cking food!” she replied, not including the fact that she asked him more personal questions just to get to know him better. “You’re acting as if I was on my knees sucking him off. Why did you even invite him if you were so worried about me even looking in his direction?”

“How the hell was I supposed to know he’d be a f*cking seven-foot gigachad?” Miz retorted as Emi rolled her eyes. Here he was again, blabbering about height and letting his own insecurities show. At 5’6, he certainly wouldn’t be challenging Josh physically any time soon. Just another thing she had to tread lightly around.

“Okay? So you’re mad at me because he’s tall?” Emi asked incredulously. “How many times have I told you? I don’t care that you’re short!”

“Oh, you just had to throw that in there, huh? f*cking hell, Emi,” Miz grumbled.

“f*cking hell, Miz,” she mocked back. “I don’t know what you want from me!”

“I want my f*cking girlfriend to not drool all over a random guy!”

They were both caught off guard. In the heat of the moment, Mizkif used the ‘g’ word. An official title that they both did their best to avoid, especially when they were streaming.

They simultaneously glanced towards their OBS, the streaming software displayed on one of their monitors, and confirmed that they were still muted, which extinguished their momentary panic.

The pair fell silent for a few seconds. The reminder that they were, in fact, dating helped them realize they were just arguing because they cared about each other. A little too much and in unhealthy ways, perhaps, but they cared.

“I’m sorry, okay?” Emi finally said. Her interaction with Josh was harmless, but jealousy often didn’t make sense, and a quick apology would go a long way.

Miz pouted and grunted a reply. “Sure you are.”

Emi responded with an intense glare, threatening to retract her apology if he didn’t accept.

With an exaggerated eye roll and a slight smirk, Miz replied, “Fine. Okay, whatever. Just.. stay away from him, okay? That motherf*cker looks like he takes steroids for breakfast, and I can tell he likes you.”

Emi laughed in response. “You’re so dramatic, haha. He was actually nice! Some people are just friendly. It doesn’t have to be weird.”


“Yeah, yeah. I’ll stay away from him. Are you done being a little bitch now? Can we f*cking play?”

And there she was. The Emiru he was used to. Miz grinned and shook his head as they both settled back into their setups. Maybe he had been a little over the top. He certainly felt guilty for being so aggressive, which was often the case after their arguments. For a brief moment, he was reminded of a phrase his community always parroted at him.

If he didn’t treat her better, he would lose her.

Back in Los Angeles, Imane shifted uncomfortably in her seat and reached down to massage her right ass cheek. “You’d think this freaking hospital would buy better chairs knowing that people spend all night in them,” she complained to Lily. “My butt is aching! I haven’t been comfortable in hours.”

The entire crew, consisting of Lily, Poki, Rae, and Kyedae, had spent as much time as possible by Michael’s bedside, waiting for him to wake up. The restrictions of visitation hours forced Rae and Kyedae to get some rest at home, but Lily and Poki were allowed to stay overnight and support Michael while his family flew in from his hometown.

Shortly after Michael was initially brought in, he was rushed into surgery and brought back to stable condition within two hours, much to all of his friend’s relief. Imane made sure to fire off a text to Josh, who was already on his way to the airport when they got the update. Had the news been different, more grim, then perhaps Josh wouldn’t have gotten on that plane after all. The positive outlook allowed for the slight possibility that this whole incident could be put behind them without too many repercussions.

The police showed up a few minutes after Josh left while the girls were signing in at the front desk. All four of them took statements and as practiced, their stories matched up. There was no reason to be suspicious of four innocent and teary-eyed girls, and they didn’t have access to Michael for a direct statement, so the two police officers said that they would follow up and promptly made their way to another call that came through on their radios.

With Josh gone and the police taken care of, the girls were free to sink into their seats, only half-relaxed, and support each other as the surgery took place. Lily called Michael’s family and made a social media post asking for well wishes. Support flooded through on all of her platforms, and the deception of the whole situation was not lost on her.

Lily was the reason Michael was even in surgery. She was the one who stabbed him. It wasn’t a f*cking accident.

And what made her feel even worse was her lack of guilt. The doctor just informed them that Michael was in stable condition. He’d be fine. It was just a little stabby stab. No big deal, but people were acting as if Michael f*cking died!

The whole situation had her frustrated.

She wished Josh hadn’t left. She’d be more comfortable with him around. The way he cared for Michael and helped clean up the mess she created showed how protective he could be. He was a good person. He wasn’t just after puss* and a quick nut, despite admitting to the contrary several times and in extremely degrading ways.

Even if he was, it’d be whatever. She could live with that. When Josh released his massive load all over her face, the amount of satisfaction she felt was beyond anything she had experienced before. But then he told her to keep it there, keep his cum on her adorable face, and that drove her wild. Just the thought of it made her feel good. It gave her butterflies. Her constant anxiety began to ease, which was something that countless therapists and various medications had yet to accomplish. Josh was the answer. Josh was the–

“Lily!” Imane called out after not getting a response for an extended period of time. They were sitting in chairs on opposite ends of Michael’s hospital bed, and she could see that Lily was deep in thought. “Is everything okay? I know it’s tough, but Michael’s going to wake up any minute now. I can feel it!”

Lily snapped out of her internal conversation and looked at Imane. Piecing together the last words she heard, Lily quickly realized that her friend was guessing what was on her mind. Incorrectly guessing, that is.

“Uhm, yeah.. right,” Lily replied as she looked towards her injured boyfriend with a guilty expression. “I’m just.. uh, really worried about Michael..”

But her friend knew her better than that. With squinted eyes, Poki gazed back at her suspiciously. “Hm, okay.. why are you being weird about it then?”

Lily shifted a bit, giving off obvious signs that she was uncomfortable, and thus, being untruthful.

“Were you not thinking about Michael?” Poki asked as an immediate follow up. Her own words led her to a different conclusion, and she smiled. “Ohhhhh, I see.”

Lily scoffed and hoped that she hadn’t been caught. “See what? You don’t see anything. You’re not a mind reader. I was thinking about my broken boyfriend who needs all of my support right now!”

With a small laugh, Imane replied, “I’m not a mind reader, no, but I know my best friend! And I also remember my first day after, uhm.. after being with Josh, heh.”

Lily’s cheeks instantly reddened. “Michael is right there. We cannot be talking about this!”

“Why not?” Poki asked. “You already cheated on him. Talking about it can’t be any worse. I mean, doesn’t it feel exciting?”

She was right. Lily was already rubbing her thighs together just to try to control the trembling urge in her c*nt, and Poki’s teasing was only making it worse.

“If Josh was here, he’d probably force you onto your knees and f*ck your face right in this room,” she said as she stood up and walked seductively towards her friend.

Lily’s mouth opened ever so slightly as her breaths grew heavier.

“He’d slap your face as you choked on his co*ck and then laugh when you tried to pry yourself free,” Imane whispered as she sat next to Lily. She slowly reached down and crept her hand right onto Lily’s clothed crotch, squeezing between her closed legs.

“Uhh,” Lily moaned unintentionally. The direct contact just felt too good.

“He’d spit in your face and not let you have a single breath of air until his balls were ready to blow. Even as you start to lose consciousness.. and your eyes roll back into your skull.. and your head gets all dizzy and dumb.. he’d keep ramming his co*ck.. his thick co*ck.. down your stupid throat.”

“Mm, stupid..” Lily mumbled, inadvertently once more. Imane’s hand was overwhelming all of her senses as she closed her eyes and imagined the exact scenario that her friend was describing.

“That’s all that matters. His co*ck, his balls, and his org*sm. Nothing.. nothing else is important. You’re just a toy.. a toy for him to use. A toy to cum into and onto.”

“And then throw away?” Lily asked, opening her eyes to look at Poki directly.

Her friend’s smile widened. “And then throw away. Exactly. He’d forget about you the second his big balls were empty. Unless, of course, he wanted to piss on your dumb face, too.”

“Mmm, yes please..” Lily moaned. She immediately thought back to their first major encounter. Josh had pissed all over her face under the guise of sleepwalking, and he did it right next to Michael. There was no doubt that he’d do the same thing if he was with her now, regardless of the circ*mstances.

The two paused for a moment, breathing heavily as their intense conversation eased down.

“I really miss him,” Lily confessed with a sad gaze.

Imane pouted and nodded in agreement. “I miss him, too. Maybe.. maybe you shouldn’t have stabbed your dumb boyfriend..”

Lily opened her mouth in surprise and the pair laughed off her joke.

“This is something you should get used to, though,” Imane warned as she let her hand wander around Lily’s body. “Even if he didn’t have to go away, he still spends time with other girls. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, he’ll include you, but when it’s a new girl, he needs time alone to whittle her down. Seduce her, ya know?”

“Yeah, I guess that makes sense. I know we need to share him, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it,” Lily replied with a pout. “Is it just us four.. for now?” Lily asked.

“For now, yeah,” Imane nodded. “He’ll get Emiru soon enough. Maybe a few days, maybe a week. Then he’ll come back to us.”

“Mm,” Lily smiled at the thought. “I really want to blow him with you. A double blowj*b, hehe.”

Imane cooed at the thought. “Mhm! Those are really fun. I did one with Rae once, and we both had super intense org*sms, just from servicing him, heh. He’s just so f*cking hot..”

Lily grumbled in frustration. “Now I just miss him even more! Ugh.. this sucks. Stupid f*cking Michael. You just had to go and get stabbed! Ugh!”

Poki laughed heartily and moved in to hug her dejected friend.

“What do you do when you miss him?” Lily asked.

After a second of thought, Imane smirked and replied, “I usually send him nudes, hehe.”

“Oh my god, there’s no way! Are you serious?” Lily replied in disbelief. Imane giggled and took her phone out.

Back in Austin, Josh’s phone buzzed in his pocket. Strolling up the stairs to the top level of the streamer home and with his duffel bag in tow, he swiped the unlock pattern and noticed nineteen missed messages from the girls. He knew they were starting to rack up, but nineteen was a little insane.

Poki’s message was at the top.

Streamers and a Stud - Bullzer (7)

Josh chuckled to himself as he made a mental note to check out the video once he was settled in. Emiru had mentioned something about an empty room upstairs, so that’s what he was on the hunt for.

Meandering through the hallway after passing a lounging area and another small kitchen, Josh came across a slightly ajar doorway. The French doors had panes of glass on them, oddly enough, and Josh’s curiosity got the best of him. He walked in and instantly recognized it as Emi’s room from her streams. The main tell was the massive pile of stuffed Kirby's, which looked much more comical in person.

Her caged hamster off to the right scurried back into hiding as Josh looked around. Empty bags of chips, an unmade bed, and horrible wiring management that her camera angle usually concealed. Emi was a degenerate gamer through and through, but he expected as much. Emiru always had that one-of-the-guys persona to her. Her crass attitude, her casual style of wear, and her vulgar language all contributed to that.

But she also had a ditzy side to her.

When she wasn’t rotting away in her chair on her twelfth hour of grinding World of Warcraft, she was cosplaying. Dressing up like one of the countless scantily clad and overly sexualized characters in anime was one of her favorite hobbies. She bought super expensive wigs, intricate costumes, and spent hours perfecting the makeup. The whole shebang. Showing them off on stream was another part of it, but then she posted her tiktoks.

Her odd, braindead, and out-of-character tiktoks that played into the whole stupid e-girl aspect of her personality. She often said that was an entirely different Emiru, separate from the one that streamed to her massive audience, but Josh wasn’t convinced.

He had a suspicion that the dumb e-girl character that she played up was actually a core part of who she was, and it was driven by an insatiable need for male validation.

It wasn’t a far-fetched conclusion. Everyone loves validation. Men do too.

But the streamers that he had encountered so far all seemed to crave it, and in a sexual way. A degrading way. Not from the outset, of course. They weren’t outward about it, but they hinted at it, and Josh simply picked up on those hints and pursued them.

Emi was no different.

Josh took a moment to close the double doors before making a beeline towards her closet. Having someone spot him while they walked by wouldn’t be a great start to his stay here. Looking around her wardrobe, Josh spotted tons of different cosplay costumes, blouses, dresses, and sweatshirts. Very colorful for a girl that liked to present herself as emo. In a dresser, he found socks, folded sweatpants, and ah ha, underwear.

There were tons of them. More than he could fit in both hands, which he greedily attempted to do. It was a f*cking pervy thing to get a thrill from, but she was busy at the moment, so it’s not like he could work on direct seduction anyways. He’d much rather be flirting with her and pulling a move, but invading her intimate undergarments would have to do for now.

He found more lame granny panties than he would’ve liked, but there was no shortage of g-strings and thongs as well. A surprising number of them, actually. Some of them were super complex, too. Lacey and see through crotches. There’s no way those were comfortable underneath the sweatpants she wore all the time, but she still wore them, clearly.

Josh smirked as he began picking out the lame ones. She wouldn’t have any need for those anymore, so he was kind of doing her a favor. He piled those on the floor and when he was done separating them, he kicked the pile underneath the large wooden dresser, never to be found again.

As he continued reviewing her sexier underwear, rating them in his head, his hand bumped into a concealed object. A book. No, a journal.. a diary! Hidden under her panties, haha. Jackpot.

Josh laughed as he exited her walk-in closet and laid down on her bed, opening the first page and reading what was surely Emiru’s most personal secrets.

As the stereotype with all girls went, she had nice handwriting, but Josh also noticed how she drew hearts to dot her i’s and the little artsy swirls and designs she had on the side of most pages. Even Josh had to admit it was adorable. Most of the actual content was just about her feelings and what had happened on a particular day. It was dated back to a year prior, so there was plenty of stuff to peruse through.

Emi’s hamster made a loud thump, as if trying to protest Josh’s invasion of privacy on behalf of its owner. “Hey, stay quiet, you little f*cker,” Josh called out. “Snitches get stitches, got it?”

Josh interpreted his little squeaky rebuttal as agreement.

The diary confirmed his suspicions about Mizkif. Emi was in love with the dude. Her relationship with emotions was extremely unhealthy, which she wrote about often, so she was fine with how they didn’t publicly announce the fact that they were in a committed relationship.

Everyone in the house knew, along with certain others in the streaming industry, and there were several diary entries about how each one of them eventually found out. Either by catching them holding hands or cuddling on the sofa, the two of them were often careless with their affection, and people figured it out. There were a few times where Mizkif was caught sneaking out of Emiru’s room in the middle of the night or vice versa.

She wrote about how embarrassing those interactions were, but at the same time, she felt relief. Hiding such a big secret was exhausting, especially when she had to hide it from her roommates and closest friends.

As Josh continued to read, he found himself getting rock hard. And it wasn’t one of those semi erections that guys got sometimes. No, he was at full mast, and he had to adjust his pants to allow his co*ck to extend along his left leg. Reading the most intimate thoughts of such an attractive girl was one thing, but planning.. thinking.. knowing that he’d soon be rewiring her dumb brain and turning her into his cum-addicted sex toy.. it was an intoxicating thought.

He wanted Emi all to himself. Every piece of her.

Josh continued reading, and when her rambling went from intriguing to long-winded, he went back to his phone and watched Lily and Poki make out. He was a simple man after all.

The girls were hesitant at first. It was clearly the first time they kissed each other, but a moment later, their passion took over and they were suddenly ravenous, starving for each other’s intimacy. Their tongues quickly left their own mouths and explored the one they were lip-locked with. They separated ever so slightly and tongue wrestled, savoring the erotic sensation of each other’s warm licks, and Josh smiled. Clearly, they were putting on a show for him.

Lily broke the kiss briefly and asked, “Are you sure it’s okay.. to record this? I mean, what if.. it gets out? Leaked or.. something..”

Imane panted heavily and smiled. “It doesn’t.. matter. Not anymore.. because.. heh, well.. we don’t matter. This is for Josh. All for him, so.. it’s worth the risk, heh. It’s sooo worth the risk. Our.. hah, our whole careers.. are worth risking.. just so we can get him hard. Once. All that matters now.. is using our bodies,” she began to say as she planted loving kisses on Lily’s adorable face, “to get Josh hard. Our big butts, muah.. our slu*tty boobs, muah.. and our dumb, stupid lips, muah.. all belong to him. He.. muah, he loves seeing us like this.. so why shouldn’t he have videos of us.. being slu*tty? Hehe, he deserves it, muah.. countless videos of us, muah.. being super, duperrrrr slu*tty and horny and dumb and stupid, muah.. all for him. All for him. Allllll for him. It’s, muah.. a good reminder.. of what we are, and who we belong to, hah.”

Lily moaned loudly as Imane spoke, and they were soon making out with full fervor yet again.

They both got their tit* out halfway through, and Josh noticed how Lily looked behind the camera and off to the side before undressing. She seemed to be looking at someone or something. Perhaps.. oh f*ck, they were still at the hospital. Josh hadn’t noticed before, but the background was clearly from Michael’s hospital room, and.. and Lily was looking directly at Michael before slipping off her black cardigan and pulling down her blouse.

Her beautifully perky tit* popped out, and she wore a sinister smile. Half of it contained uncertainty, but the other half was nefarious. She was enjoying the risk they were taking.

The little slu*t. Josh had been worried that Lily would be too upset about everything to continue their sexual escapades, but clearly, she didn’t give one f*ck about Michael. Or maybe she did, but disrespecting him like she was while he recovering.. it was a good sign.

Good for Josh, anyway. Bad for Michael.

Very bad.

Josh tucked his hands behind his head and closed his eyes, smiling widely and contemplating how he could maintain control of so many girls at once. He had to hurry up here in Austin. Hopefully, Michael would wake up soon, and he’d just forget everything that happened. That was optimistic, but it would allow the police to get his statement and clear everyone of any wrongdoing. Or if he did remember, maybe Lily could just convince him to let everything go. One of those had to happen for him to go home. That, and seducing Emi. He wouldn’t leave without Emi, but he wasn’t too worried about that. She’d be training her gag reflex to accommodate his size soon enough. Her stupid brain would be decreasing the importance it placed on oxygen within a day or two, surely.

The bigger issues lied where he had little control. For example, he could feel himself losing his grip on Rae.

Josh was not naive. Before he came along, he knew that Rae was constantly posting about modeling gigs and advertisem*nts and sponsorships and photoshoots and merch drops and collaborations with other content creators. She was eccentric when it came to her career and her social media presence. He knew that her busy bee tendency would normalize her life again, and that would kick Josh out of her list of priorities. He had to tighten his hold on her somehow. Perhaps by literally tightening his hold on her throat. Remind her who was in charge.

No, f*ck. That wouldn’t work. That’s what got him on her bad side in the first place. Slapping her around. He knew that’s why she was acting cold. It was pretty hot, though. And he gave her permission! But she hadn’t been anything but good to him since he arrived.

Maybe she didn’t deserve it.

Ugh. These f*cking whor*s were too complicated. Why couldn’t they just exist to satisfy every one of his urges and demand nothing in return? If only they had an off button he could use while he was away.

Cages! f*ck, that’s what he should’ve done before leaving. Buy them all cages and keep them locked in their rooms while he took care of business with Emiru. Hah, that would’ve been funny. Imane would be cool with it. Kyedae, maybe. Lily and Rae might need more convincing.

As Josh made a mental note to ask Kyedae about all that cum she had saved and what she planned on doing with it, he accidentally dozed off. Traveling for most of the morning had tired the f*ck out of him. Not to mention, the only sleep he’d gotten in the last thirty-six hours was the small naps he took at the airport and on the plane, and now, he was fast asleep in a room that he wasn’t supposed to be in.

Dampness. Dry throat. Covered in sweat.

“I don’t care about you anymore, you f*cking douchebag,” Rae yelled at him. Her outburst seemed to come out of nowhere. “I’ve moved on! Do you even know anything about me? Have you seen me? Do you know how many guys are in my DMs? I could have anyone I want, and I do want someone else. I want someone who isn’t you! I want anyone who isn’t you!”

Josh wanted to calm her down. She looked so pretty, even when she was mad, but focusing on her beauty was the wrong move right now. He wanted to hug her and ease her animated frustration, but he was motionless. His body was nothing but phantom matter. He had no control over anything.

His worst fear.

“Stare at my ass as I walk away, you f*cking pervert,” Rae continued. “It’ll be the last time you ever see it.”

Without thinking, Josh managed to grunt out the first rebuttal that came to his head. “I can see it whenever I want! I have tons of videos of you shaking your ass, slu*t.”

Rae’s face fell immediately, as if she had true expectations that he’d say something different. Something good. Something that would force her to reconsider leaving.

“You’ll never change,” she mumbled towards him. “I hope you do, but you never will.”

With that, Rae turned around and left the nondescript room. Josh could do nothing to stop her.

Sudden shouting from outside Emi’s room finally roused him awake. With a loud inhale, Josh quickly sat up and immediately felt the sweat covering his face. He wiped off his forehead and glanced down to see his forearm glistening in the light.

f*cking f*ck. He had fallen asleep, and it was already dark out. A voice, a feminine voice, was quickly approaching. It had to be Emiru, and Josh had no way to escape. He could hide, but it’d only be a matter of time before he was found. It wouldn’t take much searching to spot such a large man.

No, no. Josh wasn’t one to hide anyway. All of his luck so far had come from being bold. Whether he was ready or not, he’d have to double down now.

With a shrug, he grabbed her diary and flipped it open, leaning back to relax once more. He began reading an entry regarding the anxiety that Emi felt while streaming. She wished that it didn’t play such a big part of her life, but it did. It bugged her every time she was awake–

A moment later, Emi burst through her door and closed it behind her with a loud slam. “Ughhhhh!” she groaned loudly in apparent anger. She mumbled a few expletives before noticing Josh lying in her bed.

Her eye roll was so dramatic that her whole head rotated in tandem.

“Perfect. Just what I need right now. What the f*cking f*ck are you doing here?” she asked, crossing her arms as she stood only a few feet away.

Josh didn’t even look up from his reading. “You told me to pick a room, remember?”

“I told you to pick an empty room, dumbass. Now get the f*ck out,” Emi demanded, but just as the words left her mouth, she noticed what Josh had in his hands.

Her journal.

He was reading her journal.

Panic took over her body as she lunged towards the intrusive man, reaching out to recover her book of secrets.

Josh predicted her move and shifted the diary to his left hand while holding her back with his right. Her small frame was more than manageable with just one of his arms.

“Stop.. f*cking– give it! f*cking give it to me! Asshole!” Emi growled out as she tried to wrestle herself past Josh’s formidable blockade. But it was like trying to move an ox. She made no progress, regardless of her attempts. In fact, he seemed to be amused by her lack of strength, which only pissed her off more.

Josh chuckled as he began to read out loud. “Miz was a giant dick on stream today, but it was kind of funny, too. A lot of people don’t get his humor, but I do and that’s kind of cool. It’s like our own unique language. Who else can say that they have that with their boyfriend? Anyways, he apologized afterwards, and then he asked what I wanted for dinner,” Josh said in a mockingly feminine voice. “I just looooove when he does stuff for me. It makes me feel soooo special.”

Emi’s efforts doubled when she heard his mocking. “STOP. f*ckING STOP!”

Josh did in fact stop reading, but that was just so he could laugh in her face. Emiru eventually tired herself out and slumped down to her knees with her hands draped across the bed and against Josh’s abdomen. She buried her face into the side of the bed and began crying.

“Oh.. f*ck,” Josh muttered out in surprise. “Hey! Don’t start crying on me now. I was just messing around! It was all in good fun, c’mon.”

Emi continued sobbing quietly, so Josh did the only thing he could think of and handed back her diary.

“Here, here.. I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t know you were this sensitive. I went too far, my bad–”

Emi looked up and snatched the journal out of his hands, immediately turning off her fake display of sadness. “Dumbass. Why the hell would I be crying over something so dumb?” she said, jabbing him in the side as retribution and standing up to lock her journal away.

Josh’s mouth shot open. He was more impressed than anything. “You’re a sneaky little f*cker, huh? I totally fell for that. Very, very well played, haha.”

“Yeah, I know. I live with a bunch of meatheads. One more asshole isn’t going to faze me,” she said as she approached Josh once more. She looked as cute as ever, with her black hair slightly astray, her tight crop top showing off her midriff, and her tit* generously stretching out her shirt. “Reading my diary is super f*cked up, though. Who the hell do you think you are? Why are you even in here?”

Emiru reduced his presence to nothing more than another regular roommate, but that was just to humble him. In truth, she noted that this was now the second time he was intruding, which was unlike her other super passive cohabitants. Once by eating all of her hot pockets, and now by reading her journal. And by laying in her bed! Three f*cking strikes.

He had to be annoying her on purpose.

“I was bored,” Josh replied as he sat up. “You’re my host. You’re supposed to entertain me, but instead, I’m stuck here trying to kill time on my own, reading the most boring thoughts that have ever been thought.”

Emi rolled her eyes. “f*ck you! You better keep all that to yourself, by the way. I’m serious,” she said, raising her fist in the air as a threat. “I’ll f*cking gut you.”

“Easy, killer,” Josh replied with his arms in the air. “I’ll stay quiet, but it doesn’t matter anyway. I can promise you that no one on planet Earth would be interested in a single word you wrote in that thing, haha.”

Emi’s mouth dropped open before she replied. “Can you not be mean for like five seconds? God!” Her tone made it seem like she was annoyed, but she was firing back all the same, and with an upward curl on the end of her lips.

“Okay, now that you’re here, chop chop,” Josh quipped, clapping his hands together. “Entertain.”

“You really are something else, and not in f*cking good way. It’s not my job to entertain you, prick. I’ve got other sh*t to worry about,” she said as she pushed his legs off to the side to make room for herself. She climbed onto the bed and got cozy against the wall of the bedroom.

Oddly enough, the hostility of their initial interactions had sped up how comfortable she was around him, so she didn’t think twice about joining him on the bed. At the same time, he wasn’t her biggest concern at the moment. She really did have other sh*t to worry about.

“Yeah, I think I heard you shouting before you came in. What was all that about?” Josh asked as he stretched his legs back out on top of Emi.

“Ugh,” Emi groaned as she pushed his feet off her and stared at him. “The least you could do is take off your f*cking shoes.”

“Ehh.. if I had even an ounce of respect for you, I totally would.”

“co*cksucker. It’s my bed! Take ‘em off, now,” Emi demanded sternly.

“If you want them off so badly, you take them off,” Josh replied, digging into his spot in the bed to show off how comfortable he was. He knew he was pushing his luck here.

But Emi just rolled her eyes and gave in. “Whatever,” she mumbled as she began wrestling his shoes off. She lightly tossed each one at Josh’s face, which he managed to block. “Aye, aye! Chill!” he said with a chuckle.

Emi smiled as she took off her own slippers and threw them off the bed. Josh looked at her sock-covered feet briefly and was weirded out by how attracted he was to them. He never understood foot fetishes, but any part of a girl was tantalizing when she was new and their intimacy hadn’t yet been explored.

“You ignored my question. Why were you shouting when you came in?” Josh asked.

“Oh my godddd,” Emi grumbled, burying her face in her hands to display her irritation. “You’re an annoying asshole and you’re nosy, too? Great. Love that for me.”

Josh tilted his head forward and stared at her.

In response, Emi laughed and eventually caved. “Whatever. You’ve already read all about me, so I guess it doesn't matter. It.. it’s f*cking Miz. I just died in World of Warcraft, and he f*cking blamed it all on me, like he always does! But this time just felt worse.”

Josh wasn’t sure what the big deal was. “Okay, so you died? Just f*cking respawn and get your loot, no? What am I missing?”

Emi looked at him in annoyance. “Do you know anything about World of Warcraft?”

“No, I’m actually straight.”

Emi smirked. “Ha, ha. Very funny. No, it’s actually a fun game!”

She had no idea why she was trying to justify her gaming interests, as if she cared about Josh’s opinion.

He just continued staring at her.

“Okay, it might be for nerds, but whatever. It’s classic hardcore, right? So there is no respawning. If you die, you have to start all over, and I was at level fifty-seven. Fifty-f*cking-seven! Sixty is the max f*cking rank, and we have a f*cking raid coming up and we need to be level f*cking sixty and I have to f*cking start over and ughhhh. It just sucks so hard, and it was so dumb! Totally f*cking preventable.”

“Oof, okay. I think I’m starting to get it. How many hours did you just waste then?”

“I put like.. a hundred hours into that character,” Emi replied, clearly pained by just saying it out loud. “But that’s not even the worst part. I can rank back up if I really wanted to, but f*cking Miz. He makes it so much worse. Everything is always my fault. Like, I’m new to the game! I didn’t react fast enough and he gets pissed at me and then I just mess up more. Then, when I level up again, I’m just going to be scared to do anything! I mean, the more I play, the less confident I am. It’s f*cking ass. It’s wrecking my confidence.”

“In-game,” Josh clarified.

Emi looked at him and blinked a few times. “Yeah, yeah.. in-game.”

“Because it is just a game.. right, Emi?” Josh pushed on.

“Yeah, I knowww,” Emi mumbled. “But still. It’s a big deal to me. To me and Miz, I guess.”

Josh just chuckled at her. He didn’t have much knowledge about the game she was talking about, but it was obvious that her relationship issues existed outside of just gaming.

“Why the f*ck are you two always fighting?” Josh asked. This was it. He’d place the wedge between them and then drive it in with a hammer.

Emiru clearly didn’t want to think about it. She groaned and slumped down to her side, lying face-up next to Josh’s outstretched legs.

“I don’t know,” she began to say. “That’s just how we are, I guess.”

“Well, no f*cking wonder you’re so stressed out all the time.”

Emi tilted her head back to look at Josh. “Wha.. how would you even know–”

She paused as the realization hit her. “Oh, f*ck.. yeah. My journal, you f*ck. You f*cker. Ughhhh.”

He met her upside-down gaze and smiled. She almost couldn’t lie to him at this point, and that was a powerful feeling. “Stressed, anxious, taking weeks off from streaming. I get it, you like acting f*cking tough all the time, but you gotta keep that sh*t in check.”

Emi rolled her eyes. “So what, you’re a therapist now?”

Josh laughed at her. “No, but actually.. therapist is one of my favorite words. It’s just ‘the’ and ‘rapist’ pushed together, haha.”

Emi pushed her brows together and sat up to look at him. “Why would you say that? Why, as a stranger in my room and in my bed, would you make that comment, you freak?”

Josh laughed out loud again. “My bad, haha. Poorly timed joke maybe, but also, I don’t care what you think of me, so whatever.”

Emi actually approved of his nonchalant answer and smiled before lying back down.

There was a long pause before Emi spoke again. “I know you’re right.”

“Of course I’m right. I’m always right,” Josh bragged.

“Shut up,” she groaned. “I’m serious. I don’t like arguing all the time.. but there’s nothing I can do about it. It’s just who he is, and it’s who I am, I think.”

“I mean, if you don’t like it, change something. But you can’t just go to each other and say ‘hey, let’s stop fighting’. That won’t fix jack sh*t. You gotta figure out what’s causing the.. the trouble in paradise, if you will.”

Emi thought over his advice for a while, and they sat there in silence. It was really nice talking out her thoughts instead of just writing them down. Writing them never came with any feedback. She wasn’t sure how useful Josh’s responses were, but at least he was trying.

After a while, Josh finally spoke up. “How often do you two f*ck?”

Emi’s mouth widened, and Josh took a mental photo. An upside down face and an open mouth was almost too sexually suggestive for Josh to resist. He couldn’t wait until he didn’t have to resist.

Sigh. All in due time.

“f*ck off,” Emi replied. “That’s way too personal, dude. Next question.”

“I’m only asking because I didn’t see anything about it in your diary.”

“It’s a journal, prick.”

“Whatever, holy sh*t! You can be a bitch, you know that? I’m trying to help.”

“And you can be a jackass. Did you know that?” Emi retorted immediately. “I didn’t ask for your stupid help.”

The two stared at each other until smiles were formed. They acted like they hated each other, but the chemistry was there. Emi would’ve kicked him out a long time ago if it wasn’t. She was enjoying the attention. Not just because Josh was a good conversationalist, but also because he was objectively attractive.

Good company was all he was, though. That’s it, Emi assured herself.

“I’m serious,” Josh said. “I looked everywhere and didn’t see a single word about your sex life. And trust me, I was looking! Would’ve been the only juicy thing in there. So why is that, Emi? Why no sex talk?”

Emi met his gaze with an uncertain look. “Uhh..” she said hesitantly, and that was all the answer Josh needed.

“Oh, please.. don’t f*cking tell me. Do not tell me that you’re not getting dicked down regularly.”

Emi closed her eyes as if that would shield her from having to answer.

Josh stood up quickly in light of the new revelation. “Well there's your f*cking answer!”

Emi was surprised by his sudden enthusiasm and propped herself up on her side.

“You’re both pent up. All that sexual frustration is f*cking with your brains. I mean, how can you even think straight?” Josh asked her in disbelief. “Oh god, please stop me before I get going. If there is one thing I am passionate about, it’s this. People need to f*ck way more than they do. The world would be a better place if everyone f*cked more.”

Emi was clearly uncomfortable with the topic. She slumped over to her left so she was facing down and began to groan into the bed. “Ughhhhhhh..”

“Hey, I had to read through all your dumb personal sh*t in your diary, okay? Least you could do is hear me out now.”

Emi raised her head to look at Josh incredulously. “Okay?! I didn’t ask you to read that! f*cker!”

“Either way, I did. So hear me out,” Josh demanded. “How about this– who’s the most miserable person you’ve ever met?”

Emi thought for a second and then smirked. God, her smirk was attractive. Her mouth opened to speak, but Josh beat her to it.

“And if you say me, I swear to god Emiru, I will f*ck you.”

Her mouth fell open. “You’ll f*ck me?”

Josh developed a smirk of his own. “Sorry, I was going to say I’ll f*ck you up or whatever, but there’s been an unacceptable lack of sexual tension between us.”

Emi stared at the large man suspiciously. “Really? I was thinking there was too much, honestly.”

Quick witted as ever, her words stopped Josh in his tracks. She impressed him yet again, and his co*ck began to harden.

“I’m kidding!” Emi clarified as soon as she saw that Josh might take her seriously. “Duh. I have Miz, whomst you f*cking read all about, apparently.”

“I don’t think 'whomst' is right there,” Josh teased.

“And I don’t f*cking whomst care.”

“We are terrible at staying on one topic,” Josh said as he stepped forward and leaned in to grab Emi’s face with both hands. “Focus! Who is the most miserable person you’ve met? Who, Emi? Who?!”

She was a bit surprised by his brazen behavior, but she was being yelled at and could only focus on answering the question at hand.

“Uh.. uh, f*cking.. I don’t know. Weird people online! Like, stalkers or weirdos. Yeah. Them for sure.”

“Boom, yes,” Josh continued as he let go of her face. “Okay, and what’s another word for them?”

“Uh, creeps?”

Josh shook his head. “No, think more online. What are weirdos online called?”

Emi thought for a moment and the answer came to her. “Incels?”

“There we go! Jesus christ, took you long enough. Incels. Exactly. Involuntary celibates. Super miserable people, right?”

Emi began to roll her eyes when she saw where this was going. “And since I’m not having sex, I’m an incel, blah blah blah, right? That’s what you’re saying?”

“What the f*ck?” Josh barked back. “I’m going through the trouble of explaining all your personal problems, and you can’t even let me present my final point?”

Emiru laughed mischievously.

“Whatever,” Josh continued. “There’s your issue. Incels are miserable because they can’t f*ck their problems away. You and Miz are always fighting because you don’t f*ck enough. It’s not rocket science. I mean, I’ve honestly never met such a fiery chick before. You need to be getting railed daily– no, twice a day.. at least, just to keep your sh*t in check.”

Emi was amused by the amount of effort Josh was putting into this, but he clearly had ulterior motives.

“And what?” she asked suspiciously. “Are you about to suggest that you’re willing to step in and make sure my.. uh, needs are met?”

Josh laughed out loud as he got back on the bed. He inched close to her and reached out to massage her closest leg. “I meannnnn, if you’re up for it?”

Emi reached forward to shove him away, prompting both of them to laugh off the joke. Josh knew it wouldn’t be that easy, but it was important to start getting the idea of them together in her head.

“No, but seriously, if I’m not going to f*ck your brains out, and the offer still stands, by the way,” Josh said, smirking as Emi rolled her eyes, “then Miz has to. I mean, forgive me for being forward, but you’re hot as f*ck. Why wouldn’t he be giving it to you on the daily?”

Emi shrugged. The jokes were seemingly over as Josh had touched a serious complaint of hers.

“I mean, you two have f*cked before, right? How long have you been dating?”

“Yes! Yes, we’ve had sex before, duh. We’ve been like, exclusive or whatever for a year and a half. It just.. uh, it’s been a while.”

“So what’s the problem?” Josh asked.

So much had been discussed. Josh already knew everything about her. It didn’t make sense to keep secrets now.

“He.. er, he has trouble, uhm.. staying hard.. sometimes,” Emi finally admitted. “Not all the time, though! He’s fine.. at the beginning, but..”

“Can’t finish strong?” Josh finished her sentence.

Emi nodded. “Keep this all to your f*cking self, okay?”

“I’m a loser. Don’t have friends to tell this to, so no worries.”

“I don’t believe that for one second, but whatever. Yeah, uhm.. he used to take steroids. He had a bad breakup, and his mental was all f*cked, so he took them to get super jacked, and it messed up his.. uh, performing abilities. But it’s never been a huge issue!”

Josh was the one rolling his eyes this time. “Says the girl that’s currently on a two hour rant about all her relationship issues.”

Emiru punched his arm. “You’ve been f*cking asking about them, dickhe*d.”

“Hah, well.. okay. How long has he been off of the ‘roids?” Josh asked. He had to insert himself in here somehow. Talking with Emi was great, but it was getting late, and she’d be kicking him out of her room soon.

“Uh, a year and half? I think he stopped soon after we started dating. It was this whole thing back then.”

“Then the effects should be wearing off, no? Unless he was on them for years, I don’t think the erectile sh*t should be permanent.”

“That’s what I thought too!” Emi confessed. “But.. I don’t know. He always blames it on that..”

Josh paused for a second and looked at her with a nod. “I think I know the issue.”

Emiru perked up, eager to hear his wisdom. “It’s you. You’re the problem.”

She threw her hands up and groaned. “Oh, great! Another thing I can get blamed for! You’re just like Miz.”

“Hey, hey, do not compare me to that dude.”

“And why not?” Emi challenged him.

“Because my co*ck stays hard.”

Emi was feeling defiant, and she felt the small urge to defend her boyfriend. “Uh huh, you know.. I think you’re all talk. You seem like the type to just say sh*t and not back it up. You’re probably horrible in bed. Like, if anyone is going to be bad in bed, it’s the one claiming that he’s good.”

“Whoa, whoa. You can say a lot of sh*t about me, but my sexual prowess will not be slandered, got it?”

“Ohh, a little defensive there, no?” Emi teased him. This guy was tall and handsome and charming. He had to have some hidden con to him.

“Want me to prove it?” Josh tested her, but she simply laughed and rolled her eyes away from him.

“Yeah, sure.. I totally want you to prove– uh.. what the f*ck are you–”

Emi was silenced as Josh got up and pulled his jeans down, revealing his gray American Eagle briefs. The impressive outline of his co*ck was perfectly shown off with the tight spandex material. His co*ck reached down past the middle of his thigh, and its girth was ridiculous to witness up close.

Emi’s eyes widened more than they had all night, and her mouth fell agape. She knew her reaction was probably exactly what Josh wanted to see, but she simply couldn’t help herself.

“And I’m not even that hard,” Josh added as he pushed his pelvis forward, leaving nothing to the imagination.

A few seconds later, Emi turned her head and blocked her eyes with her hands. “Okay, okay, I get it! Pull your f*cking pants up.”

Having accomplished his goal, Josh did as she asked. “Couldn’t have you questioning my manhood. Hope you can understand that.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I just.. uh,” Emi mumbled, unable to respond coherently. “I’ve never.. eh–”

“Cat got your tongue?” Josh smirked at her.

“Oh, f*ck off. I’m thinking about Miz, actually. You know, my boyfriend?”

“Uh huh. You seem to really like Miz. Your cheeks are all red,” Josh pointed out.

Emi immediately reached up to feel her face, and she was indeed warm to the touch. “Someone turned up the thermostat, probably.”

Josh squinted his eyes at her and smirked. “Yeah, that’s probably it.”

Emiru couldn’t resist smiling. They both knew what was flustering her so much. “Ugh! Okay, whatever!” she finally conceded. “You’re a sex freak with that thing, probably. So then give me f*cking advice, asshole. What do I need to do? How can I keep Miz hard? If the steroids really have worn off, then maybe it is me..”

Josh smiled at her. He was going to teach her exactly what she wanted to know, but Miz wouldn’t be the one reaping the rewards.

“You can’t,” he finally replied with a shrug.

Emi shook her head in confusion. “Wha– what do you mean?”

Josh looked at her sternly. “You’re a bitch.”

“f*ck you, you’re a bitch!” Emi immediately retorted with spite.

Josh didn’t answer right away. Instead, he looked at her and allowed her reply to make his point.

Emi settled down from her small burst of anger and saw what he meant. “Okay, I can be a little aggressive sometimes, but whatever. It’s not a big deal.”

“Yeah, to some guys, it is,” Josh replied. “Some guys like a less confrontational chick. One that’ll listen to them and I don’t know.. just be more feminine. More attractive. One that acts less like a bully and more like a slu*t.”

“A slu*t? Hah, okay.. so what? I’m supposed to change my whole personality?”

“No, no, of course not. You’re actually fun to be around,” Josh replied genuinely. “Stay like that, for sure, but the important part is being able to turn it off when the lights dim low, you know? When the mood starts warming up.”

Emi was about to brush him off yet again, but he was actually making sense now.

“Can you do that, Emi? Can you be sexy and submissive in the bedroom?”

She wasn’t sure. “I don’t f*cking know. Maybe? If I tried, maybe, but I’m not a f*cking light switch. I can’t just flip attitudes like that.”

“Listen, I’ve f*cked a lot of girls in my life. The real good ones, the ones I remember.. those are the ones that get sexy. The ones that talk dirty to me. The ones that put effort into pleasing me. That’s how you keep your man hard.”

Emi considered his advice for a moment. “How.. how many girls.. have you, you know?” she asked curiously.

Josh shrugged. In truth, he didn’t have many girlfriends before moving to Los Angeles, so his real body count might not provide the intended effect. Instead, Josh decided to be a little cryptic.

“Uhm, let’s see,” he began to say as he counted on his fingers. “Four girls, and between them, we’ve f*cked.. a dozen times? Give or take a few rounds.”

Emi’s face fell flat. “Oh, that’s.. I was kind of expecting–”

“In the past week,” Josh added, interrupting Emi’s sentence.

Now she reacted with surprise, which was Josh’s initial expectation. “In the past week? What the f*ck?! Are you being serious?”

“Do you want me to drop my pants again?” he asked. He had grown tired of Emi’s doubtful nature.

“No, no! It’s fine. I– I believe you, hah,” she laughed out. “It’s just.. a lot, I guess. Wasn’t expecting that many. So.. you know all about this stuff then.”

“And you’d be smart to listen to me,” Josh said, reinforcing his importance in Emiru’s head. “If you ever want to have sex again, that is. You can stay sexually frustrated your whole life for all I care.”

After a few curious glances and some deep thought, Emi sighed deeply. “Okay, fine! Fine, fine, fine. I want to do this. Just.. uhm, think of the hottest sex you’ve ever had, and then teach me how to be that girl. Exactly like her. I promise I won’t be a.. bitch or whatever. I’ll be.. what did you say? Sexy and submissive? Yeah, sexy and submissive. Just.. just show me how.”

Josh had to hold back his joy. He was on the job now, and he needed to be professional about it. It was a craft. One that he had honed in Los Angeles, and was now practicing here in Austin. One slip up, and he could mess the whole thing up.

“I’ll teach you, but you have to follow all of my directions, okay? The back talk, the sass, the c*nty replies.. it stays buried in that dumb brain of yours. sh*t talk me all you want in there, but you keep your mouth shut. Got it?”

Emiru immediately opened her mouth to reply, but she caught herself and stayed quiet.

“Ahh, good girl. You’re a quick learner,” Josh complimented her. It would be important to reward good behavior.

Emi felt so f*cking weird. It was in her nature to stick up for herself. Growing up with mostly guy friends and as a female gamer, she was well-versed in making snarky responses. It was almost an instinct.

And now, she was denying that urge and being immediately praised for it. By a super hunky dude, no less.

She didn’t know how to feel about the situation, but a warm tingling in her pelvic region convinced her that she was making the right choice.

“Just.. just one thing,” Emi offered with a hopeful look on her face. “This whole thing is for me and Miz, okay? That’s the main goal here. To help our relationship. And to help me be a better girlfriend for him. We can’t forget that. We’re doing this for Mizzy Wizzy.”

This time, Josh couldn’t resist his smile. “Of course. This is all for Mizzy Wizzy. Now, have you ever been bent over and spanked?”


I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. The only reason I'm able to write as often as I do is because of my fantastic patrons over on patreon. If you want me to churn out more stories, that's the best way to support me :)

Chapter 16: A co*ck-Eyed Kiss


Chapter sixteen has arrived, folks! Sitting at thirty-four thousand words and change, it is far and away the largest chapter I've ever written, but I kind of cheated. I released it in chunks over the last several weeks to patrons, which is why I haven't updated it here in quite some time. In a way, it really is a few smaller chapters condensed into a big one, but not enough was covered to warrant standalone postings, and I wanted the final version to be ready before I officially published it. So here I sit, humbly apologizing for the long wait, hoping that this behemoth of a chapter makes up for the delay.

Enjoy :)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

DISCLAIMER: The following is a work of erotic fanfiction. The events depicted in this story did not occur. It is not a true reflection of the persons mentioned. Please refer to the legal age in your country to view p*rnographic material to determine if this content is appropriate to consume. All characters are over 18 years of age.


Streamers and a Stud - Bullzer (8)

“What the hell?” Emiru replied instantly, doing her best to conceal her flushed cheeks. She thought that mentioning her boyfriend might keep Josh and his fat co*ck at bay, but he didn’t waste a single breath of air before, yet again, taking the conversation too far.

Josh expressed his dissatisfaction by shaking his head. “Jesus, what now? That's one of the tamest f*cking questions I could’ve started with.”

“No, it's too far,” Emi argued, doing her best to temper Josh’s expectations of their little arrangement. “Way too far. You’re still a stranger! And you don't need to know that kind of stuff to help me.”

Her reluctance wasn’t for nothing. Emi had, in fact, been spanked before. Not by Mizkif, but by an ex-girlfriend. An old lover that introduced a paddle into their relationship. She only ever used it on Emi a few times, but it was still a bizarre experience that was ingrained into Emi’s core memories. Despite being able to answer Josh with an interesting response, she wasn't about to reveal that information to an opportunistic f*ckboy.

“Are you really that much of a prude?” Josh asked her with growing irritation. “It’s just a question. f*cking words! Who gives a sh*t? No wonder your boyfriend can't keep it up. Jesus!”

Emi let out a slack-jawed gasp. In Josh’s sudden attitude change, her awareness of the whole situation became heightened.

Josh, the handsome prick of a stranger, stood there with his belt undone, only a foot away from her bed. He towered over her as she laid in her bed, surely capable of doing anything and everything he wanted to her, even if she resisted. When she resisted, that is. Because, of course, she would resist. The outline of his tree trunk co*ck could still be seen through his jeans, which thoroughly annoyed Emi. It’s like he was bragging just by standing there, and suddenly, a voice echoed through her head.

Just.. stay away from him, okay?

f*cking hell. The angel on her shoulder was reminding her of her boyfriend’s recent request. As if she didn't have enough on her mind at the moment. Though, it had been his only request, borne of his personal insecurities, and she was already ignoring it.

It was safe to say that Mizkif would not be ecstatic to find Josh inside of her bedroom. He’d surely never let her forget about it, either. Years could pass without incident and he’d still probably bring it up just to annoy her. Just like he did with that dude in Tampa.

A few members of OTK had gone to Florida for a convention the year prior, and they met a guy who ended up being pretty cool, so he hung around after the convention and went bar hopping with them. At the end of the night, the guy exchanged phone numbers with Esfand, and then asked Emi for hers as well. Seeing how Esfand didn’t hesitate to provide his, Emi saw no reason to either and proceeded to give him her number.

Right next to Mizkif.

Silent chaos ensued shortly thereafter. Her boyfriend was infuriatingly passive-aggressive on the drive home and for a few days after as well. A massive fight erupted after Emiru finally asked him what he was so mad about, and the two predictably never came to an understanding about the issue. Since that encounter, Miz took every opportunity to ask if she wanted to give out her phone number to any slightly attractive man they came across.

Emiru had to avoid that at all costs.

Just then, the impatient stud snapped his fingers in Emi’s face and brought her back to reality. “Hello? Anyone f*cking home?”

“Uh, f*ck you,” Emi finally grunted back. Despite promising to succumb to his sexual guidance, she just couldn't do it. Not easily, anyway. “Don't talk to me like that. Like one of the whor*s you've f*cked in the past week. I’m not them. Don’t you ever f*cking confuse me for one of them.”

“Fat chance of that happening,” Josh replied with a scoff. “They were actually f*cking memorable.”

Emi’s hostility was on high at the moment, but his comment actually stung her pride. “What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked out of genuine curiosity. She didn’t want to need his validation, but she did. At least a little bit of it.

“What I mean is.. you’re f*cking bland, and the girls I’ve been with weren’t. Those were babes. I mean, you’re complaining about not keeping Miz hard, but your problem is right in front of you. Think about it. What’s more interesting to a guy? A broad who won’t answer a simple question or a smoking hot chick who’s not afraid to act like a c*mslu*t?”

Everything was f*cking sexual to this dude, but Emi gave him some leeway since their conversation was based around her frustrations in the bedroom.

When she didn’t answer right away, Josh continued. “A whor* sticks in a guy’s head for weeks. Months, even. If she’s good enough. Just thinking about the things I did to that last one.. haha. That’s enough to get me hard. But you! f*cking hell. I’m starting to think you couldn’t get me hard even if you wanted to.”

Emiru’s inner turmoil was bubbling with anger. She was frustrated with Josh’s constant teasing, with her boyfriend’s soft f*cking dick and temper tantrums, with her puss* that kept gushing every time she glanced down at Josh's bulge, and most importantly, with herself.

She didn’t want to be a prude. She wasn’t a prude. Not at heart. She made fun of prudes and Karens and teacher’s pets and brown nosers all her life.

She was just trying to be loyal to her boyfriend. That didn’t make her a prude.

Did it?

“Stop f*cking lying,” Emi barked back. She wasn’t going to take his bullsh*t. She emphasized her next sentence by directing her eyes down towards Josh's obvious bulge. “I can literally see how hard you are right now! And you've been like that for a while! Not.. not that I’ve been looking, but it’s just obvious. You're hard just from talking to me, and I’m not even trying to turn you on. I’m just sitting here!”

Josh looked down at his own groin and laughed. She thought this was him being hard.

He paused for a moment and decided his next move felt right. Enough time had been wasted.

With one swift movement, he lowered his jeans and his briefs down to his ankles, releasing his kraken of a co*ck.

True to his word, his dick didn't appear to be hard, but Emi’s eyes were glued to it still. The impressive girth, the way it hung low from its own weight, the f*cking length.. it was hard not to stare. He was definitely a shower, and she cursed herself for egging him on so much. He called her stupid bluff. Why she thought he wouldn’t now seemed like a moronic assumption.

Even in his semi erect state, it was still the biggest dick she had ever laid eyes on.

“Uhhh,” she hesitated. She wanted to scream. Her brain was shouting at her to scream. But doing so might force Josh to conceal his massive dick and her body physically prevented that from happening. In a moment of fight or flight, she froze.

He slowly began to swing his dick side to side, and he watched as Emi’s eyes followed it ever so slightly. The moment reminded him of his second day at the streamer home in Los Angeles. He had revealed himself to the girls and watched their eyes mimic what Emiru’s were doing now.

He’d come a long way since then, but there was still plenty left to accomplish.

“Believe it or not, it gets bigger,” Josh added, knowing full well that his words might not even be heard by the stunlocked girl.

Despite the gears in her head being disrupted by fat co*ck, she did manage to hear him. “I believe you,” she mumbled in response. Emi could clearly tell he wasn’t at full mast. It was a big f*cking dick, but there was an obvious limp to it. She could see his co*ck veins, but they weren’t popping out with anger.

It had the potential to be more. So much more. And that potential scared her.

“Yeah?” Josh asked.

“Yeah,” Emi cooed back. “I bet it gets so much bigger.”

“Bigger than your boyfriend’s?” Josh teased.

Emi was mesmerized by every definition of the word, but she was still herself. “f*ck.. f*ck off,” she replied without looking away. Of course this egotistical prick wanted her to belittle her own boyfriend as he exposed himself to her.

Josh chuckled in response. “You know, it won’t get bigger on its own. I’m not a little boy who comes in his tighty-whities every time he sees a pair of boobs.”

Emi swallowed hard, realizing that Josh was right. He wasn’t a little boy. Not by any stretch of the imagination.

“Do you want to see how big it can get?” Josh asked her. He had to keep the momentum going.

After a brief pause, Emi nodded her head subtly.

“Then you’ll have to get it hard to find out, and honestly? I don’t think you can.”

This time, Emi didn't reply right away. She looked up at him with an adorable annoyance splattered across her face. “I'm not new to this, okay? I can f*cking get you hard. And it would be so easy.”

Her sexual nature was being questioned, which wouldn’t have been a big deal if the guy questioning her wasn’t some freakishly attractive hunk. She had to stick up for herself.

“You’ve got a big ego, you know that?” Josh began to say with a laugh. “We were just talking about you not finishing your boyfriend off. If I had a girlfriend who wasn't cumming her brains out every time we f*cked, my confidence would be in shambles. I wouldn’t be talking myself up like you’re doing.”

Emi furrowed her brows. “Oh my f*ckkkk. I told you! I literally told you; it could just be him! With the.. you know, with the steroids stuff.”

“Prove it then,” Josh replied immediately, as if he knew what Emi would say. As if he led her to this exact point in the conversation with a f*cking dog leash.

“Prove it?” she asked with a hesitant glance towards his girthy co*ck. She knew what he meant, but asking bought her some time to think.

“Yeah,” Josh replied as he raised one foot in the air to start removing his jeans and briefs completely. Emi watched as the stranger confidently undressed his lower half. She couldn’t believe how comfortable he was getting. It was surreal to see someone taking such liberties around her, and yet, at the same time, it was kind of nice meeting someone who didn’t care. Someone who immediately matched her antagonistic humor and her blunt mannerisms. He was so f*cking straightforward, not putting a single ounce of thought into how he was perceived.

“You shouldn’t..” she began to say before shutting up. He wasn’t going to listen to her, and she wasn’t sure if she even wanted him to.

In truth, Emi envied his confidence. She couldn’t help but notice the way his dick swung as he removed his clothes. He was just undressing and still, she was drooling over him. His f*cking balls swung with his movements, too. f*ck, they were big. They hung low, like two baseballs in a sack. She immediately wondered how much cum those things could store, and the probable answer was intimidating.

One thing was for sure: satisfying a man like this would leave her in ruins, and the idea left her half terrified and half enthralled.

In her distracted state, she didn’t notice the pair of pants hurling towards her. They struck her right in the face before she could even flinch, and that brought her out of her trance.

Emi quickly flung them off her head and to the side. “Asshole,” she remarked as Josh chuckled at her. "You know, you don’t have to be as big of a dick as the one between your legs, right?”

Josh gave her a confident smirk, but didn’t reply. Instead, he grabbed her by her two shins and pulled her to the edge of the bed, positioning her exactly where he wanted.

“Hey!” she blurted out at the sudden movement. She was surprised how easily he adjusted her whole body. “I’m f*cking delicate, prick. You think you can do whatever you want just because your dick is big?”

“You love talking about how big I am, don’t you?” Josh teased.

“Uh, wha– no.. get over yourself,” Emi fumbled out, realizing that she had mentioned his size a little too much. “You’re just putting it right in my face.. so it’s hard not to notice.. the size, uh..”

Josh ignored her and took a seat on the edge of the bed, right next to her. He wrapped his left arm around her neck and rested it on her shoulder, with his hand grazing her boob.

Emiru could now hear her own heart beating. She was being so passive, letting Josh do and say whatever he wanted, but nothing had gone too far yet. She could’ve still claimed ignorance up to this point.

Now, though, he was touching her. And not just to shove her out of the way or hold her back from retrieving her journal. This was intimate.

Things were moving fast. Faster than her mind could process.

There was a momentary pause. Emi knew what Josh expected her to do, and he didn’t need to say anything further. They both understood what the ‘prove it’ challenge meant.

Emi looked at him in the eyes briefly and then down at his co*ck. She hated how much attention it demanded from her. It was harder and longer than before, but still not at full mast. She bit her lip and took a moment to appreciate its features. The bulging head that was making her mouth salivate. The impossibly thick girth that had no chance of fitting in her throat or her c*nt. The way it extended halfway down his stocky thigh. It was an utter monster waiting to attack. She could see it move and twitch and grow.

“You know,” Emi began to say, “I should.. I should really just kick you out of my room. You’re a total, complete stranger, and you’re f*cking naked. People get arrested for stuff like this.”

“Your eyes were begging me to take it out,” Josh retorted as he slowly circled the area where her nipples would be if she wasn’t wearing her crop top. “And I’m a sucker for begging.”

Emi shook her head without breaking eye contact with his co*ck. “I wasn’t begging.”

“Your eyes were.”

“Uhh,” Emi stuttered. “Well, you didn’t have to freaking listen to them. They have a mind of their own.”

“Didn’t just happen once, though. You’ve been staring at my co*ck all night,” Josh replied. “Just like you’re doing now.”

Emi’s mouth opened, but nothing came out. She was indeed staring at his co*ck, and she wasn’t hiding that fact. Even as he called her out on it, she didn’t want to look away.

The hesitancy was boring, so Josh slowly reached over and grabbed Emi’s right hand. With no resistance from the small streamer, he brought it over and rested it at the base of his co*ck.

Without instruction, she wrapped her delicate fingers around it, propping it up and making it appear that much more threatening. Her mouth hung open, allowing her breathy respirations to escape freely.

Emi was even more impressed now that she could feel the humongous f*ck tool. The upper portion of his fat co*ck spilled over her edge of her hand. “I can barely even wrap my hand halfway around it. What the hell,” she mumbled as she kept a tight grip on his fat co*ck. She could feel it pulse in her hand.

“How does it feel?” Josh asked her.

“Uhhh, hah.. oh,” she marveled. “It feels.. big. Reallllllly big, and uh.. strong. Heavy, I mean. This thing could.. hah, it could kill someone.”

Josh leered at her smugly. He should’ve taken his co*ck out way sooner. “Stroke it then, slu*t. Make it grow.”

Emi flinched at his crude remark. “I’m not a slu*t,” she whispered, but still, she did as she was told. She began to move her hand up and down, slowly at first, but her movement gained speed as she became more comfortable. Josh took this opportunity to massage her left tit over her crop top. His massive hand was a good match for Emi’s large chest, so it fit perfectly in his palm. If anything, her boobs were a bit bigger than one hand could handle, but Josh certainly wasn’t complaining.

“How are you so big?” Emi pondered. She wasn’t even trying to coddle his ego; she was genuinely curious. “It’s so heavy to hold, and uh.. it keeps getting bigger..”

Josh smiled, thoroughly enjoying the touch of her small, soft hand. She had a firm hold on his co*ck and her strokes were long and deliberate.

“Do you like it?” he asked.

Emi finally broke her co*ck staring contest and looked up to meet Josh’s gaze. She hated seeing him so co*cky, but she understood why he was. It was in the f*cking word itself. co*cky. “You know I like it.. shut up,” she whined. It was obvious what he was doing. He was seducing her with his words, and she wanted it to stop.

Because it was working.

With a smirk, Josh replied, “Of course you do. I knew you would. Do you want to know why?”

“Uh.. no, but I’m sure you’re going to tell me anyway.”

“Because you’re a..”

“Don’t say slu*t, please,” Emi begged.

“I was going to say whor*, but yeah, slu*t works too.”

“Ugh, I knew it. I’m.. I’m really not though,” Emi pouted as she watched precum ooze from Josh’s tip and lubricate his co*ckhead. Her tongue flicked in her mouth inadvertently, and she hated herself for it.

“You are. I pegged you for a whor* the minute I met you.”

“No, you didn’t,” she replied with uncertainty. She was denying everything Josh said, despite the fact that her actions proved otherwise.

“Yes, I f*cking did,” Josh reiterated, whispering into her ear as she continued jacking him off. “You are a whor*, Emiru. A whor*eee. A f*cking whor*.”

Josh could see the impact his words had on the small streamer. Her breaths were audibly heavy, her thighs rubbed together in an attempt to control her soaking wet c*nt, and her nipples were as hard as bullets. He made sure to pinch them teasingly with his thumb and forefinger, and a moan escaped from her lips.

“What would your boyfriend say if he walked in right now?” he asked her.

Emi continued pumping his massive co*ck, but the question hit her like a semi-truck. The combination of being degraded and being reminded of her relationship was a little too much, and she was now acutely aware of his large hand groping her tit* greedily.

“He’d throw a tantrum like he always does,” Emi mumbled back. Miz was a f*cking baby sometimes, but still, he was hers, and she was his. Two years of a relationship was about to be thrown away. There was still time to resist. If she stopped right now, she could salvage her innocence. She could beg Josh to keep this all to himself and no one would ever have to know.

Josh could feel her strokes lose speed. “Hey, don’t slow down now. We’re just getting started, and my dick isn’t fully hard.”

“Well, maybe you should jerk yourself off then,” she replied coldly as she looked up and away from his co*ck. Emi was doing her best to avoid staring at the monster dick in her hand. If she didn’t, all of her resistance might melt away.

“You know, this is the problem with you,” Josh grunted out. His co*ck was aching. He wanted nothing more than to force Emiru to do what he wanted. He could throw her down and stuff his co*ck into her stupid f*cking mouth so easily. She’d probably be fine with it, too, but there was always a chance that she wouldn’t be, and he couldn’t risk that. “You’re too serious. Guys don’t want a stuck-up bitch giving them a handjob. They want a whor*. One who will beg to get facef*cked until she passes out, and then give permission to f*ck her ass until she wakes up.”

Emi's breath became deeper as she continued pumping Josh’s thick co*ck. “That’s not me, though.. I’m not a whor*.. and I don’t.. I don’t want to get used like that.”

“Then get used to tiny flaccid dicks. Just like your boyfriend’s,” Josh chastised her as she began to pout. “Because that’s all you’ll ever get. Big dicks like this are for good whor*s who do what they’re f*cking told.”

Emi looked him in the eyes and pouted once more. She was sick of fighting and she was sick of soft co*cks. “Tell me what to say, then. Just f*cking tell me, and I’ll say it. What do stupid, ugly guys like you want to hear when they’re getting jacked off?”

Josh chuckled at her defiance, but he could basically see his verbal pressure finally push through her defenses. Had he finally broken her down?

“Tell how badly you want my co*ck. Tell me how much it turns you on.”

Emi swallowed hard and took a deep breath.

This was for the best. She had to learn how to satisfy a man properly, and dirty talk had a lot to do with that. Her sex life would be f*cking amazing from now on and she’d begrudgingly thank Josh down the road for pushing her past her boundaries. Surely, surely.. this was necessary.

“I.. uh, I really, really, uh.. badly want your co*ck,” Emi murmured, stumbling over her words as she spoke. She sped up her strokes and reached over with her left hand to fondle his large balls as well. She could only handle one at a time, and a thrill washed over her as she made contact with them.

“It looks really great.. uhhh, and it’s turning me on.. a lot! It’s turning me on a lot.”

Josh had to fight back a frown from forming on his face. Despite his disappointment, he said nothing.

“I’m.. uhhh, super turned on,” Emi continued. “Yeah, for sure. And.. and, I love looking at your dick.. as I stroke it. It’s, um.. it’s big. I’m.. I’m stroking it with my right hand, and uhhh..”

“Jesus!” Josh shouted out, which startled Emi and forced her to retract her hands. “You’re not writing a f*cking book report. Um, yes, my left hand is doing this and my right hand is blah blah, like what the f*ck?”

Emi’s eyes widened in shock. She knew she wasn’t doing well, but still! She was jacking him off. That had to have felt good, right?

“Was that seriously you trying?” Josh asked in hopes that she was messing around.

Emi’s defiant nature quickly returned. “I f*cking told you. I’m not a goddamn whor*. I don’t have freaking years of experience talking like this!”

Josh looked at her and laughed. He shifted his left hand from her shoulder to the small of her back and then pushed her off the bed, forcing her to stand upright.

“You’re a f*cking piece of work,” Josh belittled her as she found her footing.

Feeling dejected, Emi replied with, “And you’re a f*cking piece of sh*t.”

“Hey, do you know how deep in some college puss* I could be in right now?” Josh asked her. “UT Austin is like five miles away. A few swipes on Tinder and I’d have a f*cking threesome set up within the hour, but no. Instead, I’m here helping you.”

Emi had no rebuttal. She didn’t doubt his capabilities at all.

“That was an actual question,” Josh badgered her. “Answer it.”

Emi rolled her eyes at him. How far in some girl's puss* could he be in right now? “Balls deep,” she replied with a sigh.

“Balls deep, yes. Exactly f*cking right. I could be balls deep in some freshman’s c*nt right now, and she’d be thanking me for it.”

Again, Emi didn’t doubt him. Here he was getting a handjob from Emi and she was in a freaking long term relationship. Single Emi might not have put up as much of a fight.

“I was trying my f*cking best, okay?” she replied in her own defense. “I want your help, dude, but I can’t be what I’m not.”

After a brief staredown, they both took heavy sighs.

She was right. She couldn’t just pretend to be a slu*t; she had to be transformed.

“I can make you into a whor*,” Josh finally said, breaking the silence.

Emi was coming to realize that he used the words ‘whor*’ and ‘slu*t’ pretty loosely. He clearly just meant being a good lover in bed for Miz. “A whor* for my boyfriend, right?” she asked, just to be sure.

Josh shook his head though. “No, f*ck that. A whor* for me. I’m going to break you down and turn you into a f*cking cumdump. My cumdump. I’ll train you until you’re basically a cheap prostitute, but without the pay. Maybe I’ll actually charge you to f*ck me. Then, once you’ve learned your place and learned it well, Miz can have you back. It’s the only way this’ll work.”

Emi let out a chuckle that dripped with disbelief. “You’re f*cking crazy,” she blurted out. “No, more than that. You’re what happens when crazy people go insane. There’s nothing in your f*cking head that lets you think normally!”

“Hey, number one, that’s a good thing. I’d rather be a psycho than a f*cking NPC like you, and number two, if I teach you how to please me, just imagine how happy you can make Miz. He’ll treat you like a goddamn princess after I show you how to be a proper woman.”

“Number one,” Emi replied mockingly, “your f*cking mom is an NPC, and number two, he’s not going to want me back if you turn me into your own personal whor*!” Emi’s responses came with her familiar roar, but she didn’t realize that her main objection was based on her boyfriend’s perspective and not her own personal opinion. “He’ll probably break up with me if he ever finds out I was even touching your dick. He would definitely consider that cheating.”

“Well, he won’t hear it from me. I like messing around with you behind his back,” Josh gloated.

Emi rolled her eyes and let a smile slip. “Oh my god. Of course you like that. You’re an animal.”

“And you’re a c*nt who doesn’t know when to stop talking. We’re both flawed. Now, get on your knees.”

Emi stared at him and wished that he wasn’t such an arrogant asshole. She’d probably give in if he was even a tiny bit nicer. No, f*ck that. If he even said please in his last sentence, she would’ve listened.

But he didn’t. Because he’s a prick. A prick who doesn’t deserve her. “So, okay. You’re a f*cking scumbag who likes flirting with girls who are in relationships, you can’t take no for an answer, and you’re a sexist pig. Anything else I should jot down under the ‘reasons you’ll never f*ck me’ column?”

As fun as their banter was, Josh could feel Emiru slipping through his fingers. He had to do something to reel her back in.

“I don’t think women should have rights,” he said plainly.

f*cking f*ck. He doubled down.

“Uh, what?” Emi asked, shaking her head to try to understand what she just heard. “Women shouldn’t have rights?!”

“Yeah, well.. no,” Josh said, seemingly about to backtrack his statement. “That’s a little far, I think. I just think they shouldn’t be able to make their own decisions.”

Emi was hopeful for a second there, but that was quickly dispersed.

Josh continued. “In a perfect world, I wouldn’t have to keep arguing with you just to get some head. I’d just slap your face a few times, show you how weak you really are, force you down to your knees, and then we’d both how much of a bitch you can be with a co*ck slamming in and out of your throat.”

Emi felt the hairs on her arms stand up. This guy really was a f*cking psycho. He was a walking red flag and everything about his dialogue was signaling Emi to run out of the room and not look back until she was safely in her boyfriend’s arms.

But her c*nt was on f*cking fire. The way he spoke about her like she was a slab of meat.. the way he described how he’d use her.. it was forcing her to stay still and get more answers.

“You’re talking about rape..” Emi finally replied.

“Ehh, not really. You’d enjoy it too, but it’s just a different kind of pleasure. Once I break you in, you’ll understand.”

Emi scoffed. “If you think I’ll actually let you do any of that, you should be in an insane asylum with two f*cking strait jackets on.”

Josh laughed at that one. “And who’s going to put me there? Are you going to call the police on me, Emiru?”

For whatever reason, she immediately responded by shaking her head. “No! Of course not. You’re.. I don’t know. You’re kind of okay to talk to, but if you f*cking try anything, yes, maybe I will call the police! So don’t even think about it.”

Josh looked at her for a bit, wondering if he should call her bluff. “You know, I could feel how hard your nipples were when I was calling you a whor*,” Josh replied casually. “You liked it, and it doesn’t have to be this big deal that you’re making it out to be. Most women like being degraded. Slapped, choked, spit on, spanked, you name it. Women love that sh*t. They love being used.”

“I don’t,” Emi replied right away. She was losing control of the conversation fast and had to regain some authority. “And even if I did, I’d only share that with my boyfriend. Some women like that submissive stuff, sure, but it’s only with people they trust! You take it way too far when you say women shouldn’t make their own decisions with all of that stuff.”

Josh began to stroke his co*ck as he replied. “I think women don’t know what they want until they get it. The less respect you give them, the less opportunities they have to refuse what they really want.”

“And what’s that, Mr-All-Knowing-Big-Dicked-Psychopath? What do all women want?” Emi growled out.

“They want to be used,” Josh answered. “They don’t want a f*cking career or a degree or respect. Those are just distractions. They want a big pair of balls to worship, a donkey dick to match, and that’s it. Give a girl that, and she won’t even care if she’s treated like a human. She’ll be used like a f*ck slave and be thankful for it.”

Emi stood there, breathless. After a few moments, she finally responded. “And they want that more than they want rights and respect, huh?”

Josh nodded. “Now you’re getting it. If women were getting f*cked properly on a daily basis, they wouldn’t get all stir crazy and get offended at everything. Like, if a secretary walks into the boss’s office to complain about being paid half of what her coworker makes, the boss should be able to f*ck her throat for an hour or two until she’s completely dumb and co*ck drunk. He gets a free blowj*b, she gets a stomach full of cum, and with any luck, he was rough enough to give her short term memory loss, so the bitch won’t even remember what the original complaint was. Everyone wins.”

Emi could feel her puss* gush again, but she wasn’t going to listen this time. He couldn’t be rewarded for being an asshole anymore.

“You’re batsh*t insane. The world can’t work like that, and the way you’re talking, I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve raped women in the past, so I’m going to very politely ask you to get the f*ck out of my room.”

“Awh, did the truth hit a little close to–”

“Now, Josh. I f*cking mean it,” Emiru demanded. “You were fun to talk to; I can admit that, but it’s late and Miz could walk in at any moment. Get out.”

Josh could tell that she wasn’t messing around this time. He’d have to call it quits for now. There was always tomorrow, but not if he pushed his luck. More than he already had, anyway.

With two hands in the air, Josh conceded. “I tried my best, but you might be a lost cause. Let me know if you change your mind, slu*t.”

Emi faked a smile and rushed him out of her room after he put his pants back on.

As soon as she slammed the door shut, Emi leaned her back against it and slid to the floor. With a heavy sigh, she felt like she could breathe for the first time in the past hour. What the f*ck was she doing giving Josh a handjob? Had she gone completely insane?

Her relationship aside, Mizkif was her f*cking landlord. If he found out, she’d be out on her ass with nowhere to go. She’d f*ck over her OTK relationships, she’d have to take a break from streaming, and all for some f*ckhead with a nice dick.

It was a really nice dick, to be fair.

But that was way too close of a call. She almost gave in to him. She wanted to so badly. Her body did, anyway, but her heart said no. Or perhaps it was the heavy sexist rhetoric that really threw her off.

All she knew was that she had betrayed her boyfriend’s trust, and she was still no closer to solving her relationship issues. In fact, they were probably worse off now. Josh had filled her mind with f*cking nonsense, and images of his co*ck kept flashing randomly in her head.

It really was a really, really nice co*ck.

But she resisted it. Her hand was on it, and she managed to resist. Maybe that made her relationship stronger?

Eh, that was a stretch. Copium. But still, she didn’t give in.

Emiru let out another huge sigh, and the urge to see her boyfriend suddenly washed over her. She wanted to make it up to him, even though he didn’t know anything needed to be reconciled. Other than that sh*t about World of Warcraft..

Emi suddenly laughed out loud. Almost deliriously so.

World of f*cking Warcraft. That disagreement seemed so lame now. Being with Josh had changed her perspective in ways that she didn’t even understand yet, but they left her wildly intrigued. As sexist as he was, he kept her thoroughly entertained, and her panties were proof of that. With the intensity of her situation dying down, her soaking underwear was getting uncomfortable, and she rose to change out of them.

The first thing she noticed when she opened the top drawer of her dresser was that half of her underwear seemed to be missing. Emi was confused for a second, and then realized that Josh had been in this drawer recently. That’s how he found her journal. That motherf*cking pervert.

But a smile crept onto her face nonetheless, and she was glad that Josh wasn’t there to call her out on it. It was inadvertent. Something about Josh being interested in her underwear and her personal thoughts was endearing.

She groaned to herself. It was annoying how much she let him get away with.

Looking through her remaining panties, only the hoe-ish ones remained.

That’s what Miz called them, anyway. But he did it out of spite, hoping that his words would prevent her from wearing them casually around their friends. She apparently flashed her panties one too many times, and he blew up at her about it in private. The prick.

Of course, she conceded and apologized, but it’s not like it was her fault. She was just bending over or stretching or doing regular human sh*t. She wasn’t trying to attract her roommates’ attention. Most of them were fat and unattractive, but that didn’t matter when it came to Mizkif’s insecurities. Logic didn’t mean much there.

Emi suddenly chuckled at the comparison. Josh had gone ahead and made sure she could only wear her hoe panties while her boyfriend tried to prevent that from happening altogether. An interesting thing to note, but she wasn’t sure what it meant.

In a moment of defiance, Emiru chose the tiniest g-string she had. Slipping off her pajamas and wet panties, she could see the sopping mess she’d left in her previous undergarments. Josh did that. Just by talking to her. Or.. talking down to her. And showing off his co*ck, of course. How could she have possibly been turned on by that? By his degrading, sexist dialogue? By his completely unacceptable and rude f*ckboy bullsh*t? By his co*ck? His.. his massive.. terrifying.. drool-inducing behemoth of a monster co*ck?

f*ck. Emiru shuddered as a tingling wave of pleasure washed over her. She clutched at her own c*nt and the touch made her shudder once more. Holy f*ck, had the thought of his co*ck just given her a mini climax? That motherf*cking co*ck sucking.. no. There was no way. That didn’t just happen.

Ugh. Josh was in her f*cking head.

Shaking herself out of her thoughts, she quickly put the g-string on, which was shortly followed by her classic pair of pajamas. She tugged on the waistband strings of her g-string and made sure they could be seen.

Why? She wasn’t sure, but it felt right.

With a confident smirk, she walked out of her closet. As much as Miz irked her, she still had an incredible urge to see him. Josh was taking up way too much space in her head, and Miz would be the perfect way to put an end to that.

She popped her head out of her room to make sure Josh wasn’t lurking around the corner, and when the coast was clear, she headed out to locate her boyfriend.

Mizkif was closing the door to his streaming room just as Emi walked down the stairs.

“You done streaming?” she called out as she approached him with a smile. It was so nice seeing him again.

Miz immediately noticed the incredibly sexy and provocative way she was wearing her underwear, but he chose to ignore it since she was still probably upset about dying in World of Warcraft, and none of their roommates were around anyway. This feast was just for his eyes.

“Yeah, I just ended the stream. f*cking chat kept asking me to check on you. Can you believe it?” Miz joked.

Emi rolled her eyes. “Of course they did. Probably thought I was crying in my room or something, haha.”

“Right? I swear, all of your simps flooded into the stream and wouldn’t stop spamming. Had to ban like fifty people,” Miz replied while shaking his head. “So, uh.. are you okay?”

Emi joined him in walking towards the kitchen and was caught off guard by his question. “Uhm, yeah? Of course I’m okay. Why, uh.. why wouldn’t I be?”

She did her best to not sound suspicious as thoughts of Josh and his co*ck flashed in her head, but in her attempt, the opposite was accomplished.

Miz gave her a weird stare. “Because.. you died at level fifty-seven. We were so f*cking close! And the raid is this weekend. You’re the only one that’s restarting this late, so.. I don’t know. Thought you’d be more bummed.”

Emi hesitated and wondered if perhaps she should appear more sad, but opted against it. “Nahhh. To be honest, I’m kinda over it. You guys will be fine without me anyway, and I’ve got other stuff on my mind.”

f*ck. That last sentence just slipped out of her mouth.

“Oh, really?” Miz asked. “What the hell else could you be focused on? We’ve been grinding WoW for almost an entire month straight. Soda just taught us how to build our classes the right way, so you’d actually be in a good spot to restart. The hell’s going on with you?”

Man, he was not going to let this go easily. And it made sense. Mizkif and Emi had spent hundreds of hours grinding the game together over the past several weeks. They were a part of a guild that was being taken pretty seriously by everyone in their friend group, so Emi’s nonchalant attitude was bizarre.

“I don’t f*cking know, man,” she replied, trying her best to come up with a reason that wasn’t Josh’s co*ck. “I’m just burnt out, maybe. Sick of dying and restarting all the time.”

Miz shook his head again. That didn’t make sense. “But it’s easy f*cking content. Do you know how many times your death is going to get clipped this time? I just rewatched it on stream, and it was f*cking golden. Everyone was panicking when Wake pulled all six of those ugly-looking f*ckers in the dungeon, and we were yelling at everyone to petri, but you just froze up. It was great!”

Emi rolled her eyes and grabbed some grapes from the fridge. “I know! It was fun for a while, but I’m over it, dude. I’m not restarting all the way over just to have you yell at me when I die again. That f*cking sucked.”

Mizkif could tell when she was firm on one of her opinions, so he let it go. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry about that, by the way. I just wanted us to be at the raid together, so I was mad that you didn’t listen to me.”

Emi smiled over her shoulder as she washed her fruit. “It’s fine, dude. Like I said, I’m over it. Do, uh.. do you want to cuddle on the couch?”

Miz rolled his eyes and jokingly groaned, “Ugh, I guess so. If I have to!”

The two giggled as they walked over and got comfy, putting on a random movie they found on Netflix and covering themselves in a blanket. Miz put his arm around Emi and they snuggled in closely, taking turns eating from the large bowl of grapes.

Miz reached out to hold her hand and felt how cold it was. “Jesus, your hands are freezing, Emi!”

He then rubbed her left hand with both of his own to generate some heat and brought it up to his mouth to blow some warm air.

“I think Russel turned the temperature way down,” she mentioned. “He always f*cking does that. How many times have I told him that I hate the cold?”

Miz laughed. “He’s got all that weight on him that keeps him warm. You’re f*cking skin and bones, haha.”

Emi grinned at the size comparison as Miz blew another breath of hot air into her hand. He suddenly stopped and began smelling it.

“Your hand smells weird,” he commented, sniffing it further to try to pinpoint exactly what the smell was.

“Maybe it’s just your f*cking breath, genius,” Emi quipped back as Miz kept a firm grip on her arm.

“No, it’s not that, f*ckhead. It’s.. what is that?” Miz now had her hand pressed up to his nose.

Emi looked at him in confusion, but the realization hit her shortly after.

Josh’s f*cking balls.

This was the hand she used to massage his massive nuts. She never bothered to wash her hands after that f*cking handjob that lasted several minutes. Emi was so in her own head about the consequences of what they did that washing the evidence away never occurred to her. And now, her loving boyfriend was essentially getting secondhand tbagged.

Emiru was horrified, but she knew she had to hide her reaction. Pulling away suddenly or acting weird would just make him more suspicious. But why the f*ck was he putting her hand up against his face like that? f*ck, f*ck, f*ck.. things were snowballing.

Miz moved her hand away briefly and squinted his eyes at her, as if he had come to a dirty conclusion. “You were f*cking touching yourself, weren’t you?”

A small wave of relief washed over her. Emi bit her lip, and then smiled weakly. “Maybe, heh. I.. uh, I missed you, and you were still streaming, so.. uh, I kind of masturbat*d a little bit. Nothing crazy..”

Miz chuckled. “And you used your left hand? You’re right-handed, though. You must’ve gone to town, huh? f*cking double-handing it?”

Emi giggled nervously, but didn’t respond. Just as she thought she was in the clear, Miz suddenly turned towards her hand again and began dousing it with kisses, thinking his frenzy would be seen as primal and elevate the sexual mood. The two hadn’t messed around in over a week, and Miz was aching for some attention.

“Okay, okay, that’s enough, haha. You’re so gross,” she teased just as she would if her lie had been real. It was hard not to feel embarrassed for her boyfriend. He didn’t know what he was really doing, but she did, and it was humiliating.

“What? I miss you. We haven’t really, you know.. recently,” Miz whined as he let go of her hand. Emi retracted it quickly and watched as Miz popped a grape into his mouth. Only then did she realize that her right hand was used to jack Josh’s dick off, and she had been picking and choosing the best grapes this whole time, which left very few of them unscathed by her soiled touch.

But this was perfect. She could make it all up to him right now. She could give him a blowj*b and f*ck his brains out, and that would certainly compensate for her rendezvous with Josh and for accidentally feeding Miz co*ck-flavored grapes.

“Mm, I was actually just thinking the same thing!” she cooed back, planting a kiss on his cheek to express her excitement. She looked around the room before her next sentence to make sure no one else was around. “I was.. uh, super f*cking wet earlier. Thinking about you, of course, obviously.” God, she was bad at lying. “And I found a good playlist that we can play while we.. uh, do it, heh.”

“Oh, really?” Miz replied in surprise. A witty remark popped in his head and he smirked. “I honestly don’t think it’ll f*cking matter much, though.”

“And why is that?” Emi replied curiously as her boyfriend’s hands caressed her thigh. She wanted him so badly.

Looking her directly in the eye, he answered, “Because.. you’re going to be moaning so loud, the last thing we’ll be able to hear is your music.”

Emi’s jaw dropped in genuine surprise. It was so refreshing hearing her own boyfriend be as sexually confident as a certain someone had been all night. Even if it was misplaced.. Miz had never been able to make her moan very loudly in the past, but still. Some fake confidence never hurt anyone.

“Oh my god! Miz!” she exclaimed. “That was so good! Haha. You’re really going to give it to me, huh?”

“Damn right,” he replied as his hand reached her butt. He was as hard as a rock and couldn’t wait to tear Emi’s clothes off. He acknowledged the fact that they’d had some problems in the past, but he’d been taking pills to help boost his sexual endurance, and he was hoping they would pay off tonight.

Emi giggled in anticipation. “Are you going to stay hard for me this time or should I get that strap on that you got in your PO box?”

The question completely floored Miz, and Emi regretted her joke after seeing the reaction on his face. She was just trying to mix some humor into the sexual tension, but it did not land at all.

“Why the hell would you say that?” he asked after a brief staredown.

“I was just joking! Come on, you know I was joking,” Emi replied in somewhat of a panic. She really wasn’t trying to ruin the mood.

Miz’s hand retreated back to his own side and he loosened his embrace. “Yeah, okay, but asking if I’m going to stay hard? Like hey, I know your f*cking dick never works so let me just make fun of it real quick. Ha, ha, so funny. I mean, really?”

“I think you’re exaggerating just a little f*cking bit,” Emi quipped back. She was not about to let this snowball into some big argument. “My joke f*cking sucked, but I didn’t mean it in a bad way, and you know that. Being a baby about it isn’t going to fix anything.”

“Oh, so I’m being a baby about it? f*ck me then. I guess making jokes about your stuff would be fine, too? Like if I made fun of your stalkers, that’d be cool? Or how scared you were before I let you live here? Or how about–”

Miz continued berating her, but Emi tuned him out. His voice became white noise as she saw her entire night going down the drain.

And it was all her fault. She was being a f*cking bitch. She just couldn’t keep her mouth shut.

The couple was seconds away from tearing each other's clothes off, and she just couldn't keep her f*cking mouth shut.

Josh had been right all along.

All Emi had to do was sweet talk her boyfriend. Tell him how much of a man he was. Let him take control, and they’d surely be in a world of pleasure right now.

She cursed herself. Emi had been in so many arguments in the last few hours alone, and it wasn’t improving anything. Not her relationships, not people’s perception of her, and not her mental health. She was over it.

It was time. It was time to give into the only person who could fix her.

“Emi! Emi!!” Miz shook her back to reality. “Just.. ignore everything I said, okay? I don’t want to fight anymore. Maybe we should just keep our mouths closed for the rest of the night. Then we can’t say stupid sh*t to each other and argue more.”

“I agree,” she replied nonchalantly.

Miz felt relieved. He thought that he might’ve f*cked over his chances of being with her tonight. “Good! Thank god, haha. So, uh.. do you want to head up to your room? Or f*ck it, we can go to mine, too. It is technically closer, if you can’t wait that–”

Emi picked up on what he was saying, but she was on a completely different page than he was.

“I’m not in the mood anymore,” she mumbled out as she removed the blanket and stood up.

“Emi! Just.. hold on,” Miz called out to her, but she wasn’t listening. She leaned down to grab the bowl of grapes they were sharing, and Miz grabbed the opposite end out of frustration.

Emi looked at him with empathy. She didn’t want to leave him here eating the fruit seasoned with remnants of Josh’s co*ck, especially while she went to do what she was about to.

“Uh, all the good ones are gone. These are all wrinkly and stuff.. I can get you some more!”

Miz looked at the bowl and disagreed. “Yeah, right! You were going to sneak them up to your room. If you’re going to keep me blue-balled, at least leave me the f*cking grapes.”

Pity filled the glare that Emi shot at her loving boyfriend. She curled her lip into a half-smile and walked out of the living room, ignoring the apologies and protests that filled the air. Before turning the corner, she glanced back to see Miz spitefully tossing another one of the spherical fruits into his mouth, and she wondered how many co*ck-flavored grapes it would take to equal one lick of Josh’s real co*ck. There had to be a scientific way to answer the question somehow.

This degenerate line of thinking was the only thing her mind could focus on as she walked upstairs to the spare bedroom that was closest to her own room.

She figured Josh would want to be as close in proximity to her as possible, just in case an opportunity to f*ck her arose, and she was right.

“Twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty eight..”

The muscular hunk that she had gotten a little too familiar with was doing push-ups, wearing only shorts to cover his body. Emi admired his back muscles for a brief moment as Josh finished his third set of thirty-three reps.

“Look who it is,” Josh proclaimed as he sat upright on his knees. He was huffing loudly from his exercise, but the smile on his face was louder.

Emi didn’t say anything in return. She didn’t mock his form or make fun of him for working out so late or ask when his aforementioned threesome would be taking place.

She simply walked in and bent over his bed, making sure her ass stuck out. She was presenting herself to him.

“What? Is this some kind of joke?” Josh asked as he wiped sweat from his forehead and stood up. “Or have you finally come to your senses?”

Emi looked over her shoulder while keeping her back as arched as she could. “Just.. shut the f*ck up and show me how to be a whor*.”

Josh laughed at her unending insubordination, brushing his hands together to remove whatever dust was leftover from his contact with the floor. Emi looked f*cking good. Her arch was solid for someone who clearly didn’t get spanked as often as she should be. The outline of her ass was clear, despite her wearing loose pajamas. She wasn’t the curviest girl in the world, but she wasn’t lacking either. Her ass was f*cking nice.

Josh could smell a trap, though. He was confident that Emi was here to receive what Josh had promised her, but there was a slight chance some trickery was involved, so he walked over to the bedroom door, glanced out into the hallway, and then locked it shut.

Walking back to Emi, she made no adjustments as she awaited her teachings.

“How did you know I was going to start with spanking?” Josh asked her as he sat on the bed next to her and reached out to massage her firm ass. It had more jiggle to it than he initially thought, and he had to resist biting his knuckle. This was going to be fun.

“You.. uh, you asked me if I had been spanked before,” Emi replied with hesitation. “So, I figured.. I figured that's the first thing you wanted to do.”

She was nervous and anxious, but hopeful as well. Hopeful that this would help her in the long run. She braced herself for a few harsh spankings, but she hoped Josh wouldn’t take it too far. Five at most, she thought to herself.

“And am I supposed to be spanking your pajamas, you dumb f*ck?” Josh asked harshly.

Emi noticed the change in his tone. “Uh..”

“Get on your knees,” he demanded.

Emi realized that an order had come in and she was probably supposed to obey it. Without speaking, she pushed herself up and off the bed and got on her knees in front of Josh, which she found to be slightly entertaining. It was kind of fun to be bossed around and just having to listen to someone tell you what to–


Josh delivered a heavy slap to Emi’s right cheek, which sent her crumbling to the ground in the opposite direction.

“Sit the f*ck back up,” he roared at her.

Emi, however, was completely shell shocked. She reached up to hold her stinging cheek while looking back at Josh with resentment. “You f*cking..” she began to say before quickly shutting up. Admittedly, she had gone into this without knowing what to expect, but this certainly wasn’t it, and Josh clearly had no intention of easing her into it.

Her brain finally made the correct choice of just going along with it and obeying. With a less enthusiastic attitude, she sat back up into her initial position.

“When I spank you, I expect a bare ass waiting for me. Not pajamas, not sweats, not even a pair of f*cking panties. A bare ass, got it?”

Emi nodded fervently as her cheek reddened. Her skin was so pale that the color change was that much more apparent.


Even though she was obeying, Josh slapped her again, which knocked her to the ground once more.

That one surprised Emi as well. She had agreed with him, so what was there to punish?

“Up,” Josh demanded.

He was so forceful. Emi could feel how powerful each of his hits were, and how they impacted her small body. She could also tell that he wasn’t putting his full force behind them. If he had, she might end up on the opposite side of the room or perhaps her head might spin so fast, her neck would snap.

As she got back to her place, Emi began to plead. “Uhm, Josh.. maybe we can.. lay down some ground rules? For this whole.. arrangement–”


Another heavy slap. Emi tried to brace herself for it, but still, she was knocked to the ground. Josh was so f*cking strong, and her cheek was blaring with pain. Emi was actually impressed by his sheer strength, and her c*nt began to react to the rough treatment by tingling and moistening.

She sat back up and looked Josh in the face, saying nothing.

“What were you saying? Something about ground rules?” Josh asked her innocently, as if answering his question wouldn't be accompanied by another slap.

The dynamic was horribly off balanced. Emi was half his size, on her knees with her black hair astray, and she was flinching every other second, expecting another blow to come. And Josh liked seeing her like this. He just stared at her stoically, like a man befit for his current position.

She didn't want to be slapped again, but she wanted to get her opinion out, so she very quickly recited her whole sentence.

“Ijustthinkthatweshouldhaveasafewordorsomerulesinplacesonoonegetshurt!” she managed to get out in one smooth breath.


Expectedly, another slap rained down on Emi’s right cheek, and she fell to the floor once more. Goosebumps covered her arms as the pain became more familiar, and she realized that she was enjoying it. No matter what she did, Josh was going to deliver his punishment. She was a toy to him.

She bounced back quicker this time and sat up to face him.

“The only one getting hurt is you, and it's a part of the training, so get used to it.”

Emi pouted, but she understood. “Do, uh.. do you want me to thank you? Each time you slap me?”

Josh instinctually raised his hand and moved to deliver another painful slap, but he stopped short of her face. Emi had her eyes closed shut, expecting the blow to land, but it never did, so she opened them cautiously.

“I'm still going to slap you because I think it's funny,” Josh began to say, “but that's actually a good question. If you appreciate my training and what I'm doing for you, absolutely you should thank me. I think a good whor* would do that, and you want to be the best whor* you can be, right?”

Emi nodded enthusiastically. “Okay, sir, I can do that. Uhm, thank you, thank you, thank you, and thank you! For.. for the other slaps you already–”


Another slap landed on her right cheek, and this one really tumbled her down to the ground. “f*ck, Josh! You, ow.. you really like doing that when I'm not expecting it, huh?” she groaned as she rubbed her cheek and sat back up.

Josh looked at her expectedly, and her eyes widened. “Oh shoot! f*ck, sorry. Thank you, sir, for slapping the sh*t out of me. I already forgot about it! My bad.”

Josh chuckled at her. “Dumb as f*cking rocks. You're lucky you're pretty, Emi.”

Realizing that the main part of her slapping punishment was over, she dared a little rebuttal. “Hey! It's hard to remember stuff when I'm getting my sh*t f*cking rocked over and over.”

“I've met plenty of girls who don't have trouble thanking me after I slap them, and they were f*cking braindead bimbos. You're stupid, and that's okay. It's actually good for what we're doing,” Josh reasoned.

Emi pouted in return. She didn't really want to be perceived as stupid, despite the fact that it would help with whatever she was doing with Josh.

“Say it,” he demanded. “Tell me what you are.”

With a heavy sigh, Emi accepted her role and replied, “I'm stupid.”


“I'm stupid!” Emi repeated more loudly. She was not sure how he could possibly gain satisfaction from this, but he clearly did.

“Again, damn it!”

Emi rolled her eyes. “Oh my god, I'm f*cking stupid! I'm as dumb as a bag of rocks! I'm dumber than all of the braindead bimbos you've f*cked, okay?! You told me something and I forgot it a second later. That’s how dumb I am. I’ve always been that dumb, and I’ll always be that dumb. Forever and ever. Happy now?”

Josh gave her a nod of approval and stood up, grabbing his phone to set up a timer. “Okay, we’re going to head over to your room, and I’ll spank your ass there, but first.. I want to choke you out a little bit.”

Emi was startled. What he said was surprising, but the way he said it so casually was just as shocking. Looking up at the large man from her position on her knees, he was f*cking frightening. His muscular arms and his massive hands made the situation even worse. He could easily crush her neck if he wanted to. “Choke me? That’s a little, uh.. excessive, isn’t it?”

“Who’s training who here?” Josh replied without looking at Emi. He was still typing away at his phone, and then he added, “Okay, one minute should do it. Just do your best not to pass out, okay?”

As Josh approached her, Emi began to panic, holding her hands up to stall the burly man. She needed more time to get comfortable with the idea. It’s not that she didn’t trust him with her f*cking oxygen.. oh wait, no. She didn’t trust him. She just f*cking met the guy earlier that day. He was still a stranger in more ways than one. And her life was about to be in his–

With one direct swoop, Josh grabbed Emiru by the throat and raised her into the air effortlessly, only using his left hand while his right held his phone.

Emi began choking immediately. Her airway was obviously blocked, but what made the situation worse was her sheer shock of Josh’s strength. He didn’t even appear to be struggling as her whole body was hoisted into the air.

She was nothing to him.

Emi reached out and grabbed at his arm, but nothing she did disturbed him in any way. She clutched at the manly hand that was crushing her throat, but even two of her dainty paws couldn’t force him to loosen his grip. Her feet flailed in the air.

What Emi hated the most, other than the fact that she couldn’t breathe, was how little her opinion mattered. She had clearly been protesting when Josh went in to grab her by the neck. He knew she wasn’t ready, but he still did it anyway! She’d probably be more okay with the situation if she had been given a bit more time. He just dropped a bombshell on her and expected her to be fine with it.

But she wasn’t fine. She was struggling for her life. How had a full minute not passed yet? It seems like hours! Her thoughts were fuzzy. She couldn’t really think straight, and her vision was getting blurry. Josh just stood there, smirking at her. He f*cking liked it. He liked seeing her struggle.

Josh heard his phone buzz and glanced down to check the notification.

Another nude from Kyedae. Hah. Funny timing. Josh took a moment to open the message up and scroll through all the nudes she’d sent recently.

Streamers and a Stud - Bullzer (9)

Streamers and a Stud - Bullzer (10)

Streamers and a Stud - Bullzer (11)

Streamers and a Stud - Bullzer (12)

Josh looked up to make sure Emi couldn’t see what he was looking at, but her eyes were rolling back into her head, so there were no worries there. She was much more focused on not passing out, as she should be. Josh opened up the best nude of the bunch and zoomed in. Just then, the timer went off on his phone, but he silenced it and continued admiring Kyedae’s insane body.

Her f*cking tit* were so goddamn perky. Her Asian c*nt was out of this world, but her face really was her best feature. Cumming all over it, spitting on her, slapping her silly.. he missed it. He missed abusing every one of her tight holes and seeing her struggle for air, just as Emi was doing now.

Oh, f*ck. Emiru.

Josh looked up and saw that her face had turned from red to slightly bluish, and he immediately let go, which sent her crashing to the floor. With a small chuckle, he saw her collapse into the nearby dresser, banging her head on the way down. Her arms flailed, but there was no chance that she was coordinated enough to brace the impact in any way.

Josh kneeled down next to her as she sputtered and coughed for air. She was fine. Still conscious too. Just needed a bit of time to collect herself. Josh reached over and massaged her tit* over her shirt at first, but then realized that there was no need to ease into it. He burrowed his hand underneath her crop top and her bra to grope her bare breasts, and their size was surprising, to say the least. One never knew how much a bra was helping in boosting the appearance of a breast, but in Emi’s case, they surely did not do any heavy lifting. Her tit* were f*cking huge and felt fantastic in Josh’s experienced hands. He tugged at her nipples as he waited for her to regain her awareness.

“Gluhh, uhh, uhhhh, uh.. oh my god,” Emi stammered as she inhaled as much oxygen as she could. “You.. you asshole..”

Josh simply smirked in response. He grew bored of how long it was taking her to recover, so he grabbed a firm hold of her hair and began dragging her out of the room.

“Ahhh! f*cking hell, Josh!” she blurted out. “Ahh, f*ck, stop! I can, ahhh.. I can stand!”

But Josh didn’t want to waste any more time. He dragged the flailing girl out of the bedroom, into the hallway, and to her own room where the rest of their fun would continue. He flung the streamer forward and into the center of the carpet.

Josh looked off to his right and spotted her hamster yet again. It was looking at him curiously, clearly bothered by the sudden raucous. “You should probably look away. You won’t like what I’m about to do.”

As if heeding his warning, the hamster hurried back into its man-made burrow.

Emi massaged her scalp and fixed her hair at the same time. “Do you know how insane you are for doing that in the f*cking hallway? Anyone could have spotted us! What would happen then? You don’t f*cking think anything through, do you? You just do sh*t and hope it f*cking works.”

Josh loved her feisty side. It gave him that much more fuel to punish her without feeling guilty.

“Guess I’m lucky that no one else lives on this floor, huh? I already scoped out all the rooms. You really should give me more credit, you know.”

Emi rolled her eyes and touched the back of her head. “Ah, f*ck. I think.. I think I hit my head.. when you f*cking let me go. You’re a f*cking maniac, you know that?”

“You need a maniac,” Josh argued. “A gentleman won’t treat you the way you need to be treated. Not if you really want to be put in your place.”

“At least a gentleman wouldn’t have let my head bash against the wall!” she replied as Josh approached her, grabbing her by the hair once more and raising her to bend over the bed. “Ahhhh! f*cking asshole.”

He shook his head and ripped down her pajamas and her g-string, sliding them all the way off and tossing them in the corner of the room. “It doesn’t matter that you hit your stupid head. Actually, it’s probably a good thing that happened.”

Emi looked back at the shirtless man incredulously. “A good thing? A good thing?! You’re so f*cking mean.. I asked you to turn me into a whor*, not to f*cking hurt me! If you don’t care about my well-being–”

“Listen,” Josh blurted out, interrupting her rant as he pinned her hands behind her back and forced her face into the bed. “I’ve done this before, okay? You are f*cking stupid in every way that matters.” Emi rolled her eyes at the unnecessary jab as the first of his spanks made contact with her ass cheeks. “But you’re also f*cking successful. You’re one of the biggest streamers on Twitch, you’ve got great relationships all over the industry, and you’re f*cking swimming in money.”

Emi huffed into the bed as she turned to her side. She did her best to nod, confirming all of his statements. “Okay, and?”

Josh slapped her ass and watched it jiggle. f*ck, Emi was going to be such a good addition to his harem. “And you didn’t get there by being a moron. You’ve got a few bulbs up there flickering just enough to have gotten you to this point, and that.. that’s what makes you such a bitch. That’s why you’re a f*cking grade-A c*nt.”

He punctuated his statement with several harsh slaps, and Emi yelped at each one, but she didn’t fight back or deny his claims. She knew she was a bitch.

“So, I’ve gotta ruin that for you. I’m going to take away your independence, your confidence, your entire reason for being defiant, and I’m going to do it by dumbing you way the f*ck down. Choking you until you’re blue in the face and slapping the sh*t out of you while your brain bounces around in that stupid f*cking head.”

Every one of his sentences was accompanied by a brutal slap to her ass. Emi was juggling between bracing for the pain and trying to digest the life-changing information that Josh was providing.

“So you’re.. ahh! f*ck! That hurts.. uh, you’re going to choke me and slap me until I’m basically slow in the f*cking head?”

Josh let out a hearty chuckle as he spread her ass and admired her asshole and her c*nt. Her shining c*nt. She was basically dripping wet, which was proof that she was enjoying the abuse. He slipped a finger into her puss* and earned a few moans from the streamer.

“No, that’s not all I’m going to do. I’m going to f*ck your face against a wall, or a counter, or maybe this bedframe here, and use you like a f*cking fleshlight.. as your stupid head bounces off the hard surface.. over and over and over again.”

Emi could hardly withstand the overstimulation. Her brain was trying to process Josh’s awful words and his degradation as her body was writhing in pleasure from his skilled fingers. He switched from her c*nt to her ass and she had to bite her comforter just to prevent her moans from escaping and alerting the whole house to their sexual escapades. “f*ckkkkkk.. that.. that feels good.. your fingers are so big! Oh my god! Uh, uhh, uhhhh! My ass! f*ck! You’re so f*cking deep..”

“Then I’m going to bury my co*ck in your throat, as deep as it can possibly go, and I’m going to keep it there,” Josh teased her.

“Keep it there?” Emi mumbled in response.

“That’s right. I’m going to keep it there until you go f*cking cross-eyed, and I’m going to laugh in your stupid face as you pass out.”

“Oh my god,” Emi moaned at the vile idea. It was so f*cking mean. It was selfish and excessive and brutal. It was.. it was f*cking hot. Josh was going to use her the way he wanted to with no regard for her well-being. She wasn’t even a human to him–just a way to get off.

His fingers were pistoning in and out of her ass as he continued degrading her. Emi couldn’t tell if she was building towards an org*sm or if she was hyperventilating, and at this point, she didn’t care. Her whole body was on fire, and with her hands still being pinned behind her back, she felt powerless to stop the situation.

She probably wouldn’t even if she could. And that was for one main reason.

“Ahhhhhh! Fuuuuuuuck meeeee! f*ck, I’m.. I’m f*cking cumming! I’M f*ckING CUMMING, AHHHH,” she yelled out as a mind-blowing climax overwhelmed her entire body. Her toes curled as seemingly every muscle in her body contracted. Her c*nt spasmed and ejected fluid all over her Josh’s hands and the carpet. Her legs shook uncontrollably as pleasure filled every crevice of her being.

Josh brought his hand up to her mouth, and she sucked his fingers greedily, tasting her own juices as the org*sm winded down.

“Oh my god, haha,” she giggled out as she collapsed onto her side. Looking up at Josh, she saw him in a completely different light. He was a f*cking stud with all the answers to her problems. His way with words, his degrading actions, the way he used her.. he was perfect.

“I’ve never, ever had an org*sm like that.. in my entire life,” she panted. “How.. how the f*ck.. who the f*ck..” Emi talked herself into another fit of giggles. Years worth of sexual frustration were building up into that one explosion.

“That was incredible,” she said, finally finding the strength to sit up. “Thank you, Josh. Really, really.. I needed that so badly. I didn’t even know I needed it! That’s how f*cking down bad I was.”

“Glad I could be of service, but we’re just getting started,” he replied as he grabbed Emi by the hair once more and turned her body around so her head was aimed towards him and off the edge of the bed a little bit.

“Ahh, ow.. I think I’m.. ah, I’m getting used to the hair pulling, heh,” Emi commented as she watched Josh undress upside down. He only had shorts and briefs on, so it didn’t take long for his mammoth co*ck to come into view. Only this time.. he was hard. Talking down to her and using her like a common slu*t had brought him to a full erection, and her eyes widened in admiration and in terror.

“What the f*ck, Josh..” she mumbled out. “There’s no way that’s real..”

Josh chuckled as he approached her and laid his balls on her face.

“Mmm!” she groaned, unsure of what to do in the situation. She’d never been in this position before, so she simply started rubbing her face into his balls, moving her head left and right to massage him with her pretty face.

“Atta girl. You’re a natural, hah. So, are you cool with everything I said?”

Emi’s anxiousness was dying down as she became more comfortable with Josh and his massive body, and her actions were reflecting that familiarity. She began planting kisses on his balls and licking them, all in an attempt to give Josh pleasure. She hoped to give him as much pleasure as he gave her, but she knew it would be a much harder feat to accomplish than it was with her. Josh was experienced, and he was used to talented whor*s.

“Uhm, wha– what’d you ask? Sorry, was a bit distracted with these big f*cking nuts on my face, hehe,” Emi replied. Breathing him in brought on a delirious feeling. He smelled so manly. Emi had gotten small whiffs of him when she was giving him a handjob earlier, and that had struck at her curiosity and made her mouth salivate, but that was nothing compared to this.

She was basically being suffocated by his ballsack, which meant the only thing she could breathe in was his musk, and it was driving her mad with lust.

“I asked how you feel about me dumbing you down. Making you stupid.. on purpose.”

Emi giggled underneath his balls as she prepared her answer. She figured Josh might lift his sack off of her face to allow her to respond properly, but he didn’t. Because of course he didn’t. He wanted to have a conversation with her in this exact degrading position. He wanted her opinion, but only if her voice was muffled by his hulking nuts. Emi couldn’t believe she was letting him do this to her,, but her puss* more than agreed with it.

“I, uh.. I think it is a little extreme.. if I’m being honest,” she began to reply. “And I don’t know if this calls for you to slap my face a few more times, but isn’t doing all that.. choking me, not letting me breathe, that stuff.. won’t it really f*ck me over? Like, permanently? If we do it too often, of course. I don’t, uh.. I don’t really mind that we already did it once. It was kind of fun.. being used like that, but if we do it again and again?”

“And again and again and again,” Josh reiterated. “I’m going to abuse you every f*cking day from now on.”

“Oh..” Emi muffled out. It was difficult to take the topic too seriously. She was still coming off the high of her org*sm and was just now discovering how much she loved worshiping a man’s balls. Josh’s balls, to be specific. “And.. uh, you don’t think.. that’ll be bad for me? Permanently bad?!”

He loved the sensation of her breath on his balls. He squatted down a little just to rub his sack further on her face, burying her adorable features even more. “Yeah, I mean.. I guess it’d be permanent. Can’t really reverse stuff with the brain, but it’s necessary for your training. I think we’ve reached that point.”

Emi began to respond, but they were just mumbles, so she waited until Josh finished suffocating her with his nuts. Eventually he let up and allowed her to respond.

“You do? Even though we haven’t really tried other things? Like, I could just pretend to be a dumb whor*. And I bet I would be really good at it! I just need some time to practice,” Emi argued as she lapped away at Josh’s balls. She wanted to be a good whor* for Josh and eventually, for her boyfriend, but she didn’t want to lose her intelligence in the process.

Josh did, though. Josh wanted a thoroughly mindf*cked girl to add to his collection. He wanted control over her, and Emi’s incessant defiance wouldn’t allow it. Not without changes. Irreversible changes.

“We could explore other options, Emi,” he began to say, “but I won’t be in Austin for very long. And just from our conversations today, I can tell that it won’t work any other way. You’re too big of a bitch for other methods. Not just on a surface level either. You’re a f*cking c*nt through and through.”

Josh lifted his sack and slapped the poor girl three times in quick succession. She took it well and stuck her tongue out to accept his balls back on her face. Josh grabbed her head from below and held her face deep into his sack, grinding his taint against her cute nose, lips, and eyes.

“Mmmphhf!” she muffled out until Josh let her breathe. “So, uh.. you mostly want to do it because.. you won’t be here long? My whole f*cking life and personality is being decided on by your stupid trip plans?! I know I’m a bitch, dude, but.. uh, I just.. I think we should discuss it.. more.”

Josh smirked. It was f*cked up to hear out loud, but she was essentially correct. Well, no. She was exactly correct, and Josh wanted her to accept his terms just as she had described them.

He pulled back and started hitting her face with his massive co*ck. He slapped it across her forehead and then her right cheek. He grinded it against her nose and then held it over her eyes like a blindfold. Emi took it all like a champ, and she even giggled as well. The conversation was a serious one, but his co*ck was just too big. It forced her attention away. Had it been a regular sized penis, she might’ve not allowed him to defile her in such a way.

“You’re seeing it all wrong,” Josh began to explain.

“I can’t see anything with your fat co*ck on my eyes, hehe,” Emi giggled in response. Josh laughed as well and took his co*ck off to swat at her cheeks some more. Emi had her tongue out and Josh rubbed his large co*ckhead against it, closing his eyes to relish the great sensation.

“How, uhm.. how am I seeing it wrong, sir?” she mumbled. “I’d love to be wrong about this.. somehow.”

“Well,” Josh began to say as he began to push his co*ck into her open mouth, stretching her lips obscenely, “you’re seeing it as if you were a regular person with regular goals and ambitions or whatever, right? And I don’t see it that way. I don’t see you that way. I really don’t give a f*ck about you, Emi. I’m trying to turn you into the dumbest f*cking co*ckslu*t possible, and I don’t care about the consequences.”

“Mmphhfff!” Emi blurbed back as Josh steadily jabbed more and more of his anaconda co*ck down her throat. Even getting his head in was a tough task, but he found a good angle and thrust his hips forward, pushing past the back of her tongue and into the deeper recesses of her throat.

“f*ck, you’ve got one tight throat, bitch,” Josh remarked, feeling the immense pressure of her pharyngeal walls around his thick co*ck. “Going to have to stretch you out real good. Brace yourself, whor*.”

Josh felt that he had been too careful with her up to that point, despite Emi’s opinion being the exact opposite, so he began putting more force behind his heavy thrusts. Each one caused his massive nuts to swing back and forth, which was constantly hitting Emi’s forehead and her eyes. All she could see was two gigantic balls swaying back and forth like testicular pendulums. If asked later, she would’ve admitted that the sight was rather mesmerizing.

Josh had both of her hands pinned down so she wouldn’t try to resist, but her boobs looked way too appealing to just be sitting there. She was so weak that her hands wouldn’t be able to do anything anyway, Josh reasoned, so he let those go and pulled her shirt and her bra down to expose her fleshy tit*. They were so f*cking pretty that they forced Josh to pause his throatf*cking so that he could admire them.

But only momentarily. They looked even better when they jiggled back and forth, and the harder his co*ck jabs were, the more her tit* shook, so he stopped holding back and really let her throat have it.


The only sound that was heard for the next two minutes was the fleshy stabbing from Josh’s co*cksword. Spit began to pool down towards her face, making a mess of her makeup and her hair.

“Finally, some peace and quiet,” Josh grunted out as he continued f*cking Emi’s poor face. “blowj*bs really are the best creation of mankind. It feels f*cking incredible, you get to use a stupid girl to your heart’s content, and she can’t f*cking yap while you do it. Haha!”

Emi was struggling to maintain her composure as her oxygen tank quickly depleted, but Josh’s nonstop invasion of her tight throat made it impossible to focus on breathing. She was being throatf*cked into pure submission.


And to top it off, Josh was talking her down the whole time. He was treating her exactly like a f*cking fleshlight that had no feelings, no thoughts, and no need to breathe or take a break or do anything a human needs to do.

It was humiliating.

“I wonder why the f*ck women let guys do this,” Josh pondered. “We’re supposed to be equals, but you let me use your mouth as if it was a c*nt? As if you didn’t have to use it to breathe? Haha, so f*cking dumb.”

Emi wanted to reply. She wanted to speak up, but it was impossible. Her hands pulled at his body and his arms, but he was so strong.. so sturdy. He was immovable.

“So f*cking good!” Josh yelled out as he humped her face with no remorse. “So f*cking good. God, it’s been almost a full day since I’ve had a throat to f*ck! Haha. Feels f*cking incredible, huh, Emi? Doesn’t it feel good?” He reached down to slap her face, just to make sure she knew her place. “I love the way your throat bulges out like this,” he commented, noticing the outline of his own co*ck as it rammed in and out of her esophagus.

“Holy f*ck,” he exclaimed. “I’ve never seen it pop out like this before. You really do have a tiny throat, huh? I can feel you constricting around my co*ck. Does that hurt? Huh? No response? Hah, I’ll take that as a no, then.”


Josh jammed his f*ckstick as deep as it would go and let it sit there while he massaged the outline of his throat-covered dick, causing Emi to panic and flail her arms, to no avail of course.

He could feel the massage through her skin, and it was a wild sensation. Josh had a cruel thought and suddenly used both hands to grip Emi’s throat as if he was choking her, but it was just to create a tighter flesh tunnel for his co*ck.

His enthusiastic thrusts doubled in effort at the new discovery. It felt too f*cking good not to take advantage of.


“f*ck, I'm sorry, Emi. I know you haven't had fresh air in a while, but this is too f*cking good to resist,” he tried to reason with her. “I know it'd only take a second to let you breathe, but I don't f*cking want to. One second of skull f*cking you is more important than letting you breathe. f*ck! I don't give a f*ck about you, but I already told you that, and you still let me in your throat, haha. You dumb f*cking bitch. You did this to yourself. Blame yourself, you stupid.. f*cking.. whor*!”

Josh punctuated each of his last words with a massive plunge into Emiru’s throat c*nt. He was pumping away as if he was possessed, and poor Emi could only attempt to survive the brutality.

“Gluhhhh! Glllghhhhhhrrrrggg,” she sputtered out around Josh's soda can sized co*ck, spewing spit and saliva all over the place. Her hands had been doing all they could to push Josh’s tremendous weight away from her, but they only served to egg Josh on more. He liked seeing her struggle after all, and her weak arms proved to him that nothing she did would bail her out of the brutal facef*cking session.

“You know,” Josh began to say as he reached down to slap her face a few times, “I just remembered that this is my first time f*cking your throat, and I didn't ease you into it at all. I usually try to let my slu*ts get comfortable with my size, but I just f*cking went to town on you. Haha, my bad, Emiru.”

She seemed to hear what he was saying, and she murmured out an incoherent jumble of sounds in response.

“Now, does that mean I'm going to give you a break?” Josh asked rhetorically as he pumped in and out of her face slowly, but forcefully. “No, no, it doesn't, but hey, it's the thought that counts, right? Haha.”

A few more garbled sputters came from Emi’s mouth.

“C’mon, Emi! Use your words! Surely I haven’t f*cked your brain over enough to prevent that, right? We’ll get there eventually, but not yet, right? Haha,” Josh teased.

That jest seemed to finally extinguish all hope Emi had to stay conscious, and her body began to give out. Josh first noticed that her arms went limp, but he wasn't paying much attention to them anyway so that might've happened a while ago.

His balls were currently covering her face, so it wasn't like he could check her eyes without withdrawing his co*ck, and he certainly wasn't about to do that.

“f*ck, don't give out on me now, Emi. I'm so f*cking close to cumming. Don’t blue ball me, f*cking bitch.”

He lifted one of Emi's arms and let it go, proving that it had in fact gone limp. He then slapped her tit* in anger.

“f*cking useless whor*. Can't take even five minutes of throat f*cking,” Josh badgered her even though she wasn't awake to hear it.

He had a choice to make. He could slip out and let her breathe and blah blah blah..

Or he could continue pumping away. Get really f*cking brutal with it and reach his own explosive org*sm. It’d only take another minute max. Emi was tough; she could hold out until then.

And then he'd have to decide whether or not he wanted to cum inside of the poor girl’s throat, but that was a bridge he'd cross when he got to it.

Right now, his balls were aching and there was really only one thing a man like him would choose to do.

“About to show you just how much I respect you, Emi,” he announced. Josh corrected his position for prime facef*cking and then immediately began jackhammering away at Emiru’s unconscious face. He felt guilty, yes, but that was quickly washed away with the unmatched feeling of her deliciously tight throat. There really wasn't anything like it in the world. A virgin c*nt, maybe. But that was it.

Josh was in heaven, but he knew he couldn't savor it. Every one of his thrusts brought the full weight of his muscular pelvis forward and into Emi’s pretty face. Josh could see his balls swing and pummel into her forehead, eyes, and nose, and he hoped that she wouldn't have a black eye in the morning.

But he couldn't think about any of that for long. He had to focus on his own pleasure, and he was doing it for Emi's sake, really. The longer he lasted, the more time he'd be forced to spend in her throat. He had to be selfish and finish quickly. That would be the best way to help Emiru in that moment.

Watching her small body being shunted to and fro, seeing her tit* jiggle uncontrollably, witnessing exactly how deep his gargantuan co*ck was impaling her esophagus by the visible outline, and remembering that it was, in fact, the massive streaming star Emiru that he was abusing, it was all just too much.

Josh felt his balls contract and he did not hold back. His gigantic balls begin spewing out ridiculous amounts of bubbling hot cum inside of her throat. Some went directly into her stomach, but she wasn't awake to swallow the rest, and that caused problems. sem*n flew out of her nose, the sides of her mouth, and her body began flinching with every spurt of cum Josh's co*ck shot out.

He was worried about her, but his org*sm took precedence, so he stayed buried in her gullet until six or seven more giant blasts of cum filled her already flooded throat.

After half of his load was spent, he finally, finally withdrew his co*ck from her mouth and dragged her to the ground by her hair, which she most certainly would’ve protested Josh then kneeled down and jerked himself off until his remaining nut was emptied all over her still unconscious face. Emi was already in ruins, with runny makeup and several coats of saliva and spit covering her entire face. A few layers of cum surely wouldn't hurt.

Josh took pleasure in making sure each rope of cum covered a different area. Her cute nose, her full lips, her eyelids, her memed forehead, her cheeks, and her messy bangs. He aimed one towards her ear and laughed as the remaining blasts simply landed on top of other areas he'd already covered.

There was nothing better than laughing victoriously as a monster org*sm died down.

When Josh was spent, he milked out one more drop of sem*n, suspended on the edge of his co*ck. He then reached down to separate Emi’s left eyelids and expose her eye. Leaning his pelvis forward, he applied the final drop of his cum directly onto her eyeball by making contact with the tip of his co*ck.

A co*ck-eyed kiss.

He was still reeling from his climax and his balance was a little off, so he jammed her eye a little harder than he should’ve, but Emi definitely had bigger issues to complain about whenever she came to, so Josh wasn’t worried.

He couldn't help but let out a hearty chuckle as he admired the defiled streamer. She was almost unrecognizable. Well, she was unrecognizable. There was no way someone could identify her with that heavy of a facial. Maybe by her hair, but that was it.

Standing up to look for his phone, he had to walk back to his spare bedroom to retrieve it, but he managed to snap some very illicit photos of her and laughed as he did so. Josh had been hoping that Miz wouldn’t walk in and spoil his fun this whole time, but now that his balls were empty, he kind of hoped that Emi’s boyfriend would stumble upon this scene, just to see the absurd look on his face.

Though, it was best for everyone that his sinister thought didn’t come to fruition. It would ruin his other sinister thoughts from coming to fruition, and he had several.

As Josh thought about what to do next, he greedily massaged Emiru’s bare tit*. Her nipples really were picture perfect. Her areolas weren’t too big or too small, and her nipples were f*cking adorable. Just the right length, whatever that meant.

Josh had a sudden urge to piss, which immediately determined what his next steps would be. He slapped her tit* a few times to see how easily she would wake up, and after no movement, he panicked slightly. What if she didn’t wake up at all? Ever?

He dove his head towards her chest and listened for a heartbeat.

bum-bum, bum-bum

Josh sighed in relief and slapped her tit* a few more times for scaring him, as if it was her fault. Was it possible that he could’ve killed her? Ehh, yeah. Probably. But Josh was calculated. He did things specifically as long as they needed to happen. He wasn’t messy. He planned things ahead of time. He was coordinated, deliberate, and.. and..

Lucky as f*ck. Josh was lucky more than anything else, actually, and that was fine by him. He’d use his luck until it ran out like any proper stuntman or daredevil would. It was the only way to live.

One more chuckle and he went to work. Emi wasn’t about to get pissed on without some effort on his part, so he quickly scanned the hallway to ensure the coast was clear and then, with a firm grip of her hair, dragged her out of the room and into the adjacent bathroom.

Sped-up footage of a camera in that hallway would’ve surely captured quite a funny scooby-doo back and forth.

Josh tossed the unconscious Emiru into the tub and aimed his godly co*ck directly at her face. Golden piss flowed out a moment later and washed away some of the abstract art he’d painted all over her facial canvas. It was a bittersweet feeling, seeing his sem*n washed away, but it was worth it.

Pissing on a girl’s face was one of life’s great feats. It was a final mark of conquest. The ultimate degradation. Regardless of what the following day brought forth, he’d always have this moment. This image in his head.

And a few more images saved on his phone, for good measure.

Josh aimed his stream at her eyes and her lips, trying to see if he could make them part. He doused her hair, her bunched up crop top, and then aimed his vile liquid at her tit*, using her nipples as a bullseye. It splattered off in several directions and made a thorough mess of the famous streamer.

Josh didn’t know why using women was so f*cking fun. It simply was, and that was the only rationale he needed to continue doing what he did.

With a final shake, his co*ck was spent once more, and he made his way back to Emi’s room. Realizing that someone might walk in to use the bathroom, Josh locked it from inside and closed it shut.

He made a victory walk back to Emi’s room and was interrupted by squeaking just as he entered. It was the f*cking hamster again.

Josh gave the little dude a smug half-grin. “I’m sorry to say; you chose the wrong side, buddy. I just don’t lose.”

The hamster squeaked back at him. “Hey, hey,” Josh defended himself. “No need for that kind of language. She wanted me to do all of that to her, okay?”

A few more mousey chatters came in reply, which clearly opposed his assumption. “Yes, yes, she was unconscious, but that doesn’t mean anything. You’re not a womanizer, so you can’t read women like I can, but trust me, she wanted it. Listen.. stick with me, and I might teach you a thing or two. Get you some hamster chicks so you’re not focused on me all the time, yeah?”

Another few squeaks were returned and Josh fist bumped his cage. “Right on, man. I’ll catch you tomorrow, all right? Try to get some sleep. Oh, wait.. f*ck. Did that whor* not feed you?”

Josh quickly checked his bowl and saw that it was empty. With a shake of his head, he scooped in some of the nearby seeds clearly labeled as his food and made sure his water bottle was filled. “I got you, little dude. You need anything else, you just let me know.”

He finally crawled into Emi’s bed and fell asleep shortly after. The day had been nothing short of exhausting.

Josh tossed and turned in the night. Sweaty, dehydrated, and more vivid dreams.

The dark atmosphere of a movie theater appeared around him. He was standing in the aisle of the back row, which had always been his favorite place to sit. It usually gave him the best chance of getting lucky with whatever chick accompanied him, though, the size of his co*ck never made those antics easy. It was hard to hide such a large member when the theater was even somewhat packed. It was harder yet to get a quality blowj*b without alerting the people around them–one of the only drawbacks to his large size.

That never stopped him from participating in the public mischief, of course, and Josh smiled at all of the close calls that flashed through his mind.

Josh figured that, given the familiarity and good memories of his surroundings, it was going to be a good dream. Finally, a good f*cking dream.

But there wasn’t a pretty girl by his side. He couldn’t even sit down or enjoy the movie. The screen was bright, but unrecognizable.

He heard a giggle down the aisle, and he had no choice but to approach the sounds.

It was Valkyrae. Again. Clear as day, Rae was there, giggling and smiling and sharing popcorn.. sharing. There was someone next to her, but the image was blurred. He could only see the outline of what was clearly a man, and his hands immediately balled into heavy fists. Jealousy and anger filled his being as he walked towards the pair, but a wall blocked his progress. He stumbled and tried to go around it, but there was no use.

Josh called out to Rae, who ignored him completely. It was as if his attempts to communicate with her were completely blocked.

He bashed on the invisible wall over and over as his frustration mounted. The wall seemed to be crumpling as he pounded on it one final time. It came crashing down and the dream went dark.

Josh woke up in a panic. He was back in Emi’s room. The sun was shining through the window, and all was calm.

He breathed a heavy sigh of relief. f*ck those stupid reoccurring dreams. He had to decipher them. Or find someone who could.. before it was too late.

The slight sounds of slurping and faint moans could be heard as well, and Josh realized his balls were being tended to. He threw the comforter off his body and revealed an adorable Emiru greedily rubbing her face into his nuts. She had been going at it for some time by the looks of it, but she wasn’t doing it to please Josh. Her eyes were fluttering, and her mouth was emitting moans derived from pleasure.

“Emi!” Josh remarked. “How long have you been down there?”

He didn’t want to stop her. Her face felt fantastic on his ballsack, and as always, he had awoken with an erection, which was laying to the side and against her cheek. His dream, however, had left him bothered, and he needed to talk to someone, anyone, to gain control and awareness about his surroundings.

Only after hearing his voice did Emiru look up and realize that she’d be caught. Josh’s balls had one hundred percent of her attention, even after the blanket had been removed. Her eyes briskly lost their lustful haze, and her face turned over completely.

She sat up in renewed discontent and fresh embarrassment. “You weren’t supposed to.. see that,” she replied sternly, wiping her mouth of residual saliva. Regaining her senses and realizing that she was supposed to be upset, she barrel rolled off to her left, over Josh’s leg, and stood up to fix her messy hair.

“You don’t have to stop,” Josh called out, regretting his vocal interruption. The streamer had returned to her former beauty, clearly having spent a portion of the morning showering, doing her hair, and applying her makeup. “I didn’t mean to disrupt your fun.”

Emi rolled her eyes. “I didn’t mean to be.. down there, asshole, and you definitely don’t deserve it. I came in here to yell at you, and your balls– uh.. they were just there, and you were sleeping. I got carried away, okay?”

“Uh huh, and what would Miz think about that explanation?”

Emi’s eyes widened, but her shock rapidly turned into animosity. She raised her fist in the air and co*cked it back. “It doesn’t matter because he’ll never find out about it, right?”

“Whoa, whoa, okay. Don’t worry. I won’t tell your little boyfriend about your addiction.”

“It’s not a f*cking.. ugh. It’s not an addiction. I just.. it wasn’t even me! My body just moved on its own. I don’t even remember deciding to..”

Josh loved seeing her get all worked up. “You don’t have to explain yourself. You’re not the first girl who couldn’t resist having my sack on her face while I was asleep,” he replied as the sight of Emi’s fantastic boobs, her unblemished pale skin, and her well-known, expressive face rapidly sent blood pumping into his already engorged co*ck. She was wearing another crop top, leaving her midriff exposed, and a pair of tiny athletic shorts.

Shorts. Not pajamas or sweatpants or some other loose-fitting garment. They showed off all of her legs and just from the front view, Josh could tell they were riding up her ass. Had she worn them for him? Or had her decision to wear them been influenced by his brainwashing? Either way, she looked f*cking great. It was hard to not ravage her right then and there.

“Yeah, right,” Emi scoffed in disbelief. She actually didn’t doubt his statement, but she wasn’t about to agree and feed his ego further. “I’m pretty sure I’m the only girl who’s ever stood within five feet of you and not vomited all over the place.”

“Cut the bitchy attitude and come back over here,” Josh commanded, lifting his groin with his left hand and waving her over with his right. “Where you belong.”

Emi’s nose bunched up in anger as she remembered everything that happened the night prior. “No! We are done, okay? We’re not doing any of this anymore. You f*cking.. you peed on me! I woke up, locked in the bathroom, reeking of f*cking piss and my eye stung and my freaking butt has bruises on it and.. and my head hurts! I have a headache, asshole! And.. and I had f*cking cum in my nose. You were so rough with me last night.. f*cking prick. I should never have let you do any of that.”

Josh shook his head in confusion. “You’re really surprised? I knew you were an airhead, but come on. When did you get the idea that I was going to be gentle? f*ck, some women I know that would love to wake up the way you did. Used and thrown away. Pissed on like f*cking trash in an back alley. You know you liked it; stop being a c*nt.”

“Ughhh,” Emi groaned. He was a f*cking pig. How could she possibly have enjoyed waking up like that?! She had to scrub cum out of her ear! Her hair was soaked in pee! It was as if she woke up after a gangb*ng, but it wasn’t a gangb*ng. It was just Josh. One man did all of that to her. One man.. “I didn’t think you were going to be gentle! I didn’t.. I didn’t want you to be gentle, but you still need to f*cking remember that I’m a living, breathing person! I mean, for f*ck’s sake. I’m small! I’m nowhere near as strong as you are, idiot. Look at me! Look at my arms! They’re closer in size to your dick than your giant, stupid biceps. You have to use some restraint!”

Josh laughed in amusem*nt before responding. “That’s the hottest part, though! You’re so weak that I can do anything I want to you, and you can’t do jack sh*t to stop me.”

Again, Emi rolled her eyes. “You’re talking about rape again.”

Josh nodded, unbothered by her accusation. “Raping your stupid throat was the most fun I’ve had since I got here, and we spent hours talking yesterday. What does that tell you?”

Emi’s generous chest was visibly expanding and decompressing as her anger mounted, but she didn’t answer.

“Useless piece of f*ckmeat, what does it tell you?” Josh repeated, mostly just to insult her again. His words were visibly impacting the streamer, and he was more than happy to continue teasing her. She was at a point where she would either regress fully back to her old self or submit to her new role, and being apprehensive here wasn’t going to move that needle in the right direction.

“Since you’re too stupid to figure it out, I’ll just tell you,” Josh barked at her, sitting up to position himself on the side of the bed with his co*ck hanging down. “It means that the most interesting thing about you–the best thing you have to offer–is your holes.”

Emi took a step back as Josh stood up, but he swiftly caught her by the arm and pulled her close, pushing down on her shoulders to force her onto her knees. She only put up a small struggle.

“Your throat is one of the only reasons I’m even talking to you. That’s all you are. A walking, talking, warm throat,” Josh continued, grabbing ahold of his co*ck and slapping her face with it. “That’s the only value you bring to the table. If you didn’t have that, you’d be f*cking useless.”

Emi looked up at the man towering over her. He overshadowed her even when she was standing, but now that she was on her knees, his presence was ominous. She had no chance against him in any physical challenge. He was dominating her mentally, too. Still, the small amount of dignity left in her demanded to be heard. “That’s not f*cking true. I’m more than just holes to f*ck, and if you don’t see that, it’s your loss.”

Josh loved that she was still being defiant. He slapped her cheek with his hand, proving that he could really do anything he wanted to her. He then resumed slapping her face with his hefty co*ck. “Why don’t you stop me then? Why are you letting me do this to you?”

Emi growled, flinching every time Josh’s co*ck came in contact with her adorable face. He kept trying to poke her eye, but she was quick and managed to shut her eyelids before he could. f*cking prick. “I’m not letting you do anything! You’re just doing it! You’re not asking if it’s okay or even warning me, you’re just.. you’re doing.. it! You’re doing.. whatever the f*ck you want.. to me..” Emi’s voice became breathy as her own words began to affect her.

“And look where your hands are,” Josh noted, which prompted Emi to move them from her sides to her lap in a nervous fashion. She didn’t want to look down at them as he mentioned. It would disrupt what Josh was doing to her face, which would certainly cause him to slap her butt or perhaps her face until she was unconscious. Something over the top. “They were right at your side. Now they’re in your lap. You’re letting me do this. You’re not even resisting.”

“I couldn’t resist even if I tried! We’ve been over this. You’re too strong,” Emi whined.

Josh groaned in pleasure at her admission. “Say that again.”

Emi squinted her eyes in annoyance. “Say it.. uh, you’re too strong? You can literally do anything to me and I wouldn’t be able to fight back?” Emi repeated and then rolled her eyes, realizing that the brawny man just wanted to hear how powerless she was against him. “You’re a f*cking idiot.”

“Haha, I’m the idiot?” Josh laughed out as he rested his dick on her face, blocking out most of her right cheek and one of her eyes. “You should see how stupid you look with my dick on your face.”

Emi bit her tongue. Not much she could retort with there, but of course, she had to say something.

“Better your dick than your big ugly balls,” she replied, instantly regretting her choice of words.

Josh predictably took the comment as a challenge, and then lifted his sack and lowered Emi’s head to engulf her face with the exact balls she just insulted. He smothered his nuts around every feature of her face, leaving no inch untouched. He then grabbed her by the hair and forced her face side to side, suffocating the poor streamer further. Degrading such a beautiful girl like this was dangerously empowering for a man as egotistical as Josh.

“What did you say about my balls, slu*t?”

“Uh shheddd, yuhhmmphf mmmphhh bffffsss!” she mumbled out incoherently.

Josh laughed. “Ah, yes, haha. The ancient language of the whor*. You’re already f*cking fluent in it. Surprise, surprise.”

“Mphhff, ffmghhh uhhhmpph!” Emi muttered once more, quickly stopping after realizing she was just playing into his joke even more. Everything she did was mocked by the f*cking big-dicked asshole. She was almost impressed with how annoying he could be.

After thirty seconds, she gave up on her attempts to pull back and just gave in. She let Josh defile her face with his massive balls, breathing in his scent and rubbing her thighs together to try to satiate her throbbing c*nt.

Her backstabbing, double-crossing, slu*tty c*nt.

f*ck. Emi was turned on. Somehow, some way, Josh’s aggressive nature, his humiliating remarks, and his very large balls were all driving her crazy. His musk was helping, too. She couldn’t f*cking think clearly.

It wasn't exactly a new experience, either. She had spent an hour doing the same thing earlier that morning.. with the same results. Emi had furiously walked into her room after having scrubbed off every trace of Josh’s bodily fluids from her body and found the asshole sleeping. The comforter was slightly astray, revealing the tip of his dick. She smiled and removed the blanket ever so carefully, hoping to catch him in an embarrassingly small, shrunken state, but that was not the case.

Emi swore to herself after shaking off the initial slaw-jawed gasp. As big and as thick as ever, his co*ck laid there, waiting to be worshiped. She still couldn’t believe that anaconda had been in her throat. The tight grip on his dick must’ve been insane, which is why he probably let loose and stopped caring about how she was doing or if she could breathe. It must’ve felt amazing. He just cared about his own sexual satisfaction, and her tiny throat undoubtedly provided that in droves.

Just then, Josh lifted his balls off of her face and slapped her harshly with an open palm, which she was getting more and more used to. “You like being treated like this, don’t you, whor*?”

He actually wanted her opinion. An improvement. Kind of sweet, in his own, misogynistic way. Still coming off the degrading high she was in, Emi replied, “Uh, it actually.. wasn’t awful. Ehm, I mean.. no. No! It was f*cking awful. You’re a f*cker. Stop trying to smother me with your stupid balls. Or with your dumb co*ck! Or at all! You keep f*cking taking my air away from me, and I’m sick of it! We never agreed to that.”

“Sure we did,” Josh began to say as he pried Emi’s mouth open with his left thumb and tbagged her, dipping his sack in and out of her warm receptacle. “I told you I was going to try to choke you as much as possible, remember?”

“Mmphf, yeah, but..”

“You pretending wasn’t enough. Gotta make you stupid for real.”

“Uh, yeah.. I remember you.. saying that..”

“Gotta do anything I can to make sure this dumb brain,” Josh began to say as he knocked on her head, “doesn’t get the oxygen it needs.”

“Ugh, f*cking.. Josh..”

It was hard for her to reply with Josh dipping his massive nuts in her mouth, which was putting it mildly. He was forcing them in, one at a time.

“Make you stupid. Stupider than you are now, that is.”

Emi groaned in anger, biting Josh’s thumb lightly and forcing his hand to retreat. “Yeah, you said that, you said all of that, but I didn’t f*cking agree! Remember? You just stuffed your dick inside of my mouth and you never took it out. You never let me respond. I was thinking about everything and then I blacked out! Next thing I know, I’m waking up in the f*cking bathtub.”

“Covered in piss and cum,” Josh added arrogantly.

An evil stare followed his response. “Yes,” Emi grumbled, “covered in your stupid piss and cum.”

Josh laughed out, shaking his hand to brush off the slight pain from her adorable bite. “Haha, what? Did you think that was all up for debate? It wasn’t a f*cking discussion, you dumb bimbo. I wasn’t asking you for permission. I was telling you what my plans were, which means your input wasn’t needed. Or wanted, for that matter. Life will be easier for you if you keep your mouth shut and your tit* out.”

Emi furrowed her brows and frowned at him to show her disapproval.

“You’re really not getting this, are you?” Josh asked, bringing a hand down to her cheek to deliver a few soft slaps to her face. They weren’t harsh enough to disrupt the conversation, but they did make her flinch. Her face was so f*cking cute that Josh couldn’t resist messing with it constantly. Slapping it, pinching her cheeks, poking her eyes with his co*ck.. seeing her react with mild annoyance was way hotter than it had any right to be.

“I don’t know how much simpler I can make this. Your input doesn’t matter. Your opinions don't matter. Your thoughts don’t matter. Your boundaries or your pain or your discomfort.. say it with me,” Josh prompted.

Rolling her eyes, Emi decided to humor him. “.. don’t matter.”

“Don’t matter,” Josh said in unison. “That’s right. Exactly. See, I knew you could do it.”

Silence fell upon the pair.

Emi hated his f*cking guts. She hated how condescending he was. She hated the way he spoke to her, the way he used her without a care in the world, and the way he assumed she’d just go along with everything.

But so far, she had. She had gone along with everything, and there hadn’t really been any consequences for him, other than some bitchy insolence, which he surely found more annoying than anything else.

That insolence is what Josh was trying to destroy. It's why she sought him out again the night prior. She knew she was insolent. She knew she was a bitch. Perhaps, she thought, giving in would be the right thing to do..

Emi finally replied, “So.. what, you’re just going to have full control over me? I have no say in anything that happens? How the f*ck is that fair?”

“It’s not supposed to be fair,” Josh responded. “It’s actually very specifically supposed to be unfair. You’ve been an entitled c*nt all of your life, and that’s given you an extremely bitchy perspective on things. I’m here to fix that. I’m here to debitchify you.”

Ugh. The prick was coming up with his own words now, too. Emi’s brain rolled its eyes at that one.

“Okay.. so, if nothing I say matters,” Emi started to conclude, “then why are we still talking? Why don’t you just go ahead and f*cking rape me?”

Josh smiled. “As fun as that’d be, I’m not going to f*cking rape you, Emi. That’s not the way I do things.”

“Gee, thanks. What a gentleman!” she replied mockingly. “So you’re all f*cking talk, basically.”

He chuckled before responding. “Kind of sounds like you want to be raped. Is that it, Emi? Do you have a rape kink? Do you want to be held down against your will and f*cked into submission?”

“Of course not,” she mustered back, “but you were kind of implying that.. that was going to happen, so..”

Josh sighed deeply, knowing a major decision would soon be arriving–a turning point that would be hard to come back from. He bent over and effortlessly lifted Emiru by her waist so that she was standing on her feet.

“Whoa,” she mumbled, continually surprised by how strong he really was.

Josh looked her directly in the eyes. “I am going to f*ck you, Emi. I’m going to f*ck you in every corner of this room, in positions you’ve never even heard of before, in ways your small brain can’t even comprehend. I’m going to ruin your pretty little puss* and your ass; so much so that you’ll never be satisfied by another man. You won’t even think about another man after I’m done with you. I’m going to give you org*sms that’ll leave you f*cking dehydrated, but you won’t care because your head will be a million miles away on planet f*cking pleasure. I’m going to ruin you, and you’ll thank me for it. Over and over, you’ll thank me. That thanks will turn into worship, and you’ll start changing. You’ll start leaving everything behind. Your dignity, your self-respect, your values.. all that stupid bullsh*t that women shouldn’t even have in the first place. You won’t want a silly career or control over your body or even your own thoughts anymore. All you’ll want is to be my useless, braindead, bimbo sex toy.”

More silence filled the room. Emi just stood there, breathless. Expressionless. It was like watching a movie where the villain reveals his master plan while the hero is tied up, but for some f*cked up reason, she wanted this villain to win. She wanted his plan to work.

“But.. you need to want that, too,” Josh said, completing his monologue. “You can be a bitch about it, but you have to want it, too. Deep down.”

f*ck. Had he just read her mind?

“Uh..” Emi mumbled, unable to form a good response.

“No witty comments this time? It’s a f*cking miracle. Hallelujah.”

A slight smile formed on Emi’s face, but there was uncertainty behind it, and it didn’t go unnoticed.

“Go f*cking think about it or I don’t know, talk to your boyfriend. Make a decision,” Josh told her as he backed away. “I’m going to jack off in your bed. Don’t take too long or you’re going miss out on a massive f*cking load. Maybe I’ll even let you stay conscious for your second facial. Probably not, but maybe.. if I’m feeling nice.”

Emi rolled her eyes, but more in amusem*nt than annoyance this time. Like she would ever let him spray his disgusting, warm cum all over her face willingly. Yeah f*cking right. He could shoot it onto her f*cking pillow for all she cared. He’d probably leave it there too, and she’d only find out about the sticky ji*zz after laying her head down to rest at night. Her face would be sideways.. it’d get all over her cheek.. some of it might accidentally touch her lips.. and she’d flick her tongue out..

“Why do you always go quiet like that?” Josh blurted out, interrupting her fantasy. Her thoughts. Not her fantasy. She didn’t want any of that to happen, obviously.

Emi looked at him with red cheeks. “Uh.. worry about yourself, asshole. I’m.. going to go.. talk to Miz..” she mumbled, feeling directionless without one of Josh’s demands to follow. Even talking to her boyfriend was something that he had suggested.

“Hey, let him down easy.”

“Oh, shut up,” Emi groaned, smirking at his clever response. She turned her head and began walking towards the door, hoping to hide her smile, but Josh stopped her, taking a step in her direction and grabbing her arm to turn her whole body around.

“Don’t f*ck around here. There’s a lot riding on this, Emi. If you choose me, it will be the last choice you ever make. Everything you do from then on will be because I ordered it. Because I allowed it. You won’t f*cking breathe without my permission, and I think, by now, you know I mean that literally.”

Emi batted her long black lashes at him. The moment had escalated without warning, and as was always the case in situations like this, she froze.

“And since we’re at a turning point here,” Josh continued, “it may be the last time I get to see these f*cking melons.”

Taking advantage of her shock, he hooked his hand underneath her crop top and her bra and pulled them both up, releasing her large tit*. The beautiful drop and jiggle was enough to make Josh’s knees weak. The flawless set of breasts were as impressive as ever, and having seen them before didn’t deteriorate their shock factor.

“Josh!” Emi shouted, letting out a small shriek, but not moving to cover her boobs. He laughed and stroked his large co*ck as she tilted her head in mild irritation, smirking at him for his foolishness and wrapping her hands around her stomach, which gave her some small sense of cover.

She let him stare at her impressive rack, rolling her eyes at his stupid male gaze. Josh was right, after all. It could be the last time they spent time together in an intimate way.

With that in mind, Emi glanced down to appreciate his lethal-looking co*ck. It was as big as ever, staring right at her. The thickness, the length.. it wasn’t something that a man should possess both of. They should be gifted with one or the other, but Josh.. Josh had them both, and it just wasn’t right. It looked f*cking incredible to Emi, but it was too powerful. No man should have that kind of power.

Without thinking twice, she dropped to her knees and dived face first into Josh’s heavy ballsack, surprising the experienced stud. He continued stroking his co*ck as Emiru dug her face in deeper, shifting her head side to side as she engulfed her lovable face with his nuts. Her hands on his thighs kept her in place. Only her eyes remained uncovered, and they started rolling into the back of her head as her eyelids fluttered. It was one of the hottest things he’d seen since arriving in Austin.

She was breathing in his scent and degrading herself out of nowhere, and as hot as it was, Josh grew slightly worried. If Emi was going to this extent, perhaps it was because she truly did want to experience it one last time. One last whiff before writing him off for good.

Though, it was hard to worry about such things when an attractive woman was eagerly smothering herself with your balls, so Josh just savored the moment.

A few seconds later, it was over. Emi backed away and stood up, stumbling a little as if his musk had somehow impaired her coordination.

“What the hell was that?” Josh asked with a grin, still stroking his dick as she fixed her bra and pulled her shirt down.

She smiled back at him. “Oh, what? You get to see my tit*, but I can’t do something I want as a final hurrah?”

“But I love your f*cking tit*,” Josh reasoned. “Are you saying that you love having my balls all over your face?”

Emi’s eyes widened and she forced her mouth to remain neutral, noticeably so. “Maybe I do.. maybe I don’t.”

She carried a mischievous look on her face as she walked towards the door once more. Josh chuckled at her and sat down on bed, satisfied with ending it there.

But Emi wasn’t quite as satisfied. She had her hand on the doorknob of her French doors, but something inside of her prevented her exit.

She had no idea what choice she was going to make. She didn’t even know where to begin to make a choice like that. She had to ask one final thing. No! Two things. Two quick questions and then she’d be gone. For her own sake, she had to know the answers.

Turning back to confront Josh, he eyed her suspiciously. “Back for more, slu*t?”

“Yes,” she immediately replied before correcting herself. “No, I mean.. no! Shut the f*ck up. I have to ask.. uh.. you something. I need to know. What–”

“Nuh uh,” Josh stopped her. “Take your tit* out if you’re going to keep torturing me with your voice.”

Emi stared daggers at him, but her smirk gave away her hostility. “Ugh, fineee. I’ll take them out. Just.. don’t f*cking tell Miz, okay?”

“Hey, we can keep as many secrets from that fa*ggot as you want,” Josh barked out. His increased lust was responsible for the hateful jab.

Emi had raised her shirt and was just about to lift her bra, but his rude remark stopped her. “Hey! Be nice. You’re about to see his girlfriend’s boobs! The least you could do is be kind about it.”

“Haven’t you heard? Nice guys finish last. Now, take your f*cking tit* out, slu*t.”

Emi felt a spark in her puss*. It had been tingling for some time now, and her panties were undeniably wet, but Josh’s bossy demeanor renewed her lust. She hated the way she physically reacted to his brutish ways, but she couldn’t deny it. Her body loved him, even if her heart didn’t.

“Okay, okay,” she conceded, pulling her bra up and revealing her boobs. “Just.. try to be nice, please.”

“Why? I’m sure that fa*g has seen your boobs plenty of times. I think it’s about time he shared that privilege.”

Emi sighed as the big oaf disparaged her boyfriend once more, but she let it go and unintentionally added to his humiliation. “Well, actually.. he doesn’t see them very often,” she admitted as she walked closer to the bed, which gave him a much better view of her tit*. “We usually have the light off when we.. you know. Almost always, actually.”

A sinister grin appeared on Josh’s face as he glared at her perky breasts. “So he hasn’t seen your boobs in a while, but you don’t mind showing them off for me, huh?”

Emi shrugged her shoulders, unsure of why the comparison mattered. “Sure, I guess.. but whatever. I have questions to ask!”

“Shake your tit* and you can ask me anything you want,” Josh responded, seeing how far he could push his luck.

To his enjoyment, Emi simply rolled her eyes before doing as he asked, clearly just trying to appease him and get his demand out of the way. She shook her chest for a quick second and the subsequent bouncing was deliriously fantastic to witness. Kingdoms had gone to war for less. Their perky nature tried to keep them in place, but they were too substantial to control. Her breasts shook side to side wildly, slapping the sides of her ribcage for a brief moment before settling back into their original position.

Josh bit his lip as he renewed his masturbating efforts, which drew Emiru’s gaze repeatedly, despite her attempts to remain focused.

“Okay, can I ask my questions now or are you going to f*cking make me take my shorts off next?”

Josh chuckled, knowing that her patience was wearing thin. “Go ahead, slu*t. Bore me to death.”

Emi smiled adorably as she bounced on her tippy toes, ignoring his dumb comment. She had important information to gather. Information that would help her make her decision. “Okay, uhm.. do, uh.. do you remember.. uh, last night, do you remember what happened after I blacked out?”

Josh laughed as he looked at the hesitant girl. She had her hands behind her back, her left leg was brushing the back of her right thigh, and she was stumbling with her words. She was f*cking nervous.

“Last night? When I had my co*ck–”

“Yes,” Emi chimed in. “When you had your co*ck allllll the way inside of my throat. Here,” she said, pointing to the spot where her two clavicles met. It was an outrageous measure of how deep she was being throatf*cked, but it was accurate. If anything, it wasn’t deep enough. “You were f*cking my face, and you didn’t let me breathe, which you’re still an asshole for by the way, but then I passed out and I don’t know what happened from there. So.. what did you do? Like, were you panicking? Did you try to wake me up?”

Josh had a smug look on his face. He could’ve lied. He could’ve told her that he immediately tried to help her and blah blah blah, but that wasn’t what he wanted Emi to base her choice on. He wanted her to know what he really did and still choose him.

“Panicking?” Josh laughed out as he jerked his co*ck and began to recollect the events. “Why the hell would I have been panicking? I was f*cking relieved. Your annoying ass hands were slapping at my thighs, begging to let you go. I need air, I need air! Haha, f*cking annoying. Now, obviously you’re weak as f*ck so you weren’t getting free, but it was still irritating.”

Emi stood there staring at him incredulously with her mouth slightly ajar. She wasn’t sure what to expect, but it certainly wasn’t this.

“I mean, you have no idea how good it felt. God damn.. your throat was already the tightest I have ever been in, but then it started squeezing me.. pretty sure that was your gag reflex going haywire, and that sh*t felt amazing. Imagine feeling that good and then these dainty little hands are trying to get your attention. Pissed me off, so I started f*cking your face even harder. Bullied the f*ck out of your throat and that must’ve done the trick because your arms went limp pretty soon after that.”

Emi couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “And.. and you were relieved that I passed out?” she asked, reiterating what he said earlier. “You were happy?”

“Obviously, you stupid bimbo. It meant that I could finally f*ck your throat in peace! Haha, and I did. It was smooth sailing after that.”

Emi started to regain her senses. “So.. you f*cking.. you didn’t even pull out?”

“f*ck no. I actually did the opposite. I knew I was low on time, so I stopped holding back completely. If you could call it holding back, haha. Really f*cking gave it to you from there, and I kind of did you a favor, you know. If you were struggling before, you would’ve hated how rough I was being after.”

Emi wasn’t even sure why she was surprised. She should’ve expected this from him. She knew how she wound up: covered in piss and cum. She should’ve assumed the worst.

“You should’ve saw how your whole body was f*cking moving with every thrust, haha,” Josh chuckled, knowing that his descriptions were getting under Emi’s skin. “It was great.”

“Yeah, was it great, Josh? Was it?” Emi replied, animated with anger. “I wouldn’t f*cking know. Because I was unconscious! f*cking blacked out, you asshole.”

“Don’t worry,” Josh responded casually. “I’ll record it next time so we can watch it together.”

Emi stopped all movement and just stared at him. Completely caught off guard, she actually began to laugh. “You are such a f*cking prick. Oh my god! Haha, I can’t with you. You’re f*cking insane.”

“And you’re just finding this out now?” Josh asked.

Emi nodded her head. The laughter had eased her anger somewhat. “You know, you’re right. I should’ve expected all of this. I mean, you did drag me from one room to another by just my f*cking hair. I don’t even know why I’m reacting like such a bitch. I should be thanking you for treating me like a literal lifeless sex doll.”

Her words were dripping with sarcasm, but Josh played into it.

“Glad we’re finally on the same page. I’ll take my thanks in the form of a blowj*b, please. Hold the gag reflex.”

Emi just f*cking smirked and shook her head. He was unbelievable. There was a degrading little comment for absolutely everything. “You really are something else, you know that?”

“Thanks, babe,” Josh replied with a grin. “You said you had another question? Surprised you haven’t asked it yet with how much you’re yapping.”

Her mood had undeniably shifted towards positive. Josh was an asshole, but at least he was transparent about it. He made no attempts to hide it whatsoever, and that demanded a certain degree of respect. One that Emi couldn’t deny.

But still, her boyfriend. She had a boyfriend. And he wouldn’t approve of their friendship. Or.. their friends-with-benefits-ship. Definitely wouldn’t approve of that. She had to get her question answered and then leave. Leave as soon as possible. Before the mammoth horse co*ck in front of her destroyed her last bit of resistance.

“What do you see when you look at me?” Emi asked outright. She needed a straightforward answer here. No more distractions.

Josh picked up on that desire. Her face was stoic. Her eye contact was direct. She wanted one clear-cut answer.

“A slave,” Josh replied. “When I look at you, I see a girl with great potential to be a really, really good slave. And I mean that in the nicest way possible. You take directions well, but your attitude makes it fun to humiliate and punish you. A good sex slave needs a bit of sass. You look like someone who’d be really happy as property. A pair of tit* and three holes, owned and used by a good man. I can be that man, Emiru. I can be your master, and you can be my slave. You won’t get anything in return other than being constantly slapped, choked, f*cked, humiliated, and abused, but you’ll never have to think again. I’ll make all your decisions for you.”

Emi didn’t react with surprise this time. She absorbed his answer and began to digest it. With a simple nod and a quick smile, she accepted it and began walking towards the door.

“Hey, hold up,” Josh called out, stopping her in her tracks. He was still stroking his co*ck as he spoke, “I need some lube over here. Starting to chafe, you know.”

Emi looked at him and then at his dick. It was a f*cking crime to see a co*ck that perfect feeling anything but pleasure, so she walked over, unable to resist her urge to smile. She got onto the bed on all fours and navigated herself over Josh’s body, which was lying down face up.

Josh arrogantly put his hands behind his head, as if Emi was about to take over and do all of the work that his hand had been doing. She rolled her eyes and smirked at him before getting close to the head of his dick. His scent filled her nostrils, and her body immediately reacted. Her skin grew goosebumps, her heart rate quickened, and her c*nt was on fire.

She looked him in the eyes as she propped his heavy co*ck up with her hand; a task that nearly required her second hand. She gathered a good wad of spit in her mouth before sticking her tongue out, allowing a generous glob of saliva to drip down right onto Josh’s bulging co*ckhead.

Emi never broke eye contact with Josh as the warm spit drooled down and coated his dick. She kept her pretty little tongue out until the dripples stopped completely, which took a good thirty seconds.

Josh could hardly believe the sight. She was a f*cking natural, which was surprising given her previous attempts at dirty talk. Clearly, she just needed a bit of degrading.

Emi smirked at how awestruck Josh looked. It was a powerful feeling to produce that kind of reaction from someone, which further explained his massive ego. She was sure that she looked the exact same way every f*cking time he took his dick out. It was embarrassing, but it was basically an instinct to react with complete shock at such a massive tool.

Emi then raised her head away from his co*ck. “Is that good enough?” she asked with an adorably innocent tone.

“Not even close,” Josh replied. Without warning, he reached forward to grab her by the hair and forced her face towards his dick. She closed her mouth, so Josh jabbed his co*ck at her entrance to pry it open, but it was no use. His dick was too big to slip through.

“Just deepthroat me once, and I’ll let you go, whor*,” Josh negotiated. All he wanted was lube for his masturbating session. She’d be back soon enough to give him her full body.

Emi’s eyes stared daggers at him. She clearly only intended on teasing him and then making her exit, but Josh wasn’t about to let that happen. Emi knew she couldn’t respond or she’d risk having Josh ram his co*ck into her mouth the second it opened, so she fought a war with her eyes. They battled it out, straining their facial expressions to convince the other that they were more serious, but in the end, Emi lost.

She rolled her eyes and smirked, conceding to the brute. Josh laughed out, “You’re too easy.”

Emi opened her mouth and braced herself for a harsh deepthroating, which Josh was all too happy to supply. He thrust his co*ck into her hole the second an opening appeared, and he didn’t stop pushing until half of his co*ck was lodged in her throat.

“f*ck, that’s good,” he moaned out. “You’re sooo f*cking easy. So easy, haha.”

He gave the top of her head a few taps, and that helped another inch go in. Emi’s face strained comically at the abusive intrusion.

“f*ck, it’d be so easy to just keep f*cking your throat. I’m already in here. Why would I stop?” Josh argued with himself.

Emi heard his dialogue and began to panic. Another session like the night prior would destroy her throat. She needed time to recover. She had almost been f*cking gone! Her hand had been on the doorknob, and she came back. This was all on her.

“f*ck, no. No. I want your f*cking c*nt,” Josh announced. He reached forward to slap her ass and rub her puss* over her shorts. “And you still have to talk to f*cking Miz, huh? Can’t f*ck your makeup over too much then.”

Emi felt relief, but she hadn’t gotten a good breath of air before Josh forced his way into her throat, so she was hesitant to feel too optimistic until she was fully released.

Josh thrust his co*ck in and out of her helpless mouth a few more times, slapping the side of her face just for the fun of it. He forced her head down one final time, breaking through one of her throat barriers and lodging himself there for a few seconds before finally, begrudgingly, letting go.

Emi immediately pulled herself free and began coughing to the side. She retched, gasping for the air her lungs required. The miniscule facef*ck wasn’t as severe as he would have liked, but still, thirty seconds without air wasn’t a walk in the park.

“I f*cking love that throat of yours, Emi,” Josh beamed. “It’s so goddamn tight. Grips my co*ck like a virgin c*nt, haha. But that’s not even the best part. I can tell how much you struggle to take my size and that gets me so f*cking hard. God, I love seeing you struggle. I really, really hope you won’t make me rape you just to have your throat again.”

Emi finally caught her breath, coughing one more time before responding. “Hah.. I guess, I guess we’ll just have to see how things turn out, huh? Maybe you will have to rape me if you ever want to use me like a fleshlight again.”

Her playful banter about such a sexually violent act was amusing, so Josh leered at her with a grin. “I’m not above it, Emiru. I’ll do it if I have to.”

“Oh, trust me. I believe you,” she replied, letting out a giggle as she wiped the spit from around her mouth and patted her eyes dry.

As rough as he was, Emi was starting to get used to his treatment. It would take weeks of daily facef*cking practice just to be comfortable with his co*ck size, if she chose to be with him at all, but she was beginning to see how a whor* could willingly decide to be used with such brutality. There was an appeal to being seen as less than human and just a way to get off.

She wore a stupid grin on her face as she leaned in and licked the sides of his co*ck a few more times. “Another secret, okay? Miz can never find out about this.”

Josh winked at her. “You got it, whor*. That cuck boyfriend of yours was stupid enough to trade in his sex life for a few extra muscles. Trust me, he’s way too dumb to ever catch onto us.”

Emi huffed, rolling her eyes at him. “You’re a big meanie,” she replied, licking his dick one more time and then leaning down to kiss his balls. “You shouldn’t.. muah.. say stuff.. muah.. like that,” she added, showering his sack with a dozen big smooches. They were just supposed to be quick pecks of appreciation, but she lost herself and began nursing his enormous nuts one at a time.

After a full minute, she shook herself out of her trance and leaned back. “f*ck, I think I’m addicted to you.”

Josh laughed, slapping her ass as she crawled over him to stand up. She let out a little yelp and a giggle and began walking to the door. “See you in a bit,” he called out. “Make sure you give that loser a kiss before coming back to me.”

Emi quickly realized that his request was purely because she had just been making out with his massive balls. “I absolutely will not,” she yelled back, finally exiting the room and walking down the hallway towards the stairs.

The full weight of the decision she had to make suddenly beared down on her, causing her to stop in her tracks. “f*ck,” she muttered out, contemplating a topic that had been on her mind before. “Just.. just one more thing. I just have to see one more thing.”

Completing a half spin, she basically skipped back to the room that Josh had all but taken over. Walking into the room, he was still stroking his massive f*cking dick, which like fake even from across the room.

“You just can’t f*cking resist me, can you? You f*cking prostitute, haha. Get over here,” Josh joked, sitting up in bed. “I think I’m going to try out that ass of yours first.”

Emi walked towards the bed, giggling as she did so. “Noooo, Josh! I haven’t decided yet. I just.. I have to see one thing,” she said in a soft voice. Getting down on her knees in front of the hunky man, she continued, “Can you slap me one more time? Just like you did before, but don’t hold back. Really give it to me, okay?”

Josh nearly obliged her on the spot, but he saw an opportunity to use her request as leverage. “Give Miz a kiss, courtesy of my balls, and I will.”

Emi’s mouth dropped, but nothing came out. She thought it over before replying. “You’re so f*cking weird.”

“Very true. And also, accurate.”

“Ugh, why do you even want that?” Emi asked. “What’s in it for you?”

“It’s just funny,” Josh chuckled, impressed with how innocent she was. She really had no concept of how humiliation and cuckolding worked.

“It’s f*cked up. He’s.. he’s a good guy. He doesn’t deserve any of this. He’s just dating me, but that doesn’t, like.. immediately qualify him to get harassed and messed with. We can fool around without getting him involved.”

“You’re right,” Josh replied. “We could, but we won’t. Make no mistake Emi, if you come back here, you’re going to get the best f*ck of your life, but you’re also signing up to help me bully the f*ck out of that fa*ggot.”

His words hit Emi hard. She didn’t know that was a part of the deal, but it’s not like she could negotiate. She wasn’t even going to have control over her own body. What the hell could she do to help out Miz? If Josh wanted to f*ck with him, she’d be forced watch. No, she’d be forced to help. She’d be his accomplice.

If she chose him, of course. She didn’t have to, but up until now, that’s the way she was leaning.

Finally, Emi conceded the argument with a pout. After a few seconds, she finally said, “Fine. I’ll kiss your balls and then I’ll kiss him, you f*cking freak. But only on the cheek.”

“On the lips. A quick peck is fine. Don’t want him getting too much action,” Josh explained.

“Of f*cking course you don’t, haha,” Emi laughed. “Fine, fine. On the lips. Now, can you please pleaseeeee slap me already? Do it how you’ll be doing it every day if I choose–”

Without hesitation, Josh smacked the streamer across the face, sending her to the ground, four feet to the left.

“Ahhh! F.. f*ck.. okay. Yeah, I.. I got what I needed from that. Thanks,” Emi mumbled out. “Or.. not thanks. f*ck you.. is what I meant.”

She then crawled over meekly and leaned in to kiss Josh’s balls one more time. Her heart rate shot up as she approached. His presence was just so f*cking intimidating, and she wasn’t sure if she’d ever get used to it. Emi held her lips against the warm, wrinkly flesh of his sack for a few seconds, giving him small, tender kisses. That quickly turned into ten seconds, and then twenty. Her eyes darted up to meet Josh’s gaze, and he looked proud. Proud of her. For listening. For obeying.

And that warmed her heart. She really liked seeing that Josh was happy with her. A smile formed on her face, and Josh could feel it. He could sense the shift in her lips from pursed to a subtle grin. Finally, she pulled back and stood up to leave.

Josh smirked. He had every reason to. He was winning over every girl on his list, and he had yet to encounter a rejection. A true rejection. Looking at the way Emi was behaving, he approximated that it’d be five minutes before she’d return for more abuse. “Enjoy your last few moments of freedom, slave.”

Rolling her eyes dramatically, Emi looked back at him and shook her exposed chest one last time. “Should’ve taken a picture, idiot. You are neverrrrrrr going to see these again, heh.”

The remark caused Josh to shift as if he was about to chase the tiny girl, and she shrieked, running out of the room in a fit of giggles.

Being chased always gave Emi a huge burst of adrenaline, so she was thankful that Josh didn’t continue his pursuit. Walking down the hallway once more gave her deju vu. This time, though, there was a confident kick in each of her steps. A smile burdened her cheek muscles, and her puss* was engulfed in fire. Josh had done nothing but treat her like a ragdoll. A stupid ragdoll that didn’t have the right to breathe or talk or form opinions.. and yet, her panties had never been as soaked as they currently were.

She reached down and confirmed it. That was evidence. Direct evidence that she f*cking loved the way Josh treated her. Or.. mistreated her, to put it more accurately.

Emi was certain that if she took her underwear off right there in the hallway and wrung them out with her hands, a f*cking puddle would form. A puddle big enough to make someone slip. The thought forced her to stifle a dumb chuckle.

She approached the steps that would take her downstairs to the main floor where Miz’s room was located, but she stopped yet again. Her f*cking tit* were still out. Shaking her head and giggling at the close call, she fixed her bra and her shirt before heading down. That one would’ve been hard to explain, but it was still early in the morning. Eleven o’clock. Early for a streamer house, anyway, so it was unlikely that she’d run into anyone.

Knocking on Miz’s bedroom door, she walked in and saw that he was still in bed, scrolling on his phone.

“Oh, hey. What’s up, loser?” he called out as soon as he noticed her. Emi didn’t respond though. She just walked up to him and planted a kiss on his lips, intending to only deliver a quick peck, but instead, she lingered. Miz kissed her back after his initial surprise, but there was no passionate reciprocity. It’s like Emi just wanted to touch lips and be close to him.

She pulled back a few seconds later.

“The hell was that?” Miz laughed out awkwardly. It was an awkward kiss, after all.

Her inner dialogue was going crazy. The truth behind the kiss was f*cked up beyond anything Miz could ever imagine, but he had no f*cking idea. He had no idea that he was essentially kissing Josh’s balls, and Emi suddenly understood why Josh was calling him a fa*ggot. Her heart was beating quickly. Her adrenaline was pumping. She felt oddly awake. Alive. The thrill of the betrayal was getting to her, and she grinned.

“I.. I just wanted to say sorry.. about last night. I was being a bitch,” she admitted. “But I’m working on it.”

Miz squinted his eyes, suspicious of her remorse. It wasn’t like her to apologize like this. They usually just insulted each other with their familiar jabs and pretended like there was never an argument in the first place.

“You’re working on.. not being a bitch?” he asked oddly.

Emi nodded her adorable head. “Yup. I.. uh, I think I’ll have it fixed pretty soon. Maybe.”

Miz wasn’t sure what she was getting at, but he decided to let it go and joke her weirdness off. “Good, ‘cause I was really starting to think you’d be stuck that way forever.”

The two smirked at each other. Emi leaned in to jab him in the side and they laughed it off.

But Emi’s face quickly returned to stern. She wasn’t here to make amends.

“Miz, I have a question, and take this seriously, okay?”

He had returned his focus back to his phone while continuing the conversation. “Yeah, yeah. When do I ever not take things seriously?”

Emi groaned. “Ugh, for real! This is important. It could.. lead to.. certain things happening.”

Miz looked up from his phone. “Why the hell are you being so weird? Are you on adderall? You didn’t get into my pills, did you? You’re going to start growing a dick if you did.”

Once more, Emi groaned. He was incapable of answering her with an ounce of sincerity. Which was usually a good thing. It was funny, but she didn’t want funny right now. “Don’t those pills do the opposite of growing a dick though? Don’t they shrink the one you already have?” she blurted out with an obvious reference to his performance issues.

His face immediately dropped. “I’m.. I’m not f*cking talking about the steroids, asshole. I don’t even take those anymore.”

Emi smirked at how riled up her comment got him, and Miz decided to take it as banter. Arguing would’ve only exacerbated the issue, and it definitely wouldn’t help him get any action. It’d been way too long since they were intimate, which was mostly his fault. The arguing and the dick issues were starting to mount, but the actual pills he was taking for his erectile dysfunction seemed to be finally working. He had woken up with a full boner that morning and was hoping to put it to good use.

Before he could sway the conversation in that direction, however, Emi glared at him apathetically and asked, “What do you see when you look at me?”

The same question that she asked Josh.

Miz took it as an opportunity to get into her good graces and then, hopefully, into her pants. “Fine, fine. I’m going to answer seriously, okay? Since you’re being all weird and cryptic this morning, but don’t f*cking laugh. Uh, f*ckin’.. I don’t know. When I look at you, I see.. a cool chick, I guess. I see my girlfriend. I see a really funny girl who’s pretty, but that’s not everything,” Miz said, catching himself as he tried to not focus on her physical traits too much. “I see someone who’s really nice and super caring and.. and smart. Really smart!”

Emi stared at him blankly as she digested his response. It wasn’t sexist or degrading or insulting. There wasn’t an ounce of dehumanization in there. No traces of misogyny whatsoever.

She f*cking hated it.

“You think I’m smart?” she asked, almost breathlessly.

Miz scoffed. “What? Yeah, of course I do. You’re the smartest girl I know!”

Wrong f*cking answer. Emi nodded her head, accepting his response and coming to a fateful conclusion. Without speaking another word, she turned and began walking out of the room.

“Hey, wait.. uh, Emi!” Miz called out. “Did you want to.. uh, watch a movie? Together? We could.. uh, cuddle and–”

“No, thanks,” she blurted out, not bothering to let him finish his sentence. It was pathetic how much he tiptoed around his true intentions. “Not in the mood!”

With a grumpy pout, Miz laid back in bed, wondering how f*ck he fumbled his chances yet again.

Emi’s attitude was not identical, to say the least. She was f*cking giddy. Her body had been screaming at her, trying to convince her brain to make the right choice. The choice of pleasure and desire and primal degeneracy. That’s what Josh was. She was attracted to him on a primal, instinctual level, and she wanted to give into him so badly, but it didn’t make any logical sense. He was a f*cking prick. He didn’t even know her, he certainly didn’t respect her, and he would just throw her away after he was done abusing the f*ck out of every hole she had.

And that was exactly what Emiru wanted. She ached for a ferocious, brutal, punishing tree trunk of a co*ck to put her in her f*cking place, and the only reason to resist was her stupid f*cking fa*ggot of a boyfriend. Or.. no, just.. just her boyfriend. He wasn’t any of those things, and he wasn’t at fault here, but.. f*ck, his answer was such a puss* cop-out response.

And Emi was eternally grateful that it was. His answer proved that Miz wasn’t the path to follow. The correct man to pick was..

.. standing in front of her.

Closing Miz’s bedroom door behind her, Emi looked up and saw Josh standing there, towering over her. He was buck naked, on the floor level of the home, where anyone could easily spot him. His thick, drool-inducing co*ck was on display like a third leg, and his balls, the pair that she’d come to love worshiping, hung like oranges from a sturdy tree.

“Figured you’d want me as close as possible,” Josh began to explain with a co*cky smirk, “whenever you came to your senses.”

Emiru could almost shriek from the joy she felt. Now this was a f*cking man that could read her mind.

She nodded softly, sporting an adorably enthusiastic smile on her face. She had no idea what to say. What does one say to the man who was about to strip her of all of her rights, her freedoms, and presumably, her clothes?

Luckily for her, she didn’t have to think about what the next steps were. Josh already did that for her. He dropped the small pillow that he’d been holding in his hands and positioned it in front of him suggestively.

Emiru immediately took the hint and dropped to her knees, but not on the pillow. She kneeled just before it, and then swatted the pillow to the side before inching forward where the cushion had been. “Sex slaves don’t deserve pillows,” she declared matter-of-factly, before opening her mouth wide and staring up at Josh.

Josh knew right then and there that Emi would fit into his harem perfectly. He wasted no more time, taking hold of his co*ck and lining it up with her warm entrance. He tapped his large co*ckhead against the tiny girl’s tongue a few times before shoving himself into her throat.

He tried to time his thrust at a point where it looked like she was exhaling. After all, seeing Emi struggle for air was half of the fun.

Her eyes and her smile immediately shifted from happy to survival mode. Josh had taken a hold of her hair to shove his fat co*ck as deep as possible, forcing her mouth to expand obscenely. It was a f*cking miracle how any girl was able to take his size. If he wasn’t as forceful as he was, any regular old girlfriend would’ve refused to blow him for the sake of her own comfort. That’s why useless cum-addicted fleshlights were way better than girlfriends.

“This is what you f*cking chose, whor*,” Josh barked out as sternly and quietly as he could. “You chose to be a f*cking worthless co*cksleeve. That’s all you are now, and that’s all you’ll ever f*cking be.”

Emi could only moan in response.

When his enormous f*ck stick met resistance, he withdrew his co*ck almost entirely, only leaving the tip in before slamming his way back into Emi’s panicking gullet. This movement felt fantastic for Josh’s aching dick, but it was an incredible struggle for Emiru.


Every time she even slightly got used to his size, accommodating him by relaxing her screaming throat muscles, he would pull out, tricking her body into believing that the ordeal was over and thus, attempt to gasp for oxygen.

But of course, that was not the case. Josh just shoved himself back into her throat, completely throwing the streamer’s rhythm off and forcing her to reacclimate to the newest intrusion.

“You look so f*cking pretty when you’re struggling to breathe, haha,” Josh taunted her. “Has anyone ever told you that?”

But of course, Emi couldn’t respond.


Josh slapped her cheek harshly as he continued ramming his dick deeper and deeper into her oral cavity. “I asked you a f*cking question, slu*t.”

Another fierce slap followed, prompting the adorable girl to flinch and shut her already alarmed eyes. “Why haven’t you answered me?” he barked out.

Another slap came down, and then another. Josh then laughed out as softly as he could. “Oh, f*ck. That’s right..” he joked arrogantly. Obviously the young girl couldn’t say anything. Emi rolled her eyes at the joke. Still, he continued slapping her face just for the fun of it.


The ensuing thrusts worked like a battering ram, which managed to tear down her esophageal defenses and abuse deeper sections of her throat. Emi’s eyes constantly rolled back into her head as her gag flex went f*cking bananas. It had no control over the situation, which brought upon all sorts of physical reactions from the cute girl. Emi’s stomach lurched forward in an attempt to vomit, but the baseball bat lodged in her throat prevented it. Her eyes watered like a leaky faucet, causing streaks of eyeliner to pour down her face. And spit drooled down from her mouth, coating her chin and pooling onto the floor.


The scene looked ridiculous from afar. A herculean man that looked fit for pro-level rugby was brutally facef*cking a girl half or maybe even a third of his size. Both of his hands were on her head, which was necessary to try to stab as much f*ckmeat into her microscopic mouth c*nt as possible. Her hands were fighting for her own survival, badgering Josh’s thighs and pushing against them meekly in order to escape.

Emi didn’t want to fight back, but her survival instincts kicked in at times and compelled her limbs into action.

At long last, Josh thrust forward and managed to bury all nine inches of his goliath co*ck into Emi’s tiny gullet, smashing her cute little nose against his pelvis. He was nearly in her f*cking stomach, and he held himself there, pausing his thrusts to savor the feeling.

“This right f*cking here,” Josh began to say, tapping the back of her head with a closed fist, “this is the f*cking pinnacle of being a man. Burying yourself in a stupid bitch’s throat. One that couldn’t stop yapping to save her f*cking life. Where’s the snarky comments now, Emiru? Where’s the bitchy complaints? Oh, you suffocated me with your co*ck until I blacked out and then pissed all over me, f*cking boo hoo. Where’s that now, you f*cking stupid whor*?”

Josh laughed right at her, and Emi’s face reddened. From his slaps, yes, but also from the humiliation. All she was trying to do was f*cking survive. Nothing had ever, ever been this deep inside of her throat, and the depth wasn’t even the worst part. Josh’s dick was f*cking thick. It was like a f*cking water bottle, except he didn’t compress with pressure. He seemed to f*cking grow and expand every time he got deeper.

Emi looked up at him and begged. She begged for her f*cking life.

And Josh just stood there, basking in the unbelievable feeling of her facial c*nt.

“What do you think, Emiru? Another minute or two?” he teased. “Maybe three?”

Her eyes were already wide, but they grew wider at Josh’s newest torment. He was talking about minutes, but she couldn’t handle another second. She renewed her protests, punching at his thighs to be released.

“Now, obviously, you’ll be f*cking out cold here in a little bit. Under a minute, for sure, but I don’t care about that. I’m asking how long I should be in here after you pass out. I think two minutes is good.”

Emiru’s brain was pleading for air, so she continued badgering his thighs. She was about to resort to scratching, but decided against it. She really didn’t want to hurt her abuser. Yes, what he was talking about might very well kill her, but it wasn’t his fault. Her throat was probably making his co*ck feel euphoric. Given how tight of a fit it was, Josh’s dick was surely on cloud nine right now, and he just wanted to savor that feeling. What sense would there in be in hurting him over that?

And plus, there was a good chance that he was just joking. Surely, he wouldn’t remain lodged in her throat for that long after she passed out. She was at least fifty percent sure he wouldn’t do that to her, even if he had confessed about doing that exact thing earlier that morning. He was probably just gloating and exaggerating the events to ridicule her further.

Emiru looked up once more as she felt her vision going dark, and she could see a look of pure satisfaction on Josh’s face. She liked seeing him happy. She loved it actually, but it probably meant that she was about to get brutally facef*cked after she fell unconscious, and she hoped, for Josh’s sake, that she would be a good fleshlight for him.

Right at that moment, Josh withdrew his meaty shaft and graced Emiru with the gift of fresh air, slapping her across the face and sending her to the ground.

“Gluhhh, uhhhh, uhh,” she gasped out, breathing in as much oxygen as her poor body could. She coughed, recognizing that, even in her attempt to stay alive, she needed to be quiet. Her boyfriend could come waltzing out at a moment’s notice if he heard anything suspicious.

Emi gulped and wheezed and contorted her small frame, all to try to regain her sense of awareness. Josh just chuckled at her, adding to the humiliation as he kneeled down and smacked the recuperating girl in the face with his co*ck. “God, you are so fun to f*ck with. I can’t believe I get to do this every day from now on. Every f*cking day, I’m going to abuse you just like this. Worse, even. We’re kind of limited here, being in the hallway and all, but it’ll get worse. Trust me.”

As she recovered, Emi noted that this likely wouldn’t just be a daily event. Josh had been in their home for less than a day, and already, she had experienced the deprivation of oxygen, the dehumanization of her bodily functions, and the extreme degradation of her self worth several times over, each one worse than the last.

But Emiru wasn’t mad. She wasn’t upset or frustrated or even annoyed.

This is what she chose. This is what she wanted.

This is what she needed.

With a delirious smile on her face, she turned her head up and kissed the co*ck that was slapping her face, timing her smooches to line up with each impact.

“Ready to get f*cked?” Josh asked her.

“Mmmm, yes, master,” she cooed, realizing that her tone had been a little too loud. She lowered her voice before adding, “I’m ready. I’m ready for you to use me in any way that you can possibly imagine. Are you.. uh, are you sure you don’t want to facef*ck me a little more first? I can take it, master. Well.. uh, I don’t actually think that I can, but.. but you don’t really seem to care about what I can and can’t take, heh.”

Josh smiled. It was always incredible to see the transformation of a girl after just a couple of good skullf*ckings.

“As tempting as that is,” Josh began to say, “I’m not trying to get our fun spoiled from some jack off that wanders in the hallway, and I still want to f*ck you before we head back upstairs.”

Emi had shifted down and begun to kiss his massive ball sack when she heard his decision. “Oh, really? So.. uh, you want to f*ck me here? Right outside.. hah, right outside of my boyfriend’s bedroom?”

“Do you have a problem with that?” he asked as he pulled her up by her hair.

“Ow, ow.. ahh, no.. no, sir. Not at all! But.. what if he comes out?” she asked in return as Josh began stripping her clothes off.

“I mean, I think we all knew he’d be coming out at some point,” Josh joked back. “Can’t stay in the closet forever.”

Emi opened her mouth in surprise. “You’re so bad, oh my god. That’s not what I meant! He’s not gay,” she replied in her boyfriend’s defense. “At least, I don’t think he is. Seriously though.. what if he walks out and catches us?”

“He won’t have a good day if that happens,” Josh replied, slipping her gym shorts and thong off of her final leg before tossing them to the side.

Emi giggled. “I mean, his girlfriend is about to cheat on him.. how much worse can his day get?”

“It can get worse,” Josh replied, looking into her eyes with a stern expression. “Trust me.”

Emi chose to believe him and stopped her questioning there. Josh spun her around and away from him.

She forced herself to stifle her moans as Josh spread her ass cheeks and dove into her most sensitive areas, devouring her c*nt from behind. His tongue quickly lurched out, exploring her warm puss* and satiating a burning desire that she was carrying since smothering her face with his balls earlier that same morning. Every minute since then had been one big tease for her sopping wet c*nt. Finally, finally.. she was receiving some attention.

And it couldn’t have arrived a moment too soon. The anticipation of giving in to such a muscular hunk, being used as if she wasn’t a person, and doing it all right outside her boyfriend’s bedroom was just too much. When Josh’s tongue shifted up from her c*nt to her asshole, there wasn’t a dam in existence that was strong enough to hold Emiru’s climax back. She clamped both hands over her mouth and exploded into a euphoric, brain-melting org*sm.

Emi’s legs trembled as her entire body was overcome with pleasure. She moaned into her hands, stifled but not completely quieted, and she felt goosebumps form on her arms. Her eyes rolled back as the waves of ecstasy washed onto her shores, one by one they crashed into her and sent incredible surges of delightful bliss to every corner of her small, pale body. Josh had continued to tongue her warm holes as her org*sm died down, which prolonged the fantastic climax.

Yeah, she had definitely made the right choice.

“I love you.. I f*cking love you,” Emi mumbled as Josh slapped her ass and backed up.

He chuckled, wiping some of her ejacul*te from his face and standing upright to lean in over her shoulder. “Be careful, slu*t. Those are dangerous words.”

Emi caught her breath as she realized what he meant. “Oh, uh.. sorry, master. It was just so good. So f*cking good. Miz has never made me feel like that. Ever!”

“Huh, would’ve never guessed that,” Josh replied sarcastically as he unceremoniously pulled her top and bra up and over her head, tossing them into a pile with her shorts.

Emi giggled as he bent down to suck on her tit*. “Oh, shut up, heh. I mean.. f*ck. I can’t say that anymore, can I?”

Josh smirked up at her as he slurped on one boob while slapping the other. He alternated and did the same thing to the opposite tit before responding. “You’re new, and you’re learning quickly. That’s all that I ask.”

Emi smiled from ear to ear as Josh ravaged her breasts. The sensation was too much for her, forcing a lip bite to display her satisfaction. She felt her heart swell at his latest remark. She was happy. It would be a long journey with Josh, learning to be his, learning to be ordered around, but she was excited. He was.. fair. Not fair in the practical sense of the word. She’d be owned from now on. Property. She’d be degraded and used and deprived of basic necessities, surely, but at least Josh would throw in the occasional compliment every now and then.

That was enough for her. More than enough.

Emi caught herself smiling ear to ear and nearly shook her head at her own silliness. It was like a high school crush.

Josh suddenly dove both of his hands in between her legs and circled them around her thighs, lifting her up and spreading her legs in one swift motion. Instantly, she was raised four feet off the ground. Pinned to the wall, Emi quietly shrieked at the sudden repositioning.

“Oh my god, you’re so strong,” she moaned. “I love that you’re this strong. You can.. hah, you can hold me down and force me to do things I don’t want to do, but also so you can protect me. A good owner should always be able to protect his property, after all..”

Josh ignored her and lined his co*ck up with her c*nt. The positioning was a little awkward, but Josh only needed one arm to hold Emi up anyway, so his right hand did the task. He pressed forward, easing himself into her beautiful c*nt and letting her own body weight push her down slowly.

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” Emi moaned, bracing herself for what was surely going to be the most ravenous f*ck of her life. “You’re going to f*cking split me in half, you f*cking stud, f*ckkkkk!”

She quickly realized that she’d been a little too loud and glanced towards the door next to them. Josh chuckled as they made mischievous eye contact. The whole thing was messed up. Her boyfriend had just asked if she wanted to mess around, essentially, and she flat out said no. She wasn’t in the mood.

Hah! The biggest f*cking lie she ever told. She wasn’t just in the mood; she was so in the mood that she was willing to leave behind all of her f*cking dignity just to get some co*ck.

“f*cking hell, Josh..” she whispered. “How are you this big? Fuhh.. f*ck..”

But it wasn’t just any co*ck that she wanted. No, it was the giant f*cksword of a co*ck that was currently impaling itself into her tiny sheath. That’s the co*ck she wanted. That’s the co*ck she craved. That’s the co*ck that was convincing her to put everything she knew aside.

And as a side note, whoever the f*cking armorer was that made this mismatched equipment needed to be fired.

Because Josh had completely let her body weight go, and still, barely an inch past his co*ckhead had entered her tight puss*. They looked at each other in amusem*nt and laughed simultaneously. The commotion forced another inch in, which quickly turned Emi’s laugh into a moan. Josh would have to force the rest of his girth in, and if there was anyone fit for that job, it was him.

“Wrap your hands around my neck,” he ordered, and Emi immediately obliged. She had been holding onto his arms before, but this seemed much more practical. With her hands in a stable position and her legs wrapped around his pelvis, Josh shifted his hands from under her thighs to her small waist. He pushed down and quickly hid more and more of his co*ck into Emi’s warm c*nt.

“f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ckkkkk,” she groaned. It was like being a virgin all over again. Never in her life did she think she’d be taking such a massive co*ck into her puss*. She hadn’t even seen dild*s this size before. A friend in high school told her about using an overgrown cucumber once, and even that phallic vegetable wasn’t even close to the record she was currently setting.

This was an all-timer co*ck.

Josh reveled in the blissful feeling. It felt like he was sticking his dick into a f*cking volcano. Her c*nt was ridiculously warm and tighter than any other c*nt he’d been in before, partly because of how small Emi was but also because of how inexperienced she was as well. Half of his co*ck was in and then three quarters. Josh looked Emi in the eyes before one last push. She was filled with anticipation and anxiousness and desire and lust and greed. Greed more than anything, though. She wanted all of his co*ck. Every last inch. As Josh forced the last section of his co*ck into her puss*, Emiru’s eyes rolled back and another org*smic wave overcame her.

“Holyyyy f*ckkkkk,” she moaned out. “You’re so big. You’re so f*cking big, muh.. master.. so f*cking big! Holy f*ckkkk.. uh, uhhh. So big.. so big.. so f*cking big..”

Her entire body trembled, and she hung onto Josh’s neck for dear life. She was sure that Josh’s co*ck alone would’ve been enough to hold her up, but she didn’t like heights, and her quivering legs certainly would give way if nothing else supported her.

Josh contemplated waiting out her org*sm, but he was impatient. It had taken long enough to get inside of her. Half of an entire day had passed before this bitch opened her legs. A prude by any standard.

With a determined gaze on his face, he began to thrust in and out her, lifting her body with his grip on her waist and then forcing her back down on his co*ck. Emi had to bury her face into her own right shoulder just to keep from screaming out. Her whole body shook as Josh built up a steady, punishing rhythm.

“f*ck yeah, bitch,” Josh groaned out. “Take my f*cking co*ck.”

“Yes, sir,” she moaned back. “Uh, uhhh, uhhh! Give it to me, give me your co*ck.. ugh, ugh.. I want it, f*ck! I want all of it! Oh my f*ck, you’re breaking me, you f*ck! You f*cker! Oh my god!”

Her remarks were deliberately soft. Stern, but low enough that Miz would’ve had to have been trying to listen for it. Still though, they were playing with fire.

Josh lifted Emiru’s body high and to the tip of his co*ck before slamming her back down, emitting guttural moans, eye rolls, and expletives from the small streamer. His rhythm was efficient and grew faster and faster as Emi’s hole accommodated his size. The fleshy sounds of their skin slapping together filled the hallway illicitly.


“f*ck, f*ck, f*ckkkkkkkk me. f*ck,” Emi continued to moan over and over, contorting her facial expressions to match every new feeling she was experiencing. Josh was pummeling her vagin* as if they were in a f*cking p*rn video, which Emi always had great appreciation for, unlike other girls she had met. Growing up in the Midwest and as inexperienced as she was, she thought that watching hardcore p*rn would add to her sexual knowledge, so when the time came, she’d be a f*cking expert.

That expectation was sorely dismissed when she became intimate with Miz. Their sex was always plain as f*cking vanilla ice cream. Not that it wasn’t good. Vanilla ice cream was her favorite flavor, after all, but sex isn't a flavor of dessert. It needed variety. It needed toppings. It needed f*cking sprinkles and nuts and a cherry on top, and that’s not how it was with Miz.

“f*cking destroy me, uhhhh,” she moanged out. “I’m your bitch.. I’m your f*cking bitch! Use me! f*ck, Josh! Uh, uh, uh! Yesssss, just.. just like that!”


Sex with Miz was just boring. Missionary with the lights were off, little to no foreplay, and done five minutes later. She didn’t worship Miz’s balls like she did with Josh. She didn’t go to f*cking la la land whenever she saw his co*ck. There was never any brutal facef*cking that forced her to tap into her primal survival instincts just to stay alive. She never woke up after blacking out and find herself covered in unknown bodily fluids. And there was very little dirty talk. She felt like an equal partner with Miz, and that was pitiful. Being asked if she was okay, if it felt good, if she wanted a break..

“Stupid f*cking whor*, take my f*cking co*ck,” Josh barked at her. “Useless c*nt. Useless f*cking bitch!”


With renewed appreciation for her new owner, Emi enthusiastically bounced up and down to match his thrusts. “f*ck, yes. Give me your co*ck, masterrrr. Give me that f*cking god co*ck. That f*cking beautiful, perfect, god co*ck. You’re so f*cking.. uhh, uhhh, uhhh! f*ck! You’re so f*cking big! God, I love you. f*ck, sorry, but I do. I f*cking love you and your massive co*ck! I want it all! I want it every f*cking day. f*ck.”

“You want to cheat on your boyfriend every day, you f*cking worthless slu*t?” Josh asked.

Emi nodded with closed eyes. She was riding the biggest horse co*ck that ever graced her stupid c*nt, and she was going to savor every f*cking second of it. “f*ckkk, yes! Yes, I want to cheat on that f*cking loser every day. I.. I don’t care anymore. You’re so much better. You’re so much better. Please.. don’t stop f*cking me.. don’t ever stop f*cking me! f*ck me EVERY DAY, pleaseeee. f*cking pleaseeee. Please make me a cheating bitch every f*cking day.”

“You want to be a cheating c*nt that badly, huh?”

“f*ck, f*ck, f*ckkkk! YES! MAKE ME A CHEATING slu*t! I LOVE IT! I LOVE CHEATING! MAKE ME A CHEATING whor*. EVERY DAY. EVERY f*ckING.. AHH.. f*ck, f*ck, f*ckKK. OH MY GOD, YES!”

Emi talked herself into another org*sm. Her entire body spasmed against Josh as she held him closely. Her toes curled, her arms shook, and her legs trembled once more. She could literally hear the sound of her gushing ejacul*te dripping onto the floor. Her mind was f*cking goo.

But she had lost her vocal control in the process.

“Hey, f*cking chill,” Josh blurted out, pausing his thrusts to see if he could hear any commotion in the room. Emi was still reeling from her climax, but the fear of being caught briskly sobered her up.

“Oops, sorry, hehe,” she giggled, glancing at the door with a guilty smirk. “Do you think he heard?”

Josh didn’t hear anything, so he decided to shift back to the dirty talk. “Who?” he asked, purposely leading her towards an intended goal while sporting a half-grin.

Emi shook her head in confusion. “Who? Miz! Do you think.. my boyfriend,” she replied, suddenly catching onto Josh’s game and his mischievous f*cking smirk.

With a smiling eye roll, Emi repeated herself. “Do you think the f*cking cuck heard? The stupid loser sitting in his bed with blue balls,” she continued as Josh resumed his vicious thrusts. His smile grew, and Emi was more than happy to feed his ego. “Do you think that f*cking fa*ggot in there heard me yelling.. moaning.. about cheating on his stupid.. f*cking.. oh my god, Josh.. yes, Josh! f*ck me just like that, master! f*cking.. f*ck! f*ck me, master! f*ck your property! f*ck your stupid–”

“Hey!” Miz shouted out from his bedroom. “What the f*ck’s going on out there?”

The pair immediately stopped their movements and stared at each other. Emi’s glare was wide-eyed, but Josh was mostly amused. The f*cker was amused.

“Want me to take care of him?” he asked her.

Emi shook her head in terror, not thinking that they’d actually get caught. “What? No! What do you mean ‘take care of him’?”

They spoke quickly and in hushed tones. “I’ll knock him out. Then he can’t bother us and we can be as loud as we want.”

Horrified, Emi shook her head again. “No! You said you wouldn’t hurt him! Just.. take me to the stairs. Go, go, goooo,” she said, tapping on his back to mark her urgency. It was f*cking weird having a conversation like this while being impaled with the biggest dick known to mankind, but this is what her life entailed now. She was a cheating whor*. And if that came with dick-mobile rides to escape from being caught, then so be it.

Josh groaned, rolling his eyes as if he was more annoyed than anything else. “Fine,” he conceded and began to saunter over to the stairs at the end of the long hallway. He kept his co*ck in the small streamer who bit her lip at the sensation of being moved in this position.

Josh had a funny thought and began lifting her body up and down, f*cking her in the middle of their getaway.

She punched his chest playfully. “Stop f*cking.. f*cking me. Miz could pop his head out any.. f*cking.. second.. ahh, f*ck!”

Josh chuckled as they stepped onto the stairs, turning the corner safely out of view. He then lifted her body up off of his co*ck and set her down on the second step.

“Let me check if anyone’s coming,” Emiru whispered, struggling at first to stand upright. “f*ck, my legs are wobbly, haha. You’re an animal.”

“What can I say?” Josh gloated. “You bring the best out of me.”

Emi giggled. “Mhm, I’m sure you say to all the slu*ts you f*ck.”

“You’re damn right I do,” he chuckled, slapping her naked ass as she held onto the handrail for support and leaned over to peer around the corner. Part of her knew that bending over in front of Josh was a bad idea, but she was more concerned with her boyfriend possibly stomping down the hallway to find her.

“Okay, the coast is clear– f*ck!” Emi groaned out as Josh’s massive co*ck entered her from behind. “Not.. here.. f*ck! Josh, let’s.. uh, go to my room! You can f*ck me silly there.. okay?”

Josh had to rebuild the momentum he had gained earlier, but once he was buried completely in her warm snatch, all bets were off. He heard her gripes and reached forward to wrap both hands around her neck.

“Oh, I’m going to f*ck you in your room, don’t worry, but I’m also going to f*ck you here on the stairs. I’m going to f*ck you downstairs, upstairs, in the kitchen, in the living room, in the second f*cking kitchen and living room. I’m going to f*ck you in the goddamn laundry room, every one of the showers, the balcony if you have that. You’re my f*ck doll, and I choose where you get f*cked, got it? You don’t get to decide anything every again.”

Josh’s grip on her throat had increased as he spoke, frustrated by the insinuation that Emi could control where she was railed.

Emi’s head bounced back and forth as Josh invaded her f*cking guts, penetrating her warm insides over and over. The fleshy slapping was louder in this position as Emi’s ass cheeks weren’t pulled taut, resulting in maximum clapping.

“Stupid f*cking whor* already forgot her place, huh?” Josh barked out, continuing his degrading charade. “Don’t worry. I have plenty of reminders left for you. Starting with this.”

Josh removed his co*ck from her tiny c*nt and positioned it an inch higher, at the entrance of her asshole. No lube was necessary, given how Josh’s co*ck was already dripping wet from Emi’s multiple org*sms. He used that lubrication to press forward, burying his co*ckhead into her miniscule anal cavity.

Emi would’ve screamed out if she could, but Josh was currently choking her airway shut with both hands. He’d actually been doing that for a good minute by then, so her face was quickly turning from red to slightly blue. She stopped holding onto the rail for support and flailed her arms behind her, hoping to catch her owner’s attention. The chokehold was now the only thing keeping her upright.

For Josh, gripping Emi’s throat was mostly a way to anchor her body in a manageable way. The placement of his hands helped him f*ck her better, so he completely forgot about her need for air. When he saw her trying to get his attention, he groaned in frustration.

Seeing that her sideways face did in fact have a slightly blue tint to it, he begrudgingly let her go. Unfortunately for Emiru, she had released her hold on the side rails, so with nothing supporting her odd angle, her body went crashing to the floor. The lack of oxygen also prevented her from being able to break her fall, since her coordination was absolutely not at peak levels.

Josh laughed as Emi landed on the side of her face. Something about a small, attractive streamer collapsing onto the floor buck naked was objectively funny. He stood there stroking his co*ck as he waited for Emi to come to. She was gulping for air, and her hand movements were slow.

“Yeah, that’s my bad, haha,” Josh called out, lacking any resemblance of genuine remorse. Stroking his co*ck didn’t make his apology more convincing either. “Wasn’t looking at your face so I didn’t really know you were going all cross-eyed like that.”

Emi could hear him, but she was too busy gasping for oxygen and trying to regain her vision.

“Gotta say though,” Josh continued, “you really look sexy when you’re cross-eyed. Plays into the whole stupid whor* thing, right?”

He smirked at his own degradation. There was something especially twisted about talking down to a girl who had been completely deprived of air and was fighting to regain her own consciousness.

“Probably can’t do it multiple times a day, but I think I want to see you like this at least once. Once every day. Maybe twice. It is pretty f*cking hot, and it’ll help keep you in your place. What do you think?” Josh asked, knowing there wouldn’t be a response.

All of Emi’s limbs had begun to move and the slightly pink but mostly white color had returned to her face, which was normal for her.

“Really? You think twice a day would be fine?” Josh continued, mostly just to amuse himself at this point. “Hey, you know your body’s limits. I’m just the guy who pretends to know what those limits are and constantly goes beyond them. What do I know?”

Emiru was finally able to slowly prop herself up and meet Josh’s co*cky gaze. She had heard every one of his words and couldn’t believe this was real life. Josh truly was the most selfish, entitled, arrogant asshole that could have possibly walked into her home and seduced her. She wasn’t a person to him. She wasn’t something to care for. She was exactly four things: a mouth, a c*nt, an asshole, and a pair of tit*. That’s it.

And she wouldn’t have it any other way.

“Twice.. twice a day sounds fine.. to me, master,” she mumbled, stumbling over her words as her brain tried hard to put the sentence together. “I honestly don’t.. think I can.. take that.. daily, but if you want.. me to try, I will. It’s your call. I.. hah, I trust you, sir.”

Nothing got Josh’s co*ck harder than hearing those words from a girl he planned to sexually dominate over and over, with little to no regard for her well-being.

“Three times a day it is, then,” Josh announced.

“Oh, f*ck, haha,” she replied, laughing at the hole she had dug herself in. “f*ck it. Why don’t we just go up to four? You like seeing me stupid and cross-eyed that much, right? Might as well.”

Josh chuckled at how well she was playing into her new role. Wobbling along the way, she stood up and walked over to him before turning around, bending over, and spreading her ass cheeks.

“I think.. I think you were f*cking my asshole before I very stupidly fell over. Please.. please put your co*ck back inside of me. Make me useful, sir.”

Josh smiled and aimed his co*ck at her small, brown entrance. Never one to refuse a warm and willing hole, he pushed forward and inched his way into her ass.

“Ahh.. f*ck.. you’re big,” Emi groaned as Josh’s fat co*ck entered her. She never thought she'd let a guy try anal with her, but now, she couldn't even imagine refusing anal with Josh. “This would be so much easier if you were an average size..”

He chuckled as the tight clench of her asshole encased his dick. There was something magical about the way Emi’s holes felt. His co*ck was in heaven every time he f*cked her, and he wasn’t sure if it was just because she was extra tight or because she knew how to pulsate her fantastic holes around his member, but he didn’t care. He just loved the feeling.

“Yeah, you’d know a thing or two about average f*cking sizes, wouldn’t you?” Josh replied with a grunt, withdrawing himself from her ass before shoving his co*ck back inside as deep as it could go. He began to pick up a good speed, and he grabbed a fistful of her hair to make sure she didn’t fall again.

With her head bobbing back and forth, strained by the tight grip of her hair, Emi let out a small laugh. “Ahh, f*ck. Hah, you mean.. because of Miz? Haha, no.. he’s not average. He’s.. hah, below average.. he's tiny.. uh, uh, uh.. f*ck, you’re so big.. he’s f*cking tiny compared to you. He’s nothing compared to you.”

“Is that right?” Josh grunted back with punishing thrusts. Each one jolted her entire body forward and threatened to send her body flying off the stairs and into the air, but Josh’s hold on her hair prevented that from happening.

“f*ck, f*ck, f*ck..” Emi continued groaning out in small guttural exclamations. The burn had begun to turn into pleasure as her ass got used to getting pummeled by such a massive f*ck tool. She was continually impressed with how quickly her body adapted to Josh’s harsh treatment. Perhaps women were made for this kind of stuff, just like Josh preached at her.

Emi suddenly reached down to rub her stomach and, to her surprise, could feel the shape of his dick slide in and out of her. Her stomach was bulging with every thrust. “You’re so f*cking big! What the f*ck! Oh my god.. ughhhh! Mmmm.. f*ck me, f*ck me, sir.. master.. whatever, I don’t care anymore! You can own me, treat me like sh*t! I don’t care! Just as long as you keep f*cking me, ahh! f*ck me into a whor*! f*ckkkkkk! f*ck! You’re so big! So much bigger than.. than my stupid.. f*ck! Than my stupid boyfriend! Mm, f*ck!”

Josh could hear her love for her partner shed away as their f*cking became more intense. Her asshole was rapidly accommodating his co*ck, which made it easier to f*ck her senselessly. Her entire body continued rocking back and forth in quick, violent motions. Josh couldn’t enjoy the amazing sight of Emi’s tit* slapping against each other, given their position, but he could hear the fleshy slapping, which brought a smile to his face.

“You’re so much better.. so much better.. f*ck! So much better.. and bigger.. and more handsome.. heh! f*ck.. f*ck me! Ahhh, please.. slow down, f*ck!”

“Shut the f*ck up, whor*,” Josh spat back. “You’ll take what I f*cking give you. Take it, f*cking bitch. Take my dick.”

“Mm,” Emi moaned back, remembering her place. “Of course! Ahh, ah, ah.. sorry, sir! f*ck! Do whatever you want with me! I’ll take it! I’ll take it all! f*ckkk! f*ck! You’re so f*cking strong.. ahhh! f*ck! Use me.. use me however the f*ck you want. I’m just a f*cking toy. Your toy. Your toy to f*ck.. to slap.. to choke.. f*ck! Please, please.. never ever let me forget that..”

Josh’s hips slapped into her ass with vicious thrusts, impaling the adorable streamer with a constant barrage of sexual blows.

“Way ahead of you,” Josh chuckled out. “You’ll be lucky if I even let you keep your f*cking name by the time I’m done here.”

Josh could feel her ass clench at this latest comment. She was already tighter than a nun, but his words emitted a physical reaction from her tiny hole.

“Oh, you like that idea, huh?” Josh continued. “f*cking taking your goddamn name away from you? Huh, whor*? Maybe I’ll force you to change it to worthless cumrag. Huh? You like that? Your first name would be worthless, haha.”

Emi only moaned in response. “Mmm..”

“Or maybe stupid f*cking co*cksleeve. I could get used to calling you stupid instead of Emi.”

More moans. “f*ck..”

“What about braindead c*nt? Huh? I think that’s a winner. Might need a middle name, though.”

Emi’s breathy moans had become more and more unstable. She could feel another org*sm building as Josh’s degrading remarks had taken a darker, more permanent turn. As much as she wanted to believe he was joking, part of her knew that he was serious, and the idea of being renamed was melting her brain.

“f*ck.. uh, I’d do it..”

“What’d you say, bitch? Speak the f*ck up,” Josh barked back, slapping her ass and making her jump.

“Ah! Uh.. I just said.. I’d do it! If you wanted me to.. hah,” she replied, trying hard to speak through her building org*sm. The co*ck repeatedly f*cking her ass was already overpowering her cognitive ability, but the degrading talk added so much more to her sexual experience. “I’ll f*cking do it.. I’ll let you do whatever you want to me.. I’m f*cking property. Useless.. f*ck! Ahhh! f*ck! Useless, stupid property.. hah, at least.. at least with you, I’d have a use! I’d have a place! A f*cking proper place for a stupid whor*.. f*ck! f*ck! Ahhhh! f*ckkk me!”

Josh smirked as his co*ck invaded her ass, prodding as deep as possible with every thrust. He could feel her body tense up and spasm into yet another org*sm, and he paused briefly to enjoy the sight, keeping his dick buried balls deep inside of her.

Emi’s body shook as it experienced a mind-blowing climax. She felt her legs give way, but Josh’s hand underneath her stomach kept her upright. She was surprised that he didn’t just let her fall, but she was thankful all the same. Her mind turned to mush as it released powerful levels of pure feel-good dopamine.

“Cum for me, f*cking whor*. It’s all a stupid bitch like you knows how to f*cking do. Please men and org*sm while you do it. Look at you.. f*cking pathetic.”

Surges of pleasure washed over her body despite the degradation. Actually, it happened because of it. Her breasts became super sensitive, her c*nt was dripping onto the stairs, her asshole clenched around Josh’s perfect dick, but the pleasure also reached her goosebump-ridden arms and her curled toes. Her cheeks were flushed. She could feel how red her ears were.

Every part of her was happy. Her eyes explored the back of her skull as she mentally reset. She was experiencing pure bliss.

“Oh my god,” she said, finally coming down from her euphoric high. “Ughhhh.. that’s f*cking.. oh my god, so good.. holy sh*t.”

Josh chuckled as he withdrew his co*ck from her ass. Their staircase shenanigans were coming to an end. It was time to give her a proper f*cking in her bed.

Emi sat down on the stairs as Josh shifted to the side. “I didn’t know it could be like that..” she said, mostly thinking out loud.

“That’s just the start, too,” Josh replied. “I haven’t even tied you up yet. Haven’t cum inside you. Haven’t f*cked you next to your boyfriend while he’s sleeping.”

Emi’s eyes shot open. “Oh my god.. we’re going to do that?” she asked with surprise and a detectable amount of excitement.

“And more,” Josh answered. “As submissive as you are, it’s going to take a lot more f*cking for you to transform into the cum-addicted bimbo I want you to be.”

“Hehe, I don’t know.. I feel like I’m already there,” Emi giggled.

Josh shook his head. “I haven’t even given you a f*cking facial yet.”

Emi almost nodded in agreement, but then flinched to correct him. “No, wait.. yes you did! I had cum in my eyelashes and my hair when I woke up in the tub this morning. You totally came on my face!”

“But you weren’t awake,” Josh quipped back. “So it doesn’t count.”

Emi smiled and rolled her eyes. “Oh my god, haha.. fine. I might as well get used to it, anyways. Going to be spending the rest of my life with your cum on my face, right?” she asked, almost as if she was eager to get confirmation.

“Ehh, just until I get bored of you,” Josh replied, which caused Emi to giggle.

“Of course, master. Use me and then throw me away. That’s how toys are treated, right? You use them until they’re broken, and then you get a new one. So do the same with me. Treat me exactly like how you’d treat a cheap five dollar toy,” Emi replied with a lustful glare. “What, uh.. what do you want to do next with your stupid toy, sir? How do you want to use me next?”

Josh looked at her with pure desire, his chest swelling with pride. “I want to f*ck you on that pile of Kirbys in your room.”

A wide grin appeared on Emi’s face. “Oh my god, I’ve always wanted to get f*cked there, haha. Let’s go!”

Josh began walking up the stairs but stopped a few steps in after he realized that Emi wasn’t following.

“Having second thoughts, slu*t?” Josh asked her.

Emi looked at him with the most adorable gaze he’d ever seen. “No, master. You forgot to grab my leash,” she replied, reaching up to grab a good chunk of her long hair and raising it high in the air.

A smug grin appeared on Josh’s face, stretching from ear to ear.


Hope you enjoyed Emiru's progression. Chapter seventeen is already well underway, and I hope to have it finished and posted by the end of March. Emiru will be the focus for one last chapter before we look onwards, so there will be plenty of cheating smut to indulge in before our next conquest. Jodi is up next, if you didn't know, and her arc will send us into an even stranger location than Emiru's did. We'll be thrust into the depths of survival, which will highlight the importance of primitive attraction and instinctual prowess. This is all to say, big things are coming for the SAAS universe. Ch. 17 and Ch. 18 are mostly planned out, so if you want more insight, early access, or to join my discord, feel free to check out my other links:

Thanks for all the support. You guys are awesome :)

Streamers and a Stud - Bullzer (2024)


How much does 1 bit give a streamer? ›

Viewers can purchase bits and tip streamers during their streams. One bit is equal to one cent for streamers, so if a viewer tips 100 bits, it's roughly equivalent to donating one dollar. However, Twitch keeps 50% of all bits earned. Donations: Streamers can also receive donations directly from viewers.

Why do streamers like bits? ›

Bits are a virtual good that your viewers can use to Cheer in chat to show support, celebrate moments, and amplify their voice. When a viewer Cheers, animated Bit gem emotes, Cheermotes (animated versions of popular emotes), or custom Cheermotes (for Partners) appear in Chat.

How do you greet a streamer? ›

When you enter a live stream for the first time, a streamer might greet you by saying "Hi, 〇〇!" Even if they don't, you can simply greet the streamer by typing "Hi, nice to meet you" or sending a "Nice to meet you" gift.

How much is 100000000 bits on Twitch? ›

Twitch Bits to USD Conversion
21 more rows

How much is 100 bits worth to a streamer? ›

Yes. Twitch pays streamers $0.01 for each bit they receive. For example, a creator receiving 100 bits translates to $1.

Who is the biggest female streamer in the world? ›

As of March 2024, the most-followed channel belongs to Ninja with over 19 million followers. The female streamer with the most followers on her channel is Pokimane with just under half of Ninja's followers at 9.3 million.

What gender uses Twitch the most? ›

Twitch User Demographics

Here's what we know about the cohort of 140 million plus Twitch viewers. As of September 2023, 63% of Twitch users aged 18-64 in the US were male, with the remaining 37% made up of female users.

How many viewers does a streamer need to make a living? ›

How much money can you make on Twitch?
# of viewersEstimated income
5–10 average viewers per stream$50–$200 per month
20 average viewers per stream$200–$400 per month
50 average viewers per stream$500–$750 per month
100 average viewers per stream$1,000–$1,500 per month
3 more rows
Jun 14, 2024

Do streamers keep 100% of bits? ›

What is the revenue share to Partners and Affiliates? Eligible Partners and Affiliates will ordinarily receive 80% of 1 U.S. cent per Bit that is used within Bits-enabled Extensions on their channel pages, and the Extension developer will receive the remaining 20%.

Is Twitch removing bits? ›

On bot accounts: While we welcome bots that add new features to Twitch chat and Whispers, bot accounts that spam unwanted messages will be banned indefinitely. Bots that exceed messaging rate limits will automatically be blocked from sending more messages.

Is 100 bits 1 dollar? ›

Twitch keeps $0.40 as their share (meaning that streamers receive $1.00 for every 100 Bits donated to them). This transparent system allows streamers to easily track their earnings and enables viewers to support their content creators directly.

Does it pay to be a streamer? ›

On average, a top Twitch streamer can make roughly $5,000 (£ 4,322) per month, usually playing around 40 hours a week, not including ad revenue. However, a top Twitch streamer could potentially make much more depending on the number of viewers. There're many ways to earn money on Twitch.

How do you hang streamers nicely? ›

Best Tips for Hanging Streamers

It's easy to hang streamers from just about any surface with scotch tape. Hang a row of streamers across the top of a doorway or window by taping one end down firmly and letting the streamers dangle. Other good places include on the front of a table and on the backs of chairs.

What is the best line for streamers? ›

If you're fishing a deep river, consider a sinking fly line. If you're fishing a smaller creek or stream, a floating line with a weighted fly is often the best choice. The streamer fishing we're talking about here is a trout-based game which means you'll be fishing in cold water freshwater scenarios.

How much is 1000 bit? ›

AmountToday at 7:36 am
50 BITS$5.83
100 BITS$11.65
500 BITS$58.27
1,000 BITS$116.54
4 more rows

How much is 2 bits in dollars? ›

What does two bits mean? Two bits is an old slang term for 25 cents. It's based on the sense of the word bit that refers to one eighth of a U.S. dollar, or 12 ½ cents. However, monetary amounts counted in bits were only ever given in multiples of two, as in two bits and six bits.

How much is 4 bits in dollars? ›

2 bits, 4 bits, 6 bits, a dollar. In sequence that means they are describing 25 cents, 50 cents, 75 cents, a dollar. Thus a bit is half of 25 cents. The origin of bit comes from the practice of cutting the Spanish dollar (peso) into eight radial pieces to make change.

How much does Twitch pay for 1000 views? ›

How Much do Twitch Streamers with 1000 Viewers Make? Twitch streamers earn $3.50 for every 1,000 ad viewers.


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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.